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B.Sc. COMPUTER SCIENCE [From 2008-2009 onwards]



I Language I Language I 6 3 25 75 100
08U1LE1 II English I English I 6 3 25 75 100
08UMA1301:3 III Allied I Allied Mathematics I 5 3 25 75 100
08UCS1401 III Core I Programming in C 6 5 25 75 100
08UCS1402:P III Core II C and PC Packages Lab 5 4 40 60 100
08UCS1701 IV Skill Based Elective I Office Automation 2 2 25 75 100
TOTAL 30 20 165 435 600
I Language II Language II 6 3 25 75 100
08U2LE2 II English II English II 6 3 25 75 100
08UMA2302:3 III Allied II Allied Mathematics II 5 3 25 75 100
II 08UMA2303:3 III Allied III Allied Mathematics III 5 4 25 75 100
08UCS2403 III Core III (a) Programming in C++ 3 2 15 45 60
08UCS2403:P III Core III (b) C++ Programming Lab 3 2 16 24 40
08U29 IV Environmental Studies 2 2 25 75 100
TOTAL 30 19 156 444 600
I Language III Language III 6 3 25 75 100
08U3LE3 II English III English III 6 3 25 75 100
08UPH3304 III Allied IV (a) Applied Physics I (a) 2 2 12 38 50
08UPH3304:P III Allied IV (b) Applied Physics I (b) Practicals 3 1 20 30 50
08UCS3404 III Core IV Database Systems 5 4 25 75 100
08UCS3405:P III Core V RDBMS Lab 4 4 40 60 100
08UCS3702 IV Skill Based Elective II Web Design 2 2 25 75 100
08UCS3601 IV Non Major Elective I Desk Top Publishing 2 2 25 75 100
TOTAL 30 21 197 503 700
I Language IV Language IV 6 3 25 75 100
08U4LE4 II English IV English IV 6 3 25 75 100
08UPH4305 III Allied V Applied Physics II 5 3 25 75 100
08UPH4306 III Allied VI (a) Applied Physics III (a) 2 2 12 38 50
IV 08UPH4306:P III Allied VI (b) Applied Physics III (b) Practicals 3 2 20 30 50
08UCS4406 III Core VI Data Structures and Algorithms 4 4 25 75 100
08UCS4602 IV Non Major Elective II Web Technology 2 2 25 75 100
08U410 IV Value Education 2 2 25 75 100
08U411 V Extension -- 1 -- -- --
TOTAL 30 22 182 518 700
08UCS5407 III Core VII Programming in Java 6 5 25 75 100
08UCS5408 III Core VIII Computer Organization and Architecture 5 5 25 75 100
08UCS5409 III Core IX Operating Systems 5 5 25 75 100
08UCS5410 III Core X Software Engineering 5 5 25 75 100
08UCS5501:P III Major Based Elective I Java Programming Lab 5 5 40 60 100
08UCS5703 IV Skill Based Elective III Visual Programming 2 2 25 75 100
08UCS5704:P IV Skill Based Elective IV Web Design Lab 2 2 40 60 100
TOTAL 30 29 205 495 700
08UCS6411 III Core XI Computer Graphics 5 5 25 75 100
08UCS6412 III Core XII Microprocessor Fundamentals 5 5 25 75 100
08UCS6413 III Core XIII Computer Networks 6 5 25 75 100
08UCS6502:P III Major Based Elective II Software Development Lab 5 5 25 75 100
VI 08UCS6503:P1 III Major Based Elective III (a) Digital and Microprocessor Lab 3 3 24 36 60
08UCS6503:P2 III Major Based Elective III (b) VB Lab 2 2 16 24 40
08UCS6705 IV Skill Based Elective V Linux Programming 2 2 25 75 100
08UCS6706 IV Skill Based Elective VI PC Hardware & Troubleshooting 2 2 25 75 100
TOTAL 30 29 190 510 700
GRAND TOTAL 180 140 1095 2905 4000
Semester : I Hours/week : 6
Code : 08UCS1401 Credits : 5


Objectives: To give the syntax of all the statements in C language and to impart the
programming skills in C.


Basic Structure of C Programs – Constants – Variables – Data Types – Operators –

Expressions – Managing Input and Output Operators.


Decision Making and Branching Statements – Simple IF – IF … ELSE – Nesting of IF …

ELSE – ELSE IF Ladder – SWITCH - Statements – ?: Operator – GOTO – Decision
Making and Looping Statements – WHILE – DO – FOR – Jumps in loops.


Arrays – Handling of Character Strings – User-Defined Functions.


Structures – Unions – Pointers.


