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May 9, 2012
Occultic 'Tells' in TV & Film

True danger The Girl Scouts Salute

The secret behind the meaning of the new hand salute

Recent Articles

is introduced by Hunger Games. Its actual dynamic meaning has been reversed engineered on Underneath INTERSTELLAR A film analysis
Tuesday evening 5-8-2012. This comes after the original blog article appeared in which I of the occult
Michael Vara stops Bracker from reporting
deciphered Hunger Games for Occult messages.
Companion article: The Hunter (Hunger) Games: Children are gladiators under Occult rule
posted on 4 -30-2012

See The Hunger (Hunter) Games: Children are gladiators under Occult rule posted on 4 -30-2012
for an in depth discussion of the entire symbolic references to the neo-Nazi resurgence.

Not only is the Girl Scout salute the obvious prelude to Hitlers youth
movement submission to fascism,
A google image result returns
the two pictured in a side by
side comparison. The
propaganda illustration to the
right is 70 years old. It is
nearly identical to the girl on
the left. Is it by purpose that
these two are of the only
images that result when
looking for the Girl Scout


but, it also harbors a containing element more dangerous beneath the surface. Not one person
planet-wide had knowledge of this until now. Otherwise, Id have found it. This is largely due to
the fact that we, myself included, remain outside the think tank global elite circles making even the
simplest answers most elusive. You are empowered today to take this information and apply it
against them by not adopting it. thank God it is in your hands literally.
In Hunger Games, we are shown (without admitting their intent) of its incredible secretive energetic
force. We are programmed on how to use the three finger salute among our own peers, but the

ancient civilization news Tellinger confirms

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converted by

Salute? Note: Color

adjustment and flipping one
image are the only non
invasive manipulations made
for comparison purposes
only. These pictures are
found on the internet.

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The true danger of the Girl Scout hand salute is with its misunderstood force of energy created by a
Loughner was not the Lone Wolf shooter the
every new post delivered
living human being. It has a parallel meaning to the fascistic Hitlers outstretched arm salute. The news
lead you to believe
hidden effect that was added 70 years later incorporates an energy support as an underlying Judge
Inbox.warns of a corrupt
mechanism that yields mal intent. This particular modification to Hitlers salute has been their sheriff
Join 110 other
secret weapon all along.
V for Vendettas Steven Fry paves the way
for Piers Morgans civilian disarmament
Enter your email address
Christina Taylor Green-Mad media hero
makers sell us on shoddy memorials
The Girl Scout salute empowers the recipient with an energy force.
Cure for migraineSign
me up
The person in receipt of this force will not be a rebel leader as the movie Hunger Games depicts. It 1/4 Arizona undergoing military logistics
is of the New World Order authority. The receiving body will be their whole host of leaders under planning
a website with
Star Wars
one antichrist figurehead, whoever it is they install. This will occur after the collapse of the monetary Cure for mind control starts with a simple
system and when we are incarcerated within a virtual prison. Hunger Games is testament to this treatment
threatening reality.
Loughners Judge definitely in on it!
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The Secret Sign of the Tribute by a Tribute
Hidden in plain sight by the Occult is a secret. They do not want the commoner to know. In Star Trek says Human beings are the true
desperation, they cannot let us learn the truth about the actual power a human being has. The illuminated ones
reason is that it can be used against them in war not yet realized. this hand sign evokes an energy Gurdjieff solving a crisis then and now
Whos the leader in The Kings Speech?

opposite is their aim. It is of incredible importance to understand that we are being deceptively
influenced to practice first on our heroes (in our schools and social settings as well as sports
venues) before shifted to them. They have installed a new fashionable idea with the hope it
becomes popularized and becomes cemented in our minds.


force that cannot be seen nor is a power that we are taught that we possess.

