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7 things you should know about...


Scenario What is it?
For part of her upper-level course on residential archi- Flickr is a photo-sharing website where anyone can upload and
tecture, Dr. Ellis sends her students out into the streets tag photos, browse others’ photos, and add comments and an-
on a digital-picture scavenger hunt. Most use the cam- notations. Users can create photo sets and collections to manage
eras in their cell phones, but a few have stand-alone content, and participate in topical groups to cultivate a sense of
cameras. Their assignment is to photograph houses community. Launched in February 2004, Flickr embodies what
that embody the architectural trends and characteris- has come to be known as Web 2.0 technology. The site provides
tics in residential design from various styles and eras. the tools, but the value derives from the contributions of the user
Each student photographs five houses that he finds community—photos, comments, ratings, and organization—and
representative of three different architectural styles, the connections that the site facilitates between individuals. Flickr
uploads the 15 photos to Flickr, and adds them to the also provides a range of privacy settings, giving users consider-
private group that Dr. Ellis created for the class. For able control over how their photos can be used.
each photo, the student writes a caption describing
how the home pictured is an expression of the style in
Who’s doing it?

question. The students also use the note tool to outline
While it is not the most popular photo-sharing site, Flickr has a
particular features of the home and explain how that
very loyal and engaged user base among Web 2.0 users and
detail fits—or in some cases doesn’t fit—the dominant
strong name recognition among the general public. The site has
style of the house.
more than two billion images and 20 million unique tags, and its
On Flickr, the students look at their classmates’ pho- collaborative tools have made it popular in higher education. Some
tos, adding their opinions and asking questions in faculty have begun using Flickr images in their courses, and art
the comments section, where other students and the schools, biologists, and others use the site to share, critique, and
person who took the picture can read and respond to analyze visual information.
the collective commentary. Students can also add an-
In a partnership with the Library of Congress, Flickr recently intro-
notations to other students’ photos, calling attention
duced a new project called The Commons, in which 3,100 images
to details that contribute to the discussion about what
from the Library of Congress are posted on a special section of
separates one architectural style from another, and
Flickr. Visitors can add tags and comments or speculate about
about how some designs—intentionally or not—include
the provenance or significance of each image. In this way, The
distinctive elements from dissimilar architectural styles.
Commons is designed both to increase access to the collections
Dr. Ellis reviews Flickr to evaluate the students not only
held by civic institutions and also to enable the generation of col-
on their understanding of the architecture expressed
lective knowledge by soliciting input from anyone about the items
in their photos but also on the contributions they make
in the collection. Interestingly, the Library of Congress has its own
in commenting on others’ photos. She encourages
online catalogue of prints and photographs; that the library chose
the students to add their photos to other, public Flickr
to partner with Flickr suggests that organizers saw more potential
groups. Most of the students do this, which provides
in going “where the people are” than in hosting such an application

an opportunity to receive feedback from a broad spec-
on the Library of Congress website.
trum of Flickr users. Although some of the comments

How does it work?

focus on the art of photography, many are from knowl-
edgeable and curious people interested in architecture.
The students also tag their photos with keywords deal- Flickr offers free accounts, which have limits on bandwidth and the
ing with location, color, and other attributes. With each number of groups in which each photo can be included, and paid
additional tag, the picture comes up in more searches, accounts. Using any of several tools or an online form, registered
reaching further into the Flickr community. users can upload photos to the site, assign tags, indicate whether
each photo is public or private, and select other settings, includ-
ing copyright, which can be traditional “all rights reserved” or any

