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What's New in NX 9.

Proprietary and restricted rights notice

This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.
2013 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Siemens and the Siemens logo are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. NX is a trademark or registered trademark
of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other
countries. All other trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks belong to their respective holders

Chapter 1: Fundamentals ..........................................................................................................................................1
Ribbon bar interface The NX Window (Ribbon bar) ................................................................................................1
Show Ribbon bar tabs and commands ..................................................................................................................3
Add commands to the Quick Access toolbar ........................................................................................................4
Add commands to Border bars .............................................................................................................................5
Customize the Ribbon bar interface ......................................................................................................................7
Add a tab and group to the Ribbon bar .................................................................................................................9
Save Ribbon bar layouts ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Export and import your interface layout ............................................................................................................. 13
Ray Traced Studio ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Issue Management enhancements ........................................................................................................................... 15
Generate support logs for IR or PR ......................................................................................................................... 17
Integrated web browser enhancement ..................................................................................................................... 18
View section enhancements .................................................................................................................................... 19
Display facet enhancements .................................................................................................................................... 21
Measure Point .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Raster Image enhancements .................................................................................................................................... 25
Lock Rotations ........................................................................................................................................................ 26
Synchronize Views .................................................................................................................................................. 27
Stereo Display Visualization preference ................................................................................................................. 28
CSYS tool enhancements ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Edit attributes in bulk .............................................................................................................................................. 30
Chapter 2: CAD ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
Sketching ................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Sketch enhancements .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Sketch dimensions .............................................................................................................................................. 32
2D Synchronous Technology .............................................................................................................................. 35
Rigid sketch groups ............................................................................................................................................ 37
Part Module ............................................................................................................................................................. 39
Additional Part Module workflow ...................................................................................................................... 39
Shared Body enhancement .................................................................................................................................. 40
Controlling Part Module updates ........................................................................................................................ 41
Nest and Un-nest Part Module ............................................................................................................................ 42
Save As and Part Modules .................................................................................................................................. 42
Synchronize Links enhancement ........................................................................................................................ 43
Modeling ................................................................................................................................................................. 44
Snip into Patches................................................................................................................................................. 44
Rib ...................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Mirror Geometry ................................................................................................................................................. 46
Extract multiple bodies enhancement ................................................................................................................. 47
Analyze Pockets and Blend Pocket..................................................................................................................... 48
Combine or separate tool bodies ......................................................................................................................... 52
Interrupt feature updates ..................................................................................................................................... 53
Load Rollback Data ............................................................................................................................................ 55
Sorting model views ........................................................................................................................................... 56
Select intersection edges in Edge Blend and Draft ............................................................................................. 59
Replace Edge ...................................................................................................................................................... 61

What's New in NX 9.0


Local Untrim and Extend .................................................................................................................................... 62

Rough Offset enhancement ................................................................................................................................. 64
Replace Feature enhancements ........................................................................................................................... 65
Unsew enhancements .......................................................................................................................................... 66
Draft enhancements ............................................................................................................................................ 68
Draft Body enhancements ................................................................................................................................... 69
Thicken enhancements ........................................................................................................................................ 71
Pattern enhancements ......................................................................................................................................... 72
Untrim enhancements ......................................................................................................................................... 75
Divide Face enhancements ................................................................................................................................. 76
Part Families enhancements................................................................................................................................ 77
Body selection enhancements for Boolean operations ........................................................................................ 78
Face selection enhancements for Synchronous Modeling .................................................................................. 79
Synchronous Modeling............................................................................................................................................ 80
Move Edge .......................................................................................................................................................... 80
Offset Edge ......................................................................................................................................................... 82
Delete blend faces with the Delete Face command ............................................................................................ 83
Label Notch Blend enhancement ........................................................................................................................ 84
Facet Body Preparation ........................................................................................................................................... 85
Create Box .......................................................................................................................................................... 85
Snap Point enhancement ..................................................................................................................................... 86
Extrude Facet Body ............................................................................................................................................ 87
Extrude Profile .................................................................................................................................................... 88
Merge Disjoint Facet Bodies .............................................................................................................................. 89
Merge Overlapping Facet Bodies ....................................................................................................................... 90
Merge Touching Facet Bodies ............................................................................................................................ 91
Rough Offset enhancement ................................................................................................................................. 92
Shape Studio ............................................................................................................................................................ 93
Smooth Curve String .......................................................................................................................................... 93
Section surface user interface improvements ...................................................................................................... 94
Highlight Lines enhancement ............................................................................................................................. 96
Deviation Gauge enhancements .......................................................................................................................... 97
Face Analysis Slope enhancements ................................................................................................................. 98
Concave Faces enhancements ............................................................................................................................. 99
Face Curvature Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 101
Ruled surface Developable Alignment ............................................................................................................. 102
Wrap/Unwrap Curve ......................................................................................................................................... 103
Assemblies ............................................................................................................................................................ 104
Pack all components enhancement ................................................................................................................... 104
WAVE link multiple bodies enhancement........................................................................................................ 105
Load Rollback Data .......................................................................................................................................... 106
Assembly Clearance enhancements .................................................................................................................. 107
Order of components in the Assembly Navigator ............................................................................................. 108
Pattern Component ........................................................................................................................................... 110
Identification of inconsistencies between WAVE and assembly constraints .................................................... 112
Align/Lock assembly constraint ....................................................................................................................... 113
Direction to Fixed column in the Constraint Navigator .................................................................................... 114
Product interface enhancements ....................................................................................................................... 115
Assemblies functions in SNAP ......................................................................................................................... 116

iv What's New in NX 9.0

Visual reports .................................................................................................................................................... 117

Drafting ................................................................................................................................................................. 121
Usability enhancements .................................................................................................................................... 121
Rapid Dimension .............................................................................................................................................. 128
Linear Dimension ............................................................................................................................................. 129
Radial dimension .............................................................................................................................................. 131
Angular Dimension enhancements ................................................................................................................... 132
Hole Callout ...................................................................................................................................................... 133
Geometry margins for dimensions and annotations .......................................................................................... 136
Alternate Dimension Endpoints ........................................................................................................................ 138
General dimension enhancements ..................................................................................................................... 140
Exact and Smart Lightweight view enhancements ........................................................................................... 142
Dimensioning Smart Lightweight views .......................................................................................................... 144
Viewing Direction Reference Arrows .............................................................................................................. 145
Section line bend and end segment widths ....................................................................................................... 147
Auto balloon leader placement ......................................................................................................................... 149
Axis Intersection symbol .................................................................................................................................. 150
Surface Finish Symbol enhancements .............................................................................................................. 151
Datum leader enhancements ............................................................................................................................. 152
Drafting symbols .............................................................................................................................................. 154
Embedded image enhancements ....................................................................................................................... 155
Hole Table ........................................................................................................................................................ 156
Bend Table ........................................................................................................................................................ 158
Inherit PMI enhancements ................................................................................................................................ 160
Crosshatch enhancements ................................................................................................................................. 161
Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) .................................................................................................... 162
Usability enhancements .................................................................................................................................... 162
Rapid Dimension .............................................................................................................................................. 168
Linear Dimension ............................................................................................................................................. 169
Radial dimension .............................................................................................................................................. 170
Angular Dimension enhancements ................................................................................................................... 171
Hole Callout ...................................................................................................................................................... 172
Geometry margins for dimensions and annotations .......................................................................................... 174
Alternate Dimension Endpoints ........................................................................................................................ 176
General dimension enhancements ..................................................................................................................... 178
Lightweight section view enhancements .......................................................................................................... 180
Surface Finish enhancements ............................................................................................................................ 182
Inherit PMI enhancements ................................................................................................................................ 183
Region enhancement ......................................................................................................................................... 184
Sorting model views ......................................................................................................................................... 185
Datum leader enhancements ............................................................................................................................. 188
Drafting symbols .............................................................................................................................................. 190
Axis Intersection symbol .................................................................................................................................. 191
PMI Feature Identification business modifier ................................................................................................... 192
Update PMI tracking properties ........................................................................................................................ 193
Sheet Metal ............................................................................................................................................................ 194
Bend Table ........................................................................................................................................................ 194
Unbend and Rebend enhancements .................................................................................................................. 196
Resize Bend Radius enhancements ................................................................................................................... 197

What's New in NX 9.0

Mirror Feature enhancements ........................................................................................................................... 201

Unite in Sheet Metal ......................................................................................................................................... 202
Three Bend Corner enhancements .................................................................................................................... 204
Mirror Body enhancements .............................................................................................................................. 208
Preferences for flat pattern views ..................................................................................................................... 210
Flat Pattern enhancements ................................................................................................................................ 212
Pattern Face ...................................................................................................................................................... 214
Flexible Printed Circuit Design ............................................................................................................................. 215
Wrap ................................................................................................................................................................. 215
Flexible Printed Circuit Design enhancements ................................................................................................. 216
Pattern Face ...................................................................................................................................................... 218
Data Reuse ............................................................................................................................................................ 219
Double-clicking folders and reusable objects ................................................................................................... 219
Creating shortcut folders for your reuse library ................................................................................................ 220
Reuse library undo and redo ............................................................................................................................. 221
Creating an index in the reuse library ............................................................................................................... 222
Mapping reuse library names ............................................................................................................................ 223
Reusable object feature name ........................................................................................................................... 224
Reusable object part definition ......................................................................................................................... 224
Creating feature component patterns with reusable objects .............................................................................. 225
Managing knowledge enabled components in Teamcenter .............................................................................. 226
Reusable component revision rules in Teamcenter ........................................................................................... 226
Adding files as datasets to reusable objects and reusable components in Teamcenter ..................................... 227
Part family-related enhancements to Product Template Studio ........................................................................ 228
Routing .................................................................................................................................................................. 230
Configuring Routing applications ..................................................................................................................... 230
Common Routing tools ..................................................................................................................................... 238
Routing Electrical ............................................................................................................................................. 240
Routing Mechanical .......................................................................................................................................... 241
HVAC ............................................................................................................................................................... 243
Shipbuilding .......................................................................................................................................................... 245
Knuckled plates ................................................................................................................................................ 245
Knuckled profile systems.................................................................................................................................. 247
Knuckled profiles.............................................................................................................................................. 249
Create stiffeners between supports ................................................................................................................... 251
Control profile orientations ............................................................................................................................... 253
Built-up profiles ................................................................................................................................................ 255
Create stiffeners on plates with multiple thicknesses ....................................................................................... 257
Create standard parts on plates with multiple thicknesses ................................................................................ 259
Split standard parts in the basic design ............................................................................................................. 260
Split standard parts and built-up profiles in the detailed design ....................................................................... 261
Profile Transition .............................................................................................................................................. 262
End Cut enhancements...................................................................................................................................... 263
Profile Cutout enhancements ............................................................................................................................ 264
Collar plate enhancement.................................................................................................................................. 266
Examine Steel Features ..................................................................................................................................... 267
Paint Parameters ............................................................................................................................................... 268
Vehicle Design ...................................................................................................................................................... 270
Vehicle loading input to vision tools ................................................................................................................ 270

vi What's New in NX 9.0

Vehicle Packaging Validation .......................................................................................................................... 271

Head Impact ...................................................................................................................................................... 273
Pedestrian Protection enhancements ................................................................................................................. 274
Eyellipse enhancements .................................................................................................................................... 277
2D Manikin enhancements ............................................................................................................................... 278
Seat Lines enhancements .................................................................................................................................. 279
Hand Reach enhancements ............................................................................................................................... 280
Direct Field of View enhancements .................................................................................................................. 281
Instrument Panel Visibility enhancements ........................................................................................................ 281
Windshield Vision Zones enhancements .......................................................................................................... 282
Mirror Certification enhancements ................................................................................................................... 283
PCB Exchange....................................................................................................................................................... 285
User interface enhancements in PCB Exchange ............................................................................................... 285
IDX collaboration commands ........................................................................................................................... 286
IDX support enhancements ............................................................................................................................... 287
Copper Area ...................................................................................................................................................... 288
Comparison of ECAD and MCAD primary pin locations ................................................................................ 289
Show Test Points .............................................................................................................................................. 290
Chapter 3: CAM ..................................................................................................................................................... 291
CAM general ......................................................................................................................................................... 291
Notes in Manufacturing .................................................................................................................................... 291
Descriptions in Manufacturing ......................................................................................................................... 293
Displaying visible and hidden geometry ........................................................................................................... 294
Boundary selection enhancements .................................................................................................................... 295
Boundary selection display and gap closing ..................................................................................................... 298
Pasting operations with reference ..................................................................................................................... 299
Show Thickness by Color enhancements ......................................................................................................... 301
Set Machining Data enhancements ................................................................................................................... 303
Flute length for drills ........................................................................................................................................ 304
Milling enhancements ........................................................................................................................................... 305
Machining with a T-Cutter ............................................................................................................................... 305
Machining cylindrical parts .............................................................................................................................. 321
Tilt Tool Axis enhancements ............................................................................................................................ 324
Area Milling enhancements .............................................................................................................................. 334
Divide By Holder .............................................................................................................................................. 343
Contact data output for Hole Milling and Thread Milling ................................................................................ 344
Cut area selection by edge-bounded region ...................................................................................................... 345
Safer engage and retract moves for Zlevel operations ...................................................................................... 347
Smooth noncutting motions in contouring and flowcut operations .................................................................. 348
Improving 3D IPW efficiency in Cavity Milling .............................................................................................. 349
Multi Blade milling for turbomachinery ........................................................................................................... 350
Hole machining ..................................................................................................................................................... 351
New manual drilling operations ........................................................................................................................ 351
Hole machining workflow using a feature group geometry parent ................................................................... 353
Machining feature groups ................................................................................................................................. 355
In-process features ............................................................................................................................................ 357
Visualizing in-process features ......................................................................................................................... 360
In-process workpiece options to control the in-process feature ........................................................................ 362

What's New in NX 9.0


Feature machining areas ................................................................................................................................... 363

Drill tip point length ......................................................................................................................................... 366
Core Drill .......................................................................................................................................................... 367
Probing .................................................................................................................................................................. 368
Probing.............................................................................................................................................................. 368
Turning enhancements .......................................................................................................................................... 370
Centerline Drilling depth enhancement ............................................................................................................ 370
Turning non cutting moves enhancements........................................................................................................ 371
Parting off operation ......................................................................................................................................... 372
Threading non cutting moves enhancements .................................................................................................... 374
Integrated simulation and verification ISV ...................................................................................................... 375
Displaying axis positions and limits ................................................................................................................. 375
Positioning simulated machine tools and cutters .............................................................................................. 377
Tool path display for external file simulation ................................................................................................... 378
Simulating all channels in external files ........................................................................................................... 379
Simulating synchronized operations ................................................................................................................. 380
Viewing a tool contact representation ............................................................................................................... 381
Configurable parser for NC Controllers............................................................................................................ 383
Kinematic chains for simulating complex machine tools ................................................................................. 384
Suppress Status line update............................................................................................................................... 386
IPW color mapping to tools or operations ........................................................................................................ 387
Regenerating a saved IPW ................................................................................................................................ 388
Gouge Check enhancements ............................................................................................................................. 389
Sinumerik Collision Avoidance ........................................................................................................................ 390
Simulation and postprocessor examples ........................................................................................................... 391
Flute length for drills ........................................................................................................................................ 394
NX Post ................................................................................................................................................................. 395
Adding CAM attributes for shop documentation in the post ............................................................................ 395
Post Builder ........................................................................................................................................................... 396
New Tcl commands in Post Builder ................................................................................................................. 396
Simulation and postprocessor examples ........................................................................................................... 398
Feature-based Machining ...................................................................................................................................... 401
Feature machining areas ................................................................................................................................... 401
Machining feature groups ................................................................................................................................. 404
In-process features ............................................................................................................................................ 406
Visualizing in-process features ......................................................................................................................... 409
In-process workpiece options to control the in-process feature ........................................................................ 411
Wire EDM ............................................................................................................................................................. 412
Wire EDM tool and guide ................................................................................................................................. 412
Chapter 4: CAE ...................................................................................................................................................... 413
Advanced Simulation ............................................................................................................................................ 413
Solver version support ...................................................................................................................................... 413
General capabilities .......................................................................................................................................... 420
Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 424
Materials ........................................................................................................................................................... 436
Meshing ............................................................................................................................................................ 438
Boundary conditions ......................................................................................................................................... 450
Solutions ........................................................................................................................................................... 462
Nastran support enhancements ......................................................................................................................... 468

viii What's New in NX 9.0

Abaqus support enhancements .......................................................................................................................... 506

ANSYS support enhancements ......................................................................................................................... 529
LS-DYNA support enhancements .................................................................................................................... 538
Optimization ..................................................................................................................................................... 539
Post-processing ................................................................................................................................................. 539
Durability .......................................................................................................................................................... 547
NX Laminate Composites ................................................................................................................................. 551
NX Thermal and Flow, Electronic Systems Cooling, and Space Systems Thermal ......................................... 566
NX FE Model Correlation ................................................................................................................................ 595
Teamcenter Integration for Simulation ............................................................................................................. 597
Design Simulation ................................................................................................................................................. 602
Boundary conditions ......................................................................................................................................... 602
Meshing ............................................................................................................................................................ 605
Motion Simulation................................................................................................................................................. 610
Interactive articulation methods ........................................................................................................................ 610
Joint limits in articulation ................................................................................................................................. 611
Animation enhancements .................................................................................................................................. 611
Spreadsheet Run enhancements ........................................................................................................................ 612
Motion Preferences enhancements ................................................................................................................... 612
Functions and Graphing ........................................................................................................................................ 613
Inverse option for Function Single Math command ......................................................................................... 613
Plotting a graph in a separate window .............................................................................................................. 614
Improved font support in graphs ....................................................................................................................... 615
Plotting a graph with no line ............................................................................................................................. 616
Saving graph data to an AFU file ..................................................................................................................... 617
Expanded complex plot support........................................................................................................................ 617
Chapter 5: Teamcenter Integration for NX ......................................................................................................... 621
Teamcenter Integration for NX ............................................................................................................................. 621
Define and load configuration contexts ............................................................................................................ 621
Run NX in a Teamcenter multifield key environment ...................................................................................... 622
Independent drawings added to export and clone ............................................................................................. 622
Save As enhanced ............................................................................................................................................. 623
Retaining absolute occurrences when saving moved components .................................................................... 625
Opening a component with a different revision rule than the assembly ........................................................... 625
Viewing results and default filtering for projects ............................................................................................. 626
Adding independent drawings and CAE parts in the ug_clone utility .............................................................. 627
Refile utility enhancement in Teamcenter ........................................................................................................ 628
Item-based publishing of welds and datums to Teamcenter ............................................................................. 628
Chapter 6: 4th Generation Design (4GD) ............................................................................................................. 631
Introducing 4GD ................................................................................................................................................... 631
4GD enhancements ............................................................................................................................................... 632
Design element enhancements .......................................................................................................................... 632
Creating multiple design elements .................................................................................................................... 633
Converting design elements .............................................................................................................................. 635
Create Reusable Design .................................................................................................................................... 635
Presented parents .............................................................................................................................................. 636
Partition views for subsets ................................................................................................................................ 637

What's New in NX 9.0


Subset structure views ...................................................................................................................................... 638

Adding connecting welds to a subset ................................................................................................................ 639
Mirroring a design element ............................................................................................................................... 639
Load attribute groups for design elements ........................................................................................................ 639
Effectivity and variant options added to subset creation .................................................................................. 640
Edit attributes in bulk........................................................................................................................................ 641
Show Collaborative Design Preview ................................................................................................................ 642
Design features ................................................................................................................................................. 642
Check in and check out enhancements ............................................................................................................. 643
Generating collaborative designs from existing structures ............................................................................... 644
Check-Mate in 4GD .......................................................................................................................................... 645
Issue Management in 4GD ............................................................................................................................... 647
Chapter 7: Inspection and validation .................................................................................................................... 649
Check-Mate ........................................................................................................................................................... 649
Check-Mate checkers and functions ................................................................................................................. 649
Check-Mate profiles ......................................................................................................................................... 651
CMM Inspection Programming ............................................................................................................................. 652
General enhancements ...................................................................................................................................... 652
Expanded CMM libraries.................................................................................................................................. 652
Offset distance for 2D features ......................................................................................................................... 654
New inspection feature type: Edge Point .......................................................................................................... 656
Set PCS to CADABS alignment type ............................................................................................................... 657
New inspection command types ....................................................................................................................... 658
Support for cylindrical probes .......................................................................................................................... 659
Resequencing of inspection paths ..................................................................................................................... 660
Auto-ordering of tolerances in the Inspection Navigator .................................................................................. 661
Support for DMIS SNSET/DEPTH .................................................................................................................. 662
Measure an inspection feature relative to another feature................................................................................. 663
Requirements Validation ....................................................................................................................................... 664
Units in the HD3D Requirements Validation tool ............................................................................................ 664
Chapter 8: Tooling Design ..................................................................................................................................... 665
CAM Data Preparation .......................................................................................................................................... 665
3D Curve Offset ................................................................................................................................................ 665
3D Curve Blend ................................................................................................................................................ 666
Match Surface ................................................................................................................................................... 667
Reduce Surface Radius ..................................................................................................................................... 668
Guided Extension.............................................................................................................................................. 669
Tooling shared functions ....................................................................................................................................... 670
Die Analysis using LS-DYNA ......................................................................................................................... 670
Object Attribute Management .......................................................................................................................... 674
Face Color Management ................................................................................................................................... 674
Hole Manufacturing Note ................................................................................................................................. 676
Restore Tooling Application ............................................................................................................................. 677
Mold Wizard ......................................................................................................................................................... 678
Mold Base Library enhancements .................................................................................................................... 678
Workpiece enhancements ................................................................................................................................. 679
Ejector Pin Table .............................................................................................................................................. 680

x What's New in NX 9.0

Weld Assistant....................................................................................................................................................... 681

Fabrication Information .................................................................................................................................... 681
Joint Mark ......................................................................................................................................................... 682
Export CSV File enhancements ........................................................................................................................ 682
Import CSV File enhancement ......................................................................................................................... 683
Groove Weld enhancements ............................................................................................................................. 684
Datum Surface Locator and Datum Pin Locator enhancements ....................................................................... 685
Using weld and datum information obtained from Teamcenter ....................................................................... 687
Item-based publishing of welds and datums to Teamcenter ............................................................................. 688
Connected Face Finder enhancements .............................................................................................................. 690
Compound Weld enhancements ....................................................................................................................... 690
Structure Welding ................................................................................................................................................. 691
Fabrication PMI ................................................................................................................................................ 691
Surface Weld .................................................................................................................................................... 692
Welding Joint enhancements ............................................................................................................................ 693
Edit Joint Definition enhancement.................................................................................................................... 696
Edge Attribute Title welding customer default ................................................................................................. 696
Export Welding Joints enhancement ................................................................................................................ 697
Item-based publishing of welds and datums to Teamcenter ............................................................................. 698
Die Design ............................................................................................................................................................. 700
Lower Binder .................................................................................................................................................... 700
Trim Post .......................................................................................................................................................... 701
Draw Punch and Draw Die enhancements ........................................................................................................ 701
Assigning colors to die faces ............................................................................................................................ 702
Die Engineering..................................................................................................................................................... 703
Die Analysis using LS-DYNA ......................................................................................................................... 703
Trim Angle Check enhancements ..................................................................................................................... 707
Stamping Operation enhancement .................................................................................................................... 708
Die Tip enhancement ........................................................................................................................................ 708
Chapter 9: Data translation ................................................................................................................................... 711
Exporting editable dimensions to DXF/DWG file ................................................................................................ 711
Controlling text aspect ratio for the text imported from DXF/DWG file .............................................................. 711
Supported DXF/DWG versions ............................................................................................................................. 712
STEP translator enhancements .............................................................................................................................. 713
NX to JT ................................................................................................................................................................ 714
JT version 10 files ............................................................................................................................................. 714
Display order of model views and PMIs in JT files .......................................................................................... 714
JT support for object visibility in model views ................................................................................................. 716
PMI lightweight section views enhancements in JT files ................................................................................. 717
JT support for weld Joint Mark feature ............................................................................................................. 717
JT support for hole and thread callout PMI ...................................................................................................... 718
Geometry Sharing in JT files ............................................................................................................................ 719
JT support for business modifiers and PMI attributes ...................................................................................... 719
Visibility of datum entities in model views of JT files ..................................................................................... 720
JT support for PMI association with objects ..................................................................................................... 720
Chapter 10: Mechatronics Concept Designer ...................................................................................................... 721
Collision Body enhancements .......................................................................................................................... 721
Actuator enhancements ..................................................................................................................................... 722

What's New in NX 9.0


Cam enhancements ........................................................................................................................................... 723

Operation enhancements ................................................................................................................................... 724
Changing units in dialog boxes ......................................................................................................................... 724
Mechatronics Concept Designer preferences .................................................................................................... 725
Create dependencies ......................................................................................................................................... 726
System Navigator enhancements ...................................................................................................................... 726
Creating physics containers .............................................................................................................................. 727
ECAD integration enhancements ...................................................................................................................... 727
Simulating NC code .......................................................................................................................................... 728
Convert from MTB ........................................................................................................................................... 729
Shared memory signal mapping ....................................................................................................................... 729
SCOUT Integration ........................................................................................................................................... 730
SIZER Integration ............................................................................................................................................. 730
Chapter 11: Programming Tools .......................................................................................................................... 731
Assemblies functions in SNAP ............................................................................................................................. 731
Block UI Styler...................................................................................................................................................... 731
New properties for blocks ................................................................................................................................. 731
Changing a displayed part................................................................................................................................. 732
Explorer block .................................................................................................................................................. 733
Chapter 12: What's New in NX 8.5.1 .................................................................................................................... 735
Modeling ............................................................................................................................................................... 735
User Defined Feature callback hooks for NX Open API libraries .................................................................... 735
Preserve the relative order of Feature Groups .................................................................................................. 736
U/V Direction ................................................................................................................................................... 738
Studio Surface enhancements Split faces along boundary curves ............................................................... 739
PMI........................................................................................................................................................................ 740
Find PMI Associated to Geometry enhancements ............................................................................................ 740
PMI Effectivity Management ........................................................................................................................... 741
Routing .................................................................................................................................................................. 742
Wind Catcher .................................................................................................................................................... 742
Branch Path Numbering.................................................................................................................................... 744
Platform Creator ............................................................................................................................................... 745
Shipbuilding .......................................................................................................................................................... 747
Assign manufacturing information to openings ................................................................................................ 747
Specify section subtypes for steel features ....................................................................................................... 749
Manufacturing ....................................................................................................................................................... 750
Operation Navigator enhancements .................................................................................................................. 750
Advanced Simulation ............................................................................................................................................ 751
Solver version support ...................................................................................................................................... 751
NX Laminate Composites ................................................................................................................................. 758
Durability .......................................................................................................................................................... 763
Teamcenter Integration for NX ............................................................................................................................. 764
NX Relations Browser enhancements .............................................................................................................. 764
Select Configuration Context when loading assemblies ................................................................................... 766
Default project selection ................................................................................................................................... 768
CMM Inspection Programming ............................................................................................................................. 769
CMM measurement analysis engine ................................................................................................................. 769
Export analysis results ...................................................................................................................................... 771

xii What's New in NX 9.0

DMIS programming enhancement .................................................................................................................... 772

Data translation ..................................................................................................................................................... 774
AutoCAD DXF/DWG Import Wizard dialog box enhancement ...................................................................... 774
JT support for PMI association with objects ..................................................................................................... 775
Mechatronics Concept Designer............................................................................................................................ 776
Import from ECAD enhancements .................................................................................................................. 776

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Chapter 1: Fundamentals
Ribbon bar interface The NX Window (Ribbon bar)
The NX Ribbon bar interface provides access to frequently used commands with a minimum number of mouse clicks
while maintaining a maximum graphics window area. It combines the functionality of the Advanced role with the
discoverability of the Essentials role. The tabs and groups on the Ribbon bar logically organize commands, using a
mix of icon sizes and informative text. You can customize the interface to suit your workflows, for example, by
undocking tabs or by adding frequently used commands to the border bars. Command Finder is embedded in the
Ribbon bar and provides additional capabilities such as showing hidden commands, starting other applications, and
letting you easily add commands to a tab, to the border bars, or to the Quick Access toolbar.

NX window



Quick Access toolbar

Contains commonly used commands such as

Save and Undo.

Ribbon bar

Organizes commands in each application into

tabs and groups.

Top Border bar

Contains the Menu, Selection Group,

View Group, and Utility Group commands.

Resource bar

Contains navigators and palettes, including the

Part Navigator and the Roles tab.

Graphics window

Lets you model, visualize, and analyze


What's New in NX 9

NX 9.0

Left, Right, and Bottom Border bars

Displays the commands you add.

Cue/Status line

Prompts you for the next action, and displays





Organizes commands into groups of related

functions in each application.


Organizes commands by function on each tab.

Related commands appear in lists and

NX Ribbon bar


2 What's New in NX 9.0

Command Finder
Full Screen
Minimize Ribbon
Toolbar Options

Finds commands.
Maximizes screen space.
Collapses the groups on the Ribbon tab.
Displays on-context Help (F1).
Lets you turn on or turn off commands in each

NX 9.0

Show Ribbon bar tabs and commands

You can show and hide tabs and commands in their pre-defined locations on the Ribbon bar.

Shown Ribbon bar tabs

Suppose you would like to access the Developer tab, so you can access the Movie and Journal groups of commands.

Rightclick the File tab and select the Developer check box.

Turn on Ribbon bar commands

Suppose the Design Feature Drop-down list in the Modeling application contains only the Extrude and Revolve
commands and you want to show other commands in this list.



Choose Home tabFeature group and click Feature Toolbar Options

Move your cursor to Design Feature Drop-down and then select the commands you want to show.

NX remembers your layout until you change to a different NX Role. To save multiple layouts, create your own Role for
each layout.

When you use Command Finder to find a command that is currently hidden, you can use the Show on
Ribbon option to show the command.

What's New in NX 9

NX 9.0

Add commands to the Quick Access toolbar

Use the Quick Access toolbar to organize common NX commands.

Show pre-defined Quick Access toolbar commands

This example shows how to show the New, Open, and Print commands on the Quick Access toolbar.


On the Quick Access toolbar, click the Toolbar Options


Select the check boxes next to New, Open, and Print.

Add commands to the Quick Access toolbar from Command Finder

This example shows how to add the Layer Settings command to the Quick Access toolbar using Command Finder.

In Command Finder

, enter Layer Settings and press Enter.

In the Command Finder dialog box, right-click Layer Settings and choose Add to Quick Access

Remove commands from the Quick Access toolbar

The procedure to remove commands from the Quick Access toolbar is similar to removing a command from the Border

Right-click the command to remove and choose Remove From Quick Access Toolbar.

4 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Add commands to Border bars

You can use the Border bars to organize commands used in your own workflows, and avoid switching tabs frequently.

Add commands to Border bars from a tab

This example shows how to add the Measure Distance and Measure Angle command on the Analysis tab to the
Right Border bar.

Choose Analysis tabMeasure group.

Right-click Measure Distance

and choose Add to Right Border bar.

Right-click Measure Angle

and choose Add to Right Border bar.

What's New in NX 9

NX 9.0

Add commands to Border bars from Command Finder

This example shows how to add the Screen Distance command using Command Finder. Use this method of
adding commands when you are unfamiliar with the location of the command.

In Command Finder

, enter Screen distance and press Enter.

In the Command Finder dialog box, right-click Screen distance
Border bar.

and choose Add to Right

Remove commands from Border bars


Right-click the command to remove and choose Remove From Right Border Bar or select a different NX

6 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Customize the Ribbon bar interface

You can customize the Ribbon bar interface to change the layout and change the appearance of icons.

Place the Cue/Status line at the top of the graphics window


Right-click in the Ribbon bar and choose Customize.


On the Layout tab, under Cue/Status Line Position, select Top

The Cue/Status line moves to the top of the graphics window, just below the Top Border bar.

Add a command to a group

You may want to place two commands that you frequently use together, on the same tab and group.
This example shows how to add the Measure Bodies command on the Analysis tab next to the Expression
command on the Tools tab.

Right-click in the Ribbon bar and choose Customize.


On the Ribbon bar, click the Tools tab.


In the Customize dialog box, click the Commands tab.


In the Categories list, expand the Menu node and select Analysis.
In the Commands list on the right side of the dialog box, NX displays the Analysis commands.


From the Commands list, drag the Measure Bodies command to the Tools tabUtility group, and drop
the icon next to the Expression command.


In the Customize dialog box, click Close.

What's New in NX 9

NX 9.0

Change icon appearance

You can increase or decrease the size of the command icons on the Ribbon bar.
This example shows how to decrease the size of the icons in the Home tab in the Synchronous Modeling group, in
the Modeling application.


Right-click in the Ribbon bar, and choose Customize.


In the Home tabSynchronous Modeling group, right-click Move Face and choose Ribbon Style:
Small Icon and Text.


Right-click Offset Region and choose Ribbon Style: Small Icon and Text.


Right-click Delete Face and choose Ribbon Style: Small Icon and Text.

The three smaller icons are placed in a column.

To save your changes, create a new Role. You can create multiple customized layouts for different workflows and save
your customized layout in different Roles. You can then switch between Roles depending on your workflow.

8 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Add a tab and group to the Ribbon bar

You can create new tabs and groups on the Ribbon bar to organize commands to fit your companys workflows. For
example, to control visibility, some companies use layers, and some use the Show and Hide commands. Some
companies use WCS commands and some do not.
The following examples show how to:

Create a tab called Visibility.


Add a group called Layers to the tab.


Add commands to the tab and group.

You can optionally follow the same steps to add a WCS group and a Show group to the new Visibility tab.

Create a new tab


Right-click In the Ribbon bar and choose Customize.


In the Customize dialog box, click the Ribbon Tabs tab and then click New.


In the Name box, type Visibility and click OK.

The new tab is added to the Ribbon bar.

What's New in NX 9

NX 9.0

Create a new group


Right-click in the Ribbon bar and choose Customize.


In the Customize dialog box, click the Commands tab.


In the Categories list, click New Item.

In the Commands list on the right side of the dialog box, NX displays the list of new items that you can add to
your tab.


From the Commands list, drag New Group into the Visibility tab.


Right-click your new group and in the Name box type Layers and press Enter.
The new Layers group is added to the Visibility tab.

Add commands to a tab


Right-click in the Ribbon bar and choose Customize.


In the Customize dialog box, click the Commands tab.


In the Categories list, expand the Menu node and select Format.
In the Commands list on the right side of the dialog box, NX displays the Format commands.


From the Commands list, drag the layer commands you want to add one at a time into your new Layers group.

10 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Additional groups
If you use WCS commands, repeat the steps above to create a WCS group on the Visibility tab.
Drag the desired WCS commands from the Format menu into the WCS group.

If you use Show and Hide commands, repeat the steps to create a Show group on the same tab.
Drag the desired commands from the Edit Show and Hide menu into the Show group.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Save Ribbon bar layouts

If you add icons to Border bars or customize the NX interface, you can save these changes as a Role.

This example shows how to save your current interface as a new Role called Analysis.
On the Resource bar, click the Roles



In the Role palette, expand the User group.


Right-click in the background of the Roles palette and choose New User Role.


In the Role Properties dialog box, in the Name box, type Analysis and click OK.

The new Role saves the changes you made to the Ribbon bar interface.

12 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Export and import your interface layout

If you customize the NX interface, you can export this layout and share it with others.

Export your interface layout

This example shows how to export your current interface layout.

Right-click in the Ribbon bar and choose Customize.


In the Customize dialog box, on the Roles tab, click Create.


Browse to a convenient folder location and type a file name for the .mtx file and click OK.


Supply a name for the interface, select the check boxes for the NX applications to which the layout should apply,
and click OK.

You can e-mail the exported file or place it in a shared file location so that other users can use your customized layout.

Import an interface layout

This example shows how to import an interface layout from a saved .mtx file.
Before you import this new layout, you should save your current layout as a new User Role if you want to save it.

Right-click in the Ribbon bar and choose Customize.


In the Customize dialog box, on the Roles tab, click Load.


Browse to the .mtx file to import and click OK.

The imported layout is now your current layout.

If you want to use different roles, save this current interface layout as a new User Role.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Ray Traced Studio

Use the Ray Traced Studio command to view a photorealistic display of the model in real time, in a separate window.
NX uses multi-threaded, hybrid CPU/GPU based real time ray tracing to display inter-object reflection, refraction, and
global illumination effects.
You can:

View the changes to the photorealistic rendering of the part updated in the Ray Traced Studio window
dynamically as you make changes to your scene.
NX renders your part progressively in the Ray Traced Studio window and you can simultaneously work on
your model in the main graphics window.

Render high quality static ray traced images in the TIFF, PNG, or JPEG formats.

Inter-object reflection and refraction effects

Global Illumination effects

Where do I find it?


An NX Studio Render license.

Command Finder
Ray Traced Studio

14 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Issue Management enhancements

What is it?
Integration with Teamcenter
The Issue Management HD3D tool is now more closely integrated with Teamcenter.
You can:

Connect to Teamcenter Issue Manager to create and retrieve issues.

Search for issues.

Open an issue in the Teamcenter thin client.

Start a workflow for an issue using a configured workflow template that you can obtain using Teamcenter

Create issues from the Check-Mate application using Teamcenter validation results.
Issue List enhancements
You can:

Display issue lists defined in Teamcenter.

Create or edit a new issue list using search query criteria and save the list as a new issue list in Teamcenter.

Use the Quick Search option to search issues by property and value.

Improve the search by using the Issues Related to Part option to limit the issues in the issue list. For
example, you can search for issues related to the work part, assembly, loaded parts, and so on.
Attachment enhancements
Attachments are now organized under folders that indicate the relation to the issue.
You can now:

Create a 3D snapshot of the current assembly in Teamcenter and attach it to the issue. To do this, use the
Create and Attach Snapshot option.

Update the 3D snapshot of the current assembly in Teamcenter. To do this, use the Recapture Snapshot

Restore the assembly from 3D snapshot to NX. To do this, use the Open option.

Add the dataset as an attachment to the issue. To do this, use the Add Teamcenter File option.

Import the file from the local machine to a dataset in Teamcenter and add the dataset as an attachment to the
issue. To do this, use the Import and Attach File option.
Show Info View window enhancements
In the Show Info View window, you can now view:

Detailed information of the workflow and the current task in the workflow.

Issue review records.

The Teamcenter thin client link for the workflow process.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Tooltip enhancements
You can now view detailed information of the current task in the workflow.
New customer defaults
You can now use customer defaults to:

Specify the supported Teamcenter Issue Report Revision type. To do this, use the Teamcenter Issue Report
Revision Type customer default.

Specify the location of the mapping file that maps the information in NX to external databases such as
Teamcenter community collaboration or Teamcenter. To do this, use the Issue Properties Mapping File
customer default.

Specify if the modified issues and the newly created issues should always be displayed in the Issue
Management tool. To do this, use the Always Show Modified and New Issues customer default.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Where do I find it?

Search Using Issue Lists, Quick Search and Issues Related to Part options
Resource bar
HD3D Tools tab
Location in dialog box

Issue Management dialog box

Lists group:

List box or Quick Search option or Issues Related to Part


Issues group:

16 What's New in NX 9.0

Right-click a folder under an issueImport and Attach file or

Attach Teamcenter File

Right-click the 3D Snapshot folder under an issueCreate and

Attach Snapshot

Right-click the snapshot attachment in the 3D Snapshot folder under

an issueRecapture Snapshot or Open

NX 9.0

Generate support logs for IR or PR

Use the Generate Support Logs for IR/PR command to generate system log files and related files required to debug
an Incident Report (IR) or Problem Report (PR). These files are useful for developers to analyze an IR or PR.
The output includes the following files. Files with a tc prefix in their names are generated only if you run Teamcenter
Integration for NX.

Contains the debug tokens activated for the current log files.

Contains the last used setting of the dialog box.

Contains the environment variables set for the current session of NX.

.syslog files
Contain internal diagnostic messages that are useful for analyzing events that occurred in the current NX

Contains internal diagnostic messages that are useful for analyzing events that occurred in the current
Teamcenter session.

Teamcenter journaling log file.

Contains information related to the role used or any subsequent user interface customization.

Windows registry file.

Four types of .dpv files






Contains Teamcenter user preferences.

Contains the communication logs between NX and Teamcenter.

Command Finder

Generate Support Logs for IR/PR

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Integrated web browser enhancement

What is it?
The integrated web browser in NX is now available on all operating systems.

Why should I use it?

Use the integrated web browser for easy access to any URL, or company or project team information such as standards
or best practices from within NX.

Where do I find it?

Resource bar
Web Browser tab

18 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

View section enhancements

What is it?
When you create or edit a view section, you can now move the associative view section curves to either the work layer or
a specified layer. You can specify the layer you want and set the layer number using the Layer Option list and the
Layer input box in the View Section dialog box.
From the Assembly Navigator, you can move the associative view section curves to the default layer, by using the
shortcut menu option Move Section Curves to Default Layer. You can specify the default layer using the Layer
Option and Layer customer defaults.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find Default

1 = section curves

Layer Information
In the Information window, the layer information for the view section and datum plane grid sections is now labeled
View Section and Datum Grid Section respectively.

Why should I use it?

In previous releases, the associative view section curves were automatically created on the work layer and you could not
move them. Now you can either create the curves on a specific layer or move them later.
You can move the associative view section curves on multiple view sections to the default layer at the same time by
using the shortcut option in the Assembly Navigator.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Layer Option and Layer options
Command Finder
New Section
Location in dialog box

or Edit Work Section

View Section dialog boxSection Curve Settings groupLayer

Option or Layer

Move Section Curves to Default Layer option

Assembly Navigator

20 What's New in NX 9.0

Right-click an existing sectionMove Section Curves to Default Layer

NX 9.0

Display facet enhancements

What is it?
You can now:

Save the display facets along with the part file using the Save Display Facets Visualization Performance
preference. NX displays a part quickly if that part contains saved display facets.
NX caches the facets for shaded views in a session for faster performance and avoids unnecessary tesallations.
NX does not cache the facets for advanced shaded views.

Adjust how the faceting tolerances are scaled using the Facet Scale options.

Uses the Resolution Tolerances settings.


Adjusts the Resolution Tolerances settings based on the bounding box for the part.
The larger the part, the coarser the tolerance.
NX uses this as the default option for consistent faceting and reuse of facets.
Adjusts the Resolution Tolerances settings based on the view scale.


For legacy parts, NX converts Facet Scale type from View to Part.

Refine tolerances using the Refinement Factor option.

Refinement Factor = 1

Refinement Factor = 10

Why should I use it?

Use these settings for faster rendering of shaded solid bodies.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Facet Settings dialog box
Command Finder
Facet Settings
Location in dialog box

Shaded Views subgroup or Advanced Visualization Views

subgroupFacet Scale or Refinement Factor or Resolution

Visualization Preferences dialog box

Command Finder
Visualization Preferences
Location in dialog box

Faceting tabPart Settings groupShaded Views subgroup or

Advanced Visualization Views subgroupFacet Scale or Refinement
Factor or Resolution Tolerances

Visualization Performance Preferences dialog box

Command Finder
Visualization Performance Preferences
Location in dialog box

22 What's New in NX 9.0

General Graphics tabPart Settings groupSave Display Facets

NX 9.0

Measure Point
Use the Measure Point command to calculate the location of the X, Y, and Z coordinates of a point relative to a
reference CSYS. When you specify the Absolute Work Part or Selected CSYS as your reference CSYS, NX creates
a Point Measurement feature and an associative Point Measurement expression. You can use the Point Measurement
expression in downstream operations.

In cases where freeform trims create a vertex that is not easily defined numerically, you can extract the location as
a Point Measurement expression. You can then place a feature associatively and parametrically using the Point
Measurement expression as a reference.
The example shows a sphere placed 30 mm above the vertex.

When you import a non-parametric model of a circular array of bosses, you can use this command to quickly
reverse engineer the pattern. You can extract the relative coordinates of the holes even if the pattern is located on
an inclined or oblique face for which normal distance measurements would not work well. You can obtain the X
and Y coordinates simultaneously. You can also validate that the holes of the corresponding array are properly
placed by comparing a couple of Point Measurement expressions with each other.
In this example, a Point Measurement expression that measures the distance of each instance of the boss from the
reference CSYS is created. The corresponding holes are created using these Point Measurement expressions as

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

The Part Navigator lists the following:

Point Measurement features under the Measures node.

Point Measurement features under the Model History node if Timestamp Order is turned on.

Point Measurement expressions in the Details panel.

Where do I find it?

Command Finder
Measure Point

24 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Raster Image enhancements

What is it?
When you use the Raster Image command, you can now place the image on a plane.
NX saves the images in the part file and lists them under the Images node in the Part Navigator for reuse.

You can also do the following:

Import a raster image in the JPEG or PNG format.

Apply color modes and transparency to the raster image and change its orientation.

Resize the raster image by defining reference points on the image and matching them with corresponding
reference points on the model. To do this, use the new Reference Scaling method.

View the raster image in any rendering style.

Why should I use it?

You can use the imported raster image as a reference in the model by sketching or tracing over it to create CAD

Where do I find it?

Command Finder
Raster Image

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Lock Rotations
Use the Lock Rotations shortcut menu option to prevent a view from being rotated when you use the middle mouse
button or any other 3D hardware device.
In a multiple view layout, use this option to prevent a view from being rotated accidently. If you lock rotation for an
orthogonal view, NX locks rotations for all the other orthogonal views in the layout.

Where do I find it?


Rotate command must be available.

Graphics window

Right-click in the background of the graphics window and choose Lock


26 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Synchronize Views
In a multiple view layout, you can synchronize rotate, pan, and zoom operations in the views using the Synchronize
Views shortcut menu option. You can view the changes that you make to the part, simultaneously in all the views.

If you choose Synchronize Views in a non-orthogonal view, NX synchronizes all the non-orthogonal views.

If you choose Synchronize Views in an orthogonal view, NX synchronizes all the orthogonal views.


If the multiple view layout has only one view in the non-orthogonal orientation, the Synchronize
Views option is not available for that view.

If the multiple view layout has only one view in the orthogonal orientation, the Synchronize Views
option is not available for that view.

Where do I find it?


The part must be in a multiple view layout.

Graphics window

Right-click in the background of the graphics window and choose

Synchronize Views.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Stereo Display Visualization preference

What is it?
Use the Stereo Display Visualization preference to view models with depth perception. On a workstation configured
with appropriate hardware, this lets you visualize the model in a more realistic 3D environment.
NX enables the Stereo Display Visualization preference by default, when the system is configured to support it. To
disable 3D display, set the UGII_STEREO environment variable to 0.
NX automatically adjusts the perspective projection for an improved display. To override the perspective projection
adjustment, set the UGII_STEREO_DISABLES_UI_TRANSPARENCY variable to 0.

Limitations in the Windows 7 desktop user interface can temporarily suspend the rendering of a 3D display.

If a desktop user interface item, for instance the Widows Taskbar button thumbnail or a NVIDIA nView
Desktop Manager title bar button, is displayed in the NX graphics window, this may suspend the 3D
display. This may happen frequently when NX is displayed in the full screen mode. NX restores the 3D
display when you remove the user interface item from the graphics window.

The use of transparency in the NX user interface can prevent the rendering of a 3D display. Hence NX
automatically disables user interface transparency when Stereo Display is enabled.

To allow user interface transparency, set the UGII_STEREO_DISABLES_UI_TRANSPARENCY variable to 0.

The Windows 8 operating system does not have these limitations.
For specific information related to hardware and graphics card 3D stereo configuration, refer to these vendor sites:



The Stereo Display Visualization preference is not available in the following display modes.

High Quality Image static display

Ray Traced Studio display

Where do I find it?


Command Finder
Location in dialog box

28 What's New in NX 9.0

A Windows workstation.

3D Stereo capable display hardware such as monitor, projector, controller,

3D glasses, and so on.

A graphics card with Quad Buffer 3D stereo output support.

Relevant stereo settings enabled in the control panel of the graphics card.

Visualization Preferences
Special Effects tabSession Settings groupStereo Display

NX 9.0

CSYS tool enhancements

What is it?
When you use commands that require you to specify a CSYS, a Dynamic
option is now available in the CSYS
list in the command dialog box. If you select this option, you can manipulate the CSYS using handles.
The example shows a Dynamic CSYS for the Helix command.

NX displays the handles and on-screen input boxes for the Dynamic CSYS only when the Specify CSYS option is the
current selection option in a command dialog box.

Specify CSYS option not selected

Specify CSYS option selected
If you used the CSYS Dialog
option to specify a CSYS, when you edit that CSYS, a new Constructed option is
available on the CSYS list in the command dialog box. You can access all the parameters of a constructed CSYS in the
CSYS dialog box.
NX now remembers your type selection when you create or edit a CSYS.

Where do I find it?

NX displays the CSYS tool whenever the current command or operation requires you to specify a coordinate system.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Edit attributes in bulk

What is it?
You can now simultaneously edit attributes that are associated with multiple objects.
In 4GD, NX displays the attributes in Attribute Groups and Managed Attribute Groups.
Attribute Group

The lifecycle of the attributes in the Attributes Group is the same as the lifecycle of the
design element.
For every Attribute Group that contains a common attribute, NX displays a separate group
on the Attributes tab in the Properties dialog box.
If you edit an attribute, NX applies the changes to all instances of that Attribute Group for
all selected objects.

Managed Attribute

The lifecycle of the attributes in the Managed Attributes Group is independent of the
lifecycle of the design element. The lifecycle of these attributes depends on effectivity and
variant configuration.
For every Managed Attribute Group that contains a common attribute, NX displays a
separate group on the Attributes tab in the Properties dialog box.
If you edit an attribute NX, applies the changes to all instances of that Managed Attribute
Group for all selected objects.

Where do I find it?


You must select multiple objects.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click multiple objectsPropertiesAttributes tab

Location in dialog box

Context groupInteraction MethodBulk Edit

30 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Chapter 2: CAD
Sketch enhancements
What is it?
Direct Sketch and the Sketch Task Environment are now more distinct from each other in the Ribbon bar interface.

Direct Sketch

Sketch commands are organized in a Direct Sketch group on the Home tab. The commands used to
create most basic sketches are directly visible in the group. More advanced commands are included in the
More gallery.

To create a sketch using Direct Sketch commands, click the Sketch

Direct Sketch group in Modeling and other applications.

command on the Home tab

Sketch Task Environment

The commands in the Sketch Task Environment are organized into multiple groups on the Home tab. This
makes advanced commands more accessible on the Ribbon bar.

You can access the Sketch Task Environment using one of these methods:

Select the command Sketch in Task Environment

From a feature creation dialog box, click the Sketch Section button. This creates a sketch
internal to the feature using the Sketch Task Environment.

When editing a sketch using Direct Sketch, select the command Open in Sketch in Task

on the Curve tab.

Right-click an existing sketch and choose Edit with Rollback to edit the sketch using the Sketch
Task Environment.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, and other applications that use sketches.

Command Finder
Sketch in Task Environment

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Sketch dimensions
What is it?
Sketch dimensions are enhanced to make the process of creating and editing dimensions simpler and consistent with
the Drafting and PMI applications.
A new Rapid Dimension command is available. It is the default dimension command.
Other dimensioning commands include Linear Dimension, Radial Dimension, and Angular Dimension.

Creating dimensions

When you create dimensions, the shortcut menus are more intuitive. For example, when you select a line,
the shortcut menu includes options to create Horizontal and Vertical constraints, along with options to
create Horizontal, Vertical, and Parallel dimensions.

The dialog boxes are consistent with dimension dialog boxes in Drafting. For example, the References
group lets you select one or two objects for the dimension, and the Origin group lets you place the
dimension text. The Settings group provides dimension style options.

Editing dimensions

Double-click to edit a dimension. The dimension dialog boxes are consistent with the dialog boxes in
Drafting. You can edit the value and other characteristics.

You can change the measurement method. For example, you can change a point-to-point dimension to a
horizontal dimension, and a radial dimension to a diametral dimension.

You can reselect the dimension reference objects to reattach the dimension to different objects.

When you reattach a dimension or change the measurement method, you can either keep the dimension
value constant, or change the dimension value to keep the geometry the same.

Dimension settings

When you edit a dimension, you can change dimension settings including arrowheads and extension lines,
which is consistent with Drafting. To change dimension settings, use the Settings button in the Settings

You can directly edit dimension settings using access handles and scene dialog boxes. To enable these
scene dialog boxes, turn on Enable Dimension Scene dialogs in the Settings group. For example,
the access handle on the dimension text lets you directly change the text angle, or to add appended text to
indicate your design intent.

32 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

You can use the new Rapid Dimension command to create different types of dimensions with the same

You can explicitly select the first and second object references for the dimension. This allows you to
control the design intent you want to create. For example, the design intent created by a dimension between
two points is different from a dimension between a line and a point, even though they may initially look the

You can change style options of dimensions similar to the settings available in Drafting.

You can add annotation to the sketch dimensions to begin PMI and Drafting workflows when you first
create the sketch. For example, you can modify settings of sketch dimensions; display them as PMI
notation on the 3D model; and then inherit the PMI notation onto a 2D drawing. To display the PMI
notation, right-click a dimension and choose Display as PMI.

Where do I find it?


All applications that use Direct Sketch or the Sketch Task Environment.


An active sketch.

Command Finder
Rapid Dimension

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Linear Dimension
Radial Dimension
Angular Dimension
Graphics window

Creating Dimensions
Right-click sketch curves and use the shortcut menu.
Editing Dimensions
Double-click the sketch dimensions.

34 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

2D Synchronous Technology
What is it?
Use 2D Synchronous Technology commands to make dynamic modifications to sketches while maintaining
tangency constraints and connectivity.

The four new 2D Synchronous Technology commands are:

Move Curve

Offset Move Curve

Resize Curve

Delete Curve

Use 2D Synchronous Technology commands to select and modify 2D sketch curves similar to how you use
Synchronous Modeling commands with 3D surfaces.
Synchronous Modeling

2D Synchronous Technology


You select faces using the Face Finder subgroup. When you select faces, NX recognizes
other faces that may be inferred to be tangent,
parallel, coplanar, concentric, equal radius, or
symmetric. You have the option to include
any of these inferred faces as part of the

You select curves using the Curves Finder

sub-group. When you select a curve, NX
recognizes other curves that may be inferred to
be tangent, parallel, collinear, concentric,
equal radius, or symmetric. You have the
option to include any of these inferred curves
as part of the selection.


Synchronous Modeling commands let you

make changes regardless of the design intent
from earlier features.

2D Synchronous Technology commands let

you make changes to the selected curves
regardless of existing sketch constraints. If
there are conflicting constraints, NX removes
these constraints to allow you to make the
After you make the changes, NX adds
constraints where required to the modified

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

Use 2D Synchronous Technology commands to make modifications where the existing constraints and dimensions
were not created to anticipate the change you want to make.

Where do I find it?


Any application that uses Direct Sketch or the Sketch Task Environment.


An active sketch.

Command Finder
Move Curve
Offset Move Curve
Resize Curve
Delete Curve

36 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Rigid sketch groups

What is it?
When you use the New Sketch Group command, you can constrain all the objects in a sketch group to be a single
rigid object. To do this, use the new Rigidly Constrained option.
When you create a rigid sketch group, NX does the following:

Displays a rigid constraint symbol

Keeps dimensions that position the rigid group as external dimensions.

Displays internal dimensions and constraints only when you make the group active.

when the group is not active.

In the following example, the sketch contains two rigid groups. Neither group is active. The two rigid groups are
positioned with the external dimensions and constraints shown. The two groups are listed in the Part Navigator.

In the following example, the first sketch group is active. Its internal dimensions and constraints are displayed
instead of the rigid constraint symbol. The active group is indicated in the Part Navigator.

After you create a rigid sketch group, use dimensions and constraints to control the translation and rotation of the
group as a rigid object. Internal constraints do not prevent translation or rotation of the group.
What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

To delete the rigid constraint, edit the group, or use the Show/Remove Constraints command.

Why should I use it?

Rigid sketch groups help you to:

Constrain logical collections of curves so that they move together as a rigid unit.

Simplify your display by showing only the external dimensions which position the group.

Update the sketches faster.

Position sketch groups similar to how you position components in an assembly.

Where do I find it?


Any application that uses Direct Sketch or the Sketch Task Environment.


An active sketch.

Command Finder
New Sketch Group
Graphics window

38 What's New in NX 9.0

Right-click an existing group Edit Group or Ungroup or Active.

NX 9.0

Part Module
Additional Part Module workflow
What is it?
The user interface and user interactions of part modules are enhanced to make working with part modules easier
within a single part file. If you use part modules to isolate portions of your design, you can now:

Work with geometry without explicitly defining inputs and outputs.

Work with geometry and faces inside the part module when the part module is not active.

To see faces, you must use the See-Thru commands. These commands also enable you to see faces outside the part
module when you are in the part module.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Assemblies

Command Finder



FormatPart Module

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Shared Body enhancement

What is it?
Multiple designers can modify different objects on the same body at the same time even if the body is not divided
into partitions. To enable this workflow the lead designer must use the Shared Body option to create multiple part
modules that contain the same input body. Designers can add features only to the edges and faces of their particular
shared body part module.

Why should I use it?

The elapsed time it takes to blend an automotive body panel or engine block can be significantly reduced if multiple
designers can simultaneously blend different portions of the same part at the same time. Printers and copiers can
have complex sheet metal parts that can also benefit from dividing the modeling of sheet metal features among
multiple designers. In the past release, a body had to be physically split up into separate bodies to divide the work.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Assemblies

Command Finder
Define Part Module Input

FormatPart ModuleDefine Module Input

Location in dialog box

Shared Body group Define Shared Body Input check box

40 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Controlling Part Module updates

You can control how NX updates your internal part modules, and prevent part modules from updating automatically.
Use the Delay Part Module Update and Update Part Modules commands to update one feature at a time or
update an entire part module.
To update features, leave Delay Part Module Update turned on, and control feature update using the out-of-date
in the Part Navigator. When you click the out-of-date icon
for a feature, NX updates that feature and
any out-of-date parents. When you click the out-of-date icon
for a part module, NX updates that part module, all
its member features, and any out of date parents.
To update all part modules you can:

Click Update Part Modules

Turn off Delay Part Module Update


Part Navigator Updates

In the Part Navigator the old Out of Date column is now called Up to Date, and displays the following icons:
Up to date
Out of date
Failed to update

NX does not update if you click

Expressions dialog box updates

The Expressions dialog box now has the same Up to Date column as the Part Navigator.
You can use the Active Part Modules Only check box in the Expressions dialog to display only the
expressions used in an active part module.
Because you can prevent NX from updating part modules automatically, you can postpone updates of large portions
of a part to a time when it is more convenient. You can also eliminate interim updates when they are not necessary.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Assemblies

Command Finder

Delay Part Module Update

Update Part Modules

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Nest and Un-nest Part Module

Use the Nest Part Module command to nest a module into a peer module. Use the Un-nest Part Module
command to remove a nested module from inside another module.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Assemblies

Command Finder

Nest Part Module or Un-nest Part Module

Save As and Part Modules

What is it?
Linked part modules have WAVE links between the main part file and the linked part module part files. While
working in the main part file, when you choose Save As, you are prompted to save the associated linked part
module part files as well.
This functionality works:

In managed mode

In native mode

With nested linked part modules

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Assemblies

Command Finder

Save As

42 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Synchronize Links enhancement

What is it?
The Synchronize Links command provides the ability to not only update the linked feature, but to map all of its
dependent features as well. You can now use the Synchronize Links command to update extracted features that
are part module inputs and outputs.
When you need to update extracted features, you must first use the Delay Part Module Update command.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Assemblies

Command Finder
Synchronize Links

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Snip into Patches
Use Snip into Patches to perform two unique functions on an untrimmed B-surface face:

Split the face into separate sheet bodies that correspond to the patch definition of the surface.

Delete one or more patches from the original sheet. This is a quick way to repair a small area of a larger
sheet, so that you can then create a new surface to fill the gap.


Original B-surface selected.


One sheet body is created for

each patch.


Selected patches are


Where do I find it?




An untrimmed B-surface consisting of a single face.

Command Finder
Snip into Patches

44 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Use the Rib command to add a thin-wall rib or rib network to a solid body by extruding an intersecting planar
Ribs are created based on a planar section of curves. The section can be any combination of curves:

A single open curve with no other curves

endpoint connected.


A single closed curve or spline.


Connected curves may be open or closed.



You can specify a wall direction where the rib walls are perpendicular to the section plane or parallel to it.



You can specify how thickness is applied relative to the section.

Symmetric Rib thickness is applied symmetrically about the section curves.

Asymmetric Rib thickness is applied to one side of the section curves.

Why should I use it?

Use Rib any time you need to create rib features from planar section curves. Ribs are common in molded, cast, and
forged parts and have numerous industrial applications.

Where do I find it?



What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Command Finder

InsertDesign FeatureRib


Mirror Geometry
What is it?
Use the Mirror Geometry command to create associative or non-associative mirrored geometry about a specified

The Mirror Geometry command replaces the Mirror type in the Instance Geometry command from
previous releases.
You can mirror the following types of geometry:





Solid Body




Sheet Body

For the mirror operation, you can specify:

Whether the mirrored geometry is associative or non-associative.

Whether you want to copy threads.

The method of orienting the mirrored axes when CSYS objects are mirrored.

Mirror X and Y, Derive Z

46 What's New in NX 9.0

Mirror Y and Z, Derive X

Mirror Z and X, Derive Y

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Shape Studio

Command Finder
Mirror Geometry

Extract multiple bodies enhancement

What is it?
When you use the Extract Geometry command for Body or Mirror Body type copies, you can now create one
feature for multiple selected bodies.
The multiple bodies can include single bodies, feature bodies, and bodies in groups. You can set selection rules for
these bodies using the options on the new Body Rule list on the Top Border bar.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Extract Geometry

In the Extract Geometry dialog box, the Extract Geometry Type list
must be set to Body or Mirror Body

Top border bar

Body Rule listSingle Body, Feature Bodies or Bodies in Group

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Analyze Pockets and Blend Pocket

What is it?
Use the Analyze Pockets and Blend Pocket commands together to efficiently model complex blends on
concave edges of pockets, to closely represent how the pocket will be machined.

Analyze Pockets

Blend Pocket

Analyze Pockets
Use Analyze Pockets to identify blending issues based on a specified type of machine tool. Areas with blending
issues are tagged in the display and presented in the HD3D Tools navigator.
HD3D Tools

Object Name
Analyze Pocket
Face: <#>

48 What's New in NX 9.0




Passed with...
Passed with...
Passed with...

NX 9.0

HD3D Tools
Acutely Angled Walls

Analyze Pocket
Acutely Inclined Walls
Face: <#>


Passed with...
Passed with...
Passed with...
Passed with...

Face: <#>

HD3D Tools
Tool Inaccessible Areas

Analyze Pocket
Tool Inaccessible Areas
Face: <#>


Passed with...
Passed with...
Passed with...
Passed with...

Face: <#>

Use this analysis information to make any corrections necessary to the model and determine the proper selection of
tools for machining the blends.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Blend Pocket
After you have analyzed a pocket for machining issues, you can then use Blend Pocket to specify the type of tool
and machining characteristics to yield a blend that can be machined.
The types of tools available in Blend Pocket are:

End Mill

T Cutter

Spherical Mill

When you use the End Mill tool type, you can specify how you want angled walls cut.

Swarf cuts the wall and cuts the floor only until tangent to
the ramped floor near the wall. There are no sharp edges.

Swarf Cut Wall

Cuts the floor until the tool touches the top of the wall,
and swarf cuts the wall. This leaves a sharp edge.

Cut Floor and Swarf Cut Wall

Cuts only the floor, leaving the wall perpendicular to the

floor. There are no sharp edges.

Cut Floor

Cutter is angled to swarf cut both the wall and floor. This
leaves a sharp edge.

Swarf Cut Wall and Floor

Why should I use it?

Many industries require the milling of complex blended pockets. Regular blending methods may not result in a
pocket that is modeled as it will be machined. Analyzing and validating pockets for blending prior to modeling the
blends avoids downstream manufacturing problems, improves quality and efficiency, and improves weight estimates
based on the model.

50 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Gateway and Modeling

Command Finder
Analyze Pockets
Blend Pocket

AnalysisAnalyze Pockets

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Combine or separate tool bodies

What is it?
You can now quickly combine or separate the volume of tool bodies from a target body. You can:

Remove the volume of one or more tool bodies from a target body using the Convert to Subtract

Combine the volume of two or more solid tool bodies into a single target body using the Convert to
Unite command.

If you created a Unite feature using the Define Regions option, those regions are discarded when the
feature is converted.

Why should I use it?

Use this function when you mistakenly create a Boolean Unite (or Subtract) and you want to convert it to a Subtract
(or Unite) without deleting the feature and starting over.

Where do I find it?




A preexisting Unite or Subtract feature

Graphics window

Right-click a Unite/Subtract featureConvert to Unite or Convert to


Part Navigator

Right-click a Unite/Subtract featureConvert to Unite or Convert to



Right-click a Unite/Subtract featureConvert to Unite or Convert to


52 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Interrupt feature updates

What is it?
You can now interrupt a long feature update, control its state, and roll it back to either:

The last successfully updated feature, which becomes the current feature and all subsequent features
become inactive.

The state before the update started. Any feature updates that took place are discarded.

Example workflow:

Suppress Extrude (2).

Part Navigator
Model History
Datum Coordinate System (0)
Sketch (1) PROFILE
Extrude (2)
Extrude (3)
Unite (4)
Revolve (5)
Datum Plane (6)


Click Stop to interrupt the feature update.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0


After the update is interrupted:

If Roll Back on Interrupt = Make Last Successful Feature Current

The last successfully updated feature Chamfer (112) is current and all subsequent features become
Part Navigator
Extrude (111)
Chamfer (112)
Sketch (113) SKETCH_000
Extrude (114)
Extrude (115)
Extrude (116)
Extrude (117)

If Roll Back on Interrupt = Undo

The part reverts to the original state.
Part Navigator
Model History
Datum Coordinate System (0)
Sketch (1) PROFILE
Extrude (2)
Extrude (3)
Unite (4)
Revolve (5)
Datum Plane (6)

Why should I use it?

You can now quickly cancel an update with the option of preserving what has already been calculated. This is
particularly useful for large and complex models that require long feature updates.

Where do I find it?



Main Menu

FileUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

ModelingGeneralUpdate tab Roll Back on Interrupt


54 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Update tabRoll Back on Interrupt

Load Rollback Data

What is it?
Use the new Load Rollback Data on Work Part Open option in the Assembly Load Options to improve
the speed and performance of common NX interactions, such as highlighting features.
By selecting this option, rollback data will be more quickly available when you change the work part.

Where do I find it?




FileOptionsAssembly Load OptionsLoad Behavior

groupLoad Rollback Data on Work Part Open
PreferencesModelingUpdate tabLoad Rollback Data
The default for these options is populated by Customer Defaults
Modeling General Update tab Load Rollback Data

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Sorting model views

You can sort Model Views in the Part Navigator using one of three automatic sort orders, or you can create your
own sort order, called an explicit order. You can save multiple explicit sort orders and apply them as needed.

Automatic sorting orders




Model views that begin with the

character #.

Default system-supplied view


Numerals ordered before letters.

Views with characters other

than letters, numerals, or #.

Numerals ordered before

letters, letters sorted

Remaining defined views,

sorted alphabetically.

Characters other than letters,

numerals, or # are ordered

Model views that begin with Same as alphabetic method, but

the character #.
numerals are treated as numeric
values and are ordered in
Default system-supplied
view names.

Model Views

Model Views
























Trimetric (Work)




Trimetric (Work)

Trimetric (Work)







Model Views


56 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Explicit sorting orders

You can save an explicit, custom sorting order and apply it as necessary.

Explicit sorting orders are filed with the part.

In the Part Navigator, you can reorder views if Enable Drag and Drop Reorder is selected
Part Navigator Properties.

You can also use the Explicit Order dialog box to reorder, name, save, and retrieve explicit sorting

PMI views were reordered as the first model views in the Part Navigator
and saved as user_defined_PMI. The saved sorting order was then applied by
selecting it in the Explicit Order dialog box.


Part Navigator
Model Views


Explicit Order dialog box


Saved tab


Saved file is selected and the saved sorting order is applied.

Trimetric (Work)

The saved sort order name
is appended to the Model
Views node.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

If you want to use a sort method other than the default method supplied with NX.
If you want to customize the order of the entries in the Part Navigator.

Where do I find it?


Gateway and Modeling

Command Finder

Part Navigator Properties

Location in dialog box

General tab:
Enable Drag and Drop Reorder
Sort Method list

Explicit order

Gateway and Modeling

Part Navigator

Right-clickModel ViewsExplicit Order

58 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Select intersection edges in Edge Blend and Draft

What is it?
A new Selection Intent rule is available in Edge Blend and Draft to let you collect all of the edges produced by the
intersection of a target and tool body in a Boolean operation.
The following edge blend preview shows the intersection edges that were found between the selected edge of a
rectangular slot feature and its target body.

In this Edge Blend example:

A shelled extrude feature pierces two sections of a
solid body, to which it is united.

With the Edge Blend dialog box open and the

Feature Intersection Edges Selection Intent rule
active, selecting the extrude feature produces a preview of
the blend intersection edges.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Clicking OK or Apply creates the edge blend.

With the Draft command the Feature Intersection Edges Selection Intent rule is available with either of the
following Types:

From Edges

To Parting Edges

Why should I use it?

The Feature Intersection Edges Selection Intent rule improves the reliability of feature update in Edge Blend
and Draft, making them more adaptable to future design change.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio

Available with the Edge Blend and Draft commands.

Available only with a Boolean feature (the child of a tool body and
a target body that were combined in a Boolean operation).

Available in:

Parts or models created or saved in NX 9 and above.

Pre-NX 9 parts or models following an Automatic

Feature Replay or Feature Playback in NX 9 or

Top Border Bar

Curve Rule listFeature Intersection Edges

Command Finder

Edge Blend and Draft

60 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Replace Edge
What is it?
Use the Replace Edge command to modify or replace the boundary of a surface.
This command replaces the Edit Sheet Boundary command, but retains only the replace edge functionality from
the Edit Sheet Boundary command.
The options to remove holes and trims are now available in different commands.

To remove holes, use the Edge to Delete option that is available for the new Local Untrim and
Extend command.

To create non-parametric bodies, clear the Associative check box that is now available for the Untrim

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Replace Edge

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Local Untrim and Extend

What is it?
Use the Local Untrim and Extend command to extend, trim, or untrim a single surface of a sheet body.
You can:

Untrim the surface by selecting one or more edges of the surface.

Remove interior holes and edges of the surface.

Create a new surface without modifying the original surface.

Original surface

Extended surface

Trimmed surface

Untrimmed surface

62 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Deleted hole

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Local Untrim and Extend

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Rough Offset enhancement

You can now use a facet sheet body as input for a Rough Offset.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio

Command Finder
Rough Offset
Location in dialog box

Filter list
Surface Generation MethodRough Fit.

64 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Replace Feature enhancements

What is it?
Geometric matching in Replace Feature is now more effective and reliable. The commands interaction has been
improved and is easier to use.

Geometric matching now uses an improved algorithm that provides a much higher rate of successful

A new Display Only Unique Inputs during Mapping option supports geometric matching. When
selected, Selection Intent rule settings that were used to specify the input for the original dependent
downstream features are preserved. Selection Intent remains active, but its user interface is hidden to
prevent inadvertent changes.

When the Display Only Unique Inputs during Mapping option is selected, an Automatic
Progression during Mapping option automatically scrolls the list of parent objects to the next
unresolved parent feature.

A new Automatically Execute Geometric Matching option is selected by default.

If you do not want automatic geometric matching to occur, clear this option box.

Why should I use it?

Automatic mapping is now more robust and successful when you replace a feature.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio



Location in dialog box

Replace Feature dialog box

Automatic Matching group
Geometric Matching Allowance box
Automatically Execute Geometric Matching check box
Settings group
Display Only Unique Inputs during Mapping
Automatic Progression during Mapping

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Unsew enhancements
What is it?
When using the Unsew command you can now use edges to split a body, in addition to faces.

Selected edges identify region to be


Interior region of the unsewn sheet

body shown repositioned for clarity

On a sheet body, the selected edges may either form a closed loop or they should extend across the sheet body,
starting and ending on laminar edges.
On a solid body, the selected string of edges must form a closed loop.

Why should I use it?

In the above example, by using Edge selection and the Curve Rule list, only a single tangent edge string needed to
be selected instead of multiple faces.

Where do I find it?


66 What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Command Finder

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Draft enhancements
What is it?
The Draft command has been enhanced with an additional Draft Method of Stationary and Parting Face.
Use the Stationary and Parting Face draft method to create draft:

From a planar face to a parting surface. The stationary object is defined by a plane or planar face.

From a non-planar face or set of faces to a parting surface.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Shape Studio

Command Finder
Location in dialog box

68 What's New in NX 9.0

Draft References group, Draft Method listStationary and Parting


NX 9.0

Draft Body enhancements

What is it?
When you create a Draft Body, you can now create a tangent to face draft using the following:

A planar object through the faces to draft

A non planar object through the faces to draft

Body with Isocline Curves

Draft To Isocline

Draft Tangent to Face

Planar parting line

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Draft To Isocline

Draft Tangent to Face

Non-planar parting line

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio

Command Finder
Draft Body

70 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Thicken enhancements
What is it?
The Thicken command has been enhanced to allow region boundaries of different thicknesses. It also allows
specified areas to be pierced.
The Region Behavior group has been added to the dialog box.
Original surface with curves on the surface.

One thicken feature with 2 thicknesses and 2 pierced


Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio

Command Finder

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Pattern enhancements
What is it?
The Pattern Face command and the Pattern Geometry command now share common pattern definition options.
You can create patterns of faces or geometry in various patterns and define pattern boundaries, reference points,
orientation, and clocking.

Pattern Geometry replaces the Instance Geometry command of previous releases.

You can create a pattern of faces or geometry using a variety of pattern layouts.









You can fill a specified boundary with a pattern of faces or geometry.

72 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

For a Linear layout, you can specify a Symmetric pattern in one or both directions. You can also specify
to Stagger columns or rows.

For a Circular or Polygon layout, you can choose to radiate a pattern.

You can define a Pattern Increment by using expressions to specify pattern parameters.

You can export pattern parameter values to a spreadsheet and make positional edits that are propagated
back to your pattern definition.

You can explicitly select individual instance points for deletion or for clocking instances to different

Multiple instances of the pattern
can be deleted at one time.
Linear 4 x
4 layout

Each move shown above is a
separate clocking operation.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

You can control the orientation of a pattern.

Same As Input

Follow Pattern (circular)

Why should I use it?

Use Pattern Face and Pattern Geometry anytime you want to propagate faces or geometry in a geometric
Pattern Face is especially useful when working with imported solid models when there are no features in the
model to pattern. It also does not create individual instances as does Pattern Feature, so feature creation and
editing are faster.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio, and Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Pattern Face
Pattern Geometry

74 What's New in NX 9.0

InsertAssociative CopyPattern Geometry

NX 9.0

Untrim enhancements
What is it?
When you use the Untrim command, you can now create a non-parametric body. To do this, clear the new
Associative check box.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Location in dialog box

Settings groupAssociative check box

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Divide Face enhancements

What is it?
A tool option list with the Divide Face command now provides three new methods for specifying how to divide a

Line by Two Points

Offset Curve in Face

Iso-Parametric Curve

The original method used with Divide Face is still available and now appears as Object in the tool option list.

