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Palawan Hope Christian School

Manalo Extension, Puerto Princesa City


Class No.

Name: _____________________________________

Score: _______________

Section: ____________________________________

Date: _______________

I. Conjunction. Encircle the letter of the conjunction that would complete the sentence.
1. These rooms are very comfortable _____ they have a good view of the city.
A. also
B. and
C. still
D. as
2. _____ the teacher explained the lesson several times; some of the students still did
not understand it.
A. Although
B. Even if
C. Unless
D. Since
3. He did not join us for the movie _____ he had already seen it.
A. and
B. but
C. although
D. because
4. She could not find the book she wanted _____ she borrowed a magazine instead.
A. so
B. and
C. but
D. so that
5. I tried to make her realize the consequences _____ she refused to listen.
A. lest
B. since
C. but
D. also
6. He will show us around himself _____ send someone else.
A. and
B. if
C. or
D. so
7. _____ he was not interested in music, he agreed to go to the concert.
A. Though
B. While
C. For
D. Since
8. Those village folk are poor _____ they always seem so contented.
A. though
B. since
C. yet
D. or
9. The river has overflowed his banks _____ it has been raining continuously for
several days.
A. still
B. yet
C. when
D. as
10. I don't think he will remember the appointment _____ you remind him.
A. so
B. if
C. unless
D. lest
11. His fans think that he is ______ talented ______ handsome.
A. either ... or
B. not only...but also
C. neither ... nor
D. so ... that
12. They decided that it would be ______ correct ______ proper to boo at the singer
who sang badly.
A. either ... or
B. not only ... but also
C. quite ... and
D. neither ... nor
13. He is ______ forgetful ______ he just doesn't bother to complete the work.
A. neither ... nor
B. both ... and
C. either ... or
D. not only ... but also
14. ______ Aileen ______ Nancy were elected as prefects in their school.
A. Either ... or
B. Not only ... but also
C. Neither ... nor
D. Both ... and
15. ______ Helen ______ Susan was caught in the traffic jam last night.
A. Neither ... or
B. Not only ... but also
C. Neither ... nor
D. Either ... nor

Sentence Order. Identify if the sentence is in the inverted or natural order. Write INV if
the sentence is in the inverted order and NAT if the sentence is in the natural order on
the blank before the number. Then underline once your simple subject and underline
twice your simple predicate.
_____ 1. Here is your ticket to the concert.
_____ 2. Carolyn, turn down the stereo.
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_____ 3.
_____ 4.
_____ 5.
_____ 6.
_____ 7.
_____ 8.
_____ 9.
_____ 10.

Deep into the cavernous hole went the miners.

She recklessly hit the brakes
Edgar ate the fresh salmon.
Remember to call me.
Around my head buzzed the persistent fly.
Is the coffee ready?
What award did you receive?

III. Figures of Speech. Identify the figure of speech used in each statement. Write S for simile,
M for metaphor, P for personification, O for onomatopoeia, and H for hyperbole in the
blank before the number.
_____ 1.

_____ 3.
_____ 4.
_____ 5.
_____ 6.
_____ 7.
_____ 8.
_____ 9.
_____ 10.

'Cause baby, you're a firework.

_____ 2.
'Cause I get a thousand hugs from ten
thousand lighting bugs and they try to teach me how to dance.
I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar.
I'd catch a grenade for you.
Tick, tock, on the clock, but the party won't stop.
Were beautiful like diamonds in the sky.
You change your mind like girl changes clothes.
You got my heart beat running away.
You were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles.
You've got a smile that can light up this whole town.

IV. Reading Comprehension.

The Warrior Scholar
King Charlemagne had a secret. He could not write. He tried very hard to learn, and every
night, he placed a pen and paper by his bed so that he could practice. Every time he rode
out to war, the pen and paper went with him, but he still could not write.
As a little boy, Charlemagne had been brought up in the court of his father, Pepin. Pepin
was king of the Franks, the people who lived in the land we now call France.
Pepins main aim in life was to drive back Arab armies, which had threatened to spread
right across Europe. So Charlemagnes early years had been spent in learning to fight and
he had no time to study. He defeated the Arabs in France with his father, and then in A.D.
771, he became king of the Franks himself. He grew up to be a tall, strong, and handsome
man who was feared by his enemies.
Charlemagne was a very powerful king. He had protected Christian Europe from the Arab
invasion and in A.D. 800, he was consecrated as holy emperor of that region. He was an
intelligent leader too. He loved talking with poets and artists and listening to scholars. His
court at Aachen, in present-day Germany, became a center of learning. Charlemagne set
up schools throughout his kingdom, so that the children could learn to count, to read, and to
Cross out the wrong answer.
1. What was King Charlemagnes secret?
A. He could not write.
B. He had learned how to write.
C. He had paper and pen beside his bed every night
2. Who was Pepin?
A. Charlemagnes childhood friend
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B. King of Franks
C. Charlemagnes father
3. Where was Charlemagne brought up?
A. in the court of his father
B. in the court of the Franks
C. in the court of an Arab king
4. Who lived in the land we now call France?
A. Charlemagne, his father, and his people
B. Pepin and the Franks
C. poets and artists
5. What was Pepins main aim in life?
A. to fight the Arab armies with his son Charlemagne
B. to drive back the Arab armies that invaded Europe
C. to spread Christianity to the Arabs
6. How did Pepins aim in life affect Charlemagne?
A. Charlemagne spent his early years in learning to fight like a good warrior.
B. Pepins aim in life became Charlemagnes aim, too.
C. Charlemagne did not want to become a warrior.
7. Who finally defeated the Arabs?
A. Charlemagne and his father
B. the Franks, led by Charlemagne and Pepin
C. the Germans
8. Why did Charlemagne become the holy emperor of Europe?
A. He had become a very powerful king.
B. He had protected the Christian Europe from Arab invaders.
C. He had conquered every single army in Europe.
9. How did he become known as a scholar?
A. He made his court in Aachen a center of learning.
B. He spent much time talking and listening to poets, artists, and scholars.
C. He imprisoned all the poets, artists and scholars in the whole empire.
10. What did the children learn in the schools that Charlemagne set up?
A. how to fight well
B. how to count well
C. how to read, count and write well

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be
added to you. Matthew 6:33

Parents Signature

Prepared by: Ellen Grace C. Manzano

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