Cad Cam Cae

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CAD/CAM technology have been impacting the design drafting and

manufacturing of product significantly. CAD/CAM deparments are now vissible
in many engineering industries like automobiles, machine tools etc. All mass

industries are



towards computer integrated

manufacturing which uses flexible automation involving robot technology.

CAD/CAM and automation tools have now been devloped fully and the
technology now being used.
A slash between CAD/CAM/CAE indicates many shared functions of
design and manufacturing.
CAD/CAM are highly eveolving areas of computer application and has
revolutionised engineering industry. This revolution begines with simple
drafting system, which allowed computer aided drafting and progressed to
high level of computer aided designing which includes engineering analysis by
the way of modelling and finite ellement analysis. This tools collectively known
as CAD system. On simmilar lines manufacturing system begine with
hardwire, NC controllers using tapes as input devices. This ystems have now
been rendered obsolete with the advent of softwire CNC and DNC controls.
Modern concepts of automation like FMS and the use of robot technology has
change the look of shop floor.
To become more competatives in world with divercity of products, with
countinous changes, the companies must moderise and increase flexibility of
production systems.
The companies find out that the interactive design of a product is a
most efficiency tool for analysis end evaluation. So the use of internet data
base and CAD/CAM/CAE software creates visual data base and industrial
geometry design. Process and product development using Computer and

internet envornment allow a substantially costs and time economy.

On the market there is a lot of CAD-CAM-CAE software which offer
specific tools for engineering design into a tri dimensional virtual space.

Introduction to CAD/CAM :
CAD : stands for Computer Aided Design. It refers to the design and
technical drawing of various engineering applications on computers. A related
term, CADD, stands for Computer Aided Drafting and Design.
CAD implementations have evolved dramatically over the last few
decades. CAD was initially limited to produce drawings similar to hand drafted
drawings at the beginning of its development history. Todays advances in
CAD technology have allowed more skillful and complex applications in
The useful features of CAD include the ability to make changes in the
design easily, and validate designs against design rules. CAD models can
also be used to simulate designs without building a physical prototype.
CAM : An engineering industry based on the needs of the people
transforms ideas in to products, which can then be sold, so that the product
can serve its purpose.The various phases of these operations have drastically
changed with the advent of CAD/CAM technology. The ideas and plannning
can be crystallised by using the various tools available with CAD technology.
CAD allows the designer to model, analyse, review and optimise his designs.
Besides these, it also generates the data and drawings which can be used for
Just as in the design phase, the methods of manufacturing have also
undergo a tremendous change with the use of Numerically Controlled(NC)
and Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine tools.NC technology is

based on controlling the motion of the drives of the machine tool as well as
the motion of the cutting tool via programming code. The above tools allow
integration of varioos phases

of the product cycle. The use of computer

system to plan, manage and control the operations of manufacturing plants is

reffered to as CAM.

Development History of CAD/CAM Technology :

The first commercial numerical-control programming system was
developed in 1957 by Dr. Patrick J. Hanratty. The first CAD system was
developed during the 1960s. Several companies, such as MCS, were founded
in the 1970s and they began to offer automated design/drafting systems in the
early 1970s.


CAD systems are used to build the geometry of the parts.Once the
component has been geometrically defined,the CAM softwares allows the
user to pick tools,select machine speed,and other parameters.The software
then allows the user to specify the direction of the cut.Once this is done,the
CAM software can directly generates the toolpath data as per the instructions.
Higher level systems used use Solid models for tool path generations.In this
case,the tool paths are automatically linked with the part data base.Thus,if
there is geometrical change,the tool path data would also be automatically
updated.These systems are highly suitable for industries involving producing
complex components.

Basic CAD/CAM Hardware

Workstation and PC
A workstation is a general purpose computer designed to be used by one
person at a time and it offers higher performance than normally found in a

personal computer, especially with respect to graphics, processing power and

the ability to carry out several tasks at the same time.
A personal computer is an inexpensive microcomputer, originally
designed to be used by only one person at a time, and is compatible with IBM
PC (though it may sometimes refer to non-IBM compatible machines).
Input Device
A keyboard and mouse are designed to enter data by manual depression
on keys. Most keyboards have characters printed on the keys, they usually
represent characters selected from some language alphabet, along with
numbers and punctuation.
Output Device
Computer monitors show still or moving images generated by a
computer. It is driven by a graphics card and generally matches one or more
display standards.
Plotters are used primarily in drafting and CAD applications, where they
have the advantage of working on very large sized paper while maintaining
high resolution.

CAD/CAM Software
Software is created with programming languages and related utilities.
CAD/CAM systems usually include a variety of software. In an open system,
the software may come from a wide range of sources, including those
purchased from a third party or developed from users.
The latest types of CAD/CAM software are those with built-in intelligence,
some of them are the following.
Parametric design software: These packages represent geometry by
parameters, which linked together by direct values or mathematical equations.
Feature based software: A feather based software uses predefined
geometry or behaviour (e.g. a rounding operation) called feathers to generate
CAD/CAM models.

Knowledge (expert) based software: Systems contain a knowledge base of

specialized information that the expert uses to do his or her job. This generally
consists of data drawn from textbooks, technical papers plus information such
as rules of thumb, wise guessing criteria.
Basic Concepts
(1) Database
A database is an information set organized for flexible searching and
(2) Data structure
A data structure is a specialized format for organizing and storing data.
Often a carefully chosen data structure will allow a more efficient algorithm to
be used.
(3) Algorithm
Algorithm is a computable set of steps to achieve a desired result. A
computer pro-gram can be viewed as a complex algorithm.
(4) Raster
A scanning pattern of parallel lines that forms the display of an image
projected on a display screen.
(5) Raster graphics
A raster graphics image, or bitmap, is a data file or structure that consists of
a generally rectangular array of pixels on a computer monitor or other display
(6) Vector graphics
Vector graphics describe the use of geometrical primitives such as points,
lines, curves and polygons to represent images in computer graphics.
(7) Database management
A database management system (DBMS) is a computer program designed
to manage a database, a large set of structured data, and run operations on
the data requested by numerous users.
(8) Networks

As the increasing dependence on communication and data exchange in

engineering and manufacturing, system hardware is increasingly being tied
together into networks. Networks allow systems to share data and software.
The most common network is LAN (Local Area Network). Large geographic
areas are handled by WAN (Wide Area Network).


