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Non-Profit Organ,

Box 86


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Palestine, Ohio
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Mission Services
P.O. Box 2427

Knoxville, TN 37901-2427

RFvican Kiss ion E^^ansel isn^


Affiliate or Ghana Christian College

anoGfir oDHiaaQisia

3900 Koons Road

New Madison, GR 45346


August 27, 1994

A Hasty Journey (brief furlough)

On July 17, 1994, Nathan, Tai, and Twyla Bright left Kotoka International Airport
for the united States.

Nathan and Tai had not been in the U.S. since June 21, 1991.

After an extra 24 hour stay in Schiphol International Airport in Amsterdam, we were

delighted to be met in Indianapolis by daughter Tasha and John and Barbara Roll. The
Rolls have been Tasha's second parents for the past year.

Since we arrived on July 19th we have had a busy and joyful time. We have accomplished
most of the tasks we needed to complete, and some that were added after we arrived.
As I write this we are ccor^leting our packing. It is so hard to leave our wonderful
adult children behind. Most of us have a hard time having our children leave the

"nest" and adjusting to the clmnges.

It creates a whole different challenge "when ^

the "nest" has left the continent.


Thank you from the depths of our hearts to all who have made our time here a blessing.
We owe a "very special thank you to Frank and Lois Nichols who have provided a home
base for the three of us and Tasha during our time here.

Our journey will close "wh^ we arrive home to Tim on August 30, 1994. America is an
incredibly blessed country, but Ghana is the home God has for us at this time.
Health Report

Medical care -was a major factor in planning our agenda.

Nathan, Tasha, Tai, and Twyla all had dental check-ups.

Tasha has a special

dental situation, but it "was decided to continue to watch and pray rather than have

oral surgery and braces.

Nathan had two small cavities filled, his first ever.

Twyla and Tai just needed their teeth cleaned.

Thank you. Dr. Stults, for your

excellent care.

Nathan and Tai had physicals, and the doctor declared them fit.
to know that our efforts at self-medication

Twyla had a check-up by her heart doctor.

It "was comforting

are working.

She "was only able to stay on the treadmill

for 1/3 of the time she had two years ago. The doctor suspected anemia, but the
blood tests "were all okay. On her trip back from a week at her mother's, Twyla
hurt her back. A trip to the chiropractor revealed that part of Twyla's heart
problem stems frcxti a back problon she has had since her teens. The chiropractor
has shown her an exercise to help keep the vertebrae with the missing part settled
"Where it belongs.

The malaria medication appears to also contribute to the problem, so please pray
for a shield of protection against this disease.
Tasha, Nathan, Tai, and Twyla all had eye examinations. Tasha had to have new lenses
for her glasses. Nathan has to go back to using his glasses for periods of close

reading or time on the conputer. Tai has glasses now, and is enjoying being able to

see clearly.

Twyla was pleased to learn that the bifocals she had had made in Ghana

are close to correct.

Family Time

Time with our loved ones was a primary concern on this trip. We deeply regret that
we were unable to have time with Doug, Twyla's brother, and his family.

were only able to spend a very short time with Teresa.

Also, we

We have tried to compensate

with several phone calls.

July 23rd and 24th was family reunion time. Teresa and her friend, Paul Dulgov,
flew to Indianapolis.

from church camp.

brother's family.

Nathan, Tasha, Tai, and Twyla drove to Indy.

Lance came home

Kathleen, Lance's wife, drove back home from a visit to her

Kris drove to Indy on Sunday after church. For an hour and a

half Twyla had all her children together for the first time in over three years.
What a joy to be blessed with such special children who are a privilege to share
with and know.

We were able to have some excellent sharing times with Tim's parents, Gerald and
Helen Bright.

We were able to spend a weekend in Stanton, KY, with Tim's sister's

family, Donna and David Bowden.

Twyla was able to fly to Oklahoma and visit family there.

Nathan, Tasha, and Tai

stayed at Lance and Kathleen's while Twyla flew to Oklahoma City. Twyla was delighted
to find her cousins Rita, Rhonda, and Mary Jean and two of their daughters to welcome
her. Twyla's time spent with her mother was good. Her mother has had surgery for
breast cancer and was to finish her radiation treatments this week. We pray God
will continue to bless her with His strength and healing. Seeing family in Oklahoma
was bittersweet.