Why should I use it?

These new methods allow greater flexibility when defining dividing objects, where previously you could only select
curves, faces, or datum planes as dividing objects. An enhanced interface also provides a more effective way to
create a dividing edge in the model.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio

Command Finder
Divide Face

76 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Part Families enhancements

What is it?
The Part Families command is enhanced as follows:

You can now control the order of the columns in the spreadsheet by reordering them in the Part Families
dialog box.

You cannot directly reorder columns in the spreadsheet.

You can now assert mass on part family members for Advanced Weight Management calculations.

You can now assign physical materials to part family members. See the Modeling help for more
information, including the format you must use in the part family spreadsheet.

The Part Families command and other part family interactions are now supported in journals.

The Display Message when Modifying Part Family Members customer default lets you control
whether warning messages are displayed when you modify part family members and cannot save the

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Why should I use it?

You may want to use the Display Message when Modifying Part Family Members customer default in
situations that can potentially modify many part family members, for example:

When you convert mating conditions in your assembly to assembly constraints.

When you run Check-Mate tests on your assembly.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder

Part Families


ToolsPart Families

Location in dialog box

Columns groupActionsAdd at End

or Add after Selected


What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Body selection enhancements for Boolean operations

What is it?
Include Sheet Bodies

is a new option on the Top Border that includes or excludes sheet bodies during
On Selection collects solid bodies and sheet bodies.

It works in conjunction with the Body Rule options:

Single Body

Feature Bodies

Bodies in Group

Why should I use it?

This option lets you be more specific in the selection of bodies when using commands that infer Boolean operations.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Shape Studio


Type Filter listSolid Bodies

Top Border Bar

78 What's New in NX 9.0

Include Sheet Bodies

NX 9.0

Face selection enhancements for Synchronous Modeling

What is it?
Include Interior Boss and Pocket Faces
is a new option on the Top Border that includes interior boss
and pocket faces when selecting slot and rib faces for Synchronous Modeling face operations.
On Selection includes faces of interior boss and pocket

Why should I use it?

This option lets you be more specific in the selection of boss and pocket faces when performing Synchronous
Modeling face operations.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Shape Studio


Face Rule listRib Faces or Slot Faces

Top Border Bar

Include Interior Boss and Pocket Faces

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Synchronous Modeling
Move Edge
What is it?
You can now edit a shape by directly manipulating its edges instead of the usual method of editing its faces. Faces
adjacent to the edges you edit adapt to follow their motion.

80 What's New in NX 9.0


You want to replace the cylinder at the top

of your model with a common slope.


You select the first edge to move.


When you move the edge the shape of the

body changes and adapts the faces
surrounding the edge.

NX 9.0


You select the second edge to move.


The solid body is successfully modified.

The following rules apply to moving edges:

Only a single chain of end-connected edges can be edited.

The edges must all be on the same body.

A laminar edge is not allowed.

Why should I use it?

Use Move Edge with Offset Edge and Divide Face to change the basic shape of a model by moving and adding
new edges and faces.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio

Command Finder

Move Edge


InsertSynchronous ModelingEdgeMove Edge

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Offset Edge
What is it?
Designed to work in tandem with the new Move Edge command, Offset Edge lets you offset an edge or a set of
contiguous edges.

You can offset existing edges in a plane or along faces.

You can create new edges using the Divide Face command and offset or morph their basic shape using
Offset Edge.

Original model
An edge is selected, and an offset applied and previewed
Result of offset edge

Why should I use it?

Use Offset Edge with Move Edge and Divide Face to change the basic shape of a model by moving, offsetting,
and adding new edges and faces.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio

Command Finder

Offset Edge


InsertSynchronous ModelingEdgeOffset Edge

82 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Delete blend faces with the Delete Face command

What is it?
You can select and delete multiple blend faces in your model using a value for the limit of a blend radius.
Once you specify a radius value in the Delete Face dialog box and select a blend face in the graphics window, all
blend faces with a radius equal or less than equal to the value you specified are selected for deletion.
You could also drag a rectangle to select all blend faces of equal or lesser value than the one you specified.

Why should I use it?

Use this enhancement to delete all circular blends in a model given a specified threshold for a radius size.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio

Command Finder

Delete Face


InsertSynchronous ModelingDelete Face

Location in dialog box

Type groupBlend Size option

Blend to Delete groupBlend Size <= box

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Label Notch Blend enhancement

What is it?
The Label Notch Blend command can now succeed in more cases involving compound notch blends.
A compound notch blend occurs when two blend faces come into contact and notch each other.

Label Notch Blend lets you label such faces as rolling ball blends, allowing NX to properly recognize them as
blends during subsequent face change operations, such as with Move Face and Resize Blend.
Notch blending was introduced in NX 8.5 with the Label Notch Blend command, but it did not support
compound notch blends.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio

Command Finder

Label Notch Blend


InsertSynchronous ModelingDetail FeatureLabel Notch


84 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Facet Body Preparation

Create Box
What is it?
Use the Create Box command to create a bounding box around selected geometry.
When you use the Create Box command:

Curves, edges, faces and faceted bodies may be selected.

The box is created to enclose the selected geometry.

The box is aligned with the WCS.

A clearance distance can be applied to the bounding box.

An associative solid body is created.

When you create a box, you can control:

The reference CSYS orientation using the manipulator.

The color of the bounding box.

An offset from the body by using a clearance or by dragging the sizing handles on the box.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Mold Wizard, and Progressive Die Wizard


A curve, edge face or a faceted body to select.

Command Finder
Create Box

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Snap Point enhancement

What is it?
A new Point on Facet Vertex
option has been added to the snap point options, use this option to snap to
facet vertices when creating lines, arcs, and circles based on a faceted body.

The Point on Facet Vertex snap point is currently available for the following commands:




Lines and Arcs

Studio Spline

Fit Curve

Four Point Surface

Rapid Surfacing

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Mold Wizard and Progressive Die Wizard.

Top Border Bar

Point on Facet Vertex

86 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Extrude Facet Body

What is it?
Use the Extrude Facet Body command to extrude an existing faceted body into a faceted solid body.
The faceted sheet:

Can be extruded by distance.

Can be extruded to a plane.

Will process undercuts.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Mold Wizard, Progressive Die Wizard


A faceted body

Command Finder
Extrude Facet Body

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Extrude Profile
Use the Extrude Profile command to extrude a closed profile between two planes.

The curve is extruded along the specified vector and trimmed by limiting planes.

The distance is measured from a bounding box of the input.

An offset value may also be applied.

A faceted body is created.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Mold Wizard, Progressive Die Wizard

Command Finder
Extrude Profile

88 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Merge Disjoint Facet Bodies

What is it?
Use the Merge Disjoint Facet Bodies command to bridge the gap between two disjointed faceted sheet bodies
and to create a single merged faceted sheet body.
Faceted bodies may be joined using a linear or tangent option.

Why should I use it?

Faceted bodies sometimes have gaps between them that are not easily filled by additional scanning or by manual
methods. Merge Disjoint Facet Bodies provides a convenient way to merge the bodies and automatically fill
the gap between them.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Mold Wizard, Progressive Die Wizard


Two faceted bodies that are not touching

Command Finder
Merge Disjoint Facet Bodies

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Merge Overlapping Facet Bodies

What is it?
Use the Merge Overlapping Facet Bodies command to merge two faceted bodies into a single merged faceted
sheet body.

Why should I use it?

Faceted bodies sometimes overlap and the area in common needs to be combined in a way that does not produce an
overabundance of facets. Merge Overlapping Facet Bodies provides a convenient way to merge the bodies and
re-tessellate the common areas.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Mold Wizard, Progressive Die Wizard


Multiple faceted bodies

Command Finder
Merge Overlapping Facet Bodies

90 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Merge Touching Facet Bodies

Use the Merge Touching Facet Bodies command to merge two faceted sheet bodies that are touching at a
common edge by sewing them together to create a single new faceted sheet body.

Why should I use it?

Even though two adjacent faceted sheet bodies may appear to touch at a common edge, there are often tiny gaps
between them. Merge Touching Facet Bodies eliminates the gap and combines the bodies into a single faceted
sheet body.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Mold Wizard, Progressive Die Wizard


Faceted sheets

Command Finder
Merge Touching Facet Bodies

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Rough Offset enhancement

You can now use a facet sheet body as input for a Rough Offset.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio

Command Finder
Rough Offset
Location in dialog box

Filter list
Surface Generation MethodRough Fit.

92 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Shape Studio
Smooth Curve String
What is it?
The Smooth Curve String

command creates a smooth set of curves that are continuous and simplified.

They can be associative or not.

Specified curves in the string may be designated as fixed elements, and will not be modified.

Continuity level can be specified (G0, G1, or G2).

Specified radius fillets can be added to sharp corners.

Why should I use it?

To create models that are more resistant to update failures.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Shape Studio

Command Finder
Smooth Curve String

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Section surface user interface improvements

What is it?
The Section Surface dialog box has been reorganized. The 20 types of section surfaces have been broken into:

Four types of section surfaces.

13 modes of controlling the section surface shape.

3 methods of controlling the slope at the edges of the section surface.

Old Type

New Type


Slope Control




By Apex




By Curves




By Faces




By Apex




By Curves




By Faces




By Apex




By Curves




By Faces



Four Point Slope




Five Point




Three Point




Two Point Radius




Two Point Slope




Radius Angle Arc




Center Radius




Tangent Radius




Two Slopes




Fillet Bridge






Additional changes include the following:

You can use a vector as a spine curve.

The Type, Mode, and Slope Control method can be changed when editing an existing feature.

Interior Guides are moved to the Guides group.

94 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Start/End Flow Direction are moved to the Section Control group.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Shape Studio

Command Finder
Section Surface

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Highlight Lines enhancement

What is it?
Reflection Contours is a new type of Highlight Line analysis. It creates a near-photorealistic representation of
the reflection of a fluorescent tube light array upon surfaces. It seeks to mimic the practice used in the auto industry
to evaluate the quality of exterior surfaces.

Reflection Contour lines are calculated much the same as Reflection lines (without the light placement options),
except you also have control over:

Line Width

Light Diffuseness

Body Color

Light Color

Why should I use it?

To help analyze surface shape and surface quality.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Shape Studio

Command Finder
Highlight Lines

96 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Deviation Gauge enhancements

What is it?
When you perform the deviation analysis:

NX calculates the negative inner and outer tolerance values when you compute the deviation using the 3D
option available in the Measurement Definition group.

You can view the deviation value at any point by moving the cursor to the point in the graphics window.

You can display the deviation value as a PMI label. To do this, you must enable the Label with PMI
customer default.
To specify the location of the PMI labels, use the Specify Location for Deviation Label option.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Where do I find it?


Shape Studio

Command Finder
Deviation Gauge
Location in dialog box

Tolerance groupNegative Inner box or Negative Outer box

Label groupSpecify Location for Deviation Label

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Face Analysis Slope enhancements

What is it?
You can now specify up to 12 colors in which to display slope analysis results.
You can view:

The slope value at any point on the face of an object by moving the cursor to the point.

The slope value as a PMI label. To do this, you must enable the Label with PMI customer default.
You can specify the location of the PMI label. To do this, use the Specify Label Position option in the
Face Analysis Slope dialog box.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Where do I find it?


Shape Studio

Command Finder
Face Analysis Slope
Location in dialog box

98 What's New in NX 9.0

Specify Label Position option

NX 9.0

Concave Faces enhancements

What is it?
When you use the Concave Faces command, NX groups the faces that have the same radius and displays the
analysis results in a list in the Face Radius List group.
You can:

Assign a color attribute to faces that have the same radius. To do this, select a row from the Face Radius
List box, right-click and choose Assign Color.

View the radius of the concave faces as a PMI label. To specify the location of the PMI label, use the
Specify Label for Face Radius option.

The yellow color attribute is assigned to the concave faces whose radii lie within the range of 3 mm
to 6 mm when viewed in a direction normal to the selected faces.
In the Concave Faces dialog box, in the Face Radius List box, you can view a list of faces that
have the same radius.
R = 3.0 mm (3) constant
R = 3.0 mm (4) 3.06 3.45
R = 4.0 mm (1) constant
R = 5.0 mm (2) constant
R = 5.1 mm (1) 5.13 5.53
R = 6.0 mm (9) constant
In the graphics window, you can view each radius as a PMI label.

You can also:

Specify the number of decimal places up to which the radius of the concave faces is displayed in the Face
Radius List box. To do this, use the Group Interval option in the Face Radius List group.
For example, if Group Interval = 0.01, radius values up to two decimal places are displayed in the Face
Radius List box.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

View the radius of the concave faces at any point on the face by moving the cursor to the point in the
graphics window.

Where do I find it?


Shape Studio

Command Finder
Concave Faces
Location in dialog box

100 What's New in NX 9.0

Face Radius List group

NX 9.0

Face Curvature Analysis

What is it?
You can analyze the curvature of faces and display the information in three different ways:

Color Plot



Face Curvature offers nine methods for calculating curvature:








Why should I use it?

To analyze the shape, continuity, smoothness, and uniformity of a surface for aesthetic purposes.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Shape Studio

Command Finder
Face Curvature Analysis

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Ruled surface Developable Alignment

What is it?
When using the Ruled Surface command, you can now use the new developable alignment method to create a
surface that can be flattened without wrinkling, stretching, or tearing. For developable surfaces, the tangent plane
along the ruling remains constant. This preserves the angle between any two crossing curves at a point on the

Filler surfaces are created:

Between consecutive planar and tangent developable components.

At the beginning and end of the input curves to complete the surface along the curves.

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Shape Studio

Command Finder
Location in dialog box

102 What's New in NX 9.0

Alignment group, Alignment listDevelopable

NX 9.0

Wrap/Unwrap Curve
What is it?
You can now use the Wrap/Unwrap Curve

command to wrap or unwrap curves from a developable ruled

Where do I find it?


Modeling and Shape Studio

Command Finder

Wrap/Unwrap Curve

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Pack all components enhancement
What is it?
When you load an assembly, multiple instances of the same parts are now automatically packed for you by default.
Previously you had to do this manually in the Assembly Navigator. You can change the default if you do not
want multiple instances of the same part shown as packed components in the Assembly Navigator.

Where do I find it?


All NX applications

Command Finder

Customer Defaults

Location in dialog box

GatewayAssembly NavigatorPack Components check box

104 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

WAVE link multiple bodies enhancement

What is it?
When you use the WAVE Geometry Linker, for Body or Mirror Body type links, you can now create one
WAVE link for multiple selected bodies.
The multiple bodies can include single bodies, feature bodies, and bodies in groups. You can set selection rules for
these bodies using the options on the new Body Rule list on the Top Border bar.

Why should I use it?

You can model tool solid bodies in a separate part file and then WAVE link these bodies into another part using a
single WAVE link. The single WAVE link makes it easier to control updates. When your WAVE link is a group or a
feature group, changes to the group are reflected in the WAVE link.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
WAVE Geometry Linker

In the WAVE Geometry Linker dialog box, the WAVE Link Type list
must be set to Body or Mirror Body

Top border bar

Body Rule listSingle Body, Feature Bodies or Bodies in Group

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Load Rollback Data

What is it?
Use the new Load Rollback Data on Work Part Open option in the Assembly Load Options to improve
the speed and performance of common NX interactions, such as highlighting features.
By selecting this option, rollback data will be more quickly available when you change the work part.

Where do I find it?




FileOptionsAssembly Load OptionsLoad Behavior

groupLoad Rollback Data on Work Part Open
PreferencesModelingUpdate tabLoad Rollback Data
The default for these options is populated by Customer Defaults
Modeling General Update tab Load Rollback Data

106 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Assembly Clearance enhancements

What is it?
The Assembly Clearance commands are enhanced as follows:

You can now calculate the penetration depth of each interference when you run a clearance analysis.

The dialog boxes are updated and reorganized to make them easier to use.

You can now select and delete multiple clearance sets.

You can specify the units used in a clearance analysis by choosing an option from the analysis validation
units menu, Units Custom.

Penetration depth is calculated using lightweight geometry; therefore the results are approximate. When you study a
hard interference, the approximate maximum interference measurement is displayed using:

Two planes at the boundaries of the penetration.

A penetration depth line.

A box that displays the value of the approximate maximum measurement.

Why should I use it?

You can identify interferences in order of severity by sorting the results in the Distance column of the Clearance
Browser. This lets you address the most severe interferences first.
You can now run a clearance analysis using the unit type that is most useful for your purposes. Previously, clearance
analysis results were always displayed in the unit type of the displayed part.

Where do I find it?

Calculate Penetration Depth
Command Finder
Assembly Clearance

AnalysisAssembly ClearanceClearance SetSet or New

Location in dialog box

Settings groupCalculate Penetration Depth

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Units Custom
Command Finder

Custom Units or Units Custom

Order of components in the Assembly Navigator

What is it?
You can control the order of the components in the Assembly Navigator by creating your own user-defined order
or applying a system-defined order. The active order is shown in the assembly node after the part name.
You can create a user-defined order by using either of the following methods:

Drag one or more selected components to a new location in the Assembly Navigator.

You can have as many orders as you want, and switch between them as often as you like, without
changing the structure of your assembly. However, you must be very careful when you create an
order by dragging components and subassemblies. If you drag a component or subassembly node
away from its original parent to another location in your assembly, the component or subassembly
changes its parent and your assembly is restructured instead of reordered. See Sorting, reordering,
and restructuring the Assembly Navigator for more information.

Use the Reorder Components command to specify the new location for one or more selected
components. When your assembly structure is large, you may find it easier to reorder selected components
with the Reorder Components dialog box instead of dragging them.

User-defined orders are saved with the assembly so that you can continue to use them in later NX sessions.
NX supplies the following system-defined orders:

Chronological, Alphanumeric, and Alphabetic, which are available in both native NX and managed

Sequential, which is available only in managed mode.

Use the Edit Orders in Part command to:

Apply or copy any user-defined order or system-defined order.

Rename or delete any user-defined order.

Why should I use it?

Component ordering provides a helpful, consistent, and predictable way to order components in the Assembly
Navigator, so that it is easier to find the components that interest you. For example, you can use chronological
order to easily find the components that were most recently added to the assembly, or you can create a user-defined
order that positions the most commonly-modified components highest in the order.
When you update the order of components, the order is saved with the assembly and used the next time you load the

108 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Reorder Components


Command Finder

Reorder Components

Assembly Navigator

Right-click the top-level assembly nodeNavigator OrderReorder


Edit Orders in Part



Command Finder

Edit Orders in Part

Assembly Navigator

Right-click the top-level assembly nodeNavigator OrderEdit

Orders in Part

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Pattern Component
What is it?
Pattern component replaces the component array functionality, providing a greater range of pattern types, a more
dynamic user interaction, and functional and user interface consistency with Pattern Feature. Component patterns
also interact more dynamically and predictably with assembly constraints.
Pattern Component is used for creating copies of components and laying them out in a pattern formation. It is
possible to pattern multiple components together using a single component pattern.
You can create associative patterns of the following types:

Linear lays out components in one or two linear directions.

Circular lays out components along an arc or circle.

Reference creates and positions components using members of an existing pattern (e.g. places bolts in a
pattern of holes).

Once created, these associative patterns can be edited. They can also update in response to changes in the model.
In addition, you can create the following types of non-associative patterns:

Polygon lays out components along the edges of a polygon.

Spiral creates a layout of components along a spiral path.

Along create components along a path defined by a curve chain.

Helix creates components along a helical path.

General creates a series of components in positions defined by the user.

After a pattern component has been created, it is listed in the Assembly Navigator in the Component Patterns
folder and can be edited from there. When you have an assembly with existing component arrays, these arrays are
also listed in the Component Patterns folder and are edited from this folder.

Why should I use it?

You use component patterns when you want to place multiple instances of one or more components in a pattern.
This pattern can be defined in the assembly or it can reference a pattern such as an existing hole pattern in a
Component patterns should be used in situations where component arrays would have been used in previous
releases. Patterns can also be used to create complex pattern types that were not supported by component arrays.
Component patterns replace component arrays, providing more extensive functionality and superior user interaction.
Component arrays cannot be created in NX 9. Component arrays cannot be converted in component patterns, but
existing arrays can be edited in NX 9.

110 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?



Command Finder

Pattern Components

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Identification of inconsistencies between WAVE and assembly constraints

What is it?
When an assembly constraint cannot be solved consistently with WAVE-linked geometry, NX now marks the
constraint with the
icon and provides the following constraint status:
Suppressed automatically to avoid a conflict between assembly constraints and WAVE

After you finish your edits, you can unsuppress the constraint to remove the conflict.

Why should I use it?

During updates, NX automatically sets this status on constraints that cannot be solved consistently with WAVElinked geometry. The status indicates an inconsistency in your model that you should consider resolving.

Where do I find it?



Assembly Navigator

Top-level assembly nodeConstraints folderConstraint node that

conflicts with WAVEAlerts column

Constraint Navigator

Work Part nodeConstraint node that conflicts with WAVEStatus


112 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Align/Lock assembly constraint

What is it?
You can use the new Align/Lock constraint type to:

Align two axes in different components while preventing any rotation about the common axis. The
Align/Lock constraint behaves like an Align constraint except for this lack of rotation.

Align two circular arcs in different components while preventing the components from rotating relative to
each other. The Align/Lock constraint behaves like a Concentric constraint except for this lack of

In the following figure, the bolts have the same constraints, except the bolt on the left has an Align constraint
between the centerlines of the bolt and hole. The bolt on the right has an Align/Lock constraint between the same
centerlines. The bolt on the left has one rotation degree of freedom, which means that the bolt can spin around its
centerline. The bolt on the right is locked in place.

Why should I use it?

An Align/Lock constraint is useful in situations such as the following:

You want to position and fully constrain rotationally-symmetric components.

You have a component that you want to constrain using an axis, and you want to simultaneously prevent
rotation about that axis.

For example, you can use an Align/Lock constraint to position a bolt in a hole.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Assembly Constraints
Graphics window
Right-click a componentAssembly Constraints
Location in dialog box
Type groupType listAlign/Lock

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Direction to Fixed column in the Constraint Navigator

What is it?
For each component node in the Constraint Navigator, the new Direction to Fixed column identifies which
constraints connect the component to fixed geometry, whether directly or indirectly. Each unsuppressed constraint
has one of the following icons:

Toward Fixed Geometry
Away from Fixed Geometry
The constraint network does not contain any fixed

Constraints that lead toward fixed geometry are typically those that determine the position of that component.
Constraints that lead away from fixed geometry typically position other components against the component you are
Some components are referenced by large numbers of constraints, but often only a small number of the constraints
actively influence the position of the components.

Why should I use it?

The information in the new Direction to Fixed column is useful when you want to understand which constraints
impact the position of a component, for example, in situations such as the following:

When you want to modify the position of the component.

When you want to add or remove degrees of freedom.

Where do I find it?




The Constraint Navigator must be in one of the following modes:

Constraint Navigator

114 What's New in NX 9.0

Group by Components

Group by Component Status

Group by Component Level

Constraint nodeDirection to Fixed column

NX 9.0

Product interface enhancements

What is it?
Product interfaces are enhanced as follows:

The Product Interface command now provides a level of indirection between the source object and the
linked object that is in another part file. A linked object links to a public object instead of directly to the
source object.

You can use the new WAVE Interface Linker command to create a linked feature for one or more
selected product interfaces.

You can now use the WAVE Geometry Linker command to create or edit a linked feature for a selected
product interface.

Why should I use it?

You can change the objects of the linked content in the public object and remap without breaking links to
downstream features.
The WAVE Interface Linker command is useful when you want to create a linked feature for a large number of
selected product interfaces.
Use the WAVE Geometry Linker command when you want to edit a linked feature, or when your workflow
involves creating linked features for other objects as well as product interfaces.

Where do I find it?

Product Interface
Command Finder
Product Interface
WAVE Interface Linker
Command Finder

WAVE Interface Linker

WAVE Geometry Linker

Command Finder
WAVE Geometry Linker

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Assemblies functions in SNAP

What is it?
The Simple NX Application Programming (SNAP) API is expanded to include some simple functions for working
with NX assemblies.
The new capabilities include:

Snap.NX.Component objects, which are used to represent the parent-child relationships in an assembly.

Easy-to-use functions for cycling through an assembly tree without writing complex recursive code

Functions for working with object occurrences and prototypes

A new chapter of the Getting Started with SNAP guide describes assemblies concepts and provides sample code.
The SNAP Reference Guide describes the new assemblies functionality in detail along with examples.

Why should I use it?

The new functions allow you to cycle through an assembly to gather information and write out a report, such as a

Where do I find it?

The Getting Started with SNAP guide is provided in PDF format and the SNAP Reference Guide is provided in
Microsoft Help format (.chm). They are located in the Help at Programming ToolsSNAP.

116 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Visual reports
Visual report sub-part topology
What is it?
You can now create and run a visual report based on the sub-part topology level of your model. As a result, you can
run a variety of visual reports based on face or body properties in either a single part or an assembly of components.
Some examples of the new reporting capabilities are to identify:

Faces or bodies based on geometric properties such as volume, area, weight, mass, or minimum radius.

Faces or bodies according to their creation time or modified date.

Faces or bodies currently referenced by WAVE links.

Faces associated with PMI objects.

Faces or bodies in either an assembly or a single component based on given object attributes. The following
is an example of a visual report based on face types in a single component.

In this example, you can designate all blended faces to be one color, and all B-surfaces another color.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

You can create a visual report to give you information about all the components in an assembly. In the following
example, a visual report displays the volume of individual component bodies.

Why should I use it?

Run a sub-part visual report to collect and report on information at the sub-part face and body topology level.
Previously, you could only do this using a Check-Mate check. Visual reports are especially useful when they are
generated to create an analysis and make overall decisions rather than perform specific fixes on part geometry.

Where do I find it?

Command Finder

Define Visual Report

Start Visual Reporting

Resource bar
HD3D Tools
Visual Report Definition dialog

118 What's New in NX 9.0

Visual Reporting

Report groupSub-part Report

check box

NX 9.0

4GD in visual reporting

What is it?
You can now create Visual Reports that can give you information about 4GD objects and properties. Some 4GD
specific properties, such as those related to design elements, are available out of the box and are included with the
other standard Teamcenter properties.
The following 4GD properties are new for NX 9:


Viewed Partition Membership

Specified Partition Membership



Design Category

Logical Designator


Source Type

Source Name

In the example shown below, a visual report can identify the reuse design elements contained in a 4GD assembly
that is composed mostly of subordinate design elements.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

You can use Visual Reports to enhance your understanding and knowledge of the 4GD data in your session.

Where do I find it?


You must be in a 4th Generation Design (4GD) environment.

Command Finder

Define Visual Report

Start Visual Reporting

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a column headingReport This Column.

Resource bar
HD3D Tools tab

Visual Reporting

Additional visual report enhancements

Visual reports have been enhanced in the following ways:

You can use filters to list reports according to their source (recent, out of the box, or by user) or their target
object type (component or subpart).

You can select an individual face or body in the graphics window and then create and activate a new report
on an attribute for the face or body.

You can use paging controls to display objects in a report group when the object count exceeds the limit.

The new Infoview template supports HTML5, giving you more control over the amount of detail
consolidated in a single template.

120 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Usability enhancements
User interface enhancements
What is it?
Significant enhancements have been made to the way you create and manage dimensions and other annotations.
These enhancements provide a more intuitive, efficient, and interactive environment and include the following

A single dialog box for setting and changing all dimension and annotation options.

The display of only relevant settings when multiple drafting objects are selected for edit, instead of
displaying all the settings for all the selected objects.

On-screen windows and access handles that provide immediate access to specific settings used to control
and change the appearance of the associated dimension or annotation object.

Consolidated dimension commands accessed from standardized dialog boxes.

See the additional Whats New topics in this section for complete details about these enhancements.

Preference and settings

The individual preference and style dialog boxes used to control the appearance and behavior of drafting and PMI
objects are now combined into a single dialog box. From this dialog box you can set and change options that control
the drafting environment, the appearance of drafting and PMI annotation and other drafting objects, and drawing
automation behavior.

Setting annotation and drawing preferences

All preferences for drafting and PMI dimensions and annotations, the drawing, and the views placed on the drawing,
are now accessed from a single Preferences dialog box.

Settings for all objects are collected into logical groups of options and exposed in a tiered structure with
multiple, nested nodes.
When a node is selected, options specific to that node are displayed in the Group boxes to the right.
You can use the search tool to quickly locate the option for a specific annotation element or drafting object.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

All preference options are initially populated from customer default settings.

Some customer defaults do not have equivalent preferences, and can only be set or reset in the customer
default dialog box. You can see a list of customer defaults that do not have an equivalent preference in the
NX Log file after you change the part drafting standard using the Drafting Standard command.

Changing the style of existing annotation and drafting objects

When creating or editing annotations or drafting objects, style settings specific to the object are made available from
a Settings dialog box. The dialog box is interactively invoked from a Settings
button when an access
handle on the object is activated, by right-clicking the drafting object and selecting Settings, or by clicking Edit
Settings and then selecting the drafting object.

122 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Command Finder
Drafting Preferences


Command Finder
Edit Settings
Graphics window

Right-click a drafting objectSettings

Select one or more drafting objectsSettings

Part Navigator

Right-click a drafting objectSettings

Where do I find it?

Command Finder
Drafting Preferences


Command Finder
Edit Settings
Graphics window

Right-click a PMI objectSettings

Select one or more PMI objectsSettings

Part Navigator

In a Model View, right-click a PMI objectSettings

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Updated dimension commands

What is it?
The 2220 dimension commands available in previous NX versions are consolidated into nineeight separate
dimension commands. Some commands contain multiple dimension types, and let you dynamically change the
dimension type while creating or editing the dimension.
The available commands are:
Arc Length
Legacy commands are retired and are no longer available.
Dimensions are created using a dialog box with groups of task-based options. These groups are common for all
dimension types, but the groups and options presented depend on the type of dimension being created or edited.
The following groups are available in dimension dialog boxes.
(1) References

Contains options for selecting the geometry or other objects for positioning and
measurement of the dimension.

(2) Origin

Contains options for positioning and placing the dimension.

(3) Measurement

Contains options for controlling the dimension that will be created and, where applicable,
how the dimension will be measured. In general, this group is available for dimension
commands that create more than one type of dimension. For example, Linear dimension.

(4) Driving

Contains options for specifying whether or not the dimension will affect the geometry if it
is changed in the drawing. This is referred to as a driving dimension.

(4) Associated

Lets you select objects to associate with the dimension.

(5) Settings

Contains options for setting the appearance of the dimension.

124 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Use the Command Finder to locate a dimension command.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Creating and editing dimensions

What is it?
New processes for creating and editing Drafting and PMI dimensions using more intuitive and consistent
interactions. These processes include the following.

The ability to let NX automatically position and place a dimension. This lets you create a dimension with
the fewest number of mouse button clicks.

Interactive, on-screen controls for setting and changing the associativity and appearance of dimensions,
dimension lines, and extension lines.
These controls include:

Access handles that, when selected, display on-screen lists and windows for modifying frequently
used options and settings for the annotation object.

Only one access handle can be active at a time.

Drag handles for repositioning dimension and extension lines.

126 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Settings buttons

for access to additional options associated with the annotation object.

Where do I find it?

While creating a dimension, click the Edit

on-screen button to enter the dimension edit mode.

You must click the Edit
can place the dimension.

on-screen button again to exit the dimension edit mode before you

Double-click an existing dimension to enter the dimension edit mode, or right-click the dimension and
select Edit.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Rapid Dimension
What is it?
The Rapid Dimension
command is similar to the legacy Inferred Dimension command, and lets
you quickly create different dimensions from a group of general, well-used dimension types. The following
dimension types are supported for creation.

Inferred determines the type of dimension to create based on the selected objects and the cursor location.








The Inferred Dimension command is no longer accessible from the NX user interface.
You can use the Rapid Dimension command to create the dimension from one of the supported dimension types.
In edit mode, the selected dimension will invoke the dialog box associated with its dimension type.

Why should I use it?

Use Rapid Dimension to quickly create a series of different dimension types from a single command using a basic
set of selection options.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Rapid Dimension

128 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Linear Dimension
The Linear Dimension
command lets you create one of six different types of linear dimensions as
standalone dimensions, or as a set of chain or baseline dimensions. You can create the following dimension types:






Hole Callout (in linear format)

You can create a set of chain or baseline dimensions using horizontal, vertical, point to point, or
perpendicular dimension types.

From the Linear Dimension command, you can:

Let NX infer the type of linear dimension to create based on the selected objects.

Dynamically change the type of linear dimension while creating or editing the dimension.

When dimensioning sketch curves on the drawing, determine whether or not the dimension will affect the
sketch curves if it is changed. This is referred to as a driving dimension. This option is only visible for
appropriate dimension types.

Add associated objects.

Manually position the dimension, or let NX automatically place the dimension.

Convert a baseline dimension set to a chain dimension set, and a chain dimension set to a baseline
dimension set.

Manually override the computed value of a dimension while creating or editing the dimension using the
Override Dimension Text option in the Settings dialog box. This override option is available for all
dimensions except driving dimensions and PMI dimensions.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Linear Dimension

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Linear Dimension

130 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Radial dimension
The Radial Dimension

command lets you create one of five different types of radial dimensions.



Radius to center

Folded radius

Hole and thread callout (in radial format).

Using the Radial Dimension command, you can:

Let NX infer the type of radial dimension to create based on the selected objects.

Dynamically change the type of radial dimension while creating or editing the dimension.

When dimensioning sketch curves on the drawing, determine whether or not the dimension value will
affect the sketch curves if it is changed. This is referred to as a driving dimension. This option is only
visible for appropriate dimension types.

Identify associated objects.

Manually position the dimension, or let NX automatically place the dimension.

Manually override the computed value of a dimension while creating or editing the dimension using the
Override Dimension Text option in the Settings dialog box. This override option is available for all
dimensions except driving dimensions and PMI dimensions.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Radial Dimension

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Radial Dimension
What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Angular Dimension enhancements

What is it?
The following enhancements are made to the Angular Dimension


The Angular Dimension command is now presented in a dialog box with groups of task-based options.

You can now apply the Alternate Angle option while editing an angular dimension.

A Lock Angle option is available from the shortcut menu when creating or editing an angular dimension.
When set, this option locks the angle in the current quadrant, and then lets you place the dimension in any

Lock angle not set before

placing the dimension

Measured angle

Lock angle set before placing

the dimension

Where do I find it?

Angular Dimension command


Command Finder
Angular Dimension
Lock Angle option


Graphics window

132 What's New in NX 9.0

While placing or editing an angular dimension, right-clickLock Angle

NX 9.0

Hole Callout
What is it?
Linear and radial dimensioning is enhanced to include a new Hole Callout option which creates associative callouts
for holes and threads based on the holes feature data.

The Hole Callout option is available in both Drafting and PMI when creating a linear or a radial dimension. Hole
callouts can be applied to:

Symbolic Threads

General Holes

Drill Size Holes

Screw Clearance Holes

Threaded Holes

The Radial dimension produces hole and diameter callouts.

The Linear dimension produces cylindrical callouts.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

Use this option to quickly create standards-compliant hole and thread callouts for hole features.

Parts that contain hole features must be fully loaded in order to create Hole Callouts.
The default format is governed by the currently used drafting standard and can be applied in accordance with:







The legacy Feature Parameters command will eventually be retired.

Where do I find it?

Create the hole callout


Command Finder
Linear Dimension

or Radial Dimension

Location in dialog box

Measurement groupMethod listHole Callout


PreferencesDrafting Dimension nodeHole Callout

Set dimension parameters for the hole callout



Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

134 What's New in NX 9.0

Dimension nodeHole Callout node

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Create the hole callout


Command Finder
Linear Dimension
Location in dialog box

or Radial Dimension

Measurement groupMethod listHole Callout

Set dimension parameters for the hole callout



Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

Dimension nodeHole Callout node

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Geometry margins for dimensions and annotations

What is it?
You can control the placement of dimensions and other annotation by specifying margins around the model
geometry. Temporary dashed lines are displayed as the origin point of the dimension or annotation passes over the

To use these margins you must set the Position on Margin option in the Origin group of the dialog box for the
dimension or annotation you are creating.
You can control the initial margin offset and subsequent spacing in the drafting Preferences dialog box by doing
the following:

Specify a First Offset value for the first offset margin.

Specify a Spacing value that is used to generate all subsequent margins.

Geometry margins are recognized only when all other alignment options are not met or are unavailable.


Annotations attached to other annotations (for example, Datums on stubs) will not snap to geometry

If a dimension or annotation has no measurable dimension line or dimension text, or the annotation
is attached to multiple views, margins are not available for placement.

Once it is placed, there is no associativity between the annotation or dimension object and the
margin. If the margin changes, the object remains in its current position.

Why should I use it?

Use geometry margins for better placement and alignment of dimensions and annotation around the geometry in
your drawing view.

Where do I find it?

Set the geometry margins


Command Finder
Drafting Preferences

136 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Location in dialog box

Common nodeOriginMargin groupFirst Offset and Spacing

Use the geometry margins for annotations



Location in dialog box

In the dialog box for the annotationOrigin

groupAlignmentPosition on Margin

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Alternate Dimension Endpoints

What is it?
Use the Alternate Dimension Endpoints command to change the dimension between two arcs from their center
points to their outer tangent points, and vice versa.

This command works for any dimension created between two arcs that conform to the following criteria:

The dimension is between two open ended arcs that lay on the same plane. Circles or other cylindrical face
types are not valid candidates for selection.

The dimension is linear, and measured in a direction which is parallel to the arc centers.

The dimension is not hidden or in a retained state.

Examples of valid dimensions

138 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

Lets you quickly change the way a slot, or the distance between arcs, is dimensioned.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Linear Dimension
Linear Dimension
Location in dialog box

Measurement groupAlternate Dimension Endpoints

Shortcut Menu

While creating or editing a valid dimension, right-clickAlternate

Dimension Endpoints

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

General dimension enhancements

What is it?
The following dimension enhancements are available for drafting and PMI dimensions.

You can reposition retained dimensions

You can define the origin of an ordinate dimension using the Point Constructor dialog box.

You can display dimensions, with or without appended text, above the stub of the leader line

You can combine the limits and fits tolerances for both a shaft (H7) and the mating hole (g6) in one
dimensional callout, with or without a separator and parentheses. Three display styles are available.

Hole and shaft tolerances in a

single line

Hole and shaft tolerances aligned

with center of dimension
Hole and shaft tolerances aligned
with dimension

Where do I find it?

Set the display of dimensions above the leader stub


140 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

Dimension nodeTextOrientation and Location groupPosition

Hole and shaft limits and fits tolerance



Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

Dimension nodeTolerance nodeLimits and Fits groupType


Extension line overhang limits



Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Graphics window

Double-click the dimension, click the Extension Line access handle, and
then click and drag the extension line handle.

Location in dialog box

Common nodeLine/Arrow nodeExtension LineFormat

groupExtension Line Overhang

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Exact and Smart Lightweight view enhancements

What is it?
Exact and Smart Lightweight views are enhanced with many functional improvements.
Smart Lightweight views now:

Generate lightweight data for all bodies lacking lightweight data.

Regenerate lightweight data for bodies containing NX 7.5 or earlier lightweight data.

The Drafting preference setting for Handling Bodies without Smart Lightweight Data determines the course
of action taken when you place a smart lightweight view on a drawing for which no lightweight data exists.
For Exact views, you can now utilize:

PMI Section Views

Custom Symbol Definitions

Interference Curves

Referenced Edges

Shadow Outlines

Simplified Curves

Framebar (Shipbuilding)

Single Line Representations (Shipbuilding)


Why should I use it?

Exact views are more memory efficient and are ideal for working with small to medium sized parts and assemblies.
Smart Lightweight views are more memory efficient and should be used when working with large assembly

Where do I find it?

To set the view type preference or default for Exact or Smart Lightweight views:


Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

View nodeCommon nodeConfiguration nodeSettings


Customer Default

File tabCustomer DefaultsDrafting nodeViewGeneral


To set the Handling Bodies without Smart Lightweight Data preference or customer default:

142 What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

View nodeWorkflow nodeLightweight Drawing Views group

Customer Default

File tabUtilitiesCustomer DefaultsDraftingGeneralView

tabHandling Bodies without Smart Lightweight Data group

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Dimensioning Smart Lightweight views

What is it?
Smart Lightweight views include enhancements to the dimensioning types, view style options, and other
miscellaneous functions which can be applied to them. The following dimensioning options are now supported for
Smart Lightweight views.

Angular dimensions using the Two Points

Linear Point-to-Point dimensions with the Use Measurement Direction option.

Ordinate dimensions with vector directed baseline orientations.

vector option.

All of these dimension types can now be attached to lightweight objects in the view and still reflect the true
dimensional data of exact model objects.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Linear Dimension

144 What's New in NX 9.0

, Angular Dimension

, and Ordinate

NX 9.0

Viewing Direction Reference Arrows

What is it?
When you create a projected view, you can now display viewing direction reference arrows to indicate the projected
views direction of sight. You can also include a corresponding view label with the projected view. The arrow
direction is based on the hinge line angle of the projected view and can be applied to either first or third angle
projected views. The display of the viewing direction reference arrow on the parent view is based on the Display
Arrow on Parent View setting.

The options you can choose from are:


Only for Non-orthographic Projections

Always (Includes orthographic and non-orthographic views)

Why should I use it?

Use the Display Arrow on Parent View when a viewing direction reference arrow and label is required on your

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Projected View
Location in dialog box
Settings groupSettings

Projected nodeSettings

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

nodeView Direction Arrow groupDisplay Arrow on Parent View

Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

View nodeProjected nodeSettings node, Label node, and Arrow


Customer default

File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

DraftingGeneral nodeStandard tabCustomize Standard

On the Customize Drafting Standard dialog box, see View
nodeProjected tab

146 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Section line bend and end segment widths

What is it?
The new Bend and End Segment Width Factor allows you to control the width of a section lines bend and
end segments relative to the width of its cut segments.
The bend and end segment width is a multiple of the width of the cut segment and can be applied to the following
section view types:





Unfolded Point to Point

Unfolded Point and Angle


Valid input values range from 1 through 4.

Bend and End Segment Width Factor=1

Bend and End Segment Width Factor=4

Why should I use it?

Use this setting when you need to explicitly control the end and bend segment widths of a section line symbol
relative to its cut segments.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

View nodeSection LineFormat groupBend and End Segment

Width Factor

Customer defaults:

FileUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

DraftingGeneralStandard tabCustomize StandardSection

Line nodeStyle tabSection Line Bend and End Segment Width

148 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Auto balloon leader placement

What is it?
You can now alter the leaders vertical attachment site on a stacked group of auto balloon callouts.

Why should I use it?

When you group a set of auto balloons vertically, you can use the settings in the Leader Attachment group to
attach leaders to the Top (1) or Bottom (2) of the group.

To rearrange the callout list, select a callout from the list, and then click Move Up

or Move

Where do I find it?




EditTableCalloutsGroup VerticallyLeader Attachment

PreferencesDraftingTable nodeParts ListCallouts
groupGroup Vertically Leader Attachment

Shortcut Menu

Right-click a calloutGroup VerticallyLeader Attachment group

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Axis Intersection symbol

What is it?
While creating GD&T callouts, you can now insert an Axis Intersection symbol into the characteristics frame.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Feature Control Frame
Location in dialog box

Frame groupCharacteristic listAxis Intersection

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Feature Control Frame
Location in dialog box

150 What's New in NX 9.0

Frame groupCharacteristic listAxis Intersection

NX 9.0

Surface Finish Symbol enhancements

What is it?
The surface finish symbol is enhanced to better support the ESKD standard. Changes for a new ESKD surface finish
symbol include the following:

The symbol is sized for the ESKD standard.

New perpendicular, equal, and cross symbols appropriate for the ESKD standard are available for the Lay
(d) attribute.

Added a Tertiary Roughness (f) attribute. Available Tertiary Roughness values are similar to values
for the previously available Roughness (a) and Secondary Roughness (b) attributes.

All Around, Machining (e) and Machining Tolerance options no longer appear, as they are not part
of the ESKD standard.

Legacy ESKD surface finish symbols are unchanged and cannot be upgraded. To get the new ESKD surface finish
symbol functionality, delete the legacy symbol and add a new one.

Where do I find it?




Standard set to ESKD. Customer default Tertiary

Roughness enabled.

Command Finder
Surface Finish

Where do I find it?




Standard set to ESKD. Customer default Tertiary

Roughness enabled.

Command Finder
Surface Finish Symbol

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Datum leader enhancements

What is it?
The following leader enhancements are available for drafting and PMI datum feature symbol.

More consistent repositioning behavior for datum symbols using the Shift+drag gesture

You can create more than seven jogs in a datum leader line.

You can attach datum leaders to the following objects:

Circular and bolt circle centerlines.

Dimension and annotation leader lines.

A new Datum Arrow Display Style customer default that lets you set the triangular shape of the datum
arrowhead symbol. You can choose an isosceles or equilateral triangle.

This default is controlled by the Drafting standard. To set the shape of the datum arrowhead, edit the
default drafting standard or create a custom drafting standard.

152 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Datum Arrow Display Style option

File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

DraftingGeneralStandard tabclick Customize

StandardAnnotationLine/Arrow tabDatum Arrow Display

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Drafting symbols
What is it?
Several new drafting symbols are available for placement in a note or in dimension text. They are:

Approximate Dimension

Right Pitch


Left Taper

Left Pitch

Right Taper

Why should I use it?

Use these options whenever you need to insert symbols like pitch or taper direction into the text of dimensions,
notes, or labels.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Location in dialog box

Symbols groupDrafting category

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Location in dialog box

154 What's New in NX 9.0

Symbols groupDrafting category

NX 9.0

Embedded image enhancements

What is it?
The Image command is improved to now embed .tif and .jpg raster images in their original format rather than
convert the images into a .png format. With this enhancement, embedded images maintain their original file
characteristics and, when queried, display the file format type in the Information window.
Additionally, a new NX Open API is available that lets you programmatically retrieve information about the
embedded image.

Please refer to the NX Open Help collection for the correct NX Open API routine name and input and output

Where do I find it?



Command Finder

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Hole Table
What is it?
The Hole Table command now utilizes a block-based dialog box to create ordinate style hole locations arranged in
a table. The table can contain individual columns for labels, category IDs, hole types, diameters and depth. The table
can cover all general hole types, including drill size holes, screw clearance holes, and threaded holes. Complete
circles in model or drafting sketches can also be tabulated.

A hole table can:

Be applied to all drafting view types.

Include partial holes in a solid body.

Include Wire EDM Start Holes.

Include multiple solid bodies or components in a view.

Display a hole ID label in the view with or without a leader.

Support hole ID letter exclusions independently of view letter exclusions.

Merge cells with same size holes.

Be edited from the same dialog box that was used to create it.

Be updated to reflect the latest version of the model.

Be re-formatted from the Settings dialog box.

Why should I use it?

Use the Hole Table command to create, configure, and edit hole tables.

The previous hole table interface, available only under the environment variable
156 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

UGII_DRAFTING_HOLE_TABLE, is no longer supported.

Where do I find it?

Hole Table command


Command Finder
Hole Table
Set hole table preferences


Command Finder
Drafting Preferences

Table nodeHole Table node

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Bend Table
What is it?
Use the Bend Table command to insert a bend table in a drawing that you create using the flat pattern view of a
Sheet Metal or FPCD part. The tabular format makes the bend information easy to read in downstream applications.

To display the bend parameters that you want in the bend table, you must set preferences in the Drafting
Preferences dialog box. You can display any or all of the following bend parameters:

Bend Sequence ID

Bend Name

Bend Radius

Bend Angle

Bend Direction

Included Angle

NX derives the values of the bend parameters from the flat pattern view.


158 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

The contents of the bend table are locked and cannot be edited.

Where do I find it?

Bend Table dialog box



A flat pattern view of the Sheet Metal or FPCD part

Command Finder
Bend Table
Drafting preferences


Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

Table nodeBend Table nodeColumns group

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Inherit PMI enhancements

What is it?

Inheriting of PMI dimensions that originate from revolved sketch dimensions set to Display as PMI is
enhanced. If the revolved sketch is on a plane that is not parallel to the view plane, NX can now optionally
orient the dimensions to the drawing view.

Dimensions for revolve feature.

(1) shows the drawing view direction.

Inherited dimensions displayed in the drawing view.

Status checking of drawing views is enhanced. If a drawing view includes inherited PMI that changed in
the model since the drawing view was last updated, NX now marks the drawing view out-of-date.

Control of PMI object values is enhanced. NX now converts values displayed for inherited PMI objects that
reference attributes or expressions to simple values. The inherited PMI do not have any active reference to
attributes or expressions. On update, the inherited PMI values are reconverted from the current model PMI.
If the text of inherited PMI is modified during bi-directional edit, the change is reflected to the model PMI.
If the model PMI was linked with an attribute or expression, such linkage is removed.

Why should I use it?

Use the Show PMI Dimension from Revolved Sketches option to inherit the revolve dimensions and
document other model geometry in a single view. The single view is more efficient than creating two views.

Where do I find it?

Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

View nodeCommon nodePMI node

Inherited groupShow PMI Dimensions from Revolved Sketches
check box

160 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Crosshatch enhancements
What is it?
Crosshatch dependencies on feature data have been removed, so you can create, edit and update crosshatches for
partially loaded parts. There is no need to fully load the part when editing or updating a crosshatch.

A crosshatch created in earlier releases is converted to an enhanced crosshatch on edit, but conversion does
require full loading of the part. Once a legacy crosshatch has been converted and saved, full loading of the
part is not required for editing or updating the crosshatch.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Graphics window

Double-click an existing crosshatch.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI)

Usability enhancements
User interface enhancements
What is it?
Significant enhancements have been made to the way you create and manage dimensions and other annotations.
These enhancements provide a more intuitive, efficient, and interactive environment and include the following

A single dialog box for setting and changing all dimension and annotation options.

The display of only relevant settings when multiple drafting objects are selected for edit, instead of
displaying all the settings for all the selected objects.

On-screen windows and access handles that provide immediate access to specific settings used to control
and change the appearance of the associated dimension or annotation object.

Consolidated dimension commands accessed from standardized dialog boxes.

See the additional Whats New topics in this section for complete details about these enhancements.

Preference and settings

The individual preference and style dialog boxes used to control the appearance and behavior of drafting and PMI
objects are now combined into a single dialog box. From this dialog box you can set and change options that control
the drafting environment, the appearance of drafting and PMI annotation and other drafting objects, and drawing
automation behavior.

Setting annotation and drawing preferences

All preferences for drafting and PMI dimensions and annotations, the drawing, and the views placed on the drawing,
are now accessed from a single Preferences dialog box.

Settings for all objects are collected into logical groups of options and exposed in a tiered structure with
multiple, nested nodes.
When a node is selected, options specific to that node are displayed in the Group boxes to the right.
You can use the search tool to quickly locate the option for a specific annotation element or drafting object.

162 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

All preference options are initially populated from customer default settings.

Some customer defaults do not have equivalent preferences, and can only be set or reset in the customer
default dialog box. You can see a list of customer defaults that do not have an equivalent preference in the
NX Log file after you change the part drafting standard using the Drafting Standard command.

Changing the style of existing annotation and drafting objects

When creating or editing annotations or drafting objects, style settings specific to the object are made available from
a Settings dialog box. The dialog box is interactively invoked from a Settings
button when an access
handle on the object is activated, by right-clicking the drafting object and selecting Settings, or by clicking Edit
Settings and then selecting the drafting object.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Command Finder
Drafting Preferences


Command Finder
Edit Settings
Graphics window

Right-click a PMI objectSettings

Select one or more PMI objectsSettings

Part Navigator

In a Model View, right-click a PMI objectSettings

Updated dimension commands

What is it?
The 20 dimension commands available in previous NX versions are consolidated into eight separate dimension
commands. Some commands contain multiple dimension types, and let you dynamically change the dimension type
while creating or editing the dimension.
The available commands are:

Arc Length

Legacy commands are retired and are no longer available.

Dimensions are created using a dialog box with groups of task-based options. These groups are common for all
dimension types, but the groups and options presented depend on the type of dimension being created or edited.
The following groups are available in dimension dialog boxes.
(1) References

Contains options for selecting the geometry or other objects for positioning and
measurement of the dimension.

(2) Origin

Contains options for positioning and placing the dimension.

(3) Measurement

Contains options for controlling the dimension that will be created and, where applicable,
how the dimension will be measured. In general, this group is available for dimension
commands that create more than one type of dimension. For example, Linear dimension.

(4) Associated Objects

Lets you select objects to associate with the dimension.

164 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

(5) Settings

Contains options for setting the appearance of the dimension.

Where do I find it?

Use the Command Finder to locate a dimension command.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Creating and editing dimensions

What is it?
New processes for creating and editing Drafting and PMI dimensions using more intuitive and consistent
interactions. These processes include the following.

The ability to let NX automatically position and place a dimension. This lets you create a dimension with
the fewest number of mouse button clicks.

Interactive, on-screen controls for setting and changing the associativity and appearance of dimensions,
dimension lines, and extension lines.
These controls include:

Access handles that, when selected, display on-screen lists and windows for modifying frequently
used options and settings for the annotation object.

Only one access handle can be active at a time.

Drag handles for repositioning dimension and extension lines.

166 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Settings buttons

for access to additional options associated with the annotation object.

Where do I find it?

While creating a dimension, click the Edit

on-screen button to enter the dimension edit mode.

You must click the Edit
can place the dimension.

on-screen button again to exit the dimension edit mode before you

Double-click an existing dimension to enter the dimension edit mode, or right-click the dimension and
select Edit.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Rapid Dimension
What is it?
The Rapid Dimension
command is similar to the legacy Inferred Dimension command, and lets you
quickly create different dimensions from a group of general, well-used dimension types. The following dimension
types are supported for creation.

Inferred determines the type of dimension to create based on the selected objects and the cursor location.








The Inferred Dimension command is no longer accessible from the NX user interface.
You can use the Rapid Dimension command to create the dimension from one of the supported dimension types.
In edit mode, the selected dimension will invoke the dialog box associated with its dimension type.

Why should I use it?

Use Rapid Dimension to quickly create a series of different dimension types from a single command using a basic
set of selection options.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Rapid Dimension

168 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Linear Dimension
The Linear Dimension
command lets you create one of six different types of linear dimensions as
standalone dimensions, or as a set of chain or baseline dimensions. You can create the following dimension types:






Hole Callout (in linear format)

You can create a set of chain or baseline dimensions using horizontal, vertical, point to point, or
perpendicular dimension types.

From the Linear Dimension command, you can:

Let NX infer the type of linear dimension to create based on the selected objects.

Dynamically change the type of linear dimension while creating or editing the dimension.

Add associated objects.

Manually position the dimension, or let NX automatically place the dimension.

Convert a baseline dimension set to a chain dimension set, and a chain dimension set to a baseline
dimension set.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Linear Dimension

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Radial dimension
The Radial Dimension

command lets you create one of five different types of radial dimensions.



Radius to center

Folded radius

Hole and thread callout (in radial format).

Using the Radial Dimension command, you can:

Let NX infer the type of radial dimension to create based on the selected objects.

Dynamically change the type of radial dimension while creating or editing the dimension.

Identify associated objects.

Manually position the dimension, or let NX automatically place the dimension.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Radial Dimension

170 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Angular Dimension enhancements

What is it?
The following enhancements are made to the Angular Dimension


The Angular Dimension command is now presented in a dialog box with groups of task-based options.

You can now apply the Alternate Angle option while editing an angular dimension.

A Lock Angle option is available from the shortcut menu when creating or editing an angular dimension.
When set, this option locks the angle in the current quadrant, and then lets you place the dimension in any

Lock angle not set before

placing the dimension

Measured angle

Lock angle set before placing

the dimension

Where do I find it?

Angular Dimension command


Command Finder
Angular Dimension
Lock Angle option


Graphics window

While placing or editing an angular dimension, right-clickLock Angle

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Hole Callout
What is it?
Linear and radial dimensioning is enhanced to include a new Hole Callout option which creates associative callouts
for holes and threads based on the holes feature data.

The Hole Callout option is available in both Drafting and PMI when creating a linear or a radial dimension. Hole
callouts can be applied to:

Symbolic Threads

General Holes

Drill Size Holes

Screw Clearance Holes

Threaded Holes

The Radial dimension produces hole and diameter callouts.

The Linear dimension produces cylindrical callouts.

172 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

Use this option to quickly create standards-compliant hole and thread callouts for hole features.

Parts that contain hole features must be fully loaded in order to create Hole Callouts.
The default format is governed by the currently used drafting standard and can be applied in accordance with:







Where do I find it?

Create the hole callout


Command Finder
Linear Dimension
Location in dialog box

or Radial Dimension

Measurement groupMethod listHole Callout

Set dimension parameters for the hole callout



Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

Dimension nodeHole Callout node

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Geometry margins for dimensions and annotations

What is it?
You can control the placement of dimensions and other annotation by specifying margins around the model
geometry. Temporary dashed lines are displayed as the origin point of the dimension or annotation passes over the

To use these margins you must set the Position on Margin option in the Origin group of the dialog box for the
dimension or annotation you are creating.
You can control the initial margin offset and subsequent spacing in the drafting Preferences dialog box by doing
the following:

Specify a First Offset value for the first offset margin.

Specify a Spacing value that is used to generate all subsequent margins.

Geometry margins are recognized only when all other alignment options are not met or are unavailable.


Annotations attached to other annotations (for example, Datums on stubs) will not snap to geometry

If a dimension or annotation has no measurable dimension line or dimension text, or the annotation
is attached to multiple views, margins are not available for placement.

Once it is placed, there is no associativity between the annotation or dimension object and the
margin. If the margin changes, the object remains in its current position.

Why should I use it?

Use geometry margins for better placement and alignment of dimensions and annotation around the geometry in
your drawing view.

Where do I find it?

Set the geometry margins


Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

174 What's New in NX 9.0

Common nodeOriginMargin groupFirst Offset and Spacing

NX 9.0

Use the geometry margins for annotations



Location in dialog box

In the dialog box for the annotationOrigin

groupAlignmentPosition on Margin

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Alternate Dimension Endpoints

What is it?
Use the Alternate Dimension Endpoints command to change the dimension between two arcs from their center
points to their outer tangent points, and vice versa.

This command works for any dimension created between two arcs that conform to the following criteria:

The dimension is between two open ended arcs that lay on the same plane. Circles or other cylindrical face
types are not valid candidates for selection.

The dimension is linear, and measured in a direction which is parallel to the arc centers.

The dimension is not hidden or in a retained state.

Examples of valid dimensions

176 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

Lets you quickly change the way a slot, or the distance between arcs, is dimensioned.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Linear Dimension
Location in dialog box

Measurement groupAlternate Dimension Endpoints

Shortcut Menu

While creating or editing a valid dimension, right-clickAlternate

Dimension Endpoints

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

General dimension enhancements

What is it?
The following dimension enhancements are available for drafting and PMI dimensions.

You can reposition retained dimensions

You can define the origin of an ordinate dimension using the Point Constructor dialog box.

You can display dimensions, with or without appended text, above the stub of the leader line

You can combine the limits and fits tolerances for both a shaft (H7) and the mating hole (g6) in one
dimensional callout, with or without a separator and parentheses. Three display styles are available.

Hole and shaft tolerances in a

single line

Hole and shaft tolerances aligned

with center of dimension
Hole and shaft tolerances aligned
with dimension

Where do I find it?

Set the display of dimensions above the leader stub


Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

178 What's New in NX 9.0

Dimension nodeTextOrientation and Location groupPosition

NX 9.0

Hole and shaft limits and fits tolerance



Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

Dimension nodeTolerance nodeLimits and Fits groupType


Extension line overhang limits



Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Graphics window

Double-click the dimension, click the Extension Line access handle, and
then click and drag the extension line handle.

Location in dialog box

Common nodeLine/Arrow nodeExtension LineFormat

groupExtension Line Overhang

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Lightweight section view enhancements

What is it?
The Lightweight Section View command is enhanced so that you can now associate a cutting plane to geometry,
show crosshatch patterns on cut bodies, and display cutting plane symbol objects.

You can associate the cutting plane to geometry. If the plane is associative, it moves with the associated
geometry when the geometry location or orientation is changed.

You can display a crosshatch pattern on cut bodies. Crosshatching is typically used in conjunction with a
cap. The crosshatching option is available for One Plane type sections. You can specify a crosshatching
pattern, or you can have NX apply a pattern based on the material assigned to the bodies.

Crosshatch pattern on body cut by Lightweight Section View, cap enabled

Material definitions are enhanced to include a Crosshatch Pattern property. You can edit
materials to add or change the assigned crosshatch pattern. For more information about materials,
see the Materials topic in the NX CAE Advanced Simulation help.

You can display a PMI Cutting Plane Symbol

object. The cutting plane symbol object shows the
location and viewing direction of a PMI Lightweight Section View.

Why should I use it?

Associated cutting planes can automatically adjust the cutting plane position when associated geometry is
moved or reoriented.

180 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Hatch patterns can show cut bodies and can provide material information.

You can look at cutting plane symbols to visualize what the section will look like without having to switch
to the view.

Where do I find it?

Associated plane


Command Finder
Lightweight Section View
Location in dialog box
Location in Plane View dialog box

Section Plane groupPlane Dialog

Settings groupAssociative



Command Finder
Lightweight Section View
Location in dialog box

Crosshatch group

Cutting Plane Symbol



Command Finder
Lightweight Section View
Location in dialog box

Cutting Plane Symbol group

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Surface Finish enhancements

What is it?
The surface finish symbol is enhanced to better support the ESKD standard. Changes for a new ESKD surface finish
symbol include the following:

The symbol is sized for the ESKD standard.

New perpendicular, equal, and cross symbols appropriate for the ESKD standard are available for the Lay
(d) attribute.

Added a Tertiary Roughness (f) attribute. Available Tertiary Roughness values are similar to values
for the previously available Roughness (a) and Secondary Roughness (b) attributes.

All Around, Machining (e) and Machining Tolerance options no longer appear, as they are not part
of the ESKD standard.

Legacy ESKD surface finish symbols are unchanged and cannot be upgraded. To get the new ESKD surface finish
symbol functionality, delete the legacy symbol and add a new one.

Where do I find it?




Standard set to ESKD. Customer default Tertiary

Roughness enabled.

Command Finder
Surface Finish

182 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Inherit PMI enhancements

What is it?

Inheriting of PMI dimensions that originate from revolved sketch dimensions set to Display as PMI is
enhanced. If the revolved sketch is on a plane that is not parallel to the view plane, NX can now optionally
orient the dimensions to the drawing view.

Dimensions for revolve feature.

(1) shows the drawing view direction.

Inherited dimensions displayed in the drawing view.

Status checking of drawing views is enhanced. If a drawing view includes inherited PMI that changed in
the model since the drawing view was last updated, NX now marks the drawing view out-of-date.

Control of PMI object values is enhanced. NX now converts values displayed for inherited PMI objects that
reference attributes or expressions to simple values. The inherited PMI do not have any active reference to
attributes or expressions. On update, the inherited PMI values are reconverted from the current model PMI.
If the text of inherited PMI is modified during bi-directional edit, the change is reflected to the model PMI.
If the model PMI was linked with an attribute or expression, such linkage is removed.

Why should I use it?

Use the Show PMI Dimension from Revolved Sketches option to inherit the revolve dimensions and
document other model geometry in a single view. The single view is more efficient than creating two views.

Where do I find it?

Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

View nodeCommon nodePMI node

Inherited groupShow PMI Dimensions from Revolved Sketches
check box

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Region enhancement
What is it?
The PMI Region command is enhanced so that when a PMI region with crosshatching is projected onto more than
one surface, the crosshatch pattern now maintains the direction of the crosshatching across all of the surfaces.

Why should I use it?

Consistent crosshatching direction provides a more intuitive appearance for the PMI region.

Where do I find it?




The region crosses multiple faces that are G1 continuous.

Command Finder

PMI Region

Location in dialog box

Settings groupConform to Face

184 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Sorting model views

You can sort Model Views in the Part Navigator using one of three automatic sort orders, or you can create your
own sort order, called an explicit order. You can save multiple explicit sort orders and apply them as needed.

Automatic sorting orders




Model views that begin with the

character #.

Default system-supplied view


Numerals ordered before letters.

Views with characters other

than letters, numerals, or #.

Numerals ordered before

letters, letters sorted

Remaining defined views,

sorted alphabetically.

Characters other than letters,

numerals, or # are ordered

Model views that begin with Same as alphabetic method, but

the character #.
numerals are treated as numeric
values and are ordered in
Default system-supplied
view names.

Model Views

Model Views
























Trimetric (Work)




Trimetric (Work)

Trimetric (Work)







Model Views


What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Explicit sorting orders

You can save an explicit, custom sorting order and apply it as necessary.

Explicit sorting orders are filed with the part.

In the Part Navigator, you can reorder views if Enable Drag and Drop Reorder is selected
Part Navigator Properties.

You can also use the Explicit Order dialog box to reorder, name, save, and retrieve explicit sorting

PMI views were reordered as the first model views in the Part Navigator
and saved as user_defined_PMI. The saved sorting order was then applied by
selecting it in the Explicit Order dialog box.


Part Navigator
Model Views


Explicit Order dialog box


Saved tab


Saved file is selected and the saved sorting order is applied.

Trimetric (Work)

The saved sort order name
is appended to the Model
Views node.

186 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

If you want to use a sort method other than the default method supplied with NX.
If you want to customize the order of the entries in the Part Navigator.

Where do I find it?


Gateway and Modeling

Command Finder

Part Navigator Properties

Location in dialog box

General tab:
Enable Drag and Drop Reorder
Sort Method list

Explicit order

Gateway and Modeling

Part Navigator

Right-clickModel ViewsExplicit Order

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Datum leader enhancements

What is it?
The following leader enhancements are available for drafting and PMI datum feature symbol.

More consistent repositioning behavior for datum symbols using the Shift+drag gesture

You can create more than seven jogs in a datum leader line.

You can attach datum leaders to the following objects:

Circular and bolt circle centerlines.

Dimension and annotation leader lines.

A new Datum Arrow Display Style customer default that lets you set the triangular shape of the datum
arrowhead symbol. You can choose an isosceles or equilateral triangle.

This default is controlled by the Drafting standard. To set the shape of the datum arrowhead, edit the
default drafting standard or create a custom drafting standard.

188 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Datum Arrow Display Style option

File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

DraftingGeneralStandard tabclick Customize

StandardAnnotationLine/Arrow tabDatum Arrow Display

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Drafting symbols
What is it?
Several new drafting symbols are available for placement in a note or in dimension text. They are:

Approximate Dimension

Right Pitch


Left Taper

Left Pitch

Right Taper

Why should I use it?

Use these options whenever you need to insert symbols like pitch or taper direction into the text of dimensions,
notes, or labels.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Location in dialog box

190 What's New in NX 9.0

Symbols groupDrafting category

NX 9.0

Axis Intersection symbol

What is it?
While creating GD&T callouts, you can now insert an Axis Intersection symbol into the characteristics frame.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Feature Control Frame
Location in dialog box

Frame groupCharacteristic listAxis Intersection

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

PMI Feature Identification business modifier

What is it?
PMI business modifiers are enhanced to add a new modifier, Feature Identification

When added to a PMI object, the Feature Identification business modifier and its value appear in the Details
area of the Part Navigator.
The following values are available for the Feature Identification business modifier:
Special Hole

Why should I use it?

Use the Feature Identification business modifier to distinguish PMI objects that indicate and convey feature data in a
model. When a model is exported to a JT file, in which case the original CAD modeling feature is not available,
feature information may be conveyed to processes by the combination of a PMI object, attributes assigned to the
PMI object, and the associated objects of the PMI. The Feature Identification business modifier also provides a
mechanism to convey attributes of non-modeled features.

Where do I find it?



Part Navigator

In the PMI node, right-click a PMI objectAdd

Business Modifierug_feature_modifier

192 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Update PMI tracking properties

What is it?
A new Update Tracking Properties from XML option updates the PMI tracking properties saved in the
currently loaded parts. When a PMI object is changed in the 3D model, tracking properties control which of the
objects properties update in:

Other instances of the PMI object in the 3D model.

Drawing views that inherit the PMI object.

For more information about controlling which PMI object properties update, see PMI Property Tool in the Help.


In managed mode, every time a part is opened, NX reads tracking properties from the current
tracking file.

In native mode, when a part is created, NX reads tracking properties from the tracking file and saves
them in the part.

Why should I use it?

Use this tool to update PMI tracking properties in legacy parts so that the inherited PMI behaves as expected.

Here are some of the controllable PMI tracking properties added or changed in recent releases.

NX 8.5 to NX 9


NX 8 to NX 8.5


Where do I find it?


NX running in native mode

Command Finder

PMI Preferences

Location in dialog box General tabPMI Property groupUpdate Tracking Properties from XML

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Sheet Metal
Bend Table
What is it?
Use the Bend Table command to insert a bend table in a drawing that you create using the flat pattern view of a
Sheet Metal or FPCD part. The tabular format makes the bend information easy to read in downstream applications.

To display the bend parameters that you want in the bend table, you must set preferences in the Drafting
Preferences dialog box. You can display any or all of the following bend parameters:

Bend Sequence ID

Bend Name

Bend Radius

Bend Angle

Bend Direction

194 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Included Angle

NX derives the values of the bend parameters from the flat pattern view.

The contents of the bend table are locked and cannot be edited.

Where do I find it?

Bend Table dialog box



A flat pattern view of the Sheet Metal or FPCD part

Command Finder
Bend Table
Drafting preferences


Command Finder
Drafting Preferences
Location in dialog box

Table nodeBend Table nodeColumns group

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Unbend and Rebend enhancements

What is it?
You can:

Use the Unbend and Rebend commands to unbend and rebend non-uniform thickness bends.
In sheet metal, non-uniform thickness bends are created when you apply blends or chamfers, or create
counterbored holes, countersunk holes, or tapered holes in the bend region. After the unbend or rebend
operation, NX retains the features that you apply or create in the bend region.
You can unbend and rebend non-uniform thickness bends that are created across cylindrical or conical
bends, Closed Corner features, and Three Bend Corner features.
The example shows a part modeled in the Sheet Metal application using features such as Extrude, Revolve,
Draft, and Edge Blend, in the bend region. These features are retained when you rebend the Sheet Metal
part into the formed state.

Use the Unbend command to flatten Gusset features by specifying the boundary edges of the gussets as
additional curves. The boundary edges of the gusset are displayed as curves in the flattened state.
The example shows the boundary edges of a gusset displayed as curves in the unbent state.

Why should I use it?

Non-uniform thickness bends can also exist in Sheet Metal parts. You now have the ability to work with such bends.

Where do I find it?


Sheet Metal

Command Finder
196 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Resize Bend Radius enhancements

What is it?
In the Resize Bend Radius dialog box, the Fixed Folded Length type is now called Fixed Tab/Flange
Position. When you change the bend radius using this option, NX changes the geometry only in the vicinity of the
resized bend, without changing the position of the tab or the flange.

You can only resize the bend radius of cylindrical bends connected to planar faces.

Support for additional geometric conditions

Zero bend radius support
You can now create bends that have zero bend radii.

Bends in partial flanges

You can modify the bend relief parameters using the options in the Relief group.
If you resize the bends in flanges that have no relief, NX creates the reliefs wherever required.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

If you resize the bends in flanges that are created with a relief, the existing relief on the bend is maintained.

The existing bend reliefs are maintained only if the relief dimensions of the selected bend are less
than or equal to the relief dimensions specified in the Resize Bend Radius dialog box.

Two adjacent bends

You can individually change the radius of the adjacent bends. If you change the radius of one of the bends,
the end caps of one bend or both bends are adjusted to keep the corner intact.

You can also individually change the bend radius of adjacent bends that are not connected, but their bends
caps are, and do not form a corner. The bend end caps remain connected after you change the bend radius.

198 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Three adjacent bends that are connected to form a corner and which do not have any corner
You can individually change the radius of the adjacent bends. If you change the radius of one of the bends,
the end caps are adjusted to keep the corner intact.

You cannot change the radius of adjacent bends on which a Three Bend Corner feature already

Bend end caps created by the Bend Taper command

The existing bend end caps are adjusted according to the modified bend radius to maintain the taper.
The example shows a linear bend taper with a square relief. When you increase the bend radius, both the
relief and the end caps are adjusted accordingly.

Bends that have deform features and cutouts created across cylindrical bends
The feature across the bend region is adjusted accordingly.
The example shows a Dimple feature created across the bend region perpendicular to the bend centerline.
When you increase the bend radius, the Dimple feature is adjusted accordingly.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Non-uniform thickness bends created by chamfers, blends, counterbored holes, countersunk holes,
tapered holes and so on.
The example shows a countersunk hole created across the bend region. When you decrease the bend radius,
the hole is adjusted accordingly.

Where do I find it?


Sheet Metal

Command Finder
Resize Bend Radius
Location in dialog box

Type groupFixed Tab/Flange Position

Relief Properties group [new group of options]

200 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Mirror Feature enhancements

What is it?
When you use the Mirror Feature command:

You can mirror additional features. These include curve features, datum features, and pattern features
created using the Pattern Feature command in the Sheet Metal application.
The example shows instances of the Pattern Feature mirrored across a datum plane.

NX creates a new Sheet Metal body when you mirror a base tab, a base contour flange, or a base lofted
flange, and not otherwise.

You can mirror existing features except for legacy instance arrays, legacy instance features, and legacy
mirror features.

The Mirror Feature dialog box is changed to accommodate the enhancements. The pre-NX 9 Mirror Feature
dialog box is available only when you edit a legacy Mirror Feature.

Where do I find it?


Sheet Metal

Command Finder
Mirror Feature

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Unite in Sheet Metal

What is it?
You can now use the Unite command to unite sheet metal bodies without switching to the Modeling application.
As the sheet metal characteristics are retained during the unite operation, you can perform sheet metal operations on
the resulting body without using the Convert to Sheet Metal command.
The example shows a typical workflow for mirroring and uniting sheet metal bodies.

Original sheet metal body

Mirror the sheet metal body

Unite the sheet metal body and the mirrored body

Flatten the united body

202 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0


The thickness of the bodies being united must be the same.

If either the target body or the tool body is a non-sheet metal body, you must use the Convert to
Sheet Metal command to convert the resulting united body to a valid Sheet Metal part.

Why should I use it?

The availability of the Unite command within the Sheet Metal application simplifies the workflow for mirroring
and uniting sheet metal bodies to create symmetric Sheet Metal parts.

Where do I find it?


Sheet Metal

Command Finder

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Three Bend Corner enhancements

What is it?
Support for additional geometric conditions
You can now use the Three Bend Corner command to close corners where:

The three adjacent bends have unequal bend radii.

The example shows a Three Bend Corner feature created across bends that have unequal radii. The
corner is closed using the Closed type of corner treatment option.

The three adjacent bends have unequal bend angles.

The example shows a Three Bend Corner feature created across bends where the side bends have
flipped flanges. The corner is closed using the Closed type of corner treatment option.

The central bend does not touch one of the side bends. In such cases, the central bend is extended to close
the corner.
The example shows a Three Bend Corner feature created across bends where the central bend does
not touch one of the side bends. The corner is closed using the Closed type of corner treatment

204 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Side bend not touching the central bend

Central bend

Side bend touching the central bend

The cutout diameter is such that the cutout partially trims off the corner region.
The example shows a Three Bend Corner feature with a circular cutout. The cutout region partially
trims off the corner region.

