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2014, May

Saumitra Chaudhri gave recommendations. Hence in news.

What are Bharat emission standards?

Euro norms define the maximum limit of pollutant that a vehicle can emit. (CO2,
nitrogen oxide, sulfur and suspended particulate matter)

If vehicle emits more than this limit, it cannot be sold in Europe.

In India, we follow Euro norms under the label Bharat stage norms. we are gradually
implementing them in more and more cities

higher stage means less emission (just for reference, exact numbers not important for exam)
Euro normBharat Stage
limit of RSPM*
India implements from

I (1)
II (2)
III (3)

IV (4)

V (5)
VI (6)


2000: nation wide

2005: nation wide
2010: nation wide


2011: 7 cities

2014: 24 more cities#

2017: (All India)#



2022 (All India)#

after 2024 (All India)#

#as per Saumitra Committee recommendation.

*Respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM)

Sulfur lead content vs Bharat norms:

To reduce emission from vehicle, weve to fit catalytic converter, particulate filter, &
other fancy devices in its exhaustion system.

But the chemical catalysts in such devices get immobilized in presence of lead/sulphur.

Therefore, fuel should have minimal quantity of lead and sulfur. Else, youll have to
replace those fancy devices too often.

Lead: we are already selling lead-free petrol. Since year 2000 only lead free petrol sold
in India.

sulfur: the Bharat norms give following limits:

present (BS3)
2017 (BS4)
2020 (BS5)

particles per million (ppm) in diesel

50 (already done in BS4 cities)

Why additional Levy on petrol/diesel?

To implement Bharat norms, weve to do two things:
To Vehicle manufacturers
Youve fit catalytic converter, particulate filter & other
fancy gadgets in the engine. This will decrease soot &
ok, Not a problem because these companies already fitting
such equipments in engine, before exporting vehicles to
Europe. (due to higher level Euro standards)

To Oil refineries
You produce fuel with less sulfur,
olefin & other impurities.
(especially for Bharat stage 5)
Problem because refiners have to
buy machines and technology
worth Rs.~80,000 crore.

Government can arrange cash for refineries, by imposing 75 Paise special fuel
upgradation cess on Petrol and Diesel. (says Sumitra Committee)

Send this cash to Oil Industry Development Board (OIDB)

Then, OIDB will upgrade the refineries to Bharat stage 4 and 5.

Previously, recall Famous lawyer Harish Salve reported to supreme court and asked for
30% cess on private diesel vehicles. and that money should be used for implementing
Bharat stage 5 and 6.

Taxation: Misc. recommendations

Import duty should be 0% on both LNG and crude oil.

States VAT should be reduced on CNG sale (to promote CNG vehicles)

Bharat Standards: limitations

1. Four refineries in the North East- Guwahati, Digboi, Numaligarh and Bongaigaon- their
equipment outdated, cannot produce BS4, BS5 quality fuels.
2. Government designated only a few cities under BS-4 standards. BS-4 vehicles more
expensive than BS3. Hence public buys BS3 vehicles from peripheral towns to evade
registration taxes.
3. BS3 fuel is cheaper than BS4 fuel.
4. On older vehicles, we need to fit catalytic after-treatment devices to reduce their
emission. But government & public not pursuing this project enthusiastically.
5. Our diesel to petrol usage ratio is almost (4.5): 1 hence more pollution. This ratio is low
in USA, Europe and Japan.

Flash point in Diesel

It is the lowest temperature at which a fuel starts turning into vapor (which will later

Flash point of diesel is set at 35 degree C. (under both BS3 and BS4.)

Some journalist argue that 35 degree is too dangerous. Because in India, temperature
often above 40 degree celcius (Even EU has flash point limit 55 C, despite having cold

Sumitra rejects this hypothesis, because even tropical countries like Brazil and Argentina
have lower flash points. The temperature in and around the engine of the vehicle is well
over 100 C much above the highest flash point prescribed anywhere in the world.
Hence 35 degree flash point doesnt automatically mean explosion.

Misc. terms from his report


These are unsaturated alkanes. We need to reduce their quantity in fuel, to reduce
It is a measure of diesel quality. Lower the cetane number, diesel will produce
more smoke.

Alternative Fuels
Overall, Saumitra report is three things

1. Bharat norms: implementing next stage

2. taxation issues
3. Alternative fuels- for reducing petrol and diesel consumption. Here, he give pros and
cons of each alternative.