We are all growing older, and some of us may not meet again until

we arrive home in Heaven.

Our family time will end with a birthday party picnic at the airport on Monday. It

is -Kcfchleen's birthday, and she and Lance will meet us there.

taken the day off frcmi work and will drive us to the airport.

classes at Cincinnati Bible College.

Kris has kindly

Tasha will be at her

Teresa will be attending her classes at Arizona

state University.

I hate goodbyes, but am eager to be back with Tim.

If you would like to write any of our children to share your love and encouragement,
their addresses follow:

Kris Bright
1646 Hopewell Road


(317) ,847-2470. This is his landlord,

please use for emergencies only.

Fountain City, IN 47341

Lance and Kathleen Bright

4251 Haughey Avenue., A-4
Indianapolis, IN 46208
(317) 931-1256
Teresa Bright

Arizona State University

Mariposa Hall, Box 125
Tempe, AX 85282


(602) 784-9773

Tasha Bright

Cincinnati Bible College

Box 36

From left to right:

2700 Glenway Avenue

Cincinnati, OH 45204


Kris, Tasha,


Lance, Tai, Nathan, Paul, Teresa, Twyla

(513) 244-8413

God's Family Time

We were blessed by being able to see and share with many of you.

Two special

blessings were the week we spent as the missionaries for Vacation Bible School at

Spartanburg and the week as missionaries at Junior High camp at Camp Christian.
Thank you to all who invited us to share and report on our work in Ghana.

It was

a blessing and encouragement to be among our Christian brothers and sisters, many
of whom are also prayer partners.

I was able to share in special presentations of

our work twenty times in the last six weeks.

Thank you for listening and caring. May God continue to bless you richly.







In Affiliation with Ghana Christian College and Seminary

Tim &Twyla Bright Family

Frank &Lois Nichols, Fwd. Agents

P.O. 80x 5722

3900 KoonsRd

Accra N., Ghana, W. Africa

New Madison, OH 45346


51 3-997-6718

01 1-233-21-224469




With love and joy we offer our deepest thanks to you, our faithful supporters in prayer, finances, and

love. As you celebrate your thanksgiving season in America we want to offer our thanks to God and to

you for your generous and heartfelt gifts. May God bless you and may you have a very warm and happy
Thanksgiving with those who are special to you.
96 full-time students - a new record!

LAND/RELOCATION - The land is still waiting to be settled. Proper surveying and an indenture
need to be completed so that the land can be owned by the College. Please pray that these matters are

settled as soon as possible. A"CONCEPT" Booklet has been initiated by David Kalb and drawn by

Sutherland and Sutherland of Accra, Ghana. The College is now engaged in changing many of the needed
areas of the "Concept" so that "flnal"drawing can be made. Please pray for wisdom by faculty and Board
of Regent members as decisions are made. Meeting 12/7/94.


One of the main events of the Bright household was mid-term break at GIS which provided the

opportunity for Nathan and Tai to travel to Kumasi to visit friends during the final October weekend

(Wed. - Sun.). Needless to say Tim and Twyla enjoyed a short break together.

The A.M.E. mission team of Accra traveled to Kumasi and Sunyani to visit our co-workers

missionaries for a joint meeting on Oct. 29, and visit with national elders and leaders of the Sunyani
Christian Church. The visit was very profitable, however the travel was tiresome especially through
the darkness and in the rain on narrow two lane roads full of chuck holes for 3 hours. Tim did the bulk

of the driving.
PLEASE PRAY For: (A suggested schedule for each day)

1) Health and strength. We have been pretty good. Twyla is recovering from pneumonia. She

had to miss a week of work at GIS. She is slowing gaining. Tai is now sick.

Tue.^_2) The College land and relocation.

Wei^ 1^) Peace in Ghana. Wars and rumors wars, skirmishes etc. abound with our neighbors. The
Northern area of Ghana is at peace now, but very tense.

Thurs. 4) Nathan and Tai have final exams for the term in a few weeks (end of Nov.-1st part of Dec.).

Please remember our family in the states.

5) Electrical power is still rationed although the Akosombo Dam is filling. It is over the


critical mark now by nearly 8 ft., but still has over 20 ft. to reach capacity. OUR


What cost $35 a month now cost $100.


