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C e n t r a l 1st W a r d

C e n t r a l 1st W a r d
Upcoming Events

Central News

February 10-

Stake Relief Society @6:30

February 14 -

A place where friends and family meet to uplift one another in the Central 1st
Ward of the Pima Stake of the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints

Valentines Day

February 17Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet 6:30

A Monthly Newsletter

February 20

Stake Girls Activity Day

Primary Children
Pinewood Derby
Activity Days
Page 2 & 3

Ward Council

Issue #46--February 2015

Our Amazing Youth
Cave Exploring
and hockey game

Hermana Jessica Greer

Welcome to the Ward

Page 4 & 5

Davis Family

Page 6
When you can see the Temple you are Never lost!

We are always thankful to those people who serve so willingly


from the
Brother Jeff McCormies
1st Councilor

My dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am always excited for General Conference. It
is an opportunity to hear from those who have been
called as the general leadership of the Church. I am
always impressed with their spiritual insight and
wisdom as they speak to us, directed by the Spirit. In
looking at the last General Conference report I turned to
the topic index to see what was taught. The number one
topic was Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. This
was by far the most referred to topic, showing 19
references from the messages that were delivered. The
second was the Atonement, with testimony, discipleship
and agency being tied for third.
Often in President Monsons final remarks, as
did President Hinckley, he tells us the messages
delivered were what the Lord desired for us to hear and
Page 8

Missionary Corner

encourage us to read them again and again for our

These topics caused me to think about our
recently returned missionaries who shared their
experiences of inviting people to Come unto Christ
and how this all fits. I think of those currently serving
who are doing the same, testifying of Jesus Chris and
His Atonement. They are doing it because they love
Him and His children.
Because of this, I am not
surprised that the message of our leaders this last
October was first of Jesus Christ, second of His mission
and Atonement and third discipleship and the gift of
I am so grateful for our inspired leaders, from
President Monson, our Stake leaders, to our beloved
Bishop, who loves us. All of them continually share
their testimony that this is the Lords work, His
Atonement is for all who will follow Him. I too express
my love for each of you and my testimony that this is
His work and He desires nothing but the best for each of
us, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Brother McCormies

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C e n t r a l 1st W a r d

Primary Children



Gavin Mulleneaux
is Baptized

Support our Scouts

Flag Posting Fundraiser

Story submitted by - Mom Clarisse Mulleneaux

Our scouts are preparing for a fantastic fund raiser to help pay for
scout camp and gear. They are offering a flag posting service for
your home. They will come to your home and place a 12 PVC
sleeve in the front yard. On eight holidays throughout the year,
they will come in the morning and post a 3x5 flag. They will also
come in the evening, remove and store the flag for the next holiday!
How great is that?! Our community is sure to look so patriotic!
The cost will be an annual charge of only $40.00. Please take advantage of this great service.
not only will you get the ease of display and storage of the flag, but you will be helping all of the boys
to go to scout camp. Contact Brother Bill Windsor @ 965-or Brother Bill Allred @319-for further
information. The boys will be coming around to homes with fliers as well.

Gavin Scott Mulleneaux was baptized on

January 4, 2015. It was such a special day for Gavin,
he was so excited he couldn't even eat dinner
beforehand. Gavin picked the whole program right
down to singing "Joy To The World." Gavin says it
was such a blessing to be baptized and he really loved
it. He said he felt really clean afterwards. A highlight
for the family was seeing him burst through the doors
after changing his clothes from his baptism, he had
the biggest smile on his face! Gavin said he wants
people to know that he knows that God lives, that he
likes to read the Book of Mormon with his family, and
that he loves his family and friends, and that he
knows the church is true.

Gavin with his family

Scott and Clarisse - Cole, Gavin, and Sam

Courtney Cook and

Jeremy Gillette

Page 2

1st W a r d

Every year the cubs get out the wood, wheels and
graphite to make a derby car that they race on the tried
and true race track of years gone by. Each boy prepares for
weeks by sanding and decorating their own version of a
wooden race car. This years race was an exciting event
with the boys all having a great time. Scout leader, Sister
Renee Layton said, The theme was positive attitude and
the boys demonstrated that all evening
by supporting and cheering
each other on. The funnest race
was when the two Rileys, Riley
Alder and Riley Flowers, raced
Jacob Flowers with his
each other. We all yelled Go
Riley! and We want Riley to win!! It
was a great evening with lots of fun
and great competition!! our boys
and dads showed lots of talent and
skills with their cars!
Jacob Flowers took 1st place
overall, Benjamin Knight took 2nd,
and Riley Alder took 3rd.