Let me explain exactly what the hand sign actually does (we already
know the meaning)
In the practice of muscle testing using the science of Applied Kinesiology the thousands of years
old principles for testing the entire body including; organs, tissues, mineral and vitamin deficiencies,
hormonal imbalances, meridian blocks, and so forth) there are a myriad of points that can be
accessed to determine the health of the individual. The fingers by both the practitioner and subject
are used in various positions. As an example, by touching the area where a certain organ is and
then conducting a muscle strength test, the potential that the subject has a thyroid issue can be
All of these positions and placement of the hands are specific to isolating a problem as well as and
rectifying the problem through stimulation. It works by removing or applying energy. Another
interesting example is that by touching, rubbing, or tapping the gall bladder or stomach area, the
impending doom fear of snakes can be removed. That means that a person who had for their
whole life been fearful of snakes is treatable almost instantaneously. Ive seen it in practice and it
does work. Another of course would be the common fear of heights or enclosed spaces
(claustrophobia, etc.)

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The particular hand sign shown in Hunger Games is a Kinesiology testing position. It amplifies any Join 110 other followers
muscle test performed. It is the one that does something very different than all the rest. The Enter your email address
thousands of other finger and hand positions which fill volumes of books on the subject do not Follow me blog mate
compare smply because they are specific to the test. This specific one demonstrated in the movie
Hunger Games happens to be the only one, the very one, that is singularly the most dangerous if
used with malicious intent. Adversarial warlords want everyone to adopt this signal in the form of a g plus authorship code
seemingly patriotic salute to ourselves, but in fact empowers a fascist leader. Continue for the

It has an ability to empower the one who receives the hand

A nationwide phenomena
is firmly rooted in the
deceptive nature of cult
followings and fans offer the
dangerous symbolic salute to
the stars from the film The
Hunger Games during an
appearance at the Microsoft
store at the Mall of America in
Bloomington, Minnesota
Photo credit: Renee Jones
Schneider-The Minneapolis
Star Tribune-AP and blended
with a 70 year old Hitler youth

converted by

I stood before this mural

pictured below at a point
when all research had failed
me. This hand sign was not
in the NWO research files,
books, and Im by no means a
know it all when most
everyone knows but me. I
thought Id hit a wall. I smiled
when I saw this and actually
took my fist and symbolically
hit this wall lightly of course,
in absolute humility.

The function of the thumb to pinky finger is to AMPLIFY the muscle test. This amplification,
therefore, gives strength to the person performing this finger position. When it is used collectively by
masses of people as an outstretched direction toward one individual, it has the ability to empower
that individual with great strength.
It is the Hitler salute in its most diabolical of hand signals never before revealed to the public for this
purpose until now. It is the signal the Illuminati have hidden in PLAIN SIGHT among the girls of the
Girl Scout programs of discipline. It is unrealistic to connect the pinky and thumb tips when using
the Boy Scout sign, but rather natural using the tribute salute.

When Jordan Maxwell thought his life was in danger

for revealing the rising sun sign during an interview with Alex Jones (it was to be disclosed for the
public anyway when the New World Order was rounding the bend), it was not a dangerous action of
whistle-blowing. prisonplanet / infowars already knew this fact. Maxwells ego bubble when
interviewed was burst.. a little lost pride, but at least Maxwell did his best to inform the public of the
NWO. This hand sign is different, however, in that it is not a water fountain point of contention in a
show of intellectual prowess. It is imperative that you know of its lethal intent and that because it will
be used wrongly will be as destructive as Tesla ingenuity that was intended to increase the quality of
our lives now used against us.

In the world of the Occult

Pictured is a mural painted on
the west face of the Girl
Scouts of America building in
Tucson, Arizona. Im sleeping
in an alley (because Im being
tracked by you know who) a
block away and my answer
to cracking the lid off the
Global takeover was a hopskip and a jump away.

