Method and System For Shockwave Attenuation Via Electromagnetic Arc

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United States Patent 00898 261B) «2 (0 Patent No: US 8,981,261 BI Tillotson (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 17, 2015 (4) METHOD AND SYSTEM FoR SHOCKWAVE S4a0688 A 1995 Eins ta ALTENUATION VIA ELECTROMAGNETIC 5730.488 A 4/1998 Girard aL 3000 Sens ta fi, Fitor Scene Blo 7atol Fagvetal (75) Investor: Brian J-Totson, Kent, WA (US) Br tato) Lada BL itor Serene 93) Assignee: “The Roving Company, Chicago I Be ates Serena (73) Aiqnes: The Boeing Company. Chica, easier BL 112003 Retort ta Shaa9o0 nov ‘Pao Bane soitat (4). Notice: Subject to an disclaimer, the erm of this (Contino) patent extended or ated under 35 USC. 1540) by 330 dys FORFIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS wo onsen sig97 (21) Appl. No 13/483,995 wo ‘DOL 48165 122011 (22) Feds May 30,2012 OritBR PUBLICATIONS (sb) Inch Rei ofa atest Shosk Blt vas gta Des Paap sss (200601) . rain sao? (200.01) tesa Primary Braniner —Joseph M Pelham, ‘USPC vo 219/383; 219/201; 219/202; 89/3601; (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Thompson Hine LLP $9136.07, 8936.08 89/3609 (58) Field of Clasiticaion Search Co) ABSTRACT None Amethod and system for atoning a sookwave prop Sev application efor complte search history: ing tng fit medium by heating selected region othe fint uid medium rapidly to create socom transient 6) References Cited tod tha infrcepts the shockwave and temats its US. PATENT DOCUMENTS LUO A 8116 Leon Zango A E194 Nicolas Ysisz% A 71980 Albert 50707 § $196) Baker ca ee0'951 A $972 Cadel 35768 111973 Minas BW A 41075 tke Sma A 31976 Pasay 4218630 A KIDS). Hagelborg tal A3Ist A V10s Holm 488872 4 101985 Graham eal Sha0al1 A * ‘61991 Rowan sot Hit H 91903. Richart SA4L718 A £1994. Woodall tal E8878 A 31905 Geileet al. energy density before it reaches a protected aset. The second ‘mediuin may arene the shockwave by one or more of reflection, reliction, dispersion, absorption and momenta transfer. The method and system may inelude a sensor for detecting a shockwave-prodocing event, determining a dice- ‘ion and distance of the shockwave relative to a defended ‘angel and calculating & fring plan, and an are generator for creating the second medium, The arc generator may erate the second medium by ereating an electric ae that trvels along an eletrcally conductive path utilizing atleast one of high intensity laser pulses, pellets forming # conductive ion ti, sacrificial conductors, projectiles tailing electrical wires, and ‘magnetic induction 23 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets US 8,981,261 BI Page 2 66) T0TTo49 Tana Tea 721936 Taso? 782790 7866.250, 7878103 ona 0s. 762 Bata ISLTIO 386.730 san References Cited USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS 8 BD Bit Bo BI 5 B B? B bo BL Bo BD BD 72006 Sonn 4008 3-008 oun 112010 en mm ro2011 Hort 32012 4302 $2013 Soon Shumow ta James Smith Inbal a. Faint a Beach ta Panella Fuetal Fischbach tl Barger eta 9113 sass me 8385-765 BL Non566 12" 2oosorni9st Al* Sooa107927 Al aonauniaa7 Ale 20070008725 AL aou71so9s AL aoiwnr9i2%6 AL 2oooottaost AL aoo0268226 AL aoin0si9s24 Al gorn0si9se6 Al 2orv0120204 1 soutotesoot AL aoiumoroM AL 20120060677 AL * cited by examiner 52013 102013 2ol4 122008 ‘62004 ‘e200 007 £2007 $2008 52000 102009 122010 12010 ‘Sour oll a0 52012 tna ta Basler etal Tilleton 12215 Nemier Waddle Faring tal Parnell tal Tit ta Beach eta Honezar fuel Finca U.S, Patent Mar. 17,2015 Sheet 1 of 7 24 26 10 t \ ic wt 30 Sensor \ 34 7 = ARC | Mediu Generator FIG. 1 FIG. 2 US 8,981,261 BL U.S. Patent Mar. 17,2015 Sheet 2 of 7 US 8,981,261 B1 410A FIG. 3 4 108 4 0 4g “ 38 % 52 20 24- Ps f 1 48. AK - nnn 0 \ 86 10B FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Mar. 17,2015 Sheet 3 of 7 US 8,981,261 B1 U.S, Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 4 of 7 Prior to Shock Interaction FIG. 8A US 8,981,261 BL 74 ve U.S, Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 5 of 7 US 8,981,261 B1 P — 74 ‘ 18 24 i v \ ' wd 22 —<— $=) ———————— ———— 1 38 After Shock Interaction FIG. 8B Prior to Shock Interaction FIG. 9A, U.S. Patent Mar. 17,2015 Sheet 6 of 7 US 8,981,261 B1 “te After Shock Interaction FIG. 9B U.S. Patent Mar. 17,2015 Sheet 70f7 US 8,981,261 B1 24 FIG. 11 US 8,981,261 BI 1 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR SHOCKWAVE, ATTENUATION VIA ELECTROMAGNETIC ARC FIELD ‘The disclosure relates to methods and systems for shock ‘wave attention, and more particularly to methods and sys- tems for attenuating shockwaves by rapidly heating. ait 10 Jnerpose an intermediate medium between the shockwave and a protected region. BACKGROUND Explosive devices are being used increasingly in asymmet rie warlareto cause damageand destruction to equipment and Joss of life, The majority ofthe damage caused by explosive ‘devices results fom shrapnel and shockwaves. Shrapnel is material such as meta fragments, that is propelled rapidly, away from the blast zone and may damage stationary strc tures, vehicles, or ther targets. Damage from shrapnel may be prevented by for example, physical hrriers. Shoekwaves are traveling discontinuities