Nuclear Energy Draft

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Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy and Its

Impact on Establishing a
Self-Reliant World

1.1 Background of the Issue

All around us which we can see and touch is made up of small things called atoms. Atom
contains nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons and a cloud of electron that
surrounds it. Under certain circumstances, the nucleus of atom splits in two particles. While
this is happening, a certain amount of atoms mass is converted to pure energy (Murray
&Holbert, 2014).
In short, when atoms are split or joined, we can find nuclear energy as heat energy. We can
transform this energy into another kind of energy. This nuclear energy has been around for a
long time. The atomic radiation science, nuclear fission and atomic change had been
developed since 1895. But from 1939-1945 the developments were focused on atomic
weapons. After this, all the attentions were given to make electricity and for naval propulsion
in a controlled fashion through nuclear energy. From 1956 maximum focus has been on
technological evolution to make a nuclear power plant more reliable (World Nuclear
Association, n.d.).
1.2 Current Developments
In 31 Countries, there are 435 nuclear power plants, 70 more is in construction around the
world. These nuclear power plants are providing 11% of world electricity with zero carbon
emissions. Still 56 countries are operating about 240 research reactors including 140 ships
and submarines. (World Nuclear Association, n.d.).
Due to the rise in number of countries which are building nuclear plants, world has been
questioned on safety and reliability of nuclear energy. According to the Daily Star (2011),
170,000 people gathered in the road to raise their thoughts to oppose the rebuild of nuclear
power plant after horrible accident in the Fukushima Dai-ichi. Still, there are the one who
believe that nuclear will play a big role as a renewable energy source in the future.
1.3 Research Question
Nuclear energy is really one of the popular issues in the world right now. Including both
sides, opposing and supporting nuclear energy in the public, experts, and governments into
the consideration, the main question is this: Does nuclear energy become the best
renewable energy source for the future world?
1.4 Thesis Statement
The nuclear energy could be the best solution than any others renewable energy sources for
the future energy crisis that is going on in the world. In two or more decade, this world will
have an energy crisis, and to prevent that, nuclear energy could be used, because it is more
affordable source energy, it provides cheap electricity, it decreases the rates of the
environment pollution.
1.5 Scope of Report
This research will solely concentrate on how the nuclear energy can be the best solution
than other renewable energy for the future, what can be gained and prevented by using
nuclear energy, the effects that nuclear energy would cause and its future. This report also
provides the fact examples and arguments that are most current one or less than 15 years
and are still developing. The information would towards to how nuclear energy can be the
best renewable energy for the future.
2.0 Body of Contents

2.1 Nuclear energy is more affordable source of energy

The first thing that makes nuclear energy more affordable source of energy is nuclear energy
is powerful and efficient. According to Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) (2014), a pellet of
uranium fuel can create energy that has the same amount of 1 ton coal or 48000 liter natural
gas. Nuclear power plant can create energy with 91% proficiency rate all day and night,
every day, while keeping up the method with the most reduced discharges (Dosomething,
n.d.). The cost of fuel speaks to a little part of the aggregate working expenses for atomic
force. Subsequently, these expenses are steady and unsurprising, dissimilar to fossil
energizes where costs can vary (Nuclear Industry Association, n.d.). Thus, the nuclear
energy is powerful and efficient.
The second thing that makes nuclear energy more affordable source of energy is nuclear
energy is reliable. According to Nuclear Energy Institute (n.d.), in some seasons, such as
winter and summer, the use of Air Conditioning and Heater are increasing and the demand
of the electricity is also increasing, and these problems can be solved by using the energy
produced by nuclear power plant, because it can produce energy regardless any weather or
season. Atomic force is filled by uranium, which is copious in the Earth's outside layer and
especially in Canada. Enough uranium assets are accessible to last well into the future, and
to help development of the worldwide atomic industry. Existing innovation to reuse spent
uranium fuel poles could further augment the life of uranium asset (Canadian Nuclear
Association, n.d.). Hence, the nuclear energy is reliable.
On the contrast, there are still some people who think that nuclear power plants have risk
operation risk and it can be even more deadly. For example, three-mile island accident
which two equipments were failed by human errors that causes tremendous accident
(Cohen, n.d.). Although there are some truth in that statement, nuclear energy also has
more positive points, nuclear energy has easy transportation for the transport of its fuel and
the system that been created in the nuclear power facilities will reduce the errors that can be
done. According to Conserve Energy Future (n.d.), nuclear power plant has easy
transportation system for its fuel so that will reduce the errors in producing energy. These
kinds of system will definitely more advancing in the near future, and the accident will be
reduced to none. Hence, nuclear energy has positive effect for the future.
In spite of having risks with accident, nuclear energy is really more affordable source of
energy because it is powerful and efficient, it is reliable, it has system, such as easy
transportation that will make the better future.

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