The Wave Questions

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The Wave

Chapters 1-4

What do we learn about Laurie Saunders, Amy Smith, Ben Ross, Robert Billings
and David Collins in the first two chapters?

What film did Ben Ross show his class?

How did the students react to the film?

Why does Ben Ross decide to try an experiment on his History class?

Explain the way that different people react to Ben Ross. In your answer you
should consider how his students, his colleagues and his wife Christy view him.

Chapters 5-8

How does Ben Ross change the way he runs his lessons?

How do the changes of the History lesson affect Robert Billings?

Why does the Wave spread to students outside Ben Rosss history class?

Why is Lauries mother concerned about the wave?

Laurie is uncomfortable with the changes to her history lessons. What do you
think she is unhappy about and why?

Chapter 9

Account for the different aspects of Benn Ross thoughts about The Wave as
described in chapter 9.

Find as many passages as possible showing Lauries skepticism towards The


How does Lauries mother characterize the Wave?

The Wave

Why is she concerned about The Waves impact on Robert Billings?

How does Laurie depict The Wave when speaking to her mother? Why?

Chapter 10

Account for the thoughts running through Ben Ross mind as he is summoned at
Principal Owens office.

Give a description of Principal Owen.

Explain what when he was angry he might instill instant religion in the most
hardened atheist. (p.61) means.

What is Owens initial attitude towards The Wave and which aspects is he
concerned about?

What is the outcome of the meeting?

Chapter 11

Give a summary of the letter Laurie found in the publications office.

Explain what is meant by by agreeing to let Robert be his bodyguard, he

was also agreeing to become a person who required a bodyguard.(p.66-67)

Find 3 or more examples in chapter 11 showing that Ben Ross gradually is losing
control of The Wave.

Chapter 12

Why does Laurie not want to attend the Wave rally?

Account for Davids and Lauries arguments used in their fight respectively.

What does Alex mean when saying: Looks like Ive stumbled into Anne Franks

The Wave

Explain what Laurie means by:It sounds like he would have been a perfect
candidate for joining The Wave (p.73)

Chapter 14

What is Night of the living dead and why does Laurie compare the present
situation to this?

In what way does the fact that very few students have heard about the boy who
was beaten up, and yet other stories of abuse and threats comes to light fit in
with Ben Ross original experiment?

Why is Ben Ross suddenly interested in football?

What are Davids initial thoughts about Lauries article?

How does Robert react to her writings?

Chapter 15

What is Bens wife, Christy worried about?

Why does the Grapevine staff consider the latest issue a success?

Find as many passages as possible showing that Laurie does not feel
comfortable when heading home.

What does the writing on her locker door remind you of?

What does David mean by Now Brian was starting to sound like Robert too

How does Ben describe Principal Owens situation (p91)?

Why are David and Laurie not supposed to tell other student that Ben intends to
end The Wave?

Chapter 16

Why is Principal Owen so upset?

What do Ben and Owens agree upon?

The Wave

What does Ben tell his students in history class?

Why does he tell them about the (claimed) state of the nation (where have you
read about this approach before?)

How do Laurie and David feel and what do they think while waiting outside
Owens office?

When walking away from the school, what are Davids thoughts about The

What does Laurie suddenly remember and how does this affect her perception
of The Wave?

Chapter 17

Find as many examples as possible showing Bens somewhat ambiguous

feelings towards ending The Wave.

How does the crowd react to the blank television screens at the wave rally?

After revealing Adolf Hitler as their leader what does Ben tell The Wave
members about themselves and about himself?

General Questions:

Was the experiment with the Wave successful Why / Why not?

Did Ben Ross achieve what he wanted to achieve?

Did he teach things that he never intended to?

How much did the students learn from the experiment?

Do you think The Wave was a good way to learn about modern History?

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