File Management – Defining and opening a file – Closing a file – Input/Output

Operations on Files – Error Handling during I/O operations – Random Access Files .

Text Book:

E. Balagurusamy, Programming in ANSI C, Tata McGrawHill Publishing Company,

Second Edition.
Semester : I Hours/week : 5
Code : 08UCS1402:P Credits : 4


C Programming :

1. a) Program to find Simple Interest

b) Program to calculate area of rectangle, square and triangle

2. a) Program to find odd or even of a given number

b) Program to find biggest of three numbers

3. a) Program to find sum of digits of a given number

b) Program to find Factorial of a given number.

4. a) Program to find the value of nCr using recursion.

b) Program to swap the two numbers using function and pointers.

5. a) Program to perform matrix manipulations.

b) Program to sort the given numbers

6. a) Program to check the given string is palindrome or not

(without using string functions )
b) Program to arrange the given names in alphabetical order.

7. Program to prepare Mark Sheet using files.

PC Packages :


1. Text Manipulation – Change the font size and type, Aligning and Justification of text,
Underlining the text, Indenting the text
a) Prepare a Bio-data
b) Prepare a letter

2. Using Bullets and Numbering in Paragraphs, Footer and Header, Finding and
Replacing Text and Checking Spelling
a) Prepare any document
b) Prepare any document in newspaper format

3. Tables and Manipulations – Creation, Insertion and Deletion (Rows and Columns) and
Usage of Auto Format
a) Create a Mark sheet and find total mark, average and result
b) Create a calendar and Auto Format it.
4. Picture Insertion and Alignment - Prepare a handout

5. Using Mail Merge

a) Prepare a business letter
b) Prepare an invitation


1. Usage of Formulae and Built-in Functions.

2. Editing Cells and Using Commands and Functions
3. Moving and Copying, Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns
4. Paybill Preparation


Preparation and Manipulation of Slides

Semester : I Hours/week : 2
Code : 08UCS1701 Credits : 2

Skill Based Elective - I : OFFICE AUTOMATION

Objectives : To understand the basic concepts of MS-Word, MS-Excel and MS-



MS-Word -Word basics – Formatting Features – Bullets and Numbering - Menus,

Commands and Toolbars – Creating Tables.


Creating Documents Based upon Templates - Mail Merge – Macros – Inserting Headers
and Footers – Inserting Date, Time and Page Numbers.


MS-Excel – Excel Basics – Menus – Entering Formulas - Formatting Cells, Text and
Date Range.


Arranging Worksheets – Creating a Chart - Database – Data Forms, Sort and Filters –
Functions – Printing Worksheets.


MS-PowerPoint – Creating a Blank Presentation – Slide – Design Templates - Inserting

Picture and Text – Multiple Slides - Saving a Presentation

Text Book:

Sanjay Sexena, MS Office 2000 for Everyone, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New
Semester : II Hours/week : 3
Code : 08UCS2403 Credits : 2


Objectives: To give the concepts of Object Oriented Programming, the syntax of

statements in C++ language and to impart the programming skills in C++.

Object Oriented Programming – Software Evolution – Basic Concepts – Benefits –
Applications – Structure of C++ program – tokens – keywords – Identifiers and
Constants – Basic Data Types – User Defined Data Types – Derived Data Types –
Variables – Operators – Manipulators – Expressions and their types – Control Structures.

Functions – Main Function – Function Prototyping – Call by Reference – Return by
Reference – Inline Functions – Default Arguments – Function Overloading.
Classes and Objects – Specifying a Class – Defining Member Functions – A C++
program with Class – Static Members – Arrays of Objects – Objects as Function
Arguments – Friendly Functions – Returning Objects.

Constructors and Destructors – Parameterized Constructors – Multiple Constructors in a
Class – Copy Constructors – Destructors – Defining Operator Overloading – Overloading
Unary Operators – Overloading Binary Operators – Using Friend Function – Rules for
Overloading Operators.

Inheritance – Defining Derived Classes – Single Inheritance – Multilevel Inheritance –
Multiple Inheritance – Virtual Base Classes – Pointers to Objects – this pointer – Pointer
to Derived Classes – Virtual Functions and Polymorphism – Pure Virtual Function.