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.
Find more titles in this series
on the ELI website

of the Creative Commons licenses. Copyright settings can vary thousand photos tagged with the term “Mexcio,” for example, and
for different photos. Users can also specify who can add com- anyone searching for content by “Mexico” spelled properly won’t
ments, tags, or annotations—notes specifically about highlighted find them. Flickr largely depends on the community to police itself
portions of an image—to their photos, and each photo can also for copyright violations, and opportunities for libel or invasions of
include information about how and where it was taken. Photos can privacy abound. Moreover, despite the range of features that al-
be organized by groups, which also serve as community topics. low users to comment on photos, the vast majority of remarks are
A group might be called “wooden canoes,” and photos included positive, even glowing, leaving one to wonder how much value
in that group (from multiple contributors) will appear on its page they provide.
along with a list of the group’s members and a discussion board,

for which an RSS feed is available. Flickr photos integrate nicely
with blogs, and the site offers an API, which allows developers to
Where is it going?
Flickr is known for being responsive to the user community, which
write other applications that can interact with Flickr content.
is at the heart of successful Web 2.0 applications, and the site
For each photo, the contributor’s name links to that user’s profile might in this way put pressure on colleges and universities to de-
page. Tags and group names link to dynamic collections of all velop tools that are similarly attractive to students and faculty. Flickr
Flickr material similarly identified. Profile pages include details pro- is developing new ways to submit photos, including sending them
vided by the contributor, as well as testimonials from other users from cell phones, which expands discussion about what to share
and an e-mail tool to send private messages to that contributor. and how. The site also partners with companies that allow users
The result is an always-changing network of collections and con- to create printed products with their photos, such as calendars,
nections, fostering a strong sense of community among users. greeting cards, and books. Some have called for more geolocation

tools to pinpoint where photos were taken and additional ways of

Why is it significant? uploading material. Users can currently access limited statistics
about the views of their photos, but more data might be welcome,
Photo-sharing sites offer vast collections of images that are not such as how many photos have Creative Commons licenses and
available anywhere else because they are owned and contributed who is using those photos. Organizers of The Commons hope
by individuals. As a result, the range of visual resources for a spe- that as the project matures, other cultural institutions will add their
cific topic is enormous. Although Flickr is ostensibly for photos, content to the initiative.
however, the site might more aptly be described as a venue for

sharing experiences and building relationships. User-generated
content is a hallmark of emerging technologies, and for most us- What are the implications for
ers, photos represent an extremely low barrier to entry for sharing
creative work. Students and faculty alike often have many pho-
teaching and learning?
Flickr affords an opportunity for students studying photography
tos that never find an audience. By making photos easy to share, or other art-related subjects to receive feedback and engage with
Flickr demonstrates that contribution can be easy and that almost a community of experts and amateur enthusiasts, exposing stu-
any shared object can find an audience. The ability to engage in dents to the reality of professional practice. This dynamic can be
a conversation about a photo, and to update that photo based on extended to other fields, as evidenced by the success that digital
comments received, builds a sense of community. Indeed, Flickr storytelling projects have had in using visual media to share per-
users have been described as passionate in their use of the site sonal experiences. Students who are engaged with content dem-
and their belief in its value. Moreover, the ubiquity and simplicity of onstrate better learning outcomes, and the immediacy of visual
digital cameras have made amateur photographers out of millions media facilitates that sense of connection to subject material. At
of people, and sites like Flickr provide a place to share photos and the same time, Flickr exposes students to participatory learning
meet people with similar interests, even if photography is not their by capitalizing on the ubiquity of digital cameras and students’
focus. Flickr’s support for Creative Commons licenses adds an- desire to share their creative work. By introducing users to social,
other venue for discussion about the evolving nature of copyright

collaborative technologies, Flickr provides an easy, comfortable
in the digital era. platform for students to engage with content and a community in
the process of collective knowledge creation.
What are the downsides?
Any online service that hosts content raises questions about
the reliability of that service and its terms of use. Institutions of
higher education are generally wary of depending on a commer-
cial service for academic content, which potentially limits Flickr’s
usefulness in teaching and learning. As with any user-created
taxonomy, or “folksonomy,” Flickr’s tags are subject to the mis-
takes of the users who enter them. The site includes more than a
February 2008

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