New dialog box options

When you create a Three Bend Corner feature, you can:

Create a mitered three bend corner. NX extends the flanges of the side bends until they intersect, and then
trims them such that the flanges touch each other along their entire length in the formed state. To do this,
select the new Miter Corner check box.
You can specify the value of the miter root radius at the tip of the miter. To do this, use the Miter
Root Radius option.

Blend the mitered edges and create a smooth transition from the mitered edge to the cutout edge to avoid
any jerks or jitters while tracing the tool path. To do this, select the new Blend Miter check box.
You can specify the radius for the blend to be created on the mitered edges. To do this, use the
Blend Miter Radius option.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Blend Miter Radius

Miter Root Radius

Specify the origin of the cutout treatments. You can specify if you want to create the relief from the center
of the bend or from the corner point of the bend. To do this, use the Bend Center or Corner Point
options in the new Relief Properties group.

Bend center point (1) and corner point (2) for

adjacent bends that have equal bend radii

Bend center point (1) and corner point (2) for

adjacent bends that have unequal bend radii

Add offsets to the cutouts that are created at the corner where three adjacent bends meet. To do this, specify
the offset value in the Offset box.

Offset = 0 mm

206 What's New in NX 9.0

Offset (1) = 6 mm

NX 9.0

Specify the width of the gap between overlapping flanges.

To do this, use the Flange Clearance option. NX creates a clearance of the specified width by
removing material where adjacent flanges overlap in the flattened state.

Flange Clearance = 0 mm

Flange Clearance = 3 mm

Where do I find it?


Sheet Metal


The Miter Corner check box is available when Treatment is set to

Closed , Circular Cutout, U Cutout, or V Cutout.
The Blend Miter check box is available when you select the Miter Corner
check box and the Treatment is set to Closed, Circular Cutout, U
Cutout, or V Cutout.
The Relief Properties group is available when Treatment is set to
Circular Cutout, U Cutout, or V Cutout

Command Finder
Three Bend Corner
Location in dialog box

Corner Properties groupMiter Corner check box or Blend Miter

check box
Relief Properties group [new group of options]
Relief Properties groupOffset box
Settings groupFlange Clearance box

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Mirror Body enhancements

What is it?
The mirrored body now fully supports unbend, rebend, flat solid, and flat pattern operations.
Because the sheet metal characteristics are retained during the mirroring operation, you can perform Sheet Metal
operations on the mirrored body without first using the Convert to Sheet Metal command.
The example shows a workflow for a rebend operation on a mirrored body.

Original sheet metal body with flattened bend

Mirror the sheet metal body

Rebend the flattened bend in the mirrored body

208 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Sheet Metal

Command Finder
Mirror Body

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Preferences for flat pattern views

What is it?
You can now set Sheet Metal and Flexible Printed Circuit Design preferences to:

Create a callout for the bend sequence ID when you select the Bend Sequence ID

check box.

You can also use the new Custom Callout 8 Sheet Metal customer default to create a customized callout
for the bend sequence ID.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults and click Find

Specify the callouts that you want to create in the Flat Pattern view of the Sheet Metal or FPCD part. These
preferences are available on the Callout Configuration tab.

Specify the orientation of callouts, using the options in the Orientation list.

Customize the callouts in a drawing of the flat pattern view of the Sheet Metal or FPCD part. These
Drafting preferences are available on the Callout Configuration node.

Why should I use it?

You can customize the display of callouts in the Flat Pattern view of a Sheet Metal or FPCD part.

Where do I find it?

Sheet Metal preferences

Sheet Metal


PreferencesSheet Metal

Location in dialog box

(New callouts from defaults) Sheet Metal Preferences dialog box

Flat Pattern Display tabNew callouts from defaults groupBend
Sequence ID check box
Callout Configuration tab[callout options]
Callout Configuration tabOrientation listLeadered or Aligned

210 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Flexible Printed Circuit Design preferences


Flexible Printed Circuit Design


PreferencesFlexible Printed Circuit Design

Location in dialog box

Flexible Printed Circuit PreferencesCallout Configuration tab

Callout Configuration tab[callout options]
Callout Configuration tabOrientation listLeadered or Aligned

Drafting preferences




Location in dialog box

ViewFlat PatternCallout Configuration node

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Flat Pattern enhancements

What is it?
Flat Pattern attributes
You can now do the following:

Assign the Bend Sequence ID and Bend Name attributes to the bend center lines in a Modeling Flat
Pattern view.

View the Minimum X and Minimum Y attributes of a Flat Pattern feature.

Determine the minimum sheet size required to form the Sheet Metal part using the Minimum X and
Minimum Y attributes.
Editing Flat Pattern callouts
You can edit the style and orientation of the leader lines created for flat pattern callouts.
Flat Pattern support for non-uniform thickness bends
You can create a flattened representation of non-uniform thickness bends that are created when you apply
blends or chamfers, or create counterbored holes, countersunk holes, or tapered holes in the bend region.
The features that you apply are treated as interior feature curves in the Flat Pattern feature.

Where do I find it?

Flat Pattern attributes

Sheet Metal

Part Navigator

Model History nodeRight-click the Flat Pattern feature


Location in dialog box

Attributes tabFlat Pattern Attributes groupExpand the Flat

Pattern node

212 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Editing Flat Pattern callouts


Sheet Metal

Graphics window

Double-click an existing flat pattern callout.

Location in dialog box

Note dialog boxLeader group

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Pattern Face
What is it?
You can now use the Pattern Face command in the Sheet Metal and FPCD application.
You can:

Create a pattern of selected faces instead of features.

This is especially useful when working with imported solid models where there are no features in the model
to pattern.

Create patterns of faces in various layouts and define the pattern boundaries, reference points, orientation,
and clocking.









Decrease the time to create and edit patterns.

The Pattern Face command creates a single feature instead of separate features for each instance of the
pattern, so feature creation and editing is faster.

The example shows a linear pattern created by selecting all the faces of the dimple. In the Part Navigator, under
the Model History node NX displays a single Pattern Face feature.

Model History
Datum Coordinate System (0)
Tab (1)
Dimple (2)
Pattern Face [Linear] (3)

Where do I find it?


Sheet Metal and Flexible Printed Circuit Design

Command Finder
Pattern Face

214 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Flexible Printed Circuit Design

What is it?
Use the Wrap command to create a Flexible Printed Circuit Design (FPCD) model that takes it shape from a
collection of planar faces.
In the example, selected faces of the solid body are used to create the FPCD model.

The Wrap command works in the same way as the Sheet Metal from Solid command in the Sheet Metal

Where do I find it?


Flexible Printed Circuit Design

Command Finder

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Flexible Printed Circuit Design enhancements

What is it?
The following commands are now available in the Flexible Printed Circuit Design (FPCD) application.

Bend Taper
Use this command to create a bend taper feature on one or both sides of the bend or web faces. You can
create symmetric or non-symmetric tapers on either side of a bend or web region.

Break Corner
Use this command to round off sharp external or internal corners of FPCD bodies, and avoid tearing of
FPCD material during manufacturing or usage.

Use this command to trim sharp external or internal corners of FPCD bodies, and avoid tearing of FPCD
material during manufacturing or usage.

Mirror Body
Use this command to create a copy of a body that is a mirror image of the original body across a specified
plane. You can use the Mirror Body command in conjunction with the Unite command to create
symmetric FPCD parts.

Mirror Feature
Use this command to create a copy of specified FPCD features on a body by mirroring the features across a

Resize Bend Angle

Use this command to modify the angle of a bend, by overriding the feature that created the bend.
You can edit the following:

The bend angles of bodies that are imported from other CAD systems.

The individual bend angles in features that create multiple bend regions such as the Bridge, Wrap, or
Contour Transition features.

Resize Bend Radius

Use this command to modify the radius of a bend, by overriding the feature that created the bend.
You can edit the following:

The bend radius of bodies that are imported from other CAD systems.

The individual bend radius in features that create multiple bend regions such as the Bridge, Wrap, or
Contour Transition features.

216 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Use this command to combine the volume of two or more solid bodies into a single body.
These commands work in the same way as they do in the Sheet Metal application.

Why should I use it?

These commands improve the usability of the FPCD application and reduce design time.

Where do I find it?


Flexible Printed Circuit Design

Command Finder

Bend Taper, Break Corner, Chamfer, Mirror Body, Mirror Feature,

Resize Bend Angle, Resize Bend Radius, Unite

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Pattern Face
What is it?
You can now use the Pattern Face command in the Sheet Metal and FPCD application.
You can:

Create a pattern of selected faces instead of features.

This is especially useful when working with imported solid models where there are no features in the model
to pattern.

Create patterns of faces in various layouts and define the pattern boundaries, reference points, orientation,
and clocking.









Decrease the time to create and edit patterns.

The Pattern Face command creates a single feature instead of separate features for each instance of the
pattern, so feature creation and editing is faster.

The example shows a linear pattern created by selecting all the faces of the dimple. In the Part Navigator, under
the Model History node NX displays a single Pattern Face feature.

Model History
Datum Coordinate System (0)
Tab (1)
Dimple (2)
Pattern Face [Linear] (3)

Where do I find it?


Sheet Metal and Flexible Printed Circuit Design

Command Finder
Pattern Face

218 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Data Reuse
Double-clicking folders and reusable objects
What is it?

You can double-click a folder in the Reuse Library dialog box to open it and display reusable objects,
reusable components, or sub-folders in the Member Select group.

You can double-click a reusable object or reusable component in the Member Select group to add it to
your assembly.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Creating shortcut folders for your reuse library

What is it?
You can reorganize your reuse library structure by using shortcuts to folders. For example:

You can organize folders A, B, C, and D into three separate groups according to different design
department needs.

Create a Goup_A folder, and include shortcuts to folders A, B, C in it.

Create a Group_B folder, and include shortcuts to folders A, B, D in it.

Create a Group_C folder, and include shortcuts to folders B, C, D in it.

For the users in Departments A, B, and C, add the appropriate Group folder to their reuse library.

Why should I use it?

The reuse library structure can be modified to accommodate different groups of users that may only need to see
subsets of an entire library.

220 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Reuse library undo and redo

What is it?
You can now use undo and redo functionality when adding reusable components and fasteners to an assembly. This
can be done either at the time you add a reusable component, or at a later time by running a journal file saved in the
Journal Manager.

Why should I use it?

You can use the undo and redo commands when you add a reusable component or fastener to your assembly and it is
necessary to make changes to the parameters after you add it.

Where do I find it?


You must create a reuse library.


What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Creating an index in the reuse library

What is it?
You can build a search index for data in a reuse library by using the Create Index command . The Index column
in the Reuse Library Management dialog box indicates if a reuse library is in the index creation queue or has
already been indexed.

After a search index is created for a reuse library, you can perform searches for data in the library based on search
fields. In a native NX environment, you can use the following search criteria:

Descriptive Name

File Name

In a Teamcenter environment, you can use the following search criteria:

Descriptive Name

Item ID

Item Name

Item Description

You can combine multiple fields as search criteria. You can also use wildcard characters in a search and use a
Boolean such as OR, AND, and IN.
You can define search criteria according to part attributes or part expressions by using the Define Search Criteria

Why should I use it?

The performance of searches in the reuse library by can be improved by indexing the data and utilizing the search

Where do I find it?


222 What's New in NX 9.0

The open-source search engine, Solr 4.0 or above, and JRE 1.6 or above
must be installed.

NX 9.0


Reuse LibraryReuse Library Management


ToolsReuse Library Reuse Library Management

Mapping reuse library names

What is it?
You can map a set of reuse library names to another set of names by using the definition file ReuseNameMap.txt.
The ReuseNameMap.txt file creates dictionary entries through a structure of Original Name | Target Name. An
example of a name map definition file is shown below:

The example below shows a reuse library before you map the structure:

And the structure after you apply the map:

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

You can use the name map to translate a set of reuse library names from one language to another.

Where do I find it?


You must save the ReuseNameMap.txt file in the

UGII_BASE_DIR\nxparts\reuse library\configure folder or set a user
environment variable to point to the file.

Reusable object feature name

What is it?
You can define the feature name of a reusable object by adding the
REUSABLE_OBJECT_FEATURE_SET_NAME part attribute to a reusable object.
In the example below, the REUSABLE_OBJECT_FEATURE_SET_NAME part attribute in a reusable object has
been created and set to RoundPunch02. When you add the reusable object to an assembly. the name appears in the
Part Navigator.

Reusable object part definition

What is it?
You can use part and body/face attributes to define a reusable object.

You can create the following part attributes:


Boolean order

One Pick Positioning method

You can create the following face/body attributes:


Boolean operation

Pierce face in punch

224 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Creating feature component patterns with reusable objects

What is it?
You can now add a reusable component to your assembly as a pattern component.

Where do I find it?

Add Reusable Component dialog box

Placement groupCreate Component Pattern

check box.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Managing knowledge enabled components in Teamcenter

What is it?
In a Teamcenter environment, the files that manage knowledge enabled components are now automatically saved as
datasets when you use the Create KRX or the Edit KRX command. An item revision of a knowledge enabled
reusable component contains the part file, the image file, the excel spreadsheet, and the KRX file. An example of
this structure is shown below:
reusable component/A;1
ug master/A;1
When you use the Create KRX or Edit KRX command, you can select the spreadsheet and image file that you
want to use to control the knowledge enabled component. The KRX file is created and stored as a dataset

Where do I find it?


You must be in a Teamcenter environment.

Resource bar
Reuse Library
Member Select group

Member SelectRight-clickCreate/Edit KRX File

Reusable component revision rules in Teamcenter

What is it?
There are enhancements to the use of revision rules for reusable objects and reusable components in a Teamcenter

If you set the default revision rule for a reusable object or reusable component to Precise Only, you can
select a certain revision of the object or component when you add it to your assembly from the reuse library
if you choose the Asking to Select option.

If you enable the

Use Last Released Revision Rule in Reuse Library customer default,
reusable objects and reusable components will use the Last Released revision rule when you add them to
your assembly.

226 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Adding files as datasets to reusable objects and reusable components in

What is it?
In a Teamcenter environment, you can now include additional file types as datasets in a reusable object or a reusable
component item revision when you use the Auxiliary File command. You can add the following file types to an
item revision:

URL link

Excel spreadsheet

Word document

PDF file

An example of an item revision structure with the new dataset types is shown below:

Where do I find it?


You must be in a Teamcenter environment.

Resource bar
Reuse Library
Member Select group

Member SelectRight-clickAuxiliary File

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Part family-related enhancements to Product Template Studio

What is it?
The interaction between Product Template Studio (PTS) and part families is improved. You use part families to
include a family of standard parts like bolts or fasteners in a template part.

Interpart expressions enhancements

When you change a part family member in an assembly, PTS now automatically updates all the related interpart

The diameter of the pipe, the size of the loop, the position of the bolt holes on the angled steel, the size of the
angled steel, and the size of the nuts are all dependent on each other. If the diameter of the pipe changes, the
other items may also need to change.

PTS checks and modifies the interpart expressions recursively, so that all the correct family relationships are
In previous releases, a change to the pipe diameter caused PTS to update the size of the loop, but the other
expressions continued to reference the original pipe diameter.
You can use PTS to create an interpart expression that supplies the initial formula for a parameter in a PTS template.

Other enhancements

You can use data from part family tables as option values in a PTS template.

You can initiate updates to part families in a PTS template using a visual rule.

PTS alerts you to the existence of more than one possible option when multiple selections match your
specified criteria. This occurs primarily when combinations of part family members exist.

When you use a list expression to specify the elements of an option menu, you can supply a tooltip image
for each option.

228 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

The automatic update of interpart expressions saves you from having to update the related expressions manually in
the Expressions editor.
The alert when multiple selections match the specified criteria gives you an opportunity to select an alternative. In
previous releases, a family member, usually the first in the list, was automatically selected and you might not have
been aware that multiple valid options were available.
You can use tooltip images to provide more information about options in a PTS dialog box.

Where do I find it?


Product Template Studio


StartAll ProgramsSiemens NX 9NX ToolsProduct

Template Studio

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Configuring Routing applications
Equipment parts support
You can import and use equipment parts while using P&ID tools.
You can also import your own equipment parts into NX or model the parts in NX. To list these equipment parts in
the Routing Reuse Library correctly, you must update the Application View (APV) file.
In the APV file, you must add Start_Equipment_Node and Start_Standard_Equipment_Node after the
Start_Cable_Conduit_Node node as shown below.

You must specify the Start_Fitting_Node and the Start_Stock_Node, but other nodes are optional. NX does
not provide all the nodes for every discipline by default. However, if you need to use them, you must add the nodes
in the order shown above.
The following is the syntax for the new nodes in the schema validation file (apv.xsd) to support equipment parts:
<xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxO+ccurs="1">
<xsd:element name="Start_Equipment_Node" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:element name="Start_Standard_Equipment_Node" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>

Where do I find it?



Resource bar

Routing Reuse LibraryPiping Parts nodeEquipment node

The APV file location is ugroute_mech\appview or ugroute_elec\appview.

Setting default Routing disciplines

What is it?
You can now specify the default discipline for the following Routing applications using the Discipline Settings
customer defaults:
230 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Routing Mechanical

Routing Electrical

Routing Logical

For example, you can set your default discipline for the Routing Mechanical application to Piping, for the Routing
Electrical application to Wiring, and for the Routing Logical application to HVAC.
When you start these applications, NX loads the default discipline that you specified for that application.

Why should I use it?

If you switch your Routing application, you do not have to change your default discipline.

Where do I find it?

Customer defaults


Command Finder

Customer Defaults

Location in dialog box

RoutingPart LibraryReuse Library tabDisciplines group

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Routing specification enhancements

What is it?
The following Routing specification commands are now enhanced.
Create New Specification
When you create a new specification:

NX now creates a single specification XML file and saves it in the folder specified on the Specifications
Folders tab in the Customer Defaults dialog box, and assigns the single specification XML file to the
current active discipline.

NX automatically sets the following properties:


Specification Author: NX

Specification Released: false

Discipline Name: [active discipline]

Edit Specification
You can edit a specification imported into NX. To do this, you must set the following properties in the
specification XML file:

Specification Author: NX

Specification Released: false

You cannot edit legacy specifications in the APV file for your Routing applications from within

Copy & Edit Specification

When you copy an existing specification, NX sets the following properties irrespective of the master
specification property values.

Specification Author: NX

Specification Released: false

Display Specification
When you display the Information window, you can view additional properties such as Author, Released,
and so on.
Delete Specification
You can delete a specification in NX only if the following properties are set:

232 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Specification Author: NX

Specification Released: false

You cannot delete legacy specifications from within NX. You need to manually delete the APV file for
your Routing application.
Set As Active Specification

NX validates the specification nodes only when you run the Set as Active Specification command
from the Reuse Library. NX does not validate a specification if you use any other command, for example
Active Run. During validation, if the specification nodes are not found in the Reuse Library, NX
displays a message.

You can detect incompatible differences in specification filter types. When you apply the specification to
the Reuse Library, if there are differences in the type of the part attribute being filtered and the
specification filter type, NX displays a message. You can correct the specification filter types to remove the

Where do I find it?



Reuse Library

Right-click the Routing Specifications root nodeCreate New

Right-click a Specification node in the Member Select
group[specification commands]

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Reload Specification enhancement

What is it?
When you use the Reload Specification command, you can now reload the changed specification for a selected

Where do I find it?




The Specification Released property for the specification must be set

to False.

Reuse Library

Right-click the specification node in the Member Select groupReload


Identifying a specification associated with each run

What is it?
You can now easily identify the specification associated with each run in the Run Navigator. You can identify
parts, components, and other properties in the run from the specification associated with it.
You can add a Specification column to the Run Navigator to view the specifications. To do this, in the Run
Navigator Properties dialog box, click the Columns tab, and select the Specification check box.

Where do I find it?



Reuse Library

Right-click in the background of the Run NavigatorProperties

234 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Routing Specification dialog box enhancements

What is it?
You can now:

Write a multi-line description for a specification.

Select only valid cells in the Branch Compatibility table.

Delete multiple relationships simultaneously.

Specify a real value up to two decimal places in the Filter Attributes table.

View the values for NPS and NPS Branch up to two decimals places and arrange them in an ascending
order in the Branch Compatibility table.

Navigate easily to the required node as the Part Library Items node is no longer expanded by default.

Increase the width of the Value column in the Filter Attributes table to see long relationships.

Visually identify nodes that have relationships specified.

Where do I find it?



Reuse Library

Right-click the Routing Specification root nodeCreate New

Specification or Edit Specification

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Routing specification customer defaults

What is it?
New Part Library customer defaults are available for Routing specifications.
Loads tab

The defaults on this tab allow you to:

Validate the specifications while they are loaded. To do this, select the
check box.

Set a filter to load the specifications for the current discipline. To do this, select
from the filter options for a particular discipline.

All From Active Discipline

From Specified Authoring Source

From Work Part Runs

The From Work Part Runs option is not available for Routing Electrical.

Folders tab

Set the authoring source from where you want to load the specifications. The
default authoring source is NX. To add a new authoring source, enter the name of
the authoring source in the Authoring Source text box. If you want to add more
than one authoring source, use a comma separated list.

The defaults on this tab allow you to:

Specify the folder path to the specification XML files for the Routing Electrical,
Routing Mechanical, and Routing Logical applications. To do this, browse to the
folders where you want to place these files.

The folder to which you save the files must have read and write permissions.

Load and save the specifications files in folders on your computer when you work
in Teamcenter Integration. To do this, select the Use Native Folders when
Connected to Teamcenter
check box.

If you do not select this check box, to allow loading of specifications, you need to set the
Teamcenter specification folder using Teamcenter preferences.

Where do I find it?



Ribbon bar

File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

RoutingPart Library

236 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Converting multiple specifications file into single specifications files

What is it?
You can convert a file containing multiple specifications into individual specification files using the following
command line utility:

The syntax to use is:

routing_convert_specifications <path to the multiple specifications .xml file> <output

To load the specifications into the Routing Reuse Library, you need to set the Specification Folders customer
defaults to specify the output folder in which you want to save the individual specifications files for a particular
discipline. The folder must have read and write permissions.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults and click Find

After you convert the multiple specifications file into individual specification files, you must remove the
reference to the multiple specifications file in the APV file under the Part_Specification_Preferences

Suppose you have a multiple specifications file for Routing Mechanical called Mech_Inch_Specs.xml which
is located in the ugroute_mech\appview folder. You want to convert this file into individual specifications
files and place them in the D:\single_specification_files folder and have the single specifications load into

Set the D:\single_specification_files as the path to your individual Routing Mechanical specification
files using the Specification Folders customer defaults.


In a command prompt window, enter the following routing_convert_specifications

ugroute_mech\appview\Mech_Inch_Specs.xml D:\single_specification_files


Remove any reference to the Mech_Inch_Specs.xml in the APV file under the
Part_Specification_Preferences node.

Where do I find it?

You can find the routing_convert_specifications utility in ugroute_mech\utils.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Common Routing tools

Part placement enhancements
What is it?
When you select a part and its location to place it in an assembly, NX now provides part placement solutions based
on the available preferred port. If a preferred port is not available, NX selects one of the ports on the part.

The Routing administrator must set up the parts in the Routing Reuse Library with the PREFERRED_PORT
The following table lists the placement solutions when you place a part.
Placement Location

Placement Solution

Center of a circular arc or an edge

NX places the part along the axis of the selected arc or edge, or in a
direction opposite to the axis of the selected arc or edge.

Any point on a circular arc or an edge

NX places the part along the tangent to the selected point on the
circular edge or arc, or in a direction that is opposite to the tangent

Circular arc or edge

NX places the part along the tangent to the circular edge or arc, or in a
direction that is opposite to the tangent direction.

Any point on a cylindrical surface

NX places the part along the normal, U direction, or V direction with

reference to the selected point, or in a direction that is opposite to the
normal, U direction, or V direction.

Cylindrical face or a surface

NX places the part along the axis of the cylindrical face or surface, or
in a direction that is opposite to the axis of the cylindrical face or

Any point on a surface

NX places the part along the normal, in the U direction, or in the V

direction with reference to the selected point on the surface, or in a
direction that is opposite to the normal, U direction, or V direction.

On any surface

NX places the part along the normal, U direction, or V direction with

reference to the entire surface, or in a direction that is opposite to the
normal, U direction, or V direction.


NX places the part with the Port origin coincident with the CSYS
origin and the Port vector aligned with the +Z, Z,+X, X, +Y, Y

In cases where the placement intent is not obvious, NX places the part in a location that is aligned with the datum
axis and datum planes that are specified at the selected point.
When you place a part:

You can also select a face while placing any object.

NX displays information in the Status line about an engaged port as it goes through the placement solutions
in the Place Part dialog box.

238 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Place Part

Routing Reuse Search enhancement

What is it?
You can now use the redesigned Reuse Search dialog box to search a part with minimum clicks.

Where do I find it?

Resource Bar

Reuse LibraryRouting Reuse LibraryRight-click a

nodeSearch Children

Spline Path enhancements

What is it?
When you create a spline path, NX now creates a more realistic shape.
You can add or delete a point on an existing spline path without significantly deforming the spline path.

Why should I use it?

You can now create and edit a spline shape that minimizes the length of a wire or a cable by approximating a
realistic path.

Where do I find it?


Routing Electrical

Command Finder
Spline Path

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Routing Electrical
Orienting formboard components
What is it?
Use the Formboard Placement Coordinate System command to assign a CSYS for a component in a harness
assembly to properly orient it to the formboard plane. To do this, in the Qualify Part dialog box, you need to create
a new node for your assigned CSYS under the Formboard Placement Coordinate System node. NX aligns
the XY plane of the assigned CSYS with the formboard plane.
When you place the components using the assigned CSYS method, as there are no limitations on the location of the
coordinate system, you must verify that the placement of the component in the sample formboard is correct.

Component with an
assigned CSYS

Component placed on the formboard plane

It is recommended that you use this command only when NX cannot automatically place the formboard for odd
shaped parts that guide wires and cables. If you do not assign a CSYS for alignment of the component, NX aligns
the component directly to the formboard plane. You can also rotate the component to orient it to the formboard

Where do I find it?


Routing Electrical

Command Finder
Qualify Part
Location in dialog box

240 What's New in NX 9.0

Routing Object listFormboard Placement Coordinate System


NX 9.0

Routing Mechanical
Comos integration with Routing Mechanical
What is it?
You can connect Routing Mechanical to Comos using the Comos integration commands. Use these commands to
ensure that NX incorporates all the features of a schematic drawing created in Comos in a 3D model or assembly.
Integration commands in Routing Mechanical



Connects Routing Mechanical with Comos.


Breaks the connection between Routing Mechanical and Comos.

Navigate to PID Symbol

Opens Comos and navigates to the P&ID symbol linked to the selected
component in the Routing Mechanical assembly.

Navigate to 3D

Opens Comos and navigates to the 3D object that is linked to the

selected component in the Routing Mechanical assembly.

New commands in the Teamcenter menu in Comos:



Start Cross Selection

Initiates the NX-COMOS Bidirectional cross selection functionality.

You need to do this before Connecting NX Routing Mechanical with


Lets you connect a symbol on the Comos P&ID to a component in

your Routing Mechanical assembly.


Lets you disconnect a symbol on the Comos P&ID to a component in

your Routing Mechanical assembly.

Navigate to NX

Lets you jump from the Comos P&ID symbol to the assigned
component in your Routing Mechanical assembly.

Why should I use it?

Use the Comos integration commands to manage schematic drawings and 3D Routing assemblies across Comos and
Routing Mechanical without losing data.

Where do I find it?


Routing Mechanical

Command Finder



ToolsSchematics[Integration commands]

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Compare runs enhancement

What is it?
The Compare command now lets you compare runs in NX with runs that are saved as XML datasets in Teamcenter
or on your hard disk.

Where do I find it?


Routing Mechanical

Command Finder


Run Navigator

Right-click a runCompare

Import runs
You can share runs between schematics applications such as COMOS and NX.
Use the Import Runs command to import runs that are saved as XML datasets in Teamcenter or on your hard disk.
NX imports the runs into the work part and displays them in the Run Navigator.

Where do I find it?


Routing Mechanical

Command Finder

Import Runs

Run Navigator

Right-click in the background of theImport Runs

242 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Duct Reinforcement
Use the Duct Reinforcement command to reinforce rectangular ducts by creating stiffeners inside or outside the
ducts. If you change the dimensions of a duct, NX automatically updates the reinforcements.

Stiffeners inside the duct

Stiffeners outside the duct

The default style of stock representation for the reinforcement stock placed on ducts is Simple and cannot be
You can:

Create inside or outside reinforcements that are parallel or perpendicular to the axis of a rectangular parent

List stock used to create reinforcements in the Routing BOM.

The total length of the stock used for creating the reinforcements is displayed in the BOM.

To specify if you want to create reinforcements inside or outside the duct by default, set the Force Duct
Reinforcement Type customer default.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults and click Find

Where do I find it?


Routing Mechanical, Routing HVAC

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0


Stiffeners must be created and saved as stock.

You must set the discipline to HVAC in the Routing Preferences.
You must select the Stock as Components check box on the Stock tab
in the Routing Preferences.
To create reinforcement inside the duct, the duct stock must be hollow and
displayed using the Detailed Solid style of stock representation.

Command Finder
Duct Reinforcement
Graphics window

244 What's New in NX 9.0

Right-click a reinforcement and choose Edit Duct Reinforcement

NX 9.0

Knuckled plates
What is it?
The Plate and plate system commands are enhanced to automatically identify knuckles when you select mold faces
or bodies that are not tangent continuous.

You can specify a split or bend manufacturing process for the knuckle.

You can select a highlighted knuckle edge to split a plate into two separate plates with mitered edges.

If you select a knuckle edge to split a plate system in basic design, a seam is created at the knuckle location
and separate plates will be generated when you transition the plate system to the detailed design.

If you do not select a knuckle edge, the plate or plate system is bent and you can define a fillet. You can
specify the ratio of the fillet radius to the plate thickness.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

NX assigns an attribute, MK_KNUCKLE_TYPE=Bend or MK_KNUCKLE_TYPE=Split, to the knuckles so they can be

identified in structural drawings.

Why should I use it?

Plates often contain knuckles which must be labeled on structural drawings. This enhancement automates the
creation of knuckles so they can easily be identified by other commands.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Basic Design

Command Finder
Location in dialog box

, Deck

, Transverse Bulkhead

, Longitudinal

, or Generic Plate System

Select the edge of a split knuckle in the Boundary group.

Specify the radius of a bent knuckle in the Stock Information group.


Ship Structure Detail Design

Command Finder
Location in dialog box

Select the edge of a split knuckle in the Boundary Objects group.

Specify the radius of a bent knuckle in the Stock group.

246 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Knuckled profile systems

What is it?
The profile system commands are enhanced to automatically identify knuckles.

The Stiffener System command identifies a knuckle when you select placement geometry or paths that
are not tangent continuous.

You can create a seam at a knuckle location to control whether a split or bend manufacturing process is
applied. When you transition the stiffener system to the detailed design, NX splits it into multiple stiffeners
if a seam is present, and bends the resulting stiffener if no seam is present. Wedge cuts are added to bent
stiffeners when they are transitioned to the detailed design.
You can specify the maximum height of stiffeners that can be bent in the customer defaults. If you try to
transition a stiffener system that exceeds the maximum height, the transition report includes a message that
the bending knuckle is not allowed and you must split the system.

The Edge Reinforcement System command identifies a bent knuckle when you select a path that
includes an arc with a small radius. You can specify the maximum radius using the Knuckle Edge
Reinforcement Maximum Bend Radius option in the customer defaults.

You can create a seam at a knuckle location to split the edge reinforcement system when you transition it to
the detailed design.

Why should I use it?

The paths or placement geometry used to create profiles often contain knuckles which must be labeled on structural
drawings. This enhancement automates the creation of knuckled profile systems so they can easily be identified
when transitioning to the detailed design.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Basic Design

Command Finder
Stiffener System

or Edge Reinforcement System

Specifying default knuckle and wedge cut parameters.


FileUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

Ship DesignSteel FeaturesStiffener/Edge Reinforcement tab

248 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Knuckled profiles
What is it?
The Stiffener/Edge Reinforcement command is enhanced to automatically identify knuckles when you select
placement geometry or paths that are not tangent continuous.

You can specify a manufacturing process for the knuckles.

If you choose None, NX creates a single profile with sharp corners at the knuckle locations and you can
manually apply knuckle treatments.

If you choose Split, NX creates two separate profiles with mitered edges.

If you choose Bend, NX adds a wedge cut to the stiffener. The wedge cut can be in the web of the stiffener
when the placement faces are knuckled, or in the flange of the stiffener when the path is not tangent
continuous. You can specify wedge cut parameters in the customer defaults.

To apply a bend to a knuckle in an edge reinforcement, the path must contain a radius with a small arc. You
can specify the Knuckle Edge Reinforcement Maximum Bend Radius in the customer defaults.
NX assigns an attribute, MK_KNUCKLE_TYPE=Bend to the edges produced by the knuckles so they can be
identified downstream in structural drawings. If a wedge cut is applied, NX also assigns attributes to the
wedge cut faces for the parameters.
You can specify the maximum height of stiffeners that can be bent in the customer defaults. The Bend
option is not available if a stiffener exceeds the maximum height or if the stiffener section cannot be bent in
the specified direction.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

The paths or placement geometry used to create stiffeners often contain knuckles which must be labeled on
structural drawings. This enhancement automates the creation of the knuckled stiffeners so they can easily be
identified by other commands.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Detail Design

Command Finder
Stiffener/Edge Reinforcement
Location in dialog box

Knuckles group

Specifying default knuckle and wedge cut parameters.


FileUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

Ship DesignSteel FeaturesStiffener/Edge Reinforcement tab

250 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Create stiffeners between supports

What is it?
The Stiffener System and Stiffener/Edge Reinforcement commands are enhanced to let you define the paths
and orientations of stiffeners and stiffener systems by selecting bounding objects.
You can use one of the following methods to define the path and orientation of the stiffeners.

Aligned to Start Support

Length from Start Support
Between Two Supports
Along Direction
Normal to End Support
Through Point on End Support

In most cases, you select a start support object and an end support object to define the boundaries. These objects can
be stiffeners, edge reinforcements, or plates.
For example, if you use the Aligned to Start Support method, you can select a stiffener (1) as the start support
and a plate (2) as the end support. The new stiffener (3) is aligned with the start support and its path terminates at the
end support.

Why should I use it?

This enhancement saves you a significant amount of time because the paths and orientations of stiffeners are
automatically determined by the selected boundaries. You do not have to define the paths and orientations manually.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Basic Design

Command Finder
Stiffener System
Location in dialog box

From the Type list, select By Support.

Specify the method and select bounding objects in the Path group.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0


Ship Structure Detail Design

Command Finder
Stiffener/Edge Reinforcement
Location in dialog box

From the Type list, select Create Stiffener by Support

Specify the method and select bounding objects in the Path group.

252 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Control profile orientations

What is it?
The Stiffener System, Edge Reinforcement System, and Stiffener/Edge Reinforcement commands are
enhanced to give you more control over the orientation of a profile along its path.
You can define multiple regions along the length of a stiffener or stiffener system and assign orientation rules to

You can:

Assign one of the following orientation methods to each region.


Normal to Surface
Linear Twist
Cubic Twist
Along Vector
Planar at Angle

Assign a mounting angle to a region.

Use the Linear Twist or Cubic Twist method to transition the stiffener between two different orientation

Display the twist rate, surface angles, and web angles.

Why should I use it?

On complex surfaces such as hulls, stiffeners and edge reinforcements may require varying orientations to
strengthen the hull and make manufacturing easier.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Basic Design

Command Finder
Stiffener System

or Edge Reinforcement System

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Location in dialog box

Orientation group


Ship Structure Detail Design

Command Finder
Stiffener/Edge Reinforcement
Location in dialog box

254 What's New in NX 9.0

Orientation group

NX 9.0

Built-up profiles
What is it?
The profile and profile system commands are enhanced so you can define and manufacture profiles composed of
two or more plates welded together.

You can:

Use the Seam command to split the flanges and the webs of the profiles at independent locations.

Replace reference sets to display the built-up profiles as single solid bodies or separate web and flange

Assign a manufacturing mode to specify whether the web and flanges of the built-up profiles are cut and
bent to shape before they are joined or, joined before they are bent to the correct shape. You can assign the
manufacturing mode automatically when you create the profiles or assign them manually using the
BuiltUp Manufacturing Mode command.

Why should I use it?

Shipyards often require profiles that are fabricated from multiple pieces of plate stock instead of a single piece of
extruded stock. These enhancements automate the definition and manufacture of the profiles.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Basic Design

Command Finder
Stiffener System
Location in dialog box

, Seam

, or Pillar System

Stock group in the profile system dialog boxes.

BuiltUp Offsets group in the Seam dialog box.


Ship Structure Detail Design

Command Finder
Stiffener/Edge Reinforcement

or Pillar

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Location in dialog box

Stock group or Section group


Ship Structure Manufacturing

Command Finder
BuiltUp Manufacturing Mode

Specifying split and manufacturing parameters for built-up profile.


FileUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

Ship DesignSteel FeaturesBuilt-up Profiles tab

256 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Create stiffeners on plates with multiple thicknesses

What is it?
The Stiffener/Edge Reinforcement command is enhanced so you can create stiffeners across plates with
different thicknesses or offsets.

By default, when you select multiple plates for the placement geometry, NX infers the attachment plate based on the
thickness and offset differences, the stiffener length over each plate, and the number of thickness changes along the
NX can account for a thickness change in one of the following ways:

Attach the stiffener to a thicker plate and maintain a gap with a thinner plate. The gap can later be filled
with a weld.

Attach the stiffener to a thinner plate and include a notch to avoid interference with a thicker plate.

Attach the stiffener to both plates so it sags from a thicker plate to a thinner plate.
You can specify the sag type, sag distances, and sag plate lengths in the customer defaults to control the
behavior for this condition.

Sag Type = Sag

Sag Type = Notched Sag

You can also override the inferred behavior by explicitly selecting an attachment plate. In this case, you can only
create one stiffener at a time.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

This enhancement automates the creation of stiffeners when you place them on plates with different thicknesses or
offsets. You can control the behavior of the stiffeners by selecting an attachment plate without manually editing the

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Detail Design


Select multiple plates with different thicknesses or offsets as placement


Command Finder
Stiffener/Edge Reinforcement
Location in dialog box

Placement Geometry group

Specifying the default sag type and sag parameters.


FileUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

Ship DesignSteel FeaturesStiffener/Edge Reinforcement tab

258 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Create standard parts on plates with multiple thicknesses

What is it?
The Standard Part command is enhanced so you can create brackets on multiple supporting plates that have
different thicknesses. The brackets will update when you edit the supporting plates.

After you select a single reinforcement face, NX automatically detects the other plates the bracket crosses. You can
use the Across Multiple Thicknesses option to de-select the plates. Material is added or subtracted from the
bracket to conform to the varying thicknesses of the selected plates.

Why should I use it?

This enhancement automates the creation of brackets across plates with multiple thicknesses so you do not have to
manually edit the brackets.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Basic Design,

Ship Structure Detail Design

Command Finder
Standard Part
Location in dialog box

Placement group

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Split standard parts in the basic design

What is it?
Use the Split Standard Part command to split brackets in the Ship Structure Basic Design application.

You can:

Select a seam, frame, or ship structure as a tool to split the standard part.

Control whether to split the reinforcement.

Control the split location by specifying an offset and angle from the selected tool.

Specify corner cuts at the split location.

Assign welding attributes to the new split edges.

Why should I use it?

You may need to split large brackets at assembly boundaries to support design or manufacturing requirements. This
command associates the split parts so you can easily manage them.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Basic Design

Command Finder
Split Standard Part

260 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Split standard parts and built-up profiles in the detailed design

What is it?
The Split Ship Structure command replaces the Split Profile/Plate command and is enhanced to split plates,
profiles, built-up profiles, and standard parts in the Ship Structure Detail Design application.

You can:

Split built-up profiles and specify a different offset for the flanges and webs.

Split standard parts using the same options that are available in the Split Standard Part command.

Why should I use it?

You may need to split large brackets at assembly boundaries, or split built-up profiles at seam locations, to support
design or manufacturing requirements. This command associates the split parts so you can easily manage them.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Detail Design

Command Finder
Split Ship Structure

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Profile Transition
What is it?
Use the Profile Transition command to create transitions between adjacent profiles of different sizes. You can
select adjacent stiffeners, built-up profiles, or built-up pillars.

You must select at least one target profile and one boundary profile. The height and width of the boundary
cross section must be less than or equal to the height and width of the target cross section.

You can add the transition to the selected target or create separate web and face plates. The following rules
apply to the section types:

If the target and boundary are both extruded or rolled profiles and the transition is added to the
target, both profiles must have the same cross section type.

If the target is an extruded or rolled profile, the boundary cannot be a built-up profile.

You can customize the rules to determine the length of the transition in the parameter spreadsheet for
Profile Transition feature types specified in the Registration Spreadsheet. The remaining dimensions
of the transition are calculated from the target and boundary.

Why should I use it?

This command saves you time by automatically creating the transitions between different size profiles.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Detail Design

Command Finder
Profile Transition

262 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

End Cut enhancements

What is it?
The End Cut command is enhanced to automate the selection of end cut types and parameters.

The default limit type is Neat Trim and you can select the type of connection between the target and the
selected limit object from a Connection Type list. The list includes the same connection types that are
currently available in the Stiffener System command.

Flange Free


You can define custom rules in the registration spreadsheet to automatically filter the available section
types and determine parameters based on the selected stiffener and bounding geometry.

You can add an end cut to a built-up profile consisting of multiple parts. Selecting the end face of one of
the parts automatically selects the corresponding ends of the other parts. You can define three separate cuts
(web, flange, and toe) and the sections can be customized in the registration spreadsheet.

If you select edge reinforcements, they are automatically detected as special cases and only flange cuts are
applied. The options for web and toe cuts are hidden.

You can apply flared end cuts to edge reinforcements and built-up profiles. These end cuts can be defined
and controlled in the registration spreadsheet.

Why should I use it?

These enhancements reduce the time to add detailed end cuts to profiles based on customized rules.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Detail Design

Command Finder
End Cut

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Profile Cutout enhancements

What is it?
The Profile Cutout command includes several new enhancements. You can:

Use the new Select Intersecting Profile check box to automatically find stiffeners that intersect the
selected target object. This saves time since you do not have to manually select the stiffeners.

Use a separate option to specify tightness when you edit a profile cutout.

Automatically choose the profile cutout based on the tightness and section type as defined in the
registration spreadsheet.

Define rules to automatically choose the profile cutout parameters. You can customize these rules in a
spreadsheet located at NXSHIP_DIR\data\steelfeature\Rule\nxship_profile_cutout_rule.xls.

Optionally apply corner cuts when you create a profile cutout. When you edit a profile cutout, you can
specify the shape of the corner cuts in the Corner Cuts group in the dialog box.

Automatically create collar plates as you add profile cutouts. You can specify rules in a spreadsheet to
determine the correct collar plate.

Edit the TOP_OFFSET (1) and BASE_OFFSET (2) parameters of a profile cutout to produce a wide
profile cutout.

264 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

The angle produced by the offset must be equal to or less than 30 degrees. You can use the Examine
Steel Features command to validate this rule.

Why should I use it?

These enhancements streamline the process to create profile cutouts and the associated collar plates. You can
customize rules to define these features based on standards at your shipyard.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Detail Design

Command Finder
Profile Cutout

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Collar plate enhancement

What is it?
The Standard Part command is enhanced so that you can create a collar plate by selecting an existing profile

Why should I use it?

This simplifies the steps to create collar plates since you no longer have to select a web face and a stiffener.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Basic Design

Ship Structure Detail Design

Command Finder
Standard Part

266 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Examine Steel Features

What is it?
Use the Examine Steel Features command to validate the placement of profile cutouts and collar plates
according to rules specified in a spreadsheet.
You can check the following conditions:

Widths of profile flanges are within a specified range.

Distances between profile cutouts and seams are valid.

Distances between collar plates and seams are valid.

Flange top and bottom clearances are within a specified range.

Profile cutout offset angles are valid.

Standard and wide collar plates are valid.

Standard parts do not interfere with other objects.

Why should I use it?

You can ensure the correct placement of profile cutouts and collar plates based on the standards defined for your

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Basic Design,

Ship Structure Detail Design

Command Finder
Examine Steel Features

Specifying the location of the spreadsheet to define the rules.


FileUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

Ship DesignSteel FeaturesExamine tab

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Paint Parameters
What is it?
Paint Parameters lets you copy the parameters of a source feature and paste (paint) them onto existing target
features of the same type. The geometric inputs (selections) remain the same.

Source Feature
Target Features
Once you select a source feature, you can use the Use Component Selection to Select Features option to
select all compatible target features from a selected component.
If the features are in different parts, wave links are created to support the painting of geometric limits if required.

Feature parameters are painted only onto the same type features (such as stiffener to stiffener).

Feature parameters can be painted across other features in multiple parts.

Only a limited set of features in the Ship Structure Detail Design application is supported at this time:


Stiffener / Edge Reinforcement

End Cut

Profile Cutout

Corner Cut

Edge Cut

Weld Joint

268 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

Use this command if you have several features in the workpart or in different parts whose parameters you want to
make the same.

Where do I find it?


Ship Structure Detail Design, Sheet Metal, Modeling


Only certain Ship Structure Detail Design features currently support Paint

Command Finder
Paint Parameters

MenuEditFeaturePaint Parameters

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Vehicle Design
Vehicle loading input to vision tools
What is it?
You can now specify the vehicle loading factor as an input to the vision tools in one of these ways:

Use the default vehicle loading for the selected standard.

You can set the default vehicle loading for each standard in the loading_config.xls file. Specify the location
of the loading_config.xls file using the Groundline Configuration Spreadsheet for Vision Tools
customer default.

To find the customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults and click Find

Use the vehicle loading defined in the Base Data part.

You can also add user-defined vehicle loading in the Base Data part.

When you use the Vehicle Packaging wizard, for all the vision tools in this wizard, NX uses the default vehicle
loading defined for the Eyellipse command.

Why should I use it?

Specify the vehicle loading factor as an input to consider the loading factor of the vehicle in the analysis of direct
and indirect view of the driver, and to ensure that the vision tools conform to the latest standards.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Mirror Certification
Windshield Vision Zones
Direct Field of View
A-Pillar Obstruction
Glazing Shade Bands
Vision Planes

270 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Windshield Datum Points

Vehicle Packaging Validation

Use the Vehicle Packaging Validation HD3D tool to view vehicle design validation results in the graphics
The following example shows some of the posture check results generated by the 2D Manikin command.
Passed with information
Passed with warning

You can filter validation results by their status. For example, you can view only the results that are passed or failed.
You can view the following vehicle design validation results.
Vehicle design validation result

Command that generates the result

Posture and Joint angle check

2D Manikin
Posture check
Vehicle Packaging
A, B, and C percent wiped area check
Windshield Vision Zones
Left, right, up, and down angle check
Direct Field of View

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

A-pillar obstruction angle check

A-pillar Obstruction
Mirror certification check
Mirror Certification
You can use the Vehicle Packaging Validation HD3D tool to check and interpret the validation results at any
stage of the vehicle design, and expedite the design process.

Where do I find it?

Resource bar
HD3D Tools tab
Part Navigator tab
HD3D Tools tab
Double-click Vehicle Packaging Validation
Part Navigator

Double-click the items listed in the Checks folder

Wizard or dialog box

[Wizard or dialog box for any command that generates a vehicle design
validation result]View Results in Vehicle Packaging

272 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Head Impact
Use the Head Impact command to define the upper roof zone and to generate head impact data such as target
points and approach angles on the upper interior components of a vehicle. This command generates head impact
data that complies with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 201U.
You can generate the target points and approach angles to the specifications of international vehicle design standards
or in accordance with user-defined dimensions.
You can generate head impact data for the following interior components of a vehicle:


Upper roof
You must generate this data after the A-pillar data and before you generate head impact data for any of the
following components.


Rear pillar

Additional pillars

Front header

Rear header

Side rail

Additional side rails

You can use the generated head impact data in various head impact tests that are performed to reduce the likelihood
of severe head injuries regardless of the type of vehicle collision.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Head Impact

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Pedestrian Protection enhancements

What is it?
You can now use the Pedestrian Protection command to perform pedestrian head impact and pedestrian leg
impact tests in compliance with the following standards:

Euro NCAP pedestrian testing protocol (Version 6.0 February 2012)


GTR Tangent Basin

Impact Offset distance enhancements
The options to specify the Impact Offset distance are moved from the Standards Settings dialog box to
the Miscellaneous tab of the Isotropic Material dialog box. These options allow you to specify the
Impact Offset distance depending on the isotropic material assigned to the front upper surface components
such as hood, cowl, A-pillar, and so on. You must assign an isotropic material to the bodies or facet bodies
before selecting them as front upper surface components.
The default values of the Impact Offset distance in the material library are only for reference. You must
assign appropriate values for the Impact Offset distance as per the applicable material, based on the
industry standards or customer specific requirements.
Pedestrian leg impact test enhancements
You can now:

Perform upper leg impact tests on the bonnet and the bumper.

Specify additional upper leg impact test positions.

Specify the diameter of the testing rod and the leg impact spreadsheet file.
You can specify these values in the Standards Settings dialog box or set default values using
the Leg Impact References and Leg Impact Spreadsheet customer defaults.

274 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Pedestrian head impact test enhancements

You can now:

Simulate the active hood system for translation and rotation.

Active hood translation

Active hood rotation

Specify A-pillar geometry for the head impact test.

For the European standard the following additional outputs are generated for the head impact test:

Headform grid points are generated along the centerline at a distance of 100 mm from the 1000 Wrap
Around Distance (WAD) line to the 2100 WAD line.

Headform circles are generated around each headform grid point and have the diameter of the headform.

For each headform grid point, a tooltip displays the coordinates for each headform grid point with
respect to the centerline. It also displays the alphabet A or C to indicate if the grid point is created
for an adult or a child.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

You can also:

Control the output settings of the headform grid points.

You can specify these settings in the Output Settings dialog box or set default settings using the
Headform Grid Points customer default.

View information in the test results on headform circles and on the headform grid points including their

Where do I find it?

Pedestrian Protection dialog box



You must define the vehicle coordinate system.

Command Finder
Pedestrian Protection
Customer defaults
Command Finder

Customer Defaults

Location in dialog box

[Leg impact defaults] Vehicle Design General

PackagingPedestrian ProtectionGlobal Technical Regulation
Standards tab
[Head impact defaults] Vehicle Design General
PackagingPedestrian ProtectionOutput Settings tab

276 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Eyellipse enhancements
What is it?
You can now use the Eyellipse command to:

Create an eyellipse feature that is consistent with SAE standard J941 revised in March 2010.

Create head contours consistent with SAE standard J1052 revised in September 2010.

Create ECE vision points as per the R125 standard.

Specify the ground line as an input to create eyellipse, head contours, and ECE vision points.

On the Class & Percentile page of the wizard, the Inclusive Eyellipse 99% and Both Inclusive Eyellipse
options are added to the Eyellipse Percentile list. Use these options to create an eyellipse for class A vehicles.
On page 2 of the Vehicle Parameter step, the BOFRP Length Coordinate (L1) and BOFRP Height
Coordinate (H1) options are added. Use these option to define the length and height of the eyellipse centroid with
respect to the Ball of Foot Reference Point (BOFRP).


You cannot use the PRP Length Coordinate (L1) option on page 2 of the Vehicle Parameter
step to define the eyellipse centroid consistent with SAE standard J941 revised in March 2010.

You cannot use the EEC 77/649 standard to define vision points.

Where do I find it?




You must define the vehicle coordinate system.

Command Finder

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

2D Manikin enhancements
What is it?
You can now use the 2D Manikin command to:

Create a 2D manikin that is consistent with the SAE standard J826 revised in November 2008.

Create a standard Chinese 2D manikin by using one of the four standard dimension files for a Chinese
human body.
You can access the standard dimension files from the following location:

Display the driving posture and joint angle check results in the new Vehicle Packaging Validation
HD3D tool.

The Back Angle (A40) and Pedal Plane Angle (A47) options are renamed as Torso Angle (A40) and Shoe
Plane Angle (A47) respectively on the Posture Definition page in the Manikin wizard.

Where do I find it?




You must define the vehicle coordinate system.

Command Finder
2D Manikin

278 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Seat Lines enhancements

What is it?
You can now use the Seat Lines command to:

Create seat position lines that are consistent with the SAE standard J1516 revised in October 2011.
The range of the seat lines height relative to the heal point is changed to 127-405 mm.

Create seat position lines for class A vehicles by defining the Ball Of Foot Reference Point (BOFRP)

The PRP Length Coordinate (L1) option is removed from the Input Parameters page in the
Driver Selected Seat Position Lines wizard.

Where do I find it?




You must define the vehicle coordinate system.

Seat Lines

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Hand Reach enhancements

What is it?
You can now use the Hand Reach command to define driver hand reach zones that comply with SAE standard
J287 revised in February 2007.
The shoulder movement for a driver wearing both lap and shoulder belts is restricted to 50 mm.
The height range of seat lines relative to the heal point is changed to 127-405 mm.
Because you can no longer use the following dimensions to calculate the General Packaging Factor (G), these
dimensions are removed from the Driver Hand Control Reach wizard:

Back Angle (A40)

Hip Angle (A42)

AHP to SWC Length (L11)

Steering Wheel Diameter (W0)

Steering Wheel Angle (A18)

Where do I find it?




You must define the vehicle coordinate system.

Command Finder
Vehicle Design

280 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Direct Field of View enhancements

What is it?
You can now use the Direct Field of View command to:

Create a direct field of view that complies with SAE standard J1050 revised in February 2009.

Specify the ground line as an input to define direct field of view.

Display the check results of the left, right, up, and down angle in the new Vehicle Packaging
Validation HD3D tool.

Where do I find it?




You must define the vehicle coordinate system.

Command Finder
Vehicle Design

Instrument Panel Visibility enhancements

What is it?
You can now use the Instrument Panel Visibility command to calculate and create the visible and non-visible
regions of the instrument panel so that the regions are consistent with SAE standard J1050 revised in February 2009.

Where do I find it?




You must define the vehicle coordinate system.

Command Finder
Instrument Panel Visibility

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Windshield Vision Zones enhancements

What is it?
You can now use the Windshield Vision Zones command to:

Calculate and validate the percentage of the wiped area based on SAE standard J902 revised in August
2011 and SAE standard J198 revised in July 2003.

Select existing wiped area geometries.

Specify the ground line as an input to define the windshield vision zone.

Display the A, B, and C percent wiped area validation results in the new Vehicle Packaging Validation
HD3D tool.

Why should I use it?

Instead of defining the wiper system parameters for calculating the wiped area, you can directly select the geometry
representing the wiped area.

Where do I find it?




You must define the vehicle coordinate system.

Command Finder
Windshield Vision Zones

282 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

Mirror Certification enhancements

What is it?
The new Mirror Certification dialog box replaces the Mirror Certification wizard.
You can now use the Mirror Certification command to:

Certify the rear view, the driver side, and the passenger side mirrors for the following stsndards:

FMVSS111 standard revised in 2008

GB 15084 standard revised in 2006

Adjust the mirror orientation about the pivot point.

Define the instruction field position either on a target wall or on the surface of the road.

Specify the ground line as an input for mirror certification.

Display the mirror certification results in the new Vehicle Packaging Validation HD3D tool.
Vision cones
You can now create the following vision cones:

Eye to Mirror
Displays the vision cone originating from the eyes to the mirror.

1 Eye to mirror vision cone for right eye

2 Eye to mirror vision cone for left eye

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Mirror to Target
Displays the vision cone originating from the mirror to the target.

1 Side mirror
2 Target wall
3 Mirror to target vision cone for left eye
4 Mirror to target vision cone for right eye

Vision fields
You can now define the shape of the vision field for the target wall as a triangle or rectangle.



Why should I use it?

The Mirror Certification command now lets you exercise more control over the test output.

Where do I find it?




You must define the vehicle coordinate system and create the Eyellipse

Command Finder
Mirror Certification

284 What's New in NX 9.0

NX 9.0

PCB Exchange
User interface enhancements in PCB Exchange
What is it?
All existing NX PCB Exchange dialog boxes have been upgraded to have a consistent look-and-feel with the rest of
This enhancement introduces the following improvements:

In particular, when you want to modify the attributes of components, areas, or holes, the selection is now
done in the same dialog box as the modification of attributes.
In previous releases, this was done in two steps using two different dialog boxes.

When importing the ECAD model, you can now filter the board file extension directly in the Open dialog
In previous releases, you set the ECAD file extension for the board and component library in the PCB
Exchange Settings dialog box prior to import.

The Compare and Update PCA

that lets you:

command opens one Compare and Update PCA dialog box

Set options for comparing the two models.

Run the comparison.

Set options to update the current model.

Run the update.

In previous releases, the command opened a first Compare and Update PCA dialog box to let you set
the compare options and run the comparison, then a second Compare and Update PCA dialog box to let
you set the update options and run the update.

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

IDX collaboration commands

What is it?
The following ECAD MCAD collaboration with IDX commands are now available:
Import Baseline

Imports an existing IDX baseline file.

Tag Model as

Tags the current model as the baseline file for the ECAD MCAD collaboration with IDX.
This command replaces the Track Changes command from NX 8.5.

Incremental Data

Imports the incremental data from the IDX incremental file to let you accept or reject the
changes. This command replaces the Import Changes command from NX 8.5.

Incremental Data

Exports the current design changes to the IDX incremental file. This command replaces the
Export Changes command from NX 8.5.

Import External

Imports electrical data such as traces, pads, and solder mask from an external IDX file.
This information is read-only and cannot be collaborated. Electrical data is overwritten
each time this command is invoked.

Export Current

Exports the current design to an IDX baseline file.

Why should I use it?

The new commands improve the ECAD MACD collaboration workflow in PCB Exchange.

Where do I find it?


PCB Exchange

Command Finder
Import Baseline or Tag Model as Baseline
Incremental Data
Import External Data

286 What's New in NX 9.0

or Import

or Export Incremental Data


or Export Current Baseline

PCB Exchange IDX CollaborationImport Baseline or Tag

Model as Baseline or Import Incremental Data or Export
Incremental Data or Import External Data or Export Current

NX 9.0

IDX support enhancements

What is it?
The following is now supported for IDX files:

Restriction area mapping

Importing and exporting bends

Importing traces, pads, and masks

Importing and exporting component offsets

Restriction areas with multiple discrete heights

Importing primary pin locations

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Copper Area
What is it?
Use the new Copper Area
command to assign attributes to copper area. A copper area can be a sketch,
sheet body, or solid body. The copper area may have a thickness.

Copper areas can be used in the ECAD MCAD collaboration with IDX.

Why should I use it?

Because MCAD users can design some copper content such as cladding, the Copper Area command allows you to
define NX entities as copper areas to easily exchange copper data with ECAD users. You can also use copper areas
for exposed copper pads.

Where do I find it?


PCB Exchange

Command Finder
Copper Area

288 What's New in NX 9.0

PCB ExchangeEdit AttributesCopper Area

NX 9.0

Comparison of ECAD and MCAD primary pin locations

What is it?
Select the new Compare Primary Pin Locations on Import check box to enable the comparison of the MCAD
primary pin location to the ECAD primary pin location. PCB Exchange compares the pin locations when you
compare and update the PCA or when you import incremental data for IDX collaboration.
The MCAD primary pin location is defined for each component in its part file in the component library. The ECAD
primary pin location is defined in the IDX file.
The MCAD primary pin coincides with the ECAD primary pin when the following two conditions are true:

ABS(XMCAD XECAD) <= Xbounding box

ABS(YMCAD YECAD) <= Ybounding box

where Xbounding box and Ybounding box are distance tolerances in X and Y directions that are defined in
NxComparePinToleranceX and NxComparePinToleranceY variables in the pcbx_ug_model.ini file.
When at least one of these conditions is not true, PCB Exchange:

Issues a message in the import log file.

Generates an HTML report in the working directory and loads it into the Web Browser navigator.

Not all IDX vendors support this option.

Why should I use it?

This option is useful to detect differences between the ECAD and MCAD libraries of components. It can also
indicate incorrect placement of components on the board, for example bad rotations.

Where do I find it?


PCB Exchange


PCB ExchangeSettings

Location in dialog box

General tabCompare Primary Pin Locations on Import

What's New in NX 9


NX 9.0

Show Test Points

What is it?
Use the new Show Test Points

command to display the locations of test points, imported from an ECAD

Why should I use it?

Test points allow in-circuit electrical testing of PCBs, but in the test rig, structural forces may develop at those
locations. Test points locations in the PCB model can be used to define structural loading boundary conditions when
analyzing structural integrity of a printed circuit assembly.

Where do I find it?


PCB Exchange


Imported Zuken ECAD model with test points

Command Finder
Show Test Points

290 What's New in NX 9.0

PCB ExchangeToolsShow Test Points

NX 9.0

Chapter 3: CAM
CAM general
Notes in Manufacturing
What is it?
You can add multiple lines of informative text to any operation.

The Notes dialog box is available in all operation dialog boxes. It is also available from the shortcut menu in the
Operation Navigator.
In the Operation Navigator the Notes column can be added by right-clicking in the navigator column area and
the selecting ColumnNotes. The
the note, pause your cursor on the icon.

icon Indicates that there are notes stored with the operation. To display

Within the Notes dialog box you can cut, paste, copy, insert text from a file, and save your notes as a text file.

The mom variable mom_operation_notes outputs operation notes for post and shop documents.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

You can store NX CAM information in the form of notes, comments, instructions, or revision history that is
available to post and shop documents.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Operation Navigator

What's New in NX 9.0

Right-click an operationNotes



NX 9.0

Descriptions in Manufacturing
What is it?
You can add a description to any program, operation, geometry group, or method. The description can be viewed in
all four views of the operation navigator.

The Description box is displayed on the tool, program, operation, method, and geometry dialog box by default. If
the Description box is not displayed, you must customize the dialog box.

The mom variables mom_operation_description, mom_geometry_description,
mom_method_description, mom_program_description,and
mom_carrier_descriptionmom_head_description, and mom_pocket_description output the descriptions
for post and shop documentation. The variable mom_operation_notes outputs operation notes post and shop

Why should I use it?

This is useful when you want to add a description to an operation.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Displaying visible and hidden geometry

What is it?
NX CAM now displays visible and hidden geometry in the same manner, displaying highlighted faces instead of
The display time performance is much faster than in previous releases.


From a geometry group or operation dialog, the geometry is displayed in the color used for the blank, with
the translucency of the display properties of the object.

Where do I find it?




Some or all of the solid geometry selected for the CAM object is hidden.

Operation Navigator

Select the CAM object and display its geometry.

Operation or Geometry group

in the dialog box

Select the Display

What's New in NX 9.0

button for the geometry type.



NX 9.0

Boundary selection enhancements

What is it?
In many but not all Milling operations, the way you define boundaries is now consistent with the way you define
other types of geometry. Changes include the following:

An enhanced selection display and gap closing.

The Tool Side option replaces the Material Side option.

In the old user interface, the Material Side option specifies which side of the boundary contains the stock
material. NX automatically updates legacy operations to the correct Tool Side value.

The new interface supports journaling.

Enhanced selection display

You can see each boundary segment projected to the boundary plane as you select it.

NX automatically closes gaps in the boundary as you select the boundary segments.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The graphics display clearly shows the boundary plane and the projection vector.

1 Boundary section label

2 Boundary plane
3 Boundary projection vector

You can easily identify the start point, end point, boundary direction, and tool side for each boundary.

Boundary selected:
1 Start point
2 Tool side indicator (left)
3 Direction arrow
4 Tool position indicator (Tanto)
5 End point

The graphics display includes any custom offsets for the boundary and for individual members.
Boundary member selected:
1 Section label
2 Custom boundary Offset input box
3 Custom boundary Member Offset input box
4 Selected boundary member

The new boundary user interface is available in Milling when you do the following:

Specify part, blank, check or trim boundaries within a Mill Bnd geometry group.

Specify trim boundaries within a Mill Area geometry group.

Specify trim boundaries inside Floor Wall, Plunge Milling, Cavity Milling, Zlevel, Zlevel 5axis, and
surface contouring operations.

Specify blank and check boundaries within a Floor Wall operation.

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

The old interface is currently used for all other boundaries defined within Milling and all boundaries in Turning and
Wire EDM. When you create boundaries with the old interface, NX now automatically closes gaps in the boundary
as you select the boundary segments.

New boundary dialog box example

Old boundary dialog box example

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Create Geometry
Location in dialog box
[Milling operation] dialog boxGeometry groupCreate New
Create Geometry or New Geometry dialog boxType
listmill_planar, mill_contour, mill_multi-axisGeometry
Subtype groupMILL_BND


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Boundary selection display and gap closing

NX automatically closes gaps in boundaries and displays the results. The boundary display helps you to visualize the
final boundary as you select the boundary segments. In the new boundary geometry dialog box, the Connect to
Next Member list is set to Extend by default. NX extends the members until they intersect. If they do not
intersect, NX joins their end points. This is the legacy behavior.
If you want a direct connection between the boundary members, select Direct from the list.



Member 1
Member 2

Where do I find it?



Location in dialog box

[Boundary geometry dialog box]Members groupselect boundary

memberCustom Member DataConnect to Next Member list

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Pasting operations with reference

What is it?
You can copy operations from one workpiece and paste them with reference into another workpiece in the setup. To
do this, use the Paste Inside with Reference option.
The figures below show operations and dependencies copied from the parent (WORKPIECE_1), and pasted to the
child (WORKPIECE_2).




Unused Items


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


The following geometry objects are supported:







The Paste Inside with Reference option will be available for most milling and drilling operations.

Where do I find it?




A supported milling or drilling operation

The part geometry defined in the workpiece objects must originate from the
same assembly component

Command Finder

Paste with Reference


ToolsOperation NavigatorPaste with Reference

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Show Thickness by Color enhancements

What is it?
You can define the fringe plot in the Show Thickness by Color dialog box in these ways:

Specify the number of colors. You can specify up to eight colors.

Set minimum and maximum limits for the analysis to limit the fringe plot to a thickness range.

Set precise range divisions to control the plot color for each defined range.

The following examples show fringe plots and measurements from cuts taken on the part shown:

To show material heights in a known

thickness range, such as the semi-finish
cut shown, you can set the minimum
and maximum limits, and allow NX to
determine the range limits.

NX sometimes uses the same color to

show a default range in areas that are
close in dimension, for example a plot
for a skim cut off the top of the blank.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

To differentiate the plot for certain

dimensions, specify a narrow range
around each dimension. The areas with
these dimensions are plotted in different

When Specify Point is active, you can click the screen at any point. The remaining stock at that point is shown as
a Distance measurement from the selected IPW facet to the part surface.

Why should I use it?

You can easily and accurately investigate the material thickness that remains after an operation.

Where do I find it?



Operation Navigator

Right-click a program or operationTool PathVerifyTool Path

Visualization dialog box3D Dynamic tabShow Thickness by

Location in dialog box

[Setting number of ranges] Define Ranges group

[Defining range limits] Range Colors and Limits group

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Set Machining Data enhancements

What is it?
Cut depth and stepover values are now optional for individual machining data records.

Machining Data library

When you click OK in the Edit Machining Data Record dialog box, what NX does depends on whether or not
you set the values.

If you set the values, NX saves the machining record with the specified values.
To set the values, select the Cut Depth

or Stepover

check boxes.

If you do not set the values, NX saves the machining record with a -1 entry in the Cut Depth and
Stepover columns. The -1 tells NX not to set a value.



Cut Depth














Set Machining Data

When you set the machining data for an operation, if NX finds a -1 value in the library for Cut Depth or
Stepover, it does not change the respective values for the operation.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder

Edit Machining Data Libraries

Location in dialog box

Specifying Machining Data library values:

Edit Machining Data Libraries dialog boxMachining Data
tabInsert or Modify
Setting machining data for an operation:
[Operation] dialog boxFeeds and Speeds
Feeds and
Speeds dialog boxAutomatic Settings groupSet Machining

Operation Navigator

Setting machining data for an operation:

Right click an operationObjectSet Machining Data


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Flute length for drills

What is it?
(FL) Flute Length is now available as a parameter for center drills, spot drills, and countersinks. This parameter is
hidden by default. The default zero value signals NX to set the flutes extent to the point where the angle meets the
outside diameter.
If you require a different length, add the (FL) Flute Length parameter to the dialog box for the tool using the
Customize command. You can then enter the length that you require.
Pre-NX 9

NX 9

Why should I use it?

Use the flute length value to get accurate results for collision and gouge checking during simulation.

Where do I find it?



Operation Navigator

Right-click tool nodeObjectCustomize

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Milling enhancements
Machining with a T-Cutter
Machining with a T-Cutter
NX now provides the following support for machining slots, grooves, and underneath ledges with a T-Cutter.


T-Cutter tracking point control.

A new Groove Milling operation to efficiently machine linear slots and grooves.

Positioning, geometry selection, engage, and retract enhancements in Fixed Contour operations using the
Boundary drive method.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Fixed contouring operations

What is it?

When you use the Boundary drive method in Fixed Contour operations, you can now do the following:

Position the top edge of a T-Cutter to cut under different ledge shapes. The ledges can be flat or contoured.
To project the tool axis up from underneath ledges, use the new Tool Axis Up projection vector.

This Tool Axis Up projection vector is also available in variable-axis surface contouring

Select solid or sheet body ledge faces as part geometry and project the boundary curves to create drive
geometry for the operation.

Specify separate values for the linear extensions before and after arc engages or retract moves.

NX applies the neck and shank clearance according to the collision check status.

Drive geometry boundary curves

Select ledge faces as part geometry, and then project the edge curves to a boundary plane to create the drive
boundary. When you generate the operation with the Tool Axis Up option, NX projects the drive boundary up
along the tool axis to position the T-cutter underneath the ledge.

1 Ledge faces selected as part geometry

2 Boundary plane
3 Drive boundary
4 Tool path

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

You can also select sheet bodies as part geometry and project the edge curves to create the drive boundary.
1 Sheet body selected as part geometry
2 Boundary plane
3 Drive boundary
4 Tool path

Linear extensions for arc engage and retract moves

Linear extensions are the linear segments before or after the arc engage or retract moves. For both moves, the
Linear Extension option is renamed.

For arc engage moves, the option is now called Extend before Arc.

For arc retract moves, the option is now called Extend after Arc.

There are two new options:

For arc engage moves, the new option is Extend after Arc.

For arc retract moves, the new option is Extend before Arc.

These options let you specify separate values for the extensions before and after an arc move.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

1 Open Area engage

2 Final retract

Engage Type = Arc Normal to Tool Axis

Retract Type = Arc Normal to Tool Axis

Extend before Arc = 0.7500

Extend before Arc = 0.6000

Extend after Arc = 0.5000

Extend after Arc = 0.9000

For legacy operations, the previous Linear Extension value is the default value for both Extend before Arc and
Extend after Arc.

Where do I find it?




You must use a Fixed Contour operation with the Boundary drive

Location in dialog box

Drive Method groupMethod


What's New in NX 9.0

Boundary Drive Method dialog box



NX 9.0

Groove Milling operation

Use the Groove Milling operation to machine linear grooves, slots, and clevises using T-Cutters. The operation
provides several strategies to sequence the cutting passes, and automatically changes the tracking point for top and
bottom cutting. You can efficiently use multiple operations to rough and finish machine the groove.

Groove geometry
You define the groove geometry once. NX subtracts the in-process feature for each operation from the material
remaining in the groove. You can:

Specify the areas to machine from within the operation using the Groove Geometry
inherit the groove geometry from a feature group.

Display the in-process feature for the operation.

Control how NX calculates the in-process feature by using the in-process workpiece options.


command, or

To extend the in-process feature to the end of the in-process workpiece, select the Use 3D option.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

To include only the material in the groove, select the None option.

Cut levels and level sequencing

When you specify the number of cut levels, you can also control the cutting sequence. The cut levels display helps
you to visualize the cutting sequence. This example uses the following settings:
Level Sequencing = Center to Ceiling to Floor
Depth per Cut = Passes
Number of Passes = 3



What's New in NX 9.0




NX 9.0

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Create Operation
Location in dialog box

Create Operation dialog boxType listmill_planarOperation



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Groove Milling relief clearance

Use the Relief Clearance option to specify a small offset value for corner passes so that NX does not recut the
adjacent surfaces and create tooling marks. The following example shows a tool path without a Relief Clearance

Tool path, Relief Clearance = 0

Top pass, Relief Clearance = 0

When you specify a Relief Clearance value, NX does the following:


Duplicates the original corner pass, including cut direction, to create a floor or ceiling pass and a wall pass.


Offsets the floor or ceiling pass away from the wall by the specified value.


Offsets the wall pass away from the floor or ceiling by the specified value.


In the cutting sequence, replaces the single original corner pass with the offset pair. The floor or ceiling
pass is first. The wall pass is second.

The following example uses a Relief Clearance value of 1 mm so that you can see how the option affects the tool
path. This value is typically around 0.01 mm.

Top wall pass

Top ceiling pass


Where do I find it?




Groove Milling operation using a T-Cutter tool

Location in dialog box

[Groove Milling operation] dialog boxPath Settings groupCutting

Cutting Parameters dialog boxStrategy
tabAvoid Recutting group

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

T-cutter tracking points

T-cutters have 4 default tracking points. You can select one of these tracking points as the drive point for a Planar
Profile operation.

SYS_CL_Top and SYS_CL_Bottom are the tool centerline tracking points.

SYS_OD_Top and SYS_OD_Bottom are the tool contact tracking points.

The SYS_CL_Top tracking point is associative to the
tool center and flute length.
The SYS_OD_Top (R2) tracking point is associative to
the tool diameter and flute length.
The SYS_OD_Bottom (R1) tracking point is
associative to the tool diameter.
The SYS_CL_Bottom tracking point is associative to
the bottom center of the tool.

NX lists the tracking point names in the Tracking Points dialog box.
For Planar Profile and Groove Milling operations, you can select one of these tracking points to output tracking
data or you can select Contact Point to output contact data. For Groove Milling operations, there are two
additional options:

SYS_OD_Automatic automatically selects the appropriate outer diameter tracking point.

SYS_CL_Automatic automatically selects the appropriate centerline tracking point.

Where do I find it?




Planar Profile or Groove Milling operation using a T-Cutter tool

Location in dialog box

Tracking points:
Create Tool dialog boxTool Subtype groupT CutterMilling
Tool-T Cutter dialog boxMore tabTracking groupTracking
PointsTracking Points dialog box
Output tracking data:
[Operation dialog box]Path Settings groupNon Cutting
Non Cutting Moves dialog boxMore tabCutter
Compensation groupOutput Contact/Tracking
Tracking Data list


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Planar Profile drive point control for T-cutters

What is it?
In a Planar Profile operation, you can select one of the tracking points on a T-cutter as a drive point. ignores the
part geometry and drives the selected tracking point along the boundary geometry. Because the part geometry is
ignored, you must define the boundary geometry carefully to avoid gouges. When you use a tracking point, floor
geometry is not necessary and the Specify Floor

command is not available.

1 Drive point
2 Boundary geometry

Why should I use it?

When you select a tracking point as a drive point, you can position a T-cutter to cut the underside of a ledge more

Where do I find it?