Typically the applications of CAM/CAM can be divided in to two broad
categories the operation of the plant.
This process can be further divided into two parts .This fruther part is called
as computer process monitoring.In this case,the computer ditectly interfaces
with the process and recieves the data about the process.In short the
computer doesnot control the process,but just monitors it.A typical example of
this process is the use of digitalread-outs.While manufacturing on lathes,the
digital read-outs give the numericals value of the coordinates. These are used
by the operator to achieve necessary tolerances.
The second area of manufacturing control is called as computer
process control.In this case,the computer not only monitores the data that it
recieves,but also sends signal to control manufacturing process.Human
intervention is only incidental and may occure only under extraordinary
circumtances.This method of control is highly effective and efficient.As an
example,consider a manufacturing process which requires highly controlled
temperatures,where the computer continuously monitors the temperatures
and takes corrective action to maintain this tempteratures.
In this case the computer plays a support role for manufacturing.There

are no direct interfaces between the two.The computer is considered off line
and it is used to provide plans,schedules,forecasts,stastistics,instructions and







production.Typically,operations such as NC part programming,computer aided

process planning,material resource



istimation,production and inventory planning are some of the key area of this
phase of CAM.

1. High productivity and reduced lead times.
2. Accuracy in design.
3. Better controlled over the complete project process
4. Modifications in design are easy.
6. Better communications and presentation of design.
7. Optimised solution as a result of detailed engineering analysis.
8. Automatic database

creations assists in creations of manufacturing


Introduction to CAE :
A few years ago, when a Hong Kong manufacturer decided to invest in
CAD/CAM technology, he was not sure whether the investment could be
justified, in terms of possible savings achievable in the product design stage
and during the manufacturing operations. The manufacturer was actually
buying a Vision, something which he might claim as Strategic Advantages
against his competitions.
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) technology offers "Mathematical
Analysis on Computerized Models, simulating real-life Physical structural
analysis as well as thermal analysis and plastic flow analysis.

Fundamentals of Computer Aided Engineering provides support for all

students involved in computer aided engineering courses in civil, mechanical,
chemical and environmental engineering. This book is also a useful reference
for researchers, practising engineers using CAE and educators who wish to
increase their knowledge of fundamental concepts.

Computer - aided engineering

Any use of computer software to solve engineering problems. With the
improvement of graphics displays, engineering workstations, and graphics
standards, computer-aided engineering (CAE) has come to mean the
computer solution of engineering problems with the assistance of interactive
computer graphics. See COMPUTER GRAPHICS. CAE software is used on
various types of computers, such as mainframes and superminis, grid-based
computers, engineering workstations, and even personal computers. The
choice of a computer system is frequently dictated by the computing power
required for the CAE application or the desired level and speed of graphics
interaction. The trend is toward more use of engineering workstations.
Design engineers use a variety of CAE tools, including large, generalpurpose commercial programs and many specialized programs written inhouse or
elsewhere in the industry. Solution of a single engineering problem frequently
requires the application of several CAE tools program is made up of a number
of mathematical models encoded by algorithms written in a programming
language. The natural phenomena being analyzed are represented by an
engineering model. The physical configuration is described by a geometric
model. The results, together with the geometry, are made visible via a user
interface on the display device and a rendering model
CAE allows for many more iterations of the analysis-design cycle
thanwas possible by hand computation, especially when the CAE is coupled

optimization systems that drive this cycle automatically. The benefits are
translated into improved productivity and quality of design.
Solid modeling on a mainframe via a CAE workstation :
Though many small CAE applications programs are written for
personal computers, of which most engineering companies have a wide array,
most large, commercial CAE programs do not perform effectively or at all on
personal computers. Engineering workstations, on the other hand, have the
necessary computer power and local resources, and usually run only one
CAE program at a time and serve only one user. As a result of this
independence, a demanding CAE code at one workstation node in a
computer network will not affect the response time for other users.
Finite-element stress analysis using commercial CAE software :
A wide variety of output devices are available for CAE images. The most
popular are ink-jet and laser printers for color images and line drawings on
paper and Mylar. Others include wall projection and stereovision display
systems, often combined with positional and orientation input from the
observer. Many types of graphics input devices are available forworkstations
and mainframe displays. Cursor and tablet, mouse, joystick, ball, glove,
function key box, and dial box are the most widely used. Light pens are
generally in use on older-technology displays.

Applications :
The fields of civil, architectural, and construction engineering have CAE
interests similar to mechanical CAE with emphasis on structures. Aerospace,
mechanical, industrial, and manufacturing engineering all make use of
mechanical CAE software together with specialized software.

Conclusion :
The improvement in computer engineering and scanning technology offers
much faster and less costly solutions for product design and product

It offers powerful tools for Hong Kong OEM manufacturers. who are in many
cases, having to work from manual prototypes or just a sample of the end
product, without any drawings or specifications.

References :
CAD/CAM and Automation by Farazdak Haideri.
CAD/ CAM Principles and Applications by P. N. Rao.
CAD/CAM/CAE by Radhakrishana P. and Subramanyam.

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