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City of Hartford

Capital Improvement Plan

FY2016 FY2020
Part II: Project Descriptions
Pedro E. Segarra, Mayor

Recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission to Mayor Pedro E. Segarra

Rev. 3/19/2015


FY16 FY20
The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is designed to meet the 5-year capital needs of the
City in the areas of Public Safety, Public Facilities, Parks & Recreation, Infrastructure,
Development, and Education. The Citys investment in these facilities will aid educational
programs, strengthen neighborhoods, enhance public safety, and foster economic development.
The following are summaries of Capital Improvement Program projects. Detailed information
can be obtained from the individual departments.

Educational Facilities
Clark SchoolFunds are for the PCB abatement of Clark School
Replacements and upgradesFunds are for improvements to various schools including but not limited to Moylan, Simpson
Waverly, Fox Middle School, Facilities Department, McDonough School, Sanchez School,
Batchelder School, Twain and Wish. Improvements may include replacements and
replacements to HVAC controls, installation of equipment, electronic document versions, roof
replacements, air handlers and controls, and window replacements. Funds may also be used
for asbestos removal at Batchelder School, Betances and Parkville Schools.
Renovation of Martin Luther King School
Funds are for the renovation of the existing MLK School to as-new condition which will restore
and extend the operating life of a neighborhood school. Renovations will also help the school
meet compliancy requirements with current life safety, air quality and egress codes.

Renovation to Burns School

Funds are for the renovation of the existing Burns School to as-new condition which will restore
and extend the operating life of a neighborhood school. Renovations will also help the school
meet compliancy requirements with current life safety, air quality and egress codes.
Renovation to Milner School
Funds are for the renovation of the existing Milner School to as-new condition which will restore
and extend the operating life of a neighborhood school. Renovations will also help the school
meet compliancy requirements with current life safety, air quality and egress codes.
New Montessori Magnet School
Funds are for land acquisition and for the construction of a new Pre-kindergarten through 6th
grade magnet school. Location is to be determined.
Dwight School Renovation
Fund are for the renovation of and addition to Dwight School, 585 Wethersfield Avenue, to serve
the Betances S.T.E.M. Magnet School, grades 4 8.

New Pre-K Magnet School

Funds are for land acquisition and for the construction of a new Pre-kindergarten magnet
school. Location to be determined.
Citywide Fencing
Funds will be used for citywide replacement of existing broken, damaged, and missing fencing
throughout the City and new heavy timber fencing throughout City parks.
Milling and Paving
These funds are for the annual milling and paving of city streets. Approximately 11 of the 217
miles of city streets can be milled and paved annually. This assumes each street is milled and
paved every 20 years.
Funds are for the annual replacement of City sidewalks with the projected goal of replacing
existing damaged and anticipated damaged sidewalks in 10 years.
Street Signage
Funds are for the annual replacement of existing citywide street signage. Replacing 20 percent
of citywide total of 18,781 signs yearly provides total replacement every 5 years.
Street Lights
Funds are for the annual replacement of City-owned poles and light fixtures. Replacing
approximately 72 lights yearly out of a total of 2,885 citywide provides a total replacement every
40 years.
Traffic Calming
Funds will support the implementation of traffic calming improvements citywide to existing city
Design and construction of new streetscapes citywide. Projects may include Broad Street
improvements, and portions of Maple Ave, Franklin Ave and Wethersfield Ave.
Street Signalization
Funds are for the annual replacement of city-owned traffic signals. Replacing approximately 9
intersections yearly out of a total of 260 citywide provides a total replacement every 30 years.
Bridge Repairs
Funds are for the annual repairs to city-owned bridges. The city is responsible for a total of 14
bridges. 9 bridges required modest work. It is anticipated that initial efforts will focus on the
New Park Avenue Bridge over Kane Brook which is in the final design and will be ready for
construction in FY 15-16.
Refuse Carts
Funds will be used for the replacement of existing trash carts past their useful life and warranty
to improve resident use and reduce trash collection injuries.

