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Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are one of numerous mechanisms of encapsulating database logic in the database.
They are similar to regular programming language procedures in that they take arguments, do
something, and sometimes return results and sometimes even change the values of the arguments
they take when arguments are declared as output parameters. You will find that they are very similar
to stored functions in that they can return data; however stored procedures can not be used in
queries. Since stored procedures have the mechanism of taking arguments declared as OUTPUT they
can in theory return more than one output.

Works in various kinds of databases
Can be called by multiple applications and interfaces
Can take an undefined number of arguments
Reusability within the database
Can be used to change data in a table without giving rights to a user to change table directly
Can return varying number of fields given different arguments.
Long stretches of SQL easy to read and maintain

View can be used like a table in most situations, but unlike a table, it can encapsulate very complex
calculations and commonly used joins. Views are most useful when you always need to join the same
set of tables say an Order with an Order Detail to get summary calculation fields etc.

Works in various kinds of databases
Can be called by multiple applications and interfaces
Can take an undefined number of arguments
Reusability within the database
Can be used to change data in a table without giving rights to a user to change table
Can return varying number of fields given different arguments.
Long stretches of SQL easy to read.

Triggers And Rules

Triggers are objects generally tied to a table or view that run code based on certain events such as
inserting data, before inserting data, updating/deleting data and before these events happen.
Triggers can be very great things and very dangerous things. Dangerous in the sense that they are
tricky to debug, but powerful because no update to a table with a trigger can easily escape the trigger.
They are useful for making sure certain events always happen when data is inserted or updated - e.g.
set complex default values of fields, inserting logging records into other tables.
Triggers are especially useful for one particular situation and that is for implementing instead of logic.
For example as we said earlier, many views involving more than one table are not updateable.
However in DBMS such as PostgreSQL, you can define a rule on a view that occurs when someone
tries to update or insert into the view and will occur instead of the insert. The rule can be fairly
complex and can layout how the tables should be updated in such a situation. MS SQL Server and
SQLite let you do something similar with INSTEAD OF triggers. Note the term Rule is a little confusing
in DBMS because they mean quite different things. In Microsoft SQL Server for example a Rule is an
obsolete construct that was used to define constraints on tables. In PostgreSQL a Rule is very similar
to a trigger except that it does not get triggered per row event and is defined without need of a
handling function.

Works in various kinds of databases
Can be called by multiple applications and interfaces
Can take an undefined number of arguments
Reusability within the database
Can be used to change data in a table without giving rights to a user to change table
Can return varying number of fields given different arguments.
Long stretches of SQL easy to read. A trigger can often be defined with an administrative
designer or using a color coded sql editor so is fairly easy to read

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