Courtney Cook!
will be getting married
to Jeremy Gillette from
St. David on February
21st in the Gila Valley
Temple. Courtney is the
daughter of Chris and
Julie Cook.
Courtney and Jeremy
institute. He went on a
Phillipines then came
home and met our cute Courtney.
Congratulations and we send our best wishes
to them!

Central 1st Ward Relief Society has a facebook

page-Sister Carol Parris keeps us all up to date with
upcoming events and fun recipes and thoughts. if
you have a facebook page, just ask to join and you
will get all of the info!
--Sister Amber Richards posted about a Temple
Nursery that is available for those in the area that
might be interested in joining in babysitting and
attending the temple. The page is:
events/318902514976274. Check out the Temple
Nursery page if you are interested

Welcome home
Sister Tyleah Windsor!
returning home from the
Guatemala Quetzaltenango
Mission on February 19th, just a
few short days away! We look
forward to seeing her and hearing
her homecoming talk.
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C e n t r a l 1st W a r d
Missionary Corner

C e n t r a l 1st W a r d
Food Drive

Hermana Jessica Greer

Hermana Jessica Greer daughter of Vinson and Sherrie Greer is

serving in the Quito Ecuador Mission. She loves the people, she
loves her companions, she loves the beautiful green landscape,
she loves serving the Lord. She also loves the Ecuadorian
pastries but isn't too fond of eating things like chicken feet and
cow stomach:) Here are a few excerpts from recent letters.
"So let's start with the very best part of my day first. I
saw an elder from my old ward who let me in on all the
gossip..and guess what??? Okay I`ll tell you. Remember the
Familia Arias? If not, they`re this great family that we found
knocking doors , and I love them, but only the wife and the
daughter came to church a couple of times. Well this family, who
is wonderful, THEY GOT BAPTIZED!!! whoo!! All four of
them.They super strong in the church. And are excited to get callings.! Wow. It's the best.
The time I felt the spirit the most was probably when we were teaching two less active members,
Luisa and Paulina. Luisa used to be relief society president, and her husband the bishop, but she hasnt been back to
church since she and her husband got divorced. (a long, long time ago). We were teaching and my mind was racing
to think of what we could teach her. We were going to teach 3rd Nephi 18, but I dont know, I felt like she needed
something else but I didnt know what it was. When it was our turn to talk I was about to start talking about the
sacrament when all of the sudden I started talking about the judgement and the celestial kingdom and how we need
to follow Christ and we need to keep his commandments in order to live with God again. Then I knew we needed to
share 2nd Nephi 9 with them about the atonement and faith and repentance. The spirit was so strong, and Luisa and
Paulina felt something. I know it. I am thankful for the Holy Ghost in missionary work.
I love this gospel. I really do. Im not just saying that because Im a missionary and that's what
missionaries are supposed to say. When days are rough, always remember the love that God has for you. The small
things in our testimonies make the biggest difference. Be strong and of Good courage. Be not afraid and stand firm
in the faith. I know that God is with you where ever you go. Because he loves you. I love you all so much.