Planar Profile operation using a T-Cutter tool

Location in dialog box

Planar Profile operation dialog boxPath Settings groupDrive

Point list

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Groove Milling tracking point selection

For a Groove Milling operation, NX uses the selected T-cutter tracking point as the drive point for the operation.
You can specify one of the default tracking points.

SYS_CL_Top and SYS_CL_Bottom are the tool centerline tracking points.

SYS_OD_Top and SYS_OD_Bottom are the tool contact tracking points.

You can also select one of the automatic Tracking Data options for NX to automatically use the appropriate
tracking point. When the cutter machines with the top of the tool, it uses one of the top tracking points. When the
cutter machines with the bottom of the tool, it uses one of the bottom tracking points.

SYS_OD_Automatic automatically selects the appropriate outer diameter tracking point.

SYS_CL_Automatic automatically selects the appropriate centerline tracking point.

The tracking point that NX uses depends on the following, and can change between each cutting pass.

The Output Contact/Tracking Data option.

The Tracking Data setting.

The tracking point locations.

Whether the pass is at the top or bottom of the slot.

The cutting sequence.

P1 = SYS_CL_Bottom
P2 = SYS_CL_Top
P3 = SYS_OD_Bottom
P4 = SYS_OD_Top

Output Contact/Tracking Data, Tracking Data = SYS_OD_Automatic

Bottom up cutting sequence


Top down cutting sequence

Mixed cutting sequence

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Output Contact/Tracking Data, Tracking Data = SYS_CL_Automatic

Bottom up cutting sequence

Top down cutting sequence

Mixed cutting sequence

Where do I find it?




Groove Milling operation using a T-Cutter tool

Location in dialog box

[Operation dialog box]Path Settings groupNon Cutting

Non Cutting Moves dialog boxMore tabCutter
Compensation groupOutput Contact/Tracking
Tracking Data list

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

In-process features
What is it?
An in-process feature represents the volume of material to remove in a single operation. All of the in-process
features must be removed to completely machine the feature.
If you select the Local or 3D IPW in-process workpiece options, NX tracks the volume remaining in a feature after
each operation of the machining sequence. Each subsequent operation in the machining sequence subtracts its inprocess feature volume from the remaining volume.
The following example shows a feature to machine and the in-process feature volume for a drilling operation. The
initial feature volume minus the drilling in-process feature equals the remaining feature volume.

NX infers the in-process feature dimensions for each operation. You can modify the dimensions from the Hole or
Boss Geometry dialog box. If you select the 3D IPW option, the in-process feature volume extends to the end of
the in-process workpiece.
Each displayed in-process feature depends on the following:

The remaining material.

The machining depth.

Any wall stock or depth offsets.

The selected tool dimensions.

The type of hole: Hole, Threaded Hole, Centered Hole, or Chamfered Hole.

STEP_2_POCKET feature example



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

NX machines this STEP_2_POCKET feature using the following operation sequence.


The DRILL operation drills the through hole.


The MILL_ROUGH operation roughs the counter bore.


The MILL_FINISH operation finishes the counter bore floor and wall.


The REAM operation machines the through hole diameter to size.


Initial feature

Operation inprocess feature

feature volume





Why should I use it?

You can directly machine recognized machining features. NX uses in-process features as the geometry for hole
milling, thread milling, groove milling and manual drilling operations without using feature-based machining.
You do not need a feature-based machining license to use the machining features. In-process features work without
using the Machining Feature Navigator.

Where do I find it?




You must use one of the following operations: Spot Drilling, Drilling,
Countersinking, Hole Milling, Tapping, Thread Milling, or Groove

Location in dialog box

[Operation] dialog boxGeometry groupSpecify Hole or

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0


Visualizing in-process features

To help you visualize the machining process, you can display the in-process feature for each operation in the
machining feature sequence.

STEP_2_HOLE example
This example shows the operation sequence to completely machine a STEP2HOLE feature.
Operation Navigator Geometry

Sample part

The following graphics show the material removed by each operation in the machining sequence.





What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0




Where do I find it?




You must use one of the following operations: Spot Drilling, Drilling,
Countersinking, Hole Milling, Thread Milling, or Groove Milling

Location in dialog box

[Operation] dialog boxGeometry groupSpecify Hole or


What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Machining cylindrical parts

Floor finishing for cylindrical parts
What is it?
Use the Rotary Floor operation to finish the floors on cylindrical parts with a 4-axis tool path.

The following are supported:

Ball mills, spherical mills, and end mills with a diameter of twice the cutter radius

Zig and Zigzag cut patterns

Tool axis lead angle

Tilting to avoid collisions

Optimized sequencing with smooth stepovers

Why should I use it?

The Rotary Floor operation is an efficient way to machine parts with cylindrical floors.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?




The tool must have a ball shape (BALL_MILL, SPHERICAL_MILL, or

MILL) where the lower radius of the tool = of the diameter of the tool.

Command Finder
Create Operation
Location in dialog box

Create Operation dialog boxType listmill_rotaryOperation

Subtype groupRotary Floor

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Cylindrical part geometry

What is it?
Use the Rotary Geom geometry parent to define the part, floor, and wall geometry to machine on a cylindrical
part. You must specify the same axis of rotation for the Rotary Geom geometry parent that was used to define the
floor geometry of the part. Select the X, Y, or Z-axis, or manually specify a different axis of rotation.

Axis of rotation

Part geometry selected

Floor cut area selected

Wall geometry selected

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Create Geometry
Location in dialog box

Create Geometry dialog boxType listmill_rotaryGeometry

Subtype groupRotary Geom


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Tilt Tool Axis enhancements

Tilt Tool Axis enhancements
What is it?
The Tilt Tool Axis command now supports the following:

Fixed-axis, 4-axis, and 5-axis operations.

Tools without a defined shank or holder.

Modifying the tool tilt multiple times in direct succession.

Some functionality for non-ball tools.

Support for tools other than ball mills

NX checks for gouges, collisions, and motion outside of the swinging axis limits of the machine tool. If NX finds
one of these conditions, it trims the tool path and retracts the tool.

Support for ball-end tools

For ball-end tools, you can do the following:

Manually tilt the entire tool path to any 3+2 axis orientation by specifying spherical angles.

Manually tilt the entire tool path towards or away from a point or 3D curve before NX performs the
collision check and creates avoidance moves.

Specify what NX should do when the initial tool position could cause a tool gouge, or a collision with the
shank or holder. You can automatically do the following:

Tilt the tool to a safe orientation.

Retract the tool and trim the paths.

Limit motion to match the machine tool swinging axis limit.

Avoid pole transition by defining a minimum angle for the swing/tilt axis.

Turn off collision checking in the operation and generate an initial tool path that positions the tool in the entire
machining area without considering tool neck, shank, or holder collisions. You can then use the Tilt Tool Axis
command to create a collision-free tool path that considers the machine tool limits and swing/tilt characteristics.
For example, you can create a tool path that positions the ball portion of the tool in undercut areas, and then use the
Tilt Tool Axis command to produce an optimized tool path without collisions.

Why should I use it?

Use the Tilt Tool Axis command to do the following:

Define tool tilt by means of points and curves.

Eliminate collisions and gouges from any fixed-axis or variable-axis tool path by retracting the tool.

Prevent neck, shank, and holder collisions in a 5-axis machine tool by tilting the tool.

Fit the generated tool path to the rotary axis and swinging axis constraints of the machine tool.

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Where do I find it?



A fixed-axis or variable-axis surface contouring operation, or a

Zlevel 3-axis operation.

To tilt the tool manually and/or to avoid collision by tilting:

Operation Navigator

The tool must have a ball shape where the lower radius of
the tool = of the diameter of the tool.

To position the tool manually, you should turn off collision

checking in the operation. To position the tool in
undercuts, you must turn off collision checking in the

A defined shank and holder are recommended, but not mandatory.

Right click an operationTool PathTilt Tool Axis

To turn off collision checking in the operation:

Location in dialog box

[Surface contouring operation] dialog boxPath Settings group

Cutting Parameters
Cutting Parameters dialog
boxContainment tabCollision Checking group
Fixed-axis surface contouring operation:

Check Tool and Holder

Fixed-axis and variable-axis surface contouring operation:

above Ball


Check Tool

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Tilt Tool Axis rotary and swinging axis control

When you use the Tilt Tool Axis command, NX must first identify the machine coordinate system to define the
rotary axis. For each operation, the machine coordinate system used depends on the following criteria:

If there is a valid kinematics model, NX uses the coordinate system of the Machine Zero junction.


If there is no kinematics model, and an MCS geometry group is defined, NX uses the coordinate system of
the parent MCS. If more than one MCS geometry group is defined, NX uses the coordinate system of the
highest level parent MCS. For this example, operations 1 and 2 use the coordinate system defined for
MCS_MILL1. Operations 3 and 4 use the coordinate system defined for MCS_MILL2.
Operation Navigator Geometry


If MCS geometry groups are not defined, NX uses the absolute coordinate system.

If the rotary axis is not aligned with the +ZM axis of the machine tool coordinate system, use the Main MCS Axis
option to select the appropriate axis.

Rotary and swinging axis limit control

After defining the rotary axis, you can use the options for rotary axis and swinging axis limits to:

Prevent tool paths that cannot be milled by your machine. To do this, use the Max Angle option. Usually
this option controls your machine tool A or B limit.
For example, if your machine limits are between +30 and 115 degrees, set Max Angle to 115. Your post
handles the minus sign.
For special machine configurations, such as a rotary table with a 45 degree incline, consult with GTAC.

Guide NX to by-pass singularities. To do this, use the Min Angle option.

When the tool is almost aligned with the rotary axis, a small angular change in tool orientation may require
a nearly 180 degree motion of the table. This condition is called a singularity.

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

(1) Motion is allowed within the Min Angle and Max Angle limits.
(2) Motion is not allowed beyond the Max Angle limit.
(3) Motion near the pole area is high-risk. The machine can do this motion, but the machining results are not
optimal. This limit is set by the Min Angle option.

Where do I find it?



Location in dialog box

Tilt Tool Axis dialog boxRotary Axis group and Swinging/Tilting

Axis Limits group


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Manually defining tool axis tilt

You can manually tilt the entire tool path before NX performs the collision check and creates avoidance moves. To
do this:

Turn off collision checking in the operation.


In the Operation Navigator, right-click the operation and choose Tool PathTilt Tool Axis.


In the Tilt Tool Axis dialog box, set the Manual Tilting list to User Defined.


Set the other Manual Tilting options.

You can specify a fixed tilt angle or define geometry to control the tilt direction.

Use the Fixed option to define a fixed orientation using spherical angles, such as those used on a B-C dual axis fork

Tilt Angle defines the amount of tilting from the +ZM axis.

Angle from +XM defines the rotation of the tilt plane about the +ZM axis, and is measured from the +XM

NX first rotates the tool axis around the +YM axis by the Tilt Angle value, then rotates the tool axis around the
+ZM axis by the Angle from +XM value. NX rotates positive angles in the counter clockwise direction.

1 Positive Tilt Angle value

What's New in NX 9.0

2 Positive Angle from +XM value



NX 9.0

Toward Point and Away from Point

The Toward Point and Away from Point options let you use a point to control whether the top of the tool holder
tilts towards the point or away from the point. These settings define the orientation of the tilt plane around the +ZM
For these options, NX looks downward along the +ZM axis to see the point. Usually, the Toward Point option is
used when the tilt geometry is above the tool path, and the Away from Point option is used when the tilt geometry
is below the tool path.

Toward Point

Away from Point

The Tilt Angle option sets the tilt angle inside the tilt plane.
The Tilt Rule option controls how NX measures the tilt angle inside the tilt plane. The tilt plane is defined by the
+ZM axis and a line through the tool position that intersects the selected guiding point.
Tilt Angle
Sets the tilt angle inside the tilt plane. How NX measures the value depends on the Tilt Rule setting.

NX limits the applied tilt angle to a range that is within the values you enter for Min Angle and
Max Angle in the Swinging/Tilting Axis Limits group.

Tilt Rule
Controls how NX measures the tilt angle inside the tilt plane. The tilt plane is defined by the +ZM axis and
a line through the tool position that intersects the selected guiding point.
Measures the tilt angle away from the line intersecting the guiding point towards the +ZM axis.
When Tilt Angle = 0, the tool axis intersects the guiding point. This tool axis behavior is similar
to that in variable-axis contouring operations, except for the following:


Collision avoidance

Limiting tilt to the minimum and maximum angle limits of the swinging/tilting machine axis.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

1 Guiding point
2 Line intersecting guiding point

Tool Tilt Method = Away from Point, Tilt Angle = 0

When Tilt Angle is greater than 0, NX reduces the amount of tilt.

1 Guiding point
2 Line intersecting guiding point

Tool Tilt Method = Away from Point, Tilt Angle = 30

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Toward Snap
Measures the tilt angle from the +ZM axis towards the line intersecting the guiding point. The tool
axis snaps to the guiding point when the tilt angle through the point is smaller than the specified
Tilt Angle value. NX generates a 4+1 axis motion as long as the tool axis does not touch the
guiding point before the subsequent collision check.

The Tilt Angle value for this rule should be larger than zero, or NX will not tilt the tool
axis prior to collision avoidance.

1 Guiding point
2 Line intersecting the guiding point

Tool Tilt Method = Away from Point, Tilt

Angle = 30

Toward Curve and Away from Curve

The Toward Curve and Away from Curve options let you use a curve to control the tool tilt direction. For these
options, NX looks downward along the +ZM axis to see the curve. Usually, the Toward Curve option is used
when the tilt geometry is above the tool path, and the Away from Curve option is used when the tilt geometry is
below the tool path.


Toward Curve

Away from Curve

Tilts the holder towards the curve.

Tilts the holder away from the curve.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

NX calculates the rotation around the +ZM axis by projecting the shortest distance vector from the tool position to a
reference point on the guiding curve.
The Shortest Distance setting controls how NX measures the distance. To generate the tilt plane, NX must
specify a reference point on the selected guiding curve that is the shortest distance from the tool position on the tool
path. The 2D option is best for planar curves. The 3D option is best for complex curves that do not have a single
clear orientation.

Shortest Distance = 2D

Shortest Distance = 3D

1 Reference point, 2 Defined curve, 3 Tool path, 4 Shortest distance, 5 Tilt plane
The Tilt Rule setting controls how NX measures the tilt angle inside the tilt plane. The tilt plane is defined by the
+ZM axis and a line through the tool position that intersects the reference point on the selected guiding curve.
Away with Shortest Distance = 2D
Measures the tilt angle away from the line that intersects the reference point on the selected guiding curve
towards the +ZM axis.
When Tilt Angle = 0, the tool axis intersects the reference point on the selected guiding curve.

1 Guiding curve
2 Line intersecting reference point on guiding curve

Tilt Angle = 0

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

When Tilt Angle is greater than 0, NX reduces the amount of tilt.

1 Guiding curve
2 Line intersecting reference point on guiding curve

Tilt Angle = 30
Toward Snap with Shortest Distance = 2D
Measures the tilt angle from the +ZM axis towards the line that intersects the reference point on the
selected guiding curve. The tool axis snaps to the guiding curve when the tilt angle through the reference
point on the curve is smaller than the specified Tilt Angle value. NX generates a 4+1 axis motion as long
as the tool axis does not touch the guiding curve before the subsequent collision check.

The Tilt Angle value for this rule should be larger than zero, or NX will not tilt the tool axis prior
to collision avoidance.

1 Guiding curve
2 Line intersecting reference point on guiding curve

Tilt Angle = 30
Away with Shortest Distance = 3D
Measures the tilt angle away from the curve along a perpendicular vector.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Area Milling enhancements

Cut region control for Area Milling
What is it?
Use the Cut Regions
geometry command to subdivide the cut area for an Area Milling operation into
regions and control the cutting behavior within each region. NX initially subdivides the cut area based on the
steepness and collision checking settings in the operation. You then control the following:

The region sizes. Merge or divide the regions as required. NX updates the cut region display as you make

The regions to cut, and their cutting sequence. If the current operation is not appropriate for cutting some of
the regions, you can defer cutting the regions and import them into another operation. Delete regions to
completely avoid cutting certain areas.

The cut pattern and other tool path parameters within each cut region. Define a region as steep, non-steep
or flat, and NX applies the appropriate Area Milling Drive Method settings.

The start point for each cut region.

The tool and tool axis tilt. When NX identifies tool holder collisions in a region, use a longer version of the
tool, a different holder, or tilt the tool axis to avoid the collisions.

Previously, when you generated a surface contouring operation NX automatically divided the cut area into cut
regions and applied a cut pattern and start point to each region. You could not control what the regions looked like
or their cutting order. Now, you can accept the automatic cut regions, or you can define cut regions, cut patterns, and
start points to suit your workflow before generating the operation. NX uses the regions, cut patterns and start points
you defined instead of generating the automatic cut regions.
NX does the following automatically:

Indicates whether a cut region is valid

, invalid

, or out of date

A cut region becomes invalid if you change an operation parameter that defines the region. For example, if
you use a different tool. A cut region becomes out of date if you change a parameter that modifies the
region. For example, if you change the part stock.

Indicates whether a cut region has tool collisions

or is collision-free

If you have not run the collision check, NX indicates that the collision status is unknown

If you manually run the collision check and only a portion of the cut region has collisions, the status is
partially colliding

Identifies a cut region as steep

, non-steep

, or flat

In the following example, cut regions 2, 3, 5, and 6 are cut using the current operation. Cut regions 1 and 4 have tool
holder collisions, and are deferred to cut using another operation.

What's New in NX 9.0

Status Cut Order



Collision Status

Parent Operation



NX 9.0










Cut Regions list example

Cut Regions graphics display

Why should I use it?

The new Cut Regions geometry options help you to efficiently plan and control the type of cutting that is required
to machine the features on your part. You can preview the cut regions and manipulate them to improve cutting
efficiency and tool path quality.

Where do I find it?




You need a fixed-axis surface contouring operation using the Area Milling drive method,
or a Contour Area operation.
A ball-nose mill is required to change the tool axis.
The non-steep Stepover Applied option must be set to On Plane.
To generate the tool path, you must turn off the Multi-Depth Cut cutting parameter

Location in dialog box


[Surface contouring operation] dialog boxGeometry groupCut Regions

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Creating cut regions

Use the Create Region List

command to automatically divide the cut area into regions in the following

Based on whether a surface is more or less steep than the Steep Angle value for the operation.

Steep Angle = 45

Based on the surface steepness, with separate regions for flat areas.

Steep Angle = 45

Based on tool holder collisions.

You must turn on collision checking in the operation. Cutting ParametersContainment
tabCollision Checking groupCheck Tool and Holder

Steep Angle = 45

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Controlling the tool path in cut regions

You can do the following to control the tool path in cut regions:

Specify a custom start point or change the settings for a selected region using the Edit

1 Default region start point


2 Specified region start point

When you set the Containment Type setting to Steep

, Non-steep
, or Flat
, NX
applies the appropriate Area Milling Drive Method settings for cut pattern, cut direction, stepover, and
cut angle.
In the Preview group, click Display to see the cut pattern.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Select a longer version of the tool to avoid holder collisions using the Tool Collision


Preview display of shorter tool shows collisions.

Preview display of longer tool shows no collisions.

Tilt the tool axis to avoid holder collisions using the Tool Collision Avoidance

Preview display of tool shows collisions.


Preview display with 5 degree tilt shows no collisions.

If only a portion of the cut region has collisions, you can use the Divide
command to create separate regions.
This lets you change the tool length or tool axis tilt for only the region with collisions.

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Managing cut regions

Manage the cut regions in the following ways:

Delete regions. Use the Delete All Regions

Check for regions that are out of date

the region list again.

Display the cut regions. The interior lines in each region are selection lines that represent the cut region.
Select the Preview
check box to display the region start point and tool axis vector.


command or select individual regions to delete.

. If you have out of date regions, delete all the regions and create


Defer a region so that you can cut it with another Area Milling operation, or delete the region if you will
cut it with another type of operation. NX displays a green check
next to the regions to cut with the
current operation. Clear the check box
to defer a region.

1 Flat regions are deferred

2 Flat regions are deleted
To machine the deferred regions, copy the Area Milling operation and paste it to create a new operation.
You can then edit the cut regions in the new operation to import the deferred regions.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Filter the deferred regions when you import them into a new operation. The following example imports the
flat regions deferred from a previous operation.
Cut Regions dialog box settings


Region Source group:

Create From = Import

Filter Deferred Regions group:

Program = All

Steep Type = Flat

Status = Deferred

Further divide the cut regions using the Divide

plane or a two point line.

Merge cut regions using the Merge Cut Regions

command. Select a single target region, then
select any adjacent regions that you want to merge with the target region. The target region controls the
merged regions steep, non-steep, or flat attributes.

command. You can divide a region by specifying a

1 Non-steep target region, 2 Steep tool region, 3 Non-steep merged region

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

1 Steep target region, 2 Non-steep tool region, 3 Steep merged region


Reorder the region cutting sequence. By default, NX orders steep regions before non-steep regions. If you
create separate flat regions, they are ordered last.

Rename a region.

Undo changes. You can undo changes one at a time, from the most recent change to the first change. You
cannot undo changes after you exit the Cut Regions dialog box.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Area Milling drive method enhancements

There are new options for steep containment and cutting in Area Milling operations. Use the new Steep and
Non-steep steep containment method to apply a Zlevel Zig, Zlevel Zig Zag or Zlevel Zig Zag with Lifts cut
pattern to steep areas. The Directional Steep steep containment method maintains the cut pattern from previous

Method = Directional Steep

Method = Steep and Non-steep

Steep Angle = 35

Steep Angle = 35

You can also create separate regions for flat areas.

Create Separate Regions For Flat Areas

What's New in NX 9.0

Create Separate Regions For Flat Areas



NX 9.0

Divide By Holder
Use the Divide By Holder command in a semi-finishing or finishing operation to split the tool path to avoid
collisions and machine the entire cut area. You can split the tool path between tools of different lengths with
different tool holders, but the cutter must have the same shape and diameter. Dividing data can then be modified and
reapplied without having to regenerate the entire operation.

Tool path divided into 3 using Divide by Holder

Initial Surface Contouring operation

Divide by Holder paths

Shortest tool

Medium length tool

Longest tool

The Divide by Holder command lets you predefine a sequence of tools and their specific parameters. NX stores
the data in the base operation. You can copy and paste the base operation into the current part or you can import the
tools and parameters as a template from one part file into another part file. The operation brings all the divided
holder data with it.
When using a Zig cut pattern, you can define overlaps, minimum cut length, and other controls, by using the Divide
at Collision option. This operation recognizes part geometry and check geometry but ignores Blank geometry and
the IPW.

Where do I find it?




mill_contour operations Zlevel and Fixed Axis that contain a tool path.
Operation tool with a holder and or a shank, with Check Tool and Holder
turned off.
Zig and Zigzag cut patterns.

Command Finder
Divide by Holder


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Operation Navigator
Program Order View

Right click the cutting operationTool PathDivide by Holder

Contact data output for Hole Milling and Thread Milling

What is it?
You can now output 2D tool contact data for hole milling, boss milling, and thread milling operations. To do this,
use the Output contact/Tracking Data option. NX supports contact data for all cut patterns and all engage and
retract options.

Why should I use it?

The ability to output contact data for these operations allows the machinist to use the same cutter compensation
methods for all planar milling operations.

Where do I find it?



Location in dialog box

[Hole Milling or Thread Milling operation] dialog boxPath Settings

groupNon Cutting Moves
Non Cutting Moves dialog
boxMore tabCutter Compensation group

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Cut area selection by edge-bounded region

What is it?
You can simplify the selection of a cut area for contouring operations by specifying a seed face and a closed
boundary of edges. NX expands the selection from the seed face until the boundary is reached. The seed face can lie
between two sets of edges.
The example shows the selection of an edge-bounded face region.

Select a seed face in the region of faces that you want to


Define a closed boundary of edges to contain the region.

The selected seed face is highlighted in a different color
as you select edges.

NX expands the selection from the seed face to the

boundary edges.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The region of faces shown lies between two closed edge


Where do I find it?




A fixed-axis contour operation

Location in dialog box

Cut Area dialog boxEdge Bounded Face Region group

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Safer engage and retract moves for Zlevel operations

What is it?
You have additional control of the tool motion in Zlevel Profile and Zlevel Corner operations. When the tool
engages and retracts from the part material in open area arc and ramping moves, you now have three arc motion
options that appeared in fixed contour operations in previous releases.

Use the Arc Parallel to Tool Axis option in tight

areas where an XY-plane arc is not practical.

Use the Arc Normal to Tool Axis option in

combination with the Ramp Angle option to assure that
the lowest Z-level cut engages and retracts safely away
from any uncut material on the floor.

Use the Arc Normal to Part option to balance the

cutter load during engages into angled stock.

Where do I find it?




A Zlevel operation

Location in dialog box

Path Settings groupNon Cutting Moves dialog boxEngage

tabOpen Area groupEngage Type


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Smooth noncutting motions in contouring and flowcut operations

What is it?
For contouring, flowcut, and turbo operations, you can override the engage, retract, and stepover motions within a
region by using the new Override with Smooth Connection option. NX outputs a smooth continuous motion
along a spline that is generated between cutting motions.
You can specify:

A nominal length for extension of the cutting motion.

A nominal extension lift that moves the tool off the part.

A maximum stepover distance beyond which the connection becomes a sequence of retract, traversal and
reengage motion.

The tolerance for drive point distribution along the connecting move.

The region distance beyond which the connection departures change to lowest safe Z or clearance plane.

The part safe clearance that assures that approach, departure, and traversal motions are at a safe distance
from the part. You can use this clearance to emulate an IPW.

When the maximum stepover distance is exceeded, the motion changes to a rapid motion at the default height for
transfer between regions. You can also apply corner smoothing to this rapid motion.

(1) Smooth stepover motions length and height are applied in proportion
(2) Smooth traversal motion length and height are fully applied

Why should I use it?

The new option provides a safe, efficient and smooth path with minimal user interaction and has internal backups to
cope with various conditions.

Where do I find it?




Open the Non Cutting Moves dialog box from a contouring or flow cut
operation dialog box.

Location in dialog box

Non Cutting Moves dialog boxSmoothing tab

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Improving 3D IPW efficiency in Cavity Milling

What is it?
When you create a Cavity Mill operation that uses a 3D IPW, you can omit cuts that remove insignificant amounts
of material in a second roughing operation. To do this, use the Minimum Material Removed option.
You can also control whether NX cuts below the overhanging portions of your Blank or IPW. To do this, use the
Cut Below Overhanging Blank option.

If you clear the Cut Below Overhanging Blank

check box, the cutting motions are optimized to
handle the IPW left behind on the underside of the part by previous operations. These cutting motions
prevent wasted cuts and reduce machining time.

If you select the Cut Below Overhanging Blank

check box, cutting motions go all the way down
disregarding the actual state of the IPW. These cutting motions increase machining time.

Cut Below Overhanging Blank

Cut Below Overhanging Blank

Why should I use it?

You get:

Significant savings in machining time in cases where the blank has overhangs.

A more efficient tool path where you cannot use the Level Based IPW option.

Where do I find it?




A Cavity Mill operation

Location in dialog box

Cavity Milling dialog boxPath Settings groupCutting

Cutting Parameters dialog boxStrategy
tabExtend Path group


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Multi Blade milling for turbomachinery

What is it?
When you rough machine parts with multiple blades, you can now use flat and bull nose end mills. To reduce the
IPW ridges remaining along the blade, use these tools with the Swarf Blade tool axis option. You can control the
Minimum Lead Angle value to ensure that the non-cutting potion of your tool does not push material.

NX does the following automatically:

Improves blade and blend finish quality for the helical cut pattern.

Better aligns the tool axis between cut levels.

Generates the operations faster.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Create Operation
Location in dialog box

What's New in NX 9.0

Type listmill_multi_blade



NX 9.0

Hole machining
New manual drilling operations
What is it?
There are new dedicated operations for manual drilling.

The Spot Drilling, Drilling, Countersinking, and Tapping operations let you do the following:

Efficiently program holes without using the feature-based machining process to create operations. You can
center drill, drill, countersink, mill, and cut threads on previously recognized machining feature geometry
as well as on manually selected geometry such as points, arcs and cylindrical faces.

Select hole geometry from within the new operation or inherit hole geometry from a geometry parent
You can use the same HOLE_BOSS_GEOM parent group as you do for hole milling and thread milling.
You can also use a feature group to improve efficiency for complex parts.

Choose a specific machining area of a previously recognized feature as the input geometry. The machining
areas let you use multiple operations to machine complex features.
For example, you can use separate operations to drill, counterbore, countersink, and tap on different
machining areas of a feature. You always have a graphical feedback of the in-process feature to show what
each operation machines.

Display the in-process features from the operation. You can display all the features in the feature group or
select individual features.

Create motion output for machine cycles or for single moves. There are additional cycles such as deep

The new operations have different icons in the Operation Navigator.

New manual drilling operations

Legacy point to point drilling operations

Why should I use it?

The new drilling operations let you manually drill hole geometry and are easier to use than the Point-to-Point
operations. The noncutting moves are the same as for the thread milling and hole milling operations so that all hole
machining operations are consistent.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Create Operation
Location in dialog box

, Create Geometry

Manual hole drilling operations:

Create Operation dialog boxType listhole_makingOperation
SubtypeSpot Drilling

, Drilling

, Tapping

Hole and boss geometry:

Create Geometry dialog boxType listmill_planar, drill, or
hole_makingGeometry SubtypeHOLE_BOSS_GEOM

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Hole machining workflow using a feature group geometry parent

A feature group geometry parent group improves efficiency when your parts have many holes that require several
operations to machine them, or when your parts are complex and geometry selection is difficult. When it is difficult
to standardize a machining process, this workflow is preferred over feature-based machining.
Sample part:


Sample machining operations:


Drilling manual drilling operation


Hole Milling

Find the machining features.

Machining Feature Navigator Features


Create feature groups.

Group features together that are under a selected top face, or that have the same feature type, dimensions or
machining direction.
Machining Feature Navigator Groups


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


Create the first operation using a feature group as the geometry parent.
NX automatically adds a Drilling in-process feature to each machining feature.

Operation Navigator Geometry


Machining Feature Navigator Features









Create the next operation using the same feature group as the geometry parent.
NX automatically adds a Hole Milling in-process feature to each machining feature.

Operation Navigator Geometry


Machining Feature Navigator Features








What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0


Continue adding operations.

Machining feature groups

You can create a custom group of machining features to use as the geometry parent for manual hole making, hole
milling, thread milling, and groove milling operations. The machining feature group lets you machine related
features together. You can filter your features to include only those:

With the same feature type, attributes, or machining access direction.

That are located below a specified top face.

View the list of features in each feature group in the Group Features and Hole or Boss Geometry dialog
The following example shows features of the drilling_example part selected for grouping.

The graphic on the left shows ungrouped features selected in the feature view of the Machining Feature
Navigator. The graphic on the right shows the same features as part of a feature group in the group view of the
Machining Feature Navigator.











What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0







Where do I find it?



Machining Feature Navigator

Right-click in the backgroundGroup Features

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

In-process features
What is it?
An in-process feature represents the volume of material to remove in a single operation. All of the in-process
features must be removed to completely machine the feature.
If you select the Local or 3D IPW in-process workpiece options, NX tracks the volume remaining in a feature after
each operation of the machining sequence. Each subsequent operation in the machining sequence subtracts its inprocess feature volume from the remaining volume.
The following example shows a feature to machine and the in-process feature volume for a drilling operation. The
initial feature volume minus the drilling in-process feature equals the remaining feature volume.

NX infers the in-process feature dimensions for each operation. You can modify the dimensions from the Hole or
Boss Geometry dialog box. If you select the 3D IPW option, the in-process feature volume extends to the end of
the in-process workpiece.
Each displayed in-process feature depends on the following:

The remaining material.

The machining depth.

Any wall stock or depth offsets.

The selected tool dimensions.

The type of hole: Hole, Threaded Hole, Centered Hole, or Chamfered Hole.

STEP_2_POCKET feature example



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

NX machines this STEP_2_POCKET feature using the following operation sequence.


The DRILL operation drills the through hole.


The MILL_ROUGH operation roughs the counter bore.


The MILL_FINISH operation finishes the counter bore floor and wall.


The REAM operation machines the through hole diameter to size.


Initial feature

Operation inprocess feature

feature volume





What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

You can directly machine recognized machining features. NX uses in-process features as the geometry for hole
milling, thread milling, groove milling and manual drilling operations without using feature-based machining.
You do not need a feature-based machining license to use the machining features. In-process features work without
using the Machining Feature Navigator.

Where do I find it?




You must use one of the following operations: Spot Drilling, Drilling,
Countersinking, Hole Milling, Tapping, Thread Milling, or Groove

Location in dialog box

[Operation] dialog boxGeometry groupSpecify Hole or



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Visualizing in-process features

To help you visualize the machining process, you can display the in-process feature for each operation in the
machining feature sequence.

STEP_2_HOLE example
This example shows the operation sequence to completely machine a STEP2HOLE feature.
Operation Navigator Geometry

Sample part

The following graphics show the material removed by each operation in the machining sequence.


What's New in NX 9.0





NX 9.0




Where do I find it?




You must use one of the following operations: Spot Drilling, Drilling,
Countersinking, Hole Milling, Thread Milling, or Groove Milling

Location in dialog box

[Operation] dialog boxGeometry groupSpecify Hole or



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

In-process workpiece options to control the in-process feature

Use the In Process Workpiece options to control how NX calculates the in process feature.

Calculates the volume to machine from the selected face, or from the machining area if the
operation uses a machining feature as the geometry parent. You can manually enter a depth
if you selected points or arcs. NX locates the CSYS that defines the start of the in-process
feature on top of the selected object.


Calculates the volume to machine by subtracting the machining area volume from the
volume remaining within the local machining feature. If the geometry selected is a
machining feature, NX includes chamfers and radii.

NX moves the CSYS up if there are unmachined chamfers or radii.

NX moves the CSYS down to adjust for previously machined material.

For Hole Milling operations, NX identifies the start diameter.

Use 3D

Calculates the volume to machine by subtracting the machining area volume from the 3D
IPW volume. NX moves the CSYS up to the start of the 3D IPW, and extends the depth to
the bottom of the 3D IPW. This option accounts for previous operations in the same way as
the Local option.

Where do I find it?




You must use one of the following operations: Spot Drilling, Drilling,
Countersinking, Hole Milling, Thread Milling, or Groove Milling

Location in dialog box

[Operation] dialog boxGeometry groupSpecify Hole or

Hole or Boss Geometry dialog boxCommon
Parameters groupIn Process Workpiece list

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Feature machining areas

A feature machining area is a subset of your feature, such as floor, wall, or drive surface geometry that lets you use
multiple operations to machine a complex feature. You can manually create the operations and select the appropriate
feature machining area for each operation. You can also create rule-based definitions in the Machining Knowledge
Editor to automatically create the operations and select the appropriate feature machining areas.
For example, to define an operation that machines only the faces named WALLS instead of the entire feature, you
create a MILL_AREA add-on with the following new condition:
Cut_Area_Geometry = mwf.WALLS

NX automatically creates machining areas for step hole features. You can group and name the faces of other features
into machining areas.

Assign PMI notes to feature faces before teaching NX the feature.

You should use a separate part file to teach NX new features. In this example, the part has PMI notes associated
with the walls and floor of the feature that you want to teach NX.

1 PMI note = Walls

2 PMI note = Floor


Add a new feature type to the features that NX can recognize. To do this, use the Teach Features command.
This command uses the PMI notes associated with the faces to define the machining areas. This example has
three faces marked as Walls and one face marked as Floor.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


Find instances of the new feature type in the part to machine. To do this, use the Find Features command.
This command recognizes all instances of your new feature type. The feature machining areas are hidden by

Part with features to recognize

NX recognizes 3 instances of my_feature



Display the machining areas in the Machining Feature Navigator. To do this, use the Show Machining
Area command.
This command expands the machining feature nodes to show the machining areas.






Show Machining Areas

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0


View the machining area geometry.

When you select the machining area nodes in the Machining Feature Navigator, NX highlights the
associated faces.




Where do I find it?




You must start Manufacturing with the cam_general,

feature_machining, or hole_making cam session configuration.
You must have a feature-based machining author license and write
permissions to the machining knowledge library to teach NX the machining

Machining Feature Navigator


Right-click in the backgroundShow Machining Areas

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Drill tip point length

What is it?
Use the Point Length (PL) option to set the distance on a drill tool between the shoulder and the tip.
You can specify the point length on the following drill types:

Standard drill

Spot drill

Center drill

Step drill

Why should I use it?

You can add Point Length as an parameter for drilling tools directly instead of having NX calculate the length by
using the diameter and point angle.

Where do I find it?




You must set the Type to hole_making in the Create Tool dialog box.

Command Finder
Create Tool
Operation Navigator

What's New in NX 9.0

Machine Tool viewRight-click the toolInsertTool



NX 9.0

Core Drill
What is it?
Use the Core Drill type to enlarge an existing hole, such as those found in castings.
The Core Drill uses Point Angle and Point Length parameters to determine the shape of the tip. The core drill
has a flat across the tip of the drill.

Where do I find it?




You must set Type to hole_making in the Create Tool dialog box.

Command Finder
Create Tool
Operation Navigator


Machine Tool viewright click the toolInsertTool

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

What is it?
NX now supports on-machine touch probing of turning operations and cutting tools used in milling and turning
operations. Both types of probing operations support the following:

Cylindrical and multi-tip probes

Suboperations that let you rotate a probe about the tool axis and change probe tracking points

Output of probing cycles for Siemens CYCLE976, CYCLE977, and CYCLE978, sixteen HEIDENHAIN
400-series, and Universal Data Exchange (UDE) Fanuc controllers

Use suboperations to:

Calibrate your probe and set a tracking point.

Inspect specific part areas such as points, cylinders, and planes by moving to safe points and changing the
probe axis, approach direction, and angle as necessary.

When you create a probing operation, the following operation subtypes are now available.
Mill Part Probing
Lets you inspect and measure milled parts. In this release, the tool path display during programming is changed from
the probe tip to the probe center.

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Turn Part Probing

Lets you inspect lathed part points that lie on the machines X-Z work plane.
This subtype includes all relevant mill part probing suboperations and several new suboperations, including:

Turn Probe Point, which lets you set the probing direction and approach using a variety of direct and
combined axial/radial options.

Turn Linear Move to Point, which offers a similar variety of direct and combined axial/radial move
Mill Tool Probing and Turn Tool Probing

Let you determine the exact length and diameter of cutting tools before or after they are used to verify whether a tool
is broken, damaged, or can be salvaged using offsets or other program modifications.

Why should I use it?

Machine part and tool probing help to:

Increase machine tool productivity.

Improve production quality based on measurement results.

Reduce setup time, as well as scrap and fixture costs.

Verify the accuracy of dimensions and feature locations relative to other referenced features.

Retrieve final part measurement on a number of critical features to cross reference against Coordinate
Measuring Machine (CMM) results.

Where do I find it?




Requires the Probe license.

Command Finder
Create Operation
Manufacturing Wizards right-click

InsertOperationType select probing[Operation Subtype]

Location in dialog box

Create Operation dialog boxTypeselect probing[Operation



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Turning enhancements
Centerline Drilling depth enhancement
What is it?
The new Depth Reference option is added to the centerline drilling depth options. This option gives you
additional control of drilling depths.
You can reference the drill depth based on an offset value from the tool tip or shoulder depth.
Tool tip

Shoulder depth

An offset of 20 is measured between the depth point and the tool shoulder.

Where do I find it?




A centerline drilling operation

Operation Navigator

Double-click a drilling operationStart Point and Depth groupDepth


Location in dialog box

Drilling operationStart Point and Depth groupDepth Reference

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Turning non cutting moves enhancements

What is it?
Non-cutting moves for roughing, finish turning and threading operations now let you specify the Local Return
Move with the following additional options:

Clear Radial->Clear Axial->Direct

Clear Radial->Axial->Radial

Clear Radial->Clear Axial

Notice that the tool collides with the part.

Notice that the tool does not collide with the part.

Radial->Axial->Radial option
1: Local return point

Clear Radial->Axial->Radial option

1: Local return point
2: Radial clearance plane

Why should I use it?

You can better define local return moves for inside diameter turning or threading operations.

Where do I find it?




A turning operation

Location in dialog box

[Turning operation] dialog boxPath Settings groupNon Cutting



Non Cutting Moves dialog box[appropriate tab]

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Parting off operation

What is it?
Use the Part Off operation to:

Separate an IPW into two pieces.

Cut a groove into the IPW leaving a thin connecting wall that can be easily snapped or cut.

The Part Off Position and Depth will not be shown in the Path Settings group by default. To display
these options, the user has to customize the dialog box.
Use the following options to define the final depth:

Divide: The tool exactly reaches the centerline or the inside wall of the IPW. A depth extend parameter is
available to override the end position. In this situation both walls have remaining material due to the
rounding of the tool insert.

Clean First Wall: The tool stops after reaching the centerline or the inside wall of the IPW and one of the
walls is clean. A depth extend parameter is available to override the end position. In this situation the other
wall can have remaining material due to the asymmetry of the tool.

Clean Both Walls: The tool stops after reaching the centerline or the inside wall of the IPW ensuring
both of the walls are clean. A depth extend parameter can be used to override the end position. In this
situation none of the walls have remaining material due to the rounding of the tool insert.

Stock: The tool reaches a depth so a minimal thickness defined by a distance value will remain between
centerline and the cut surface or the inside wall of the IPW and the cut surface.

Distance: The active tool control point reaches a depth specified by a radius value relating to the

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Where do I find it?




A groove operation

Location in dialog box

Rough Turn OD operationCut Strategy groupPart Off


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Threading non cutting moves enhancements

What is it?
Use infeed engage motions to avoid gouging the part. Infeed motions let you apply multiple starts to a threading

Threading with infeed motions added

Threading without infeed motions

1. Engage motion

1. Infeed motion

2. Engage angle

2. Infeed length

3. Root line

3. Infeed angle

4. Retract motion

4. Start line

5. Crest line

5. Start line angle

You can now do the following for rough and finish passes of threading operations:

Specify the local return.

Specify user-defined machine control events for local returns.

Specify local returns by number of starts or number of passes.

Why should I use it?

Use infeed engage motions in areas where your part geometry will not allow tangential extensions.

Where do I find it?




A threading operation

Location in dialog box

[Turning threading operation] dialog boxPath Settings groupNon

Cutting Moves
Non Cutting Moves dialog boxEngage tab or Local Return tab

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Integrated simulation and verification ISV

Displaying axis positions and limits
What is it?
When you are doing simulations from the Operation Navigator or previewing machine kinematics in the
Machine Tool Navigator, the Machine Axis Positions dialog box shows current axis values and limits.
The Machine Axis Positions dialog box is available from the following parent dialog boxes:
Parent dialog box

Properties of Machine Axis Positions dialog box

Simulation control Panel

All axes are read-only. The tool tip is positioned according to the
operation or NC Code.

Preview Motion

All axes are read-write. You can position the tool tip freely.

Fixed Contour

Appears when the tool axis is being set using the Dynamic
All axes are read-write. The tool tip is fixed for rotary axes.

Editing a tool

All axes are read-write. You can position the tool tip freely.

Variable Contour

Appears when the tool axis is being set using the Interpolate
Vector option.
Linear axes are read-only. Rotary axes are read-write. The tool tip
is fixed for rotary axes.

Generic Motion

Appears when the current suboperation Move Type option is set

to Rotary Point Vector Move, Follow Curve/Edge, or
Follow Part Offset.
All axes are read-write. The tool tip is fixed for rotary axes.

NX retains the opened or closed state of the Machine Axis Positions dialog box until you change it.
The red icon beside the Y-axis shows a limit violation.
The dialog box shows the limit, 250. The slider shows the
axis at the limit, and the text box shows value that caused
the violation, 255.
The mouse cursor is over the icon for the V-axis, and the
tooltip that appears shows the current distances of that
axis to the minimum and maximum limits.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Operation Navigator



Simulate an operation or a program

Operation Navigator

Right-click the operation or programTool PathSimulate

Location in dialog box

Simulation Control Panel dialog boxSimulation Settings

groupShow Machine Axis Positions
Positions dialog box

Machine Axis

Machine Tool Navigator


Manufacturing or Machine Tool Builder

Machine Tool Navigator

Right-click in the backgroundPreview Motion

Location in dialog box

Move Axes groupShow Machine Axis Positions
Axis Positions dialog box

What's New in NX 9.0




NX 9.0

Positioning simulated machine tools and cutters

What is it?
During a simulation using the Show Tool Path option, select any point on the tool path to:

Position the tip of the cutter.

Set the machine axes and components to their position at that point.

Set the playback to the corresponding line of code.

Why should I use it?

Investigate positioning details in the tool path and observe the corresponding machine tool component positions.

Where do I find it?




You must simulate an operation or a program

In the Simulation Control Panel dialog box, Select Path

must be available.

Operation Navigator

Right-click the operation or programTool PathSimulate

Location in dialog box

Simulation Control Panel dialog boxSimulation Settings

groupShow Tool Path


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Tool path display for external file simulation

What is it?
NX now creates a representation of the tool path when you simulate an external NC program.
When you click a point on the representation of the cutter path, the machine tool components and the playback move
to the selected location.

Why should I use it?

You can visualize external tool paths and observe the position of the machine tool components at selected locations.

Where do I find it?




Simulate an external machine code file: Main MenuToolsSimulate

Machine Code File

Location in dialog box

Simulation Control Panel dialog boxSimulation Settings

groupShow Tool Trace
selected and Select Path

What's New in NX 9.0




NX 9.0

Simulating all channels in external files

What is it?
You can now simulate all channels that are represented by external files at the same time.
You can:

Select one file for each channel that is defined in the machine kinematic model.

Leave channels with no assigned file.

Where do I find it?




An external machine code file for each channel that is being simulated.


ToolsSimulate Machine Code File

Location in dialog box

Open NC Programs groupBrowse


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Simulating synchronized operations

What is it?
Simulation now works with synchronized operations.

Why should I use it?

You can visualize the action of two or more channels.

Where do I find it?




Simulate an operation or a program

Operation Navigator

Right-click the operation or programTool PathSimulate

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Viewing a tool contact representation

What is it?
You can generate and display the locations of tool contact on the part surface during path verification in:

Zlevel operations

Fixed axis surface contouring operations with the following drive methods:

Area Milling



The following example shows a tool path that was verified in Replay mode using these options:

Tool Trace=Tool Tip

Show Tool Contact=

1 Tool contact representation
2 Tool tip representation
3 Tip of the cutting tool

The following example shows the same verified tool path, with:

Tool Trace=None

Show Tool Contact=

4 Uncut area contains no tool contact representation


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

You can view previously generated tool contact representations. To do this, select the operation in the Operation
Navigator while the Tool Path Visualization dialog box is open with the Show Tool Contact check

You must generate the operation with the Save Contact Display Data check box


Why should I use it?

To identify uncut areas, look at the contact representations.

Where do I find it?

Saving contact display data


Location in dialog box

[Operation that supports contact display]EditOptions groupEdit


Save Contact Display Data.

Displaying the data




Verify an operation

Operation Navigator

Right-click the operationTool PathVerify

Operation dialog box

Actions groupVerify
Location in dialog box

What's New in NX 9.0

Tool Path Visualization dialog boxReplay tabShow Tool




NX 9.0

Configurable parser for NC Controllers

What is it?
A new plug-in for the common simulation engine (CSE) allows CSE developers to write NC parsers in the Python
scripting language.

Why should I use it?

The scripting language parser replaces hard-coded parser implementations, and allows CSE developers to provide
many parser fixes and enhancements without waiting for a software update.

Where do I find it?

You can turn on the new Python plug-in in the Machine Configurator, which is an application program that is
separate from NX.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Kinematic chains for simulating complex machine tools

What is it?

You can now associate axis parameters and dynamic data in kinematic chains in the Machine Tool Builder
application in NX. In previous releases, to do this, you had to open the MCF file in the CSE Machine
Configurator application.
A kinematic chain identifies two branches of the kinematic model. The tool is mounted at the end of one
branch and the part is mounted at the end of the other branch. The intermediate axes are articulated during
simulation. The CSE uses kinematic chains to configure the results for the TRAORI command.

CSE developers can now access the Machine Configurator directly from an NX machine code simulation,
by clicking Start Machine Configurator

The Common Simulation Engine (CSE) Machine Configurator is an external Windows-only application
used by a CSE developer to access the machine configuration files *.mcf and controller configuration files

Why should I use it?

A trained CSE developer can use the new chain definition mechanism to configure simulation for machines with
special configurations, such as:

A machine tool with co-linear axes like Z and W where one axis is used for positioning and the other for
cutting motions.

Machines with three rotaries, one in the table for pre-positioning, and the other two doing 5-axis cutting

Machines with changeable heads where the heads alter a fixed tool orientation or add NC axes.

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Define kinematic chains

Machine Tool Builder

Machine Tool Navigator

Right click top nodeDefine Kinematic Chains

Start Machine Configurator




You must have:

Location in dialog box

The Machine Configurator application

The necessary licenses

The customer default Show CSE Development Tools Group

set in NX

A program or operation simulating in Machine Code Simulate


[Simulation Control Panel]NC Program groupunder CSE

Development ToolsStart Machine Configurator


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Suppress Status line update

What is it?
You now have the option to disable the update of the NX Status line when you are verifying operations in 3D
Dynamic mode.
To make the Disable Status Line Update option active by default, set the new Disable Status Line Update
customer default.

Why should I use it?

You can reduce the time it takes to verify variable axis tool paths by up to 25%.

Where do I find it?




You must verify operations or programs in 3D Dynamic mode.

Location in dialog box

Tool Path Visualization dialog box3D Dynamic tabDisplay


What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

IPW color mapping to tools or operations

What is it?
When you verify a tool path, you can now choose between the previous display option to color the IPW by operation
and a new option to color the IPW by tool. The coloring options are extended to include the Verify 3D option and
tool path simulation. The available colors are expanded to ten.
When you click Analyze in the Tool Path Visualization dialog box, and click a point on the IPW, the
information under Feature now includes the name of the tool that is used at the location where you click.

Why should I use it?

You can use the IPW colors to distinguish which tool removed material and to show unmachined areas.

Where do I find it?

IPW colors preference



PreferencesManufacturingVisualization tab

Location in dialog box

IPW Colors groupunder Material removal Colors

IPW colors customer default


All NX applications

Command Finder

Customer Defaults

Location in dialog box

ManufacturingSimulation & VerificationIPW Colors tab


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Regenerating a saved IPW

What is it?
In 3D Dynamic tool path verification, you can avoid waiting for NX to regenerate in-process workpiece (IPW)
representations that are saved.
If there is a discrepancy between the saved IPW resolution and the current resolution setting, you see the IPW
Update message box, which gives you the choice of whether to recalculate the IPW display.
For example, the saved IPW resolution is Coarse, and you choose Fine in the Tool Path Visualization dialog
box. When you click Play

, the IPW Update message box is displayed.

To recalculate the IPW and display it at the currently specified resolution, click OK

To halt the verification, click Cancel. You can then change the current settings to match the reported
needle distance.

The saved IPW is not updated until you choose Save from the IPW list and regenerate the IPW.
The Coarse, Medium, and Fine resolutions are controlled by the Needle Distance and Needle Count
customer defaults. If you change the Needle Distance or the Needle Count customer defaults, you will not see
the changes in the current session. The changes appear in future NX sessions, and the IPW Update dialog box
appears for any resolution setting that was changed.

Where do I find it?




In 3D Dynamic mode, verify operations or programs for which the IPWs

are saved at a different resolution than the current setting.

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Gouge Check enhancements

What is it?
You can now base your gouge and collision checking on one of the following:

Your specified parameters for the tool and holder. To do this, use the Tool Parameters option.

The shape of an entire solid tool assembly. To do this, use the Solid Assembly option.

A solid tool assembly can have components such as inserts for which you do not enter parameters.

Why should I use it?

This enhancement gives you a more accurate gouge and collision check validation.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Gouge Check
Operation Navigator

Right-click the operationTool PathGouge Check

Location in dialog box

Gouge and Collision Check dialog boxTool Shape for Checking

groupTool Shape listTool Parameters or Solid Assembly


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Sinumerik Collision Avoidance

The Sinumerik Collision Avoidance application is used by machine tool manufacturers to create a simplified
machine tool model which can be loaded into a Sinumerik controller as an SPF file.
The manufacturer must retain the minimum envelope of the machine that is needed for collision detection, while
keeping the file size small so that the controller can interpret the file in real time.
You can perform these operations:

Create an assembly tree consisting of imported part files, imported STL bodies, or primitives.

Remove geometric features such as slots, holes, chamfers, and fillets from any component.

Perform kinematics definition using the NX Machine Tool Builder.

Define global stock, clearance values, or minimum distance for the collision avoidance geometry of the
machine tool.

Configure the size and shape of basic cutting tools.

Detect potential collisions and collisions during simulated machine tool movement.

This illustration shows a collision being detected between faceted representations of a simplified model of the
machine and the workpiece.

The ribbon bar for the application shows:

Modeling commands that are useful for constructing a simplified model.

A command to identify placeholder objects to represent the size and shape of cutting tools.

A command to set the faceting tolerance.

A command to export a Sinumerik SPF file.

Where do I find it?


Sinumerik Collision Avoidance


You must obtain the license.

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Simulation and postprocessor examples

Simulation examples
Simulation example files are included in your NX ${UGII_CAM_SAMPLES_DIR}\nc_simulation_samples folder.
Additional examples are available in NX 9.


The sim09_mill_5ax sample is enhanced as a turn mill.

The sim15_millturn_dual_channel sample is enhanced with an updated cam example, improved sub spindle
programming, and movable jaws on the chucks.

The sim05_5axis_xyzac_head sample now includes an Okuma post example and Okuma CSE files.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The sim03_mill_4ax_cam_sinumerik_tombstone sample shows the new Paste with Reference feature,
and the accompanying post outputs subroutines to repeat the cutting moves at the location of each part.

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

CCF structure
You can now use a basic CCF for similar machines. This makes it easy for you to share common methods and to
maintain configurations. You can introduce variations for individual controllers in separate CCF files. The MCF file
controls which CCF files are read, and the order in which they are read.

Postprocessor examples
Postprocessor examples are included in your NX ${UGII_CAM_POST_DIR} folder. Additional examples are
available in NX 9.


The template post for Heidenhain iTNC now outputs CYLCLE 247 and CYCLE 7 to define and set
coordinate systems.

The Fanuc template post includes turning cycles G71, G72, and G70. To output G71 or G72 cycles for
rough turning, set Motion Output to Machine Cycle. To output the G70 cycle in rough turn operations,
turn on Add Profiling, set Strategy to Finish All, and set Profile stock values to zero.

A new Sinumerik840D template post has basic functionality, including TRAORI and CYCLE800, but not
ORIWKS/ORIMKS or 3D cutter compensation. The following commands are in a template .tcl file that
you can import.

The DPP_GE_DETECT_TOOL_PATH_TYPE command detects if a tool path contains a 5-axis

simultaneous operation.

The DPP_GE_COOR_ROT command detects if an operation has coordinate rotation.

The DPP_GE_COOR_ROT_LOCAL command detects if the operation is under local CSYS

rotation and if the coordinate is rotated.

The DPP_GE_COOR_ROT_AUTO3D command detects if the operation is 3+2 axes without local
CSYS rotation.

The DPP_GE_CALCULATE_COOR_ROT_ANGLE command calculates coordinate rotation

angles by a coordinate rotation matrix.

The VECTOR_ROTATE command rotates a vector around an arbitrary axis.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Flute length for drills

What is it?
(FL) Flute Length is now available as a parameter for center drills, spot drills, and countersinks. This parameter is
hidden by default. The default zero value signals NX to set the flutes extent to the point where the angle meets the
outside diameter.
If you require a different length, add the (FL) Flute Length parameter to the dialog box for the tool using the
Customize command. You can then enter the length that you require.
Pre-NX 9

NX 9

Why should I use it?

Use the flute length value to get accurate results for collision and gouge checking during simulation.

Where do I find it?



Operation Navigator

Right-click tool nodeObjectCustomize

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

NX Post
Adding CAM attributes for shop documentation in the post
What is it?
You can now use a Tcl command to set an attribute on a CAM program or operation. You can read these attributes
in a shop documentation template file.
In Post Builder, the Tcl syntax for the command is
MOM_set_attribute <object_name> <attribute_title> <attribute information array>.

The attribute information array has predefined indices, VALUE, TYPE, and CATEGORY. You must set the value
(VALUE) to the value of the attribute, and the type (TYPE) to the NX attribute type, typically "String".
Optionally, you can set an attribute category (CATEGORY).
The shop documentation template format has not changed. To read an attribute, the format is
${mom_attr_<type><name>[<category>] }, where
<name> is the same as the attribute name that you assign in Tcl
[<category>] is an optional attribute category
In the shop documentation template file, use program attributes in the title section or in the table section. Use
operation attributes only in the table section.

A post created the attribute category POSTPROCESSOR_ADDED, two attributes, and values for the two

Why should I use it?

You no longer have to create attributes for shop documentation manually. Your post processor can add any values
that it can obtain from MOM variables or calculate in Tcl.

Where do I find it?

Tcl code

Post Builder

Shop Documentation Templates




What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Post Builder
New Tcl commands in Post Builder
What is it?
Several MOM commands and variables have been implemented to enhance the functionality and performance of NX
Post. The math functions in ugpost_base.tcl have been rewritten to improve performance.

MOM command summary

MOM_run_postprocess <event-handler Tcl file> <definition file> <output file>

Runs a separate post processor from within a postprocessor on the same operations or programs that are being
You can call this command during or after the Start of Program event.
The paths must be fully qualified.
Current output units are maintained.
Warning output and the review tool are determined by the post that is called.
The values returned are:

1 (true) when the postprocessor execution is successful.

0 (false) if there is an error.

1 if the post that is executing the command is the same as the post being called.

MOM_display_message <message> <title> <type> [<button1>][<button2>][<button3>]

Displays a message dialog box in NX.

The first 3 arguments are required.
<type> is the style of the message box, I|E|W|Q, where I is info, E is error, W is warning, and Q is question.

You can supply up to 3 optional button labels. If you supply no label, the OK button is used.
The post job is paused until the user clicks a button.
The command returns 1, 2, or 3, depending which button is clicked.
The command has no effect in batch mode and will not pause the process.

MOM_set_env_var <variable name as string><variable value as string>

Defines NX environment variables.

Both arguments are case sensitive.
You can set environment variables only if they do not exist prior to to the post process.
Environment variables are unset when the post process ends.
Returns 1 (true) on success, or 0 (false) on failure

MOM_convert_point <point> <vector>:

Converts a point from a tool path position to an MCS position in machine tool coordinates, where:

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

<point> = Tcl array of 3

<vector> = Tcl array of 3
mom_post_result = Primary solution as Tcl list of X, Y, Z, 4th, 5th
mom_post_result1 = Alternate solution as Tcl list of X, Y, Z, 4th, 5th

MOM_check_out_license <license>

Obtains a Flexlm license.

<license> = name of a Flexlm license (string)
Returns 1 (true) if the license is checked out, otherwise returns 0 (false).
Licenses are released automatically at the end of the posting job.

MOM variable summary


Returns the number that corresponds to the enumeration of the current operation type in the file


Returns value 1 (true) if the update of the information presented in the Synchronization Manager was successful;
otherwise it returns 0 (false).

Where do I find it?


Post Builder


Proficiency with Tcl programming in Post Builder


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Simulation and postprocessor examples

Simulation examples
Simulation example files are included in your NX ${UGII_CAM_SAMPLES_DIR}\nc_simulation_samples folder.
Additional examples are available in NX 9.

The sim09_mill_5ax sample is enhanced as a turn mill.

The sim15_millturn_dual_channel sample is enhanced with an updated cam example, improved sub spindle
programming, and movable jaws on the chucks.

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0


The sim05_5axis_xyzac_head sample now includes an Okuma post example and Okuma CSE files.

The sim03_mill_4ax_cam_sinumerik_tombstone sample shows the new Paste with Reference feature,
and the accompanying post outputs subroutines to repeat the cutting moves at the location of each part.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

CCF structure
You can now use a basic CCF for similar machines. This makes it easy for you to share common methods and to
maintain configurations. You can introduce variations for individual controllers in separate CCF files. The MCF file
controls which CCF files are read, and the order in which they are read.

Postprocessor examples
Postprocessor examples are included in your NX ${UGII_CAM_POST_DIR} folder. Additional examples are
available in NX 9.

The template post for Heidenhain iTNC now outputs CYLCLE 247 and CYCLE 7 to define and set
coordinate systems.

The Fanuc template post includes turning cycles G71, G72, and G70. To output G71 or G72 cycles for
rough turning, set Motion Output to Machine Cycle. To output the G70 cycle in rough turn operations,
turn on Add Profiling, set Strategy to Finish All, and set Profile stock values to zero.

A new Sinumerik840D template post has basic functionality, including TRAORI and CYCLE800, but not
ORIWKS/ORIMKS or 3D cutter compensation. The following commands are in a template .tcl file that
you can import.

The DPP_GE_DETECT_TOOL_PATH_TYPE command detects if a tool path contains a 5-axis

simultaneous operation.

The DPP_GE_COOR_ROT command detects if an operation has coordinate rotation.

The DPP_GE_COOR_ROT_LOCAL command detects if the operation is under local CSYS

rotation and if the coordinate is rotated.

The DPP_GE_COOR_ROT_AUTO3D command detects if the operation is 3+2 axes without local
CSYS rotation.

The DPP_GE_CALCULATE_COOR_ROT_ANGLE command calculates coordinate rotation

angles by a coordinate rotation matrix.

The VECTOR_ROTATE command rotates a vector around an arbitrary axis.

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Feature-based Machining
Feature machining areas
A feature machining area is a subset of your feature, such as floor, wall, or drive surface geometry that lets you use
multiple operations to machine a complex feature. You can manually create the operations and select the appropriate
feature machining area for each operation. You can also create rule-based definitions in the Machining Knowledge
Editor to automatically create the operations and select the appropriate feature machining areas.
For example, to define an operation that machines only the faces named WALLS instead of the entire feature, you
create a MILL_AREA add-on with the following new condition:
Cut_Area_Geometry = mwf.WALLS

NX automatically creates machining areas for step hole features. You can group and name the faces of other features
into machining areas.

Assign PMI notes to feature faces before teaching NX the feature.

You should use a separate part file to teach NX new features. In this example, the part has PMI notes associated
with the walls and floor of the feature that you want to teach NX.

1 PMI note = Walls

2 PMI note = Floor


Add a new feature type to the features that NX can recognize. To do this, use the Teach Features command.
This command uses the PMI notes associated with the faces to define the machining areas. This example has
three faces marked as Walls and one face marked as Floor.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


Find instances of the new feature type in the part to machine. To do this, use the Find Features command.
This command recognizes all instances of your new feature type. The feature machining areas are hidden by

Part with features to recognize

NX recognizes 3 instances of my_feature



Display the machining areas in the Machining Feature Navigator. To do this, use the Show Machining
Area command.
This command expands the machining feature nodes to show the machining areas.






Show Machining Areas

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0


View the machining area geometry.

When you select the machining area nodes in the Machining Feature Navigator, NX highlights the
associated faces.




Where do I find it?




You must start Manufacturing with the cam_general,

feature_machining, or hole_making cam session configuration.
You must have a feature-based machining author license and write
permissions to the machining knowledge library to teach NX the machining

Machining Feature Navigator


Right-click in the backgroundShow Machining Areas

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Machining feature groups

You can create a custom group of machining features to use as the geometry parent for manual hole making, hole
milling, thread milling, and groove milling operations. The machining feature group lets you machine related
features together. You can filter your features to include only those:

With the same feature type, attributes, or machining access direction.

That are located below a specified top face.

View the list of features in each feature group in the Group Features and Hole or Boss Geometry dialog
The following example shows features of the drilling_example part selected for grouping.

The graphic on the left shows ungrouped features selected in the feature view of the Machining Feature
Navigator. The graphic on the right shows the same features as part of a feature group in the group view of the
Machining Feature Navigator.
















What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Where do I find it?



Machining Feature Navigator

Right-click in the backgroundGroup Features


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

In-process features
What is it?
An in-process feature represents the volume of material to remove in a single operation. All of the in-process
features must be removed to completely machine the feature.
If you select the Local or 3D IPW in-process workpiece options, NX tracks the volume remaining in a feature after
each operation of the machining sequence. Each subsequent operation in the machining sequence subtracts its inprocess feature volume from the remaining volume.
The following example shows a feature to machine and the in-process feature volume for a drilling operation. The
initial feature volume minus the drilling in-process feature equals the remaining feature volume.

NX infers the in-process feature dimensions for each operation. You can modify the dimensions from the Hole or
Boss Geometry dialog box. If you select the 3D IPW option, the in-process feature volume extends to the end of
the in-process workpiece.
Each displayed in-process feature depends on the following:

The remaining material.

The machining depth.

Any wall stock or depth offsets.

The selected tool dimensions.

The type of hole: Hole, Threaded Hole, Centered Hole, or Chamfered Hole.

STEP_2_POCKET feature example


What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

NX machines this STEP_2_POCKET feature using the following operation sequence.

The DRILL operation drills the through hole.


The MILL_ROUGH operation roughs the counter bore.


The MILL_FINISH operation finishes the counter bore floor and wall.


The REAM operation machines the through hole diameter to size.


Initial feature

Operation inprocess feature

feature volume






What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

You can directly machine recognized machining features. NX uses in-process features as the geometry for hole
milling, thread milling, groove milling and manual drilling operations without using feature-based machining.
You do not need a feature-based machining license to use the machining features. In-process features work without
using the Machining Feature Navigator.

Where do I find it?




You must use one of the following operations: Spot Drilling, Drilling,
Countersinking, Hole Milling, Tapping, Thread Milling, or Groove

Location in dialog box

[Operation] dialog boxGeometry groupSpecify Hole or


What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Visualizing in-process features

To help you visualize the machining process, you can display the in-process feature for each operation in the
machining feature sequence.

STEP_2_HOLE example
This example shows the operation sequence to completely machine a STEP2HOLE feature.
Operation Navigator Geometry

Sample part

The following graphics show the material removed by each operation in the machining sequence.





What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0




Where do I find it?




You must use one of the following operations: Spot Drilling, Drilling,
Countersinking, Hole Milling, Thread Milling, or Groove Milling

Location in dialog box

[Operation] dialog boxGeometry groupSpecify Hole or


What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

In-process workpiece options to control the in-process feature

Use the In Process Workpiece options to control how NX calculates the in process feature.

Calculates the volume to machine from the selected face, or from the machining area if the
operation uses a machining feature as the geometry parent. You can manually enter a depth
if you selected points or arcs. NX locates the CSYS that defines the start of the in-process
feature on top of the selected object.


Calculates the volume to machine by subtracting the machining area volume from the
volume remaining within the local machining feature. If the geometry selected is a
machining feature, NX includes chamfers and radii.

NX moves the CSYS up if there are unmachined chamfers or radii.

NX moves the CSYS down to adjust for previously machined material.

For Hole Milling operations, NX identifies the start diameter.

Use 3D

Calculates the volume to machine by subtracting the machining area volume from the 3D
IPW volume. NX moves the CSYS up to the start of the 3D IPW, and extends the depth to
the bottom of the 3D IPW. This option accounts for previous operations in the same way as
the Local option.

Where do I find it?




You must use one of the following operations: Spot Drilling, Drilling,
Countersinking, Hole Milling, Thread Milling, or Groove Milling

Location in dialog box

[Operation] dialog boxGeometry groupSpecify Hole or

Hole or Boss Geometry dialog boxCommon
Parameters groupIn Process Workpiece list


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Wire EDM
Wire EDM tool and guide
What is it?
You can define the wire and guides in a wire EDM operation as you would define a cutter and holder in a milling
You can export wire guides to the NX tool library and retrieve them when you need them. You can also check the
tool path for potential collisions between the guides and the following objects: the workpiece, the blank, or collision
check geometry.

To support visualization and tool path collision checking, you must provide the following parameters:

EDM wire and length

Upper and lower wire guide geometry

Guide clearance values for safe distances between guides and the workpiece

Wire diameter

Guide dimensions

Where do I find it?




A wire EDM operation

Location in dialog box

Create ToolWire EDM

What's New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0

Chapter 4: CAE
Advanced Simulation
Solver version support
For each released version of NX, the following tables list the supported solver versions for import, export, and the
post-processing of results. Note:

The version listed in the Import ASCII and Import Binary rows is the solver version that was generally
available when the NX version was released. In general, the import of the solver ASCII and binary files
should be upwards compatible. Therefore, you should be able to import them into the most recent version
of NX. However, in general:

ASCII files are backwards compatible for import into NX. If you import an ASCII file from a
newer version of the solver than is officially supported, the software simply ignores any new
fields/options that aren't supported in the current NX release.

Binary files are not backwards compatible. For example, you can import a binary file created by
NX Nastran 5.0 into NX 6.0.2, but you might not be able to import a binary file created by NX
Nastran 6.1 into NX 5.

The version listed in the Export ASCII rows is the solver version that was available when the NX version
was tested. In general, the exported solver input file is upwards compatible for that solver. Backwards
compatibility is not guaranteed. For NX Nastran, the Model Setup Check function in Advanced
Simulation tries to flag potential version incompatibility issues.

The version listed in the Post-processing Results rows is the version of the solver results that was tested in
the listed NX version. In general, results from earlier solver versions are also supported.

NX 9 releases

File Type

NX 9

NX Nastran

Import ASCII (.dat)

Import Binary (.op2)

Export ASCII (.dat)

Post-processing of Results (.op2)

Import ASCII (.dat)


Import Binary (.op2)


Export ASCII (.dat)


Post-processing of Results (.op2)


Import ASCII (.inp)


Import Binary


MSC Nastran



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0





File Type

NX 9

Export ASCII (.inp)


Post-processing of Results (.fil)


Post-processing of Results (.odb)




Import Binary (.rst, .rth)


Export ASCII (.inp)


Post-processing of Results


Import ASCII


Import Binary


Export ASCII (.k)


Post-processing of Results


Post-processing of Results (.res)


NX 8 releases

File Type

NX 8

NX 8.0.1

NX 8.0.2

NX 8.0.3

NX 8.5

NX 8.5.1

NX 8.5.2











ASCII (.dat)






of Results











2011.1 2011.1






2011.1 2011.1
ASCII (.dat)












Nastran ASCII (.dat)

2011.1 2011.1
Nastran ASCII (.dat)


2011.1 2011.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


File Type

NX 8

NX 8.0.1

NX 8.0.2

NX 8.0.3

NX 8.5

NX 8.5.1

NX 8.5.2

Abaqus Import
ASCII (.inp)















ASCII (.inp)







of Results








of Results















Binary (.rst,







ASCII (.inp)







of Results









971R5.0 971R5.0













ASCII (.k)

971R5.0 971R5.0






of Results

971R5.0 971R5.0






of Results

ANSYS Import




What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

NX7 releases

File Type

NX 7

NX 7.5

NX 7.5.1

NX 7.5.2

NX 7.5.3

NX 7.5.4

NX 7.5.5.

Nastran ASCII (.dat)













ASCII (.dat)






of Results



















ASCII (.dat)







of Results



















ASCII (.inp)







of Results








of Results















Binary (.rst,








Nastran ASCII (.dat)


Abaqus Import
ASCII (.inp)

ANSYS Import



Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


File Type

NX 7

NX 7.5

NX 7.5.1

NX 7.5.2

NX 7.5.3

NX 7.5.4

NX 7.5.5.

ASCII (.inp)







of Results
























ASCII (.k)

971R3.2.1 971R3.2.1






of Results








NX 6

NX 6.0.1

NX 6.0.2

NX 6.0.3

NX 6.0.4

NX 6.0.5



NX 6 releases

File Type


Import ASCII (.dat) 6.0






Import Binary







Export ASCII (.dat) 6.0






Post-processing of






Import ASCII (.dat) 2007r1






Import Binary







Export ASCII (.dat) 2007r1






Post-processing of






Import ASCII (.inp) 6.7-1






Import Binary






Export ASCII (.inp) 6.7-1






Post-processing of
Results (.fil)













What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


File Type

NX 6

NX 6.0.1

NX 6.0.2

NX 6.0.3

NX 6.0.4

NX 6.0.5

Post-processing of
Results (.odb)







Import ASCII


11 SP1

11 SP1

11 SP1



Import Binary (.rst, 11


11 SP1

11 SP1

11 SP1



Export ASCII (.inp) 11

11 SP1

11 SP1

11 SP1



Post-processing of

11 SP1

11 SP1

11 SP1

11 SP1










Import Binary







Export ASCII (.k)







Post-processing of








NX 5 releases

File Type

NX 5

NX 5.0.1 NX 5.0.2 NX 5.0.3 NX 5.0.4 NX 5.0.5 NX 5.0.6

NX Nastran

Import ASCII








Import Binary








Export ASCII








Post-processing of 5.0







MSC Nastran Import ASCII









Import Binary








Export ASCII








Post-processing of 2005







Import ASCII









Whats New in NX 9.0



NX 9.0



File Type

NX 5

NX 5.0.1 NX 5.0.2 NX 5.0.3 NX 5.0.4 NX 5.0.5 NX 5.0.6

Import Binary








Export ASCII








Post-processing of 6.6







Import ASCII








Import Binary (.rst, 10








Export ASCII








Post-processing of 10






11 SP1

NX 4 releases

File Type

NX 4

NX 4.0.1

NX 4.0.2

NX 4.0.3

NX 4.0.4






Import Binary (.op2)






Export ASCII (.dat)






Post-processing of






Import ASCII (.dat)






Import Binary (.op2)






Export ASCII (.dat)






Post-processing of






Import ASCII (.inp)






Import Binary






Export ASCII (.inp)






Post-processing of








NX Nastran Import ASCII (.dat)





Import ASCII (PREP7, 8


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


File Type

NX 4

NX 4.0.1

NX 4.0.2

NX 4.0.3

NX 4.0.4

Import Binary (.rst,




Export ASCII (.inp)



Post-processing of



General capabilities
Midsurface enhancements
What is it?
This release includes general enhancements to the algorithms used by the Midsurface by Face Pairs command.
These enhancements improve how the software extends, trims, and fills holes in the generated mid-sheets.
This release also includes the following improvements to the Midsurface by Face Pairs dialog box:

When you use the Replacement Mid-Sheet option to select an alternative face or sheet body as a midsheet within a midsurface, you can now also select an existing datum plane.

You can use the new Merge Face Pairs option to merge multiple pairs into a single face pair. The
software merges all side 1 faces into a combined side 1 face and all side 2 faces into a combined side 2

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


An idealized part as the displayed part and work part

Command Finder
Midsurface by Face Pairs
Location in dialog box

Face Pairs list

Editing 2D mesh and element properties by selecting polygon faces

What is it?
The Mesh Properties command lets you specify all mesh and element properties for a selected polygon face. This
command is an alternative to the standard workflow of defining these properties using individual commands such as
Physical Properties, Edit Mesh Collector, and Mesh Associated Data.

Changes that you make using this command affect only the properties for the mesh and elements associated


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

with the selected face, and not for any other mesh or elements. This is different than the standard workflow,
in which you can share and inherit properties across many meshes.
The Mesh Properties command works only with a 2d mesh that is defined on a single polygon face, and only
when the Simulation Navigator is set to Mesh View. For more information about Mesh View, see Mesh view
of the Simulation Navigator.

