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1. Ans:
a) Descriptive Prose is a kind of Prose in which we see things as
they are and recording the impressions received by our
senses: what we see, hear, touch, smell and taste. So in the
first passage the descriptive kind of nature is given. The
passage talks about an important technique to learn first is
how to inter the canoe
b) Narrative Prose deals with what actually happens, that is,
with events. However, this may not be true in every case,
and may be an over-simplification. In this passage a man is
narrating the event of Marocco. The one day He spent in
Morocco, Africa was an experience of a lifetime. Finally
reached morocco and got off the bus. There were four little
girls standing shoeless in the hot sun. after I swallowed his
c) Expository Prose is term refers to an at to explain something
or to made it clear. Expository writing is a type of writing
where the purpose is to inform, describe, or explain. The
writer does this by
resorting to various techniques of
exposition such as use of examples, explanation of a
process, comparison and contrast, reasons etc. He in the
passage expos that his instrument is not so good and for
that reason he always cherish it.
Critical Apprication
a) Through his characters of Words never come to her to
express a radical break and declaration of self and
independence. Rather he uses his to express the
subterranean life of silence lying under the skin, a life that

is equally eloquent and vibrant like the life lived on the

surface. An important technique to learn first is how to
enter the canoe. This craft, with the stern resting on the
shore, and the how in the water, is in its most unstable
position. The stern paddler first steadies the canoe. He
places one foot on either side of the stern, press ion with
his knees to hold it firmly. Then he grabs either gunwale
with his hands, approximately eighteen inches forward.
The how paddler then steps to the center of the canoe just
forward of the stern seat with one foot, then moves
forward, bent at right angles from the waist. Siding his
hands forward on either gunwale, he moves to the bow
seat. His hands do not leave the gunwales until he is
seated. He then sits immovable while the stern paddle
places one foot into the canoe just forward of his seat,
grapes the gunwales, and thrusts the canoe gently out
into the water with the other leg. With the canoe in motion
he brings his other leg into the canoe. If this seems time
consuming and silly to you, watch a pair of north woods
voyageurs who have spent their lives in a canoe. You will
find that they follow this procedure automatically. Not
because the book says so, but because they have learned
through experience that this is the easiest and safest

b) The one day I spent in Morocco, Africa was an experience

of a lifetime. When I finally reached Mirocco and got off
the bus, there were four little girls standing shoeless in
the hot sun. After I swallowed my tears. I could not even
try to picture this in America as it is not something you
often see in the U.S. Meanwhile my tourist guide
instructed me not to vie them money as it encouraged the
children to beg. However, I was wearing four silver
bracelets. As I walked over to the girls, their eyes bracelet,

they stood there gleaning at me, for they were pleased. I

felt complete was upsetting, and a huge culture Shock, it
will stay with me forever.
c) My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped
guitar the first instrument I taught myself how to play.
Its nothing fancy, just a Madeira folk guitar, all scuffed
and scratched and finger-printed. At the top are a number
of copper wound strings, each one booked through the
eye of a silver tuning key. The strings are stretched down
a long. Slim neck, and are famished. The wood worn by
years of fingers pressing chords and pricking notes. The
body of the Madeira is shaped like an enormous yellow
pear, one that was slightly damaged in shipping. The
wood has been chipped and is discolored. It is definitely
not a beautiful instrument, but it still lets me make music,
and for that reason I will always cherish it.

2. Ans:
To Gilbert, of cource angela had left nothing in particular unless it is
her diary. The legacy is told entirely from the perspective of Gilbert
Clandon, a somewhat successful politician whose wife angela has
recently died. As the story opens, Gilbert is perplexed about angelas
actions before her accidental death. She had arranged small gifts for
all of her friends almost as if she knew she were going to die. No gift
is left expressly for Gilbert, but he thinks she may have intended him
to have the fifteen-volume diary she kept during their marriage.
At first when Gilbert goes through Angelas diary he reads about
himself and feel proud of being handsome and admires his own good
looks, but soon he finds the mention of another character B.M. in his
wifes diary and then realizes that his wife had and affair with this
man and he feels that he did not know his wife at all. He learns that

he was so engrossed in his self-interest that he never had time to

find that his wifes desire to work outside soon converted into Gibert
was busy in his own affairs Angela felt neglected an affair with B.<. It
was her love for B.M. and his death by suicide that motivated Angela
to commit suicide.