It is known that the basketball, football, baseball, or whatever object of desire used in a
championship game is taken and stored somewhere in the archives of the Elite. It is there that the
secret societal members surround themselves with its power often during occult rituals. The
collective thought energies from the spectators who focused on the object to go through the hoop,
across the goal, or over the wall is contained within the object. This should sound quite absurd to
those who dont understand these principles, but for those of us who have experienced black magic,
seen it in practice, or have had spells cast upon them will identify.
Above: This series of hand
signs are Horus-Ra as the
Archontic alien Parasite and
these potent hand sign
diagram is from the
Necronomicon: These most
converted by

Necronomicon: These most

potent signs shall be so
formed with thy left hand
when thou employeth them in
ye Rites. Ye first sign is that
of Voor and in nature it be ye
true symbol of ye Old Ones.
Make ye thus whenever thou
wouldst supplicate Those
that ever waite beyond the
Threshold. Ye second sign
is that of Kish and it breaketh
down all barriers and
openeth ye portals of ye
Ultimate Planes. In ye third
place goeth ye Great Sign of
Koth which sealeth ye Gates
and guardeth ye pathways.

Scull & Bones Society

It is also well documented that the famed Native American war hero Geronimos skull was exhumed
from burial and is now in the possession of Occultist family members of the Illuminati. The
question is why in the world would someone want to steal an Indians skull and bones? The
globalists have manufactured and then have stolen trillions upon trillions of dollars over a
fascinating 100 year old shell game. Therefore, grave digging would be sort of a waste of time, no?
Ill tell you what in the world theyre in need for.. dominion of the World. To possess the world, they
need every bit of our power. Those of us who remain living are being conditioned to give this power
so that they can possess the earth over to them by our own will using our outstretched arms. This is
the most valuable and dangerous hand position known to the Illuminati.
(Wikipedia) Naturopathy is a
form of alternative medicine
based on a belief that a
special energy called vital
force guides bodily
Rosicrucianism is a
philosophical secret society
that holds a doctrine or built
on esoteric truths of the
ancient past concealed
from the average man,
provide insight into nature, the
physical universe and the
spiritual realm.

Note: The knowledge of how the kinesiology position of the thumb to pinky is used as an amplifier
in body strength as well as sending strength to others is not widely known nor described on the
internet. This information comes to me from a Naturopathic Doctor who has practiced this for five
decades. While this practitioner practices Rosicrucian doctrines which span far and beyond written
documentation and at this point against my spiritual ideals, I trust that his knowledge and intention
is for good. Lets hope. As I explained to this man why I asked how the finger position was used in
the practice of muscle testing (he had seen the film Hunger Games incidentally), he jumped and
was in complete shock. In the years Ive known him, I had never seen him react in this way. He
knew the combination implied dual power forces that when combined wrongly could very well grant
ultimate strength to a fascist antichrist.
I hope that having read this that you will reconsider the meaning of the salute by the protagonist,
which happens to be a female heroine. While it is an innocent gesture that encourages comradery
among her peers, it also is the conditioning by which it will be employed to empower evil.

Update 5-14-2012 The most powerful hand sign known to mankind is

also hidden in plain sight.
There is a need to defeat the occult energetic power newly introduced to our children. Otherwise
their destiny is to become the killer drone generation. Theyre already dressed in military fatigues
and black militia suits we think are everyday school attire. Already they are primed and ready having
been trained by video game scenario training.. waiting for them is the hand sign that can and will
cause us certain demise. Their plot is to use the Girl Scout thumb to finger hand position which
amplifies ill sentiment. Or worse, it transfers power to another individual. Without further ado

This hand sign happens to be the bringing the hands together in prayer.

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Bringing all finger tips including the thumb together will defeat all other
hand signs that can and will do damage.
We have seen this hand position throughout all of time in most every culture in religious venues.
When praying, this is the hand position that defeats all others that can do severe damage.
I am not one to promote any specific religion. I for certain am not a practicing Christian although I
have always thought the man to be a spiritual higher brother. For good measure this may be
appropriate for the reason a process of discrediting a message would ensue.

