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St Bedes Catholic College

Long Cross, Bristol BS11 0SU

Tel: (0117) 3772200 Fax: (0117) 3772201


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7th March 2014

9th March 2014
Paris trip returns
11 March 2014
Year 9 Parents Evening
4.30pm 6.30pm
13th March 2014
St Bedes Cluster Primary G&T
6.00pm 7.00pm
Choir Concert
14th March 2014
Lent Family Fast Day

19th March 2014

4.30pm 7.30pm
20th March 2014

Deadline for Year 9 Option

Year 12 Parents Evening
Deadline for Year 8 Option


Staff and pupils celebrated World Book Day by
decorating their tutor room doors with famous book
covers. This led to staff and pupils discussing their
favourite books. All entries were very imaginative and
Congratulations to our three winners:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Miss Bigwood 7DJBI
Funny Bones
Mrs Pascoe 7BJP
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Mr Slocombe 11PSCS


On 6th February 40 of our most able Year 10 and one
Year 11 mathematicians sat the Intermediate Maths
Challenge paper. The top 40% of the students entered
nationally receive either a Bronze, Silver or Gold
certificate. We had some of our best results this year
and would like to congratulate:
Bronze Certificate
Issac Joseph, Mexin Sebiyachan, Alex Veale, Abigail
Gordon, Noel George, Jasper Green, Tigimol Makkiel
and Owen Harding-Best
Silver Certificate
Cameron Collins, Joshua Bonacorsi, Alex Conway,
Tobias Olds, Eleanor OLeary and Oren Henry
Gold Certificate
Michael Savery, Howard Fish, Thomas Holbrook,
Julia Hlond, Francis Jackson and Chali Chaligha.
Michael Savery and Howard Fish were the best in their
year, with Michael being the best in school.
Nationally the top 5500 students are invited through to
the European Kangaroo, taken alongside students from
over 30 countries. Congratulations go to Julia Hlond and
Thomas Holbrook who are through to the Pink
Kangaroo round for Year 10 and 11 students.
Around 500 of the highest scorers nationally are invited
to take part in the Intermediate Mathematical Olympiad.
Howard Fish has been selected to take part in the
Hamilton for Year 10 students and Michael Savery to
take part in the Maclaurin for Year 11 students.
Our many congratulations go to all our students.
We wish Julia, Thomas, Howard and Michael well on
20th March 2014 as they compete in their next rounds.
Congratulations to Year 8 pupils Genetius Teboh, Jakub
Pazdan and Kwame Hartley represented Avon Schools
last Saturday at the South West Sports Hall Athletics
Championships at Torbay. All three boys produced
excellent performances and helped Avon win the
competition. They will now represent Avon at the
National Championships in Manchester later this


In the last newsletter we were pleased to inform you
that three of our Year 11 pupils had been selected to
represent the UK at the World Scout Jamboree in Japan
in 2015. We were delighted last week to hear that Year 8
pupil Kieron Obee has also been selected. This is a
wonderful personal achievement for Kieron.
We now have four pupils who have been selected to go
to Japan. As well as Kieron, Year 11 pupils Michael
Savery, Alex Selway and Luned Stevens will be joining
him. Quite a number from a relatively small school!

During the recent half term 42 students and 6 teachers
made the 28 hour journey to Sallbach in Austria for the
annual ski trip. Our hotel was in the middle of the
mountain with an amazing view of the slopes. With
snow falling almost every night, the skiing was brilliant!
There was something different to do every night, from
going to watch a live ski show, to Austrian dancers
coming to visit our hotel. As the week flew by, all of our
skiing really improved. Iwan Hughes was awarded King
of the mountain, Nathalie Canvin was our Queen, and
finally Brandon Evans received the award for the most
improved skier. However, Mrs Garrett nearly beat him to
this title after 62
days on snow she
finally managed a
whole day without
falling over,
It was an awesome
holiday, and such
good fun.
Juliette Corr, Head Girl


Congratulations to all Year 10 and 11 musicians involved
in yesterday evenings Key Stage 4 recital. Over 30 GCSE
Music pupils performed a variety of solo and ensemble
pieces in preparation for their forthcoming exams.
The standard of music was superb and students were a
credit to the Music Department. It was great to see so
many families here to share in a celebration of
wonderful talent.