The Mesh Properties dialog box has three tabs:

Element Properties Lets you define element properties such as material orientation, the thickness
source for the elements, and shell offset. This tab corresponds to the Mesh Associated Data dialog box.

Collector Properties Lets you change the type of mesh collector in which this mesh is stored. This
tab corresponds to the Mesh Collector properties dialog box.

Physical Properties Lets you define physical properties such as default thickness, nonstructural
mass, and material properties. This tab corresponds to the Physical Property Table dialog box.

You can define the same properties for several selected faces at the same time. To do this, select the faces and then
open the Mesh Properties dialog box.
When the Simulation file is the Work part, you can select a single polygon face and choose Explore Mesh
to view the loads, constraints, and simulation objects that are associated with the mesh. The
Mesh Properties Explorer dialog box lists the loads and constraints that are defined on the selected face. To edit
a load or constraint, click

in the same row as the boundary condition.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


You must:


Define the mesh on a single polygon face.

Set the Simulation Navigator to Mesh View.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Select one or more 2D meshed polygon faces to use the Edit Mesh
Properties command.

Select a single 2D meshed polygon face to use the Explore Mesh

Properties command.

Make a FEM the Work part to use the Mesh Properties


Make a Simulation file the Work part to use the Explore Mesh
Properties command.

Command Finder
Mesh Properties
Explore Mesh Properties
Graphics window

Right-click one or more 2D meshed polygon faces Edit Mesh

Right-click a single 2D meshed polygon face Explore Mesh

Mesh view of the Simulation Navigator

What is it?
In the Simulation Navigator, you can now display only the meshes in your FEM, without showing the hierarchy
of mesh collectors. To do this, set the Simulation Navigator to Mesh View.
The standard view of data in the Simulation Navigator organizes meshes according to the mesh collectors in
which they are stored. In the Mesh View, the navigator lists meshes only by element order, without the collectors.
For example, all 3D meshes are listed together, all 2D meshes, and so on.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

(1) Standard view; (2) Mesh view

This view is designed to be used with the Mesh Properties command. For more information about the Mesh
Properties command, see Editing 2D mesh and element properties by selecting polygon faces.
To change the view, right-click an empty area in the navigator and choose a view option from the menu.

Where do I find it?

Default Navigator View Customer Default

All NX applications

Command Finder
Customer Defaults
Location in dialog box

SimulationGeneralEnvironment tabDefault Navigator View

Mesh View command


Advanced Simulation

Simulation Navigator

Right-click an empty area in the navigator and choose Mesh View.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

New Show and Hide options

New options in the Show and Hide dialog box allow you to control the visibility of:

Meshed and unmeshed polygon bodies

Mesh points

Mesh controls

Mesh mating conditions

These options provide improved control over the visibility of different aspects of your model in the graphics

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file or Simulation file as the work and displayed part

Command Finder
Show and Hide
Location in dialog box

Expand the Polygon Bodies node

Dynamic loading of CAE application libraries

What is it?
Beginning with this release, the CAE application libraries no longer load automatically when you start NX. The
libraries now load dynamically when you open a FEM or Simulation file or start a CAE application. This change
slightly reduces the time and memory required to start NX, but it slightly increases the time and memory required to
open a CAE part or start a CAE application.
You can use the new LOAD_NX_CAE_STARTUP_LIBRARIES environment variable to control when NX loads the
CAE libraries.

Set LOAD_NX_CAE_STARTUP_LIBRARIES=1 to have NX load the CAE libraries when you first start NX.

Set LOAD_NX_CAE_STARTUP_LIBRARIES=0 (the default) to have NX load the CAE libraries dynamically
when you open a CAE part or start a CAE application.

Enhancements to table fields
What is it?
Beginning with NX 9, additional options are available when you create a table field by entering (x,y) tabular data in
the Table Field dialog box. You can now:


Edit table field labels.

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Include skips and jump discontinuities in table field data.

Shift and scale table field data.

Select from new interpolation and extrapolation options for table field data.

The tabular data you enter might represent a boundary condition or a material property. Commonly used
independent variables include time, frequency, and temperature.

The solver you use may not support all of these enhancements.

Editing table field labels

In the Table Field dialog box, the Label box contains a numerical value assigned automatically by NX. You can
now optionally overwrite this value by entering a number (integer > 0) in the Label box.

Including skips in table field data

You can now include skips in the tabular data that you enter in the Table Field dialog box.
To specify a skip, in the data entry box, use two dashes with no space in between (- -) in place of a numerical value.
To replace a numerical value that you previously entered with a skip, in the Data Points cell, overwrite the
numerical value with two dashes.
You cannot enter skips in the tabular data that represent the starting and ending points of the data range. You also
cannot use skips in duplicate data.

Including jump discontinuities in table field data

You can now include jump discontinuities in the tabular data you enter in the Table Field dialog box. A jump
discontinuity occurs when you define two data points that have the same value for the independent domain.
You cannot define more than two data points at each jump discontinuity, and you cannot define jump discontinuities
at the starting or ending points of the data range.

Shifting and scaling table field data

You can now specify that the solver shift, scale, or both shift and scale the tabular data you enter in the Table Field
dialog box. To specify this option, use the new Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value Divisor
X2 check boxes in the Table Field dialog box as follows:


To shift the tabular data, select the Independent Value Shift X1 check box and enter a value for the X1
parameter in the Independent Value Shift X1 box. When the solver needs a value at x, the table lookup
returns yT(x X1).

To scale the tabular data, select the Independent Value Divisor X2 check box and enter a value for the
X2 parameter in the Independent Value Divisor X2 box. When the solver needs a value at x, the table
lookup returns yT(x/X2).

To both shift and scale the tabular data, select both check boxes and enter values for the X1 and X2
parameters in the Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value Divisor X2 boxes. When the
solver needs a value at x, the table lookup returns yT((x X1)/X2).

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

New interpolation options for table field data

For information about the new interpolation options for table field data, see New interpolation options for table field

New extrapolation options for table field data

For information about the new extrapolation options for table field data, see New extrapolation options for table
field data.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Simulation Navigator

Right-click FieldsNew FieldTable

Location in dialog box

Domain groupIndependent listselect a 1D independent domain

Options groupInterpolation, Algorithm, and Values Outside Table
lists, and Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value
Divisor X2 check boxes

New interpolation options for table field data

What is it?
Additional interpolation options are now available for (x,y) tabular data that you enter in the Table Field dialog
box. The tabular data you enter might represent a boundary condition or a material property. Commonly used
independent variables include time, frequency, and temperature.
When you select Linear from the Interpolation list in the Table Field dialog box, the following interpolation
options are available in the Algorithm list:

Linear Linear

Log Linear

Linear Log

Log Log

The formula that the solver uses to calculate the table lookup value for the boundary condition or material property
at x depends on the option you select from the Algorithm list.

Linear Linear
If you select Linear Linear, the solver formula is:

where (xi,yi) and (xj,yj) are the two bounding tabular data points nearest to x.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Log Linear
If you select Log Linear, the solver formula is:

where (xi,yi) and (xj,yj) are the two bounding tabular data points nearest to x.

Linear Log
If you select Linear Log, the solver formula is:

where (xi,yi) and (xj,yj) are the two bounding tabular data points nearest to x.
The Linear Log option is useful when the tabular data approximates a curve of the form y = bemx. Such a curve
plots as a straight line on a semi-log plot, where x is plotted linear and y is plotted logarithmic. Thus, by selecting the
Linear Log option for such data, the number of data points you need to enter to obtain accurate interpolations is

Log Log
If you select Log Log, the solver formula is:

where (xi,yi) and (xj,yj) are the two bounding tabular data points nearest to x.
The Log Log option is useful when the tabular data approximates a curve of the form y = bxm. Such a curve plots
as a straight line on a log-log plot, where both x and y are plotted logarithmic. Thus, by selecting the Log Log
option for such data, the number of data points you need to enter to obtain accurate interpolations is minimized.

The solver you use may not support all of the options listed in the Algorithm list.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Simulation Navigator

Right-click FieldsNew FieldTable

Location in dialog box

Domain groupIndependent listselect a 1D independent domain

Options groupInterpolation and Algorithm lists


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

New extrapolation options for table field data

What is it?
In NX, when you define a table field using the Table Field dialog box, the (x,y) tabular data you enter defines how
a boundary condition or material property varies over a finite range of the independent variable. Commonly used
independent variables include time, frequency, and temperature. The solver interpolates the tabular data to determine
the value of the boundary condition or material property at values of the independent variable within this range. You
can specify the solver interpolation method from the Interpolation and Algorithm lists in the Table Field dialog

The solver you use may not support all of the options in the Interpolation and Algorithm lists.
In earlier versions of NX, you could not specify how the solver evaluated boundary conditions or material properties
at values of the independent variable outside the range of tabular data. With NX 9, you can specify the evaluation
method using the following options in the Values outside Table list in the Table Field dialog box.

Undefined Does not assigned a value for the boundary condition or material property at values of the
independent variable outside the range of tabular data.

Extrapolate Calculates the value for the boundary condition or material property at values of the
independent variable that are less than that defined by the tabular data, from the two starting data points.
Calculates the value for the boundary condition or material property at values of the independent variable
that are greater than that defined by the tabular data, from the two ending data points.
The formula that the solver uses to calculate the table lookup value for the boundary condition or material
property at x depends on the option you select from the Algorithm list.

If you select Linear Linear, the solver formula is:

If you select Log Linear, the solver formula is:

If you select Linear Log, the solver formula is:

If you select Log Log, the solver formula is:

where (xi,yi) and (xj,yj) are the two starting or ending data points.

Constant Uses the values of the boundary condition or material property at the starting data point and
ending data point at values of the independent variable outside the range of tabular data.
For example, suppose (100,5) and (200,15) are the starting data point and ending data point values,
respectively. For values of the independent variable less than 100, the boundary condition or material
property is assigned the value 5. For values of the independent variable greater than 200, the boundary
condition or material property is assigned the value 15.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The solver you use may not support all of the options in the Values outside Table list.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Simulation Navigator

Right-click FieldsNew FieldTable

Location in dialog box

Domain groupIndependent listselect a 1D independent domain

Options groupValues Outside Table list

TABLEDi bulk entry support (Nastran)

What is it?
In Nastran, you define frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads with (x,y) tabular data that is listed
on either TABLED1, TABLED2, TABLED3, or TABLED4 bulk entries. During a Nastran run, the software linearly
interpolates or extrapolates the tabular data to determine the value of the dynamic load. Nastran uses the interpolated
or extrapolated value of the dynamic load during the solve.
Prior to this release, NX supported writing frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads to only
TABLED1 bulk entries. With this release, NX also supports writing frequency-dependent and time-dependent
dynamic loads to TABLED2 and TABLED3 bulk entries. Nastran uses the TABLED1, TABLED2, and TABLED3
bulk entries as follows:

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLED1 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = yT(x), where the table lookup at frequency or time x returns yT(x) as the value for the dynamic

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLED2 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = yT(x X1), where the table lookup at frequency or time x returns yT(x X1) as the value for the
dynamic load. X1 is a parameter used to shift the data range.

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLED3 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = yT((x X1)/X2), where the table lookup at frequency or time x returns yT((x X1)/X2) as the
value for the dynamic load. X1 is a parameter used to shift the data range and X2 is a parameter used to
scale the data range.

In the TABLED1 bulk entry, you can designate whether the table lookup is from a linear-linear, log-log, or semi-log
representation of the tabular data. In the TABLED2 and TABLED3 bulk entries, you cannot designate that the table
lookup is from a log-log or semi-log representation of the tabular data.
For more information on log-log and semi-log representations of tabular data, see New interpolation options for
table field data.
You control which TABLEDi entry NX writes to the Nastran input file from the Table Field dialog box.


If you want NX to write a TABLED1 entry to the Nastran input file, make sure that the Independent
Value Shift X1 and Independent Value Divisor X2 check boxes are not selected. To designate that the
table lookup is from a log-log or semi-log representation of the tabular data, select the log option of your

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

choice from the Algorithm list. Otherwise, the table lookup is from the default linear-linear representation
of the tabular data.

If you want NX to write a TABLED2 entry to the Nastran input file, do the following:

Select the Independent Value Shift X1 check box and enter a value for the X1 parameter in the
Independent Value Shift X1 box.

Make sure the Independent Value Divisor X2 check box is not selected.

Because TABLED2 bulk entries only support linear-linear representation of the tabular data, the
Independent Value Shift X1 check box is unavailable if you select any of the log options from the
Algorithm list.

If you want NX to write a TABLED3 entry to the Nastran input file, do either of the following:

Select the Independent Value Divisor X2 check box and enter a value for the X2 parameter in
the Independent Value Divisor X2 box.

Select both the Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value Divisor X2 check
boxes and enter a values for the X1 and X2 parameters in the Independent Value Shift X1 box
and Independent Value Divisor X2 box.

Because TABLED3 bulk entries only support linear-linear representation of the tabular data, the
Independent Value Divisor X2 check box is unavailable if you select any of the log options from the
Algorithm list.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Simulation Navigator

Right-click FieldsNew FieldTable

Location in dialog box

Domain groupIndependent listselect Frequency or Time

Options groupInterpolation, Algorithm, and Values Outside Table
lists, and the Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value
Divisor X2 check boxes

TABLEMi bulk entry support (Nastran)

What is it?
In Nastran, you define temperature-dependent material properties with (x,y) tabular data that is listed on either
TABLEM1, TABLEM2, TABLEM3, or TABLEM4 bulk entries. During a Nastran run, the software linearly
interpolates or extrapolates the tabular data to determine the value of the material property at a specific temperature.
Nastran uses the interpolated or extrapolated value of the material property during the solve.
Prior to this release, NX supported writing temperature-dependent material properties to only TABLEM1 bulk
entries. With this release, NX also supports writing temperature-dependent material properties to TABLEM2 and
TABLEM3 bulk entries. Nastran uses the TABLEM1, TABLEM2, and TABLEM3 bulk entries as follows:


The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLEM1 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = yT(x), where the table lookup at temperature x returns yT(x) as the value for the material property.

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLEM2 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = zyT(x X1), where the table lookup at temperature x returns yT(x X1), where X1 is a parameter
used to shift the data range. The returned value is then scaled by z to obtain the value for the material
property, where z is the value of the material property on the corresponding MATi bulk entry.

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLEM3 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = zyT((x X1)/X2), where the table lookup at temperature x returns yT((x X1)/X2), where X1 is a
parameter used to shift the data range and X2 is a parameter used to scale the data range. The returned
value is then scaled by z to obtain the value for the material property, where z is the value of the material
property on the corresponding MATi bulk entry.

In the TABLEM1 bulk entry, you can designate whether the table lookup is from a linear-linear, log-log, or semi-log
representation of the tabular data. In the TABLEM2 and TABLEM3 bulk entries, you cannot designate that the table
lookup is from a log-log or semi-log representation of the tabular data.
For more information on log-log and semi-log representations of tabular data, see New interpolation options for
table field data.
You control which TABLEMi entry NX writes to the Nastran input file from the Table Field dialog box.

If you want NX to write a TABLEM1 entry to the Nastran input file, make sure that the Independent
Value Shift X1 and Independent Value Divisor X2 check boxes are not selected. To designate that the
table lookup is from a log-log or semi-log representation of the tabular data, select the log option of your
choice from the Algorithm list. Otherwise, the table lookup is from the default linear-linear representation
of the tabular data.

If you want NX to write a TABLEM2 entry to the Nastran input file, do the following:

Select the new Independent Value Shift X1 check box and enter a value for the X1 parameter
in the Independent Value Shift X1 box.

Make sure the Independent Value Divisor X2 check box is not selected.

Because TABLEM2 bulk entries only support linear-linear representation of the tabular data, the
Independent Value Shift X1 check box is unavailable if you select any of the log options from the
Algorithm list.

If you want NX to write a TABLEM3 entry to the Nastran input file, do either of the following:

Select the Independent Value Divisor X2 check box and enter a value for the X2 parameter in
the Independent Value Divisor X2 box.

Select both the Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value Divisor X2 check
boxes and enter a values for the X1 and X2 parameters in the Independent Value Shift X1 box
and Independent Value Divisor X2 box.

Because TABLEM3 bulk entries only support linear-linear representation of the tabular data, the
Independent Value Divisor X2 check box is unavailable if you select any of the log options from the
Algorithm list.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Select a materialCopy the selected material


Command Finder
Manage Materials
Location in dialog box

Options groupInterpolation, Algorithm, and Values Outside Table

lists, and the Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value
Divisor X2 check boxes

Reference field support

What is it?
Reference fields let you create fields from post-processed results. A reference field stores pointers to the numerical
data used in a post view. A reference field does not store the actual numerical data used in the post view. For
example, if you are using NX Nastran as the solver, a reference field might point to specific data in the .op2 file.
Because a reference field stores pointers to numerical data and not the actual numerical data, reference fields are
persistent. That is, if you revise and rerun the model, the reference field uses the new results.
You can create reference fields for the following types of results.

Nodal results for scalar quantities like temperature and pressure.

Nodal results for vector quantities like displacement and reaction force.

Element-nodal results for individual components of second-order tensor quantities like stress and strain.

Element-nodal results that are derived from individual components of second-order tensor quantities like
von Mises stress.

You cannot create a reference field for elemental results or unaveraged element-nodal results.
The dependent domain options for a reference field depend on the result that is displayed in the post view when the
reference field is created. For more information, see Dependent domain options for reference fields.
The independent domain of a reference field is always the global Cartesian coordinates of the nodes and the node
identification numbers.
Reference fields are listed under the Fields node in the Simulation Navigator.

Reference fields and table fields

Reference fields are similar to table fields. The use cases for reference fields and table fields frequently overlap. For
example, you could use either a reference field or a table field to define the displacement field needed for a breakout
model. However, unlike table fields, you can create reference fields only from the results of a prior solve. If you
want to create a field that represents something other than the results from a solve, you cannot use a reference field.
For example, you cannot use a reference field to define the temperature-dependency of a material property.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

In situations where you could use either a table field or a reference field, understanding how reference fields differ
from table fields can help you determine which type of field to use. A reference field is unlike a table field in the
following ways.

A reference field has access to the model geometry and the mesh. Consequently, reference fields tend to be
more accurate and less CPU intensive than table fields.

A reference field does not store the actual numerical data. It retrieves data that is already stored in files.
This is an important consideration if the field is very large. While the size of the FEM and Simulation files
increases when you create a field, this increase is minimized when you use a reference field.

A reference field automatically updates itself if you rerun the model. This is clearly beneficial if you intend
to revise and solve a model repeatedly.

A reference field does not allow you to select the interpolation method. The interpolated values in a
reference field are similar to the interpolated values in a table field for which you selected the Delaunay
interpolation method. If you need to use a different interpolation method, use a table field.

A reference field does not reside with the part while a table field does reside with the part. Consequently,
file management tasks are easier with table fields.

A reference field cannot be edited.

Dependent domain options for reference fields

The options in the Dependent Domain list depend on the what type of result is displayed in the post view.
When the displayed result is a nodal result for a scalar quantity, you have two options:

Select Parameter to create a reference field that contains the unitless magnitude of the scalar quantity.
The software interprets such a field as dimensionless.

The second option depends on the result. For example, if the scalar nodal result is temperature, the second
option is Temperature. Select this option to create a reference field that contains the magnitude of the
scalar quantity and the associated units.

When the displayed result is a nodal result for a vector quantity, you have four options:

Select Parameter to create a reference field that contains the unitless magnitude of the vector quantity.
The software interprets such a field as dimensionless.

The second option depends on the result. For example, if the vector nodal result is displacement, the second
option is Length. Select this option to create a reference field that contains the magnitude of the vector
quantity and the associated units.

Select Cartesian to create a reference field that contains the magnitudes of the components of the vector
quantity and the associated units.

Select Parameter Space to create a reference field that contains the unitless magnitudes of the
components of the vector quantity. The software interprets such a field as dimensionless.

When the displayed result is an averaged element-nodal result for an individual component of a second-order tensor
quantity or a quantity derived from the components of a second-order tensor quantity, the displayed result is treated
as a scalar quantity. Examples of second-order tensor quantities are stress and strain. Examples of quantities derived
from a second-order tensor are mean stress and von Mises stress. For such cases, you have two options:


Select Parameter to create a reference field that contains the unitless magnitude of the tensor component
or the derived quantity. The software interprets such a field as dimensionless.

The second option depends on the result. For example, if the tensor averaged element-nodal result is a
stress component, the second option is Stress. Select this option to create a reference field that contains
the magnitude of the tensor component or the derived quantity and the associated units.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Post Processing Navigator

Right-click Post ViewCreate Field from Result

Location in dialog box

Type groupReference FieldDomain groupDependent Domain


Table of Fields
What is it?
Table of fields lets you approximate a function that has two or more independent variables. You can use a table of
fields to define material properties. You can create a table of fields from any combination of table fields, formula
fields, reference fields, and linked fields. You can create a table of fields in the FEM or the Simulation file. After
you create a table of fields, it is listed under the Fields node in the Simulation Navigator.
The most direct application of table of fields is to approximate functions that have two independent variables such
z = f(x,y)
A table of fields approximates f(x,y) by referencing a series of fields that have a single independent variable. Each of
these fields represents a curve in the xz-plane that is the projection of f(x,y) onto the xz-plane for a constant value of
y. Thus, f(x,y) is represented by the following series of N fields.
z1 = f1(x) = f(x,Y1)
z2 = f2(x) = f(x,Y2)
zi = fi(x) = f(x,Yi)
zN = fN(x) = f(x,YN)
where Yi are constants.
The software looks up the value for f(X0,Y0) as follows:



The software identifies the bounding fields. The bounding fields are the fields, fj(x) and fk(x), whose fixed
variables, Yj and Yk, respectively, are in closest proximity to Y0 such that Yj < Y0 < Yk.


The software calculates the value of each bounding field at X0. These values are denoted fj(X0) and fk(X0).

If the bounding field is a table field, the tabular data is interpolated to obtain the value at X0. If X0
lies outside of the range of tabular data, the option you choose from the Values outside Table
list in the Table Field dialog box determines how fj(X0) and fk(X0) are obtained.

If the bounding field is a reference field, the tabular data is interpolated to obtain the value at X0. If
X0 lies outside of the range of tabular data, no value is assigned.

If the bounding field is a formula field, the formula is evaluated to obtain the value at X0.

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


The values found in the previous step, fj(X0) and fk(X0), are interpolated to obtain f(X0,Y0). If Y0 lies outside
of the range of fields, the option you choose from the Values outside Table list in the Table of Fields
dialog box determines how f(X0,Y0) is obtained.

The initial application for a table of fields is to model the nonlinear stress-strain behavior of materials as a function
of temperature. That is, you can use a table of fields to represent a constitutive model of the form:
= f(,T)
where is normal stress, is normal strain, T is temperature, and f is a nonlinear mapping of and T to . To do this,
create a table of fields that references a series of fields that contain isothermal stress-strain data. Thus, = f(,T) is
represented by the following series of N fields.
1 = f1() = f(,T1)
2 = f2() = f(,T2)
i = fi() = f(,Ti)
N = fN() = f(,TN)
where Ti are constants.
For the steps to define a temperature-dependent nonlinear stress-strain characteristic, see Define a temperaturedependent nonlinear stress-strain characteristic with a table of fields in the Advanced Simulation online Help.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Simulation Navigator

Right-click FieldsChoose New FieldChoose Table of Fields

Overlaying a field plot

What is it?
You can now plot up to 50 fields together on the same graph. The fields must be of the same X and Y data type
combination. For example, you can overlay a frequency-force field over another frequency-force field, but you
cannot overlay a frequency-force field over a frequency-displacement field.
Each plot displays in a different color for visibility. Overlaying multiple field plots lets you compare the data
To change the colors of the overlay graph curves, choose the Editing
curve to open the Curve Options dialog box.

command and then double-click the

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


The fields must be of the same X and Y data type combination.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Simulation Navigator

Right-click FieldsOverlay

Enhancements for defining temperature-dependent material properties
What is it?
Temperature-dependent material properties can be defined from (x,y) tabular data entered in the Table Field dialog
box. Beginning with NX 9, additional options are available when you define temperature-dependent material
properties using a table field. You can now:

Edit table field labels. For information on editing table field labels, see Enhancements to table fields.

Include skips in table field data. For information on including skips in table field data, see Enhancements to
table fields.

Include jump discontinuities in table field data. For information on including jump discontinuities in table
field data, see Enhancements to table fields.

Shift and scale table field data. For information on shifting and scaling data in table fields, see
Enhancements to table fields.

Select from new interpolation options for table field data. For information on the new interpolation options
for table field data, see New interpolation options for table field data.

Select from new extrapolation options for table field data. For information on the new extrapolation options
for table field data, see New extrapolation options for table field data.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Manage Materials
Location in dialog box

Right-click in the Material ListCreate Filter

TABLEMi bulk entry support (Nastran)

What is it?
In Nastran, you define temperature-dependent material properties with (x,y) tabular data that is listed on either
TABLEM1, TABLEM2, TABLEM3, or TABLEM4 bulk entries. During a Nastran run, the software linearly
interpolates or extrapolates the tabular data to determine the value of the material property at a specific temperature.
Nastran uses the interpolated or extrapolated value of the material property during the solve.
Prior to this release, NX supported writing temperature-dependent material properties to only TABLEM1 bulk
entries. With this release, NX also supports writing temperature-dependent material properties to TABLEM2 and
TABLEM3 bulk entries. Nastran uses the TABLEM1, TABLEM2, and TABLEM3 bulk entries as follows:


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLEM1 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = yT(x), where the table lookup at temperature x returns yT(x) as the value for the material property.

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLEM2 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = zyT(x X1), where the table lookup at temperature x returns yT(x X1), where X1 is a parameter
used to shift the data range. The returned value is then scaled by z to obtain the value for the material
property, where z is the value of the material property on the corresponding MATi bulk entry.

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLEM3 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = zyT((x X1)/X2), where the table lookup at temperature x returns yT((x X1)/X2), where X1 is a
parameter used to shift the data range and X2 is a parameter used to scale the data range. The returned
value is then scaled by z to obtain the value for the material property, where z is the value of the material
property on the corresponding MATi bulk entry.

In the TABLEM1 bulk entry, you can designate whether the table lookup is from a linear-linear, log-log, or semi-log
representation of the tabular data. In the TABLEM2 and TABLEM3 bulk entries, you cannot designate that the table
lookup is from a log-log or semi-log representation of the tabular data.
For more information on log-log and semi-log representations of tabular data, see New interpolation options for
table field data.
You control which TABLEMi entry NX writes to the Nastran input file from the Table Field dialog box.

If you want NX to write a TABLEM1 entry to the Nastran input file, make sure that the Independent
Value Shift X1 and Independent Value Divisor X2 check boxes are not selected. To designate that the
table lookup is from a log-log or semi-log representation of the tabular data, select the log option of your
choice from the Algorithm list. Otherwise, the table lookup is from the default linear-linear representation
of the tabular data.

If you want NX to write a TABLEM2 entry to the Nastran input file, do the following:

Select the new Independent Value Shift X1 check box and enter a value for the X1 parameter
in the Independent Value Shift X1 box.

Make sure the Independent Value Divisor X2 check box is not selected.

Because TABLEM2 bulk entries only support linear-linear representation of the tabular data, the
Independent Value Shift X1 check box is unavailable if you select any of the log options from the
Algorithm list.

If you want NX to write a TABLEM3 entry to the Nastran input file, do either of the following:

Select the Independent Value Divisor X2 check box and enter a value for the X2 parameter in
the Independent Value Divisor X2 box.

Select both the Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value Divisor X2 check
boxes and enter a values for the X1 and X2 parameters in the Independent Value Shift X1 box
and Independent Value Divisor X2 box.

Because TABLEM3 bulk entries only support linear-linear representation of the tabular data, the
Independent Value Divisor X2 check box is unavailable if you select any of the log options from the
Algorithm list.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Select a materialCopy the selected material



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Command Finder
Manage Materials
Location in dialog box

Options groupInterpolation, Algorithm, and Values Outside Table

lists, and the Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value
Divisor X2 check boxes

Mesh morphing
This release includes new commands that allow you to morph an existing mesh to conform to geometry
modifications. When you morph a mesh, the software tries to keep the overall mesh topology constant. The software
computes new locations for the nodes in the existing mesh to conform to the changed geometry and expands or
shrinks the mesh to fit the modified geometry. Morphing provides an alternative to the mesh update that occurs
within the FE Model Update command. With a mesh update, NX deletes and recreates meshes that are affected by
change to the underlying geometry.
You may want to morph, rather than update, a mesh when:

It is important that you preserve your current node and element labels.

You want to retain the shape and size of the existing elements in a mesh in areas that are unaffected by the
modifications to the CAD geometry.

In some cases, for example, you may want to preserve your existing mesh and expand or shrink the existing
elements to fit the new geometry. In the example, (1) shows an existing mesh inside the outline of new geometry,
and (2) shows how the existing mesh can be morphed to fill the new geometry.

Automatically morphing a mesh

Use the new Automatic Morph to have NX try to automatically morph a mesh to conform to modified CAD
geometry. During this process, NX tries to associate the existing nodes to the new geometry.
The Automatic Morph command is intended for cases in which the CAD geometry is modified but does not have
any topological changes; that is there are no additions or deletions of vertices, edges, or faces. Ideally, you should


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

use the Automatic Morph command immediately after you switch back to the FEM file after the CAD geometry

Manually morphing a mesh

Use the new Manual Morph command to manually morph existing nodes and elements to conform to modified
CAD geometry. With the Manual Morph command, you must manually define the associations between the
existing nodes and the updated CAD geometry.
Use the Manual Morph command when:

You want to morph a mesh to conform to updated CAD geometry that has topology modifications.

The Automatic Morph command was not able to automatically associate the existing nodes to the new

Only selected elements need to be morphed to achieve a localized change.

You want to update a specific region of an orphan mesh, which is a mesh with no existing geometry

You can use the Node Mappings options in the Manual Morph dialog box to specify how the existing nodes
should be associated to (mapped) the updated geometry. For example, you can:

Select the Node to Edge option to map an existing node to an updated edge on the CAD geometry.

Select the Node to Face option to map an existing node to an updated face on the CAD geometry.

Select the Stationary option to indicate that an existing node should not be moved during morphing.

Manually associating and disassociating nodes from geometry

This release also includes commands that allow you to control the association between nodes, the elements
connected to those nodes, and the CAD geometry.


Use the Automatic Node Association command to associate the orphan nodes in a mesh to nearby
CAD geometry within a specified tolerance. This command controls only the geometry association between
a node and geometry. It does not change the location of a node. NX also tries to associate any elements
connected to the nodes to the appropriate geometry, if possible.

Use the Node Disassociation command to remove the association between a node and CAD geometry.
This command is useful for cases in which the association between a node and the CAD geometry is
incorrect, such as when a node is associated to the wrong edge in a part. The Node Disassociation
command also disassociates any elements that are connected to the disassociated nodes from the

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the work part and displayed part

Command Finder
Automatic Morph

, Manual Morph

, Automatic Node

, or Node Disassociation

New fillet and cylinder Mesh Controls

This release includes two new options in the Density Type list in the Mesh Control dialog box.

Use the Fillet option to control the distribution of elements along fillet (rounded or blended) surfaces.

Use the Cylinder option to control the distribution of elements along cylindrical surfaces.

Previously, to control the mesh along a fillet or cylinder, you had to first create a 2D mesh on those surfaces to seed
the element distribution in the 3D mesh.

Selection filtering for fillets and cylinders

This release also includes a new Filter option that you can use to identify only the fillets or cylinders that fit a
specified size and/or radius criteria. When you select the Filter option, you can use the Fillet Selection Criteria
or the Cylinder Selection Criteria to define the criteria for the types of fillets or cylinders on which you want to
create a mesh control. This can be useful when you want to ensure a uniform mesh density on all fillets or cylinders
that meet those criteria.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

You can use the Preview Cylinders and Preview Fillets options to view the cylinders or fillets that NX
identifies based on your specified criteria.

When you use the Filter option, NX continues to evaluate the selected target geometry during meshing. In some
cases, the automatic abstraction process that occurs during meshing can result in either additional or fewer fillet or
cylinder surfaces that meet the defined criteria for the mesh control.

Controlling the mesh along fillets and cylinders

With both the Fillet and Cylinder types of mesh control, you can control the distribution of elements:

Along the axis of the fillet or cylinder.

About the circumference of the fillet or cylinder.

With both Fillet and Cylinder mesh controls, you can also use the new Aspect Ratio option to ensure that the
elements in these regions maintain a specified aspect ratio. When you use this option, NX reduces the element size
to maintain the specified Aspect Ratio, if necessary.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the work part and displayed part

Command Finder
Mesh Control
InsertMeshMesh Control


Mesh Control definitions and general enhancements

This release includes several enhancements to the Mesh Control command:

The ability to create Mesh Control definitions that are not assigned to any geometry.

Geometry selection filtering.

Improved mesh control storage and management.

Mesh Control definitions

You can now create a Mesh Control definition without assigning the mesh control to any specific geometry. A
mesh control definition contains local mesh specifications but is not assigned to any specific geometry. For example,
you can use options in the new Mesh Control Definition dialog box to create a Fillet mesh control definition that
specifies an element size of 5 mm on all fillets that have a radius between 0 and 3 mm and a maximum angle less
than 150. NX stores these definitions in the Mesh Controls node in the Simulation Navigator.
After you create mesh control definitions, you can save them in an empty, template FEM file. You can then modify
the appropriate NX .pax file to add the new template to the appropriate tab in the File New dialog box. Any
subsequent FEM files that you create from the template will contain the mesh control definitions.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

You can create a Mesh Control Definition for the following types of mesh control:



Face Density

Mapped Hole

You can use Mesh Control Definitions to create templates that contain the standard mesh requirements for parts
comprised of similar geometry or parts of the same class. For example, you can create a template that contains
multiple Mesh Control Definitions with the mesh specifications for standard hole or cylinder sizes for your parts.
After you create mesh control definitions, you can save them in a template FEM file. Any subsequent FEM files that
you create from that template will contain the mesh control definitions. You can then edit each mesh control
definition to specify the target geometry.

Geometry selection filtering

Certain types of mesh control now have a Filter option that can help you find the appropriate geometry within a
larger selection, to which to apply the local mesh specification. When you select the Filter option, you can select an
entire body or group of faces as the target geometry. NX then searches within the body or selected faces for the
geometry that meets your specific criteria. For example:

You can use the Filter option with the Fillet density type to have NX select all fillets within a solid body
that have a maximum inside radius of 3 mm.

You can use the Filter option with the Mapped Hole density type to have NX select all holes within a
sheet body that have a minimum radius of 10 mm.

After you specify the criteria, you can use the Preview option to display the geometry that meets the specified


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

If you use the Filter option, NX continues to evaluate the selected target geometry during meshing. In some
cases, the automatic abstraction process that occurs during meshing can result in either additional or fewer
fillet or cylinder surfaces that meet the defined criteria for the mesh control.
The Filter option is available with the following types of mesh controls:



Mapped Hole

Improved mesh control storage and management

This release also includes improvements to how mesh controls are stored and managed. In previous releases, mesh
controls were stored in single Mesh Control nodes in the Simulation Navigator.
In this release, NX now stores mesh controls individually in the Simulation Navigator according to their type.

You can use these individual nodes in the Simulation Navigator to:

Assign meaningful names to individual mesh controls.

Control the visibility of each individual mesh control or the visibility of all mesh controls.

Edit the parameters of specific mesh controls.

In previous releases, you could create only a single mesh control per edge or face in your model. Now, you can
create a single mesh control on multiple edges or faces. For example, you can create multiple Mapped Hole
definitions that have different hole radius ranges with corresponding layer depths, number of layers, and element
counts. When you edit a mesh control from the Simulation Navigator, NX modifies the mesh specifications on
all geometry associated with that control.

Where do I find it?

Mesh Control command

Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the work part and displayed part


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Command Finder
Mesh Control
InsertMeshMesh Control


Mesh Control Definition dialog box


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the displayed part and the work part

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Mesh Controls nodeNew Mesh Control Definition

Batch Meshing enhancements

You can now use mesh controls to locally refine element lengths within the NX Batch Meshing utility. In previous
releases, you could use the NX Batch Meshing utility only to create a 2D or 3D mesh with a single, global element
size. There was no way to specify a refined mesh density in specific regions of the overall mesh. The ability to use
mesh controls within the batch meshing process allows you to more effectively automate meshing on a broader
range of parts.
Additional enhancements to the batch meshing process include:

Support for mesh control definitions in template FEM files.

A new geometry assignment module to facilitate the use of mesh controls within batch meshing.

An updated parameter file

Improved code architecture.

Support for mesh control definitions in template FEM files

You can now use the Mesh Control command to create mesh control definitions. A mesh control definition
contains local mesh specifications but is not assigned to any specific geometry. For example, you can create a Fillet
mesh control definition that specifies an element size of 5 mm on all fillets that have a radius between 0 and 3 mm
and a maximum angle less than 150. NX stores these definitions in the Mesh Controls node in the Simulation
After you create mesh control definitions, you can save them in a template FEM file. Any subsequent FEM files that
you create from that template will contain the mesh control definitions.
To associate a template FEM file with a given CAD part file in the NX Batch Meshing utility:

Select the Template check box and use the Template File Name option to select the appropriate FEM
file to use as a template for meshing.

Use the new, optional template=<template-file-name> keyword at the command line to specify the
appropriate FEM file to use as a template for meshing.

New geometry assignment module

After you associate a template FEM file with a CAD part file, the NX Batch Meshing utility uses a geometry
assignment module to match the mesh control definitions in the FEM file to the geometry tags and attributes in the
part file. When the software identifies a match between the definition and the geometry, it assigns the geometry to


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

the mesh control. For example, if the template FEM file contains a Mapped Hole mesh control definition, the
software searches the CAD part file for holes that fall within the specified Filter criteria.

Updated parameter file

This release also includes changes to the parameter file that contains the variables that define the mesh. The changes
include the addition of parameters, such as the two_element_through_thickness_toggle parameter, that
correspond to options that were added to the 2D Mesh and 3D Mesh dialog boxes in recent releases. These
changes also include the new body_type parameter that allows you to specify the type of body you are meshing,
such as sheet, solid, or sheet body produced by the Midsurface command.

Improved code architecture

The underlying code architecture of the NX Batch Meshing Utility has also been improved. Most of the NX Batch
Meshing Utilitys user functions have been replaced with NX Open functions.

Hole suppression during 2D meshing

You can now automatically suppress holes in sheet bodies during 2D meshing. Use the new Suppress Hole option
in the 2D Mesh dialog box to remove holes from sheet bodies, such as midsurface sheet bodies, during the meshing
process. This option uses the same technology as the Suppress Hole command that was available in previous
When you use the Suppress Hole option, NX removes all holes whose diameter is less than the threshold value
you specify. You can remove:

Holes contained within a single face.

Holes that span multiple faces.

Circular and non-circular holes.

When NX removes the hole, you can optionally choose to create either a point or a mesh point at the holes center of
gravity. You may want to create a mesh point at the holes center, for example, so that you can later create an FEbased connection element, such as an RBE2, at that location.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the work part and displayed part

Command Finder
2D Mesh
Location in dialog box


Whats New in NX 9.0

Model Cleanup Options group


NX 9.0

New minimum element length option for 2D meshing

In this release, the following options have been added to the 2D Mesh dialog box to allow you to specify a
minimum desired element length for the mesh:

Target Minimum Element Edge Length

Small Feature Value

Target Minimum Element Edge Length option

Select the Target Minimum Element Edge Length option when you want the software to try to prevent the
generation of any elements smaller than a computed minimum size value. In crash analyses, for example, it is
important to enforce a minimum element size because smaller element edges can make the overall solve time
You can only select Target Minimum Element Size when:

The Attempt Quad Only option is set to Off - Allow Triangles.

The Transition Element Size option is turned off.

Small Feature Value option

The Small Feature Value field displays the computed small feature value that the software obtains by multiplying
the Small Feature Tolerance by the specified Element Size. For example, if the specified Small Feature
Tolerance is 10% and the specified Element Size is element size is 14 mm, the computed Small Feature
Value is 1.4mm. The software uses the computed Small Feature Value as:

The tolerance that determines which small features to eliminate during the abstraction process that
precedes meshing.

The desired minimum element length, if you select the Target Minimum Element Length option.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the work part and displayed part

Command Finder
2D Mesh


InsertMesh2D Mesh

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Displaying nodes independently of elements

What is it?
You can now control the visibility of the nodes of a mesh independently of the elements. When you select the Show
and Hide Nodes Independently check box in the Model Display dialog box, you can then use the standard
NX Show and Hide commands to show or hide nodes. For example, you can place a selection of nodes into a
group and then use the Show Only command to display only that group of nodes, without displaying the elements.
This ability gives you more detailed control over the display of your finite element model. In previous versions, you
could only show or hide the mesh or selected elements along with their nodes.

NX displays nodes in the graphics window only when the Marker Type in the Model Display dialog box
is set to one of the display options such as Asterisk.

Nodes display type in the Show and Hide dialog box

When the Show and Hide Nodes Independently check box is selected, a new Nodes display type is available
in the Show and Hide dialog box. This option lets you show or hide all nodes in the model.
The following graphic shows a model display when the mesh is set to Hide and the nodes are set to Show in the
Show and Hide dialog box.

Show and Hide commands for nodes

When the Show and Hide Nodes Independently check box is selected, and you use the Show Only command
to display selected elements, two new commands are available that let you add nodes to the display:


Show Exterior Nodes Displays the nodes on the free faces of the displayed elements.

Show Nodes Displays all nodes that are attached to the displayed elements.

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

(1) Show Only on selected elements; (2) Show Exterior Nodes; (3) Show Nodes

Show and Hide preferences for meshes

When the Show and Hide Nodes Independently check box is selected, an additional mesh display preference
named Show and Hide Meshes is available in the Model Display dialog box. This preference applies to the
Show and Hide commands that control the display of meshes. It sets your preferences for whether those
commands should include or exclude the nodes, and whether they should include all mesh nodes or only exterior

Include exterior mesh nodes (default)

Use this preference, for example, to display only the exterior nodes on free element faces when you show a

Include all mesh nodes

Use this preference, for example, to hide all nodes of a mesh when you hide that mesh.

Do not include nodes

Use this preference, for example, to leave all the nodes of a mesh displayed when you hide that mesh.

Where do I find it?

New Model Display preferences

Advanced Simulation

Command Finder

Model Display Preferences

Location in dialog box

Node tabDisplay Mode groupShow and Hide Nodes

Independently and Show and Hide Mesh

New display commands


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Show Exterior Nodes
Show Nodes


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Excluding elements from an NX Multiphysics structural analysis

What is it?
When you work in a structural analysis in the NX Multiphysics environment, you can now use the Deactivation
Set Advanced command to reduce your model by deactivating selected elements. When you solve the model, the
solver ignores the deactivated elements. You can use this capability to perform localized analyses, perhaps for
performance reasons in the case of a large model, or to perform a what-if analysis.
In previous releases, this command was available only in the NX Thermal/Flow solver environment.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM and simulation file created in the NX Multiphysics structural

The simulation file is the Work part.

Command Finder
Deactivation Set Advanced

Boundary conditions
Boundary condition dialog memory
What is it?
A new Dialog Memory customer default is available to retain boundary condition values in dialog memory. If you
set the Dialog Memory customer default, numeric and orientation values default to the last values used for that
boundary condition type.
To clear the values applied from memory, on the title bar of the dialog box, click Reset

Where do I find it?

Customer Default

Advanced Simulation, Design Simulation

Command Finder
Customer Defaults
Location in dialog box


Whats New in NX 9.0

SimulationBoundary ConditionsUser InterfaceDialog

MemoryBoundary Condition Dialog Box check box


NX 9.0

Boundary condition offset display

What is it?
When you create boundary conditions attached to polygon edges or element edges, you can now display them as
offsets from the edges by using the new Offset display mode.
Use the Edit Display command to change the display mode. The new Offset display mode option is available in
the Boundary Condition Display dialog box. In previous releases, this dialog box included only the Collapsed
and Expanded display modes.
For boundary conditions attached to geometry other than edges, such as faces, the Offset display appears as a
collapsed display.

(1) Collapsed display; (2) Expanded display; (3) Offset display

Customer Defaults
You can control the display styles for constraints, loads, and simulation objects separately, using the new customer
defaults for boundary conditions. The Constraints Display, Loads Display, and Simulation Objects
Display tabs are now available. You can control the default display mode selection, as well as the color, size and
visibility of attributes for each of the three groupings of boundary conditions.
An Edge Boundary Condition Display Override tab is available. If you select the Apply
check box on this tab, the overrides that you set control the default display of edge boundary
conditions only.

Where do I find it?

Customer Default


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Customer Default

Advanced Simulation, Design Simulation

Command Finder
Customer Defaults
Location in dialog box

SimulationBoundary Conditions

Edit Display Command


Advanced Simulation, Design Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

Simulation Navigator

Right-click a boundary condition in the Constraint Container, Load

Container, or Simulation Object ContainerEdit Display

Boundary condition folders

What is it?
You can create folders to manage your simulation objects, loads, and constraints. For example, for simulation
objects, you can have one folder for contacts, another folder for temperatures, and so on. In the Simulation
Navigator, NX displays the folders in the appropriate boundary condition container: Simulation Objects
Container, Load Container, or Constraint Container.
If you create the simulation objects, loads, and constraints directly in their root containers, you can individually add
them to or remove them from subcases or steps. You can also add top level folders into a solution step. While you
can create subfolders and have multiple nesting levels of folders to better organize your boundary conditions, you
can use only the top level folder in a solution step or subcase. When you add the top level folder, NX adds all the
folders boundary conditions, including those in subfolders.
You create new folders in one of these ways:

Right-click the container in the Simulation Navigator and select New Folder.

Click Folder Manager

in the boundary condition dialog box. This option is available when you
create or edit a boundary condition.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation, Design Simulation


A Simulation file loaded as the current work part

Simulation Navigator

Simulation Object ContainerNew Folder

Load ContainerNew Folder


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Constraint ContainerNew Folder

Destination Folder group

Location in dialog box

Support for follower Forces and Moments (Nastran)

What is it?
You can use new options in the Direction list in the Force and Moment dialog boxes to use selected nodes to
define the direction in which the force or moment acts.

If you select Along 2 Nodes, the software uses those two nodes to define the vector along which the
force or moment acts. With this option, the software creates a FORCE1 or MOMENT1 bulk data entry in
your Nastran input file when you export or solve your model.

If you select Along 2 Nodes, the software uses those four nodes to define a plane normal. The force or
moment acts normal to that plane. With this option, the software creates a FORCE2 or MOMENT2 bulk
data entry in your Nastran input file when you export or solve your model.

When you define the direction of a force or moment by selecting nodes, the direction of that force or moment can
change as the model deforms. This means that the force or moment becomes a follower force or moment. A follower
force or moment depends on a structures geometry. As a structure deforms, a follower force or moment changes in
magnitude and direction.
In previous releases, you could only create a Force or Moment by explicitly defining a vector.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

NX Nastran or MSC Nastran as the specified solver.

Command Finder
Simulation Navigator


or Moment

Right-click the Load containerNew LoadForce or Moment

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Non-structural mass support (Nastran)

What is it?
Use the Non-Structural Mass command to apply a non-structural mass or non-structural lumped mass to selected
elements or their associated physical property tables. Non-structural mass is:

Present in the model and affects the models dynamic response.

Not part of the models structural mass.

Not associated with the geometric cross-sectional properties of an element.

Examples of nonstructural mass include:


Roofing materials

Special coating materials

You can use the options in the Non-Structural Mass dialog box to define both distributed and lumped nonstructural masses.

For distributed non-structural mass, the software spreads the mass evenly over all the elements or over all
the elements associated with the selected physical property table.

For lumped non-structural mass, the software applies the mass directly to each element you select or to
each element associated with the selected physical property table.

You input distributed non-structural mass as:

Mass/length for 1D elements.

Mass/area for 2D elements.

Corresponding Nastran syntax

The Nastran bulk data entry that the NX creates when you export or solve your model depends upon the options that
you select in the Non-Structural Mass dialog box.

If you select the Lumped Mass on Elements or Lumped Mass on Physical Property Tables
option from the Type list, the software creates the NSML or NSML1 bulk data entry.

If you select the Distributed Mass on Elements or Distributed Mass on Physical Property
Tables option from the Type list, the software creates the NSM or NSM1 bulk data entry.

Supported element types

In NX, you can define a non-structural mass on the following types of 1D and 2D elements:
Supported Nastran 1D elements

Supported Nastran 2D elements










Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Supported Nastran 1D elements

Supported Nastran 2D elements



Supported physical property tables

In NX, you can define a non-structural mass on the following physical property tables:
Supported Nastran physical property tables
PCOMPG (with a Laminate physical property table)

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part,

NX Nastran or MSC Nastran as the specified solver
Structural as the specified analysis type

Advanced Simulation
Non-Structural Mass
Simulation Navigator


Right-click the Loads containerNew LoadNon-Structural Mass

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Edge loads for plane stress and plane strain elements (NX Nastran)
What is it?
Use the new Edge Load command to define a surface traction on an edge of:

a plane strain element (CPLSTN3, CPLSTN4, CPLSTN6, and CPLSTN8)

a plane stress element (CPLSTS3, CPLSTS4, CPLSTS6, and CPLSTS8)

For SOL 601 analyses, you can define the surface tractions such that they:

Maintain their orientation to the elements geometry or maintain their original orientation in a geometric
nonlinear analysis.

Are time-dependent or time-independent in a transient analysis (SOL 601,129).

Corresponding Nastran syntax

The Edge Load command corresponds to the NX Nastran PLOADE1 bulk data entry. For more information, see
PLOADE1 in the NX Nastran Quick Reference Guide.

Supported solution sequences

You can define an Edge Load on plane strain and plane stress elements in the following Nastran solution

Linear structural solutions (SOLs 101, 103, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, and 200)

Advanced nonlinear structural solutions (SOLs 601,106 and 601,129)

Heat transfer solutions (SOL 153 and 159)

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

NX Nastran as the specified solver
Axisymmetric Structural as the specified analysis type

Command Finder
Edge Load

Edge-to-Edge Contact in structural analyses (NX Nastran)

What is it?
You can now use the Edge-to-Edge Contact command to define contact conditions in Structural analyses. In
previous releases, you could use the Edge-to-Edge Contact only in the Axisymmetric Structural solver
You can use the Edge-to-Edge Contact command to define contact between the following types of elements:


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Axisymmetric elements (CTRAX3, CQUADX4, CTRAX6 and CQUADX8).

Plane strain elements (CPLSTN3, CPLSTN4, CPLSTN6, and CPLSTN8).

Plane stress elements (CPLSTS3, CPLSTS4, CPLSTS6, and CPLSTS8

For SOL 601 analyses, the elements must be oriented in the XZ plane.

Corresponding Nastran syntax

When you solve or export your model, the options in the Edge-to-Edge Contact dialog box define a BCTSET
bulk data entry in your NX Nastran input file.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

NX Nastran, as the specified solver
Structural or Axisymmetric Structural as the specified analysis type

Command Finder
Edge-to-Edge Contact

Expanded support for Abaqus multi-point constraints

What is it?
You can now create additional types of Abaqus multi-point constraints (MPCs) in NX. In the Abaqus environment,
you can use new options in the Type list in the Manual Coupling dialog box to model the following types of
connections and joints between two components:
MPC type




Creates a rigid beam between two nodes. The

beam constrains the displacement and rotation at
the first node to the displacement and rotation at
the second node, corresponding to the presence of
a rigid beam between the two nodes.



Creates a pinned, rigid link between two nodes

that keeps the distance between the nodes
constant. Abaqus modifies the displacements of
the first node to enforce this constraint.


Any rotational DOF for the two nodes


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

MPC type



are not included in this constraint.


Makes the global displacements and rotations as

well as all other active degrees of freedom equal at
two nodes. If there are different degrees of
freedom active at the two nodes, Abaqus
constrains only those DOF in common. Typically,
you use the Tie option when you need to fully
connect corresponding nodes on two different
portions of a mesh.


Creates a pinned joint between two nodes. Abaqus Linear

makes the global displacements of the two nodes

Any rotational DOF for the two nodes
are not included in this constraint.
The options in the Manual Coupling dialog box correspond to the parameters for the Abaqus *MPC keyword.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

Abaqus as the specified solver
Structural or Axisymmetric Structural as the specified analysis type

Command Finder
Manual Coupling
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Simulation Objects containerNew Simulation

ObjectManual Coupling

Enhancements to boundary condition contour plotting

What is it?
You can now create an animated contour display of boundary conditions that vary with the following quantities:



Heat Flow

Mass Flow


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


Temperature Difference

Thermal Capacitance



Volume Flow

In previous releases, you could create only a static contour display of boundary conditions.
When you animate a boundary condition contour display, you can define the range of the animation, including the
start and stop values (such as start and stop time), and the number of animation frames. When you plot multiple
boundary conditions together that have different independent variables, you must choose the independent variable
that defines the range of the animation.
When you include a time, frequency, or temperature varying boundary condition in a solution that varies over an
independent domain that is different from the boundary condition, NX evaluates the plotted boundary condition
using the evaluation time, frequency, and temperature values that you define in the Boundary Condition Control
Variables for the solution or the active subcase. You can now override these values in the Boundary Condition
Contour Plot dialog box.

Where do I find it?

Contour plot animation

Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part.

A dynamic solution that contains boundary conditions that match the domain
of the solution.

Simulation Navigator

Under the boundary condition container for the simulation, right-click a

boundary condition Plot Contours.
Right-click the active solution Plot Boundary Condition Contours.

Location in dialog box

Plot Type listAnimation

Ability to override evaluation points


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part.

A dynamic solution that contains boundary conditions that match the domain
of the solution.

Simulation Navigator


Under the boundary condition container for the simulation, right-click a

boundary condition Plot Contours.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Ability to override evaluation points

Right-click the active solution Plot Boundary Condition Contours.
Location in dialog box

Evaluation Points group

Generating XY plots of boundary conditions

What is it?
Use the XY Plot Boundary Conditions command to generate an XY plot of loads, constraints, and solverspecific simulation objects that vary with a quantity such as time or temperature. You can use these plots to verify
your loading conditions, to generate high-quality visualizations for reports or presentations, and to interrogate and
extract loading data.

The boundary condition to plot must reside in a dynamic solution and the boundary conditions domain must match
the domain of the solution. For example, you can plot a force load that is driven by a time-dependent field if the
force load resides in a direct transient solution subcase.
You can plot the overall magnitude of the boundary condition at each iteration value, or plot the portion of that
magnitude that is distributed to a selected location (node, element, element edge, or element face) at each iteration
After you generate the XY plot, you can use the XY Graph commands on the Results tab to change the display of
the graph.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Supported quantities
The boundary condition to plot must be defined with a condition sequence parameter, or with a field that has one of
the following quantities defined as the independent variable:


Heat Flow

Mass Flow

Force per Area


Temperature Difference

Thermal Capacitance



Volume Flow

Graph X range
NX infers the X range of the graph automatically, depending on how the boundary condition is defined:

If the boundary condition is defined with a field, the X range is that of the independent variable of the field.

If the boundary condition is defined with a condition sequence parameter, the X range is defined by the
condition sequence.

If the boundary condition is defined with a field and a condition sequence parameter, or with multiple fields, the
range is a union, regardless of the property that you are plotting.

XY plotting boundary conditions

You can plot a single boundary condition by selecting it from an appropriate Simulation Navigator container and
choosing XY Plot.
Or, you can right-click your solution and choose XY Plot Boundary Conditions. The Boundary Condition
XY Plot dialog box lists the boundary conditions that are currently included in the solution. You select a boundary
condition from the list as the seed item. The remaining boundary conditions that are compatible with the seed item
are available to be selected. The incompatible boundary conditions are displayed in red and are unavailable.
If you select multiple boundary conditions to plot, a separate curve is generated for each boundary condition.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part.

A dynamic solution that contains a boundary condition defined with a field
that matches the domain of the solution.

Simulation Navigator


Under the boundary condition container for the simulation, right-click a

boundary condition XY Plot.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Right-click the active solution XY Plot Boundary Conditions.

NX Multiphysics environment
This release includes the initial release of the new NX Multiphysics solver environment. The NX Multiphysics
environment allows you to perform a coupled thermal-structural analysis using a single finite element model.

The structural analysis uses the new NX Nastran SOL 401 structural solution, which is available beginning
in the NX Nastran 9 release.

The thermal analysis uses the NX Thermal solver.

You can use the new NX Multiphysics environment to build a single finite element model that you can use for both
structural and thermal analyses. Currently, you can couple the thermal solution to the structural solution (one-way
coupling) so that you can include the effects of the thermal results in the structural analysis. For example, you can
analyze how the temperature distribution affects the structural deformation. Future releases of NX Multiphysics will
support two-way coupling in which the thermal solution affects the structural solution and the structural solution
affects the thermal solution.

Single finite element model for all analyses

In the NX Multiphysics environment, you can create a single finite element model that you can use for both the
structural and thermal analyses. For example, you can apply all the appropriate structural and thermal loads and
constraints to your model at the same time.
Additionally, the NX Multiphysics environment uses physics-based terminology, rather than solver-specific
terminology, to facilitate ease-of-use. This means that the various components of the finite element model, such as
elements, properties, and materials, have neutral names rather than names that are associated with those entities in
NX Nastran or NX Thermal, for example.

Supported analysis types

Currently, you can use the NX Multiphysics environment to perform:

Structural analyses. You can perform multistep nonlinear analyses and include a combination of static
(linear or nonlinear) subcases and modal (real eigenvalue) subcases.

Thermal analyses.

Mapping analyses to map temperatures onto a target model, which is typically an independent structural
model of the same geometry. For example, you can use a mapping analysis to include temperatures in a
stress and distortion analysis.

Supported element types

Currently, the NX Multiphysics environment supports the following types of 3D elements for structural solutions:


Hexahedral (linear and parabolic)

Tetrahedral (linear and parabolic)

Wedge (linear and parabolic)

Pyramid (linear and parabolic)

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

For thermal and mapping solutions, the NX Multiphysics environment supports 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D elements.

Supported material types

Currently, the NX Multiphysics environment supports the following types of materials:

Isotropic, both with and without temperature dependence.

Orthotropic, both with and without temperature dependence.

Anisotropic, both with and without temperature dependence.

NX Multiphysics currently supports composite laminates for solid elements in structural solutions only.

Defining loads
In a structural analysis in NX Multiphysics, you define mechanical loads as a function of time. However, because
the solution is static, time is only used as the mechanism to increment loads.

Condition sequences
What is it?
You can now import and manage condition sequences, and use them to drive boundary condition values at specified
time steps.
A condition sequence is used to describe a time history of conditions applied to a structure throughout the course of
a mission or duty cycle. A typical example of a condition sequence would be the conditions applied to an aircraft
engine during takeoff, climbing to altitude, and level flight. Condition sequences are defined without regard to any
particular analysis type or solution; that is, a single condition might include parameters defining static or transient
mechanical loads, enforced excitations, temperatures, inlet velocities, and so on. After a condition sequence has
been defined, you can use the same condition sequence to generate multiple solutions of different analysis types.
Typically, you import a condition sequence file from a third-party sequence editor (such as a .bdd file), and use the
Condition Sequence Manager dialog box to edit and maintain the condition sequence. You can also create new
condition parameters and conditions in the Condition Sequence Manager dialog box.

Condition parameters are uniquely named entities that define a quantity to measure and a units type.
Condition parameters can be referenced as NX expressions to define boundary condition magnitude.

A condition is a named set of condition parameters. Each parameter is assigned a value and units. It is
typically used to represent a state or operating condition of a model.

A condition sequence is an ordered set of conditions. Each condition is assigned a time in seconds. Only
one condition can be assigned to a given time step.

Condition sequence data is stored in your Simulation file.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Creating solutions from a condition sequence

After you import or create a condition sequence, use the New Solution from Condition Sequence command to
create a solution. This command:

Creates steps, subcases, or timesteps as appropriate for the selected solution type and the number and
sequence of conditions in the condition sequence.

Specifies the appropriate evaluation time or duration for each step, subcase, or time step.

Defining boundary condition magnitude for condition sequence solutions

When you define a parameter for a condition sequence, each parameter is a named, NX user expression.
When you define the loads, constraints, and solution objects for your model, you specify the magnitude using
parameter names, along with standard NX expression syntax and/or constant values as appropriate.
Based on the time-dependent parameter value defined for each condition in your sequence, NX interpolates the
boundary condition magnitude to evaluate at each particular time step.
You can define parameters in terms of basic quantities, and combine those parameters using NX expression syntax.
For example:

Define a parameter Ma to represent mass and a parameter Ac to represent acceleration.


Define conditions in which the values for Ma (in kilograms) and Ac (in m/sec ) vary.


Define a condition sequence that assigns each condition to a specific time.


Create a Force load on your model. In the Force dialog box, select Expression as the magnitude type,
and enter Ma*Ac in the box.

When you create the solution, NX interpolates the values for Ma and Ac at the specified time steps, and multiplies
them to calculate the force load in Newtons.

Why should I use it?

You can define a single condition sequence for the entire Simulation that defines all known parameters throughout
the models duty cycle. You can define these parameters without regard to any one analysis type. For example, a
condition sequence can include any combination of structural, thermal, or flow parameters. You can use this single


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

condition sequence to define multiple solutions, including linear, nonlinear, transient, thermal, and so on. You can
use the single set of defined parameters to drive the boundary conditions for all analyses.
If your company uses a standard format for defining condition sequences (such as a .bdd file) or follows standard
practices regarding missions and duty cycles, you can import this data to capture these practices in your analyses and
ensure consistency across teams and platforms.

Where do I find it?

Importing, editing, or creating a condition sequence

Advanced Simulation


A loaded Simulation file as the current work part.


InsertCondition Sequence

Creating a new solution from a condition sequence


Advanced Simulation


A loaded Simulation file as the current work part.


InsertSolution from Condition Sequence

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Simulation nodeNew Solution from Condition


Solution boundary condition management enhancements

What is it?
This release significantly improves the management of boundary condition assignments to solutions steps (called
subcases in Nastran) for large models containing multiple boundary conditions, boundary conditions stored in
folders, multiple solutions, and solutions with multiple steps.
The Step Association Manager dialog box and Subcase Association Manager dialog boxes, previously
available only for Abaqus and NX Nastran solutions, are now available for all applicable solvers and solutions.
You can use these commands to:

Manage which boundary conditions are associated with a given solution step or subcase.

Change multiple boundary condition assignments across solution steps.

Export information about the boundary condition assignments to an HTML page or a spreadsheet.

Both dialog boxes have been enhanced to provide a variety of filters, support for boundary conditions stored in
folders, and improved sorting of boundary conditions.
For more information about using folders to manage boundary conditions, see Boundary condition folders.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Solution Association Manager

The new Solution Association Manager dialog box provides similar features for managing boundary condition
associations across multiple solutions within a Simulation, for those solvers and solutions that do not use steps or
subcases to manage boundary conditions, such as NX Thermal and NX Flow.

Why should I use it?

For small models, and during the initial creation of the model, the standard methods of assigning individual
boundary conditions to the active solution or step may be adequate. These methods, however, may become unwieldy
when editing or refining a model containing a large number of defined boundary conditions, boundary conditions
organized into multiple folders, simulations containing multiple solutions, and solutions containing multiple solution
steps or subcases.

Use the Step Association Manager or Subcase Association Manager to manage and document
the distribution of multiple boundary conditions across steps or subcases within a solution.

Use the Solution Association Manager to manage and document the distribution of boundary
conditions across multiple solutions.

Where do I find it?

Step Association Manager or Subcase Association Manager

Advanced Simulation


A Simulation as the current work part, containing one or more solutions, and
one or more solutions containing multiple steps or subcases.

Simulation Navigator

Right-click a solutionStep Manager

Right-click a solutionSubcase Manager (NX and MSC Nastran)

Solution Association Manager


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation as the current work part, containing one or more solutions,

where the solutions do not manage boundary conditions using steps or

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Simulation nodeSolution Manager

Editing attributes of multiple subcases

What is it?
You can now select multiple solution subcases and edit attributes such as output requests, preloads, control
parameters, description text, and so on, and make changes to these attributes for all selected subcases in one action.
When you select and edit multiple subcases, NX displays the following buttons next to each attribute in the
Solution Step dialog box:


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

No Change Mixed Values Indicates that the values currently defined for this attribute are
different for two or more of the selected subcases.
No Change Equal Values Indicates that the values currently defined for this attribute are the
same for all the selected subcases.

Suppose you have three solution subcases that each use a different output request:

Output request







You want to update all subcases to use the output request that is assigned to subcase_1 (output_request_A).

In the Simulation Navigator, select the first subcase, subcase_1.


Hold the Ctrl key and select the other two subcases, subcase_2 and subcase_3.


Right-click subcase_1 and choose Edit.

In the Solution Step dialog box, NX displays the No Change Mixed Value
button next to the
Output Requests option. The drop-down list for the attribute shows the value for the entity that you
edited. In this example, because you edited subcase_1, the Output Requests drop-down list shows the
output request assigned to subcase_1, output_request_A.


No Change Mixed Values next to the Output Requests option and select Apply



button changes to

Click OK or Apply to apply the changes to the selected subcases.

NX assigns output_request_A to all three subcases.

Output request







Where do I find it?



Advanced Simulation

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


A Simulation as the current work part, containing a solution that contains

multiple steps or subcases.

Simulation Navigator

Right-click two or more subcases Edit.

Nastran support enhancements

Rotor dynamics (NX Nastran)
What is it?
NX Nastran rotor dynamics can help you predict the dynamic behavior of rotating systems.
Beginning with NX 9, you can create a model for NX Nastran rotor dynamic analysis. For example, you can define
bearing supports, the rotating and stationary portions of the model, and system-wide and rotor-specific solution
options, among others.
In earlier versions of NX, you could only post-process the results from an NX Nastran rotor dynamic analysis.

The NX workflow to perform a frequency response analysis, transient response analysis, or complex eigenvalue
analysis for a system containing rotating components is only slightly different from the NX workflow to perform a
standard frequency response analysis, transient response analysis, or complex eigenvalue analysis, respectively. The
differences in the NX workflow allow you to:

Create a rotor dynamic solution.

Request complex eigenvalue rotor dynamic analysis results to be written to .csv and .gpf files.

Define bearing supports with frequency-dependent and unsymmetric stiffness and viscous damping.

Define rotors.

Specify system-wide rotor dynamic solution options.

Specify rotor-specific rotor dynamic solution options.

Account for centrifugal stiffening of the rotors.

Use the shaking force that results from mass imbalance of a rotor as the excitation in a rotor dynamic
frequency response analysis.

Create a Campbell diagram from complex eigenvalue analysis results.

Supported solutions
When you create the FEM and Simulation files, select one of the following NX Nastran solution sequences:


For a frequency response rotor dynamic analysis, select either SOL 108 Direct Frequency Response or SOL
111 Modal Frequency Response.

For a transient response rotor dynamic analysis, select either SOL 109 Direct Transient Response or SOL
112 Modal Transient Response.

For a complex eigenvalue rotor dynamic analysis, select either SOL 107 Direct Complex Eigenvalues or
SOL 110 Modal Complex Eigenvalues.

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Defining bearing supports with CBEAR elements

Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
1D Connection
Location in dialog box

In the Connection Element group, select CBEAR from the listIn the
Type group, select Node to Node from the list.

Assigning physical properties to CBEAR elements


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Physical Properties
Location in dialog box

From the Type list, select PBEAR.

Defining rotors and rotor dynamic solution options


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Rotor Dynamics Definition
Location in dialog box

To define system-wide rotor dynamics solutions options, in the Parameters

group, click Create Modeling Object

To define the rotating portions of the model, rotor-specific rotor dynamics

solution options, and map bearings to the rotors, click Create

Maneuver load analysis support (NX Nastran)

What is it?
Maneuver load analysis is a linear static structural analysis that is commonly performed in the aerospace industry.
Maneuver load analysis accounts for the inertial loads and gyroscopic loads that arise from the motion of an aircraft.
Gyroscopic loads occur when the aircraft contains rotating machinery like gas turbine engines.
You can perform a maneuver load analysis using the new NX Rotor Dynamics capability and a SOL 101 Linear
Statics Global Constraints solution.
Use the Rotation command to specify the rigid-body angular velocity and angular acceleration for the maneuver.
During the solve for the maneuver load analysis, the rotor dynamic calculations are performed at the starting speed
that you specify in the system-wide rotor dynamic solution options.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

In maneuver load analysis, centrifugal stiffening and softening, and mass imbalance are not supported.
For information on how to create a rotor dynamic simulation object and how to define bearing supports for rotors,
see Rotor dynamics (NX Nastran).

Axisymmetric element support improvements (Nastran)

What is it?
This release includes improved support for Nastran axisymmetric elements in NX.

Axisymmetric elements in NX Nastran structural and thermal analyses

Beginning in this release, you can use the 2D Mesh command to create the following types of axisymmetric
elements in a Structural or Thermal analysis:





In previous releases, these elements were available only in an Axisymmetric Structural or an Axisymmetric
Thermal analysis.

Axisymmetric elements in NX Nastran environments

To use axisymmetric elements in the NX Nastran Structural, Thermal, Axisymmetric Structural, and
Axisymmetric Thermal environments, you must now choose an 2D Solid Option option when you create a new
FEM or Simulation.

None No axisymmetric elements can be used.

ZX Plane, Z Axis If axisymmetric elements are used, they must be on the ZX plane. The axisymmetric
rotational axis is Z.

XY Plane, X Axis If axisymmetric elements are used, they must be on the XY plane. The axisymmetric
rotational axis is X.

Mesh checking enhancement

When you create axisymmetric elements in the NX Nastran Structural or Thermal environment, you should
create the elements on the plane identified by the 2D Solid Option option. If you create axisymmetric elements off
the ZX or XY plane, the mesh proceeds, and the related geometry is added to the Output Group. (In the
Axisymmetric Structural and Axisymmetric Thermal environments, the mesh is not created.)

Lock Plane command added

Use the Lock Plane
command to prevent rotation of your model. This command is useful when you are
working with axisymmetric or other 2D elements.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Material orientation vector display

You can now display the material orientation vectors of axisymmetric elements in the NX Nastran and MSC Nastran

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the displayed part and work part

NX Nastran as the specified solver

Command Finder
2D Mesh

Support for bearing elements and properties (NX Nastran)

What is it?
You can now use the 1D Mesh command to create NX Nastran CBEAR elements. You can use CBEAR elements
and their associated properties to directly model bearings with speed-dependent properties for rotor dynamic
analyses. You can also use CBEAR elements to account for unsymmetric stiffness and viscous damping. For
example, you can use CBEAR elements to account for unsymmetric stiffness that might result from journal
bearings. Each CBEAR element is defined by a pair of coincident grid points that lie on the rotors axis of rotation.
For more information, see Rotor dynamics (NX Nastran).

Defining speed-dependent properties for bearings

You can define the stiffness and viscous damping values for the CBEAR elements in the new PBEAR physical
property tables dialog box. You can:

Specify real values if the stiffness or damping values are independent of the rotors speed. NX Nastran then
uses these values for all rotor speeds during the analysis.

Specify a field to use tabular data if the stiffness or damping varies as a function of the rotors speed.

You specify the stiffness and damping data matrix values (such as TXX, TXY, and TYX) in terms of the Xand Y- axes of the coordinate system that you specified in the CSYS list in the Region dialog box when
you created the rotor region.

Where do I find it?

CBEAR elements

Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the displayed part and the work part, NX Nastran as the specified solver,
and Structural as the specified analysis type


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Command Finder
1D Mesh
PBEAR dialog box

Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the displayed part and the work part, NX Nastran as the specified solver,
and Structural as the specified analysis type

Command Finder
Physical Properties
Location in dialog box


Support for plane stress/plane strain elements and properties (NX Nastran)
What is it?
You can now use the 2D Mesh command to create NX Nastran plane stress and plane strain elements and their
associated physical properties.
You can use the following types of plane strain and plane stress elements in the NX Nastran Structural and
Axisymmetric Structural environments.
Plane strain elements:





Plane stress elements:





For linear plane strain or plane stress elements, you can define their physical properties in the PPLANE physical
property table dialog box. For nonlinear plane strain or plane stress elements, you can define their physical
properties in the PLPLANE physical property table dialog box.
See the NX Nastran Element Library Reference for more information.

Supported solution sequences

You can use plane stress and plane strain elements in the following Nastran solution sequences:


Linear structural solutions (SOLs 101, 103, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, and 200)

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Advanced nonlinear structural solutions (SOLs 601,106 and 601,129)

Heat transfer solutions (SOL 153 and 159)

Defining thickness and instances for plane stress elements

If you create a mesh with plane stress elements, to define the source of the meshs thickness, you can choose Field,
Physical Property Table, Midsurface, or Derived. You can also specify a number of instances for the mesh.
To define thicknesses and instances, right-click the plane stress mesh in the Simulation Navigator, then choose
Edit Mesh Associated Data.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the displayed part and the work part

NX Nastran as the specified solver

Command Finder
2D Mesh
(PPLANE or PLPLANE dialog box) Physical Properties

Support for follower Forces and Moments (Nastran)

What is it?
You can use new options in the Direction list in the Force and Moment dialog boxes to use selected nodes to
define the direction in which the force or moment acts.

If you select Along 2 Nodes, the software uses those two nodes to define the vector along which the
force or moment acts. With this option, the software creates a FORCE1 or MOMENT1 bulk data entry in
your Nastran input file when you export or solve your model.

If you select Along 2 Nodes, the software uses those four nodes to define a plane normal. The force or
moment acts normal to that plane. With this option, the software creates a FORCE2 or MOMENT2 bulk
data entry in your Nastran input file when you export or solve your model.

When you define the direction of a force or moment by selecting nodes, the direction of that force or moment can
change as the model deforms. This means that the force or moment becomes a follower force or moment. A follower
force or moment depends on a structures geometry. As a structure deforms, a follower force or moment changes in
magnitude and direction.
In previous releases, you could only create a Force or Moment by explicitly defining a vector.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

NX Nastran or MSC Nastran as the specified solver.

Command Finder
Simulation Navigator

or Moment

Right-click the Load containerNew LoadForce or Moment

Non-structural mass support (Nastran)

What is it?
Use the Non-Structural Mass command to apply a non-structural mass or non-structural lumped mass to selected
elements or their associated physical property tables. Non-structural mass is:

Present in the model and affects the models dynamic response.

Not part of the models structural mass.

Not associated with the geometric cross-sectional properties of an element.

Examples of nonstructural mass include:


Roofing materials

Special coating materials

You can use the options in the Non-Structural Mass dialog box to define both distributed and lumped nonstructural masses.

For distributed non-structural mass, the software spreads the mass evenly over all the elements or over all
the elements associated with the selected physical property table.

For lumped non-structural mass, the software applies the mass directly to each element you select or to
each element associated with the selected physical property table.

You input distributed non-structural mass as:

Mass/length for 1D elements.

Mass/area for 2D elements.

Corresponding Nastran syntax

The Nastran bulk data entry that the NX creates when you export or solve your model depends upon the options that
you select in the Non-Structural Mass dialog box.

If you select the Lumped Mass on Elements or Lumped Mass on Physical Property Tables
option from the Type list, the software creates the NSML or NSML1 bulk data entry.

If you select the Distributed Mass on Elements or Distributed Mass on Physical Property
Tables option from the Type list, the software creates the NSM or NSM1 bulk data entry.

