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Development of a Problem Solving Model

for the Hong Kong Textiles and Clothing
Industries Project
HKRITA Ref. No. : RD/PR/001/07
Ref. No. : ITP/033/07TP

Copyright 2009 HKRITA. All rights reserved.

Scatter Diagram
To identify/measure possible relationship or correlation between two factors
or variables

Provide data to confirm a hypothesis that two variables are related
Evaluate the strength of a potential relationship
Follow-up to cause-and-effect analysis

Type of relationship:
No correlation
Positive correlation
Negative correlation
Curvilinear correlation

Steps to Draw a Scatter Diagram

Collect the data
Draw the axes of the diagram.

X - axis

The first variable (the independent variable) is usually located on the horizontal axis.
The vertical axis usually contains the second variable (the dependent variable)
Y- axis

Copyright 2009 HKRITA. All rights reserved.

Illustration on Scatter Diagram

Car Age and price is
of negative correlation,
i.e. the older the car, the
lower its price.

(1) Scatter diagram show a first view on the relationship between two variable.
(2) The degree of the correlation is performed by correlation analysis (Chapter 4.3)
(3) The detail of the linear relationship requires Simple Linear Regression (Chapter 4.4)

Copyright 2009 HKRITA. All rights reserved.

Scatter Diagram : Using Minitab

You are interested in how well your company's camera batteries are meeting customers' needs. Market research shows that customers become annoyed if
they have to wait longer than 5.25 seconds between flashes.
You collect a sample of batteries that have been in use for varying amounts of time and measure the voltage remaining in each battery immediately after a
flash (VoltsAfter), as well as the length of time required for the battery to be able to flash again (flash recovery time, FlashRecov). Create a scatterplot to
examine the results. Include a reference line at the critical flash recovery time of 5.25 seconds.


Open the worksheet BATTERIES.MTW.

Choose Graph > Scatterplot.
Choose Simple, then click OK.
Under Y variables, enter FlashRecov. Under X variables, enter VoltsAfter.
Click Scale, then click the Reference Lines tab.
In Show references lines for Y positions, type 5.25. Click OK in each dialog box.

Interpreting the results

As expected, the lower the voltage in a battery after a flash, the longer the flash recovery time tends to be.
The reference line helps to illustrate that there were many flash recovery times greater than 5.25 seconds.

Copyright 2009 HKRITA. All rights reserved.


Copyright 2009 HKRITA. All rights reserved.

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