As part of St Bedes Sky Sports Living for Sport project
we were lucky enough to welcome GB snow boarder
Jamie Barrow to college last week. Born in Switzerland,
Jamie now lives in Bath and is the current world and
British record holder. During his visit, Jamie gave an
inspirational talk in assembly to Year 7 pupils which
focussed on his early years and how he became the
athlete he is today, whilst overcoming severe injuries.
Later in the morning, Jamie then delivered two lessons;
the first being a practical with the Year 10 class involved
in the Sky Sports project this year and the second, a
presentation with the sports captains for each year
group. It was a great experience for all involved and the
pupils really relished the opportunity to learn from a
professional athlete.

Last weekend the Young Enterprise Group was once
again marketing and selling an array of goods at Cabot
Circus. These included tie dye t-shirts, home made
wooden clocks, candle holders, shell candles and pencil
holders. The pupils were excellent and made 90 worth
of sales.
If any parent has any business interest/involvement and
would like to support Young Enterprise in any capacity
next year then please can you contact Mr Lincoln.
The month long 'Readathon' finished yesterday.
Please can pupils return their sponsor cards with any
sponsorship money as a cheque made payable to
'Readathon.' These should be put in an envelope and
posted in the red box in the library.
A lot of buzz was created about books and reading.
Here's what some of our Year 8 pupils had to say about
it: 'Being involved in the Readathon has stimulated my
mind with reading; it intrigues me more with reading
new books, with new adventures to explore the world of
reading' Nancy Nganga
'The Readathon has encouraged me to read more and to
spend less time on my game consoles' Moni'ee Wilson


Next Friday 14th March is Lent
Family Fast Day.
This year we are encouraged to dig deep and think about
what we could give up for Lent, how we could use our
gifts and talents to help those in need and how we could
dig deep inside our spiritual selves and be transformed
during Lent. In college there are many ways to become
Monday 8.45-9.05 Voluntary Mass (from 17th March)
Monday Break Meditation/Adoration in the chapel
Monday Lunch Leaders of Faith fundraising for Cafod
(Years 10-13)
Tuesday Break Mini enterprise stalls run by the
Faithworks team in the blue area
Tuesday Lunch Youth SVP
Thursday Break Fairtrade stall
Thursday Lunch Faithworks team in the Chapel
fundraising for Cafod (Years 7-9)


Year 8 Exams
These will take place on Thursday 27th March and Friday
28th March this year. Pupils will be sitting English and
Science on Thursday and Maths on Friday in the
Year 10 Science Mock Exam
All pupils following Double Science in Year 10 will sit
their mock exam in the Sportshall on Thursday 27th
Year 10 & 11 End of Term 4 Exams
In response to parental feedback, we can confirm that
the Year 10 and 11 end of Term 4 exam dates are now
published on our website.

Year 7 vs Henbury Won 7-1
Year 7 vs Bristol Free Lost 3-1
Year 8 vs Henbury Won 10 - 0
Year 8 vs Bristol Free Won 2-1
Year 9 vs Henbury Lost 7 - 1
Year 10 vs Henbury Won 9 - 0
Congratulations to the Year 10 boys who are through to
the next round of the Woodcock trophy after beating
Brimsham Green 8 -1


The college has been given a number of free tickets to
watch the Bristol vs Ealing Rugby match on Sunday 30th
March. Pupils wishing to attend should bring in a note
asking for the required amount of tickets.


Congratulations to all pupils who have represented their
Houses in the Inter House Football Competition over the
last two weeks. In total nearly 200 pupils have played
Football. Bell Burnell house has been crowned Girls
Champions and Descartes House Boys Champions for
Individual Year winners are:
Year 7 Bell Burnell
Year 8 Descartes
Year 9 Pasteur
Year 10 Bell Burnell
Year 11 Pasteur
Year 7 Descartes
Year 8 Bell Burnell
Year 9 Descartes
Year 10 Pasteur
Year 11 Pasteur


If you need to email the school please use as this is checked daily. The
email the College uses to send information is for
outgoing email only and is not checked on a regular

At a golf tournament, each player shakes hands once
with every other golfer.
There were fifteen handshakes.
How many golfers were at the tournament?
Too wise you are, too wise you be, I see you are too wise
for me!
There is a plan for each of us, and each of us is precious.
As we open our hearts more and more, were moved in
the direction in which were supposed to go.
Marianne Williamson

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