Managing Console I/O Operations – C++ Streams – C++ Stream Classes – Unformatted
I/O Operations – Formatted Console I/O Operations – Working with Files – Classes for
File Stream Operations – Opening and Closing a File – Detecting End-of File – File

Text Book:
E. Balagurusamy, Object-Oriented Programming with C++, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, Third Edition.
UNIT - I : 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2.6, 3.1 – 3.24
UNIT - II : 4.1 – 4.7, 4.9, 5.3 – 5.5, 5.11 – 5.16
UNIT - III : 6.1 – 6.4, 6.7, 6.11, 7.1 – 7.5, 7.7
UNIT - IV : 8.1 – 8.3, 8.5, 8.6, 8.9, 9.1 – 9.7
UNIT - V : 10.1 – 10.5, 11.1 – 11.5

Reference Book:
Robert Lafore, Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, Galgotia Publications
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Semester : II Hours/week : 3
Code : 08UCS2403:P Credits : 2


1. a) Program to find factorial of a given number.

b) Program to convert dollars to rupees.

2. a) Define a class to represent a bank account. Include the following members:

Data members : Name of the depositor, Account number, Type of account
Balance amount in the account
Member functions : To assign initial values, To deposit an amount, To withdraw
an amount after checking the balance, To display the name
and balance.
Write a main program to invoke the member functions.

b) Consider a shopping list of items for which orders are placed with a dealer. The
list should include the code number and price of each item. Operations such as
adding an item to the list, deleting an item from the list and printing the total
value of the order are to be provided for. Write a program to implement the
above using a class with arrays as data members.

3. a) Program to find the largest of three numbers using inline function.

b) Program to find mean of ‘N’ numbers using friend function.

4. a) Program to find volume of cube, cylinder and rectangular box using function
b) Program to add two times in hours and minutes format using objects as function

5. Program to illustrate the use of arrays of objects.

6. Program to add two complex numbers using

a) overloaded constructors
b) operator overloading

7. Program to check whether the given string is a palindrome or not using pointer

8. Program to read the derived class data members such as name, roll number, sex,
height and weight from the keyboard and display the contents of a class on the
screen. Write a program to demonstrate a single inheritance.
Semester : III Hours/week : 5
Code : 08UCS3404 Credits : 4


Objectives: To provide the concepts of the database systems including normalization,

transactions and concurrency control.

Introduction – Basic concepts and definition – Data Dictionary – Database – Database
system – Database administrator – File oriented system versus Database system –
Database language.

Database system architecture: Schemas, Sub-schemas and Instances – Three level
database architecture – Data Independence – Data Models – Physical data organization:
Basic concept of files – File organization – Indexing.

ER-model: Basic concepts – constraints – keys – ER diagram – weak entity set - The
relational model: Relational algebra – SQL: Basic structure – Set operations – Aggregate
functions – modification of database – join relation – DDL.

Database Design: Introduction – Functional Dependency – Decomposition -
Normalization: Introduction – Normalization –First, Second, and Third Normal forms –

Transaction processing and Concurrency control: Introduction – Transaction Concepts –
Concurrency Control – Database recovery system: Introduction – Database recovery –
Recovery Techniques.

Text books:
1. S.K. Singh, Database Systems, Pearson education, 2006 ( For UNIT - I, II, IV and V )
2. Abraham Silbershatz, Henry F. Korth, S.Sudarshan, Database System Concepts,
McGraw Hill, Fourth Edition, 2002 ( For UNIT - III only)

Reference Books:
1. C.J. Date, An Introduction to Database Systems, Pearson Education, Seventh
Edition, 2002.
2. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems,
Addison Wesley, Third Edition, 2000
Semester : III Hours/week : 4
Code : 08UCS3405:P Credits : 4



1. SQL - Data Definition Language

Table Creation
Table Altering
Drop table

2. SQL - Data Manipulation Language

Data Insertion
Built-in Functions
Set operations
Join Operation
Nested Subqueries

3. PL/SQL Procedure
Reverse a string.
Delete any record and count it.
Student mark sheet preparation.
Pay Roll preparation.
Splitting a table into two tables.
Joining two tables into one table.
Using recursive function – Factorial & Fibonacci series.
Semester : III Hours/week : 2
Code : 08UCS3702 Credits : 2

Skill Based Elective-II : WEB DESIGN

Objectives: To present the fundamental concepts of Internet, Internet

Technologies, Network Topologies and to give the knowledge on HTML.

Introduction to Internet - Computers in business, Networking, Internet, E-mail, Resource
sharing, Gopher, World Wide Web, Usenet, Telnet, Bulletin Board Service, Wide Area
Information Service.

Internet Technologies - Modem, Internet Addressing, Physical Connections, Telephone
Lines. Internet Browsers - Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator.

How Computers Communicate, Understanding Network Topologies - Star Topology,
Ring Topology, Bus Topology, Comparing Network Topologies, Understanding Token
passing, Connecting Computer Networks - Repeater, Bridge

Introduction to HTML - History of HTML, HTML Documents, Anchor Tag, Hyper
Links. Head and body sections - Header Section - Title, Prologue, Links, Colorful Web
Page, Comment Lines.

