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The seeds of Impatiens balsamina have been shown to contain four

cysteine rich compounds with marked antimicrobial properties.
These proteins, labeled Ib-AMP 1 through 4, were shown to inhibit
the growth of a wide range of fungi and bacteria without harming
human cells. (Tailor et. al. 1997). Subsequent structural studies of IbAMP 1 suggested that the protein interacts with membrane bound
receptors, though the exact mechanism is not yet determined (Patel
et. al 1998).

Medicinal uses
The flowers, and their alcoholic extract, possess marked antibiotic activity against
some pathogenic fungi and bacteria[6].

By using brine shrimp (Artemia salina) lethality test-guided fractionation, a single bioactive compound (LC50=26ppm)
was isolated from the 95% ethanol extract of the dried aerial parts of Impatiens balsamina L. and subsequently
identified as 2-methoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (MNQ). The structure of MNQ was confirmed by UV, FT-IR, MS, and 1and 2-D NMR spectroscopy. The antimicrobial activity of MNQ was evaluated using 12 bacterial and eight fungal
strains. Five gram-positive and two gram-negative bacteria as well as all eight fungi (including multi-drug resistant
strains) tested were highly sensitive to MNQ. A tea prepared according to traditional methods was found to contain
sufficient MNQ to account for its antimicrobial properties. Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Tumbuhan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah daun dari tumbuhan pacar air (Impatiens
balsamina L.) tumbuhan pacar air ini karakterisasinya belum terdapat di buku monografi tumbuhan
Materia Medika Indonesia (MMI). Telah dilakukan uji karakterisasi, ekstraksi dan isolasi senyawa
flavonoida dari daun pacar air (Impatiens balsamina L.) hasil karakterisasi kadar air (7.99%), kadar sari
larut dalam air (17.62%), kadar sari larut dalam etnol (10.02%), kadar abu total ( 1.67%), kadar abu
yang tidak larut dalam asam (0.29%) dan hasil skrining fitokimia positif untuk senyawa flavonoida dan
glikosida. Ekstraksi dilakukan secara perkolasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96 %, ekstrak etanol yang
diperoleh dilakukan fraksinasi cair-cair menggunakan pelarut n-heksan, kloroform dan etilasetat. Hasil
fraksinasi di lakukan kromatografi kertas (KKt) dengan berbagai fase gerak. Hasil KKt dari masingmasing fraksi terbaik pada fraksi etilasetat dengan pengembang asam klorida 5%. Hasil KKt kemudian
dilakukan KKt preparatif, diperoleh tiga noda yaitu PEa1 Rf 0.65, PEa2 Rf 0.25 dan PEa3 Rf 0.05 dengan
fase gerak asam klorida 5%. Isolat PEa1 yang diperoleh di karakterisasi dengan spektropotometri UV
dengan menggunakan pereaksi geser (shift reagent) hasil penafsiran spektropotometri UV terhadap
PEa1 adalah senyawa gologan flavonoida isoflavon yang mempunyai gugus o-diOH pada cincin A, pada
atom C6 dan 7

Several studies have revealed that 2-methoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone possesses

notable antimicrobial activity. Little et al. [9] first isolated this compound from
Impatiens balsamina L. and found that it had anti-fungal activity as well as low
phytotoxicity. Kang [10] and Yang [2] reported that both gram-positive and gramnegative bacteria strains were sensitive to 2-methoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone.
Furthermore, Yang [2] found that it was more effective than amphotericin B on
seven human pathogenic fungal strains, some of which are resistant to
amphotericin B and fluconazole. These findings validated the plant Impatiens
balsamina L. as an antimicrobial herb.

Antimicrobial activity

Compounds having antibacterial and antifungal activity have been isolated from the aerial parts of I.
balsamina 8 as well as from the seeds. 10 , 16 The potential may be limited to the plant's ability to
resist pathogens, despite the reported traditional use of jewelweed tea for systemic and fungal
infections. 8

Impatiens contain 2-methoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone, an anti-inflammatory and

fungicide naphthoquinone that is an active ingredient in some formulations of Preparation H.[4]

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