6) The 60 Christian Churches in the Country and over 30 preaching points in the north. Most


7) The boldness, courage and wisdom to speak the message God places on our hearts to convert

churches only receive $1-2 in their offerings each week.

and nurture the lost.



Oct. 1-2: At Esikuma-Gomoa, a new church planted in August for a weekend revival. There
were 9 conversions.

Oct. 9. At Akplane, the oldest Christian Church in Ghana. Tim officiated communion service for
a regional rally day.

Oct. 16: At Akraman, a self-supporting church that built their fine chapel WITHOUT outside
help. These people are pineapple farmers. Ghana Christian College is training their preacher.
Oct. 23: At Abeka Christian Church. Tim taught a seminar on stewardship.


Oct. 28-30: Kumasi, Sunyani (200 miles inland).


Nov. 5-6: At Ashaiman (Nicolas Otumfo). Tim taught a session on evangelism and participated
in the first annual celebration of the church. There were over 200 present on Sunday, Nov. 6..They
included delegations from a number of area Christian Churches. There were 4 conversions. One was a
girl from the northern part of Ghana whose family has settled in the area. She is from the Fra Fra
people, one of the target people groups for evangelism. The film, "Jesus" was rained out on Sat. night.
Nov. 12-13: At Adyembra village. Western Regional Convention. Show "Jesus" Film. 10
accepted Christ.

Nov. 19-20: At Fumesua. Tim and students go for evangelistic meeting and seminar to a Church
planted earlier in Feb. of 1994.

Nov. 27: Osu (Accra). Tim visits and preaches at the newly planted church where Francis
Agordzo is ministering.
General Mission Account
Balance on Fland 9/1/94

Balance on Hand 9/30/94
General Mission Account

Balance on Hand 10/1/94





Housing, Personal, & Ministry



Housing, Personal & Ministry



Thank you very much! We praise God for the support. There is ample to pay housing for the rent due

For detailed account and any further questions, please contact Mrs. Lois Nichols.

THE WESTERN REGIONAL CONVENTION - A study in contradictions!

I tossed and turned on my rain soaked bed. I heard drumming in the distance. I had no idea what
time it was, only that night was still lingering. I dozed chancing for a bit more sleep only to be
awakened this time by the loud buzz of a chain saw right outside my one room mud house that I shared
with two of my helpers, and where a number of others had stored their clothes.

This time I aroused

enough to slowly make my way to the door. Daylight had now enveloped the village. The host evangelist
invited me to a "hot" bath. This sounded great. He led me to a three sided "bathhouse" made of bamboo
poles tied together with palm leaves. One does not want to lean on the wall! There was no "door", cloth,
or covering of any kind on the opening. A bucket of simmering water just off of the fire sat firmly on
the few stones. I enjoyed the bucket bath. It was the first "hot" bath I had in weeks since ours at the

house in out and we cannot seem to find a competent plumber. I got ready for services that morning
when I would preach.
Later that morning I learned that the prayer meeting that woke me so early had been at 4:30 am!
The evening before we had Just finished showing the "Jesus" film and taking confessions. There were 10
people who had accepted Christ. I had Just settled onto the bed when the rain storm that had been
steadily moving in our direction all evening finally let loose with everything. Rain dripped on the bed,
but the floor was dry. My colleagues took my old (35 yrs.!) sleeping bag for a mattress and slept on the
floor. I found a dry place on the bed.
The service moved right along until the offering time. That took 1/12 hours. They were trying
to raise $80 to pay some of the expenses. I think the 200 + people came a bit short. When I was ready
to leave there were 50 people who wanted me to haul their baggage over the 3 miles of rain soaked hills.
By this time it was 1 pm and was getting very hot. I had to lighten the load and only took one sick older
woman to the junction where she ' could wait for the others. After getting out to check the trail 6
times, stopping to push and get unstuck twice going up the steep hill, and inching our way to the main

highway 30 minutes had passed and I was thankful. Now my student team and I were on our way to
Accra where I would preach the evening service, and did last night. Just a another day to be thankful
for God's providential care!.


Box 86

Palestine/ OH 45352


Non-profit Organ.


U S* Postage

Palestine# Ohio
Permit No.

Mission Services
P.O. Box 2427

Knoxville, TN 37901-2427

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