Designing Body Sections -Heading printing, Aligning the headings, Horizontal rule,
Paragraph, Tab Settings, Lists, Unordered Lists, Ordered Lists.

Text Books:

1. C. Xavier , World Wide Web Design with HTML, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing.

2. Kris Jamsa and Ken Cope, Internet Programming

Semester : III Hours/week : 2

Code : 08UCS3601 Credits : 2


Objectives: To provide the basic methodologies and techniques in Desktop Publishing


Hardware Requirements for DTP – Beginning a Design – Design Considerations – Text

Organization – Designing Common Media Publications.


PageMaker: Getting Started With PageMaker – Editing Text.


PageMaker: Formatting Text – Master Pages – Creating Master Pages – Applying,

Removing, and Editing a Master Page Creating a New Publication – Working with


Working with Graphics and Objects – Managing and Printing a Publication.


Photoshop: Getting Started with Photoshop: Opening and Existing File – Creating a New
File – Saving, Reverting and Closing Files – Working with Images and Colors –
Selection Tools
Painting Tools – Drawing Tools – Editing Tools – Eraser Tools.

Text Book:

Vikas Gupta, Desktop Publishing Course Kit, Dreamtech Press, 2005

Semester : IV Hours/week : 4
Code : 08UCS4406 Credits : 4


Objectives: To understand the concepts of data structures and algorithms.


Introduction – Need for Data Structures – Definitions – Data Structures – Algorithm

Analysis – Introduction – Problem Solving – Modular Design – Implementation of
Algorithm Testing – Algorithm Analysis – Time Complexity Classes – Asymptotic


Arrays – Introduction – Primitive Operations – One Dimensional Array – Two

Dimensional Array – Multidimensional Array – Special Types of Matrices – Linked List
– Introduction – Memory Allocation – Benefits – Limitations – Types – Basic Operation
– Singly Linked List – Insertion of a Node – Deletion of a Node – Doubly Linked List.


Stack – Introduction – Array Based Implementation – Basic Operations –Applications of

Stack – Queues – Introduction – Array Based Implementation – Basic Operations.


Trees – Introduction – Binary Trees – Representation of Binary Trees – Binary Tree

Traversals – Expression Trees.


Sorting – Introduction – Bubble Sort – Insertion Sort – Selection Sort – Merge Sort –
Quick Sort – Heap Sort – Searching – Linear Search – Binary Search.

Text Book:

1. A. Chitra and P.T. Rajan, Data Structures, Vijay Nicole

2. Ashok N. Kamthane, Introduction to Data structures in C, Pearson Education
Semester : IV Hours/Week : 2
Code : 08UCS4602 Credits : 2

Non Major Elective - II : WEB TECHNOLOGY


To provide the basic concepts of the Internet and its protocols. To provide knowledge
about the Java and VB Scripting Languages.

What is the Internet – History of the Internet – Internet Services and Accessibility – Uses
of the Internet – Protocols – Web Concepts – Internet Standards – Internet Protocols –
Introduction – Host Names – Internet applications and Application Protocols.

JAVA Networking Programming – Introduction – UDP / IP and TCP/IP Communications
– I/O streams – Sockets – Multicast Sockets.

HTML - Introduction – SGML – Outline of an HTML Document – Head Section – Body
Section – HTML Forms.

JavaScript - Introduction – Language Elements – Objects of JavaScript – Other Objects.


VBScript – Introduction – Embedding VBScript code in an HTML document –

Comments – Variables – Operators – Procedures – Conditional Statements – Looping
Constructs – Objects and VBScript – Cookies.

Text Book:

N.P. Gopalan, J. Akilandeswari, Web Technology – A Developer’s Perspective, Prentice

Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2007.
Semester : V Hours/week : 6
Code : 08UCS5407 Credits : 5



To understand the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming with Java language

Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming – Java Evolution – Java Tokens –
Constants, Variables and Data Types – Operators and Expressions – JVM-Branching and
Looping Statements- this and final Keywords-Call by Value and Call by Reference –
Arrays-Command Line Arguments.

Classes: Objects and Methods – Defining a Class – Creating Objects – Constructors-
Method Overloading – Static Members – Inheritance : Extending a Class – Overriding
Methods – Final Classes-Visibility Control – Finalize Methods – String Handling and
Vectors .

