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February 19, 2015
6:00 PM


Bingham Lake Darren Kalvig
Heron Lake John Hay
Jackson Donnie Schoenrock
Lakefield Ern Malchow
Round Lake Keith Stubbe

Bingham Lake Carol Goeman
Jackson Ken Temple

OTHERS PRESENT: Travis Thies, Doug Knuth, Gary Larson

1 Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:20 PM by Keith Stubbe,
2 Review & Approve Board Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes of the
January 15, 2015 and February 12, 2015 meeting was made by Donnie Schoenrock
and seconded by Ern Malchow. All were in favor and the motion carried.
3 Review Financials & Approve Payables: The group reviewed the financials and
payables. Questions regarding per diems paid to attend meetings outside of SMBS
board meetings were raised. A motion to pay the bills with the exception of mileage
to Kurt Lintelman; and only staff meetings, SDN meeting and SMBS board meetings
and applicable mileage to Keith Stubbe was made by Donnie Schoenrock and
seconded by Ern Malchow. All were in favor and the motion carried. Staff will review
previous minutes to determine which meetings were approved by the board for
Keith to attend/be reimbursed for.
A motion to require SMBS board pre-approval for reimbursement to attend an
outside meeting; and in the event a meeting is deemed necessary in between board
meetings, the board should be informed via e-mail and reimbursement presented
for approval at the following meeting was made by John Hay and seconded by
Darren Kalvig. All were in favor and the motion carried.
4 Old Business:

Job Descriptions: Travis distributed technician job descriptions. Board

members will take them home and read over them with plans to approve
at the next board meeting along with an employee handbook.

b. Other: Staff needs to get bill/rate increases from Windom so that customer
rates can be aligned to new programming fees. The board will consider a
special meeting as information on programming fees becomes available.
5 New Business:
a. Other: Travis discussed a vital signs report. The board would like this at
every meeting attached to the board packet.
6 Board Member Concerns/Issues: Donnie will check on the 42 unit complex going
up in Jackson to see how we can install our service and report at the next meeting.
7 Adjournment: Having no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was
made by Donnie Schoenrock and seconded by Darren Kalvig. All were in favor and
the meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Respectfully Submitted by
John Hay, Board Secretary

Keith Stubbe, Chairperson

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