Welcome to the Ward

The Dallas Davis Family

Hello from the Davis Family. We are so excited to be in this ward
and in this wonderful Gila Valley, specifically Central, AZ. We have
moved A LOT of times and are really hopeful that this is our landing
spot! We just moved from Flagstaff, AZ and this is the perfect time of
the year to do it! We just missed the cold and came to beautiful
weather, minus the scorpions!
Dallas (the Dad) is a PT by day and an entrepreneur by night. He
has a mind that is always three steps ahead. He buys and sells, he
fixes up homes, he redoes old things. He says he is a jack of all trades
a master of none, but we think hes pretty great at just about
anything he tries. He likes to play basketball and is excited about the
church ball here but beware hes definitely a defensive player.
Jaymi (the mom) is a stay at home mom. I enjoy playing with the
kiddos a lot more than doing the house chores so beware when you
make an appearance at our house. I enjoy crafty things and an
occasional run. --Sydney (10). Is a sweetheart. Lots of people have told us she has an old spirit. She is thoughtful,
kind and helpful, great for being the first child. She LOVES to sing and is all girl but she loves sports and being with
her Dad. She is usually willing to try anything. --Kenady (8) is our loving child, no smashing spiders around our
house you have to take them outside (she decided scorpions smashings okay). She loves animals and is just plain
happy with life. --Kaden (5) is our social butterfly. He constantly asks to play with someone, really like every five
minutes. And has no fear, you may find him in your house one day sitting on the couch with a cookie patiently waiting
for your return. (Hes been in trouble multiple times for doing something like this, but to no avail). But he has a heart
of gold, he is very smart and uber cute to make up for it. --Garrett (2) Is our little joy. He is always smiling, he parrots
everything we say and he potty trained himself right at 2.
Together we love to play games, watch our traditional Friday night movie, and have the occasional
quarreling, only occasional though. We cant wait to get to know all of you!
Page 6

Article submitted by Sister Stephanie Johnson

The cub scouts and their leaders have been very busy
these past few months. In November, the cub scouts went
door-to-door and collected 198 cans of food to donate! We
are thankful for our scouts and their leaders!!! The boys
felt the joy of helping those in need. It was a great
Cub Scouts and Families, Mark your Calendar-Abracadabra
Blue and Gold Banquet
February 17th
Happy cub scouts with their
collected cans of food

Magic is in the air, with a live magician scheduled for

attendance. This is one activity you wont want to miss!
-Be sure to take a few pictures for the newsletter......

Activity Days
Love Bugs!-The Activity Day girls are always having
a good time and this month is no
exception. On Tuesday the 27th, the
girls made cute little Love Bugs and
decorated cookies and themselves with
Arent they just the cutest girls ever?

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C e n t r a l 1st W a r d

C e n t r a l 1st W a r d

Our Amazing
Brother Parker Merrill in the cave

Priest and Laurel

Cave Exploring and Ice Cats
Last week the Priests and Laurels had their
annual cave exploring and ice hockey activity
in Tucson. The youth look forward to this
event all year long. They left in the morning
and drove to the thriving metropolis of Oracle,
AZ and went to Peppersauce cave. The cave
Dallin McCormies,
does not require rope climbing, but being able
Gavin Windsor, and
to crawl on your stomach through tight spaces
Travis Skinner are
is a necessity at some points. There is a small
after climbing in
lake inside that many people swim in, but our
youth did not take the plunge this year.
the Cave
The hockey game was also exciting.
Ice hockey is not a
people in Arizona get
participate in, so it
was fun to introduce
the youth to what
many people around
enjoy. But that being
Wildcats stomped the
University of Utah.
Page 4

Jared Layton, Jaycie

Brimhall, Hayley
Greer, Beth Pursley
Brother Pursley in the

Snow Camp out

There wasnt a lot of snow, but
there was enough for a good
time up on the mountain. The
Deacons braved the cold
weather and headed up to the
mountain for a camp out and
morning of sledding on the
small patch of snow that they
could find. They are CRAZY!!

Up Coming
February 4-

D&P-Cody Larson Eagle Project

T-EAC B-Ball Game
All YW- Movie Night

February 11--

Yummy Treats

Article by Sister Amy Allred

Shelbey Hughes, Dallin, Travis

and Gavin in the cave

The Beehives had a fun cake/cupcake

decorating activity this past month. Brynlee
Norton and Marissa Launer brought the cake
and Eliana Windsor brought the super
yummy frosting. The girls added color to the
frosting and made some really cool creations!

Tri-Stake Valentine Dance @ Pima

12-13 Pima Chapel- 14-18 PSC

February 14 --Baptisms

February 18--

Combined Activity- Big VolleyballLaurels Host

February 24 --

D-Prep for Campout- on 27-28th

T&M-Archery with Mia Maids
B- Fitness Night
P/L- Speed Dating- combined with P2
& C2

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