Interfaces : Implementing Multiple Inheritance – Packages : Java API package - Creating
and Accessing Packages – Hiding Classes - Multithreading : Creation of Threads, Life
cycle –Thread methods - Thread Priority.

Exception : Types of Exceptions – try, catch, throw, throws Statement - Throwing own
Exception. - Managing Input / Output Streams.

Applet programming – Applet Life Cycle – Passing Parameters to Applets- Graphics
Programming - AWT Controls and Event Handling: Button and Label-Checkbox, Choice
and List - Text Components– Event Handling: Event Classes-Event Listener.

Text Book:

E. Balagurusamy, Programming With Java, TMH, Third Edition

Reference Book:

Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference Java 2, TMH, 3rd Edition.

Semester : V Hours/week : 5
Code : 08UCS5408 Credits : 5


Objectives: To understand the principles of digital logic circuits & their design. To
understand the working of a central processing unit architecture of a computer.

Number Systems – Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal systems – Conversion from
One System to another – Binary Codes – Alphanumeric Codes – Error Detection Codes
– Basic Logic Gates – Universal Logic – Boolean Laws and Theorems – Boolean
Expressions – Simplification of Boolean Expressions – Karnaugh Map Method –
Implementation of Boolean Expressions using gate networks

Combinational Circuits – Multiplexers – Demultiplexers – Decoders – Encoders –
Arithmetic Building Blocks – Half and Full Adders – Half and Full Subtractors – Parallel
adder – 2’s Complement Adder-Subtractor – BCD Adder.

Sequential Circuits – Flip Flops – RS, Clocked RS, D, JK, T and Master-Slave Flip Flops
– Shift Register – Counters – Asynchronous and Synchronous counters – Mod n Counter
– Ring Counter.

Register Transfer and Micro Operations: Register Transfer Language – Register Transfer
– Bus and Memory Transfer – Arithmetic Micro operations – Logic Micro operations –
Shift Micro operations – Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit.

Central Processing Unit: General Register Organization – Stack Organization –
Instruction Formats – Addressing Modes – Data Transfer and Manipulation – Program
Control – RISC.

Text Books:
1. Albert Paul Malvino and Donald P. Leach, Digital Principles and Applications,
TMH, Fourth Edition, 1996.
2. Morris Mano M, Computer System Architecture, Pearson Education, Third
Semester : V Hours/week : 5
Code : 08UCS5409 Credits : 5


Objectives :

To provide fundamental concepts of all managements in an Operating System.

Evolution of operating system-basic concepts & terminology – operating system as
resource manager –views of operating system –types of operating system –I/O
programming-Interrupt structure & processing –Interrupt types – Interrupt mechanism-
Interrupt handle processing.

Single contiguous allocation – example of multiprogramming-Partitioned memory
management-Paged memory management-Demand paged memory management-
Segmented memory management-Segmented and Demand paged memory management-
Swapping and Overlays.

Job scheduling – process scheduling functions – policies –multiprocessor systems-
process synchronization –deadlock – avoidance- prevention –detection and recovery-
Banker’s algorithm-Mutual Exclusion - semaphore mechanism.

Techniques for device management- device characteristics –hardware considerations-
channels –control units – I/O traffic controller- I/O Scheduler, I/O Device Handler.

Simple file system- general model of a file system- logical file system-physical file
system-Security threats and goals-Security policies and mechanisms -Case Studies : MS-
DOS & UNIX (Commands , System calls & implementation ).

Text Book :
1. Stuart E. Madnick & John J. Donovan, Operating Systems, McGraw Hill
International Editions
2. H.M. Deitel, An Introduction to Operating Systems, Addison Wesley Publishing
Company, Second Edition.

Reference Book:
William Stallings, Operating systems, Second edition PHI-New Delhi, 2001
Semester : V Hours/week : 5
Code : 08UCS5410 Credits : 5


Objectives : To provide knowledge of the various phases of software engineering


Introduction to Software Engineering: Definitions, Size factors- Quality and Productivity
Factors – Managerial Issues – Planning a Software Project: Defining the Problem –
Developing a Solution Strategy – Planning the Development Process – Planning an
Organizational Structure.

Software Cost Estimation: Software Cost Factors – Software Cost Estimation Techniques
– Staffing Level Estimation – Estimating Software Maintenance Costs – Software
Requirements Definition: The Software Requirements Specification – Formal
Specification Techniques – State Oriented Notations.

Software Design: Fundamental design concepts – Modules and Modularization criteria –
Design Notations – Design Techniques.

Implementation Issues: Structured coding techniques – Coding Style – Modern
programming language Features: Type checking – User-defined data types – Data
abstraction – Scoping Rules.

