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Ethnic diversity in the workplace not useful this is for employee not related to

Evidences are supporting an association between workplace ethnic diversity and an optimistic
approach on our activities of achieving business benefits. According to a review by Scott (2011)
form U.S recognize various evidences that projects an optimistic correlation among the board of
director level and ethnic workforce diversity solid productivity, related to the statistics about
gender diversity. The study of 100 firms from FTSE in UK have recommended a relationship
among the share values of a business entity and directors appointment from minority ethnic
groups (Singh, 2007). According to the Rabobank Nederland case study a business organization
can increased its profits and market value among the minorities of its homeland due to the
policies of increasing ethnic diversity among the diverse workforce Nederland (Subeliani and
Tsogas, 2005).
Studies often identify positive impacts of ethnic diversity in certain business settings. Richard et.
al. (2003) suggests a favorable relationship between increasing ethnic diversity and rising returns
on equity for banks that are pursuing an innovation strategy. Richard (2000) identifies a positive
correlation between workforce ethnic diversity and productivity in firms pursuing growth
strategies. McKay et al. (2008) finds that average ethnic differences in sales performance are
toned-down by diversity climate.
Sometime researches recognized the ethnic diversity positivity in certain business circumstances.
According to Richard et al. (2003), constructive relationship among rising ethnic diversity and
increase the return on capital requirements for financial institutions like banks, are following the
strategy of innovation. Richard (2000) explores to achieving the growth strategies positive
correlations among ethnic workforce and labor productivity are very much imperative. Similarly,
McKay et al. (2008)defines that in sales performances ethnic differences toned-down through the
climateof diversity. In most of the families of UK, the employment is not simply providing a
way to wipe out the poverty. Many of the migrant minority workers from Pakistan, India,
Bangladesh, sibilance are extremely characterized in low-paid work. Additionally, there are signs
that the request for low level skills are continuously falling. However, till date, little attention has
been focused towards the employees behaviour and attitudes in relation to advancing the low
paid employees.

The above discussed studies are not only aimed at the low paid and poverty driven workers but
the impact of ethnic minority factor and discrimination at workplaces due to different ethnic and
cultural backgrounds are also important. In this context, the role of identity markets and ethnicity
factors at workplaces contribute informally to the workplace practices and career progression of
these groups and individuals. The low paid employment is only one consequence of ethnicity
discrimination; otherwise the socially inactive roles, acceptance in societies of UK and USA, and
the active citizens roles are other impacts of the ethnic differences. The challenges faced by
organization in managing the ethnic diversity is also one of the major concerns discussed un the
sections below.
Work aspirations in ethnic Minorities
McKay et al (2008) and McLeod and Lobel (1992) discussed in their studies that the acceptance
of migrant workers in their workplaces in UK are not supported and challenged due to the
cultural differences with the native workers. The failures of adaptation in cultural and linguistic
variations of thes3e minority workers are also due to the biased behaviours of the majority
employees in the form of rude behaviours, exceptional rules, and unjust practices by the
managers. Therefore, the provision of equality and promotion of workplace diversity acceptance
can barely support in this working environment. Ethnic diverse workers have several common
issues of low income survival, maintenance of life expenses, social hardships, and adaptation of
new cultural and working environments. The recent arrival of these minority families in UK have
some other issues of large family size with small dependent children, one person support
households, and lower levels of education (Noon & Hoque 2004). Therefore, the major strategies
used by these minorities to survive in UK are substandard groups living in low income areas or
ethnic majority neighborhoods and survival on the social support incomes from UK government,
The inclusion of these minority workers in main labour streams is very slow in beginning years
and these inclusions are also in low paid-low skills job areas.
Though, these minority workers do have aspirations of moving high in career ladders and get a
more improved quality of life and living conditions. The progress to the levels of supervisors and
team leader is normally achieved in few years of struggle but due to the discouraging attitude of
coworkers and managers, most of the times block their further development and progress.

According to Healy et al (2009) and Kyle (2009), women minorities faced greater challenges in
meeting the requirements of life and up gradation in working standards. The house and cultural
roles of these ethnic women do not give them enough room to educate themselves por to
progress in their male dominant countries of origin in Asia and Africa. Otherwise, the open and
equal opportunistic culture of UK provides enough legislation to these minority women also but
their family and cultural bondages affect their career progression drastically.

Development and progress of ethnic workforce

Apart from the challenges faced by the minority workers in working environment and social
standings, they face enormous challenges in acquiring further education an d professional
competencies. Swann et al (2-004) asserted that for ethnic minorities, a key issue was an absence
of transparency encompassing developmental open doors which might encourage being
acknowledged for advancement. This was identified with their level of incorporation inside the
working environment, incorporating consideration in the same streams of data as their white
Scottish and British partners. Numerous minority workers felt that their abilities and experience
were under-perceived inside the work environment, referring to an inclination for stereotyping
and partiality. Case in point, one singular felt that administration stereotyping of her abilities and
her dialect aptitudes was keeping her vocation advancement. Some ethnic minority laborers
addressed whether individuals from an ethnic minority foundation adjusted to chiefs' desires of
who would promptly fit into managerial parts:
Furthermore, O'Connell,P. and Russell, H. (2005) asserted that ethnic minorities are likewise
more inclined to gripe of unequal medication or prohibition inside the working environment,
which was frequently troublesome to test through formal techniques. Low-paid specialists of all
foundations spoke of casual working environment polishes which could undermine break even
with open doors arrangements and courses of action, for instance, casual recruitment drills. It
was clear that directors' brain sets had a capable impact on the casual working environment
works on limiting movement. Where directors are decidedly arranged to specific gatherings of
workers, this could bring about developmental open doors which would eventually bring about
advancement. On the other hand, Monks (2007) explained that where supervisors are adversely

predisposition (intentionally or unwittingly) towards certain gatherings of representatives, this

could bring about persevering low wage traps and squandered potential.

The paper has identified several challenges faced by ethnic minorities in organization s of
developed countries, especially in the labour markets of UK. The lack of career growth,
opportunities of equal employments, gender based inequalities, cultural differences and racial
discrimination from native employees are some of the major challenges faced by ethnic
workforce in UK based organizations. Also, the low paid jobs, substandard quality of living, and
non-acceptance in social ser up of the host country negative impacts the physical and
psychological growth of these minority workers. Therefore, besides the presence of anti
discrimination laws and codes of conduct, the real practices in the UK based organizations
should be in favour of these minority workers

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