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What is Philosophy for You?

Philosophy is the play of the mind. It is the game of fact-finding. It is the soul of those
who yearn for not only whole-wheat bread but also hard-concrete evidences. Also, it is the
death of unproven statements. It is what philosophers live by. And to conclude this paragraph, it
is what it is.
I am a freshmen student today, but a philosopher forever.
Actually, we are ALL PHILOSOPHERS. But more often than not, some are just better
philosophers than others! It all just comes to how a person accepts a statement; whether or not he
chooses to accept them with little or much evidences. Philosophy is not the Science for Juan
Tamad. Well actually, no one SHOULD BE Juan Tamad! For it is our duty not to accept and
accept but instead to wonder FIRST before accepting.
Philosophy is something thats inevitable. It is because, at everyones point in life, there
will be a point to which one is curious. To each his own idea, but in my perspective, philosophy
is the state of being curious. For curiosity is ONLY sufficed by logical reasoning, and that
applies to Philosophy too! Everyone has a curious side. A philosopher has a curious side.
Therefore, everyone is a philosopher.
Philosophy is obviously vast. According to numerous sites and my professor himself,
Philosophy has lots of branches. Some are: metaphysics, epistemology, logic, ethics, aesthetics
and politics. This just goes to show that Philosophy is much more than how you think it is. It
specifically tackles and efficiently goes through about many topics which is, but not limited to,
ourselves, our being, belief, reasoning, conduct, and beauty.
Philosophy is how we live life. It is our belief; our standing on a specific issue. It is what
we live by. It is inspired by our faith and also by famous philosophers like Mahatma Gandhi
(who said the famous quote Be the change that you wish to see in the world.), Anne Frank
(who quoted How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to
improve the world.), and Aristotle (who started the basics of Philosophy and said Knowing
yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.)

Philosophy sticks to the truth of factual evidences, having no biases or favoritism at any
point. For in this science, its all about only being able to accept truth from scientific statements.
It doesnt need ones actual preferences but instead, ones logical statements.
Philosophy is all about perspective. It pertains to how we think. Whether we agree or
disagree with what credible people say all boils down to our own way of thinking. Sure
enough, my views on Philosophy could be different from yours, and vice versa. One may present
a single problem and without a doubt, he may garner a thousand answers filled with different
thoughts about his question!
Thats what Philosophy is all about! Its a matter of perspective along with the side of
curiosity! Having the ability not only to wonder about life but also answer them!
In terms of Philosophy being a subject in my Nursing curriculum, I know Philosophy I
will be helpful. It is helpful in a way that it improves critical thinking but its not only limited to
that because it also allows you to see things in a different light. It allows you to examine things
carefully before being able to make the final blow. It gives you a new perspective of what,
where, how, and why something has to be made or destroyed, and continued or discontinued.
Actually, I cannot imagine a world without Philosophy. Having to think of a world
without Philosophy would mean that everyone is Juan Tamad! Juan Tamad accepts things just
the way they are; not wondering or pondering about the complexities of life and its niches. If we
have continued to stay like Juan Tamad, there would be no scientists, no cures to ailments, and
heck! There wouldnt be even any science like Philosophy at all! Had we chosen to take things
for granted, we would be ill-educated citizens, feeding on information without chewing on it.
But in the end, lets not forget the true meaning of philosophy which is love for wisdom
and knowledge. It is the answer to our whys and hows. It is the backbone of Science. Well,
if not the backbone, Id deem it as the queen of Science; a queen who rightfully deserves her
throne beside the king, which is life itself.

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