in pressure, temperature, density, and other physical qualities throwgh a medium, such as the ‘ambient atmosphere, Shockwave damage is more dllcult to prevent because shockwaves can traverse an intermediate ‘medium, including physical barriers. ‘Damage from shockwaves may be lessened or prevented by interposing an attenuating material between the shock- ‘wave source and the object be protected. This attenuating ‘material typically may be designed or selected to absorb the ‘energy fiom the shockwaveby wilizing a porous material at distorts a the energy of the shockwave i absorbed, US. Pat. No. £394,786 to Gettle et al. describes a shock- wave attenuation device that uilizes an absorbing medium. ‘Thatassembly includes porous screens that fom an enclosure filed with a pressure wave attenvating modivm, This atten ting medium may be an aquenis foam, gas emlsion, ge, oF granular or other solid particles, However, as shown and described in the drawings of that patent, the shockwave attenuating assembly most be positioned before the explosion ‘occurs andl surround thearea to be protected. Forexample, the ‘sembly may’be pesitioned onthe sideof a vehicle to prevent ‘damage o the vehicle or passengers within ‘A similar shockwave attenuation device is described in US. Patent Publication No, 20070006723 to Waddell, eet ‘al. That device includes a number of calls filled with an ‘attenuating material, sich as aqueous foams. However, like the device described in Getle et al, the pressure-attenvatng material and device must be positioned on a structure, su= face, or person desired tobe protected by the system before the explosion occurs ‘One feature common among prior art shockwave atten tion systems is that they require an intermediate medium or struct that ets to aftentate the foree of the shockwave by absorbing the enemzy of the shockwave. Although only a portion ofthe shockwave may passthrough the medium, the ‘enerayof the shockwave isnevertheless significantly reduced by the intermediate medium. However, bocause these ystems ‘are structural, they must be fixed in place belorea shockwave is created. Further, these shockwave sentation systems may not protect an entre vehicle or person. For example, attem- ting panels are not transparent and therefore cannot be placed over windows or used as facemasks in helmets, They also may be bulky and heavy, and therefore negatively impact the performance ofa vehiele on whieh they are mounted 0 o 2 Such prior art shockwave attenuation systems may not be effective to provet highly mobile land asets for whieh an ‘incoming threat may be in the form of baliste shel, rocket, IED, or landmine, or waterborne assets for which an incom- ing threat may be inthe form of a torpedo, ballistic shell ‘bomb ora naval mine. Therefore anced exists for a shoek= ‘wave attenuation device that is capable of dynamically inter- posing a medium between an explosion source and a pro- tected aset. There i ls0 need Foran intermediate medinm that effectively attenuates the energy froma shockwave and that allows for prowetion of a protected asset in @ marine enviroment SUMMARY, resented is a systom and method for attenuating a shock wave propagating in a fist medium by detecting a shoek- ‘wave-producing event, determining a direction ofthe shock- wave relative 10 protected asset, and interposing a second, transient medium, different from the frst medium, berween the shockwave and the protected asset such that a shockwave produced by the event contacts the second medium and is fattened in energy thereby prior to reaching the protected asset. The second medium may be formed by rapidly heating ‘aregionof the fist medium so that the second medium differs trom the first medium in atleast one of temperature, density and composition, Tn one embodiment, system for attesting a shockwave propagating ina frst medium may include sensor for detet- Jing a source of the shockwave nnd generating a detection signal, an are generator in communication with the Sensorand configured to ceive the detection signal therefrom, and in response thereto create at electromagnetic are to heat a selected region ofthe frst fil medium pil to create the second, ansient medium, different Irom the fist medium, interposed between the shockwave and the protected region such that the shockwave contacts the second, trasient ‘medium. The are generator may be configured to hest the selected region by generating an electromagnetic ae, suet as fn clectre arc or laser ar microwave are, between the pro- tected region and the incoming shockwave, In one embod meat, the are generator may include a power supply for gen- crating the are and may provide a conducting pat. Tn embodimenls Ihe are generator may be configured 10 szeneratea focused microwave heam ora focused laser beam, Inch case, the beam may rapidly heat the fuid mestum in the selected region to ereate the second medium, In one embodiment, in which the fluid medium is atmospheric ae, the focused beam rapidly heats the air in the selected region and changes its tempersture, density and composition, the Jatterthe result of the eeation of free electrons. nother embodiments, heare generator may be adapted to develop and drive a large electric