Supported element types

In NX, you can define a non-structural mass on the following types of 1D and 2D elements:


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Supported Nastran 1D elements

Supported Nastran 2D elements











Supported physical property tables

In NX, you can define a non-structural mass on the following physical property tables:
Supported Nastran physical property tables
PCOMPG (with a Laminate physical property table)

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part,

NX Nastran or MSC Nastran as the specified solver
Structural as the specified analysis type

Advanced Simulation
Non-Structural Mass
Simulation Navigator


Right-click the Loads containerNew LoadNon-Structural Mass

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Boundary conditions for 2D solid elements (NX Nastran)

What is it?
This release includes enhancements and additions to NX Nastran axisymmetric boundary conditions.
Some boundary condition types require you to specify a direction or DOF. In previous releases, the axisymmetric
environments (Axisymmetric Structural, Axisymmetric Thermal) provided axisymmetric boundary
conditions that limited the available DOF and directions to only those valid for the axisymmetric environment.
In this release, axisymmetric are now also available in the Structural and Thermal environments. Plane strain and
plane stress elements are available in the Structural environment. The axisymmetric versions of the boundary
conditions have also been added to these environments.
In NX Nastran, you can create solid elements on either the ZX plane or the XY plane. If a boundary condition type
has an axisymmetric (2D solid) version, the name includes the axisymmetric plane (for example, Component
Force ZX).
The following table lists the modifications and additions to boundary conditions in the NX Nastran environments.
Boundry Condition
Axisymmetric (2D Solid) Types


ZX Plane, Z Axis of rotation

XY Plane, X Axis of rotation

Whole Model Components ZX

Whole Model Components XY

Whole Model Magnitude and Whole Model Magnitude and

Direction ZX
Direction ZX



Components ZX

Components ZX

Magnitude and Direction ZX

Magnitude and Direction XY

Normal ZX

Normal XY

Component Force ZX

Component Force ZX

Edge Face ZX

Edge Face ZX

On Axisymmetric Elements
(Normal to Edge) ZX

On Axisymmetric Elements ZX

On Axisymmetric Elements ZX On Axisymmetric Elements ZX

Edge Load


Whats New in NX 9.0

On Axisymmetric Elements
(Normal to Edge) ZX

On Axisymmetric Elements (Normal

to Edge) ZX

On Axisymmetric Elements
(Normal to Edge) Spatial ZX

On Axisymmetric Elements (Normal

to Edge) Spatial ZX

Edge Load on Plane Strain and Edge Load on Plane Strain and Stress
Stress Elements (Normal to
Elements (Normal to Edge) ZX
Edge) ZX


NX 9.0

Edge Load on Plane Strain and Edge Load on Plane Strain and Stress
Stress Elements (Normal to
Elements (Normal to Edge) - Spatial
Edge) - Spatial ZX
Edge Load on Plane Strain and Edge Load on Plane Strain and Stress
Stress Elements ZX
Elements ZX
Magnitude and Direction ZX
Magnitude and Direction ZX


Gravity ZX

Gravity ZX

Whole Model ZX

Whole Model ZX

Model Subset ZX

Model Subset ZX

User Defined Constraint



Enforced Displacement

Components ZX

Components ZX

Manual Coupling




How do I use it?

The general workflow for applying an axisymmetric boundary condition is as follows:

Create a FEM and Simulation.

Select the NX Nastran solver.

Select the Analysis Type.

Select the 2D Solid Option to identify the plane for the axisymmetric model: ZX Plane, Z
Axis, or XY Plane, X Axis.


Create axisymmetric, plane strain, or plane stress elements on the axisymmetric plane.


Make the Simulation the work part.


Select an axisymmetric type boundary condition to apply to the axisymmetric elements.

For example, if the 2D Solid Option is XY Plane, X Axis, select the Force load, and set the Type to
Component Force XY.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation as the displayed part and work part

NX Nastran as the specified solver


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Edge loads for plane stress and plane strain elements (NX Nastran)
What is it?
Use the new Edge Load command to define a surface traction on an edge of:

a plane strain element (CPLSTN3, CPLSTN4, CPLSTN6, and CPLSTN8)

a plane stress element (CPLSTS3, CPLSTS4, CPLSTS6, and CPLSTS8)

For SOL 601 analyses, you can define the surface tractions such that they:

Maintain their orientation to the elements geometry or maintain their original orientation in a geometric
nonlinear analysis.

Are time-dependent or time-independent in a transient analysis (SOL 601,129).

Corresponding Nastran syntax

The Edge Load command corresponds to the NX Nastran PLOADE1 bulk data entry. For more information, see
PLOADE1 in the NX Nastran Quick Reference Guide.

Supported solution sequences

You can define an Edge Load on plane strain and plane stress elements in the following Nastran solution

Linear structural solutions (SOLs 101, 103, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, and 200)

Advanced nonlinear structural solutions (SOLs 601,106 and 601,129)

Heat transfer solutions (SOL 153 and 159)

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

NX Nastran as the specified solver
Axisymmetric Structural as the specified analysis type

Command Finder
Edge Load

Edge-to-Edge Contact in structural analyses (NX Nastran)

What is it?
You can now use the Edge-to-Edge Contact command to define contact conditions in Structural analyses. In
previous releases, you could use the Edge-to-Edge Contact only in the Axisymmetric Structural solver
You can use the Edge-to-Edge Contact command to define contact between the following types of elements:


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Axisymmetric elements (CTRAX3, CQUADX4, CTRAX6 and CQUADX8).

Plane strain elements (CPLSTN3, CPLSTN4, CPLSTN6, and CPLSTN8).

Plane stress elements (CPLSTS3, CPLSTS4, CPLSTS6, and CPLSTS8

For SOL 601 analyses, the elements must be oriented in the XZ plane.

Corresponding Nastran syntax

When you solve or export your model, the options in the Edge-to-Edge Contact dialog box define a BCTSET
bulk data entry in your NX Nastran input file.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

NX Nastran, as the specified solver
Structural or Axisymmetric Structural as the specified analysis type

Command Finder
Edge-to-Edge Contact

Response Simulation enhancements

What is it?
This release includes the following enhancements for Response Simulation.

Removal of restriction on using General functions for excitations

You can now use a General type of function in an excitation if the excitation has the correct abscissa and ordinate
units for the excitation.
In previous versions, the XY Function Manager did not allow you to use a General type of function even if it
had the correct abscissa and ordinate units for the excitation.

Nodal average stress and strain response function results

When you evaluate nodal function response results, you can now choose Stress or Strain as the result type.

Reaction Force response results

When you evaluate peak results in Response Spectrum or DDAM events, you can now choose Reaction Force as
the result type.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Observation node listed with Peak response results

After you evaluate peak response results of Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration, and when you use a relative
Observation node, the Observation node is now listed in the Information window when you request information on
the response results.

Change to default setting of Allow Override of Obsolete Status customer default

The Allow Override of Obsolete Status customer default is now selected by default. When you re-solve a SOL
103 Response Simulation modal solution after creating a response simulation event and excitations, the response
simulation becomes obsolete and unusable. When the Allow Override of Obsolete Status customer default is
selected, you can use the Check Obsolete Status command to clear the obsolete status.
When the Allow Override of Obsolete Status option is not selected, you can use the Check Obsolete
Status command to clear the obsolete status only if you have not changed the modal settings, such as damping and
the list of active modes to be used for the response simulation.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation is the displayed part and the work part and NX Nastran is the specified
A Response Simulation solution process is active.

TABLEDi bulk entry support (Nastran)

What is it?
In Nastran, you define frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads with (x,y) tabular data that is listed
on either TABLED1, TABLED2, TABLED3, or TABLED4 bulk entries. During a Nastran run, the software linearly
interpolates or extrapolates the tabular data to determine the value of the dynamic load. Nastran uses the interpolated
or extrapolated value of the dynamic load during the solve.
Prior to this release, NX supported writing frequency-dependent and time-dependent dynamic loads to only
TABLED1 bulk entries. With this release, NX also supports writing frequency-dependent and time-dependent
dynamic loads to TABLED2 and TABLED3 bulk entries. Nastran uses the TABLED1, TABLED2, and TABLED3
bulk entries as follows:


The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLED1 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = yT(x), where the table lookup at frequency or time x returns yT(x) as the value for the dynamic

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLED2 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = yT(x X1), where the table lookup at frequency or time x returns yT(x X1) as the value for the
dynamic load. X1 is a parameter used to shift the data range.

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLED3 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = yT((x X1)/X2), where the table lookup at frequency or time x returns yT((x X1)/X2) as the
value for the dynamic load. X1 is a parameter used to shift the data range and X2 is a parameter used to
scale the data range.

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

In the TABLED1 bulk entry, you can designate whether the table lookup is from a linear-linear, log-log, or semi-log
representation of the tabular data. In the TABLED2 and TABLED3 bulk entries, you cannot designate that the table
lookup is from a log-log or semi-log representation of the tabular data.
For more information on log-log and semi-log representations of tabular data, see New interpolation options for
table field data.
You control which TABLEDi entry NX writes to the Nastran input file from the Table Field dialog box.

If you want NX to write a TABLED1 entry to the Nastran input file, make sure that the Independent
Value Shift X1 and Independent Value Divisor X2 check boxes are not selected. To designate that the
table lookup is from a log-log or semi-log representation of the tabular data, select the log option of your
choice from the Algorithm list. Otherwise, the table lookup is from the default linear-linear representation
of the tabular data.

If you want NX to write a TABLED2 entry to the Nastran input file, do the following:

Select the Independent Value Shift X1 check box and enter a value for the X1 parameter in the
Independent Value Shift X1 box.

Make sure the Independent Value Divisor X2 check box is not selected.

Because TABLED2 bulk entries only support linear-linear representation of the tabular data, the
Independent Value Shift X1 check box is unavailable if you select any of the log options from the
Algorithm list.

If you want NX to write a TABLED3 entry to the Nastran input file, do either of the following:

Select the Independent Value Divisor X2 check box and enter a value for the X2 parameter in
the Independent Value Divisor X2 box.

Select both the Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value Divisor X2 check
boxes and enter a values for the X1 and X2 parameters in the Independent Value Shift X1 box
and Independent Value Divisor X2 box.

Because TABLED3 bulk entries only support linear-linear representation of the tabular data, the
Independent Value Divisor X2 check box is unavailable if you select any of the log options from the
Algorithm list.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Simulation Navigator

Right-click FieldsNew FieldTable

Location in dialog box

Domain groupIndependent listselect Frequency or Time

Options groupInterpolation, Algorithm, and Values Outside Table
lists, and the Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value
Divisor X2 check boxes

TABLEMi bulk entry support (Nastran)

What is it?
In Nastran, you define temperature-dependent material properties with (x,y) tabular data that is listed on either
TABLEM1, TABLEM2, TABLEM3, or TABLEM4 bulk entries. During a Nastran run, the software linearly


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

interpolates or extrapolates the tabular data to determine the value of the material property at a specific temperature.
Nastran uses the interpolated or extrapolated value of the material property during the solve.
Prior to this release, NX supported writing temperature-dependent material properties to only TABLEM1 bulk
entries. With this release, NX also supports writing temperature-dependent material properties to TABLEM2 and
TABLEM3 bulk entries. Nastran uses the TABLEM1, TABLEM2, and TABLEM3 bulk entries as follows:

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLEM1 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = yT(x), where the table lookup at temperature x returns yT(x) as the value for the material property.

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLEM2 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = zyT(x X1), where the table lookup at temperature x returns yT(x X1), where X1 is a parameter
used to shift the data range. The returned value is then scaled by z to obtain the value for the material
property, where z is the value of the material property on the corresponding MATi bulk entry.

The (x,y) tabular data listed on a TABLEM3 bulk entry is used to form a piecewise representation of the
form y = zyT((x X1)/X2), where the table lookup at temperature x returns yT((x X1)/X2), where X1 is a
parameter used to shift the data range and X2 is a parameter used to scale the data range. The returned
value is then scaled by z to obtain the value for the material property, where z is the value of the material
property on the corresponding MATi bulk entry.

In the TABLEM1 bulk entry, you can designate whether the table lookup is from a linear-linear, log-log, or semi-log
representation of the tabular data. In the TABLEM2 and TABLEM3 bulk entries, you cannot designate that the table
lookup is from a log-log or semi-log representation of the tabular data.
For more information on log-log and semi-log representations of tabular data, see New interpolation options for
table field data.
You control which TABLEMi entry NX writes to the Nastran input file from the Table Field dialog box.

If you want NX to write a TABLEM1 entry to the Nastran input file, make sure that the Independent
Value Shift X1 and Independent Value Divisor X2 check boxes are not selected. To designate that the
table lookup is from a log-log or semi-log representation of the tabular data, select the log option of your
choice from the Algorithm list. Otherwise, the table lookup is from the default linear-linear representation
of the tabular data.

If you want NX to write a TABLEM2 entry to the Nastran input file, do the following:

Select the new Independent Value Shift X1 check box and enter a value for the X1 parameter
in the Independent Value Shift X1 box.

Make sure the Independent Value Divisor X2 check box is not selected.

Because TABLEM2 bulk entries only support linear-linear representation of the tabular data, the
Independent Value Shift X1 check box is unavailable if you select any of the log options from the
Algorithm list.

If you want NX to write a TABLEM3 entry to the Nastran input file, do either of the following:

Select the Independent Value Divisor X2 check box and enter a value for the X2 parameter in
the Independent Value Divisor X2 box.

Select both the Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value Divisor X2 check
boxes and enter a values for the X1 and X2 parameters in the Independent Value Shift X1 box
and Independent Value Divisor X2 box.

Because TABLEM3 bulk entries only support linear-linear representation of the tabular data, the
Independent Value Divisor X2 check box is unavailable if you select any of the log options from the
Algorithm list.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Select a materialCopy the selected material


Command Finder
Manage Materials
Location in dialog box

Options groupInterpolation, Algorithm, and Values Outside Table

lists, and the Independent Value Shift X1 and Independent Value
Divisor X2 check boxes

Element quality check enhancements (Nastran)

What is it?
In this release, the Element Quality command has been updated to include the following enhancements to the
Nastran GEOMCHECK executive control statement from the NX Nastran 9.0 release:
Element type

Quality check

NX Nastran keyword


The aspect ratio of the longest

element edge to the shortest element



Skew angle


Taper ratio


Minimum and maximum interior

angle measurements


The ratio of the longest element edge Q8_AR

to the shortest element edge


Evaluates the location of midside



Minimum and maximum interior

angle measurements


The ratio of the longest element edge TA6_AR

to the shortest element edge
Evaluates the location of midside



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the work part and displayed part

NX Nastran version 9.0

Command Finder
Element Quality

Amplitude-Frequency mode normalization method (NX Nastran)

What is it?
This release includes support for the new Amplitude-Frequency (AF) mode normalization method.
The AF normalization method is supported with the Householder and Lanczos eigenvalue methods. In NX, you can
select the new AF option from the Method for Normalizing Eigenvectors list in the Real EigenvalueHouseholder and Real Eigenvalue-Lanczos dialog boxes.
With the AF normalization method, NX Nastran scales each mode shape so that the product of the mode shape x
with its natural frequency is maximally normalized:
max {|xi|} = 1
or equivalently:
max {|xi|} = 1/
If the natural frequency is very small, then NX Nastran reverts the AF normalization to the MAX normalization
method to prevent overflow. The default tolerance for determining a small frequency is 1.0e-4.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM or Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part
NX Nastran version 9.0 or higher as the specified solver

Command Finder
Modeling Objects
Location in dialog box

TypeReal Eigenvalue-Householder or Real Eigenvalue-Lanczos

Contact and glue support improvements (NX Nastran)

What is it?
This release includes improved support for NX Nastran contact and glue conditions. These enhancements include:


Support for previewing the location of contact and glue elements that are created during the solve.

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The ability to control the stiffness of the edge-to-surface glue.

New thermal-mechanical coupling properties for advanced nonlinear contact.

Previewing the location of contact and glue elements

When you solve a model that contains either contact or glue conditions, NX Nastran internally creates contact or
glue elements using the contact or glue regions and search distance that you define. Although these contact or glue
elements may become inactive as NX Nastran iterates, it can be helpful to understand where those elements are
You can use the new Export a Preview Bulk Data File option in the Contact Parameters-Linear Global
and Glue Parameters-Linear Global dialog boxes to write out a bulk data file that contains the following
dummy entries:

Shell element entries for face locations.

PLOTEL entries for edge locations.

GRID, property, and material bulk data entries.

When NX writes the preview output depends on whether you are previewing contact or clue conditions:

For contact conditions, the software writes the preview output when it evaluates the initial, open contact
condition. This occurs before any loading is applied to the model.

For glue conditions, the software writes the preview output when it creates the glue elements. This occurs
before any loading is applied to the model.

When you import the preview file into NX, the software uses these dummy entities to display the source and target
locations for contact and glue conditions. In the following simple example, (1) shows the original model in which
the red mesh is enforced vertically into the green mesh. (2) shows how the preview appears when you import the file
into NX.

The colors shown in (2) were manually modified in NX after the preview file was imported.

All contact elements begin with an active status. By the end of the solution, some contact elements may become
inactive because they did not participate in the converged solution. To view the locations of the final, active contact
elements, you can use the options on the Contact Result tab in the Structural Output Request modeling
object dialog box to request the output of contact tractions. After you solve the solution, you can view the contact
tractions in the OP2 file in NX Post Processing. The following graphic shows an example of those contact tractions.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

NX Nastran uses the following naming convention for the preview files:

For example, if an input file named test.dat includes a subcase numbered 101 and a glue condition numbered 201,
then the name of the resulting preview file is:

The Export a Preview Bulk Data File option corresponds to the PREVIEW field for the BCTPARM and
BGPARM bulk data entries.

Controlling the stiffness of edge-to-surface glue

You can use the new Edge-to-Surface Glue Stiffness Distribution on Glued Surface option in the Glue
Parameters-Linear Global dialog box to change how the edge-to-surface glue stiffness is distributed on the
surface being glued. This option corresponds to the ESOPT field for the BGPARM bulk data entry.
Shell element theory does not account for changes in shell thickness or normal strains that are perpendicular to the
plane of the shell element. The Edge-to-Surface Glue Stiffness Distribution on Glued Surface option lets
you choose to handle the linking of the zero normal strains. These strains exist in the shell elements associated with
the edge that is being glued to the surface.
In the graphic below, the blue line represents the shell element associated with the edge, and the green line
represents the surface.



Whats New in NX 9.0




NX 9.0

Strains Are Not Constrained

The strains in the plane of the surface

being glued in the direction
perpendicular to the edge are not
constrained by the glue stiffness.

Strains Are Constrained

The strains in the plane of the surface

being glued on the area corresponding
to the shell element thickness (t/2) in
the direction perpendicular to the edge,
are constrained by the glue stiffness.
This is the glue stiffness behavior that
existed before NX Nastran 8.5.

The following example illustrates the differences between the Edge-to-Surface Glue Stiffness Distribution
on Glued Surface option. This example includes an equal compressive pressure load on the top and bottom of the
solid elements. Here, the edges of elements in the 2D mesh (shown in blue) are glued to the faces of the elements in
the 3D mesh (shown in green).



Strains Are

The deformations in
the solid mesh
demonstrate that the
glue stiffness did not
prevent local strain at
the glue interface.



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Strains Are

The deformations in
the solid mesh
demonstrate that the
glue stiffness did
prevent local strain at
the glue interface.

New thermal-mechanical coupling properties for Advanced Nonlinear Contact

New Thermo-Mechanical Coupling options have been added to the SOL 601 tab in the Contact
Parameters-Advanced Nonlinear Pair dialog box. You can use these options to control aspects of a thermomechanical analysis.


Corresponding field on the BCTPARA

bulk data entry

Contact Heat Transfer


Calculates the amount of heat transfer

between bodies in contact.


Proportion of Heat Going to

the Contactor Body

Coefficient that specifies the proportion TMCFC

of heat generated due to frictional
contact going to the source body.

Proportion of Heat Going to

the Target Body

Coefficient that specifies the proportion TMCFT

of heat generated due to frictional
contact going to the target body.

Where do I find it?

Contact Parameters-Linear Global and Glue Parameters-Linear Global dialog boxes

Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

NX Nastran as the specified solver
Structural or Axisymmetric Structural as the specified analysis type

Command Finder
Modeling Objects
Location in dialog box

TypeContact Parameters-Linear Global or Glue Parameters-Linear


Contact Parameters-Advanced Nonlinear Pair


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

NX Nastran as the specified solver, Structural as the specified analysis type
SOL 601, 106 Advanced Nonlinear Statics as the solution type

Command Finder
Modeling Objects
Location in dialog box

TypeContact Parameters-Advanced Nonlinear Pair

New F56 summary file in the Solution Monitor (NX Nastran)

What is it?
When you solve an NX Nastran solution, NX now creates a new, auxiliary output file called the .f56 file. The .f56
file contains a summary version of the data in the .f06 output data file.
The .f56 file contains a summary of the solution and a list of any warning or error messages issued by NX Nastran
during the solve.
You can use the new Solution Summary tab in the Solution Monitor to view the contents of the .f56 file as
they are written during the solve. The .f56 summary file makes it easier for you to view the pertinent error and
warning information from the analysis, which can be harder to locate within the larger, comprehensive .f06 file.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

New F56 option

In NX, you can use the F56 option in the Solution Parameters modeling object dialog box to control whether
NX Nastran summarizes the contents of the .f06 file in an .f56 file. This option corresponds to the NX Nastran
PARAM,F56 parameter.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation as the displayed part and the work part

NX Nastran as the specified solver

Simulation Navigator

Right-click a solutionSolve

Support for temperature output at nodes (NX Nastran/NX Multiphysics)

What is it?
You can now request the calculation of temperatures at nodes. Use the options on the new Temperature tab in the
Structural Output Requests dialog box to calculate these temperatures during an NX Multiphysics structural
You can use the new Temperature customer default to control whether the Enable OTEMP Request option on
the Temperature tab is selected by default.

Where do I find it?

Temperature output request

Advanced Simulation


A FEM or Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part
NX Nastran version 9.0 or higher as the specified solver

Command Finder
Modeling Objects
Location in dialog box

Type listStructural Output Requests

Temperature customer default


File UtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

SimulationNX MULTIPHYSICSResults tab, Structural group


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Import and export support improvements for Nastran

What is it?
This release includes support enhancements for Nastran:

Executive control, case control, and bulk data entry support enhancements


Nastran statement changes

Executive control, case control, and bulk data entry support enhancements







ACCEL1 loads are now imported as field data if you select the Import
selective loads as field data option in the Import Simulation
dialog box.
The TMCHHAT, TMCFC, and TMCFT fields are now supported.
RTPMAX fields are no longer supported.




The PREVIEW field is now supported.

For more information, see Contact and glue support improvements (NX




The PREVIEW and ESOPT fields are now supported.

For more information, see Contact and glue support improvements (NX




Currently, importing CBEAR elements from OP2 files is supported only

through the IBULK datablock.
For more information, see Rotor dynamics (NX Nastran).




This element is supported in the XY and ZX planes only.




This element is supported in the XY and ZX planes only.




This element is supported in the XY and ZX planes only.




This element is supported in the XY and ZX planes only.




This element is supported in the XY and ZX planes only.

You define the material orientation vector and nodal thickness values
for this element as element associated data.




This element is supported in the XY and ZX planes only.

You define the nodal thickness values for this element as element


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

associated data.



This element is supported in the XY and ZX planes only.

You define the nodal thickness values for this element as element
associated data.




This element is supported in the XY and ZX planes only.

You define the nodal thickness values for this element as element
associated data.













You can now display the material orientation vectors for this

You can now create this element in the XY plane.

You can now display the material orientation vectors for this

You can now create this element in the XY plane.

You can now display the material orientation vectors for this

You can now create this element in the XY plane.

You can now display the material orientation vectors for this

You can now create this element in the XY plane.

ECHO case control Yes



The FILE field is not currently supported for import.



Previously, NX imported a FORCE1 entry as a FORCE entry.


For more information, see Support for follower Forces and Moments



Previously, NX imported a FORCE1 entry as a FORCE entry.

For more information, see Support for follower Forces and Moments

executive control



The QAD_AR geometry check is now supported for CQUAD4

Q8_EPLR checks are now supported for CQUAD8 elements.
The TA6_IAMIN, TA6_IAMX, TA6_AR, TA6_SPLR checks are now
supported for CTRIA6 elements.
For more information, see Element quality check enhancements




Whats New in NX 9.0


META, descriptor, and TYPEi=PROP are not currently supported for


NX 9.0




All fields are supported.

control command



For SOL 103 and SOL 110, this command is imported at the solution
level. For SOL 111 and SOL 112, this command is imported at the
subcase level.




Previously, NX imported a MOMENT1 entry as a MOMENT entry.

For more information, see Support for follower Forces and Moments




Previously, NX imported a MOMENT2 entry as a MOMENT entry.

For more information, see Support for follower Forces and Moments

NSM case control

























For more information, see Non-structural mass support (Nastran).

NX now supports the BEAMALG field. Use the new Beam

Algorithm option in the Strategy Parameters dialog box to
specify the beam algorithm to use for elastic beam

The RTSUBD field (Subdivision Scheme Based On

option) has been removed. It is no longer supported by NX

Currently, importing the PBEAR entry from OP2 files is supported only
through the IBULK datablock.
For more information, see Rotor dynamics (NX Nastran).




The value of PA must equal the value for PB.

For more information, see Edge loads for plane stress and plane strain
elements (NX Nastran).



The value of PA must equal the value for PB.
PLOADX1 is now supported in the XY plane. In previous releases, it
was only supported in the ZX plane.





All fields are supported.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0




Only CID=0 is supported for import. The MB field is currently

unsupported for import.
For more information, see Rotor dynamics (NX Nastran).










control command






For more information, see Rotor dynamics (NX Nastran).

The value for the independent variable can now be specified

more than once, provided that it is not one of the two end

The XAXIS and YAXIS entries are now supported for import
and export.

The EXTRAP field introduced in the NX Nastran 9.0 release is

not currently supported for import or export.

For more information, see TABLEDi bulk entry support (Nastran).




The value for the independent variable can now be specified

more than once, provided that it is not one of the two end

In previous releases, NX imported the TABLED2 entry as a

TABLED1 entry.

The EXTRAP field introduced in the NX Nastran 9.0 release is

not currently supported for import or export.

For more information, see TABLEDi bulk entry support (Nastran).




The value for the independent variable can now be specified

more than once, provided that it is not one of the two end

In previous releases, NX imported the TABLED3 entry as a

TABLED1 entry.

The EXTRAP field introduced in the NX Nastran 9.0 release is

not currently supported for import or export.

For more information, see TABLEDi bulk entry support (Nastran).




Whats New in NX 9.0


The value for the independent variable can now be specified

more than once, provided that it is not one of the two end

The XAXIS and YAXIS entries are now supported for import
and export.

The EXTRAP field introduced in the NX Nastran 9.0 release is

not currently supported for import or export.


NX 9.0

For more information, see TABLEMi bulk entry support (Nastran).




The value for the independent variable can now be specified more than
once, provided that it is not one of the two end points.
The EXTRAP field introduced in the NX Nastran 9.0 release is not
currently supported for import or export.
For more information, see TABLEMi bulk entry support (Nastran).




The value for the independent variable can now be specified more than
once, provided that it is not one of the two end points.
The EXTRAP field introduced in the NX Nastran 9.0 release is not
currently supported for import or export.
For more information, see TABLEMi bulk entry support (Nastran).




The value for the independent variable can now be specified more than
once, provided that it is not one of the two end points.




The TEMP(LOAD) command is now imported as field data for

axisymmetric structural solutions if you select the Import selective
loads as field data option in the Import Simulation dialog box.

TIME executive
control command



The T2 field is not currently supported for import.




The KDAMP and KUPDATE fields are now supported. Use these fields to
include differential stiffness in the calculation of structural damping and
specify the method for controlling stiffness updates.
These new fields are available in NX Nastran 9.0 and higher.

Parameter support enhancements

NX now supports the following Nastran parameters:














What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0










NX no longer supports the MTRDAMP parameter.

Nastran statement changes

System System cell name System cell description

Defines a grid identification number offset for CWELD



Defines a constraint element identification number offset for

CWELD elements.



Specifies the default value for CORDM field on the

PSOLID entry.



S urface warping factor GEOMCHECK check value for




Minimum interior angle GEOMCHECK check value for




Maximum interior angle GEOMCHECK check value for




Element offset length ratio GEOMCHECK check value for




Maximum number of messages produced for each element




Controls the messages that are produced when geometry

tests exceed tolerance values.



Edge point length ratio GEOMCHECK check value for




Aspect ratio of longest edge to shortest edge GEOMCHECK

check value for CHEXA.



Edge point length ratioGEOMCHECK check value for



Whats New in NX 9.0

Description of


NX 9.0

System System cell name System cell description


Description of



Face warp coefficient GEOMCHECK check value for




Aspect ratio of longest edge to shortest edge GEOMCHECK

check value for CPENTA.



Edge point length ratioGEOMCHECK check value for




Quadrilateral face warp coefficient GEOMCHECK check

value for CPENTA.


Controls whether Solution Monitor files are generated for

NX and FEMAP. It is only valid on the platforms supported
by NX and FEMAP.



Skew angle GEOMCHECK check value for CQUADX4,




Taper ratioGEOMCHECK check value for CQUADX4,




Minimum interior angle GEOMCHECK check value for

and CPLSTN8 .



Maximum interior angle GEOMCHECK check value for




Aspect ratio of longest edge to shortest edge GEOMCHECK

check value for CQUADX4, CQUADX8, CPLSTS4,



Edge point length ratio GEOMCHECK check value for




Minimum interior angle GEOMCHECK check value for




Maximum interior angle GEOMCHECK check value for




Aspect ratio of longest edge to shortest edge GEOMCHECK

check value for CTRAX3, CTRAX6, CPLSTS3, CPLSTS6,



Edge point length ratio GEOMCHECK check value for



Solution options for SOL 111.


Added in-core SMP

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

System System cell name System cell description


Description of
option when
SYSTEM(462) = 1.



Aspect ratio of longest edge to shortest edge GEOMCHECK

check value for CPYRAM.



Edge point length ratioGEOMCHECK check value for




Face warp coefficient GEOMCHECK check value for



When ND is specified on the EIGRL bulk data entry,

determines whether to increase ND automatically to include
all roots in a cluster. If ND is not permitted to increase
(default), only part of a cluster of multiple eigenvalues is
computed, and the modal space will not be uniquely defined.
In this scenario, results computed from that modal space
may be unstable (frequency response, transient response,
CMS solution, etc.).


0 (default): Automatically supply blank fields 5 through 8 of

a wide field card if only fields 1 through 4 are provided.
1: Do not automatically supply fields 5 through 8 (retained
to preserve old behavior of NX Nastran).



Flag to output frequency response in addition to any PSD



Enables integer inputs to be 11 characters.


In NX Nastran 8.1, the torsional constant calculation for the

cross-section types CHAN1 and H on the
PBARL/PBEAML bulk entries was updated.
0 (default): Runs the new torsional constant calculation.
1: Reverts to the previous torsional constant calculation.


Selects optimization enhancements.

Default changed
from 0 to 3 in NX
Nastran 9


Selects SSG1 performance improvements.

New system cell for

NX Nastran 9



Determines whether the RMS von Mises stress is computed New system cell for
when the stress RMS output is requested with the RMS
NX Nastran 9
describer on the STRESS case control command.



Longest edge to shortest edge aspect ratio GEOMCHECK

check value for CQUAD4 elements.


Whats New in NX 9.0

New system cell for

NX Nastran 9


NX 9.0

System System cell name System cell description


Description of



Determines whether the line numbers are included in the

PUNCH file.

New system cell for

NX Nastran 9



Taper ratio GEOMCHECK check value for CQUAD8


New system cell for

NX Nastran 9



Minimum interior angle GEOMCHECK check value for

CQUAD8 elements.

New system cell for

NX Nastran 9



Maximum interior angle GEOMCHECK check value for

CQUAD8 elements.

New system cell for

NX Nastran 9



Longest edge to shortest edge aspect ratio GEOMCHECK

check value for CQUAD8 elements.

New system cell for

NX Nastran 9



Edge point length ratio GEOMCHECK check value for

CQUAD8 elements.

New system cell for

NX Nastran 9



Skew angle GEOMCHECK check value for CQUAD8


New system cell for

NX Nastran 9



Longest edge to shortest edge aspect ratio GEOMCHECK

check value for CTRIA6 elements.

New system cell for

NX Nastran 9



Edge point length ratio GEOMCHECK check value for

CTRIA6 elements.

New system cell for

NX Nastran 9



Minimum interior angle GEOMCHECK check value for

CTRIA6 elements.

New system cell for

NX Nastran 9



Maximum interior angle GEOMCHECK check value for

CTRIA6 elements.

New system cell for

NX Nastran 9

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and the displayed part

NX Nastran or MSC Nastran as the specified solver



Improvements for appending solver data

What is it?
This release includes the following improvements to the Solver Deck Append dialog box:


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

User interface improvements for controlling import behavior

Ability to create a new solution

New options for handling data conflicts

Support for additional solver environments

These improvements make it easier for you to import, append, and merge data from an incomplete source solver
input file into an existing NX FEM or Simulation destination file.

User interface improvements for controlling import behavior

In this release, the Merge Entities option Solver Deck Append dialog box has been replaced by the following
options in the new Import Behavior list:

Select Append to import a solver input data file into an existing FEM or Simulation file and append the
solver data to the existing data. The solver input data file that you import must be complete and valid.

Select Append Merge to import data from an incomplete solver data input file into an existing FEM or
Simulation file and merge that data into the existing NX file. The solver data input file that you import does
not need to be complete.

In previous releases, you used the Merge Entities option in the Solver Deck Append dialog box to control
whether NX appended an entire run-ready solver input file into an existing FEM or Simulation file or simply merged
portions of an input deck or an incomplete input deck into an existing model.

Ability to create a new solution

Use options in the new Create Solution list to control whether the source solver input file data is appended into a
new solution in NX. In previous releases, the appended entities were not placed in a new solution.

Select No if you do not want to create a new solution. All loads and boundary conditions are placed in the
appropriate containers in the Simulation Navigator, but they are not referenced in the current solution.
Any appended modeling objects are also not references in the current solution.

Select Yes to create a new solution. All loads and boundary conditions are placed in the appropriate
containers in the Simulation Navigator and referenced in the current solution. Any appended modeling
objects are also referenced in the new solution.

New options for handling data conflicts

This release also includes options that let you control how NX handles conflicts between nodes, materials, and
physical property data in the source solver input file and the destination FEM or Simulation file.


Select Ignore Deck Data if you do not want to append an entity from the solver input file when it
conflicts with an existing entity in the NX destination file. For example, if both the source solver input file
and destination NX file have a coordinate system with an ID of 15, NX does not append the coordinate
system from the solver input file.

Select Modify Using Deck Data to replace the node, material, or physical property data in the NX
destination file with the data from the source solver input file.

Select Append Deck Data to specify a numerical offset to increment the label (ID) when conflicts occur.
With this option, if NX detects a conflict between an entity in the source input file and the destination NX
file, it uses the offset to change the ID of the entity in the source input file during the append. The software
also updates any references to that entity in the source file. For example, if you append a CBAR element
that originally references nodes 1 and 2, and those nodes are renumbered with an offset of 1000 because of
a conflict, the software updates the CBAR element to reference nodes 1001 and 1002.

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Additional solver environments supported

You can now use the Append Merge capabilities when you are working in the Abaqus and ANSYS solver
environments. In previous releases, the ability to merge incomplete solver data into an existing FEM or Simulation
file was supported only in the NX Nastran and MSC Nastran environments.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

NX Nastran or MSC Nastran as the specified solver


Improvements for importing Nastran input files

What is it?
The Import Simulation dialog box now includes improvements that give you improved control over how NX
imports the data in your Nastran input file. These improvements include:

Additional selective import options.

Ability to control whether nodes and elements in INCLUDE files are imported as NX groups.

New option for verbose messaging during import.

Additional selective import options

The Selective Import options in the Import Simulation dialog box have been expanded to include:


Degree-of-freedom sets

Output requests

Case control SET commands



Because output requests can reference the SET command in the case control section of a Nastran
input file, if you select the Output requests option, NX automatically imports any SET
commands as well.

If present the PARAM,Gx,y,z is processed to build group x in NX using nodes from SET y and
elements from SET z.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Importing nodes and elements in INCLUDE files as an NX group

When you import a Nastran .dat file, you can use the new Create groups from Include files option to control
whether NX creates a group of the nodes andr elements contained in any files you included with the input file (with
the INCLUDE statement). In previous releases, NX always created this group.

New option for verbose messaging during import

Use the new Output verbose messaging option in the Processing Options group to control whether the
software lists additional information about issues found during the import process. If you select this option, NX
compiles tables of missing entity references. These include missing:

Coordinate systems that are referenced by nodes.

Nodes that are referenced by elements.

Physical properties that are referenced by elements.

Materials that are referenced by elements or physical properties.

For example:
Assembling physical property data...
...Processing PBAR physical properties...
***ERROR : PBAR refers to a non existent or unsupported material. First
occurrence is PBAR 10 material 1
...Processing PBARL physical properties...
...Processing PBEAM physical properties...
...Processing PBEAML physical properties...
...Processing PBUSH physical properties...
......Retrieving PBUSHT data...
...Processing PBUSH1D physical properties...
...Processing PDAMP physical properties...
......Retrieving PDAMPT data...
Found 4 missing material references
-------------------------------------------------------Physical type, Physical id -> Missing material reference
, 10
-> 1
, 11
-> 1
, 20
-> 1
-> 1

You can use the Output verbose messaging option to control whether the software uses verbose messaging. If
you select this option, you can also limit the number of messaging lines reported.
The banner section of the import file indicates whether verbose messaging is turned on.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

----------------------------------NASTRAN to NX v9.0.0.3 Translator

NASTRAN Version: V8.0.0
----------------------------------Date : 05-Nov-12
Input File : D:\nxlator\working\nastran\main\test\imp_nxn_temp.dat
Import Mode : Import
Data Checking : Nominal
Messaging : Verbose

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

NX Nastran or MSC Nastran as the specified solver


Improvements to data round-trip process

What is it?
This release includes enhancements to the data round-trip process for Nastran input files. The term round-trip refers
to the process of data conversion that occurs when you import a solver data file into NX, export the same file out of
NX, and then re-import that file. NX contains commands and options that you can use to help preserve the order and
format of the bulk data entries in your Nastran files during the round-trip process.
Enhancements to the data round-trip process include:

Control over entity naming on import.

Preservation of load and boundary condition naming during the data round-trip process.

Preservation of mesh and mesh collector during the data round-trip process.

Control over entity naming on import

In previous releases, when you imported a Nastran .dat file (ASCII), NX tried to use comment cards in the solver
input file to determine the names of entities, such as materials, physical properties, or meshes. Now, you can use the
new Use comment card for entity names option to control this behavior.
If you clear the Use comment card for entity names check box, NX includes the following informational
message in the .lis file during import:
*** 15:48:14 ***
Parsing input file...
...There are 260 lines in the dat files (and all included files)
***INFO : Option to name NX entities from comment cards is toggled off


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Preservation of load and boundary condition naming

NX now tries to preserve the names of loads, boundary conditions, and Simulation objects when you export a
Nastran input file from NX and subsequently re-import the same file. Currently, the labels (IDs) for loads, boundary
conditions, and Simulation objects are not preserved. Names are preserved when you use either the Import
Simulation dialog box or the Solver Deck Append dialog box to import the input file data into NX.
NX also preserves the first 80 characters of the names of the Load Container, Constraint Container, and
Simulation Object Container from the Simulation Navigator. However, the order of the loads, constraints,
and Simulation objects within those containers are not preserved during the data round-trip process.
Note that:

You can use this capability with a Nastran .dat file or with a Nastran OP2 file that contains the IBULK
datablock. The IBULK data block is an unsorted copy of the original bulk data, including comments. Use
the PARAM,OIBULK,YES parameter to include the IBULK datablock in your input file.

If you import your data from a Nastran OP2 file, NX capitalizes lower case letters.

If NX imports multiple instances of a load or boundary condition, NX appends a numerical extension to the
root name of the load or boundary condition to make the names unique.

NX may be unable to preserve load and boundary condition names if the original Nastran input file that you
export from NX contains a Round Trip Parameters modeling object that is referenced in a solution.

When the Import selective loads as field data option is selected in the Import Simulation dialog box:

Any TEMP(LOAD) commands that are referenced by an Axisymmetric Structural solution are imported
as a node ID table.

Any ACCEL1 bulk data entries that are referenced by a Structural solution are imported as a node
ID table.

Preservation of mesh and mesh collector naming

Beginning in this release, NX preserves the names of meshes and mesh collectors when you export a Nastran input
file from NX and subsequently re-import the same file. To preserve these names, NX places comment cards in the
Nastran .dat file when you export it. When you re-import the input file:

Mesh collectors have unique names.

Meshes within a mesh collector have unique names.

NX retains a maximum of 131 characters from a NASTRAN comment line. This character count includes the
comment key ($* NX Mesh Collector:) and the name of the entity. Any additional characters are truncated.
To use this capability, select the Use comment cards for entity names option in the Import Simulation
dialog box.
Note that:


You can use this capability with a Nastran .dat file or with a Nastran OP2 file that contains the IBULK
datablock. The IBULK data block is an unsorted copy of the original bulk data including comments. Use the
PARAM,OIBULK,YES parameter to include the IBULK datablock in your input file.

This capability works only for Nastran input files that are created in NX 9.

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

If you modify the solver input file after you export it, NX may not be able to retain the mesh and mesh
collector names when you re-import the file.

NX may be unable to preserve mesh and mesh collector names if the original Nastran input file that you
export from NX contains a Round Trip Parameters modeling object that is referenced in a solution.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

NX Nastran or MSC Nastran as the specified solver



Location in dialog box

Round Trip Options group


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Import and export support for PARAM,OIBULK,YES

What is it?
When you export an NX Nastran input file from NX, the software automatically includes the PARAM,OIBULK,YES
parameter. When you solve an NX Nastran input file that contains the PARAM,OIBULK,YES parameter, NX Nastran
writes the unsorted content of the solver input file, including any comments, to the OP2 file in the IBULK datablock.
When you import an OP2 file into NX, NX now checks for the IBULK datablock. If the OP2 file contains the IBULK
datablock, then the OP2 datablocks are catalogued until the IBULK and CASECC datablocks are processed.
The IBULK datablock allows NX to process the bulk data entries during import to the same extent as if you had
imported the DAT file. Therefore, entity names, such as materials, physical property tables, and meshes are
preserved, although any lower case letters are capitalized.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

NX Nastran version 9.0 as the specified solver


Abaqus support enhancements

Abaqus import and export support improvements
What is it?
This release includes a number of import and export support improvements for Abaqus keywords, as detailed in the
following table:

Supported parameters

Import support

Export support

For more information,






Initial import support for

Abaqus assembly models





Initial import support for

Abaqus assembly models





Initial import support for

Abaqus assembly models





Initial import support for

Abaqus assembly models


The TRANSIENT parameter is Yes

now supported.


Transient solution steps in

thermal analyses


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


Supported parameters

Import support

Export support

For more information,






Initial import support for

Abaqus assembly models



andTIE options are now



Expanded support for

Abaqus multi-point





Initial import support for

Abaqus assembly models


All parameters supported,




Ability to define physical




PARVALUES parameters are
now supported for import as
well as export.



Import support for analysis

input file processor options


SYMMETRIC parameters are
now supported for import.


Import support for solid

laminate composites


parameter is now supported.



Support for the Abaqus

iterative solver


The SPOS and SNEG options

are now supported.



Ability to define sides for

element-based surfaces




Combining Abaqus
surfaces on import


parameters are now


Additional options for

enforcing contact


are now supported.


Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0



Merging parts of an Abaqus or ANSYS input file into an existing NX model

What is it?
You can now merge an existing Abaqus or ANSYS input file into an existing NX model. The new Merge Entities
option in the Solver Deck Append dialog box allows you to import portions of an input deck into an existing
model, as long as the missing portions of the input file already exist in NX.
In previous releases, the Merge Entities capability was supported only for NX Nastran and MSC Nastran input
files. For Abaqus and ANSYS input files, you could append a solver input file into an existing NX model only if the
input file being appended was a complete, valid, standalone file.
For example, you can use the Merge Entities option to:

Import only elements from an input file into an NX FEM that already contains nodes.

Import group definitions that reference nodes and elements where the nodes and elements already exist in

Import loads and constraints into a model that already contains a mesh. This is useful, for example, if you
need to import boundary conditions from custom load generation software into an NX Simulation file.

When you use the Merge Entities option to append data, NX does not modify any entities that were present in NX
prior to the merge. For example, NX does not modify:

Solution attributes.

Values in existing loads, boundary conditions, simulation objects, or modeling objects.

The content of existing NX groups.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

Abaqus or ANSYS as the specified solver

Simulation Navigator


Selective import for Abaqus input files

What is it?
You now have more granular control over the Abaqus input file syntax that NX imports. When you import an
Abaqus input file, you can use the new Selective Import options in the Import Simulation dialog box to control
which keywords NX imports. You can choose to selectively import the entries by:


Their keyword name (the By card name option).

Their keyword category, such as loads, boundary conditions, or materials (the By card family option).

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

If you choose the By card name option, you can also choose to import selected entries as either commented or
uncommented User Defined Text. Importing selected keywords as uncommented User Defined Text can be
helpful if you need to import a keyword that is only partially supported for import (not all parameters are supported).
If you import the keyword as uncommented User Defined Text, NX imports all parameters.

With this capability, do not to make modifications to the unsupported keywords. If you make changes to
unsupported syntax, Abaqus may either fail to solve the file or may produce incorrect results.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver


Initial import support for Abaqus assembly models

What is it?
This release includes initial support for importing Abaqus assembly models into NX. NX now imports the following
assembly-related Abaqus keywords:




Abaqus assembly import guidelines


Currently, NX fully imports Abaqus models that have only one part definition that contains only one
instance of a part. This means that NX imports all associated model definition data (nodes, elements,
materials, physical property tables, sets, and surfaces) and analysis data (solution steps, loads, and
boundary conditions).

Because all data defined within a part, instance, or the assembly is local to that part, instance, or the
assembly, node and element labels and names (such as set names and surface names) do not need to be
unique throughout a model. They need to be unique only within the part, instance, or assembly where they
are defined.

For Abaqus models that contain multiple instances of a single part or multiple parts, NX:

Imports only the model definition data (nodes, elements, materials, physical property tables, sets,
surfaces). NX issues a message to indicate the data that is imported.

Imports all nodes and elements defined for a part as a new group in the Simulation Navigator. NX
uses the name of the Abaqus part as the name of the new group.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Offsets all node labels and element labels and modifies the labels in any associated set or surface
definitions. NX issues a message that indicates the changes that occurred to the labels during

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver


Element support enhancements

What is it?
This release includes support for a number of additional Abaqus element types, which include:

Plane stress elements

Plane strain elements

Membrane elements

Truss elements

Special purpose elements

Plane stress elements

The following table details the Abaqus plane stress elements that are now supported in NX. You can use plane stress
elements when the thickness of a body or a domain is small relative to its lateral (in-plane) dimensions, such as in
thin, flat bodies. With plane stress elements, the stresses are functions of planar coordinates alone, and the out-ofplane normal and shear stresses are equal to zero.
Abaqus element



3-node linear element


4-node bilinear element


4-node bilinear element, incompatible modes


4-node bilinear element, reduced integration with hourglass control


6-node quadratic element


6-node modified quadratic element with hourglass control


8-node biquadratic element


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Abaqus element



8-node biquadratic element, reduced integration

You use the 2D Mesh dialog box to create Abaqus plane stress elements. You can then use the Solid 2D Plane
physical property table dialog box to define properties for the elements, such as material orientation and default
thickness. The options in the Solid 2D Plane dialog box correspond to the Abaqus *SOLID SECTION keyword.

By default, NX creates these elements with their standard formulation. You can use the Element
Formulation list in the Mesh Associated Data dialog box to select a different formulation, such as
Incompatible Modes or Reduced Integration.

Plane strain elements

The following table details the Abaqus plane strain elements that are now supported in NX. You can use plane strain
elements when you can assume that the strains in a loaded body or domain are functions of planar coordinates alone
and that the out-of-plane normal and shear strains are equal to zero. This modeling method is generally used for
bodies that are very thick relative to their lateral dimensions, such as shafts, concrete dams, or walls.
Abaqus element



3-node linear element


3-node linear element, hybrid with constant pressure


4-node bilinear element


4-node bilinear element, hybrid with constant pressure


4-node bilinear element, incompatible modes


4-node bilinear element, incompatible modes, hybrid with linear



4-node bilinear element, reduced integration with hourglass control


4-node bilinear element, reduced integration with hourglass control,

hybrid with constant pressure


6-node quadratic element


6-node quadratic element, hybrid with linear pressure


6-node element modified, with hourglass control


6-node element modified, with hourglass control, hybrid with linear



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Abaqus element



8-node biquadratic element


8-node biquadratic element, hybrid with linear pressure


8-node biquadratic element, reduced integration


8-node biquadratic element, reduced integration, hybrid with linear


You use the 2D Mesh dialog box to create Abaqus plane strain elements. You can then use the Solid 2D Plane
physical property table dialog box to define properties for the elements, such as material orientation and default
thickness. The options in the Solid 2D Plane dialog box correspond to the Abaqus *SOLID SECTION keyword.

By default, NX creates these elements with their standard formulation. You can use the Element
Formulation list in the Mesh Associated Data dialog box to select a different formulation, such as
Incompatible Modes or Reduced Integration.

Membrane elements
The following table details the Abaqus general membrane elements that are now supported in NX. You can use
general membrane elements in three-dimensional models in which the deformation of the structure can evolve in
three dimensions.
Membrane elements are surface elements that only transmit in-plane forces. They do not transmit no moments and
have no bending stiffness. Membrane elements are used to represent thin surfaces in space that offer strength in the
plane of the element. For example, the thin sheet of rubber that forms a balloon is an example of a membrane
surface. Membrane elements are often used to represent thin, stiffening components in solid structures, such as a
reinforcing layer in a continuum.
Abaqus element



3-node triangle element


4-node quadrilateral element


4-node quadrilateral element, reduced integration, hourglass control


6-node triangle element


8-node quadratic quadrilateral element


8-node quadratic quadrilateral element, reduced integration

You use the 2D Mesh dialog box to create Abaqus membrane elements. You can then use the Membrane
Section physical property table dialog box to define properties for the elements, such as thickness, thickness
change behavior, material definition, and material orientation. The options in the Membrane Section dialog box
correspond to the Abaqus *MEMBRANE keyword.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

By default, NX creates these elements with their standard formulation. You can use the Element
Formulation list in the Mesh Associated Data dialog box to select a different formulation, such as
Reduced Integration.

Truss elements
This release adds support for certain Abaqus truss elements. Truss elements are long, slender structural elements that
can transmit only axial forces. They do not transmit moments.
You use truss elements in 2D and 3D models to model slender, line-like structures that support loading only along
the axis or the centerline of the element. Moments or forces perpendicular to the centerline are not supported.
Abaqus element



2-node linear displacement element


2-node linear displacement element, hybrid formulation

You can use either the 1D Mesh or the 1D Connection command to create truss elements. You can then use the
Truss physical property table dialog box to define the material used by the truss elements and their cross-sectional
area. The options in the Truss dialog box correspond to the Abaqus *SOLID SECTION keyword.

By default, NX creates truss elements with their standard formulation. You can use the Element
Formulation list in the Mesh Associated Data dialog box to select the Hybrid formulation.

Special purpose elements



DCOUP3D Three-dimensional
distributed coupling
element. Use a
DCOUP3D element


forces and
moments on a
node to a
collection of
Prescribe an

Element creation

Property definition Associated

Abaqus keyword

Use the 1D Connection

command to create a DCOUP3D

Use the Mesh

Associated Data
dialog box to
specify the mass
distribution for the
element. The
specified mass is
distributed to the
coupling nodes in
proportion to the
weighting factor.

When you create a DCOUP3D

element, you define a source and
target node or nodes.

The source node is the

node associated with the
DCOUP3D element.

The target node or nodes

are the coupling nodes to
which the loads and mass
are distributed.


You must specify

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0



and rotation
to a collection
of nodes.


mass to a
collection of

Control the
force and
through the
use of weight
specified for
each coupling

Create a
structural and

Flexible joint element

used to model joint
interactions. JOINTC
elements are made up
of translational and
rotational springs and
parallel dashpots in a
local, co-rotational
coordinate system.
Use the JOINTC
element to model the
interaction between
two nodes that are
nearly coincident and
represent a joint with
internal stiffness
and/or damping, for
example, a rubber
bushing in a car
suspension, where the
second node can
displace and rotate
slightly with respect to


Whats New in NX 9.0

Element creation

Property definition Associated

Abaqus keyword

at least two

A weight factor
of 1.0 is used to
distribute the
loads and mass to
all coupling

Use either the 1D Mesh or the 1D Use the Joint

Connection command to create a physical property
table dialog box to
JOINTC element.
define the spring
and dashpot
behavior. You can


behavior of
the spring.
to the




NX 9.0



Element creation

Property definition Associated

Abaqus keyword

the first node.

of the
to the

element, the joint
behavior consists of
linear or nonlinear
springs and dashpots in
parallel. These couple
the corresponding
components of relative
displacement and of
relative rotation in the



the initial
of the local
system in
the joint.
to the

SPRINGA Axial spring element
Use either the 1D Mesh or the 1D
between two nodes
Connection command to create a
whose line of action is SPRINGA element.
the line joining the two
nodes. This line of
action may rotate in a
large displacement
analysis. A SPRINGA
element introduces
stiffness between two
without adding an
associated mass.


physical property
table dialog box to
specify the stiffness
of the spring. In NX
9, you can define
only linear spring
behavior, which is
constant spring

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Structural as the specified analysis type

Axisymmetric element support improvements

What is it?
Certain Abaqus axisymmetric elements are now available when you perform Structural and Thermal analyses. In
previous releases, these axisymmetric elements were available only in Axisymmetric Structural and
Axisymmetric Thermal analyses.

Axisymmetric elements in structural analysis

The following structural axisymmetric solid elements are now available when you perform standard Structural
Abaqus element



3-node linear element


3-node linear element, hybrid with constant pressure


4-node bilinear element


4-node bilinear element, hybrid with constant pressure


4-node bilinear element, incompatible modes


4-node bilinear element, incompatible modes, hybrid with linear



4-node bilinear element, reduced integration with hourglass control


4-node bilinear element, reduced integration with hourglass control,

hybrid with constant pressure


6-node quadratic element


6-node quadratic element, hybrid with linear pressure


8-node biquadratic element


8-node biquadratic element, hybrid with linear pressure


8-node biquadratic element, reduced integration


8-node biquadratic element, reduced integration, hybrid with linear



Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Axisymmetric elements in thermal analysis

The following diffusive heat transfer axisymmetric solid elements are now available when you perform standard
Thermal analyses.
Abaqus element



3-node linear element


4-node bilinear element


6-node quadratic element


8-node quadratic element

Axisymmetric elements in Abaqus environments

To use axisymmetric elements in Abaqus environments, you must now set the 2D Solid Option option when you
create a new FEM or Simulation.

None (Structural and Thermal analysis types only) No axisymmetric elements can be used.

XY Plane, Y Axis (All Abaqus analysis types) If axisymmetric elements are used, they must be on the
XY plane. The axisymmetric rotational axis is Y.

Mesh checking enhancement

When you create axisymmetric elements in an Abaqus Structural or Thermal environment, you should create the
elements on the XY plane. If you create axisymmetric elements off this plane, the mesh proceeds, and the related
geometry is added to the Output Group.

Lock Plane command added

Use the Lock Plane
command to prevent rotation of your model. This command is useful when you are
working with axisymmetric or other 2D elements.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file is the displayed part and work part, and Abaqus is the specified solver

Import support for solid laminate composites

What is it?
The NX 8.5 release included the ability to create a Solid Laminate physical property that is attached to a 3D mesh
collector. The Solid Laminate physical property is the 3D equivalent of the Laminate physical property. The
Solid Laminate property was supported for export from NX but not for import.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

In this release, when you import an Abaqus input file that contains the *SOLID SECTION keyword with the
COMPOSITE parameter, NX creates the appropriate Solid Laminate physical property in your FEM file.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver


Import support for analysis input file processor options

What is it?
In the NX 8.5 release, a new Optional Controls tab was added to the Solution dialog box in the Abaqus
environment. You can use the options on that tab to control the amount of input file processor data that Abaqus
writes to the data file. These options correspond to the Abaqus *PREPRINT keyword and were previously supported
only for export from NX.
In this release, NX can import the *PREPRINT keyword and the following parameters from an Abaqus input file:







Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver



Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Combining Abaqus surfaces on import

What is it?
NX now supports the COMBINE parameter for the Abaqus *SURFACE keyword. In Abaqus, you use the *SURFACE
keyword to define a surface or a region to facilitate defining boundary conditions, such as contact conditions and
tied surface constraints.
In Abaqus, you can use the COMBINE parameter to create combined surfaces by performing a Boolean operation on
existing surfaces. When you use the COMBINE parameter:

The surfaces that you combine must be of the same type. For example:

You can combine an element-based surface with another element based-surface.

You cannot combine an element-based surface with a node-based surface.

You can combine any number of existing surfaces to create a new surface.

Abaqus automatically merges any overlap between the combined surfaces.

When you import an Abaqus input file that includes the COMBINE parameter, NX processes the union, intersection,
or difference between the specified surfaces. NX imports the resulting combined surface into NX as a Simulation

If you later export this file back to Abaqus, the exported Abaqus input file will differ from the original
Abaqus input file. This difference occurs because NX writes out the COMBINE parameter when it exports the
Simulation Region that was created from the combined region.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver


Distribution of mass for lumped mass elements

What is it?
Use the new Distribute Mass option when you define a Mass physical property to control how Abaqus
distributes the specified mass among the lumped mass elements.

If you select Yes from the Distribute Mass option list, Abaqus distributes the specified concentrated
Mass value among all lumped mass elements that are associated with that physical property table.
For example, consider a physical property table created to define the mass values for 4 lumped mass
elements in one region of a model. If you select Yes from the Distribute Mass option list and specify a
Mass value of 0.1 kg, Abaqus assigns a mass magnitude of 0.25 kg to each of the four elements.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

If you select No from the Distribute Mass option list, Abaqus directly assigns the specified concentrated
Mass value to each individual lumped mass element that is associated with that physical property table.
For example, if you select No from the Distribute Mass option list and specify a Mass value of 0.1 kg,
Abaqus assigns a mass magnitude of 0.1 kg to each element.

For more information, see:

*MASS in the Abaqus Keywords Reference Manual

Point masses in the Abaqus/Standard Users Manual

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver

Command Finder
Physical Properties
InsertPhysical Properties


Cross-sectional area for gap elements

What is it?
Use the new Cross-Sectional Area options in the Gap Section dialog box to define the elemental crosssectional area of Abaqus gap elements.

If you specify a cross-sectional area, the softened contact relationship is specified in terms of overclosure
(clearance) vs. contact pressure.

If you do not specify a cross-sectional area, the softened contact relationship is specified in terms of
overclosure (clearance) vs. contact force.

For more information, see:

*GAP in the Abaqus Keywords Reference Manual.

Contact pressure-overclosure relationships in the Abaqus/Standard Users Manual.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver

Command Finder
Physical Properties


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


InsertPhysical Properties

Expanded support for Abaqus multi-point constraints

What is it?
You can now create additional types of Abaqus multi-point constraints (MPCs) in NX. In the Abaqus environment,
you can use new options in the Type list in the Manual Coupling dialog box to model the following types of
connections and joints between two components:
MPC type




Creates a rigid beam between two nodes. The

beam constrains the displacement and rotation at
the first node to the displacement and rotation at
the second node, corresponding to the presence of
a rigid beam between the two nodes.



Creates a pinned, rigid link between two nodes

that keeps the distance between the nodes
constant. Abaqus modifies the displacements of
the first node to enforce this constraint.


Any rotational DOF for the two nodes
are not included in this constraint.

Makes the global displacements and rotations as

well as all other active degrees of freedom equal at
two nodes. If there are different degrees of
freedom active at the two nodes, Abaqus
constrains only those DOF in common. Typically,
you use the Tie option when you need to fully
connect corresponding nodes on two different
portions of a mesh.


Creates a pinned joint between two nodes. Abaqus Linear

makes the global displacements of the two nodes

Any rotational DOF for the two nodes
are not included in this constraint.
The options in the Manual Coupling dialog box correspond to the parameters for the Abaqus *MPC keyword.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

Abaqus as the specified solver
Structural or Axisymmetric Structural as the specified analysis type

Command Finder
Manual Coupling
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Simulation Objects containerNew Simulation

ObjectManual Coupling

Ability to define physical constants

What is it?
Abaqus uses the *PHYSICAL CONSTANTS keyword to define the physical constants necessary to perform an
analysis. These constants include:

Absolute zero

The Stefan Boltzmann constant

The Universal Gas constant

In previous releases, NX automatically exported the appropriate constants when the physics of the model required
them. Beginning in this release, you can now use options on the new Physical Constants tab in the Solution
dialog box to explicitly include specific physical constants in your solver input file.
The options available on the Physical Constants tab depend upon your specified analysis type:

For Structural and Axisymmetric Structural analyses, you can choose:


The User Specified option to select individual constants to include in the Abaqus input file.

The As required by the solution option to include only the constants that are necessary for the
specific solution. For example, if your solution uses a creep material with the Hyperbolic Law
formulation, the software includes the Absolute Zero constant in the Abaqus input file.

For Thermal and Axisymmetric Thermal analyses, you can select which individual constants to write
out to the input file. By default, the software writes out all three constants.


Currently, you cannot adjust the values that NX exports for each selected option on the Physical Constants tab.
NX exports a hard coded value for each constant based on your current units system. For example, if you are
working in the SI unit system, NX exports the following values:


-273.15 for the Absolute Zero constant

8.31434 for the Universal Gas Law constant

5.669E-8 for the Stefan Boltzmann constant

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Import support for *PHYSICAL CONSTANTS

NX can now import the *PHYSICAL CONSTANTS keyword in an Abaqus input file. In previous releases, the
*PHYSICAL CONSTANTS keyword was supported only for export from NX.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the appropriate solutionEdit Solution

Location in dialog box

Physical Constants tab

Support for the Abaqus iterative solver

What is it?
In the Solution Step dialog box, you can use the new Linear Equation Solver option to control whether
Abaqus uses the direct sparse solver or the iterative solver for the analysis.

Select Direct to use the direct sparse matrix solver. The Abaqus direct sparse solver uses a multifront
technique that can reduce the computational time required to solve the equations if the equation system has
a sparse structure. This type of sparse matrix structure often occurs when the physical model is made from
several connected parts, such as a wheel with spokes. Parts modeled with beams, trusses, and shell
elements also have sparse matrix stiffness.

Select Iterative to use the iterative linear equation solver. The Abaqus iterative solver is based on the
domain decomposition method. You can use the iterative solver only for linear and nonlinear static, quasistatic, and steady-state heat transfer solution analyses. Additionally, the stiffness matrix must be symmetric
and the solution must contain a single load case. The iterative solver finds an approximate solution to the
linear system of equations. You should select only the Iterative option for very large, well-conditioned
models, typically several million degrees-of-freedom. In general, the iterative solver is most appropriate for
large, block-like or chunky parts. The iterative solver requires less disk storage than the direct sparse
solver, but it also uses more in-core memory than the direct solver.
This option corresponds to the SOLVER=ITERATIVE parameter for the Abaqus *STEP keyword.

In previous releases, the direct sparse solver was used automatically for all analyses.
For more information, see Direct linear equation solver and Iterative linear equation solver in the Abaqus Analysis
Users Manual.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver

Simulation Navigator


Right-click the appropriate stepEdit Step

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Transient solution steps in thermal analyses

What is it?
In the Abaqus environment, when you create a Thermal solution, you can now create transient solution steps. In
previous releases, NX supported only steady state heat transfer analyses for Abaqus solutions.
In the Solution Step dialog box:

Select Steady State Analysis to omit the specific heat term in the governing heat transfer equation. This
means that the analysis has no intrinsic, physically meaningful time scale.

Select Transient to perform a heat transient analysis. In transient problems, Abaqus performs time
integration with the backward Euler method in the pure conduction elements.

You can use Transient heat transfer steps to perform uncoupled heat transfer analyses. These analyses model:

Solid body heat conduction with general, temperature-dependent conductivity.

Internal energy (including latent heat effects).

General convection and radiation boundary conditions.

These options correspond to the TRANSIENT parameter for the Abaqus *HEAT TRANSFER keyword. In previous
releases, only the STEADY STATE parameter was supported.

You must include specific heat data in your material (*SPECIFIC HEAT). If you do not, Abaqus issues an
error message when you solve the model.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver
Heat Transfer as the solution type

Simulation Navigator

Right-click a Heat Transfer solutionNew Step

Improved support for the *HEADING keyword

What is it?
This release includes improved support for the Abaqus *HEADING keyword. In Abaqus, you use the *HEADING
keyword to define an optional title for the analysis. The title can be one or more lines long and appears at the
beginning of each output file. The first heading line appears as a heading at the top of each page of the output.
In previous releases, NX automatically created the *HEADING keyword text. In this release, NX uses any text that
you enter in the Description box in the Solution dialog box as the *HEADING text. If you leave the Description


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

box blank, NX does not include the *HEADING keyword in the Abaqus input file when you export or solve the

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the appropriate solutionEdit Solution

Ability to define sides for element-based surfaces

What is it?
In the Abaqus environment, use the new Side option in the Region dialog box to define sides for an element-based
surface. For an element-based surface (*SURFACE keyword), you can define a single-sided surface on the positive or
negative face of structural, surface, or rigid elements.

Select SPOS to specify that the face is the positive side in the element-based surface. The positive face is
the face in the direction of the element normal.

Select SNEG to specify that the face is the negative side in the element-based surface. The negative face is
the face in the direction opposite to the element normal.

Before you use the Side option to designate the positive or negative side of a surface, you should first ensure that
the normals of the specified elements are oriented consistently.

Use the 2D Element Normals command to evaluate the consistency of the element normals in the mesh.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver

Command Finder
Simulation Region


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Additional options for enforcing contact constraints

What is it?
When you create a Contact Pair modeling object to define properties for contacting surfaces, you can now specify
additional options to control how Abaqus enforces contact constraints. These new options correspond to newly
supported parameters for the *SURFACE BEHAVIOR keyword.
In the Contact Pair dialog box, you can use the new Enforcement Method option to specify the penalty method
that Abaqus should use to enforce the contact constraint.

Select Penalty Linear to specify the linear penalty method. The penalty stiffness is constant, so the
pressure-overclosure relationship is linear. Abaqus sets the default penalty stiffness to 10 times the
representative underlying element stiffness. You can also select the User Specified option from the
Penalty Stiffness list to specify the stiffness and scaling factor.

Select Penalty Nonlinear to specify the nonlinear penalty method for enforcement of the contact
constraint. The penalty stiffness increases linearly between regions of constant low initial stiffness and
constant high final stiffness, resulting in a nonlinear pressure-overclosure relationship.

Select Augmented Lagrange to use the augmented Lagrange method. This method uses the same kind
of stiff approximation as the Penalty Linear and Penalty Nonlinear methods, but it also uses
augmentation iterations to improve the accuracy of the approximation.

Select Direct to enforce a given pressure-overclosure behavior per contact constraint without
approximation or the use of augmentation iterations.

The Enforcement Method option is available only for analyses that have a hard pressure-overclosure
relationship between the contacting surfaces.
For more information, see Contact constraint enforcement methods in Abaqus/Standard in the Abaqus Analysis
Users Manual.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver

Command Finder
Modeling Objects
Location in dialog box

TypeContact Pair

Reference temperatures for the thermal expansion coefficient

What is it?
When you create an isotropic, anisotropic, or orthotropic material in the Abaqus environment, you can now use the
Temperature (TREF) option to specify the reference temperature for the thermal expansion coefficient. In
Abaqus, thermal expansion effects are defined as the total expansion of the material from a specified reference
When you specify a Thermal Expansion Coefficient, Abaqus calculates thermal strains with respect to the
specified Temperature (TREF) value. This value corresponds to the ZERO parameter for the Abaqus *EXPANSION
In previous releases, NX did not write out a reference temperature for the thermal expansion coefficient, even if you
had specified one in the Temperature (TREF) box.
For more information, see:

*EXPANSION in the Abaqus Keywords Reference Manual.

Thermal expansion in the Abaqus Analysis Reference Manual.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver

Command Finder
Assign Materials
Location in dialog box


Isotropic Material, Anisotropic Material, or Orthotropic Material dialog

boxThermal/Electrical tab

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Layer symmetry option for laminates

What is it?
Use the new Layer Symmetry option in the Basic Laminate and Basic Solid Laminate physical property
table dialog boxes to indicate whether the layers in the laminate (composite shell) are symmetric about a central

Select Yes if the layers in the laminate are symmetric.

Select No if the layers in the laminate are not symmetric.

For more information, see:

*SOLID SECTION in the Abaqus Keywords Reference Manual.

Distribution definition in the Abaqus/Standard Users Manual.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver

Command Finder
Physical Properties
InsertPhysical Properties


Storing results as field and history output in the ODB file

What is it?
When you create a Abaqus Structural Output Requests or Abaqus Thermal Output Requests modeling
object, select the new Field and History option in the Field/History option list to write selected output requests
as both field and history data to the output database file (.odb).

Field output is intended for infrequent requests for a large portion of the model. You can use field output,
for example, to generate contour plots and animations. Only complete sets of basic variables, for example,
all the stress or strain components, can be requested as field output. Contact surface output, element output,
nodal output, and radiation output are available as field output

History output is intended for relatively frequent output requests for small portions of the model, such as
the displacements at a specific node. You can request Individual variables , such as a particular stress
component. Contact surface output, element output, energy output, integrated output, time incrementation
output, modal output, nodal output, and radiation output are available as history output. For history output
you must specify the set of elements (a node group or an element group) for which you are requesting

In previous releases, you could write only selected output requests as either field data or history data.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

Abaqus as the specified solver

Command Finder
Modeling Objects
Abaqus Structural Output Requests or Abaqus
Thermal Output Requests
Location in dialog box

ODB file output control group

ANSYS support enhancements

Contact support improvements with ANSYS
What is it?
NX now imports the following real constants data for the ANSYS RMODIF command:

FKN: Normal penalty stiffness

FTOLN: Penetration tolerance

PINB: Pinball region

FKOP: Contact opening stiffness or contact damping

NX uses the RMODIF real constants data to set the Contact Controls options in the Step dialog box. In NX, you
can use the Contact Controls options to change options that you set globally for the solution in the CONTAC174
Real Constants dialog box.

If the ANSYS input file you import contains an RMODIF command that has multiple instances of the same
real constant with different values in the same step, NX imports only the last value it encounters. For
example, suppose step 2 has PINB=1.25 and PINB=1.55, NX imports only PINB=1.55. This can occur when
the ANSYS input file is not generated by NX.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation as the displayed part and work part

ANSYS as the specified solver


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Temperature loads in modal analyses

What is it?
You can now use the Temperature Load command to create temperature loads in ANSYS modal solutions. A
temperature load, for example, allows you to include temperature-dependent material properties, such as the elastic
modulus, in an ANSYS modal analysis.
In previous releases, the Temperature Load command was available only in static solutions.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation as the displayed part and work part

ANSYS as the specified solver
Modal as the specified solution type

Command Finder
Temperature Load

Export models in a user defined orientation and location

What is it?
You can now export an ANSYS input file in a coordinate system that you specify. In the Export Simulation
dialog box, you can use the Model Orientation options to export the model in a coordinate system that is different
from the one used in the original Simulation file. This allows you to re-orient the model on export to a specified
coordinate system.
You can export the model:

In the Absolute coordinate system.

In an existing coordinate system under the CSYS node in the Simulation Navigator.

When you export the model, NX transforms both the models origin and orientation. NX transforms all objects in
the model to the new coordinate system, including the location of nodes, loads, boundary conditions, and material
orientation vectors.
For ANSYS models, NX transforms the model to the new coordinate system by adding the coordinate system that
you specify using the Model Orientation option, to the top of the coordinate system hierarchy.
For example, consider an ANSYS FEM file that has three coordinate systems defined, all at the same level in the
coordinate system hierarchy.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

If you select Absolute from the Use Coordinate System list, NX uses the LOCAL command to write out the
data for csys1, csys2, and csys3 when you export the model:

If you select csys3 from the Use Coordinate System list, NX uses the LOCAL command to write out the data for
csys3. It uses the CLOCAL command to write out the data for csys1 and csys2:

If you later reimport this ANSYS input file back into NX:

The coordinate systems are re-numbered. In ANSYS, coordinate system ID values of 1-10 are reserved for
internal use. Therefore, on export, NX adds an offset value of 10 to all coordinate system IDs that have a
value of 10 or less.

csys3 is renumbered as csys13 and becomes the parent coordinate system of csys1 and csys2 which are
renumbered as csys11 and csys12.

Model orientation details

When you use the Model Orientation option to transform your model:

Node coordinates refer to the selected coordinate system instead of the absolute coordinate system. In
ANSYS, the NBLOCK command does not support reference coordinate systems. Therefore, NX writes out
the nodes using the N command, regardless of the options you selected in the Formatting Options group
in the Export Simulation dialog box.

NX modifies material coordinate systems to refer to the selected coordinate system, unless the material
coordinate system is a parent coordinate system in the hierarchy. In this case, NX modifies the material
coordinate system to refer to the absolute coordinate system.

NX modifies nodes that do not have an assigned displacement coordinate system to refer to the selected
coordinate system as their displacement coordinate system. NX adds the ANSYS NROTAT,ALL command
in the input file before other NROTAT commands that are specific to each node. The NROTAT,ALL command
resolves the orientation for many loads and boundary conditions, including applied forces.

Pressure loads that are created using the Components or Components-Spatial option do not use
nodal displacement coordinate systems for orientation. Instead, NX creates a material orientation
vector on export to orient them. Because material orientation vectors refer to the selected coordinate
system, no change occurs with the Model Orientation option as the actual orientation is correct.

The Acceleration and Gravity commands do not use coordinate systems that refer to nodes. Therefore,
NX transforms their X, Y, and Z components to the selected coordinate system.

Current limitations


For axisymmetric models, NX does not validate whether the coordinate system you select using the Model
Orientation option is correct. You must ensure that the parent coordinate system is in-plane. For example,
if you selected csys3 from the Use Coordinate System list, you must ensure that the Z-axis of csys3 is
parallel to the Z-axis of the absolute coordinate system.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

If your FEM file contains a coordinate system hierarchy, the coordinate system you select from the Use
Coordinate System list must be at the top level of that hierarchy. That is, it must be the parent
coordinate system. If the user-defined CSYS is a child, the exporter will write it out as the parent. This data
altering may lead to incorrect orientation.

In general, you should not use a nodal reference coordinate system to re-orient your model on export. This
can lead to issues, if that reference coordinate system becomes a child of a user-defined coordinate system.