We see that she is completely enamored of Gilbert, that she regrets

that she cannot give his a son, and that she is more than happy to
perform the duties of a politicians wife. Into this rosy picture comes
B.M. who fills Angelas head with strange notions and apparently
threatens suicide if she does not tide him as her lover. Since M,N,
and Angela kill themselves within two weeks of each other, Gilbert is
left with the realization that his wife has betrayed him.

3. Ans:
Urmi holds a pivotal position in her novel. The plot takes shape and
comes alive through her consciousness and the reaser has no choice
but to judge other as Ruminants them to be judged.

Urmi is an urban, educated middle class woman of modern India. She

is a lecture. She appears to be active and smart. In physical
appearance, she is dark, as Dr. Bhaskar points out. She is plain
looking, wears glasses and blouses that dont match with her sarees,
which shows that she is not very particular about her appearance. As
a mother, Urmi is tender and has an all-engulfing love for her
children. She looks after Kartik well and the boy seems to have no
complaints as Vannas daughter Mandira has. Urmi is completely
shattered by her daughters death. When the novel opens, we meet
an angry, brooding and impatient Urmi. She is sensitive and keeps on
thinking of her daughter. In fact, she does not want to forget the

pain. This pain is all thats left to me of Anu, without it, there will be
nothing left to me of her; I will lose her entirely Urmi knows that
with time her grief and the associated pain will go, it will be a thing
of the past. At present, her wound is too raw to be forgotten and her
daughters memory haunts her all the time.
Urmi is free, frank and without inhibitions. She has form idea about
giving independence to other and she wants her own independence
preserved. On the night of their marriage, when Kishore sings the
line walks out of their bedroom, she means to tell him that their love
would never be a trap. Urmi values love, not lust, she likes equality,
not womens submissiveness and mens domination. It pans her to
find that such claims are not honored by society.


Style is the manner in which a writer presents his theme. It involves
the effective use of language and literary devices like similes,
metaphors, parallels, anti-thesis, paired and tripe constructions of
sentences etc. One of the striking features of Bacons style is his
opening statements which immediately take up the subject and
engage the readers attention. There is dramatic opening in the
present easy: Men in great places are thrice servants, which
compels the readers to read the sentences following it to get at its
meaning. Of Revenge begins with the words: Revenge is a kind of
wild justice, the opening line of Of parents and children is : the
joys of parents are secret; and so their griefs and fears; the essay
of Marriage and single Life starts with: He that hath wife and
children hath given hostages to fortune.

Each of the above statements also shows Bacons ability to compress

abundant thought in extremely small space. This quality is called
terseness. A terse speaker is one who delivers very short but weighty
lectures. All Bacons essay are short and made up of terse and


epigrammatic or aphoristic statements that say a lot in few words,

like the ones quoted above. An epigram or aphorism is a short, sharp
and amusing saying, usually making a general observation. Bacons
essays are replete with epigrams that have universal appeal. Some
instances from Of Great place are It is a strange desire to seek
power and to lose liberty; The rising unto place is laborious; and by
pains men come to greater pains.

Bacon seems to have a natural instinct for neat and elegant

proverbial expressions that highlight his edemas and concepts in the
fewest possible language. A proverb or maxim is a pithy saying
expressing a supposed truth of moral lesion, or is a saying that
requires an explanation. Some of the proverbs, which are often
\quoted from Bacons essay are:
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few
to be chewed and digested. (Of studies)
Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark. (Of death)

Bill Aitken writes about the places that he had seen when he
traveled through the length and breadth of India. The extracts very
well convey the writers eye for the detail, his understanding the
cultural difference between north and south. His fascination for
steam engines is apparent from the text.
The theme of the text is basically the description of things
that the writer sees during his journey He sees that the
railway station has been remodeled like a temple. He says,
tastefully so which signifies that the architecture used for
the temple has similar aesthetic appeal as the temple. Both
temple has similar aesthetic appeal as the temple. Bothe
temple ane the railway station are situated at the shore and
are surrounded by the sea.

There es a giant lance at the top of the tower ot he temple

which appears like the hour-hand ofa clock. Aitkins graphic
description of lance and its comparison to the hour-hand of
the clock is worth appreciation. It is also a symbol of the
mighty lance of lord Murugan which in turns symbolizes
strength and solidity. While commenting on the cultural
differences between North and South India, the writer refers
to the verbal babbling between north India pilgrims and
south Indian bus staff. This proves to be good example of the
cultural differences between the two groups. The North
Indian travelers are not punctual while the south Indian are
quite punctual and are always on time. Writer observes that
the south Indian have far greater sense of hygiene than
those of the North Indians.. also paining 25 paise to use the
toilet appears as an extravagance to North Indians. The flip
side is that the Tamilian driver does not mind spitting
throughout the journey much to the consternation of
travelers inside the bus. The travellers inside the bus are
worried about their luggage put on the open roof of the bus
while the bus staff lake this lightly which further causes
bickering between the two.
It is important to keep in mind that the author is not
displaying any bias towards any of the group. His
description is objective. What he presents is more of little
foibles than serious flaws in the characters.