Well, there you go.. realnuz set me up so for an opportunity to shove religion
down my throat
This is far from the truth. Im going to show that prayer while simultaneously performing the merger
of both hands has been the key to our connection to God as well as bestow upon us a power so
great, we are limitless.
Ill preface it with this.. Tellinger suggests that Christ was a genetic construct designed to control the
masses 2,000 years ago. He said that this immaculately conceived human may have also been
duped into the belief that he was helping man to recover from a spiritual breach when instead, the
masses had become uncontrollable by the alien gods. The alien gods had to do something to
put people back in line. They anticipated his death in order to install a code of conduct that would
hold the people in an indoctrinated trance from then on using scribes to write these new codes, the
Bible, to use as an owners manual. What a mess.

Energy Circuit
When the thumb touches the little finger, it completes an energetic circuit. That circuit potentiates
our electromagnetic field and concentrates it through the middle finger. Where ever direction we
point, our energy is broadcasted. This electrical circuit is an Amplifier of energy. Im assuming it
can also be used against us when we transfer this energy to somebody who may not have our best
intentions in mind. This could be a fascist dictator, antichrist, president
When all of the fingers come into contact, our hands create a full bodied circuit that goes completely
through the arms, heart and then back around to the fingertips. The space between the palms of the
hands is where this collection of energy is balled. That energy does not necessarily radiate
dangerously outward in a single direction unless many people combine in unison and point in one
direction. The use of a single hand that completes this circuit in a localized body part, the right hand
usually, is easy and directional. It is most dangerous when used on the malintented person. Its
like ray gun antenna that can send a signal. The position of prayer is one that concentrates your
energies and you can amplify your chakra points anywhere along the meridians and chakra lines.
Your heart and your third eye are two of the primary points we amplify during prayer and meditation.
The body is an electromagnetic generator. It works similarly to a torus. It also works to collect
Orgone and etheric energy from our surroundings. If we look at the torus field we can see that we
operate like the earth, fruit that grows from a tree and so forth. The human body as amazing as it is
has even yet another power source more interesting than the heart. Its what drives the heart. It is
the toroid field.
Kirlian photography shows
converted by

Kirlian photography shows

the energy force around living
things. It is what is seen from
the toroid electromagnetic
field that surrounds the earth,
animals and human beings.

Our body has negative and positive points. The front is positive while the backside is negative. Our
fingers since were talking about the hand salute problem, alternates from negative to positive with
each finger. Our opposite fingers on the other hand is a mirror image. When brought together by
touch, negative to positive, then there is a completed circuit. But when there is positive energy
flowing not in a circuit then it must go somewhere to seek its completion. This positive flow of
energy if directed to a negatively charged particle will complete that circuit. Historically, people have
been punished for various reasons with the lopping off of a hand. I believe this was not so much to
teach a lesson as punishment, but to keep people also from their energetic selves.
The problem is that the positioned fingers for prayer may indeed be superior to the single hand
circuit overrides it as the singular most powerful hand position that sends the totality of your energy
outward through the finger tips that are touching. But, this is not a position they have advocated and
in fact are actually removing it from our schools and churches. Our educational system is being
turned into prisons as well as their hopeful eradication of all religion world wide. So, hold on to your
faith and your practices for the reason that hand position we call praying is your only defense
against all things evil.

How did the Catholic church bring down your defense shield?
The Sign of the Cross is a
symbolic ritual gesture which
marks the four points of the
Cross on Calvary over
ones body as well as
representing loving G(g)od
with all ones heart, soul, mind
and strength. The sign is most
often made at the name of the
Holy Trinity and to show
reverence for a saint
(another Anunnaki god), holy
object (objects that have low
energy which are Occultic),
or person (the priest right in
front of you), to show humility
or agreement (make you do
what they want). Some
Orthodox may make the sign
of the cross a hundred or
more times during a Divine
Liturgy or lengthy service.
The thumb, index, and
middle finger are brought to
a point. They are then placed
on the forehead after that
moved down to the solar
plexus (moving to the sternum
as other denominations do
forms an inverted cross).
Finally the hand is moved to
the right shoulder and
horizontally across to the left.