Verification and Validation Techniques: Quality Assurance – Walkthroughs and
Inspections – Unit Testing and Debugging – System Testing – Formal Verification –
Software Maintenance: Enhancing Maintainability during development – Managerial
Aspects of Software maintenance.

Text Book :
Richard Fairley, Software Engineering Concepts, Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing
Company, 1997

Reference Book:
Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A practitioner’s approach, Tata McGraw Hill
International Edition, Fourth Edition
Semester : V Hours/week : 5
Code : 08UCS5501:P Credits : 5

Major Based Elective - I : JAVA PROGRAMMING LAB

1. Simple Programs using Control Statements

a) Biggest among the 3 numbers using if..else statement
b) Sum of the digits using while and do..while loop
c) Sorting the set of elements using for loops
d) Perform all the arithmetic operations using switch statement

2. Simple Programs using Recursive Functions

a) Factorial of the given number
b) nCr value of the given numbers

3. Program using String Handling functions

a) Count the number of vowels, consonants and words in a given sentence
b) Arrange the set of names in Alphabetical order

4. Classes and Objects

a) Define a class Circle and find out the area and circumference of a circle.
[Use overloaded Constructors and static constant value of PI ]
b) Define a class Complex and pass the Complex type objects to add()
method and it should return a same type object as return value.

5. Inheritance, Interfaces and Packages

a) Program using single Inheritance
b) Program using Multiple Inheritance
c) Prepare a student information system using set of classes in a package

6. Multithreading
a. Create a Thread using Thread class
b. Create a Thread using Runnable Interface

7. Exception Handling
Write Java Programs to handle the following Exceptions
i. DivideByZeroException
ii. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
iii. NumberFormatException

8. Streams and Applet

a) Program to copy the characters from one file in to another File
b) Program to concatenation of two files
c) An Applet program to prepare a BIO-DATA format
d) An Applet program to display geometrical objects
Semester : V Hours/week : 2
Code : 08UCS5703 Credits : 2

Skill Based Elective - III : VISUAL PROGRAMMING

Objectives: To provide basic programming skills in Visual Basic.


Introduction to Visual Basic : Visual Basic Definition – Features – Editions – Philosophy

– Developing an application – Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Features –
Anatomy of a Form – Working with form property – Setting form’s property –
Introducing form events and form methods.


Variables in Visual Basic: Declaring variables – Data types – Null value – Error value
– Empty value – the scope of the variable – Module level variables – constants – creating
your own constants – scope of a constants.


Arrays in Visual Basic : Arrays – Declaring Arrays – Fixed size arrays – Dynamic arrays
– Preserve keywords – ReDim.


Selecting and using controls : Introduction to standard controls – command buttons – text
box – label box – option button – check boxes – frame control.


List box – combo box – image box – picture box – timer control – scroll bars – file
system controls.

Text Book:

Mohamed Azam, Programming with Visual Basic 6.0, Vikas Publishing House Private
Limited, 2002.
Semester : V Hours/week : 2
Code : 08UCS5704:P Credits : 2

Skilled Based Elective - IV : WEB DESIGN LAB

1. Develop a HTML document and perform the basic alignments on the headers and
format the document using suitable tags

2. Develop a HTML document to display the advantages and disadvantages of

Internet using ordered and unordered list tags facilities.

3. Develop a home page for your company with suitable name, logo, pictures,
background design and color text with links.

4. Design a web page of your meals menu for a week using table tag with its

5. Develop a simple application by using frame controls.

6. Develop a web page to display the Resume registration form with suitable

7. Develop a JavaScript that reads five integers and determines the largest and the
smallest integers in the group.

8. Develop a JavaScript for a recursive function to calculate the Fibonacci value of a

given number.

9. Develop a JavaScript function to display current date and time using date object.

10. Develop a VBScript to add two integers.

11. Develop a VBScript to validate an HTML form.

12. Develop a VBScript to show how to set up multiple values for a cookie.
Semester : VI Hours/week : 5
Code : 08UCS6411 Credits : 5


Objectives: To impart knowledge on the basics of graphic devices, 2-D, 3-D

transformations, clipping and windowing concepts.


Introduction to Computer Graphics - Display Devices - Hard Copy Devices - Interactive

input Devices - Display Processors - Graphics Software.


Output primitives : Points and lines - Line – Drawing Algorithms - Antialiasing Lines -
Line Command - Fill Areas - Circle -Generating Algorithms - Other Curves - Character
Generation - Instruction sets for Display Processors. Attributes of Output Primitives :
Line Styles - Color and Intensity – Area Filling - Character Attributes - Inquiry
Functions – Bundled Attributes.