current through the fui ‘medium rapidly. Inthe embodiment in which the medium is atmosphere air, the second medium may differ from ambient tir in temperature, density and composition. With these embodiments, the are generator may be adapted to create a ‘ontucting path for the electric current, Accordingly, the are generator may’ be configured to generate one of more of & Jaser-indveed plasma channel (LIPC) from converging laser ‘beams, ionizing tracer pelos fired along converging paths, ‘and projectiles tiling fine eloctical wires fied along con: verging paths. In each ofthese embodiments, an electric are may be generated to travel along. condocting path eeated by Giclectnc breakdown of ionized ambient sir at the selected ei US 8,981,261 BI 3 Ins otherembstiments, these eneator ay incase social condor that may aot ely on cent el long ‘pth fone ai Rater, the are poneator may incl 9 porwr suplytataplies camrentioacondotorinthe fom of ‘on ormor sips or wie of conductive material. The high ‘arent fwing throngh the conc fom the poe soph nay vaporize the condor, forming condotive chanel of “por tat may rapidly heat and oni the an the elected region fo create a rapidly expanding second medium. An ‘vantage of isembodimeat thatthe sara sonductor ima’ e attach diety tothe protec asst, sh 2h vehicle Such embodiments described above may reduce the energy density ofthe shockwave by crating a saond ined inthe path of the advancing shock hat reo, refaet, aso and deflects test portion othe shock ‘wave Tit may ret fom eeting second medio tat {ifr frm the smbieat msi (espe i) in ‘density, temperate andlor composition, Sich difleences tay change te index of reftacton ofthe wave font a it ones the second medium, casing atleast some of the shockwave tobe rflcted fiom the surice ofthe second medium, fo diverge ae the shockwave tnvels thug the tes, and tae elle and diverge frie asthe sok ‘rave contacts the rearward boundary ofthe soon mdm The second medium, sane enbodent cif absorb ts coer ofthe shockwave the medium my be inte in tempore In 3st other embodiments, the are gonertor eens the secon matium by magnetic industion. The are goertor may be adap to crete chanel or enized ai When cone tieied by an avncing shockave the condocting enna imay be deformed asionizediris pasha inward This move- tment does mechanical work, which removes enc fom the shockyne, making st weaker. none ape he channels may not be Fig and maybe pushed y the shockwave aaint he ambient athat he chanelsaredigplacing which tay transfer energy’ fom the shockate to Knee ener of {isplced ar Inanother aspect, ars of ihe eondnsivechan- nels re not rigid bith channels of onze arp hed ‘tthe magne fn are ismpetan broken util they orm new channels though the ar that eet the ar At Test ponton othe shockwave energy may be transformed to Fration energy oir ions and in peseure-volume-trpert- tire eng of expand ha Tost another spotthe conductive chanelsof magnetic hx are raid myn he defommed hy comet ih the ‘advancing shockwave Instead, the fox my be compressed ty contac with the shockwave which may increase the eee- ticcuent inthe condictivechannls. This nerenscorent ‘ols om enegylstby the shockwave. The ar generator nay be config sch thatthe exces cute may bypass the power suply and be shunted to het a resistive had, ot ‘hangoacoactor whore itm bese ater power tbe are eneion ‘With mach embodiments, the advaning shockwave is imine in fre a the eneray of the shockwave con. verted either into mechan energy, a when i deforms naynsic induction channels, or io clerical ener. a3 hen interets with gid magnetic Bx channels tis bitin tho scope of this disclosure wo provide a syste and mnaod inshihcombinations ofthe foregoing ebosimen's fre deployed to defend.a proce asst, oF in which an “Embodiment i deployed mati times aginst an incoming thr “The fetes, functions, and advantages tat have been siscunsed an be achieve independent a various enbodke 0 o 4 ments of the present invention oF may be combined in yet ‘other embodiments further details of which ean be seen with reference tothe following description, drawings and claims. BRIEP DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS FIG. isa schematic diagram of theelementsofadisclosed system, aecording fo an embodiment; FIG. 2 isan elevational, schematic view of the disclosed system mounted on a profeted asset generating an are 10 encounter a shockwave from an explosion; FIG. 3 is an elevational, schematic view of the disclosed system configured to utilize converging laser or microwave beams; FIG. 4 isan elevational, schematic view of the disclosed system configured to utilize pellets leaving conductive trails; FIG. isan elevational, schematic view of the disclosed system configured t0 utilize projectiles trailing conductive FIG, 6 isan elevational, schematic view of the disclosed system configured to uilize a sacrificial conductor; PIG. 7 isan elevational, schematic view ofthe system of FIG. 6 surface mounted on a protocted asset, FIGS, 8A and 8B are schematic viewsof an embodimentof the heating element of the disclosed system configured 10 generate an are using flexible electrodes; FIGS, 9A and 9B are schematic viewsofan embodimentof the are generator ofthe disclosed