#1: Methanol
Good points

Methanol is readily biodegradable in both

aerobic (oxygen present) and anaerobic
(oxygen absent) environments.
is an alternative fuel for internal
combustion engines
Can be used directly or by blending with
Used in racing cars in many countries, even
in China.

Bad points

Methanol has a high toxicity in


Even 10 ml pure methanol can cause

permanent blindness. (recall those
hooch liquor victims)

Methanol fire burns invisibly, while

petrol burns with a visible flame.

So difficult to detect methanol fire


Pure methanol is corrosive to engine

and fuel lines

Mrunal notes: Additional pros, cons and facts can be gathered for each alternative fuel via
google books, Britannica etc. but then article will become 5 miles long and will take another five
days to finish. And yet there is no guarantee that itll have sufficient facts to solve a possible
UPSC MCQ! Therefore, Ive confined myself only to the facts mentioned in Saumitra report,
nothing beyond that. But youre free to dig through all angles.

#2: Ethanol

is an organic solvent

Ethanol itself burns cleaner and burns more completely than petrol.

Ethanol can be derived from Sugar cane juice and molasses.

Molasses is the byproduct when sugar cane juice converted to sugar.

Timeline of Ethanol blending program in India

2001 Government permitted adding Ethanol in petrol. Pilot project in Uttar Pradesh.
2006 5% Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) began in most states, except JK and North East.

National biofuel policy. Now oil companies required to blend atleast 5% ethanol
with petrol.

But project mostly #EPICFAIL. Most companies not blending more than 2%
ethanol, because ethanol not easily available at reasonable price.


2017 Sumitra Committee proposed 20% ethanol blending by 2017

Case study: Brazils ethanol blending program

Started in mid-70s

Their car-engines designed such way, they use even upto 18% ethanol blending. (Exact
figures not important but for MCQ the examiner may twist statement saying car engine
cannot run properly if ethanol blending more than 10%then you should know it is an
incorrect statement.)

#3: Hydrogen fuel

Bad points:
1. Cost of hydrogen pipeline is 15x times more expensive than a CNG/LPG pipeline.
2. Hence, only few areas of USA have hydrogen pipeline.
3. In the entire world hardly 200 hydrogen refiling stations by 2013. (rank: N.America >
Asia > South America)
4. Hydrogen burns with colorless odorless flame, hence hard to detect leakage.

Hydrogen Vision 2020 (GIFT)

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)s Green Initiatives for Future Transport

It has vision 2020 for Hydrogen.

Aim: sell Hydrogen at cost of 60-70 per kg

Build pipelines and refilling stations for hydrogen fuel.

Get at least 1 lakh hydrogen vehicles on Indian road

Safety regulation, laws and codes.

#4: CNG: Compressed Natural gas



CNG emits far less pollutants than

petrol or diesel
CNG doesnt have carcinogens like
Success story in Delhi and Mumbai
CNG-public transport.

CNG filling station requires more

investment than petrol pump.

Public not ready to buy CNG kits/vehicles

1. Lack of CNG filling stations in many
2. Price difference between CNG vs
petrol/diesel not that big.

#5: LPG-Liquefied Petroleum gas

LPG is predominantly propane and butane. Propane constitutes 30-99%.

LPG can be derived from.

o refining crude oil
o natural gas

Hence no risk of single source dependence

LPG is globally surplus because of Natural Gas production.

In some countries, LPG is called Auto-Gas and used in taxis e.g. Korea, Turkey,
Russia, Poland and Italy.
Good points

bad points

emits far less pollutants than petrol or diesel

Unlike CNG, the LPG does not require

elaborate gas grid-network or compressor
station at refueling stations.

Today, cost per km for LPG car is

almost equals petrol car.

So there is no cost-advantage to
make public shift from petrol cars
to LPG cars.

Therefore, LPG refilling station can be opened

with less investment. Cheaper in long run.

#6: Hybrid and electric vehicles (HEV)

HEVs have both internal combustion (running on petrol) and electricity.

Both USA and China planning to add 1-5 million new HEV vehicles by 2020.

India should also work on this. More details in old article click me

Suggestions to reduce tailpipe pollution

List not exhaustive. Ive lifted only a few non-technical, easy to memorize points from his report.