Although NX allows a model to have multiple nodal reference coordinate systems, ANSYS only
allows one nodal reference coordinate system for the entire model.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation as the displayed part and work part

ANSYS is the specified solver


Compacting displacement coordinate systems

What is it?
You can use new Extended data checking options in the Import Simulation dialog box to control whether NX
compacts ANSYS nodal displacement coordinate systems during the import process.
In ANSYS, the NROTAT command defines the nodal rotation at each node in a model. For example, a force or
moment defined on a node will rotate according to the associated NROTAT command. By default, NX creates a
displacement coordinate system for every NROTAT command during import. This can result in numerous, duplicate
displacement coordinate systems in your NX model.
Now, you can have NX identify identical nodal rotations and compact them into a single displacement coordinate
system. To do this, select the new Nodal rotation compaction to create displacement CSYS option in the
Import Simulation dialog box. If the rotation angle between nodes is less than or equal to the specified
Comparison angle in degrees option, NX compacts the associated displacement coordinate systems.
If you clear the Extended data checking check box, NX still performs the coordinate system compaction;
however, the software uses a very small comparison angle tolerance, which is hard-coded to 1E-15 of the nodal
transformation matrix. You can disable all coordinate system compaction by selecting the Extended data
checking option and clearing the Nodal rotation compaction to create displacement CSYS check box.

Associated customer defaults

NX uses the Material Orientation Comparison Angle for CSYS Compaction customer default to set the
default angular tolerance for the Comparison angle in degrees option.

Where do I find it?

Customer Default


Whats New in NX 9.0

Advanced Simulation


NX 9.0

Customer Default
Command Finder
Customer Defaults
Location in dialog box

SimulationGeneralMaterial Orientation Comparison Angle for

CSYS Compaction

Import support for output control commands

What is it?
NX now imports the OUTRES and OUTPR ANSYS output control commands. In previous releases, these commands
were supported only for export.
In ANSYS, output controls are independent of the solution or step. The OUTRES and OUTPR commands can occur
anywhere within an ANSYS input file.
In NX, however, the OUTRES and OUTPR commands can occur only at the following times:

At the beginning of a solution. You define this in the Output Controls tab in the Solution dialog box.

At the beginning of each step. You define this in the Output Controls tab in the Step dialog box.

When you import an ANSYS input file that contains OUTRES and OUTPR commands, NX:

Imports only the last OUTRES and OUTPR commands in the first step in the input file and places them at the
solution level.

Imports only the last OUTRES and OUTPR commands in each subsequent step, if the step contains multiple
output control commands. NX places these commands at the step level.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation



Axisymmetric element support improvements

This release includes improved support for ANSYS axisymmetric, plane strain, and plane stress elements in NX.

Axisymmetric, plane strain, and plane stress elements in a non-axisymmetric

In previous releases, axisymmetric, plane strain, and plane stress elements were supported in the Axisymmetric
Structural and Axisymmetric Thermal axisymmetric environments and the Structural and Thermal nonaxisymmetric environments, but these elements were lost if you switched the environment from axisymmetric to
non-axisymmetric or vice versa.
In this release, these elements are retained if you switch between environments.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The following axisymmetric, plane strain, or plane stress element types are included in the Structural and
Axisymmetric Structural environments:





The following axisymmetric, or planer element types are included in the Thermal and Axisymmetric Thermal





Axisymmetric elements in ANSYS environments

To use axisymmetric elements in ANSYS environments, you must now set the 2D Solid Option when you create a
new FEM or Simulation.

None (Structural and Thermal analysis types only) No axisymmetric elements can be used.

XY Plane, Y Axis (All Ansys analysis types) If axisymmetric elements are used, they must be on the
XY plane. The axisymmetric rotational axis is Y.

Mesh checking enhancement

When you create axisymmetric elements in an ANSYS Structural or Thermal environment, you should create the
elements on the XY plane. If you create axisymmetric elements off this plane, the mesh proceeds, and the related
geometry is added to the Output Group.

Lock Plane command added

Use the Lock Plane
command to prevent rotation of your model. This command is useful when you are
working with axisymmetric or other 2D elements.

Defining material orientation of axisymmetric elements

You can now set the material orientation for planar elements (PLANE182 and PLANE183) in both axisymmetric
and non-axisymmetric environments.
The orientation is defined in the Mesh Associated Data and Element Associated Data dialog boxes.

Support for Contact in axisymmetric analysis

You can now create axisymmetric structural and thermal contacts in the Structural and Thermal environments.
You can define the contacts as Node-to-edge or Edge-to-edge.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


For elements, a FEM file as the displayed part and work part
For contact, a Simulation file as the displayed part and work part
ANSYS as the specified solver

Previewing solver syntax

What is it?
You can use the new Solver Syntax Preview command to preview how a selected entity will be written out to
your ANSYS input file. The software displays the syntax preview in an Information window.

For performance reasons, the software previews only the first 5000 lines of syntax. You can increase or
decrease this limit using the Maximum Number of Output Lines for a Solver Syntax Preview
customer default.
You can use the Solver Syntax Preview command to validate that you have set up your model correctly prior to a

Previewing solver syntax in the FEM file

When a FEM is the work and displayed part, you can use the Solver Syntax Preview capability to preview the
ANSYS syntax for selected entities. This command is available in the Simulation Navigator and in several dialog
Use the Solver Syntax Preview command in Simulation Navigator to preview the syntax for:


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0



Physical properties

Coordinate systems


Modeling objects

To preview the syntax for nodes, select one or more elements and use the Node/Element Information command
to display a list of the nodes connected to each element.

You must select the General Listing format option in the Node/Element Information dialog box to
view a list of the nodes.
To preview the syntax for physical properties, materials, and modeling objects, use the new Solver Syntax
Preview option in the Physical Properties Table Manager, Manage Materials, and Modeling Objects
Manager dialog boxes.

Previewing solver syntax in the Simulation file

When a Simulation file is the work and displayed part, within the active solution or subcase, you can use the Solver
Syntax Preview command in the Simulation Navigator to preview the syntax for the following types of entities
within the active solution or subcase:



Simulation objects

Simulation regions


Modeling objects

Formatting the previewed data

When you use the Solver Syntax Preview command, NX uses all options currently specified in the Export
Simulation dialog box to format the previewed data.

Implementation details
NX generates a preview only of the ANSYS syntax related to the entity that you select. This means that the
previewed syntax is based on a small subset of your FEM or Simulation file. In some cases, the previewed ANSYS
syntax will differ from the actual ANSYS syntax that NX generates when you export or solve an entire solution.

When you preview the syntax of certain types of entities, the previewed IDs may be different from the IDs
that NX later exports. This difference can occur because IDs need to be consistent and unique across the
entire ANSYS input file and also because ANSYS has requirements for certain types of IDs, In ANSYS, all
coordinate system IDs must be greater than 10. Differences in the previewed IDs can occur, for example,
when you preview:


Physical property tables, which include real constant data and SECDATA.

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Modeling objects, such as contact elements.

Elements, including the referenced IDs for element coordinate systems ( ESYS), for example.

To avoid seeing differences in previewed ID values, you can use the Preview Input File button in the
Solution dialog box to preview the entire input file. When you click Preview Input File, NX previews
the entire ANSYS input file, although it only displays a few entities for each ANSYS command for
performance reasons.

When you preview the syntax of simulation regions, the syntax depends on the option that you selected
from the Use ESURF list in the Region dialog box when you created the region.

If you selected Yes, NX also previews the related CMBLOCK commands. The CMBLOCK commands
list the nodes that comprise the contact or target surfaces that are defined in ANSYS with the
ESURF command.

If you selected No, the software create the ANSYS contact elements in your ANSYS input file
when you export or solve your model. NX uses the CMBLOCK command to write out the group of
nodes that define the region. When you preview a region that was created using the No option,
NX includes the syntax for the related CMBLOCK commands. However, because this option creates
the target (or contact) elements only when you export or solve, those elements are not included in
the syntax preview.

When you preview a Bolt Pre-Load, NX also includes a preview of the associated SECDATA commands.

When you preview a Pressure load that was defined using the Components type, NX also include a
preview of the associated SURF154 elements.

When you preview the syntax of selected meshes, the software previews only the coordinate systems
(including any coordinate systems that may be exported as material orientation vectors), element tables,
real constants or SECDATA, nodes, and elements that are related to the selected mesh. The previewed
elements point to the IDs of element tables, real constants or SECDATA, and coordinate systems. These
previewed IDs may differ from the IDs that NX generates in the ANSYS input file when you export or
solve the solution.

Where do I find it?

Solver Syntax Preview command

Advanced Simulation


A FEM or Simulation file as the displayed part and work part, and ANSYS as the
specified solver

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the appropriate objectSolver Syntax Preview

Maximum Number of Output Lines for a Solver Syntax Preview customer default

FileUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

SimulationGeneralEnvironment tab


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Merging parts of an Abaqus or ANSYS input file into an existing NX model

What is it?
You can now merge an existing Abaqus or ANSYS input file into an existing NX model. The new Merge Entities
option in the Solver Deck Append dialog box allows you to import portions of an input deck into an existing
model, as long as the missing portions of the input file already exist in NX.
In previous releases, the Merge Entities capability was supported only for NX Nastran and MSC Nastran input
files. For Abaqus and ANSYS input files, you could append a solver input file into an existing NX model only if the
input file being appended was a complete, valid, standalone file.
For example, you can use the Merge Entities option to:

Import only elements from an input file into an NX FEM that already contains nodes.

Import group definitions that reference nodes and elements where the nodes and elements already exist in

Import loads and constraints into a model that already contains a mesh. This is useful, for example, if you
need to import boundary conditions from custom load generation software into an NX Simulation file.

When you use the Merge Entities option to append data, NX does not modify any entities that were present in NX
prior to the merge. For example, NX does not modify:

Solution attributes.

Values in existing loads, boundary conditions, simulation objects, or modeling objects.

The content of existing NX groups.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

Abaqus or ANSYS as the specified solver

Simulation Navigator


LS-DYNA support enhancements

*INCLUDE keyword now supported for import
What is it?
You can now import an LS-DYNA keyword input (.k) file that contains included files. In LS-DYNA, you use the
*INCLUDE keyword to insert external files at specific locations in your input file. You can use the *INCLUDE
keyword to insert an external file that contains a portion of your LS-DYNA input file. For example, you can include
a file that contains model definition data or comment lines.
For example, you can use the *INCLUDE keyword to include the file Floor_frame.k as follows:
*INCLUDE Floor/Floor_frame.k


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

In this example, Floor/ is the path to the file from your current directory. You can also use the *INCLUDE keyword
to specify the full path to the file. For example:
*INCLUDE D:/workdir/Floor/Floor_frame.k

In previous releases, the *INCLUDE keyword was only supported for export from NX.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the displayed part and the work part

LS-DYNA as the specified solver



NX Optimizer optimization type
What is it?
NX Geometry Optimization now provides a new default optimization type called NX Optimizer. Altair
HyperOpt continues to be available as an additional optimization type.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation, Design Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

Command Finder
Geometry Optimization
Location in dialog box

Create Geometry Optimization Solution dialog boxOptimization

TypeNX Optimizer

Create fields from identified results
What is it?
You can now save the output from the Identify command directly to an NX table field.
You can plot and edit table fields, use them to define spatial distribution boundary conditions, and export these
fields like any other NX field.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

In previous releases, if you wanted to use identified results from one analysis to drive loads or boundary conditions
in a subsequent analysis, you had to first export a .csv file from the Identify dialog box, and then re-import that .csv
file into a field in the table editor. The Identify dialog box now includes a Create Field button, which opens the
Create Table Field dialog box. This provides a simple method to create a table field directly from results
identified in the Identify dialog box.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


Loaded results and at least one post view displayed.

Command Finder
Location in dialog box
Create Field

Graphing enhancements
What is it?
This release introduces many enhancements to the graphing capabilities of NX post processing.

You can plot graphs in a secondary Graph Window. You can display and compare multiple graphs in
separate windows without overwriting the model or post view display in the NX graphics window
viewports. For more information, see Plotting a graph in a separate window.

When graphing results on a path, you can create a temporary path or define a group or FE entities directly
from the Graph dialog box, in addition to selecting from named, persistent paths.

NX provides improved selection methods for selecting entities to define a path or to graph across iterations.
You can select nodes or elements by group, on feature edges or faces, or by using a selection box.

You can select multiple nodes or elements to graph across iterations. You can combine all selected entities
into a single data series, or graph each entity as an independent data series.

You have greater control over the X and Y axes of your graph. For example, you can set the X axis to node
or element IDs, path length, length along a vector, or coordinates along an axis in the model coordinate

You can create a two-function plot directly from two selected post views. In previous releases, you first had
to export the graphs to AFU functions, and use the Two Function command in the Function
For example, you can create a contour plot of displacements in one viewport and a contour plot of strain in
a second viewport. Select both post views in the Post Processing Navigator and click Create


. Use the Two Function Plot dialog box to graph strain against displacements.

When viewing displacements from a rotor dynamics analysis, you can create a standard Orbit Plot graph
of X versus Y displacements in the plane of rotation. For more information about rotor dynamics analysis,
see Rotor dynamics (NX Nastran).

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

For results in complex format, you can choose from a wide variety of complex plot types, including polar,
Argand, and Nichols plots.

Examples of new graph types. Clockwise from top left: polar coordinates, two-function plot, scatter plot,
multi-axis plot.

Where do I find it?

Graph dialog box

Advanced Simulation


One or more loaded results files.

Command Finder
Create Graph
Two Function Plot dialog box

Advanced Simulation


One or more loaded results files.

Two post views displayed in separate viewports.

Simulation Navigator


ViewportsFringe PlotsCtrl-click to select both post views

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Command Finder
Create Graph

Complex plot support

What is it?
Beginning with this release, you can graph complex components to create Nichols, Argand, polar, orbit and multiaxis plots. You can plot these graph types from from the Graph dialog box in Advanced Simulation postprocessing.
For more information about new features for graphing complex results in Advanced Simulation post-processing, see
Graphing enhancements.

2D Argand plot
An Argand plot plots the real part of the complex result against the imaginary part in the complex plane.

2D polar plot
A 2D polar plot plots the results magnitude along the r axis and the phase angle on the axis in a 2D polar
coordinate system across iterations. The following example shows the displacement and phase angle across several
frequencies at a selected node.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Multi-axis plot
You can plot complex results on up to three axes for any combination of results magnitude, real part, imaginary part,
and phase angle. The following figure shows a multi-axis plot of displacement magnitude and phase angle against


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Orbit plot
An orbit plot plots X displacements against Y displacements at a specified frequency. Orbit plots are typically used
to analyze rotor dynamics results.

Nichols plot
Nichols plots are typically used in the analysis of signals.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


One or more loaded results files.

Command Finder
Create Graph


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Results manipulation enhancements

What is it?
This release contains many enhancements to improve usability and utility of manipulated results such as results
envelopes, reductions, and combined results.
The single Results Manipulation command is now obsolete. It has been replaced by four manipulation
commands, each optimized for a particular operation:

Use the Envelope command to compare two or more results of the same type and component, and return
the minimum or maximum values at nodes. You can export the results envelope to a universal file or save it
as an NX field.

Use the Combination command to combine two or more results of the same type using standard NX
expression syntax. You can export the combined results to a universal file or save them as an NX field.

Use the Reduction and Multiple Reduction commands to reduce one or more results components to
scalar values at nodes. These scalar values are represented as post-processing expressions. You can view
and export the expressions in a variety of ways, and you can combine scalar post-processing expressions
using standard NX expression syntax.

You use the Reduction command to view, save, or export scalar results for a single load case, time step, mode,
iteration, and so on. You use the Multiple Reduction command to graph, save, or export scalar results across a
range of time steps, modes, frequencies, iterations, and so on.
From both commands, you can access the Create Expression dialog box. The options in this dialog box allow
you finer control over the reduced values defined in the NX expression. For example, you can specify the absolute
value of signed data, averaging options for element-nodal results, shell layers or beam recovery points, complex
results parameters, and so on.

Maximum XY membrane strain for a selected shell mesh, reduced to a scalar value, plotted against
frequency, and output as a table field.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Saving manipulated results to an NX field

In previous releases, manipulated results could only be exported to a universal (.unv) file. Beginning in this release,
you can also save manipulated results directly to an NX field. You can treat this field like any other NX field: plot,
export, or save this field to an AFU file, or use it to define field-based boundary conditions in subsequent analyses.

Displaying reduced results

Results that have been reduced to a scalar value can be immediately displayed in NX without saving them to an
external file or field:

Expressions or combined expressions created using the Reduction command can be displayed as a
contour plot in a new post view.

Expressions or combined expressions created using the Multiple Reduction command can be displayed
as a graph in an existing viewport or in a new graph window.

Graphing multiple reduced results

When you use the Multiple Reduction command, you can graph reduced values against the iteration ID, time step,
frequency, and so on (depending on the solution type). Select FE entities, points, or polygon geometry to specify the
values to plot. If you select multiple entities or geometry, you can plot the values as multiple data series, or select
Combine Across Entities to plot them as a single data series.
When you graph values using the Multiple Reduction command, you can choose to save the output as an NX field
or an AFU file.

Where do I find it?

Manipulation commands:

Advanced Simulation


One or more loaded results files.

Command Finder
Multiple Reduction
Create Expression dialog box:

Advanced Simulation


One or more loaded results files.

Command Finder


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Multiple Reduction
Location in dialog box

Scalar Reduction dialog boxExpression Manager

Multiple Reduction dialog boxExpression Manager

General post-processing enhancements

What is it?
This release includes a number of general enhancements and usability improvements, including:

Support for PERMAS native results (*.post) files. You can import PERMAS results into the Post
Processing Navigator for immediate post-processing, import them into a new solution associated with
the current Simulation file, or add them as companion results to an existing solution.

Support for NX Multiphysics solutions with results in multiple domains (for example, time and frequency).
When graphing or animating results across iterations, you can specify the value type to filter time steps or
load cases to a single result domain.

The ability to save results displayed in a post view to a reference field. A reference field stores pointers to
the numerical data used in a post view. For more information, see Reference field support.

Where do I find it?

Permas results file support

Advanced Simulation


An open Simulation file as the work part.

Simulation Navigator

Right-click Simulation nodeImport Results

Post Processing Navigator

Right-click Imported ResultsImport Results

Orthotropic material support for Durability
What is it?
You can now perform durability analysis on models that contain orthotropic materials.
To perform this analysis, you need to:


Define the tension static stress limits in directions 1 and 2 for the orthotropic material.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0




Define the stress-life data for normal stresses (directions 1 and 2) and in-plane shear stress (direction 12).
In the Orthotropic Material dialog box, you can define the stress-life data using fields or by providing
the following durability properties:

The three fatigue strength coefficients (1, 2, 12)

The three fatigue strength exponents (1, 2, 12)

Specify a fatigue life or strength analysis on orthotropic materials.

To perform fatigue life analysis, select the Perform Orthotropic Analysis check box in the
Fatigue dialog box.

To perform the strength analysis, select the Perform Orthotropic Analysis check box in the
Strength dialog box.

Define fatigue life criterion and failure criterion.

Why should I use it?

You can compute fatigue life, fatigue damage, strength safety factor, and margin of safety for models with
orthotropic material.
This enhancement allows you to perform durability analysis on models that have laminate physical properties with
orthotropic materials. In previous releases, you needed to override the orthotropic materials with a single isotropic

Where do I find it?

Accessing the fatigue or strength durability objects

Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Manage Durability Objects
Location in dialog box

Object TypeFatigue or Strength

Fatigue dialog box

Location in dialog box

Orthotropic Material Strength groupPerform Orthotropic


Strength dialog box

Location in dialog box


Whats New in NX 9.0

Fatigue Life groupOrthotropic Material Fatigue

subgroupPerform Orthotropic Analysis


NX 9.0

Enhanced laminate support for Durability

What is it?
You can compute fatigue life, fatigue damage, strength safety factor, and margin of safety on all plies for models
with laminate physical properties defined.
In previous releases, NX calculated durability results only from top and bottom ply results.
The following table shows the result nodes in the Post Processing Navigator.
Durability 1

Durability 1

Durability 1

Durability 1

Fatigue Life Bottom Ply Element-

Ply Fatigue Life Element-Nodal

Ply 1
Fatigue Life Top Ply Element-Nodal
Ply 2
Static Event 1
Ply 3
Ply 4
Static Event 1


Enhanced interface with NX Response Simulation

What is it?
You can now perform a durability analysis on modal response results from a Response Simulation solution process
event. The modal response results are saved in an EEF file.
The durability solver computes the stress or strain histories using the following:

The modal response from the EEF file.

The stress or strain modes from the SOL 103 Response Simulation OP2 file.
The OP2 file stores the results from the parent solution of the Response Simulation solution process event.

Why should I use it?

For some models, this method is faster than directly reading the stress or strain histories from the RS2 file.

Where do I find it?



Advanced Simulation

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


A Response Simulation solution process event with modal response results

Command Finder
Transient Event
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Durability solution process nodeNew EventTransient

Location in dialog box

Transient Solution Subcase ListModal Response

Enhanced NX Nastran solution support for Durability

What is it?
NX Advanced Durability now supports the following NX Nastran solutions for both static and transient durability

SOL 106 Nonlinear Statics Global Constraints

SOL 106 Nonlinear Statics Subcase Constraints

SOL 129 Nonlinear Transient Response*

SOL 601,106 Advanced Nonlinear Statics

SOL 601,129 Advanced Nonlinear Transient*

SOL 701 Explicit Advanced Nonlinear Analysis*

In the previous release, the transient durability event could reference only the solutions marked with a star
To process nonlinear results from the structural solutions, select the Use Non-Linear Results check box in the
solve options durability object.

Why should I use it?

You can now process nonlinear static and transient stress and strain results using both static and transient durability

Where do I find it?

Accessing the solve options durability objects

Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Manage Durability Objects
Location in dialog box


Whats New in NX 9.0

Object TypeSolve Options


NX 9.0

Solve Options dialog box

Location in dialog box

Use Non-Linear Results

NX Laminate Composites
Laminate Dynamic Simulation
What is it?
Use the Dynamic Simulation solution process to generate ply results for a base-driven random vibration event.
The dynamic simulation uses a hybrid integration method to compute peak values of the requested results. The
hybrid method is either analytical or adaptive numerical depending on the shape of the base excitation PSD function.

You can request the following results:

Peak ply stresses, strains, failure indices, strength ratios, and margins of safety.

Nodal peak responses and number of positive zero crossings for acceleration, displacement, velocity,
multipoint constraint (MPC) force, and single-point constraint (SPC) force.

Nodal peak responses for grid point force.

Elemental peak responses and number of positive zero crossings for stress, strain, and force.

Peak Von Mises stresses, failure indices, and margins of safety for elements that reference a homogeneous

The laminate dynamic simulation solution process can also generate the power spectral density functions (XY
Functions) for most of the results described above except ply results and grid point forces.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


Reference a Nastran SOL 103 Real Eigenvalues solution from which the laminate dynamic simulation
solution process reads the following data:

Modal data: eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and modal participation factors.

Failure data: failure theories and material allowables.

Create a random event where you specify a base excitation PSD function and analysis parameters.

Request output results.

Why should I use it?

The laminate dynamic solution process provides an accurate and efficient means to evaluate the performance of
composite parts when they are subjected to base-driven random vibrations, which are prevalent in the aerospace and
automotive industries.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


Nastran SOL 103 Real Eigenvalues solution with Solution Process

set to Laminate Dynamics

Command Finder
Dynamic Simulation
Simulation Navigator


Whats New in NX 9.0

Right-click the Simulation file nodeNew Solution

ProcessLaminate Dynamic Simulation


NX 9.0

User Defined Failure Theories

What is it?
You can now develop functions to predict ply and interlaminar failure according to your custom failure theories, and
link them with NX Laminate Composites. You can code your functions in C++, C, or Fortran.
Your failure theories can process ply stress or strain results that originate from NX Nastran, MSC Nastran, ANSYS,
and Abaqus. The stress and strain data can be nodal or elemental. For your theories, you can define equations for
failure index, strength ratio, and margin of safety.
NX Laminate Composites extracts the material stress or strain limits from NX materials, solution ply results from
NX and computes the failure metrics by invoking your compiled DLLs.
Before you can use your user defined theories in NX, you must create the following files:

An XML file that contains user failure theory definitions

One or more DLL files that contain the compiled source code for your failure theories

Use the User Defined Failure Theory XML Config File customer default to specify the XML file.
The format for the XML file is defined in a standard Document Type Definition (DTD) file. The DTD file and the
XML file are available in the following folder:
In the XML file, for each user defined failure theory, specify the following:

Its name

Its type (ply or interlaminar)

The full path to its DLL file.

The interface for the DLL files is defines in the UserFailureTheoryApi.h file. This file is available in the following

Why should I use it?

You can define your own ply and interlaminar failure theories to analyze the strength of your laminate. You can use
your user defined failure theories to validate your 2D and 3D laminates, optimize your 2D laminate, or analyze your
laminate results using the advanced post reporting laminate commands.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM as the work part

Command Finder

Laminate Physical Property

or Solid Laminate Physical

Location in dialog box


Laminate Properties group or Ply Layup groupPly Failure Theory

list or Interlaminar Failure Theory listUser Defined

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

FiberSIM interface enhancements

What is it?
Editing the draping domain of imported plies
You can now edit the draping domain to help resolve inflation problems caused by gaps between closely
spaced elements. You can add or remove faces and elements that were mapped during the import operation.
You can also modify ply boundaries.
Exporting FiberSIM ply names
When you use the Export Plies to FiberSim command, the FiberSIM ply names that are stored as
descriptions in the layup modeler are exported to FiberSIM file. The exported ply names help in the
exchange of data to and from FiberSIM.
Exporting mesh collector names
When you export the laminate physical property using the Export to FiberSim
command, the
mesh collector names are also exported to FiberSIM in PDI format. In previous releases, the zone portion
of the exported file was populated by laminate names. Now, the 2D mesh collector names are written,
giving you more accurate and easier to understand descriptions of the zones.

Why should I use it?

These enhancements improve the data exchange between NX Laminate Composites and FiberSIM.

Where do I find it?

Editing the draping domain of imported plies

Advanced Simulation


Imported FiberSIM layups

Simulation Navigator

Right-click a global ply nodeEdit

Exporting FiberSIM ply names


Advanced Simulation

Simulation Navigator

Right-click a global layup nodeExport Plies to FiberSim

Exporting mesh collector names


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Export to FiberSim


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Exporting 3D laminates as a homogeneous property

What is it?
You can now export your 3D laminate physical property to the NX Nastran, Abaqus, or ANSYS solvers as a
homogeneous physical property pointing to an equivalent orthotropic material.

Why should I use it?

Exporting 3D laminates as homogeneous properties rather than layered properties may shorten solution time. The
homogeneous approach is suitable for balanced and symmetric laminates.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM as the work part

Command Finder
(NX Nastran or Abaqus) Solid Laminate Physical Property
(ANSYS) Laminate Physical Property
Location in dialog box

(NX Nastran) Solver Properties groupOutput Format listPSOLID

(Abaqus or ANSYS) Solver Properties groupOutput Format


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Homogeneous properties for 3D inflation

What is it?
For inflated 3D meshes, you can now export unlayered, homogeneous properties with equivalent orthotropic
materials instead of exporting layered properties. To do this, use the new Homogeneous Plies option.
You can export a subset of laminates and global plies, using homogeneous properties. To specify which plies are
inflated and exported as homogeneous, set the ply Solid Property to Homogeneous.

For a laminate physical property, set this option in the Laminate Modeler dialog box.

For a global layup, set this option iIn the Layup Modeler dialog box.

Why should I use it?

Exporting 3D laminates as homogeneous rather than layered properties may shorten solution time. The
homogeneous approach is suitable for balanced and symmetric laminates.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM as the work part

Command Finder
Extrude Laminate

or Fill Laminate

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Laminate Inflation nodeExtrude Laminate or Fill


Location in dialog box

Options groupHomogeneous Plies


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Cutting Face options for laminate extrusion

What is it?
Select the new Enable Cuts check box to define cutting faces that limit the 3D extrusion domain. For the cutting
face, you can select one or more polygon faces with contiguous edges.

You can optionally create drop-off resin elements when you select the Cutting Face Drop-Offs check box.

The drop-off resin elements are shown in dark green.

Why should I use it?

These options allow you to control extrusion of 2D laminates using existing polygon faces.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM as the work part

Command Finder
Extrude Laminate
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Laminate Inflation nodeExtrude Laminate

Location in dialog box

Cutting Face groupEnable Cuts


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Normal Smoothing options for laminate extrusion

What is it?
Use the Smooth Normals option to prevent the creation of degenerate solid elements when you extrude thick
laminates from a concave face.
For example, this option is useful when you extrude 2D laminates and the extrude distance is comparable to the
blend radius.

Smooth Normals

Smooth Normals

Why should I use it?

Solutions may not run with distorted elements. Using this option results in elements with less distortion.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM as the work part

Command Finder
Extrude Laminate
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Laminate Inflation nodeExtrude Laminate

Location in dialog box

Normal Smoothing groupSmooth Normals


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Extruded Element Validation

What is it?
When you extrude a 2D laminate, NX can create degenerate 3D elements due to underlying geometry and extrusion

The option in the Extruded Element Validation group helps you to find these elements:

When you select the Keep Invalid Elements option, NX keeps the degenerate elements created during
extrusion and stores them in the Extrusion Invalid Solids group.

When you deselect the Keep Invalid Elements option, NX does not keep the degenerate elements
created during extrusion. Instead, it creates an Extrusion Invalid Shells group that contains the shell
elements that could not be fully extruded without creating invalid elements.

Why should I use it?

This option is a diagnostic tool to prevent solution issues downstream. Remedial actions can include using the new
Smooth Normal option or modifying the mesh in the problem areas.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


FEM is the work part.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Command Finder
Extrude Laminate
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Laminate Inflation nodeExtrude Laminate

Location in dialog box

Extruded Element Validation groupKeep Invalid Elements

Account for Weft Fiber Directions

What is it?
For woven ply materials, you can now have NX Laminate Composites account for the weft direction when it
computes zones, and when it creates physical properties. To do this, select the new Account for Weft Fiber
Directions option.
By default, zone computation and physical property generation rely solely on the primary, or warp fiber directions.
The Account for Weft Fiber Directions option results in more zones, more physical properties, and new
materials with better representation of the sheared fabric properties. NX creates new ply materials on-the-fly using
the sheared yarn angle, from which accurate material properties are derived.

Why should I use it?

When you select this check box, your solution can account not only for the deviation of warp fibers, but also for the
shearing of the warp and weft fibers.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM as the work part

Command Finder
Ply Materials
Location in dialog box

Type listWovenCreate

Laminate Ply Material dialog box

Location in dialog box

Basic Information groupAccount for Weft Fiber Directions

Copy elements with global layups

What is it?
Layups are copied if they are associated to 2D elements that are copied and translated, reflected, or projected. If you
modify the original layup, the copied layup is shown as out of sync.
If you copy inflated 3D elements, the copied elements do not reflect the original extrusion but still point to the same
extruded laminate physical property. All association to the plies is lost. Because the copied elements do not belong
in any zone, the exporter issues a warning that some elements have no plies.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

If you copy the source 2D elements, NX does not copy the extruded elements on top of them. It just copies the 2D

Why should I use it?

When you copy elements that are referenced by global layups, you do not need to recreate the layup as NX
automatically copies them for you.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


One or more 2D meshes with global plies defined

Command Finder
Element Copy and Translate

or Element Copy and

or Element Copy and Project

Next Ply and Previous Ply commands in Post Processing

What is it?
Use the Previous Ply and Next Ply commands to switch the post view from one ply to the next or the previous
one, keeping the same result and component, for example, Ply Stress Elemental, 11.

Why should I use it?

These commands are useful when you have a large number of plies and want to visualize results quickly from one
ply to the other.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part

Command Finder
Previous Ply

or Next Ply

Show Critical Loadcase ID

What is it?
In the laminate graphical report, you can display the ID of the critical loadcase for each ply and each element. To do
this, use the new Show Critical Loadcase ID option of Advanced Laminate Post Reporting.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The critical loadcase ID has three components:

Component one indicates the solution.

Component two indicates the sub case.

Component three indicates the iteration.

Why should I use it?

The Show Critical Loadcase ID option lets you identify visually which loadcase is critical for each ply and
element of the model.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


The graphical report result sets must include envelope result sets.

Post Processing Navigator

Select an enveloping result setright-click the Post View nodeShow

Critical Loadcase ID

Zone Properties enhancements

What is it?
In the Information window for the Zone Properties command, NX now includes the total thickness, the number
of elements, and the element IDs.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM as the work part

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the zone nodeZone Properties


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

View Laminate enhancement

What is it?
You can now select elements and use View Laminate to plot the ply strain or ply stress as a function of the
laminate thickness.

The figure shows a plot of strain 11 results for a 3 mm laminate.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


Ply stress or ply strain must be displayed in the post view.

Command Finder
View Laminate
Location in dialog box


Stresses Strains Plot tabComponent

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

New zone navigator nodes

What is it?
When you use the Compute Zones command, if there is a solid laminate property in the model, NX now displays
3D zone nodes in the Simulation Navigator.
In previous releases, only the 2D zone nodes were visible in the Simulation Navigator.

The figure shows the zone nodes display for an extruded laminate.


Laminate 1

Laminate 1

Zone 1 (9 elements)

Zone 1 (9 elements)

Zone 2 (9 elements)

Zone 2 (9 elements)
Laminate 1 Extrusion
Zone 1 (9 elements)
Zone 2 (9 elements)
Zone 3 (9 elements)
Zone 4 (9 elements)
Zone 5 (9 elements)



Why should I use it?

The 3D zone nodes are useful with inflated models because they allow you to view the plies that are assigned to the
inflated elements. Additionally, you can use the same right-click commands for a 3D individual zone node as for a
2D individual zone node.
This reflects an architectural change that allows you to delete individual inflated solid elements, an operation which
was previously not possible. The change also lets you display the material orientations of the inflated solid elements.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM as the work part

Command Finder
Compute Zones
Simulation Navigator


Whats New in NX 9.0

Right-click the zone nodeCompute Zones


NX 9.0

Material View enhancement for laminates

What is it?
In the Material View of the Simulation Navigator, when NX sorts meshes by materials, it takes into account
materials that are assigned at the ply level in Laminate and Solid Laminate physical properties.
In the previous release, NX sorted the meshes that reference Laminate and Solid Laminate physical properties
under the No Material node.
In the current release, NX continues to sort the meshes that reference the following physical properties under the
No Material node:

Laminate physical properties that have Stacking Recipe set to Inherited from layup.

Solid Laminate physical properties that have Stacking Recipe set to Extruded.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Simulation Navigator

Right-click in an empty rowMaterial View

Laminate enhancement for ANSYS

What is it?
When you export a structural solution with a Laminate physical property table to ANSYS, NX automatically
creates a KEYOPTS modeling object. This modeling object ensures that the ANSYS solver automatically compute
the ply results at the top, middle, and bottom of the plies.
In previous releases, you needed to manually create the modeling object to modify where the ply results were

Automatic Group by Material enhancement

What is it?
When you group elements automatically by material type, NX takes into account materials that are assigned at the
ply level in Laminate and Solid Laminate physical properties.
NX cannot create material groups from the following properties:

Laminate physical properties that have Stacking Recipe set to Inherited from layup.

Solid Laminate physical properties that have Stacking Recipe set to Extruded.

Where do I find it?



Advanced Simulation

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Command Finder
Automatic Groups
Simulation Navigator

Right-click Groups nodeAutomatic Group

Location in dialog box

By Material groupGroup Meshes with Same Material

NX Thermal and Flow, Electronic Systems Cooling, and Space Systems

High performance computing
Parallel thermal solver
What is it?
NX 9 marks the first release of the thermal solver.
In previous releases, you could run in parallel only certain portions of a thermal solution, for example the view
factor computations. In NX 9, you could run in parallel the solver module that resolves the solution matrix.
When you run the thermal solver in parallel, it uses domain decomposition techniques to split the thermal system of
equations and to distribute the computation workload across multiple processes.

Why should I use it?

This capability provides a significant reduction in thermal solution time for large models, as well as for long
transient solutions.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Space Systems Thermal


Space Systems Thermal

NX Thermal and Flow


Advanced Thermal

NX Multiphysics



Without a thermal and flow DMP license, you can only perform an analysis in parallel on a single
workstation with access for up to 8 processes per run. You require the NX Thermal and Flow DMP add-on
product to remove any software limitations on the number of processes per run for parallel processing and
enables parallel solutions over networks and clusters.
Parallel flow solver performance enhancements

What is it?
NX 9 provides the following significant performance upgrades for the parallel flow solver:


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Reduced memory usage

Increased performance and speed

You can now use scripts when you submit parallel jobs to a cluster using a scheduler.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems Cooling

Coupled Thermal-Flow

NX Advanced Thermal/Flow with


NX Thermal and Flow


Advanced Flow

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow

Without a thermal and flow DMP license, you can only perform an analysis in parallel on a single
workstation with access for up to 8 processes per run. You require the NX Thermal and Flow DMP add-on
product to remove any software limitations on the number of processes per run for parallel processing and
enables parallel solutions over networks and clusters.

Large ID number support

What is it?
Thermal models now support large numbers of elements, nodes, and conductances. The upper limit for element and
node labels is 100 million.

Because the thermal solver in NX 9 supports large ID numbers, you cannot restart simulations using solver
files that you generated in NX 8.5 or earlier.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems Cooling

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Electronic Systems Cooling

NX Advanced Thermal/Flow with

NX Space Systems Thermal


Space Systems Thermal

NX Thermal and Flow


Advanced Thermal

Axisymmetric Thermal

Axisymmetric Thermal
Advanced Axisymmetric Thermal


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow

NX Multiphysics



Flow capabilities
Parallel flow solver capability enhancements
What is it?
The parallel flow solver now supports the following objects:

Simulation objects: Rotating Frame of Reference, Mixing Plane, and Disjoint Fluid Mesh

Modeling objects: Tracer Fluid and Non-Newtonian Fluid.

For the Rotating Frame of Reference simulation object, NX:

Provides an improved scheme and handling of advective flux corrections.

Supports accelerations in a rotating frame of reference through an additional input file.

Additional improvements for the parallel flow solver:

Improved convergence and accuracy when using the k-epsilon turbulence model.

Improved handling of dense porous blockages.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems

Coupled Thermal-Flow

NX Advanced
Thermal/Flow with ESC

NX Thermal and Flow


Advanced Flow

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow

Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing

What is it?
Use the Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing simulation object to connect disjoint fluid meshes when solving models
with the parallel flow solver. You can manually specify pairs of faces as contact pairs, or you can allow NX to
automatically identify faces of separate polygon bodies that are in contact with each other.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

This capability allows fluid to flow between polygon bodies that have one or more coplanar face pairs where the
nodes, elements, or nodes and elements of the associated fluid meshes are not coincident.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Electronic Systems Cooling

NX Thermal and Flow


Advanced Flow

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow

NX Advanced
Thermal/Flow with ESC

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


Parallel flow solver

Command Finder
Disjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Simulation Object Container nodeNew Simulation

ObjectDisjoint Fluid Mesh Pairing

Enhancement to Opening and Static Pressure types of Flow Boundary Condition

simulation object
What is it?
You can now set the relative pressure as an external condition for Opening or Static Pressure types of the Flow
Boundary Condition simulation object.
To define constant, time-varying, or spatially-varying pressure relative to ambient pressure, select the Relative
option. You define the ambient pressure on the Ambient Conditions tab in the Solution dialog box.

Why should I use it?

When the known pressure is the relative pressure defined as a time-varying function or a spatial distribution, using
the Relative option improves the accuracy of your solution.

Supported solvers and analysis types

Opening type:


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Electronic Systems Cooling

NX Thermal and Flow


NX Advanced
Thermal/Flow with ESC
Advanced Flow
Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow

Static Pressure type:


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems

Coupled Thermal-Flow

NX Advanced
Thermal/Flow with ESC

NX Thermal and Flow


Advanced Flow

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


You must select Opening or Static Pressure from the Type list in the
Flow Boundary Condition dialog box.

Command Finder
Flow Boundary Condition
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Simulation Object Container nodeNew Simulation

ObjectFlow Boundary Condition

Location in dialog box

External Conditions groupExternal Pressure Type listRelative

Surface Wrap Fluid Domain enhancements

What is it?
The behavior of the Surface Wrap Fluid Domain command changed. When you click OK or Apply in the
command dialog box, NX creates a fluid domain recipe node under the Fluid Domain Recipes node in the
Simulation Navigator but does not create the fluid body.
In previous releases, NX directly created the fluid body and the fluid domain recipe node at the same time.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Before you create the fluid body, you can add one or more contact prevention constraints and local resolution
constraints to the fluid domain recipe. To create the fluid body, right-click the created fluid domain recipe node and
choose Wrap.
You can add contact prevention and local resolution constraints to fluid domain recipes that reference existing fluid
bodies. To update an existing fluid body, right-click its fluid domain recipe node and choose Update.
The following table lists the new fluid domain icons in the Simulation Navigator.



Fluid domain recipe

Indicates that the fluid body that is

described by the fluid domain recipe
does not exist.

Fluid domain recipe

Indicates that the fluid body that is

described by the fluid domain recipe
is not yet synced.

Contact prevention

Indicates the presence of a contact

prevention constraint.

Local resolution

Indicates the presence of a local

resolution constraint.

Why should I use it?

These new commands give you more precision when creating fluid bodies.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

NX Electronic Systems Cooling

Coupled Thermal-Flow

NX Thermal and Flow

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM as the work part

Command Finder
Surface Wrap Fluid Domain
Main Menu

InsertFluid DomainCreate Surface Wrap Fluid Domain

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Fluid Domain Recipes nodeNew Fluid Domain


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Local Resolution Constraint

What is it?
Use the new Local Resolution Constraint command to refine or coarsen fluid bodies in selected regions. You
can specify the region that is affected by the local resolution constraint using one of the following:

Polygon geometry that you select in the associated fluid domain recipe.

A bounding box for which you specify two diagonal points.

A bounding sphere for which you specify the center and the radius.

When you use local resolution on polygon geometry, the constraint affects the region in the proximity of the selected
edges, faces, or body surfaces. When you define local resolution on a bounding volume, the constraint affects the
region inside the volume.
You can specify one of the following sizing options to refine or coarsen fluid bodies in selected regions.

Refines the surface wrap fluid domain in the affected region. The refinement is relative to
the default resolution specified in the fluid domain recipe. You specify the amount of local
refinement in the Local Subdivision list.


Coarsens the surface wrap fluid domain in the affected region. The coarsening is relative to
the default resolution specified in the fluid domain recipe. You specify the amount of local
coarsening in the Local Subdivision list.


Performs a local refinement or a local coarsening using the absolute dimension for the local
resolution that you specify in the Local Resolution box.

You can also specify the priority level of the local resolution constraint with respect to the other local resolution or
contact prevention constraints when they are in conflict.
NX stores your specification for each local refinement constraint under the Local Resolution Container node in
the Simulation Navigator. By default, each local refinement constraint node is numbered, but you can change its
Polygon Geometry
Fluid Domain Recipes
Contact Prevention Container
Local Resolution Container
Local Resolution 1
Local Resolution 2
To apply a selected local refinement constraint to a fluid domain recipe, drag its local refinement node from the
Local Resolution Container node to the Local Resolution Constraints node that is located under the fluid
body recipe node.
Polygon Geometry
Fluid Domain Recipes


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Contact Prevention Container

Local Resolution Container
Local Resolution 1
Local Resolution 2
Fluid Body_4_recipe
Contact Prevention Constraints
Local Resolution Constraints
Local Resolution 1

Why should I use it?

The Local Resolution Constraint command together with the Contact Prevention Constraint command
allows you to preserve more detail in the fluid bodies that are generated by the surface wrapping tool, or remove
unnecessary details from them.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

NX Electronic Systems Cooling

Coupled Thermal-Flow

NX Thermal and Flow

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM as the work part

Command Finder
Local Resolution Constraint
Main Menu

InsertFluid DomainCreate Local Resolution Constraint

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Local Resolution Container nodeNew Local



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Contact Prevention Constraint

What is it?
Use the new Contact Prevention Constraint command to ensure that two polygon objects are not connected in
the fluid body and that small gaps are maintained.
The surface wrapper automatically computes the level of refinement required to prevent the selected objects from
touching each other. You must specify a minimum resolution beyond which the surface wrapper stops trying to
maintain small gaps. You have the following options:

Refines the default resolution specified in the fluid domain recipe. You specify the amount
of local refinement in the Local Subdivision list.


Coarsens the default resolution specified in the fluid domain recipe. You specify the
amount of local coarsening in the Local Subdivision list. It is recommended that you use
this option only in that rare case where the region is subject to a local coarsening constraint.


Sets the minimum resolution using the absolute dimension that you specify in the Local
Resolution box.

You can also specify the priority level of the contact prevention constraint with respect to the other contact
prevention or local resolution constraints when they are in conflict.
NX stores your specification for each contact prevention constraint under the Contact Prevention Container
node in the Simulation Navigator. By default, each contact prevention constraint node is numbered, but you can
change its name.
Polygon Geometry
Fluid Domain Recipes
Contact Prevention Container
Contact Prevention 1
Contact Prevention 2
Contact Resolution Container
To apply a selected contact prevention constraint to a fluid domain recipe, drag its contact prevention node from the
Contact Prevention Container to the Contact Prevention Constraints node that is located under the fluid
body recipe node.
Polygon Geometry
Fluid Domain Recipes
Contact Prevention Container
Contact Prevention 1
Contact Prevention 2
Contact Resolution Container


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Fluid Body_4_recipe
Contact Prevention Constraints
Contact Prevention 1
Contact Resolution Constraints

Why should I use it?

The Contact Prevention Constraint command together with the Local Resolution Constraint command
allows you to preserve more detail in the fluid bodies generated by the surface wrapping tool.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

NX Electronic Systems Cooling

Coupled Thermal-Flow

NX Thermal and Flow

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A FEM as the work part

Command Finder
Contact Prevention Constraint
Main Menu

InsertFluid DomainCreate Contact Prevention Constraint

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Contact Prevention Container nodeNew Contact


Thermal capabilities
One-Sided and Two-Sided Total Temperature Effects
What is it?
Use the new One-Sided Total Temperature Effects or Two-Sided Total Temperature Effects types of
Duct Flow Boundary Conditions simulation objects to account for total temperature effects in convective heat
transfer due to high speed rotating parts. The heat transfer can be from duct or duct with mass flow elements to one
or two walls. The total temperature accounts for the kinetic energy of the fluid. It is determined from the total
The total temperature effects can be modeled in one of the following ways.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Neglect Wall

Use this option when the components that surround the fluid are stationary or when the
components are rotating at low speeds, for example in heat transfer to a stator. The fluid
temperature that you specify in the other duct flow boundary conditions is assumed to be
the absolute total temperature, Tt,abs.

1. Stator
2. Absolute fluid velocity
The static temperature, Ts, is determined from the static enthalpy, hs, using the following

hs (Ts) = ht (Tt,abs) (v +vax )/2


Correct for Wall


ht is the total enthalpy.

v is the fluid swirl velocity.

vax is the fluid axial velocity.

Use this option when the components that surround the fluid are rotating. For Two-Sided
Total Temperature Effects, the speed of the two components can be different. The fluid
temperature that you specify in the other duct flow boundary conditions is assumed to be
the absolute total temperature.

1. Rotor with a wall velocity, u

2. Relative fluid velocity

The relative total temperature, Tt,rel, is determined from the total enthalpy using the
following equation:

ht (Tt,rel) = hs (Ts) + ((u v) +vax )/2


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The relative total temperature is related to the absolute total temperature using the
following equation:
Tt,rel = Tt,abs + Trel
where Trel is the relative temperature difference.
Reference Frame

Use this option when components that surround the fluid are rotating. For Two-Sided
Total Temperature Effects, the speed of the two components must be identical. The
fluid temperature that you specify in the other duct flow boundary conditions is assumed to
be the relative total temperature, Tt,rel.
The static temperature is determined from the static enthalpy using the following equation:

hs (Ts) = ht (Tt,rel) ((u v) +vax )/2

The total absolute temperature can also be determined from the following equation:

ht (Tt,abs) = hs (Ts) + (v +vax )/2

For all three methods, you can specify one of the following: the swirl velocity, v, the swirl ratio, fluid/rotor, or the
relative temperature difference, Trel.

Why should I use it?

If you have surfaces in your model which rotate at high speeds, you should account for total temperature effects in
order to obtain a more accurate description of the convective heat transfer.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Thermal and Flow Thermal

NX Multiphysics

Advanced Thermal

Coupled ThermalFlow

Advanced ThermalFlow



Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Duct Flow Boundary Conditions
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Simulation Object Container nodeNew Simulation

ObjectDuct Flow Boundary Conditions

Location in dialog box

Type listOne-Sided Total Temperature Effects or Two-Sided

Total Temperature Effects


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Thermal Void load

What is it?
Use the new Thermal Void load to define the heat transfer for a part of the model that is convecting to a fluid at an
unknown temperature. You specify the fluid material, its heat load, and its capacitance in the new Void NonGeometric Element modeling object.
In the Thermal Void dialog box, you can:

Define the pressure at the model surface.

Define heat transfer characteristics.

Account for swirl effect in heat transfer due to rotating machinery.

Multiple thermal voids can be connected to the same Void Non-Geometric Element modeling object.

Why should I use it?

The thermal void models the local convecting effects when the fluid temperature is unknown.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Thermal and Flow Thermal

NX Multiphysics

Advanced Thermal

Coupled ThermalFlow

Advanced ThermalFlow



Where do I find it?

Thermal Void load

Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Thermal Void
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Load Container nodeNew LoadThermal Void

Void Non-Geometric Element modeling object


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Modeling Objects
Location in dialog box


Whats New in NX 9.0

Type listVoid Non-Geometric ElementCreate


NX 9.0

Thermal Convecting Zone load

What is it?
Use the new Thermal Convecting Zone load to define the heat transfer for a part of the model that is convecting
to a fluid at a known temperature. You specify the fluid material and its temperature directly in the load.
In the Thermal Convecting Zone dialog box, you can:

Define the pressure at the model surface.

Define heat transfer characteristics.

Account for swirl effect in heat transfer due to rotating machinery.

Why should I use it?

The thermal convecting zone models the local convecting effects when the fluid temperature is known.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Thermal and Flow Thermal

NX Multiphysics

Advanced Thermal

Coupled ThermalFlow

Advanced ThermalFlow



Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Thermal Convecting Zone
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Load Container nodeNew LoadThermal

Convecting Zone

Thermal Stream loads

What is it?
Use the new Thermal Stream load to define convection due to fluid flow over surfaces, or over edges of
axisymmetric models. The thermal solver creates 1D duct with mass flow elements on the selected regions and
connects them to the nearest thermal solid elements through a convecting thermal coupling.
You can set the Thermal Stream load type based on whether you want the thermal stream to be in contact with the
solid element on one side or both sides.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

One-Sided Stream
on Edges

Defines thermal streams on polygon edges, 1D beam elements, regular shell element edges,
and axisymmetric shell element edges. The thermal stream is in contact with solid elements
only on one side. If you want the thermal stream to be in contact with solid elements on
both sides, select Two-Sided Stream on Edges.

One-Sided Stream
on Faces

Defines thermal streams on polygon faces, 2D elements, and 3D element faces. The thermal
stream is in contact with solid elements only on one side. If you want the thermal stream to
be in contact with solid elements on both sides, select Two-Sided Stream on Faces.

For the edges load types, you can define a path of multiple polygon edges or multiple element edges by specifying
start and end points. NX computes a path from start to end and returns the resultant edges and the direction of the
You can also:

Specify the fluid material.

Define inlet conditions for the fluid flow.

Define heat transfer characteristics.

Specify pressure at a model surface.

Account for swirl effect in heat transfer for models with rotating machinery.

Why should I use it?

The Thermal Stream load provides an automated way to include the effects of convection and advection in a
thermal model. It improves your efficiency by regrouping many thermal simulation boundary conditions in a single

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Thermal and Flow


Advanced Thermal

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow



NX Multiphysics

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Thermal Stream
Simulation Navigator


Whats New in NX 9.0

Right-click the Load Container nodeNew LoadThermal Stream


NX 9.0

Thermal Rotational Periodicity simulation object

What is it?
Use the Thermal Rotational Periodicity simulation object to define rotational periodicity in a thermal model for
conductive and radiative heat transfer.
The following types are available.

Defines a conductive thermal rotational periodicity. You define a master region and a slave
region. You can also specify the coupling resolution, the overlapping region, and the
overlap projection direction.


Defines a radiative thermal rotational periodicity on the complete model. You specify the
periodicity by defining the number of sectors or the sector angle.

You must define the revolve axis for all types.

Why should I use it?

This simulation object allows you to represent a full 3D model from a single section by rotational periodicity.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems

Coupled Thermal-Flow

NX Advanced
Thermal/Flow with ESC

NX Space Systems Thermal Thermal

Space Systems Thermal

NX Thermal and Flow


Advanced Thermal

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow



NX Multiphysics

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Thermal Rotational Periodicity
Simulation Navigator


Right-click the Simulation Object Container nodeNew Simulation

ObjectThermal Rotational Periodicity

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Rotation load
What is it?
Use the Rotation load to specify the rotation axis and angular velocity on a complete model or a model subset. You
can define a constant or time-varying angular velocity.
This boundary condition already exists in the NX Nastran, MSC Nastran, ANSYS, and Abaqus solver environments.
You need to specify the Rotation load when your model has the following boundary conditions defined and wall
rotation effects cannot be neglected:

One-Sided Total Temperature Effects or Two-Sided Total Temperature Effects types of Duct
Flow Boundary Conditions simulation objects

Thermal Void load

Thermal Convecting Zone load

Thermal Stream loads

Why should I use it?

When you model rotating machinery, use the Rotation load to specify which part of the model is rotating at what

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Thermal and Flow


Advanced Thermal

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow




Multi-Step Nonlinear

NX Multiphysics

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Simulation Navigator


Whats New in NX 9.0

Right-click the Load Container nodeNew LoadRotation


NX 9.0

Free Molecular Heating simulation object

What is it?
Use the Free Molecular Heating simulation object to account for the heat generated by the interaction between a
spacecraft and the low density gas molecules in low altitude orbits. In low altitude orbits, the gas density is rarefied
enough to be outside of the continuum mechanics regime. The incident heat flux generated by the free molecules,
q, is computed as follows:

q = 0.5V


is the

V is the

The amount of heat absorbed by a surface on the spacecraft is equal to the incident flux, q, multiplied by the
accommodation coefficient, ; 0 1.
In the Free Molecular Heating dialog box, you define:

The part of the model to which free molecular heating applies.

The accommodation coefficient.

The heat flux computation method. You can either specify:


A constant or time-varying heat flux.

A constant or time-varying velocity for the spacecraft and a constant or time-varying atmospheric

A constant or time-varying atmospheric density and that the velocity is computed from the
position of the spacecraft in the orbit.

That the velocity and density are computed from the orbit. The velocity is the spacecrafts orbital
velocity, and the density is computed from the spacecrafts altitude.

Why should I use it?

When you use the Free Molecular Heating simulation object, you can request the following new results:

Absorbed Free Molecular Heating Flux Elemental

Incident Free Molecular Heating Flux Elemental

Reflected Free Molecular Heating Flux Elemental

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Space Systems Thermal


Space Systems Thermal


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Free Molecular Heating
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Simulation Object Container nodeNew Simulation

ObjectFree Molecular Heating

Enhancement to the Transient End Time Options

What is it?
You can now end a thermal transient analysis based on a specified temperature or temperature change.
In addition to the existing options, you can select one of the following two options from the End list.

Based on Temperature ends the transient thermal analysis based on the temperature targets that you
specify for one or more selected groups of elements. The first group that reaches its target value ends the
analysis. You select a group and set its target temperature in the Target Temperature modeling object.

Based on Temperature Change ends the transient thermal analysis based on the temperature variation
targets that you specify for one or more selected groups of elements. The first group that reaches its target
value ends the analysis. You select a group and set its target temperature change in the Target
Temperature Change modeling object.

You can define multiple modeling objects of the same type in your solution.

Why should I use it?

These end time options are useful when you perform a temperature stabilization analysis on a region.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Space Systems Thermal


Space Systems Thermal

NX Thermal and Flow


Advanced Thermal

Axisymmetric Thermal

Axisymmetric Thermal
Advanced Axisymmetric Thermal


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


You must select Transient from the Solution Type list on the Solution
Details tab in the Solution dialog box.

Command Finder
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the solution nodeEdit

Location in dialog box

Transient Setup tabEnd listBased on Temperature or Based

on Temperature Change

Enhancements to Simple Radiation to Environment

What is it?
You can now directly specify the effective emissivity in the Simple Radiation to Environment constraint.
A new Effective Emissivity parameter is available and the names of existing parameters are changed.
Name in previous release

Name in NX9

Gray Body View Factor


Effective Emissivity

Emissivity and GBVF


Effective Emissivity


Computes the effective emissivity of the selected objects with the gray body view factor
(GBVF) that you specify and the emissivity specified in the Thermo-Optical Property
modeling object.

Emissivity and

Computes the effective emissivity of the selected objects with the gray body view factor
and the emissivity that you specify.


Uses the effective emissivity that you specify. You can specify a constant or a timedependent function. This parameter is new in NX9.

Why should I use it?

Use the Effective Emissivity parameter when you want more precision for the effective emissivity of the selected
surface in the heat flux computation.

Supported solvers and analysis types



Analysis Type

Solution Type

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

NX Electronic Systems

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Electronic Systems Cooling

NX Advanced
Thermal/Flow with ESC

NX Space Systems Thermal Thermal

Space Systems Thermal

NX Thermal and Flow



Advanced Thermal
Axisymmetric Thermal

Axisymmetric Thermal
Advanced Axisymmetric

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow

NX Multiphysics



Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Simple Radiation to Environment
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Constraint Container nodeNew ConstraintSimple

Radiation to Environment

Location in dialog box

Parameters groupType listGBVF, Emissivity and GBVF, or

Effective Emissivity

Enhancement to Perfect Contact type of Surface-to-Surface simulation object

What is it?
You can now control the accuracy of the coupling in the Surface-to-Surface Contact simulation object by
specifying a Coupling Resolution option.
If you select the One-to-One coupling resolution option, the solver calculates a single conductance from each
primary element to the nearest secondary element. If you select any resolution option from Coarse through Finest,
each primary element is divided into a progressively larger number of sub-elements. The primary sub-elements are
then connected to the secondary elements based on proximity.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Electronic Systems Cooling


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


NX Advanced
Thermal/Flow with ESC

NX Space Systems Thermal Thermal

Space Systems Thermal

NX Thermal and Flow



Advanced Thermal
Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Surface-to-Surface Contact
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Simulation Object Container nodeNew Simulation

ObjectSurface-to-Surface Contact

Location in dialog box

Additional Parameters groupCoupling Resolution list

Thermostat and active heater controller reports

What is it?
When you use a Thermostat or Active Heater Controller modeling object in a solution, during the solve, NX
creates a CSV file that contains the thermostat and active heater controller status at each time step. The file name is:
<simulation name>-<solution name>.ThermostatReport.csv.
The file is written in a simple CSV format:
Time, Thermostat ID/Name, On/Off, Temp Sensor, Power, Numbers ON, Total Time ON, Total
Energy Used, P, I, D


Indicates the time step for transient runs.

Thermostat ID/Name

Indicates the name of the Thermostat or Active Heater Controller modeling object.


Indicates the status of the thermostat or active heater controller: 1 it is active; 0 it is


Temp Sensor

Indicates the temperature value of the sensor element set.


Indicates the power of the sensor element set.

Numbers ON

Indicates how many times the modeling object was active from the beginning of the run to
the current time step.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Total Time ON

Indicates the time in seconds that the thermostat or active heater controller was active from
the beginning of the run to the current time step.

Total Energy Used

Indicates how much energy the thermostat or active heater controller used from the
beginning of the run to the current time step.

P, I, and D

Indicate the separate power values for the proportional part, P, the integral part, I, and the
derivative part, D of the PID controller power. These values are written only for the Active
Heater Controller modeling object type of PID Controller.

Here is a sample thermostat report file.
Time, Thermostat ID/Name, On/Off, Temp Sensor, Power, Numbers ON, Total Time
ON, Total Energy Used, P, I, D

Why should I use it?

This additional report file gives you important information when you use thermostats and active heater controllers.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A Thermal Load boundary condition with a Thermostat or an Active

Heater Controller modeling object

Command Finder
Simulation Navigator


Whats New in NX 9.0

Right click a solution nodeSolve


NX 9.0

Customer defaults for temperature solution units

What is it?
For the thermal and flow solvers, you can now set the default solution units for temperature in metric and English
units, using the new Temperature Metric and Temperature English customer defaults.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Customer Defaults
Location in dialog box

SimulationNX Thermal / Flow or NX ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS

MULTIPHYSICSSolution tabSolution Units
groupTemperature Metric or Temperature English

Mapping capabilities
Rotational periodicity zones
What is it?
You can now map temperatures of solid elements from a cylindrical periodic sector in the source model to the
complete cylindrical part in the target model, using two new constraints:

The Rotational Periodicity Association Zone type of Mapping constraint in a source thermal model.

The Rotational Periodicity Target Zone constraint in a target mapping model.

Source model

Target model

To define a rotational periodicity association zone in the source model, you:


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Select elements or geometry.

Define the number of segments.

Define the axis of revolution.

To define the corresponding rotational periodicity target zone in the target model, you:

Select the destination elements or nodes.

Associate the destination elements or nodes to the corresponding rotational periodicity association zone
from the source model.

Why should I use it?

This new mapping constraint improves the temperature mapping from thermal to structural solutions for rotating

Supported solvers and analysis types

Rotational Periodicity Association Zone type of Mapping constraint in a source model

Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems Cooling

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Electronic Systems Cooling

NX Advanced Thermal/Flow with ESC

NX Space Systems Thermal


Space Systems Thermal

NX Thermal and Flow


Advanced Thermal

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow

NX Multiphysics



Rotational Periodicity Target Zone constraint in a target model


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems Cooling



NX Space Systems Thermal



NX Thermal and Flow



NX Multiphysics



Where do I find it?

Rotational Periodicity Association Zone type of Mapping constraint in a source model


Whats New in NX 9.0

Advanced Simulation


NX 9.0

Command Finder
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Constraint Set container nodeNew


Location in dialog box

Type listRotational Periodicity Association Zone

Rotational Periodicity Target Zone constraint in a target model


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Rotational Periodicity Target Zone
Right-click the Constraint Set container nodeNew
ConstraintRotational Periodicity Target Zone

Simulation Navigator

Axisymmetric zones enhancements

What is it?
The Axisymmetry Association Zone type of the Mapping constraint is enhanced in the following ways:

You can select regular 0D, 1D, and 2D elements in addition to the axisymmetric elements that you could
select in previous release.

You can define the axis of revolution as one of the three orthogonal directions of the absolute coordinate
system or NX can get the axis of revolution from the axisymmetric elements.

The names of the following Mapping constraints are changed in the source and target models to better
represent the function of the constraints.
Name in previous release

Name in NX 9

Symmetry Association Zone

Axisymmetry Association Zone

Symmetry Target Zone

Axisymmetry Target Zone

Why should I use it?

These enhancements extend the mapping of temperatures of regular 0D, 1D, and 2D elements in the source model
symmetrically around the appropriate axis on the target elements.

Supported solvers and analysis types

Axisymmetry Association Zone type of Mapping constraint in a source model


Analysis Type

Solution Type

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

NX Electronic
Systems Cooling

Coupled Thermal-Flow

NX Space Systems


Electronic Systems Cooling

NX Advanced Thermal/Flow with ESC
Space Systems Thermal

NX Thermal and Flow Thermal

Advanced Thermal

Coupled Thermal-Flow

Advanced Thermal-Flow

NX Multiphysics



Axisymmetry Target Zone constraint in a target model


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems Cooling



NX Space Systems Thermal



NX Thermal and Flow



NX Multiphysics



Where do I find it?

Axisymmetry Association Zone type of Mapping constraint in a source model

Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Constraint Set container nodeNew


Location in dialog box

Type listAxisymmetry Association Zone

Axisymmetry Target Zone constraint in a target model


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Axisymmetry Target Zone
Simulation Navigator


Whats New in NX 9.0

Right-click the Constraint Set container nodeNew

ConstraintAxisymmetry Target Zone


NX 9.0

Mapping time interpolation results

What is it?
You can now obtain more accurate results at time values that are between the times at which the results are stored.
NX interpolates the data between the stored values to map the result at your specified time value.

If the source results file contains results for 0, 20, and 40 seconds and you specify 15 seconds as the output
time for mapping, the mapping solver interpolates results at 0 and 20 seconds and maps the resulting
interpolated data onto the target model.
In previous releases, no interpolation was performed for mapping output times for which results did not exist in the
source results file. In these cases, the source results at the closest time were used. For the scenario in the previous
example, the mapping solver mapped the results for 20 seconds when you specified mapping output time of 15

Why should I use it?

This enhancement gives you more flexibility when you need to map thermal and flow data to a structural solution.

Supported solvers and analysis types


Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems Cooling



NX Space Systems Thermal



NX Thermal and Flow



NX Multiphysics



Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the solution nodeEdit

Location in dialog box

Mapping Details tabTransient Times groupSelect Output



What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Thermal Target Zone and Flow Target Zone constraints

What is it?
The Thermal Target Zone and Flow Target Zone constraints replace the Association Target Zone
In previous releases, these two constraints were available as types in the Association Target Zone dialog box.

Supported solvers and analysis types

Thermal Target Zone constraint

Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems Cooling



NX Space Systems Thermal



NX Thermal and Flow



NX Multiphysics




Analysis Type

Solution Type

NX Electronic Systems Cooling



NX Thermal and Flow



Flow Target Zone constraint

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder
Thermal Target Zone
Simulation Navigator


Whats New in NX 9.0

or Flow Target Zone

Right-click the Constraint Set container nodeNew

ConstraintThermal Target Zone or Flow Target Zone


NX 9.0

NX FE Model Correlation
Save Transformation
What is it?
Use the new Save Transformation option to save the alignment data in an alignment XML file. The XML file is
stored in the same location as the Simulation file.

Why should I use it?

You can save the most suitable alignment for future use. It is common to repeat the alignment between the test and
the analysis many times due to updates to the test data or the FE model.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


The reference model must be the test model.

Command Finder
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Test Model nodeAlignment

Location in dialog box

Save Transformation check box


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Apply Alignment From

What is it?
Use the new Apply Alignment From command to apply previously saved alignment data to the test model. The
data from a previously performed alignment is saved in an XML file.

Why should I use it?

When you reuse a previously used alignment, you can easily align test and analysis in dense FE models with the
imprecision in test points.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


The reference model must be the test model.

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Test Model nodeApply Alignment From

Fine Tune Alignment

What is it?
Use the new Fine Tune Alignment command to perform small changes in the existing alignment of test and
analysis models.
You can move the test model as follows:

Translate the model in the positive or negative X, Y, or Z directions.

Rotate the model around the positive or negative X, Y, or Z vectors.

Why should I use it?

Usually, you first align the test model by selecting approximate nodes and test model points. The Fine Tune
Alignment command lets you adjust your alignment to make it more accurate.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


The reference model must be the test model.

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Test Model nodeFine Tune Alignment


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Teamcenter Integration for Simulation

Manage AFEM Components enhancements
What is it?
The Manage AFEM Components dialog box now provides greater control over the resulting assembly FEM
when you create or update an assembly FEM that is based on a Teamcenter CAE model structure.
For any component-level CAE model revision that does not contain an existing NX FEM dataset, you can control if
the new FEM file will contain polygon bodies.

To create a FEM with no polygon bodies, clear the check box in the Bodies column. Do this when the
CAE model revision references only bulk data and the corresponding component FEM contains only
imported nodes and elements.

To create polygon bodies based on the master part, select the check box in the Bodies column. Do this
when you have an empty CAE Model revision.

For any CAE model revision with a relation to a CAD item revision, you can override the default component FEM
positioning in the assembly FEM. To do this, clear the Map CAD check box. This is useful when the model
structure includes CAE model revisions that are not referenced by the BOM view of the parent CAD product
When you clear the Map CAD check box, the new component FEM is positioned by the Teamcenter transformation
matrix, or at the WCS origin. You can then use the Move Component command to position the component.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


Teamcenter Integration for NX

A loaded Teamcenter CAE model structure in NX:

Simulation Navigator


Where no corresponding NX assembly FEM exists.

Where a corresponding NX assembly FEM exists, but the CAE

model structure has been subsequently modified in Teamcenter.

Right-click the assembly FEMManage AFEM Components

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

4GD support
What is it?
If you work in Teamcenter Integration for NX with 4th Generation Design (4GD), you can now create a new FEM
and optional idealized part based on the currently loaded 4GD workset.
When you save your model in NX, the FEM is stored in Teamcenter as a named reference of a CAEMesh dataset in
a CAEModel revision, with CAE Source and CAE Target relations to the 4GD workset.
For more information about 4th Generation Design and 4GD worksets, see 4GD fundamentals and 4GD worksets in
the 4th Generation Design online Help.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


Teamcenter Integration for NX with 4th Generation Design (4GD)

A loaded 4GD workset

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the worksetNew FEM

Default Names for New Teamcenter Simulation Files

What is it?
You can now control the default names created for Teamcenter managed simulation files, when you create a new file
from the Simulation Navigator. These naming rules do not impact the item numbers that are assigned when you use
the FileNew command or the Simulation Clone command.
Default names can include the following:

CADPARTID: the item ID of the master part.

CADPARTREV: the item revision of the master part.

IPARTID: the item ID of the idealized part.

IPARTREV: the item ID of the idealized part.

FEMPARTID: the item ID of the FEM model.

FEMPARTREV: the item ID of the FEM model.

N: a digit in a counter. For example, NNN would count from 001 to 999.

You must enclose literal text in double quotes.

The FE Model and Simulation Create customer defaults control the default names. For example, using the
default settings from the Customer Defaults as shown in the table, files created from the CAD item 1234578
would have the following names:





Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


Valid Keywords for Default Names

File Type

Valid Keywords


Idealized Part



FE Model



Assembly FE Model







Where do I find it?

Customer Default

Advanced Simulation and Design Simulation

Command Finder
Customer Defaults


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Customer Default
Location in dialog box

SimulationGeneralFE Model and Simulation Create


Advanced Simulation and Design Simulation

Simulation Navigator

Right-click a partNew FEM or New FEM and Simulation or New

Assembly FEM.
Right-click a FEMNew Simulation

Related CAE parts added to assembly clone

What is it?
When you clone an NX assembly and there are related CAE item revisions, you can now add those CAE models to
the assembly clone operation. To add the CAE models that you want, select the appropriate option for CAE under
Related Parts in the Clone Assembly dialog box. The available options are:

Simulations, FEMs, and Idealized Parts

FEMs and Idealized Parts

Idealized Parts

The default setting is None.

In the Simulation Process Management data model, the idealized part file, the FEM file, and the Simulation file are
stored as separate item revisions with defined relationships to the master part and to each other. For each master
CAD item revision included in the clone, Teamcenter Integration uses the TC_CAE_TARGET relation to identify
the related FEM parts and idealized parts. For all of the included FEM item revisions, Teamcenter Integration uses
the TC_CAE_DEFINING relation to identify the related Simulation item revisions.

Why should I use it?

These options are useful when you have a large assembly to clone, and that assembly and its components have
associated analysis data that you want to reuse.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Command Finder

Create Clone Assembly

Location in dialog box

Non Masters/Associated Files tab


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

General usability enhancements

What is it?

The Simulation Navigator now includes a Teamcenter Status column that indicates when a new
revision of the related CAD part is available on the Teamcenter server.

The FileImportImport Simulation command now supports searching, browsing for, and selecting
bulk data and results files for import directly from named references in the Teamcenter database.

The Transient Durability Event dialog box now supports searching, browsing for, and selecting a
modal deformation file (MDF) directly from named references in the Teamcenter database.

You can now include Independent CAE parts (master items) when using the ug_clone utility by adding
the option [copy_related_cae]_parts=<none|ideal|fem|all>. The default is none.

Where do I find it?

Importing a simulation:

Advanced Simulation

Main Menu


Location in dialog box

Input File groupSource listTeamcenter

Input File groupInput File boxBrowse

Importing a modal deformation file:


Advanced Simulation


A Simulation file with an active Durability solution process

Command Finder
Transient Durability Event
Location in dialog box


MDF Model groupBrowse

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Design Simulation
Boundary conditions
Boundary condition folders
What is it?
You can create folders to manage your simulation objects, loads, and constraints. For example, for simulation
objects, you can have one folder for contacts, another folder for temperatures, and so on. In the Simulation
Navigator, NX displays the folders in the appropriate boundary condition container: Simulation Objects
Container, Load Container, or Constraint Container.
If you create the simulation objects, loads, and constraints directly in their root containers, you can individually add
them to or remove them from subcases or steps. You can also add top level folders into a solution step. While you
can create subfolders and have multiple nesting levels of folders to better organize your boundary conditions, you
can use only the top level folder in a solution step or subcase. When you add the top level folder, NX adds all the
folders boundary conditions, including those in subfolders.
You create new folders in one of these ways:

Right-click the container in the Simulation Navigator and select New Folder.

Click Folder Manager

in the boundary condition dialog box. This option is available when you
create or edit a boundary condition.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation, Design Simulation


A Simulation file loaded as the current work part

Simulation Navigator

Simulation Object ContainerNew Folder

Load ContainerNew Folder
Constraint ContainerNew Folder

Location in dialog box


Whats New in NX 9.0

Destination Folder group


NX 9.0

Boundary condition offset display

What is it?
When you create boundary conditions attached to polygon edges or element edges, you can now display them as
offsets from the edges by using the new Offset display mode.
Use the Edit Display command to change the display mode. The new Offset display mode option is available in
the Boundary Condition Display dialog box. In previous releases, this dialog box included only the Collapsed
and Expanded display modes.
For boundary conditions attached to geometry other than edges, such as faces, the Offset display appears as a
collapsed display.

(1) Collapsed display; (2) Expanded display; (3) Offset display

Customer Defaults
You can control the display styles for constraints, loads, and simulation objects separately, using the new customer
defaults for boundary conditions. The Constraints Display, Loads Display, and Simulation Objects
Display tabs are now available. You can control the default display mode selection, as well as the color, size and
visibility of attributes for each of the three groupings of boundary conditions.
An Edge Boundary Condition Display Override tab is available. If you select the Apply
check box on this tab, the overrides that you set control the default display of edge boundary
conditions only.

Where do I find it?

Customer Default


Advanced Simulation, Design Simulation

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Customer Default
Command Finder
Customer Defaults
Location in dialog box

SimulationBoundary Conditions

Edit Display Command


Advanced Simulation, Design Simulation


A Simulation file as the work part and displayed part

Simulation Navigator

Right-click a boundary condition in the Constraint Container, Load

Container, or Simulation Object ContainerEdit Display


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

New fillet and cylinder Mesh Controls
This release includes two new options in the Density Type list in the Mesh Control dialog box.

Use the Fillet option to control the distribution of elements along fillet (rounded or blended) surfaces.

Use the Cylinder option to control the distribution of elements along cylindrical surfaces.

Selection filtering for fillets and cylinders

This release also includes a new Filter option that you can use to identify only the fillets or cylinders that fit a
specified size and/or radius criteria. When you select the Filter option, you can use the Fillet Selection Criteria
or the Cylinder Selection Criteria to define the criteria for the types of fillets or cylinders on which you want to
create a mesh control. This can be useful when you want to ensure a uniform mesh density on all fillets or cylinders
that meet those criteria.
You can use the Preview Cylinders and Preview Fillets options to view the cylinders or fillets that NX
identifies based on your specified criteria.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

When you use the Filter option, NX continues to evaluate the selected target geometry during meshing. In some
cases, the automatic abstraction process that occurs during meshing can result in either additional or fewer fillet or
cylinder surfaces that meet the defined criteria for the mesh control.