system configured to gen- crate an arc using relatively rigid electrodes: and FIGS. 10 and 11 are digrams showing some of the effects ofa shockwave impacting the second, Nuid medium. DETAILED DESCRIPTION ‘The disclosed shockwave attenuation method and system may utilize a second, trnsient uid medium that may be dynamically deployed in a first fluid medium between an explosion and a protected asset within a protected region ‘When contacted by anxvaneing shockwave produced by the cexplasion raving through the fist fluid medium, the second ‘uid medium may ttemiate the enengy ftom the shockwave through several vectors, rather than simply by absorbing the eneray of the shockwave, While the following discussion {describes various embadiments of the disclosed system and ‘method as operating ina frst fd medium of atmosphere ie, itisto be understood tha the Fist Mid medium may be water, such tha the disclosed system and method may be deployed ‘As shovsn in FIG. 1, in one embodiment, the system for attenuating 2 shockwave via electromagnetic arc, generally designated 10, may include sensor 12 including o incorpo- ring a computer 14, and an are generator, generally desig- ‘ted 16. The sensor 12 and computer 14 may be mounted on or incorporated in a provected asset, such as a vehicle 18, ‘which may be a military vehicle as shown in PIG. 2, or they :may be piysically separate from the vehicle. Although FIG. 2 shows vehicle 18 as a military vehicle, iis to be understood {hat the depicted vehicle 18 also may represent other types of Jand vehicles, such as automobiles, armored vehicles such as ‘tanks and armored personne! caer; fxed structures suelias cencampments, bunkers, revetment, buildings or portions of buildings such as halconies; marine vessels such as surface ships, submarines, a hovereaft or air-cushion vehicles, off shore platforms, and other structs that operate in, under oF Adjacent a body of water aieft including fixed wing rll, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) erat and belicop- US 8,981,261 BI 5 ‘ers; and people and animals, Bach ofthe foregoing would be placed in protected region 20 Refering (0 FIG. 1, the sensor 12 may be selected (0 provide measurements that enable the computer 14 to est- mate the location and time ofan explosion 22, eitherbefore oF aller it occurs, and direct the are generator 16 to respond In ‘one embodiment, the sensor 12 is configured t0 detect an ‘explosion 22 tht as occurred, but before the shockwave 24 catsed by the explosion, taveling through a fist tid tedium 26, which inthis embodiment is atmospheric air at ambient temperature and pressure, reaches the prowcted region 20. This type of sensor 12 may be eoafigured to detect ‘any oneor oreo the electromagnetic signals emited during ‘chemical detonations, including microwave bursts, ashes of infrared radiation, flashes of visible light, flashes oT ultavio- Jet ight, and x-ray bursts bodiment a sensor 12 may be configured to deiet two or more ofthe foregoing types of clecicomagnetic radiation, which may result in the sensor detecting fewer falbe positives, In variation of such an ‘embodiment, the sensor 12 may be inthe fmm of two discrete sensor, each configured to deteta different typeof electo- ‘magnetic radiation, In an embodiment i which the sensor 12 is selected for use in a marine environment (eto detect Underwater explosions from naval mines or torpedoes), the sensor 12 may be configures to detect electromagnetic radia- Gionat wavelenaths for which water is substantially tranpare ‘ent, uch as visible ight near-ultraviolt ight and near-nfa red ight nsome embodiments, one the sensor 12 has detected an ‘explosion 22, the sensormay be onfiguredto estimate oneor more ofthe magnitude, distance, and avimthal position of the explosion and provide the estimates othe computer 14 oF to the are generator 16, In sore embedimeats, the compote 44 may measure the signature ofthe explosion 22 and co pare it with stored known explosion signatures ofa plality ‘f diferent known explosive deviees. The computer 14 may. then datermine a probability thatthe explosions from one of the known explosive devices. The computer 14 may then calculate an estimated probability. cistibution function (4. oFexplosion magnitudes and locations relative to the protected asst 18 or protected epion 20 based onal least one ‘f stored data about the typeof explosive device, location of the explosion, and the shape, relative orientation and relative motion of the protected aset and make a determination to ‘counter the explosion 22, including determining when and ‘where to activate the are generator 16, or not counter the ‘explosion, based on one of stored data, models of vulnerabil- iy ofthe protect asset to shockwaves, and data froma least ‘oncof dataand models ofprfarmanee ofthe ae generator 16. ‘with respect attenuating shockwaves fromat leat one of an ‘estimated explosion magnitude and location, Sch calcula- tions and estimates may prevent the deployment of the are generator 16 in the event that the explosion 22.0 faraway ‘or too weak 10 generate a shockwave 26 that damages the protected region 20 significantly Tnanother embodiment, the sensor 12 may be configured to detect an incoming