Click to enlarge: Note that

the chakras that one would
build energy for are swept
away when practicing the
cross sign in a Catholic
service, driving by any
church or cathedral,
cemetery and just about
everywhere and with
everything a devout religionist
does. An added note is that
the heart chakra is the Star of

Its diabolically simple. One man in front of millions, if not billions, can do it. What does the priest
do when giving you the sign of the cross? Certainly he couldnt be showing you how to swipe away
your heart energy. Never happen and never will.
The field of energy that you create when you place your hands together amplifies your spiritual
energy. With the wipe of a hand from top to down the energy that was placed in a ball in front of your
heart is swept away from your heart. To make sure, your hand then moves side-to-side ensuring
that the energy is sent away. Before using a single hand motion to perform this function, your
electrical circuit becomes broken at the moment you separated your hands. This left you vulnerable
in front of the priest.. yes, for all those years. Then, if theyre good at what they do, theyll install
something good or rotten, or leave you feeling empty for six full days until you come back for more
The priests we observe today see practicing remnants of alien technological understanding of how
these energies were used as well as dismantled. The caretakers of this technology have no
understanding of what it is theyre doing. Since they are but programmed to continue on with the
custom.. which originally was utilitarian for use as crowd control.. are nothing more than
compartmentalized teachers of the occult. Actually, they are the wizards who create the actions that
we do.

What we can do together

Duncan OFinioan was
trained from childhood to
become a super soldier. He
was indoctrinated into
ultimate warriorship as part of
a highly classified
government Monarch program
Duncan believes he is one of
a handful whose shelf life as
a CIA product expired. He
converted by

a CIA product expired. He

remembers his experience.
While he was unclear that
forming a circle that
completes a circuit with
people was effective for
killing everything within a
multi-mile radius he now uses
this knowledge to good use.
You can listen to his
interview here. In this story,
he describes being part of a
collective group of children
whose energy potential to be
so great that it had the power
to destroy humans.

Holding hands when forming a circle completes a an electromagnetic

field circuit of energy. We must put this to good use when it is time.
Never in my entire life did I ever desire that we should all hold hands. I hated having to do that at
the dinner table or anywhere. I thought I would never fit in anywhere because I was a soulless
spiritualy soured creature. But, things have changed and so have I.
Trained under the CIA in a
black project known as
Project Talent, an innocent
boy was taught to access
enormous powers that all
human beings have the
capability to manifest.
Unfortunately, Duncan was
conditioned to use this power
against mankind for the
selfish agenda of the New
World Orders military
supersoldier program. This is
a strong example as to why
we all must not view this
lightly. If there was ever an
army that could defeat the
globalists then this philosophy
is our only hope. Do not let
them take away our power to
pray. Do not let them take our
youth for they will be taught
to use it against all of
humanity. Duncan, if youre
reading this and realize that
this could be put to a global
test that stops the worlds
power elite, well then this
happens to be where you
become a world class and
highly respected spiritual
leader. Youre on my team.

They are attempting to create an energy power plant using the unwitting masses in order to receive
our free energy. We, therefore, are free energy to be utilized by them. Contained in us is the most
powerful Zero Point Energy resource available. This is what David Icke and many others have
been trying to tell us all along.. those aliens, through use of their minions, are sapping all of our
innate energies in the various ways they do. They are killing our high frequency output by lowering
it. They are evoking fear in our babies in these ritualistic rapes. They are doing this to absorb low
frequency energy while distorting our high frequency and so on. Enough on that.. you know what
theyre doing.
Our children need to relearn how to differentiate out evil intent. If people like Duncan OFinioan knew
this, he would not have participated in something similar to what is being taught to children all over
the world. These teachings or of the theatrical variety promoted by films such as Hunger Games.
See The Hunter (Hunger) Games: Children are gladiators under Occult rule posted on 4 -30-2012


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4-30-12 The Hunter Games: Children are gladiators under Occult rule

Hunger Games: Catching Fire and more

Breeding Monarchs

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Daniel Leach said:

September 16, 2012
11:29 am

Daniel Leach said:

September 16, 2012
11:26 am

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