Two Dimensional Transformation : Basic Transformation Matrix Representations and

Homogeneous Co-ordinates – Composite Transformations - Other Transformations -
Transformation commands - Raster Methods for Transformations - Windowing and
clipping: Windowing Concepts - Clipping Algorithms.


Segments : Segment Concepts - Segment Files – Segment Attributes - Multiple

Workstations. Interactive Input Methods : Physical Input Devices - Locator Devices -
Stroke Devices - String Devices - Valuator Devices - Choice Devices - Pick Devices -
Interactive Picture Construction Techniques - Input Functions.


Three Dimensional Concept : Three - Dimensional Coordinate Systems - Three

Dimensional Display Techniques - Three Dimension al Graphics Packages. Applications
of Computer Graphics.

Text book:

Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall of India, Third
Edition, 1998
Semester : VI Hours/week : 5
Code : 08UCS6412 Credits : 5


Objectives : To understand the basic principles of a microprocessor architecture & its pin
configuration, write simple assembly language programs, learn the concept of interfacing,
and understand the working of a few interfacing devices.

Word Length of a Microprocessor – Evolution of Microprocessors – Single Chip
Microcontrollers – Embedded Microprocessors – Hardware, Software and Firmware –
Central Processing Unit – Memory – Buses – Processing Speed of a Computer –
Classification of Computers – Von Neumann Architecture – Harvard Architecture – Data
Flow Architecture – Types of Microprocessors – Microprocessor Applications.

Intel 8085 Microprocessor Architecture – Status Flags – Pin Configuration – Instruction
Cycle –Timing Diagram – Instruction and Data Formats – Addressing Modes.

Instruction Set of 8085 – Data Transfer Instructions – Arithmetic Instructions – Logical
Instructions – Shift and Rotate Instructions – Branch Instructions – Jump, Call and
Return – Stack Instructions – I/O, Machine Control and other Instructions – Assembly
Language – Assemblers – Stacks – Subroutines – Macros.

Assembly Language Programs – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of
8-bit numbers – Decimal Addition and Subtraction – Multibyte Addition and Subtraction
– 1’s and 2’s Complements – Assembly and Disassembly of a Byte – Sum of a Series –
Block Data Transfer – Finding the Smallest and the Biggest Number in an Array –
Arranging a Series of Numbers in Descending and Ascending Order.

Peripheral Devices and Interfacing – Address Space Partitioning – Memory and I/O
Interfacing – Data Transfer Schemes – Interrupts of Intel 8085 – Interfacing Devices and
I/O Devices – I/O Ports – Programmable Peripheral Interface (8255) – Programmable
DMA Controller (8237) – Programmable Interrupt Controller (8259) – Programmable
Communication Interface (8251).

Text Book :
Badri Ram, Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers, Dhanpat Rai
Publications, Fifth Revised and Enlarged Edition, 2003
Semester : VI Hours/week : 6
Code : 08UCS6413 Credits :5


Introduction – Uses of Computer Networks: Business and Home Applications – Network
Hardware: LAN, WAN, MAN – Network Software: Protocol Hierarchies – Design Issues
for the Layers – Connection Oriented and Connectionless Services – Service Primitives
Reference model: The OSI Reference Model – TCP/IP Reference Model.


The Physical Layer: Guided Transmission Media – Public Switched Network – Structure
of Telephone System – Trunks and Multiplexing – witching.
The Data link Layer: Data link layer Design Issues – Error Detection and Correction –
Stop and Wait Protocol – Sliding Window Protocols.

The Network Layer: The Network Layer Design Issues: Store-and-Forward Packet
Switching – Implementation of Connection-Oriented Service and Connectionless Service
– Routing Algorithms: The Optimality Principle – Shortest Path Routing – Flooding –
Distance Vector Routing – Hierarchical Routing – Broadcast Routing – Congestion
Control Algorithms: General Principles of Congestion Control – Congestion Prevention
Policies – Congestion Control in Virtual-Circuit Subnets and Datagram Subnets –
Network Layer in the Internet: IP Protocol – IP addresses.

The Transport Layer: The Transport Service – Elements of Transport Protocols – Internet
Transport Protocols: Introduction to UDP – RPC – TCP: TCP Service Model – TCP
Protocol – TCP Segment Header.

The Application Layer: The DNS Name Space – E-mail: Architecture and Services –
Message Formats – Network Security: Cryptography – DES – RSA – Firewalls – VPN –
E-mail Security: PGP – PEM.

Text Book:
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall of India.