threat 28 containing an explosive device ‘or deviees, such 3s a balistie shell, bomb, torpedo, depth ‘charge, naval mine or bomb-laden surface vessel. In suc an ‘embodiment, the sensor 12 may be configured to use radar, Visible orinfiared ight, pasive or active acoustic sensor, oF ‘other threat detection method known to those skilled inthe fart as well as trajectory tracking and prediction methods known to those stalled in the ar. Tnyet another embodiment, the sensor 12 may be config- tured to detect oth the incoming threat 28 and the explosion 22 fiom the threat, In one embodiment, two systems 10 may 0 o 6 be deployed on a protected asset 18 in which one system is configured 0 detect an incoming threat 28 and the other system is configured to detect an explosion 22, In yet another variation of such an embodiment, he sensor 12 may bein the orm of two discrete sensors: one configured to detect an ‘incoming threat 28, and the other configured to detect an explosion 22 from that incoming threat. Tn some embodiments, the computer 14 may receive mea- surements from the sensor 12, estimate where and when an incoming treat 28 will detonate, or has already’ detonated, and directs the system 10 to deploy. When used with sensor 12 that may detect an explosion that already has occurred, the computer 14 may be configured to receive infomation from the sensor pertaining tone or more ofthe direction, location, time, distance and magnitude of the explosion 22, the com puter determines when and where to activate theare generator 16. embosliment wherein the sensor 12 is configured 10 detect an incoming threat 28 before explosion 22 has ‘ceured, the computer 14 may be configured to compare the signature ofthe incoming threat 28 with stored known signa- tures of various threats (e.g. particular missiles). The com puter 14 then estimates how probable each type of threat is, And, based on the stored data about the type of warhead for ‘ach threat, the measured motion ofthe incomsingobjeet (with associated uncertainty) and the shape trajectory, orientation, speed and motion ofthe protected asset 18 inthe protected region 20, the computer estimates a probability distribution funetion (p 4) of explosion magnitudes and Ioeations re tive tothe protected asset sed on data oF models of vulnerability ofthe protected asset 18 to shockwaves 24 of various magnitudes from var fous directions (including crew injures ikely to result fro shockwaves) stored ina database (either locally or available ‘over a netsork) together with data or models of what tbe are fgenemtor 16 can do to attenate shockwaves in what posi ‘ions and ia what time interval, the computer 14 may thea {orm ring plan to counter the threat a minimum cost. Cost ‘may inelnde not only’ the cast operate the ae generator 16, bt also the probable cost of damage from the attenuated shockwave. In eases where the probable explosion yield is ‘mall and he probable distance of the explosion 22 from the protected region is lame, the lowest cost plan may’ be not 10 ‘ploy the system 10, ‘As shovsn inthe embodiments of FIGS, Land 2, the are genenitor 16 may be configured fo create a transient second ‘medium 30 between the advancing shockwave 24 resulting {rom the explosion 22 and the protected region 20, which may contain a protected asset 18. As shown in FIG. 2, generally speaking, the sensor 12 may generate w detection signal in response t0 detecting at least one of the explosion 22 or explosive device such as incoming threat 28, The detection Signal is received by are generator 16, and in response, may create an electromagnetic are through the frst medium 26 ‘which rpdly heats the medium to change one or more of its ‘composition and temperature to ereate the second, transient ‘medium 30, diferent fom te fist medium 26. The location ‘ofthe second medium 30 may be ia selected region calew- Jated by the computer 14 ofthe sensor 12 to be interposed between te shockwave 24, or predicted shockwave path, and the protected region 20. Thus, the shockwave 24 contacts the second, tensient medium 30 and is attennated in energy density before it reaches the protected region 20, The are genenitor 16 shown schematically in FIG. 1 may take the form of multiple, diserete arc generators, cach connected 10 and controlled by the sensor 12 US 8,981,261 BI 1 Inone embodiment, shown schematically ia FIG. A, the are generator 16 is configured o direct a bearn Mo electromag netic energy to focus ina selected region where the second ‘diam 30 may be ereated. The beam 34 may be in the fom ‘ofa relatively powerfl mierovawe beam or laser beam. The ‘lecric field of the intense heams 34 may cause dielectric breakdown of the ambient air atthe foal point ofthe focused beams, in which the electrons are separated frm the mol- ‘ecules in the ait. The free electrons are accelerated by’ the ‘leczic field and strike other molecules to knock other elo ‘tons loose, creating a cascade of electrons and ions. As the density of fee charge carriers inthe air increases, the air becomes opaque to the incoming electromagnetic beams and ropidly absorbs enengy from the beams as beat ‘which raises the temperature of the air as well as its density ‘and composition, thus creating