Pond Dredging
Funds are for the dredging of existing Pope and Goodwin Ponds to improve water quality based
on completed and approved design work. Year 2 funds will be utilized for Pope Pond and year
3 will be utilized for Goodwin Park Pond.
Flood Control Design and Improvements
These funds will be utilized for the repairs, upgrades and replacement of various components of
the Citys Flood Protection System. These funds will be utilized provide investigation work,
analysis, and design work of projects necessary to comply with the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) mandates, and improve overall operational efficiency and reliability of our
flood control system. A long range capital improvement plan has been developed to comply
with the Code of Federal Regulations for Flood Control and includes critical pump station
repairs, levee closure structure modernization, preliminary engineering for future pump station
automation and various other repair and upgrades.
Oil Tanks
Funds are for the replacement of city-owned underground fuel tanks. The city owns 12 fuel
tanks installed between 1986 and 1996. These tanks have a useful life of 30 years. The city
needs to start replacing these tanks in 2016. Underground storage tanks with less than 5000
galloon capacity will be removed and replaced with appropriate above ground tanks. Larger
tanks will be removed and replaced with appropriate below ground tanks.

Public Facilities
City-wide Security
Funds are for citywide security improvements to existing vehicle lots, buildings, and parks.
Initial focus will be on providing security cameras at all recently improved fields, playgrounds
and spray pools, as well as, vehicle lots to reduce vandalism and subsequent repair costs.
Roof ReplacementFunds will help to continue the citywide roof replacements on city buildings. Initial focus will be
on complete replacement of existing EMF Roof.
Municipal and Facilities Renovations
This project repairs, upgrades and otherwise improves all City structures and related sites. The
city owns and maintains approximately 80 structures citywide as well as related parking lots,
garages, plazas, etc. Each structure and/or its related site will need some repairs/upgrades
approximately every 20 years. Funds will also be used to make improvements to the Public
Works Complex and Colts Complex improvements. Improvements to these facilities may include
interior building renovations, new paving, and new LED lighting.
Scale House
Funds will support improvements to the Scale House. Improvements may include building
environmental abatement, exterior envelope improvements and interior layout improvements to
the three existing buildings.
Burgdorf Building Environmental
Funds will be used to complete environmental abatement of all hazardous materials at the
Burgdorf Building.

Burgdorf Redevelopment
Funds are for the design and construction for the complete renovation of the existing Burgdorf
site, building, and garage in several phases. Project phases may include complete design, site
work, exterior shell and building systems work and tenant fit-out.
Truck Wash at Public Works Complex
Funds will provide for the design and construction of new truck wash bay at 40 Jennings to
improve operations.
50 Jennings Road Exterior Improvements
Funds will provide for the design and construction of miscellaneous improvements including
replacement of existing exterior doors and windows, masonry repairs and roof repairs and new
Energy Projects
Funds will help the city to continue energy improvements to city buildings citywide based on
Clean Energy Task Force recommendations.
Building Demolition
Funds will support demolition of structures throughout the city such as, Sands Gym, Sand
Office, 2 Holcomb Heating building and Blue Hills Recreation Center.
Hartford Public Library Improvements and Upgrades
Library improvements will be made to meet the growing needs of the community. Such
improvements will upgrade existing facilities, improve obsolete or impaired facilities and
enhance the technological capabilities of the facilities. Improvements may include items such
as floor and window replacements, bathroom upgrades, HVAC upgrades and the
implementation of innovative technology plans and programs for the facilities.

Public Safety
New Firehouse #11
Funds will be used for the renovation of Fire Station #11 located at 150 Sisson Avenue.
Complete renovation of existing building including: site improvements, additions, ADA
compliance, environmental abatement, exterior envelope, HVAC, interior improvements and
finishes, etc. based on approved schematic design documents.
Fire Training Complex
Funds will be used to make improvements to the Fire Departments training complex. Project
includes the complete renovation of the existing burn building and fire tower, a new smoke
training portable, demolition of the existing fire training facility, and construction of new fire
training facility.
Citywide Radio System Improvements
The current citywide radio system is an essential component to providing public safety and
emergency services to all who reside, work and visit the City of Hartford. These funds will be
used for upgrading the citys mobile and portable radio in a phased process with HARRIS XG75
Multi-mode radios.