1. BEE (Bureau of energy efficiency) labels on vehicles to show their fuel efficiency.
2. We need to replace the existing PUC system to a more reliable computerized system.
3. We need to link vehicle insurance with pollution. (i.e. higher pollution vehicle should be
ordered to pay higher premium for same coverage)
4. Give subsidy, tax-benefit to vehicle owners to retrofit their engines with newly emission
control devices
5. Impose higher taxes on old vehicles, because they emit more gases.
6. More tax on diesel guzzling SUV cars.
7. Less tax on hybrid cars, CNG vehicles.
8. Use chemical markers to detect adulteration of diesel/petrol with kerosene. Make oil
companies responsible for fuel quality at their station.

Mock Questions:
Correct statements
Q1. Petroleum ministry had setup Saumitra Chaudhari Committee for ___.
a. Diesel subsidy pricing in India
b. Petrol taxation in India
c. Implementation of Bharat stage 4 norms.
d. Auto fuel vision policy 2025
Q2. Suppose two cars are of identical size and body. One produced India and another in Europe.
Which of the following is/are correct:
a. Euro IV car causes less pollution than Bharat V car.
b. Euro III car causes more pollution than Bharat III car.
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B
Q3. At present, every city of India is under ___ norm.

a. Bharat stage VI or higher

b. Bharat stage II of higher
c. Bharat stage III or higher
d. Bharat stage IV or higher
Q4. To comply with higher level Bharat norms, oil refineries need to produce diesel with less
sulphur content because
a. It is an air pollutant
b. It deactivates the catalysts in particulate filter & other emission reduction devices fitted in
the vehicles.
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B
Q5. Consider following statements about flashpoint:
1. Flashpoint is the temperature at which fuel catches fire.
2. Indian diesel has flashpoint of 35 degree celcius.
3. Higher the flashpoint, less dangerous the fuel.
Correct statement
a. Only 1 and 2
b. Only 2 and 3
c. Only 1 and 3
d. None of them
Q6. Consider following statements
1. To improve the quality of petrol and diesel, refineries will have to add Olefin into them
from Bharat stage IV onwards.
2. Diesel with higher Cetane number is considered to be of lower quality.

3. National biofuel policy 2008 requires Oil refineries to blend at least 5% ethanol with
Incorrect statements are
a. Only 1 and 2
b. Only 2 and 3
c. Only 1 and 3
d. None of them
Q7. Consider following statements about Methanol
1. Pure Methanol can be used in treatment of retinal glaucoma
2. Methanol is biodegradable in aerobic environment but not in anaerobic environment.
3. In many countries, methanol is used as a fuel in race cars, including China.
Incorrect statements are
a. Only 1 and 2
b. Only 2 and 3
c. Only 1 and 3
d. None of them
Q8. Consider following statements
1. CNG is not a safe fuel because contains traces of carcinogens such as Benzene in vapor
2. In the whole world, North America has highest number of Hydrogen refilling stations
3. Pure hydrogen fuel burns with blue flame hence provides highest amount of energy per
kg, than any other fuel.
Incorrect statements are
a. Only 1 and 2
b. Only 2 and 3

c. Only 1 and 3
d. None of them

General Studies Mains paper 3 Syllabus topic: Environmental Pollution.
1. Write a note on the salient recommendations of Saumitra Chaudhary Committee on auto
fuels (200 words).
2. What is Indias Hydrogen Vision 2020? (100 words)
3. What are alternative fuels? Why is it impractical to adopt most of them in India? (200
4. What is Bharat Stage emission standards? Discuss the challenges in their implementation.
(200 words).
5. To minimize vehicular pollution, Bharat norms alone are not sufficient. Comment. (200

Correct answers
1. C-auto fuel vision policy
2. D neither correct. Because Both Euro and Bharat norms are same. And higher stage
means less pollution.
3. C-Bharat Stage 3 or higher
4. C both reasons correct
5. B only 2 and 3 correct.
6. A- 1 and 2 wrong. Olefin causes more pollution. Higher cetane is better quality.
7. A- 1 and 2 wrong. Methanol itself can cause blindness even in minute quantity, how can
you treat glaucoma with it! Second statement is also wrong.
8. C- 1 and 3 wrong. CNG doesnt have benzene and hydrogen flame colorless.
Tags: energy
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So far 76 Comments posted

1. Reply
07.09.2014 at 5:29 am
thanx sir.
2. Reply
Sayandeep Banik
07.09.2014 at 2:38 pm
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