the sevond medium 30 10 imereept the advancing shockwave 24, The composition ‘changes of the second fuid medium 30 may include adding fie electrons, which have a relatively low molar mass, ion- ization of molecules so that they interact more strongly and therefore propagate shockwaves at higher speeds, and break ing diatomic molecules such s molecular oxygen into single toms, which reds the average molar mass Tn some embodiments, the beam 34 may be a microwave beam. The are generator 16 may inchde a vacuum tube amplifier (eg..8 magnetron) aul focused by a state Focusing device et, dish antenna o¢ a Fresnel plate), or produced ‘and focused by other means of combisations apparent 10 those skilled inthe ant. In other embodiments the beam 34 is laser beam, The laser beam may bea single beam focused to ‘point by optics, or multiple beams converging ta common point. In either ease, the Beam 34 may'ereate single or mul- tipleares 32 (FIG. 2) Insomeembodiments the arc generator 16 may use many converging beams 4 to create one are 32. Jn other embodiments one beam 34 may be used multiple times in quick suocession to ereate many ares 32. The beams may be fied or steerable. ‘As shown in FIG. 3, in another embodiment of the system 10, the are genemor 16 (FIG. 1) may be configured to generatean electric are 36 through volume of ambient air 26 to create the second medinm 30, Electrical resistance to the ‘current heats the air, changing its temperate, density and ‘composition to create the second medium 30 to attenuate the shockwave 24. The change in composition may include ad- ing free electron, whieh have very low molar mass, ioniza- tion of molecules so they interact at longer distance and therefore propagate shockwaves at higher speed, and beak ing diatomie molecules ike oxygen into single atoms, whieh reduces the average molar mass of the lid in the Second medium 30, The are generator 16 (FIG. 1) ofthe system 10A of this ‘embodiment may include a power supply 38 configured 10 initiate a large electri current quickly typically on the ‘onder ofa few milliseconds oF less, Such @ power supply 38 ‘may include a capacitor, a superconducting storage coil, and fn explosive Thix compression generator The first two ‘examples may require fast-acting, high-current switchgear such as a gas-insbated switch, 10 turn on a large current ‘Quickly (or the capacitor orto divert itquickly from a shunt to the electric are (forthe storage evil). In one aspect ofthis embodiment, the ae generator 16 ‘reates an electrically conductive path from the power supply 38 tothe selected region between the shockwave 24 and the protected region 20 o establish the ae, and back to the power supply. none embodiment, shown ia FIG, 3, the are gener tor l6createss laser-induced plasma channel (LIPC). The are enerator 16 fires two high-intensity laser beams 40,42 along 0 o 8 ‘converging paths. The loser wavelengths and intensities are Selected to fonize the ar along their paths, thereby fonming the plasma channels. The power supply 38 applies voltage across the terminals atthe bases of the two channels 40, 42 ‘nd the voltage is sufficient wo form the are 36 throug the air 26 where the beams are close to each other. Current flows ‘through the channels of the LIPC and induces a magnetic field, The current interacts with the magnetic field and pro- duces an outward force (113). Ths foree acts to widen the area enclosed by the eurrent loop. “As shown in FIG. 4, ia another embostiment ofthe system 109 the are generator 16 (FIG. 1) sa gua, which may haveat east two or multiple barrels 4,46 hat fire two pellets $8, 50 ‘long converging paths. The pellets 48,50 are configured to create trails 82, 84 of ions, for example, by burning silver iodide, in the manner of tracer bullets. The two trails $2, 54 form condvetive channels through the air (the fist find medium), and the power supply 38 applies voltaze across terminals atthe bases of the 10 conductive channels, pref- crably the barrels 44,46, The voltage is sulicieat to form aa are $6 through the aie26 between the two tails $2, $4 (.2..the conductive channels) where they are at their closest. The are ‘S6hcats the air26to create the second transient uid mesinm 30. In other embodiments, the pellets 48, $0 may be selected ‘o melt or bum up completely, thereby avoiding ereating 2 Inward forby stander, ‘As shown in FIG. 8, in another embodiment ofthe system 10C the are yeneraor 16 (FIG. 1) is a projectile launcher configured to laineh projectiles $8, 60 trsling conductive wires 62, 64 much likea Taser8, The power supply 38 applies vollage across the two wires suicient to form an are 66 ‘through the ar 26 where the paths ofthe projectiles $8, 60 are closest to each other. The are 66 eats the si 26, foeming the second tid mediu 30 in a selected region between the ‘advancing shockwave 24 and the protected asset 18 in the protected region 20, As elecrical current flows through the ‘wires 62, 6, which form conductive channel, the current ‘urtherheats and ionizes the sit 26. In someembodiments, the current is suficent to vaporize the wires 62, 64, thezcby heating aditional nearby air 26 ‘As shown in FIGS, 6 and 7, in another embodiment the system 10D includes are