Reference Books:
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Communications and Networking”, 2nd edition, Tata
2. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, Fifth Edition, PHI.
Semester : VI Hours/week : 5
Code : 08UCS6502:P Credits : 5


Objectives: To provide basic knowledge of the real time projects of the IT industry. To
develop mini real time softwares using any platforms such as Java, VB, .NET, etc.
Semester : VI Hours/week : 3
Code : 08UCS6503:P1 Credits : 3


A. Digital Experiments :

1. Study of Universal IC Gates (NAND and NOR) – Construction of AND,

OR, NOT and EXOR gates using Universal Gates.
2. Half Adder and Full Adder using AND, OR, NOT & EXOR only.
3. Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor using AND, OR, NOT & EXOR only.
4. Karnaugh Map Reduction of Boolean Expressions (Three variable
expressions only)
5. Study of ADC
6. Study of DAC
7. Study of Counter

B. Microprocessor Experiments :

1. 8-bit Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division

2. Multibyte Addition and Subtraction
3. Sum of a Series
4. Block Data Transfer
5. Assembly and Disassembly of a byte
6. Smallest and Biggest Number in an Array
7. Sorting of (Ascending and Descending order)
Semester : VI Hours/week : 2

Code : 08UCS6503:P2 Credits : 2

Major Based Elective - III (b) : VISUAL BASIC LAB

1. Simple exercises using standard control.

2. Program to design a calendar of a year.

3. Program to scroll a text from left to right and right to left of the client area.

4. Program to design and implement a scientific calculator.

5. Program to expand and shrink an object while program is running.

6. Program to expand and shrink objects using timer control and move methods.

7. Program to create animation by using move method and a timer object.

8. Program to populate the table entities using data bound control.

9. Program to prepare a student’s mark list.

10. Program to prepare an invoice report.

Semester : VI Hours/Week : 2
Code : 08UCS6705 Credits : 2

Skill Based Elective - V : LINUX PROGRAMMING

Objectives: To provide basic skills in Unix and Linux programming.

UNIX – Introduction – Features of UNIX - UNIX System Organization – UNIX File
System - UNIX Versions – Linux an Introduction – Reasons for its Popularity – Linux
File System – Linux Distributions – Login and Logout.

Linux Commands – Directory Oriented Commands – File Oriented Commands – File
Access Permissions – Process Oriented Commands – Communication Oriented
Commands – General Purpose Commands.

Pipes and Filters – Introduction – Pipe – Redirection – Filters.

Vi Editor – introduction – Vi Modes – Insert - Delete – Replace – Cursor Movement –
Search – Yanking – Redo – Undo – Screen Commands – Shell Programming – Shell
Scripts – Command Grouping – Shell Variables – Conditional Parameter Substitution –
Escape Mechanism – Shell Meta Characters.

Control statements – Iterative statements – Infinite Loops – Some Sample Shell Scripts.

Text Book:

B.Mohamed Ibrahim, Linux A Practical Approach, Firewall Media

Semester : VI Hours/week : 2
Code : 08UCS6706 Credits : 2


Objectives: To understand the basic concepts of PC hardware components. To provide

the skill of assembling and troubleshooting a PC.


Introduction to Computer – Hardware & Software – Input, Process, Output – Basic

Computer System – Main System Unit – Monitor – Keyboard – Mouse – Printer –
Modem – Scanner – Laptop/Notebook/Portable Computer – Using the Computer –
Starting the Computer.


Modern Microprocessors – Memory – Primary Memory – Secondary Memory – Bits &

Byte – RAM – ROM – Parity – ECC Memory – Physical Memory Organization –
Memory Speed – Motherboard Memory Capacity – Extended Memory – Memory Speed
Improvements – Upgrading/Adding Memory – Some Common Memory Errors.


Motherboard – Motherboard Components – Chipsets – Pentium 4 Motherboard

Installation – The Battery – Connectors on the Motherboard – Keeping CPU Cool –
Motherboard Troubleshooting.


Keyboard – Keyboard Switch – Keyboard Organization – Keyboard Type –

Troubleshooting Keyboard – Mouse – Mouse Type – Connecting Mouse – Mouse
Resolution – Scroll Mouse/Wheel Mouse – Using a Mouse – Mouse Installation –
Troubleshooting Mouse – Cleaning the Mouse – Swapping Mouse Buttons.


Hard Disk Drive – Installing/Upgrading Hard Disk Drive (Hardware & Software
Perspective) – HDD Troubleshooting – Making Your Own Computer.

Text Book:

Manohar Lotia, Pradeep Nair, Payal Lotia, Modern Computer Hardware Course, BPB
Publications, Second Revised Edition, 2006.

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