Public Safety-Police Emergency Response Apparatus Facility

Funds will be used for the construction of a pre-engineered building to securely house critical
police public safety apparatus and emergency response equipment for immediate response to
significant special events, natural disasters, school safety, critical incidents and further protect
these assets from environmental exposure/decay, man-made hazards, and vandalism.
Parks and Recreation
City-wide Bathroom Buildings at Parks
Fund will be used for the design and construction of new bathroom buildings at city parks to
serve existing ball fields and other park activities. Locations include existing Colt bathroom
buildings, new buildings at Hyland Park and Annie Fisher. Additional locations may also include
Keney Park Woodlands, Rocky Ridge, Forster Heights Park, Sigourney Square Park, Day Park
and Goodwin Park.
Park Improvements and Playground Enhancements
The City has 6 swimming pools, 27 playgrounds, 14 spray parks, 46 natural turf fields, 3
combination artificial turf fields, 50 assorts courts in 2073 acres of parks. Continuing
improvements citywide based on the useful life of these component requires a yearly expense
of $3,500,000. These projects are based on the Capital City Parks Master Plan and Fields
Maintenance Plan. Projects may include a feasibility study for Batterson Park, a Playground at
Keney Waverly Playground and Spray Park, Keney Woodlands Spray Park and Bushnell Park
Cemetery Beautification and Improvements
Cemetery Improvements may include Old South and Old North Cemeteries, Zion Hill,
Northwoods and Ancient Burying Ground based on approved master plans.
Keney and Goodwin Golf Course Improvements
Improvements to Keney Golf Course based on an approved master plan and development of a
master plan and construction of Goodwin Golf Course. Initial efforts will focus on the Keney
Golf Club House (year 1) and the Goodwin Golf Course (year 2). Later improvements will
include work for the Keney Golf Course maintenance areas.
Urban Forestry
Improvements may include tree pruning, fertilization, removal and planting of new trees in
accordance with the Citys forestry master plan.
Redevelopment and Neighborhood Improvements
Neighborhood Revitalization and Redevelopment
These funds are to encourage and assist in the reuse and revitalization of the existing housing
stock. It may also be used to help in the development of new housing units and to develop new
moderate and affordable housing units for homebuyers and renters. These funds will also be
used for Livable Sustainable Neighborhood Initiative improvements.
Park Branch Library

Funds are for the construction of the Park branch of the Hartford Public Library at 585 & 597 603 Park Street.
John E. Rogers
Funds will be used for the completion of the restoration of 1240 Albany Avenue.
Emergency Demolition Funds
These funds will help to demolish unsafe structures that have fallen into a state of disrepair or at
high risk for falling into a state of disrepair.
Document Conversion/Preservation
These funds will be used to convert various department documents into a digital format and
placed into a searchable database. It will also consist of the development of a system/protocols
for the on-going maintenance and access of city records.
Growing Hartford Businesses
Funds will be used for business support and development initiatives, such as commercial
faade improvements, entrepreneurial development and support, retail support and for the
buying, selling and leasing of space to strengthen economic development throughout the city.
Planning and Economic Development
For the funding of planning and economic development initiatives pursuant to the citys vision
which will advance the goals of One City, One Plan, revitalize underutilized sites throughout the
city, stabilize and strengthen neighborhoods and grow the Downtown. Planning initiatives will
be action oriented and will include but not limited to neighborhood center planning, master
planning, transit-oriented development planning, planning for bike/pedestrian connections and
redevelopment planning.
Redevelopment and Plan Implementation
These funds will be used for redevelopment and plan implementation for projects throughout the
City. Projects funded through this initiative may include, redevelopment planning, business
faade improvements, implementation of economic development projects, and site preparation
for redevelopment (ie. Site acquisition and demolition).
World War 1 Plaque Installation
The scope of this project includes the reinstallation of these City owned WWI plaques, devising
some sort of monument or plaque to accommodate the names from missing plaques,
developing the necessary infrastructure and lighting to support the installation. The plaques will
be installed in a new War Memorial Park, located on City property at the intersection of Wyllys
St., Charter Oak Ave., and Columbus Boulevard.

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