generator 16(FIG.1)intheformot ‘one or more sacrificial conductors 68 connected to te poser supply 38. The heating mechanism of this embodiment does pot rely on dielectric breakdown of the air 26 to ereate a ceurrent channel, The sacrificial condvetor 68 may be in the orm of strips or wires made of clecrieally conductive mate- Fal. Insome embodiments, the conductor 68 may be mounted fon the protected asset 18 Todeploy the system 10D, the are generator 16 actuatesthe power supply 38 to supply current to one of more of the eonductors 68, frst vaporizing it then ionizing ito form a cconcdctive channel of vapor 70. Due to both the resultant ‘magnetic fied (JB) force and the expansion othe hot vapor created by vaporizing the conductr, the ionized vapor moves ‘outward rom its initial position and heats and ionizes the nearby air to create the second fluid medium 30 In one embodiment, shown in FIG. 7, the sacrificial con- ductor 68 may be attached to a protected asset 18, which may be the land vehicle shown. The conductor 68 may beattoched {o. wider insulating strip 72 that in turn is mounted on the asset If, With such a placement of the conductor 68, the conductor 68 may be protected from routine vehicle oper tions, and may be furher protected by overlaying it with a ‘oat of paint, When energized by the poser supply 38 (FIG. {),the conductor 68, which may bea metallic stip, vaporizes, and the heated and ionized air may expand from the vehicle US 8,981,261 BI 9 surface and move away ffom the vehiele to ereate the second ‘medivin 30 in the seleted region. In yet another embodiment, the sacrificial conductor 68 say be made partly or eotirelyof lili. Lithium has a very Jow molecular weight, and consequently a higher shock speed and lower effective index of refraction than other metalic vapors. Further it disperses into nearby air 26 more quickly, ‘hich ilps to heat the air more rapidly nother embodiments, the are generator 16 may be config ured to attenuate the advancing shockwave by magnetic Jndvetion. As shown in FIG. 8A, the are penerator 16 may be powered by the power supply 38 to ereate an electric are 72 that forms » conducting channel between two electrodes 74, 76 that are nt rigid, such as thin rod antennae. The conduct- ing channel 72 interacts with ts own magnetic field to pro- ‘duce an outward force F=xB (where Fis the outward force, ‘isthe curent density and B isthe magnetic field lux). ‘When the shockwave 24 created by an explosion 22 reaches the are 72, a8 shown ia FIG, 8B, the shockwave ‘deforms the are in directions perpendicular tothe conductive ‘channels. Specifically, the shockwave 24 pushes the ionized Bir created hy or making up the are 72 invand, an thectrent tends to floss where the ait 26 is ionized. This movement hy the shockwave 24 may’ do mechanical work against the mag netic field force F and remove energy from the shockwave, making it weaker. hough not show, the movement by the shockwave 24 also may deform the electrodes 74, 76, whieh also represents physical work that drwins energy from the shockwave 24 Inthe embodiment shown ia FIGS. 88 and 8B, because the ‘electrdes 74, 76 may be relatively non-rigid, these parts and the conductive channel 72 push against the ai 26 they are «displacing. This may transform energy Feo the shockwave 25 nto kinctic energy of isplaced air. In some cases it may be possible fr the conductive channels 72 nd electrodes 74, 76 to push the air so fast tt they may ereate new shockwaves raving away from the protected region 20 Tina variation, the parts of the conductive channels 72 and ‘electrodes 74, 76 may no be rigid, but the channels ionized tir pushed alcad of the magnetic Hx are disrupted (broken) ‘when they flow rapidly though the air 26, Bach time a chan- rel 72 breaks, the electric current briefly stops. When it tops, the (capped magnetic Mux erates an electromotive force ‘rong enough (ofonize anew channel trough the aie 26 and then hea that air, This may transform energy fom the shoek- wave 24 into ionization energy of ar tons and ino pressure- volume-temperature energy of expanded hot air, Tn the embodiment shown in FIGS. 9A snd 9B, the are generator 16 may be configured to have rigid electrodes 78, 80 joined by a ear wall 82 to form three sides ofa box. An are ‘84 may be formed by the pawer supply 38 of the are generator between electrodes 78,80. When the are 84 iscontacied by the shockwave 24, the magnetic hx (represented by the ‘erossed circles 86) is deflected inward but movement i con strand by the eloctrodes 78,80 and wall 82. Instead, the x 86 is compressed and increases the electric current in the ‘electrodes 78,80. In one embodiment, the power supply 161s, ‘configured so that this atonal electric cterent bypasses the power supply and instead is directed to a resistive load 88. Resistive load 8B also may take the fom oF aeapacitor, which may receive a charge from the additional electric current. “Tins, with the embodiments of FIGS, 8 and 9, magnetic induction isusedto remove energy from the advancing shock- wave hy the additonal mechanism of converting the shock ‘wave energy to mechanical energy or enverting the shock ave enemy fo current 0 o 10 A system 10 may be comprised of multiple