6. Ans:
Features of Laurences speech are given below:

A) Conversational Tone: The most noticeable part of the speech is its

conversational tone. By admitting her nervousness Laurence at once
take all her listeners into confidence while affirming that she is not
going to talk down on them rater she will talk to them, one to one.
This style is also present when she shares her personal experience in
Africa with the audience.

b) Clarity of Expression: another aspect of her speech is clarity of

expression which show clarity of Laurences thought. It seems that
she is quite clear about what she has to say and there is no place for
picks one idea and then the idea itself leads her to different idea.

C) Forceful Style: quite strikingly Laurence does not make any use of
and rhetorical device but still manages to deliver a powerful speech.
Power comes from her knowledge and belief. She uses facts and not
her imagination to convince the audience.

d) Use of Humor and Pathos: Her speech makes use of both Humor
and pathos. She is humorous when she says her listeners that not
worry when growing old. She pokes fun at parent-child relationship.
While pathetic picture of post nuclear war of ruined cities, people
suffering and crying for help, where there is no medical supplies, no
electricity, and no water. These visualized description leaves impact
on listeners.

7. Ans:
(I) Forms of Prose:

Dividing the prose in three categories, I.e.

narrative and expository is not precise at all. We do now
understand all three broad classifications of the prose so let us
now look at different forms of prose
A)short story: There is no single acceptable definition o f a
short story. We can say only that it is short, has a plot and
characters and has a beginning. Middle and an end. It is a relatively
short narrative designed to produce a single dominant effect
containing the elements of drama. A short story is not a novel in an
abridged form.

b) Novel: By novel, we usually mean a piece of fiction, written in

prose and of a certain length. A novel is a picture of life as viewed by
the writer. It has a story which tells us what happened and a plot
which tells us how it happened. It gives us an insight into the world
and ourselves.

C )Essay: The word essay is derived from the French word essay or
attempt. It attempts to throw some light on the subject under
discussion. An essay is of moderate length. There are two kinds of
essays first is informal Essay and second are formal essays. .

d) Letter, Travelogue: Letters are another form of prose which is nonfictional in nature, if written on a personal level they are a brilliant
expression of one s self.
Where travelogue is a narrative account of a travel. Such a narrative
is both interesting and informative. People have as always been
interested in travelling.

e) Biography, autobiography, diary and speeches: a biography is the

story of the life of an individual. It tries to project an objective picture
of the life of a particular person. In autobiography, the writer
attempts to reveal selected experiences of his own life in retrospect.
Diary writing is a non-fictional prose writing which belongs to the
genre of autobiographies.. In diary writing the writer maintains a
daily record of his life. Speeches are the oral form of communication
or expression of thoughts. They are written in prose and are
essentially addressed to an audience.

(ii) Figures of speech:

A figure of speech is the use of a word or words diverging from its
usual meaning . It can also be a special repetition, arrangement or
omission of words with literal meaning, or a phrase with a specialized
meaning not based on the literal meaning. The Figures of speech are
as follows:
a) Simile: a simile is a comparison between different terms belonging
to different classes for the purpose of describing one of them.
b) Metaphor: a metaphor is also a comparison The writer uses an
expression which describes one thing by stating another.
c) Image: An image is a visual picture evoked by the use of either a
word or phrase. It is used to make descriptive writing more effective
d) Symbol: A symbol is something that stands for something else. A
dove is a symbol of peace.
characteristics, powers of feeling to objects or o abstract qualities.
f) Metonymy: Metonymy means shag of name for example, when I
say I enjoy listening to Ravi , ,I mean that I enjoy listening to his
music. Here the persons name is substituted for that of his music.

g) Synecdoche: Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which we use a

word referring only to a part of something instead of the whole.
f) Apostrophe; This is an address to a person or thing that is absent
and not listening.
H )Hyperbole: Hyperbole is a deliberate exaggeration for the sake of
I) understatement or Litotes: Her instead of exaggeration, the author
expresses him with restrain.

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