copies of each ‘embodiment. In an embodiment system 10 may include a Single sensor 12 connected to and eontolliag molipl, cree are generators 16, each mounted on the protected asset 18, In some applications, an embodiment may proce a relatively nar, substantially Fines are of ho, ionized at ‘Moliple copies ofeach embodiment may be used increase the frontal area as desired. Altematively, a single copy of an embodiment may be used multiple times in rapid succession, producing multiple arcs that collectively caver the desired protected repion 20. Further, these embodiments may be ‘combined. For example, a system 10 may ulize ionizing {rgoer pellets fo protect am asset 18 from explosions 22 re tively faraway, and employ sacrificial conduetors to protect the same asset from explosions at short range. ‘With each ofthe embodiments discussed, the system 10s deployed to attenuate the energy of an advancing shockwave 24 forman explosion 22 by erestinga second lid medi 30 ‘that difers from the fist fluid medium 26, which may be ambient sir, positioned so that it interacts with thesbockwave, As shown in FIG. 10, as the shockwave contacts the interface ‘90 betwen the fist uid medium 26 and the second nid seium 30, the difference in refractive index reflects a fme- tion of the incoming energy toward the explosion 22, as indicated by areows A. This partial reflection occurs a second time as the shockwave passes through the second fluid ‘medium 30 and contacts the interface 92 between the second ‘medium al the ambient 262 exits the second mest, All gradients or discontinuities in the medium provide a reflec- ‘ion point forthe incoming shockwave 24, For example, ithe second medium 30 is non-uniform, refiction will occur at each of many places within the medium "As shown i FIG. 11, shockwaves 24 obey Fermat's theory ofleast ime and therefore an effective refractive index forthe shockwavecan be defined tht is inversely proportional tothe shock speed. The properties or composition of the second ‘medium 30 are chosen sch that he effective refractive index ‘of the socond medinm 30 differs from the first mest 26 in at least one of temperature, molecilar weight and composi- tion, AS the shockwave passes into or oUt of the sevond redium 30, the diflersice in effective refactive index reffacts the wave, as shovsn by lines B, diverting it and defo- ccusing it away from the protected asset 18. In the disclosed ‘embodiments, the second medium 30 is ereated such that the shockwave ravels faster in the second medium 30 than in the first medium 26, so the refractive index of the second medinm is Tess than that of the frst medium. Further, the second ‘medium is eeated to have a convex shape and therefore acts as a divergent lens, so thatthe energy of the shockwave 24 spreads out, as shown by ines C80 it intensity drops as it Approaches the protects asset 18, Tnaddition, the second medium 30 may absorb some shock ‘energy asthe shock travels through it. Factors contributing to the absorption of energy include energy retained in the mol- ecules of the second medium itself e-2, enanced rotational energy, excited molecular hands, excited electrons, molecu- Jar decomposition, and ionization) and shock energy con- verted to electromagnetic energy through blackbody emis sion from hot particles or photon emission from de-exciting various excited states. ‘A further mechanism for attenuating the energy density of the shockwave 24 is momentum exchange. If the second ‘medium 30 is moving relative to the fist medium 26, then it ‘ill exchange momentum with the shockwave 24. The reslt isa combination of reflection, slowing. and redirection ofthe shockwave. Any of all of the foregoing mechanisms may ‘operate in # given embodiment, The composition, temper US 8,981,261 BI u ture, speed and location of the second mediums 30 may be ‘chosen or created to create any one or all of the aforemen- tioned mechanisns ‘While the method and forms of apparates disclosed herein constitute preferred aspects of the disclosed shockwave altenuation apparatus and method, other methods and forms ‘of apparatus may be employed without departing from the scope ofthe invention ‘What is claimed is 1. A shockwave attenuation system, comprising 1 sensor for generating 4 detection signal based on atleast ‘one of detecting an explosion capable of producing & shockwave traveling through a fist uid medium 0 3 protected region, and estimating location and time of the explosion, and detecting an explosive device and estimating a location and time of an explosion from the ‘explosive device that is capable of producing the shock= wave traveling through the fist ud medium; and ‘an are generator ia communication with the sensor for ‘receiving the detection signal thorefrom,andin response thereto heat a selected region ofthe first uid medium rpidly to ereste a second, transient medium, different fiom the frst medium, intesposed between the shocks ‘wave and the protected region such that the shockwave ‘contaets the second, transient medium and is attenuated in energy density before it reaches a protected asset in the protected region, 2, The system of claim 1, wherein the second mestum

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