Controlling the mesh along fillets and cylinders

With both the Fillet and Cylinder types of mesh control, you can control the distribution of elements:

Along the axis of the fillet or cylinder.

About the circumference of the fillet or cylinder.

With both Fillet and Cylinder mesh controls, you can also use the new Aspect Ratio option to ensure that the
elements in these regions maintain a specified aspect ratio. When you use this option, NX reduces the element size
to maintain the specified Aspect Ratio, if necessary.

Where do I find it?


Design Simulation

Command Finder
Mesh Control
InsertMeshMesh Control



Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Mesh Control definitions and general enhancements

This release includes several enhancements to the Mesh Control command:

The ability to create Mesh Control definitions that are not assigned to any geometry.

Geometry selection filtering.

Improved mesh control storage and management.

Mesh Control definitions

You can now create a Mesh Control definition without assigning the mesh control to any specific geometry. A
mesh control definition contains local mesh specifications but is not assigned to any specific geometry. For example,
you can use options in the new Mesh Control Definition dialog box to create a Fillet mesh control definition that
specifies an element size of 5 mm on all fillets that have a radius between 0 and 3 mm and a maximum angle less
than 150. NX stores these definitions in the Mesh Controls node in the Simulation Navigator.
After you create mesh control definitions, you can save them in an empty, template FEM file. You can then modify
the appropriate NX .pax file to add the new template to the appropriate tab in the File New dialog box. Any
subsequent FEM files that you create from the template will contain the mesh control definitions.

You can create a Mesh Control Definition for the following types of mesh control:



Face Density

You can use Mesh Control Definitions to create templates that contain the standard mesh requirements for parts
comprised of similar geometry or parts of the same class. For example, you can create a template that contains
multiple Mesh Control Definitions with the mesh specifications for standard hole or cylinder sizes for your parts.
After you create mesh control definitions, you can save them in a template FEM file. Any subsequent FEM files that
you create from that template will contain the mesh control definitions. You can then edit each mesh control
definition to specify the target geometry.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Geometry selection filtering

Certain types of mesh control now have a Filter option that can help you find the appropriate geometry within a
larger selection, to which to apply the local mesh specification. When you select the Filter option, you can select an
entire body or group of faces as the target geometry. NX then searches within the body or selected faces for the
geometry that meets your specific criteria. For example, you can use the Filter option with the Fillet density type to
have NX select all fillets within a solid body that have a maximum inside radius of 3 mm
After you specify the criteria, you can use the Preview option to display the geometry that meets the specified

If you use the Filter option, NX continues to evaluate the selected target geometry during meshing. In some
cases, the automatic abstraction process that occurs during meshing can result in either additional or fewer
fillet or cylinder surfaces that meet the defined criteria for the mesh control.
The Filter option is available with the following types of mesh controls:



Improved mesh control storage and management

This release also includes improvements to how mesh controls are stored and managed. In previous releases, mesh
controls were stored in single Mesh Control nodes in the Simulation Navigator.
In this release, NX now stores mesh controls individually in the Simulation Navigator according to their type.

You can use these individual nodes in the Simulation Navigator to:

Assign meaningful names to individual mesh controls.

Control the visibility of each individual mesh control or the visibility of all mesh controls.

Edit the parameters of specific mesh controls.

In previous releases, you could create only a single mesh control per edge or face in your model. Now, you can
create a single mesh control on multiple edges or faces. When you edit a mesh control from the Simulation
Navigator, NX modifies the mesh specifications on all geometry associated with that control.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Mesh Control command

Design Simulation

Command Finder
Mesh Control

InsertMeshMesh Control

Mesh Control Definition dialog box


Design Simulation

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Mesh Controls nodeNew Mesh Control Definition


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Motion Simulation
Interactive articulation methods
What is it?
In addition to the Step Size articulation method, the Articulation dialog box now includes two articulation
methods for articulating a mechanism:

Transform Immediate

Transform Delay

Transform Immediate method

Use this new method to articulate the mechanism interactively by dragging the joint to a new position in the graphics
window. NX solves and animates the mechanism immediately when you do any of the following:

Drag the joint handle in the graphics window.

Enter a displacement value in the transformation input box that is associated with the joint, in the graphics

Drag the Displacement slider in the Articulation dialog box.

Transform Delay method

Use this method to articulate the mechanism to a target position by specifying one or more joint displacements and
then clicking the Step Forward or Step Backward button. You can specify joint positions the same way as the
Transform Immediate mode. NX then solves and articulates the mechanism according to the specified
displacements. You can drag multiple joint handles, and then solve and animate the joints simultaneously.

Where do I find it?


Motion Simulation

Command Finder

dialog box.

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Simulation nodeNew Solution

Location in dialog box

Solution Option groupSolution TypeArticulation


Motion Simulation

Command Finder
following a solve.
Location in dialog box


Whats New in NX 9.0

dialog box, reached from the Solution dialog box

Solve Control groupArticulation Mode


NX 9.0

Joint limits in articulation

What is it?
When you use the Articulation command, if joint limits are defined, they define the range of the Displacement
slider and you cannot drag the joint to a value outside of the limits.
If no joint limits are defined, the slider will have default upper and lower limits of 180 and 180 for angular joints,
or 100 and 100 for a slider joints. You can drag the joint to a value outside of the initial range limits. NX adaptively
updates the exceeded limit. If you input a value outside of the limits, NX updates the corresponding limit to that

Where do I find it?


Motion Simulation

Command Finder

dialog box.

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Simulation nodeNew Solution

Location in dialog box

Solution Option groupSolution TypeArticulation

Animation enhancements
What is it?
In the Animation dialog box, the Play and Pause functions are now combined in a single button.
All other animation functionality from NX 8.5 remains in NX 9.

Where do I find it?


Motion Simulation

Command Finder


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Spreadsheet Run enhancements

What is it?
The Spreadsheet Run dialog box layout is optimized for usability.
The Create Sequence and Capture Arrangement commands are added to the Spreadsheet Run dialog box.
The Retrace command is also added for consistency.

Where do I find it?


Motion Simulation

Command Finder
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Simulation nodeNew Solution

Location in dialog box

Solution Option groupSolution TypeSpreadsheet Run

Motion Preferences enhancements

What is it?
The Display Object Icon in Animation option is added to the Motion Preferences dialog box to allow the
display of object icons during animation.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The Stop Event Tolerance option has been moved from the Articulation dialog box to the Motion
Preferences dialog box.

Where do I find it?

Display Object Icon in Animation Customer Default

Motion Simulation

Command Finder
Customer Defaults
Location in dialog box

MotionPost ProcessorAll tabDisplay Object Icon in


Display Object Icon in Animation Motion Preferences


Motion Simulation



Functions and Graphing

Inverse option for Function Single Math command
What is it?
You can now invert the ordinate data in a function using the new Inverse option in the Function Single Math
This option inverts each ordinate data value in the function. The ordinate data type can be real or complex. The
output function will have the same attributes as the input function.

When the data of the input function is real, the inverted data is:

When the data of the input function is complex (a + ib), the inverted data is:

Units will be inverted appropriately. For example, when the ordinate data type of the input function is Unitless
Scalar/Displacement, the inverted output records ordinate data type will be Displacement/Unitless Scalar.
You have three options for saving the output:


Save the output as a new record that is appended to the AFU file in which the original record resides.

Overwrite the original record in the AFU file.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Save the output as a new record in a different AFU file.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation, Motion Simulation

Command Finder
Function Single Math

ToolsMath Operations for FunctionsBasic MathSingle


Location in dialog box

Operation groupInverse

Plotting a graph in a separate window

What is it?
You can now plot graphs in the main graphics window or in a separate window. In previous releases, you could plot
graphs only in the main graphics window.

Choose MenuPreferencesXY Plot. You can specify whether you want the graphs to be plotted in the main
graphics window, a new separate window, or whether you want to be prompted to choose the destination window
each time you plot a graph.

Main Graphics Window All graphs are plotted directly in the main NX graphics window, replacing
your model display. To return to the model display, click Return to Model

Separate Graphics Window All graphs are plotted in a new separate graphics window. Your model
continues to display in the main NX graphics window. To edit the graph, use the editing commands that
appear in the Toolbar at the top of the graphics window.
When you select this option, you can select these additional options:


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Prompt After you plot a graph, and you plot a subsequent graph, NX prompts you to choose
an existing graphics window or to create a new window in which to plot the new graph.

Always New Window NX always plots each graph in a new separate graphics window.

Both Windows Allowed Each time you plot a graph, you are prompted to use the main NX graphics
window or create a new separate graphics window.

Select Viewport by Cursor

Plots the graph in the main NX graphics window or in a
viewport within the main graphics window that you select.

Create New Window

Plots the graph in a new separate graphics window.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation, Motion Simulation


PreferencesXY Plot

Improved font support in graphs

What is it?
The Functions and Graphing capability now uses the standard NX scalable fonts for all graph text, including the
legend, axis label, and data probe labels. You can use the global NX session font and font size for all graph text
types, or you can specify a unique font and font size for individual graph text types.

You specify whether you want to use the global NX session font or a unique font using the Font Definition setting
in the graph option dialog boxes.


Local Setting Lets you select a font, font size, and font color for this graph text object. The font
attributes that you specify will be used for the current text object on all graphs.

Global Setting Uses the global NX session font, font size, and font color for the current graph text
object. You specify these settings on the Color/Font tab in the Visualization Preferences dialog box.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

When you select Global Setting, you can also specify the scale factor for the global font size for the
current text object or allow the font size to scale dynamically with the NX window size.
The following Font Definition settings are available in the graph option dialog boxes:

X-Axis/Y-Axis Options

Title Options

Complex Part Name Options

Legend Options

Page Number Options

Marker Options

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation, Motion Simulation


A plotted field or function

Command Finder
Location in dialog box

Text StyleFont DefinitionLocal Setting

Plotting a graph with no line

What is it?
You now have the option to plot graphs with only the point marker and no line. You can use this option to create a
scatter plot.

After plotting the graph, choose Editing

and then double-click the graph curve. In the Curve Options
dialog box, from the Graph Style list, select None. Only the point markers appear in the graph.


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation, Motion Simulation


A plotted field or function

Command Finder
Location in dialog box

Graph StyleNone

Saving graph data to an AFU file

What is it?
You can plot a graph and then save the data to an AFU file for later use. NX uses AFU files to store and manage
functions. You can store functions in an AFU file, and then reuse them or manipulate them to create new functions.
After you plot a graph, choose Save to AFU
. In the Save Plotted Records dialog box, you can select the
graph curves to save to the AFU file, and optionally specify a record name for each curve.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation, Motion Simulation


A plotted field or function

Command Finder
Save to AFU

Expanded complex plot support

What is it?
Beginning with this release, you can plot complex components to create 2D Argand, Nichols, At Phase Angle,
and Signed Magnitude graphs. You can plot these types of graphs from complex results from the XY Function
Navigator or from the Graph dialog box in Advanced Simulation post-processing. To use the new types, use the
Complex Options command to change the Plot type.
For more information about new features for graphing complex results in Advanced Simulation post-processing, see
Graphing enhancements and Complex plot support.

2D Argand
A 2D Argand graph plots the real part of the complex result against the imaginary part in the complex plane.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

A Nichols graph is typically used in the analysis of signals.

At Phase Angle
An At Phase Angle graph determines the value of the function at the specified Phase Angle and plots that


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

(1) Magnitude Only (default Plot type); (2) At Phase Angle at 180 deg.

Signed Magnitude
A Signed Magnitude graph displays the magnitude value with the sign determined by taking the sign of the larger
of the real and imaginary parts of the data.


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

(1) Magnitude Only (default Plot type); (2) Signed Magnitude

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


A plotted function with complex data

Command Finder
Complex Option


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Chapter 5: Teamcenter Integration for NX

Teamcenter Integration for NX
Define and load configuration contexts
What is it?
You can define new configuration contexts and search for and load existing configuration contexts when loading
assemblies. A configuration context specifies a set of parameters and options that defines how the assembly is
In the Assembly Load Options dialog box, the Configuration Context group is reorganized and expanded to
provide more flexibility in using configuration contexts. When you select Define or Load Context from the
Configuration Details list, the configuration context options are displayed.
You can select Load from Teamcenter to search the Teamcenter database for a previously created configuration
context and use that to load assemblies.
If you select Define in NX, you can create a new configuration context. The configuration context groups in the
dialog box allow you to specify the characteristics of the configuration context:

Revision Rule
Selects the revision rule that applies to the components.

Specifies the effectivity of the loaded assembly based on unit number, date and time, or end item.

Variant Rule
Selects a variant rule that is applied to the loaded assembly.

Why should I use it?

You can determine how assemblies are loaded into NX by selecting or creating a configuration context.

Where do I find it?


Teamcenter Integration for NX

Location in Resource bar

Teamcenter Navigator, Assembly Load Options group, Load

Options Dialog

Command Finder

Assembly Load Options

Location in dialog box

Configuration Context group

Teamceneter Intergration for NX

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Run NX in a Teamcenter multifield key environment

What is it?
Teamcenter Integration for NX can operate in a Teamcenter environment where custom multifield key definitions
are used. However, NX does not explicitly support Teamcenter multifield key functionality. You can work with
items in multiple domains in Teamcenter, but you can only see and work with items in NX that are in the
Teamcenter default domain.

Teamcenter multifield key functionality is applicable for Teamcenter 10.1 and higher.
To enable NX to operate in a Teamcenter environment where custom multifield key definitions are used, you must
set the Teamcenter default domain to the Item domain.
Set the Teamcenter TC_MFK_DEFAULT_DOMAIN preference to Item. After you set this up in Teamcenter, NX
automatically uses the Teamcenter default domain.
If you do not set the Teamcenter preference or the preference is set to a domain that is not Item, one of the
following error messages is displayed when starting NX, then NX exits:
The preference TC_MFK_DEFAULT_DOMAIN is not set. NX only supports items in the
default domain.
The preference TC_MFK_DEFAULT_DOMAIN is not set to Item. NX only supports items
in the default domain.

Why should I use it?

To allow NX to work with Teamcenter when Teamcenter is using multifield key definitions.

Where do I find it?

After setup in Teamcenter, NX automatically uses the Teamcenter default domain. There is no change in NX

Independent drawings added to export and clone

What is it?
When you export or clone a part or assembly and there is an associated, independent drawing, the drawing can now
also be added to the export or clone operation.
For a drawing that is an independent item in Teamcenter (master item) with its own item and item revision, it has a
relationship to the part or assembly from which the drawing was derived. This independent drawing is included with
the part or assembly during export or clone.
You can add the independent drawing by selecting the Related Parts, Drawings check box. If the drawing has
multiple revisions, only the latest revision or configured revision (in the case of an assembly) is added.

You must select the Related Parts, Drawings check box before you add the assembly or part for the
export or clone operation.
The Teamcenter TC_DrawingOf relation is used to create the relationship between an independent drawing and its
master part or assembly. If the independent drawing also has views of other parts or assemblies, the Teamcenter
TC_DrawingUsing relation is used for the relationship. NX uses the TC_DrawingOf relation when it associates an
independent drawing during export or clone.


Whats New in NX 9.0

Teamcenter Intergration for NX

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

You can easily include independent drawings during an export or clone operation.

Where do I find it?


Teamcenter Integration for NX


File tabExport Assembly outside Teamcenter

Location in dialog box

Non Masters/Associated Files tab

Save As enhanced
What is it?
The Save As functionality is enhanced to add more options to the dialog boxes and provide additional functionality
for the Save As operation.

This functionality is available with Teamcenter 10.1 or higher.
There are separate commands and dialog boxes for Save As of master and non-master files. Also, the options are
relocated to the applicable dialog boxes.
You can use Save As on a master part that is the current working item (displayed item). In addition, you can use
Save As on multiple parts in a loaded assembly that is the current working item. The enhancements to the Save
Parts As dialog box include:

You can select the New Item or New Item Revision action to save the part as a new item or as a new
revision to an existing item.

You can manually enter or Assign the Part Number, Part Revision, and Part Name main attributes
in the Save Parts As dialog box.

You can access all of the attributes by clicking Secondary Attributes

You can click Alternate Ids

Edit Non-Masters to Copy

lets you also add non-masters, such as associated drawing(s) to the
save as operation. You can select all of the non-masters, none of them, or specific ones.

to assign alternate IDs, if they are defined for the item type.

A Required column is added that indicates whether the non-master dataset must be copied during the
Save As operation.

lets you assign the item to a project. You can select one or more projects. The list of
projects available are defined in Teamcenter.

Teamceneter Intergration for NX

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Dependent Files Save As option lets you also copy dependent files for the master and non-master
items being saved, such as a .jpeg file for a drawing. This functionality has been modified and moved from
the Save As Non-master Parts dialog box.

Replace All Components in Session lets you replace all instances of a part in an assembly. If a single
part is the displayed part, it is replaced with the newly created part. If the option is not selected, the Save
As operation creates a new or revised item, but the selected item (or items in an assembly) on which you
performed the Save As operation is not replaced and the original remains.

You can use the Save As Non-master Parts command on a master or non-master item that is the current
working item. The enhancements to the Save As Non-master Parts dialog box include:

You can select the Save As, Save As New Item, Save New Item Type, or Save As to Different
Item Revision action to save a non-master drawing.

The Save New Item Type lets you save as the item as a completely different item type, such as Design,
SpecTemplate, and so on.

You can select the Save As Alternate Representation or Save As New Item Type action to save a
master as an alternate representation non-master or a new item type master.

You can select the Save As or Save As New Item action if the alternate representation is the work part.

Why should I use it?

You have better definition and more options when performing a Save As on an existing master or non-master item.

Where do I find it?


Teamcenter Integration

Command Finder
Save As
Save As Non-master Parts


Whats New in NX 9.0

Teamcenter Intergration for NX

NX 9.0

Retaining absolute occurrences when saving moved components

What is it?
When you perform a cut and paste operation or move a component in an assembly in NX, the Teamcenter absolute
occurrence information is retained. Any downstream NX applications that are dependent on absolute occurrence
data also retain that information. Previously, during a save or save as, those operations were converted to an
add/remove operation and the absolute occurrence information was lost in Teamcenter.

This functionality is applicable for Teamcenter 10.1 and higher.
In some cases, such as when dependent parts are not saved, all of the absolute occurrence information is not able to
be retained. In these cases, a warning message is displayed notifying you that you might lose absolute occurrences.

Why should I use it?

Absolute occurrence information is kept when you perform a cut/paste or move operation on an assembly.

Where do I find it?


Teamcenter Integration

Assembly Navigator

Right-clickCut and Paste assembly component

Right-clickMove assembly component

Opening a component with a different revision rule than the assembly

What is it?
You can open a component in NX with a different revision rule than the one used to load its parent assembly. When
you load an assembly, a revision rule is applied to the assembly and its components. You can now open any
unloaded components with a different revision rule. In previous releases, the components were tied to the revision
rule used to load the assembly. Unloaded components are now loaded based on the current revision rule.
To open a component with a different revision rule, change the current revision rule, then in the Assembly
Navigator right-click the component and select OpenReapply Revision Rule. If the component is already
loaded, right-click the component and select ClosePart to close it. Then reopen it with the Reapply Revision
Rule command.
The revision rule can be applied to a component that is multiple levels down from the loaded assembly. Any parent
subassemblies not loaded also get the new revision rule. For example, if Assembly A is loaded and you apply a new
revision rule on a component that is not loaded and is a child of Subassembly B which is also not loaded, both the
component and Subassembly B are loaded with the new revision rule.

Why should I use it?

You can change the revision rule used to open a component of a loaded assembly. This allows you to load different
versions of a component into an assembly.

Teamceneter Intergration for NX

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Teamcenter Integration

Resource bar

Assembly Navigator

Shortcut menu

Right-click OpenReapply Revision Rule

Viewing results and default filtering for projects

What is it?
The projects functionality is enhanced to provide easier viewing of items associated with projects and default
filtering of projects.

This functionality is applicable for Teamcenter 10.1 and higher.
In the Teamcenter Navigator, you can right-click a project under the Projects node and select Previous,
Next, or Find All to display the items associated with that project. The Previous and Next selections let you
display a certain number of results at one time so you can page through the results without having to display them all
at once. This allows easier viewing if there are many results and can also speed up the display for a large number of

In the Teamcenter Integration Preferences dialog box, if you change your group or role or both, then the list
of available projects displayed is changed to match your new group or role. This automatically ties your group and
role to the list of associated projects.
If you have set a default project and change your group or role and that specific project is not available for your new
group or role, the Default Project is blank. No default project is set.

Why should I use it?

You can more easily read through a list of items associated with a project. Projects are automatically associated to
your group and role and change if your group or role changes.

Where do I find it?


Teamcenter Integration

Teamcenter Navigator

Right-click a project.Previous, Next, or Find All

Ribbon bar

File tabPreferencesAll PreferencesTeamcenter Integration

Location in dialog box

Database tab


Whats New in NX 9.0

Teamcenter Intergration for NX

NX 9.0

Adding independent drawings and CAE parts in the ug_clone utility

What is it?
Options are added to the ug_clone utility to let you clone related drawings and CAE parts along with the part being
cloned. The drawings and CAE parts cloned are independent items in Teamcenter (master items).
The drawing option is:

This option is added to the command before the option that specifies the part/assembly. The default is no.
For more information on adding independent drawings to the clone operation, see Independent drawings
added to export and clone.
The CAE option is:

This option is added to the command before the option that specifies part/assembly. The default is none.

Why should I use it?

You can easily add independent, related drawings and CAE parts to the clone operation.

Where do I find it?


Teamcenter Integration


Command prompt window

Teamceneter Intergration for NX

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Refile utility enhancement in Teamcenter

What is it?
In the Teamcenter environment, you can now convert the units of NX parts between inch and metric by using the
following options in the ugmanager_refile utility.



Why should I use it?

Having a single unit for all the parts in your database avoids problems that occur when an assembly has mixed units.
For example, you cannot work in context in a mixed-unit assembly.

Where do I find it?

You can run the ugmanager_refile utility from the command line using one of the new options. See the Teamcenter
Integration for NX help for more information about running the utility.
This enhancement is available in the following releases:

NX 7.5.5

NX 8.0.1 and subsequent maintenance releases

NX 8.5 and subsequent releases

Item-based publishing of welds and datums to Teamcenter

You can publish the following objects to Teamcenter as item-based PS Connection objects:

Welding features created using Weld Assistant.

Welding features created using Structure Welding.

BIW datum features.

By default, Teamcenter saves a new version of the changed feature when you publish a part or assembly that
contains changed weld or datum features.
Use the following Teamcenter integration preferences to enable publishing of welding and datum features:

Spot Weld

Datum Location Feature

Arc Weld

Welding Joint

Surface Weld

To publish weld and datum features as PS Connection occurrences instead of publishing separate item-based
objects, use the Weld Publishing Method customer default.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find


Whats New in NX 9.0

Teamcenter Intergration for NX

NX 9.0

JT files for spot weld objects

When you publish spot welds to Teamcenter, NX attaches JT files to the spot weld PS Connection objects. NX
provides the JT file in the UGII_Base_DIR\ugweld\jt_files folder. The JT file contains a representation of the
discrete weld that you can view in the TC viewer.
When you create a spot weld, NX assigns a point marker number to the weld based on the Characteristics
customer default setting on the Weld AssistantCreationResistance Spot tab in the Customers
Defaults dialog box. When you publish the weld, NX uses this marker number to associate the corresponding JT
file with the corresponding weld object in Teamcenter.

For a two panel resistance spot weld, set the customer default number for the point marker to 38. When you
publish the weld, NX associates the JT file weld_38.jt in the UGII_Base_DIR\ugweld\jt_files folder with
the corresponding weld object in Teamcenter.

When you publish a spot weld that uses a solid body as a representation instead of a point marker, NX creates
the JT files based on the specific solid representation.

Where do I find it?




Teamcenter Integration for NX license.

Command Finder

Teamcenter Integration Preferences

Location in dialog box

Feature tabSpot Weld or Datum Locator Feature or Arc Weld or

Welding Joint or Surface Weld

Teamceneter Intergration for NX

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Chapter 6: 4th Generation Design (4GD)

Introducing 4GD
What is 4GD?
NX 8.5 introduced the fourth generation of design (4GD) and NX 9 enhances the existing 4GD functionality.
4GD represents a major change in how NX product assemblies are stored and managed in Teamcenter, and how they
are checked out and used in NX.
In 4GD, design elements replace traditional assembly components. Unlike assembly components, each design
element is an independently managed occurrence with its own position, access privileges, attributes, revision
history, unit effectivity, and locking status.
This means that when you check out any design element, it is displayed in its correct product location, without the
need to check out a parent assembly.

Who should use 4GD?

4GD is intended primarily for industries with massive products such as the shipbuilding, aerospace and automotive
industries that have the following characteristics:

The products are massive in scope, scaling to millions of components.

Data needs to be organized in multiple hierarchical views without data duplication.

Requires many multi-disciplinary teams to collaborate and/or work in parallel.

Design reuse must be facilitated, managed and controlled between product units or design models.

The products need to be maintained over long life cycles.

4GD is initially targeted for the shipbuilding industry in this release. Future releases plan to broaden its coverage to
other industry sectors (automotive, aerospace, energy, machinery).
If your products do not fit these characteristics, then you should continue to use NX Assemblies to design your

4th Generation Design (4GD)

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

4GD enhancements
Design element enhancements
What is it?
The 4GD design elements (DEs) are enhanced as follows:

When you save a reuse DE that is also the work part, the reuse DE and the source part of the DE are both

You can copy and paste the source part of a subordinate when the target is a reuse DE or a subordinate DE.
The subordinate source part is added as a new child component of the target reuse or subordinate source

You must then save the target reuse DE and the target source part to create the new child

You can copy and paste a subordinate and its parent reuse DE to a new subset, which adds the subordinate
and the reuse DE to the recipe of the new subset. No new DE is created.

You can position a promissory DE when you create it. Previously, you could only position shape DEs and
reuse DEs.

You can use the NX interface to edit the effectivity of the subordinate of a reuse design element.
Previously, you could edit the effectivity only in the Teamcenter interface.

A subordinate cannot have an effectivity that is outside the range of the effectivity of its owning
parent design element or parent subordinate. To validate the effectivity on subordinates, you must
use Teamcenter 10.1.
If you use Teamcenter 9.1, NX does not perform any validation, which may result in incorrect
effectivities being set on subordinates from NX.

You now receive warnings when you attempt to make modifications to 4GD objects that cannot be saved,
for example, if you attempt to modify a read-only object.

Some warning messages require you to set customer defaults in order to receive the messages.
Defaults that you may want to set include Display Message when Work Part is Read-only,
Display Message when Modifying Read-only Parts, and Display Message when
Saving Read-only Parts.

You receive more informative warnings when you attempt to delete 4GD objects from your collaborative

Why should I use it?

You now have more extended capabilities when you use design elements in 4GD.


Whats New in NX 9.0

4th Generation Design (4GD)

NX 9.0

NX can more easily resolve references such as WAVE when it saves all changes to a reuse design element
at the same time. Previously, you had to change the work part to the subset in order to save the reuse data.

Previously, users sometimes thought they had deleted a design element only in the context of the current
session, not realizing that they had deleted it completely from the collaborative design. The new warning
message provides more information about which design elements and components will be deleted and in
what context.

Where do I find it?


You must be in 4GD.

Creating multiple design elements

What is it?
You can use the following enhancements to create multiple design elements (DEs).

You can create multiple DEs at the same time by using the Number of New Design Elements option
in the Create Design Element dialog box.

Design element templates now support multiple types. For example, you can have a shape DE template for
different types of bolts: tapered, round, and chamfered. Each type selection results in a new DE based on
the same template.

To define the types that are available for a template, specify the DETypes in its PAX file. See the
4th Generation Design help for more information.

When you create multiple DEs, you can specify that they be scattered when they are displayed in the
graphics window.

Why should I use it?

If you scatter the DEs, you can see and select each one more easily because the DEs are not superimposed on top of
each other in the graphics window.
NX uses the bounding box of the source parts to compute the initial position for the DEs.

If your source parts do not contain any geometry, scattering does not work. Your DEs are superimposed on
top of each other. In this situation, you can select individual DEs in the Assembly Navigator.

Where do I find it?

Number of New Design Elements

4th Generation Design (4GD)

You must be in 4GD and have at least one subset.

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a subset nodeCreate Design Element

Teamcenter Navigator

Drag an item to the graphics window or right-click an itemCreate

Design Element

Location in dialog box

Definition groupNumber of New Design Elements


In the Create Design Element dialog box, in the Definition group, from
the Template list, you must select a template that has multiple types.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a subset nodeCreate Design Element

Teamcenter Navigator

Drag an item to the graphics window or right-click an itemCreate

Design Element

Location in dialog box

Definition groupType


You must be in 4GD and have at least one subset.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a subset nodeCreate Design Element

Teamcenter Navigator

Drag an item to the graphics window or right-click an itemCreate

Design Element

Location in dialog box

Placement groupScatter


Whats New in NX 9.0

4th Generation Design (4GD)

NX 9.0

Converting design elements

What is it?
When you convert a design element (DE) to another category, you can now:

Edit the attribute values of the DE during the conversion.

Use the new Maintain option to specify that the DE should maintain its current position during the

Why should I use it?

The ability to edit attribute values during conversion is most useful when you convert a promissory or reuse DE to a
shape DE.
The ability to maintain the position of a DE during conversion is especially useful when you are converting multiple
DEs at the same time. Unless all the selected DEs need to be repositioned as a group, you will usually find it easier
to reposition each DE separately, as needed, after the conversion.

Where do I find it?


You must be in 4GD.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a design element nodeEdit Category

Location in dialog box

Placement groupPositioningMaintain

Create Reusable Design

What is it?
Use the Create Reusable Design command to create a new item/revision and then create a new reuse design
element that references the new item/revision.
The Create Reusable Design dialog box is similar to the Create Design Element dialog box with the
following exceptions.

Only reuse design element templates are available.

The Part to Use group options, which are filled out with information for the new item/revision, cannot be

Where do I find it?


You must be in 4GD.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a subset nodeCreate Reusable Design

4th Generation Design (4GD)

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Presented parents
What is it?
A subset recipe can include subordinate objects without including their parents. However, sometimes the
Assembly Navigator needs to display the parent objects in order to correctly portray the assembly structure. A
presented parent is a parent that is included in your session only for support of the existing assembly structure data
Examples of presented parents are:

A reuse design element that is not a member of your current subset, but one of its subordinates is a

A subordinate design element that is not a member of your current subset, but one of its child subordinates
is a member.

Presented parents now have the following characteristics.

Their geometry is not displayed in the graphics window unless you add them to the subset. You can add a
presented parent using the Include in Subset command.

They are displayed in the Assembly Navigator if you open a subset structure view. See Subset structure
views for more information.

The following table shows the Assembly Navigator icons for presented parents.
Reuse design element

Subordinate design element

Outside the work

Where do I find it?


The Assembly Navigator must display a subset structure view.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a presented parent nodeInclude in Subset


Whats New in NX 9.0

4th Generation Design (4GD)

NX 9.0

Partition views for subsets

What is it?
When a Viewed Partition Scheme (VPS) is active in a subset, use the Partition View Style subset node command
in the Assembly Navigator to display the subset design elements under their assigned partitions. Partitions can be
shown as a flat list or as a hierarchical organization.
If you set Partition View Style to None, no partitions are visible in the Assembly Navigator even if a VPS is
active. Design elements appear in a single unstructured list under the subset node.
Flat partition view

No partition view

















Comp1CPD3/A x 2

Comp1CPD3/A x 2

Partitions in the active VPS that do not have any design elements assigned in the subset are not displayed unless
both of the following are true:

You are using the hierarchical view style.

The partition is located in the hierarchical structure between the root partition of the VPS and a partition
that has assigned design elements.

Why should I use it?

When design elements are grouped by partition, you can invoke commands on all the design elements in a partition.
In some circumstances, you can also more easily:

Navigate through the design elements in the subset.

Understand the roles and location of each design element.

Where do I find it?


You must be in 4GD.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a subset nodePartition View Style

4th Generation Design (4GD)

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Subset structure views

What is it?
Use the Show Subset Structure command in the Assembly Navigator to display the parent assembly
structure for reuse assemblies and subordinate design elements in the subset.
Sometimes a reuse assembly or subordinate is not a subset member, but it is part of the hierarchical structure for a
subordinate that is a subset member. In these cases, the reuse assembly or subordinate node is displayed with a
different icon and check box, as shown in the following example. The text in its row also appears in a different
With a subset structure view

No subset structure view











When the Show Subset Structure command is not active, the subordinate design elements and their parent reuse
design elements are displayed in the Assembly Navigator as a flat list. Parent design elements that are not part of
the subset themselves are not displayed.

Why should I use it?

The hierarchical display provided by a subset structure view makes it easier for you to determine the following:

Which design elements are subordinates.

Which reuse assembly is the parent of each subordinate design element.

Where do I find it?


You must be in 4GD.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a subset nodeShow Subset Structure


Whats New in NX 9.0

4th Generation Design (4GD)

NX 9.0

Adding connecting welds to a subset

What is it?
Use the Add Connected By Elements command to add all weld design features that reference the design
elements in a subset. NX edits the subset recipe to include all referencing weld design features and their owning
design control elements.

Where do I find it?


You must be in 4GD.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a subset nodeAdd Connected By Elements

Mirroring a design element

The Mirror Assembly Wizard has been enhanced to support the mirroring of subordinate design elements within
a reuse design element that is also the work part.
When mirroring subordinate design elements, the Mirror Assembly Wizard uses your Teamcenter business
modeler settings and all attributes will be auto-assigned when creating new subordinate design elements that are
identified as ship design elements. It is possible to move subordinate design elements from one reuse design element
to another by dragging and dropping them when both the source and target reuse design elements are in the same

Why should I use it?

The Mirror Assembly Wizard allows you to create mirrored subordinate design elements in 4GD.

Where do I find it?




An assembly must be the work part in 4GD.

Command Finder
Mirror Assembly

Load attribute groups for design elements

What is it?
You can load attribute groups for a design element type and determine which attribute groups get loaded for each

4th Generation Design (4GD)

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The Teamcenter preference ModelElement_Mapped_Properties determines the attributes that are loaded for a
design element. The ATTRIBUTE_GOUP_TYPE qualifier is now added to the preference to let you specify an
attribute group or groups to be loaded. You can still specify individual attributes but you can now also specify
attribute groups.
For example, in the ModelElement_Mapped_Properties preference:


You can view the attribute groups in NX in the Design Element Properties, Attributes tab.

Why should I use it?

You can control the attribute groups that are loaded into NX for each design element type.

Where do I find it?


Teamcenter Integration


You must be in 4GD.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a design elementPropertiesAttributes tab





Effectivity and variant options added to subset creation

What is it?
When you create a subset, you can now also specify variant rules and more easily determine the effectivity for units
in the subset.
The Create Subset dialog box is enhanced to provide a Configuration Context group that adds Effectivity
and Variant Configuration subgroups and options.
The Effectivity
option lets you specify the unit numbers and date values for the subset configuration. The
Effectivity dialog box lets you specify an In Date and Out Date for the units as well as a From Unit and To
Unit for unit numbers. You can also create multiple lines of effectivity so that you can skip units in a series. In
addition, you can select intent effectivity options if they are defined for the product.
The Variant Rule
option lets you specify a variant rule for the product in the subset configuration. The
design elements in the subset are configured based on the variant rule selected.

In order to set variant rules on a collaborative design, you must run Teamcenter 10.1 or a later release.


Whats New in NX 9.0

4th Generation Design (4GD)

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

You can specify the effectivity of units and variant rules for a subset configuration.

Where do I find it?


You must be in 4GD.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a workset nodeCreate Subset

Edit attributes in bulk

What is it?
You can now simultaneously edit attributes that are associated with multiple objects.
In 4GD, NX displays the attributes in Attribute Groups and Managed Attribute Groups.
Attribute Group

The lifecycle of the attributes in the Attributes Group is the same as the lifecycle of the
design element.
For every Attribute Group that contains a common attribute, NX displays a separate group
on the Attributes tab in the Properties dialog box.
If you edit an attribute, NX applies the changes to all instances of that Attribute Group for
all selected objects.

Managed Attribute

The lifecycle of the attributes in the Managed Attributes Group is independent of the
lifecycle of the design element. The lifecycle of these attributes depends on effectivity and
variant configuration.
For every Managed Attribute Group that contains a common attribute, NX displays a
separate group on the Attributes tab in the Properties dialog box.
If you edit an attribute NX, applies the changes to all instances of that Managed Attribute
Group for all selected objects.

Where do I find it?


You must select multiple objects.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click multiple objectsPropertiesAttributes tab

Location in dialog box

Context groupInteraction MethodBulk Edit

4th Generation Design (4GD)

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Show Collaborative Design Preview

What is it?
Use the Show Collaborative Design Preview command to see an image of the collaborative design where you
are working.

Why should I use it?

Because most collaborative designs are very large, you open only a small portion of your collaborative design. The
collaborative design preview shows you what the entire design looks like.

Where do I find it?


You must be in 4GD, and a preview must have been saved for your
collaborative design.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a subset nodeShow Collaborative Design Preview

Design features
What is it?
Design features have the following enhancements, which makes their behavior more consistent with design element

You can add design features to or remove design features from partitions.

You can assign effectivity to a design feature.

You can search for design features in the subset recipe using attribute searches and partition searches.

In NX 9.0, the only design features available in 4GD are welds.
The following table shows an example of a design feature as displayed in the Assembly Navigator. In this
example, a welding joint design feature was created between two shape DEs. The design feature is the child of a
design control element.
Design Control Element
Welding Joint Design Feature
Shape DE 1
Shape DE 2


Whats New in NX 9.0

4th Generation Design (4GD)

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

Where do I find it?
Edit Partitions

You must be in 4GD.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a design feature nodeEdit Partitions

Edit Effectivity

You must be in 4GD.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a design feature nodeEdit Effectivity


You must be in the 4GD subset task environment.

Resource bar
Collaborative Design Navigator
Location in dialog box
Find groupenter the design feature IDExecute Search
Attribute Search Term

You must be in the 4GD subset task environment.


InsertAttribute Search Term

Check in and check out enhancements

What is it?
The ability to check 4GD objects in and out has the following enhancements:

You can select multiple design elements to check out or check in.

NX attempts to check out (or check in) all of the selected design elements and their source items.
You receive a warning if any of the objects could not be checked out or in.

When you select a single design element to check out or check in, you can specify whether you want the
design element, the source item, or both.

4th Generation Design (4GD)

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Multiple design elements

You must be in 4GD.

Assembly Navigator

Select multiple design element nodesright-clickCheck-In or CheckOut

Single design element


You must be in 4GD.

Assembly Navigator

Right-click a design element nodeCheck-InDesign Element or

Source Item or Both
Right-click a design element nodeCheck-OutDesign Element or
Source Item or Both

Generating collaborative designs from existing structures

What is it?
You can use the 4gd_populate_cd utility to generate an initial collaborative design from an existing product or
precise assembly structure. A collaborative design contains all the design data that defines a product or class of
products in 4GD.
Before you run the 4gd_populate_cd utility, you can set its switches to define the output collaborative design. By
default, a collaborative design that is generated by the utility includes the following.

A name that has the format source product ID_source product revision ID_CD.

A Partition Scheme whose default type is a physical scheme.

A partition for each subassembly node. The default type is a physical partition.

A design element (DE) for each leaf or component node. The DE IDs are automatically generated, and the
DE names are derived from their source items. The default type is a reuse DE.

By default, the 4gd_populate_cd utility:

Configures the assembly with the Latest Working revision rule and the latest revision of the source
assembly item. Optionally, you can specify a different revision rule and item revision.

Places the collaborative design in the Newstuff folder of your 4GD environment.

For more information, see the 4th Generation Design Guide in the Teamcenter help library.

Why should I use it?

The 4gd_populate_cd utility automatically generates a 4GD structure for you from your existing products and
assemblies, so you do not have to convert them manually.


Whats New in NX 9.0

4th Generation Design (4GD)

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Run the 4gd_populate_cd utility from the Teamcenter command line in your operating system.

You can run the utility with the -h switch for help.

Check-Mate in 4GD
What is it?
In the 4GD environment, Check-Mate has the following enhancements to support the testing of 4GD objects.

The Parts to Test table and the Results table have two new columns, Design Element and Remark,
which provide information about 4GD objects that are being tested by Check-Mate.

When you set up Check-Mate tests using the All Parts in Folder option, you can also select the new
Include Source Part of Design Element option to automatically add the source parts of the design
elements in the specified folder to the Parts to Test table.

Information about design elements is included as appropriate in Check-Mate Info View windows.

Check-Mate results saved in the Teamcenter database are associated with the source item revisions of the
design elements.

In both the Parts to Test table and the Results table:

The Design Element column lists the names of design elements that are being tested.

The Remark column displays Workset if one of the tested parts is the workset. For design elements, the
Remark column is blank.

Subsets, promissory design elements, and design control elements are not included in the Parts to Test
table or the Results table.

Where do I find it?

Parts to Test table

You must be in 4GD.

Command Finder
Set Up Tests
Location in dialog box

4th Generation Design (4GD)

Parts tabParts to Test table

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Include Source Part of Design Element


You must be in 4GD.

Command Finder
Set Up Tests
Location in dialog box

Parts tabselect the All Parts in Directory optionInclude Source

Part of Design Element

Results table

You must run one or more Check-Mate tests in 4GD. For more information
about setting up and running tests, see the Check-Mate help.

Command Finder
HD3D Tools
Location in dialog box


Results group

Check-Mate Info View window


You must run one or more Check-Mate tests in 4GD.

Command Finder
HD3D Tools
Location in dialog box


Whats New in NX 9.0


Results groupin the table, right-click a result nodeShow Info View

4th Generation Design (4GD)

NX 9.0

Issue Management in 4GD

What is it?
Use the Issue Management HD3D tool to capture, track, and close issues you find during your design process.
Issues can be design problems, workflow problems, or anything else you want to track in NX.
You can:

Create and modify issue worksets. To do this, use the Issue Workset dialog box.

Select objects from the graphics window or the Assembly Navigator to add the design elements as issue

Search the issue related to the current workset. To do this, use the Current Workset option.

Where do I find it?


You must be in 4GD and set up the Issue Management tool integrated
with Teamcenter.

Resource bar

HD3D ToolsIssue Management

Location in dialog box

[Issue Workset dialog box]

Right-click the Issue node or an empty Issue Workset folderCreate
Issue Workset
[Current Workset option]
Issue Management dialog boxLists groupIssues Related to Part
listCurrent Workset

4th Generation Design (4GD)

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Chapter 7: Inspection and validation

Check-Mate checkers and functions
What is it?
The following new Check-Mate functions are provided with this release:
Source files










The following new Check-Mate checkers are provided with this release:

Checker name


Analyze Pocket

Get InformationModeling

Report Out-of-Date Part Modules

The following functions have been enhanced:

Source files

Inspection and validation

Function name


What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0



Adds an option to check internal features.

The following checkers have been enhanced:


Checker name



Check Dimension Tolerances

Uses function mqc_askDimensionText to get the



Check Color of Drawing Objects Makes the color option index specified in the
customization dialog consistent with the NX
color index.


Check the Color Setting of



Check if Objects are on Specified Adds an option to check internal objects.


Report Solid Body with Default
InformationModeling Density Setting

Adds an option to check internal objects.

Adds an option to check internal solid bodies.

Report Solid Body with Specified Adds an option to check internal solid bodies.
InformationModeling Density Setting
Report Solid Body without
InformationModeling Density Setting

Adds an option to check internal solid bodies.


Adds options to report features with update

warnings and informational messages.

Update All Features

SASIG-PDQSurfaces Folded surface


Adds distance tolerance of nearby points

according to ISO 10303597.4.66

The following new NX/Open examples have been added to the Check-Mate kit at
kits\design_tools\checkmate\examples\NXOpenExamples/C++, .NET, and Java folders:

ReportIndexOfFontName folder

ReportTabularNoteCellStyle folder

ReportColorNameStringFromIndex folder

A new NX/Open example ExecuteCheckerAndGetResults has been added to the .NET, C++, JAVA folders under
%UGII_BASE_DIR%\ugopen\SampleNXOpenApplications\ so that you can learn how to get Check-Mate results
programmatically. The new NX/Open example has the following specifications:


Folder name: Check-Mate

Example name: ExecuteCheckerAndGetResults

Example file in .NET, C++, and Java folders: ExecuteCheckerAndGetResults.cpp,

ExecuteCheckerAndGetResults.vb, ExecuteCheckerAndGetResults.cs, and

readme.txt or readme.htm in the .NET, C++, and Java folders

Whats New in NX 9.0

Inspection and validation

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?

Resource bar

HD3D ToolsCheck-Mate

Check-Mate profiles
What is it?
When you run a Check-Mate quick access profile from the toolbar area, the target parts are now synchronized with
the parts listed on the Parts tab of the Set Up Tests dialog box.

Where do I find it?

Resource bar

Inspection and validation

HD3D ToolsCheck-Mate

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

CMM Inspection Programming

General enhancements
What is it?
The following enhancements to CMM Inspection Programming are aimed at better usability.

An Apply button is now available in the Tolerance Operation and Inspection Feature dialog boxes.
Use this button to create multiple tolerances and inspection features of the same type without having to
reopen the dialog box.

To aid in the creation of templates, a Sensor Strategy list has been added to all feature types in the
Inspection Method dialog box. Sensor strategies include Create as needed, which creates a new,
best-fit sensor, and Use existing only, which uses the best existing sensor for the job at hand.

You can now define specific sensor strategies, tips, and angles when using the Multi Feature
command. The Create Paths dialog box features a Sensor group identical to that used in
inspection path sub-operations.

To provide access to the number of points in a measurement operation during posting, a new MOM
variable, mom_cmm_total_ptmeas_count, is now available when postprocessing the event
MOM_cmm_output_meas. This variable contains the count of all DMIS PTMEAS statements in all suboperations within the measurement block.

To enhance the creation of DMIS GCURVE operations, a new MOM variable,

mom_cmm_gcurve_dimensionality, is now available when postprocessing the events
mom_cmm_output_feat_gcurve and mom_cmm_output_feat_gcurve_wpoints_start. This
variable is set to 0 if the feature is unknown, 1 if the feature is linear, 2 if the feature is planar, and 3 if the
feature is 3D.

Expanded CMM libraries

CMM Inspection Programming libraries have been expanded to include new virtual machines, including Coordinate
Measuring Machines, heads, and probes, as well as new inspection setup templates.

New virtual CMMs that you can load from the CMM library include nine new machines manufactured by Brown
and Sharpe, Hexagon, Wenzel, Mitutoyo, Renishaw, and Zeiss.

Heads and probes

New probes and heads include a Renishaw TP200 20 mm extended probe with a 3 mm cylindrical tip, a Renishaw
Equator head, and two Renishaw Equator probes with 2 mm and 5 mm tips. Equator heads and probes are intended
for use only with the Renishaw Equator CMM.
In the following example, the Renishaw Equator head and probe appear to float in space. The rods that move the
head and probe are hidden in NX because they often obscure the part.


Whats New in NX 9.0

Inspection and validation

NX 9.0

Four new inspection setup templates are available from the New dialog box in both English and metric formats. To
see these templates, you must download the file ugs_inspection_templates.pax from GTAC and overwrite the file of
the same name in your installed NX directory.
The 0.7mm Steel Setup file, called 18ga Steel Setup when
using inch units, changes default CMM Inspection
Programming methods related to 2D features. The default
offset distance for curve, line, arc, circle, closed slot and
tab, and edge point inspection features is set to half the
thickness of the sheet metal part. The relative
measurement settings for these feature types are also
changed from None to Automatic, with an offset
distance of 1.0 mm metric, or .04 inches English.
The BS Rotary Machine Setup file loads your inspection
part onto the Brown and Sharpe CMM, loads the
Renishaw PH10M head, and places the TP 20 Renishaw
probe on the head. The template also inserts a Part
Coordinate System (PCS) to Machine Coordinate System
(MCS) alignment example and two rotate table examples.
The latter could be used to seat the part by rotating the
table 30 degrees clockwise and counterclockwise.

Inspection and validation

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

The Wenzel LH65 Tool Rack Machine Setup file loads

your inspection part onto the Wenzel LH65 CMM, loads
the Renishaw PH10M head, and assigns six probes that
vary in size and functionality to the Wenzel tool rack. The
template also inserts a Part Coordinate System (PCS) to
Machine Coordinate System (MCS) alignment example.

The Renishaw Equator 300 Setup file loads your

inspection part onto the Renishaw Equator CMM, loads
the Equator head, and assigns the Equator probes to the
first two pockets of the Equator tool rack. The template
also inserts a Part Coordinate System (PCS) to Machine
Coordinate System (MCS) alignment example.

In the Program Order view of the Inspection Navigator, alignment examples appear in the
PART_ALIGNMENT group, and rotate table examples appear in the Unused Items group. In the
Machine and Inspection Method views, alignment and rotate table examples appear in the Unused
Items group.

Offset distance for 2D features

What is it?
To let you define an offset value for an edge feature, a new text box, Offset Value, has been added to inspection
methods for 2D feature types. The inspection features inherit the method values and can be customized.

Offsets for arc, circle, and closed slot or tab features are based on the feature's normal direction.

Offsets for line and curve features are based on the cross product of the surface normal and curve tangent.

In the example below, an offset circle feature is used to measure the cylinder diameter. This offers an alternative to
applying a point set to the cylinder feature, which is required by DMIS to measure at least two cross sections.


Whats New in NX 9.0

Inspection and validation

NX 9.0

Feature view

Inspection path view

Why should I use it?

2D feature types should be measured as far as possible from edges to avoid the roughness, burrs or other
imperfections that naturally exist on edges. Use an offset value to create the actual feature at a distance from the
edge of the part.

Where do I find it?


CMM Inspection Programming


You must create a 2D inspection feature.

Location in dialog box

[Two-dimensional feature type] Inspection Feature dialog boxOffsets

groupOffset Distance

Inspection and validation

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

New inspection feature type: Edge Point

What is it?
Edge point inspection features let you inspect sheet metal or other thin-walled flexible materials where the center of
the material is hard to locate and susceptible to shear and break. To create an edge point, you select a face or sheet
body surface that is next to or adjoining the preferred edge, click a point on the edge, and enter an optional offset
value. The edge point is projected onto the adjacent face to determine the adjacent surface normal. The edge point
feature normal is computed as the cross product of the adjacent surface normal and curve tangent at the point

Adjacent surface/face

Edge point feature normal

Selected point

Offset direction

Offset edge point feature

Where do I find it?


CMM Inspection Programming


You must create an inspection setup file.

Command Finder
Edge Point
Inspection Navigator


Whats New in NX 9.0

Right-click a nodeInsertEdge Point

Inspection and validation

NX 9.0

Set PCS to CADABS alignment type

What is it?
Use the Set PCS to CADABS alignment type to set your inspection program to the Part Coordinate System (PCS)
of a specific part that is know to represent the absolute coordinate system of an assembly of component parts.
The CAD absolute in the following example is an engine block. Some tolerances use the blocks Part Coordinate
System (PCS) to reference features on the piston assembly and crankshaft.

Why should I use it?

Setting your alignment to a parts PCS offers a quick way to reference a known absolute coordinate system. Postprocessed DMIS output for this command involves any necessary transform and rotation events.

Where do I find it?


CMM Inspection Programming


You must create an inspection program.

Location in dialog box

Alignment dialog boxType groupSet PCS to CADABS

Inspection and validation

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

New inspection command types

What is it?
Two new inspection command types are available.

Use the Define Device command to insert a device definition to define any device attached to an actual
CMM. You can then access devices later in your inspection program.

Use the Save DML command to open a connection with a device and save feature, tolerance, and
measurement data to that device relative to a predefined Part Coordinate System (PCS). Data is saved in the
Dimensional Markup Language (DML) format.

You can initialize storage devices, terminals, printers, communication ports, and incremental file names using the
Define Device command. You can then use the Save DML command to send or save DML data to any of these

Where do I find it?


CMM Inspection Programming


To save data to a device, you must:


Define the device using the Define Device command.


Save a Part Coordinate System (PCS) using the Alignment dialog


In the Inspection Navigator, device commands appear by default in the

PROGRAM_HEADER program group. DML commands appear in the
OUTPUTS group.
Location in dialog box


Whats New in NX 9.0

Insert Command dialog boxCommand Type groupDefine

Device or Save DML

Inspection and validation

NX 9.0

Support for cylindrical probes

What is it?
When you create a probe tool, you can now select a cylinder in addition to the current sphere probe type. You
specify the tracking point location on the cylinder using a percentage of the cylinder length.

Why should I use it?

Cylindrical tips more accurately measure sheet metal and other thin or flexible parts. They are also useful for
inspecting threaded holes.

Where do I find it?


CMM Inspection Programming

Location in dialog box

Probe dialog boxTip Type list and Axial Percent text box.

Inspection and validation

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Resequencing of inspection paths

What is it?
Use the Resequence Paths command to optimize the order of inspection paths in your inspection program.
When you apply the Resequence Paths command, in the Inspection Navigator, paths are reorganized so that
the probe moves from path to path in nearest neighbor order, based on start and end point locations. Relative
measurement points are also included in resequenced paths.

Why should I use it?

When you organize inspection paths to measure features in close proximity to each other, you improve the speed of
your inspection program and reduce unnecessary probe moves, angles, and styli changes.

Where do I find it?


CMM Inspection Programming


You must create inspection features and inspection paths.

Command Finder
Resequence Paths
Inspection Navigator


Whats New in NX 9.0

Highlight a consecutive sequence of pathsright-click the

selectionResequence Paths.

Inspection and validation

NX 9.0

Auto-ordering of tolerances in the Inspection Navigator

What is it?
In previous releases, when you loaded tolerances using the Link to PMI command, the sequence of tolerances was
not always correct based on GD&T analysis rules. In the Inspection Navigator, output statements were placed in
the OUTPUTS group.
When you now link to PMI in your inspection programs, CMM Inspection Programming automatically orders
datums, size tolerances, linear dimensions, and geometric tolerances in the appropriate order.

Why should I use it?

Previous versions of CMM Inspection Programming often required you to modify the order in which tolerances and
outputs appeared in your inspection programs. When you now link to PMI, output statements appear only in
postprocessed DMIS output, following the tolerance definition statements to which they are associated.


Any inspection program created in NX 8.5.2 or earlier and opened in NX 9 will retain its outputs just as
before. If you want to remove outputs from an older inspection program, in the Inspection Navigator,
right-click the OUTPUTS program group and choose ObjectRemove Output Operations.

Where do I find it?


CMM Inspection Programming


You must create inspection features, tolerances, and inspection paths and
generate your inspection program.

Inspection Navigator

The OUTPUTS group still exists but all outputs are now in the
postprocessed DMIS output.

Inspection and validation

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


What is it?
The DMIS minor word DEPTH lets you measure 2D features, typically at a midpoint between two surfaces. CMM
Inspection Programming now supports both SNSET/DEPTH,distance and SNSET/DEPTH,OFF.
When you use a cylindrical probe, the probe approaches
the depth distance location along the probe normal vector.

When you use a spherical probe, the probe approaches the

depth distance location from the direction opposite to the
feature's normal vector.

Why should I use it?

Use a depth distance on sheet metal and other thin-walled materials where you have a rough, thin-walled edge to

Where do I find it?


CMM Inspection Programming


You must create an inspection program.

Sub-operation dialog boxes

If the inspection feature being measured is an arc, circle, closed slot, or

closed tab, and the probe tip is spherical or cylindrical, depth distance is
enabled for measured point, point set, scan curve, scan line, scan arc, or 5axis scan curve sub-operations.
If the inspection feature being measured is a curve, surface, line, or point,
and the probe tip is cylindrical, depth distance is enabled for measured point,
point set, scan curve, scan line, scan arc, or 5-axis scan curve sub-operations.


Whats New in NX 9.0

Inspection and validation

NX 9.0

Measure an inspection feature relative to another feature

What is it?
You can now transform the location of a nominal feature relative to a previously measured or constructed feature.
You can let CMM Inspection Programming automatically create relative point features, or you can reference
existing point-reducible or plane-reducible features.
The arc inspection feature highlighted in orange on the sheet metal part shown has a three-point inspection path
defined. Because the material is flexible, the probe could potentially miss the nominal location. Relative
measurement points offer a way to offset the features deviation relative to another features deviation, in this case
an adjoining surface. The relative measurement points are defined to lie .5 mm from the arc feature.

Automatic relative
measurement points

Arc feature measurement


Why should I use it?

Use a relative measurement of one or more points at a stable location to compute the difference between a features
actual and nominal measurements and to apply an offset so that your probe correctly locates the feature. Since NX
derives relative measurement options for each feature from the feature method, you can customize all features
except planes, surfaces, spheres, tori, open slots and tabs, and patterns to automatically include relative

Where do I find it?


CMM Inspection Programming


Unless you let NX automatically create relative point features, you must
create a reference feature and an inspection path on that feature. The
reference feature and inspection path must precede the target feature in your
inspection program.

Location in dialog box

Inspection Path dialog boxRelative Measurement tab

Inspection and validation

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Requirements Validation
Units in the HD3D Requirements Validation tool
What is it?
The values in the Value column of the Requirements Validation results tree now include units. NX determines
the unit type in the following order.

NX attempts to determine the unit type in the check formula.


If the unit type cannot be determined from the check formula, or if there is a conflict, NX attempts to find
the unit type in the requirement formula.


If the unit type cannot be determined from either the check formula or the requirement formula, NX uses
the default analysis unit of the evaluated dimensionality of the check formula. You can specify the default
analysis unit with AnalysisUnits.

To determine the unit type from a formula:


NX looks for the unit of the expression in the formula.


If the unit of the expression cannot be determined, NX looks in the formula for units enclosed by square
brackets. For example, if a formula includes 100[mm], NX determines that the unit type is mm. If the
formula includes 100mm, NX cannot determine the unit type from the formula.

Why should I use it?

Providing units for values in the Value column of the Requirements Validation results tree reduces confusion
about the results. Previously, the Value column only displayed numbers in the base unit type of the part, which
could be misleading when the unit type of the validation results was not the same as the base unit type of the part.

Where do I find it?


In the Requirements Validation tool, in the Results group, from the

View Style menu, choose Tree or Flowlist+Tree.

Resource bar

HD3D ToolsRequirements Validation

Location in dialog box

Results grouptreeValue column


Whats New in NX 9.0

Inspection and validation

NX 9.0

Chapter 8: Tooling Design

CAM Data Preparation
3D Curve Offset
What is it?
Use the 3D Curve Offset command to offset three dimensional curves or edges by a specified distance in a
specified direction. You can offset multiple planar, non-planar, closed, or open curves simultaneously.

NX removes the features that have a smaller length than the specified offset distance.
This command is useful, for example, when you want to create a profile needed for machining the part.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
3D Curve Offset

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

3D Curve Blend
What is it?
Use the 3D Curve Blend command to blend the concave corners of a 3D curve with a specified radius in a
specified direction. You can blend all the concave corners of a curve or blend a string of curves in one operation.

NX automatically blends concave corners of a curve that has a blend radius that is less than the specified blend

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
3D Curve Blend


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Match Surface
What is it?
Use the Match Surface command to create a matching surface from the selected edge of the target surface to the
selected edge or curve of the reference surface.
You can:

Specify a region limit for the matching surface.

Create a new surface without modifying the target surface.

Retain the same geometric properties for both the target and the matching surface.

View the maximum deviation between the target and the matching surface.

Target Surface

Reference Surface

Matching Surface

The edges or curves of the target surface and the reference surface must not be closed.
This command is useful, for example, when you want to deform the sheet metal to create a die face.

Where do I find it?




The target surface must be an untrimmed B-surface.

Command Finder
Match Surface

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Reduce Surface Radius

What is it?
Use the Reduce Surface Radius command to reduce the radii of the concave corners (blends) of die faces. NX
creates a new sheet body with the reduced radii.
This command helps you to create a small clearance that prevents scratches on the sheet metal during the forming
You can:

Specify the radius range for the die faces whose radius you want to reduce. NX displays the list of die faces
that fall within the range of the specified radius.

Reduce the radius by setting it to a percentage of the current radius, to a reduction value, or to a target

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Reduce Surface Radius


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Guided Extension
What is it?
Use the Guided Extension command to extend the selected edges tangentially from the faces of a sheet body.
NX creates guidelines to form segments after you select the edges, and creates a new sheet body after you extend the
You can improve the quality of the extended surface by changing the segment type or by changing the rotation angle
of segment guidelines.
You can also merge, restore, and split the segments that you want to extend.

Extended surface


Segment guideline

Segment guideline handle

Distance handle

This command is useful, for example, when you want to model the casting shapes from the original die surfaces.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Guided Extension

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Tooling shared functions

Die Analysis using LS-DYNA
Die Analysis using LS-DYNA
The NX CAD environment offers you the ability to analyze the stamping draw process using the LS-DYNA
incremental solver, and eliminates the risk of losing design data and associativity during the manual file transfer
between the CAD and CAE software.
You can:

Calculate accurate analysis results for formability, stress, strain, thickness, and thinning.

Correct the geometry based on the formability analysis results and verify if the parts can be manufactured
without rips and tears.

Stamping Die Process Analysis workflow


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Geometry Preparation
Use the Geometry Preparation command to prepare die, punch, binder, and blank geometry for incremental
sheet metal formability analysis.
You can:

Specify the thickness and material of the blank. You can also set the tensile strength of the blank sheet.

Set the percentage of the restraining force that you want to apply to the selected draw bead.

Auto position the die, punch, and binder geometry.





You can use the Mesh and Solver command to mesh the sheet body based on the geometry that you define using
the Geometry Preparation command.

Where do I find it?


Die Engineering and Progressive Die Wizard


LS-DYNA solver and LS-PrePost

Command Finder
Geometry Preparation

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Mesh and Solver

Use the Mesh and Solver command to mesh the geometry, generate the LS-DYNA keyword file, and run the LSDYNA solver.
You can:

Create a mesh of triangular elements or a mesh of triangular and quadrilateral elements.

Save the generated LS-DYNA keyword file on your local hard disk.

Use the LS DYNA solver to analyze the saved file. You can save the formability analysis results as an
animation file on your local hard disk.

Before you use the Mesh and Solver command, you must set the following customer defaults:

To specify the folder path for the LS-DYNA executable file, set the LS-DYNA Manger Solver default.

To specify the folder path for the LS-PrePost executable file, set the LS-PrePost default.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Where do I find it?


Die Engineering and Progressive Die Wizard


LS-DYNA solver and LS-PrePost

Command Finder
Mesh and Solver


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Display Results
Use the Display Results command to view the animated analysis results for formability, stress, strain, thickness,
and thinning in a color coded plot. You can also view the formability limit diagram (FLD) and analysis results at the
specified state.

Formability analysis results

Formability limit diagram

Where do I find it?


Die Engineering and Progressive Die Wizard


LS-DYNA solver and LS-PrePost

Command Finder
Display Results

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Object Attribute Management

Use the Object Attribute Management command to add tooling-specific attributes to selected objects in your
mold or die assembly, and to edit or delete the attributes. Template spreadsheets that supply standard attributes and
values are available for Mold Wizard and Progressive Die Wizard. You can use these spreadsheets to add your own
company-specific attributes and frequently used manufacturing methods.
The template spreadsheet is available in the templates folder in the Mold Wizard and Progressive Die Wizard
engineering databases. The default location is controlled by the Object Attribute Management customer default.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Where do I find it?


Mold Wizard, Progressive Die Wizard

Command Finder
Object Attribute Management

Face Color Management

Use the Face Color Management command to change the color and translucency of objects in your mold or die
assembly. Because colors are associated with manufacturing methods, the ability to change the colors of objects is a
valuable way to provide instructions for downstream applications, including drawings.
For example, the Progressive Die Wizard template spreadsheet associates hole types and manufacturing methods
with colors, as shown in this sample spreadsheet. You can modify the template to suit your organizations needs and

Color ID Color





Positive Drill Thread MW_HOLE_THREAD


Back Drill Thread






Back Counterbored




Whats New in NX 9.0


Manufacturing Face

Tooling Design

NX 9.0


Color ID Color



Manufacturing Face


Positive Drill
Through Hole



Dowel Hole,
EDW, Positive














The template spreadsheet is available in the templates folder in the Mold Wizard, Progressive Die Wizard, and
Electrode Design engineering databases.

Mold Wizard folder location:moldwizard\templates\[units: metric or


Progressive Die Wizard folder location:pdiewizard\templates\[units: metric or


Electrode Design folder location:electrode_design\templates\[units: metric or


The default location for the folder is controlled by the Face Color Management customer default.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

When you select a hole face and specify a color, you automatically associate hole type and manufacturing
instruction attributes with the face. These attributes also let you create a note using the Hole Manufacturing Note
Mold and die assemblies can contain thousands of objects. Having visual cues that identify manufacturing methods
provides useful information to workers on the shop floor.

Where do I find it?


Mold Wizard, Progressive Die Wizard, Electrode Design

Command Finder
Face Color Management

Hole Manufacturing Note

Use the Hole Manufacturing Note command to identify hole types in drawings of tooling components and
The workflow is as follows:

Use the Face Color Management command to assign colors and manufacturing instructions to circular
holes in your mold or die part or assembly.


Create a top view drawing of the part or assembly in the Drafting application.


Use the Hole Manufacturing Note command in the Mold Wizard or Progressive Die Wizard application
to create a drawing that identifies the holes and shows the manufacturing information in the note.

This example shows a portion of a die drawing, with holes identified by number. The corresponding note identifies
the type of hole and manufacturing method.

10:12X8.5 Through Hole

12:4X10 Through Hole
15:11X14Through Hole
16:25X21Through Hole


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

NX automatically generates the hole manufacturing information for classes of circular holes. You do not need to
create notes for thousands of holes manually.

Where do I find it?


Mold Wizard, Progressive Die Wizard

Command Finder
Hole Manufacturing Note

Restore Tooling Application

Use the Restore Tooling Application customer default to have NX remember the status of Tooling applications
from your last NX session.
For example, if you had Mold Wizard running during your last NX session, the Mold Wizard tab will be available
the next time you start NX.
This customer default applies to the following applications:

Die Design

Die Engineering

Electrode Design

Engineering Die Wizard

Mold Wizard

Progressive Die Wizard

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Mold Wizard
Mold Base Library enhancements
What is it?
The Mold Base Library is integrated into the Reuse Library. You can have multiple database locations and you
can configure your own mold base libraries.

Why should I use it?

The Mold Base Library has the same look and feel as other standard part libraries, and offers the same flexibility
as the other libraries. For example, you can:

Search for a specific mold base in the library.

Edit a mold base by right-clicking it either in the graphics window or in the Assembly Navigator and
choosing Edit Tooling Component.

Where do I find it?


Mold Wizard

Command Finder
Mold Base Library
Resource bar
Reuse Library


Whats New in NX 9.0

MW Mold Base Library

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Workpiece enhancements
What is it?
When you use the default Mold V.1 template, you can now specify workpiece dimensions measured from a
reference point. In previous releases, this option was available only with the Original template.

Where do I find it?


Mold Wizard


The workpiece must be sketch-based, and you must be using the Mold V.1
or the Original template.

Command Finder
Location in dialog box

Tooling Design

Dimensions groupDefine Workpiece subgroupDefinition Type

listReference Point

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Ejector Pin Table

Use the Ejector Pin Table command to create a top view of a template-based drawing of all the ejector pins and
ejector pin sleeve sets in the mold assembly. The drawing also includes a table of standard ejector parts.
The following example shows a portion of the drawing with the corresponding entries in the table.


Part Name




Straight Ejector Pins



6.00 x 204.79 2


Shoulder Ejector Pins



3.00 x 2.00
x 250.00


Camera_Core_RECTANGULAR_EJ_PINS_273 6.00 x 5.00 x

1.00 x 250.00


Camera_Core_RECTANGULAR_EJ_PINS_274 6.00 x 5.00 x

1.00 x 250.00

Blade Ejector Pins

A mold assembly can contain hundreds of ejector pins and sleeves of various types. This command provides
important information automatically and categorizes it in a table on the drawing.

Where do I find it?


Mold Wizard

Command Finder
Ejector Pin Table


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Weld Assistant
Fabrication Information
The Fabrication Information command replaces the InformationWelding command.
Use the Fabrication Information command to view information about welding objects, BIW locators, or structure
welding joints.
You can also view information on:

The length and volume of the welding joints and arc welds.

Weld material required for the selected welding joints and arc welds.

Design or manufacturing attributes of the welding joints and arc welds.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder

Fabrication Information



Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Joint Mark
Use the Joint Mark command to indicate the location of a laser beam weld. The Joint Mark feature is defined by a
custom curve, a point, and attributes. You can specify the placement and orientation of Joint Marks to create single,
multiple, or mirrored joint marks. The joint marks can be published to Teamcenter to be managed and used by
downstream manufacturing operations.

You can:

Create planar joint marks on flanged surfaces.

Configure the attributes assigned to the joint mark.

Use custom symbols to represent the joint marks.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Joint Mark

Export CSV File enhancements

What is it?
You can now export:

The locations of weld points, datum pin locators, datum surface locators, and measurement locators to
either a CSV file or an Information window.

Datum information that indicates the size of the datum pin locators and datum surface locators.
For the selected datum, NX exports the following attributes: Solid Type, Radius, Above Length, and
Total Length.


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Export CSV File
Export to groupType listCSV File or Information Window

Location in dialog box

Import CSV File enhancement

What is it?
You can use the Import CSV File command to import attributes that define the datum pin locators and datum
surface locators.
If these attributes are not defined in the CSV file, the default attributes defined in the Weld Assistant customer
defaults are imported.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Import CSV File
Main Menu

Tooling Design

InsertWeld AssistantImport CSV File

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Groove Weld enhancements

What is it?
The Weld Groove command is now called the Groove Weld command.
Much of the functionality remains unchanged, but some changes are introduced to improve usability.

Group changes

Change description


This is a new group.

Weld Extent

This is the new name for the previous Edge Sets group.

Options for preparing the edges that you want to weld that were previously available in the
Settings group are now moved to this new group.

This group is redesigned.

The new options match the standard group that is available in most dialog boxes for creating
welding features.

Check box changes


Change description

Single Face This check box is moved to the Face Sets group. It was previously available in the Settings
Use Fill In
This check box is moved to the Cross Section group.
It is available when Type is set to Flared V Groove or Flared Bevel Groove.
It was previously available in the Settings group.
Field Weld

This check box is available in the Welding Characteristics group when you add the following
value to the Weld Assistant Characteristics customer default for Groove:

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click
Find Default

This option is removed.

Handles now appear by default in the graphics window after you select the faces for the groove
You can change the weld limits and the taper angle of the groove weld in the following ways:


Use the handles in the graphics window.

Use the options in the Limits group in the Groove Weld dialog box.

Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

These enhancements regroup existing options for better usability.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Groove Weld

Datum Surface Locator and Datum Pin Locator enhancements

What is it?
You can:

Use the Datum Surface Locator and Datum Pin Locator commands to create up to seven custom
types of datum pin locator and datum surface locator features.
To do this, you must set up the Datum Surface Locator and Datum Pin Locator customer defaults.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Customize the Part Navigator icons for datum surface locators and datum pin locators using the
NXOpen.Weld.DatumIconBuilder callback.

Two new checks related to datum surface locators and datum pin locators are available in Check-Mate.
Minimum Distance to Edge Check
Evaluates the distance between the center of the specified datum and the nearest edge of the part
on which the datum lies.
Connected Parts Check
Identifies if a connected part file exists anywhere in the current assembly structure. The type of
datum does not affect the check.

Use the Datum Surface Locator command to mirror an existing datum surface locator to create a new
non-associative datum surface locator using the new Mirror option.
In the example, an existing datum surface locator (1) is mirrored about the plane (2) to create a new datum
surface locator (3).

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

The ability to create up to eight different types of datum pin locators and datum surface locators helps you classify
and differentiate them according to company standards or requirements.
A customized Part Navigator icon helps you visually differentiate the datum pin locator and datum surface locator
features created in the part.

Where do I find it?

The NXOpen.Weld.DatumIconBuilder callback location is ugweld\samples.

Dialog box options




You must set up the Datum Surface Locator and Datum Pin Locator
customer defaults to see the locator type lists in the command dialog boxes.

Command Finder
Datum Surface Locator
Datum Pin Locator
Location in dialog box

(Custom datum surface locator types)

Datum Surface Locator dialog boxSpecify Locator
groupSurface Locator Name list
(Custom datum pin locator types)
Datum Pin Locator dialog boxSpecify Locator groupPin Locator
Type list
(Mirror option)
Datum Surface Locator dialog boxType listMirror

Minimum Distance to Edge Check, Connected Parts Check


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Resource bar
HD3D Tools tab

Double-click Check-Mate


groupSet Up Tests
Command Finder
Set Up Tests
Location in dialog box

Tests tabCategories listWelding nodeDatum node

Using weld and datum information obtained from Teamcenter

The Teamcenter Bill of Process (BOP) tool generates a Tool Design Package (TDP), which contains NX and JT
parts and a PLM XML document that describes the structure of the assemblies including information about the types
of data, such as consumed parts, weld points, and so on. This attribute information is imported and available in the
native NX environment such that component groups can be created based on types and that the type information can
be viewed in the Assembly Navigator.
If you are a vendor who uses NX assemblies exported from a Teamcenter Bill Of Process (BOP), but do not have
access to Teamcenter Integration for NX, you can obtain and use weld and datum information in Weld Assistant.
The welds and datum information that is exported during the BOP export process and the BOP File Open process
within native NX can be used for the downstream tool design process in native NX.
When you open the exported BOP, NX displays the weld and datum information as a separate node in the
Assembly Navigator. Each weld that is exported from the BOP is represented as an individual component in the
assembly, regardless of how it was originally authored. It contains the attributes from the original weld and is
displayed as it is displayed in the JT file.
In the case of spot welds, the weld CSYS reflects any modifications made to it through a projection operation
applied to the weld while in the BOP.
assembly1 (Order: Chronological)

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


Item-based publishing of welds and datums to Teamcenter

You can publish the following objects to Teamcenter as item-based PS Connection objects:

Welding features created using Weld Assistant.

Welding features created using Structure Welding.

BIW datum features.

By default, Teamcenter saves a new version of the changed feature when you publish a part or assembly that
contains changed weld or datum features.
Use the following Teamcenter integration preferences to enable publishing of welding and datum features:

Spot Weld

Datum Location Feature

Arc Weld

Welding Joint

Surface Weld

To publish weld and datum features as PS Connection occurrences instead of publishing separate item-based
objects, use the Weld Publishing Method customer default.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

JT files for spot weld objects

When you publish spot welds to Teamcenter, NX attaches JT files to the spot weld PS Connection objects. NX
provides the JT file in the UGII_Base_DIR\ugweld\jt_files folder. The JT file contains a representation of the
discrete weld that you can view in the TC viewer.
When you create a spot weld, NX assigns a point marker number to the weld based on the Characteristics
customer default setting on the Weld AssistantCreationResistance Spot tab in the Customers
Defaults dialog box. When you publish the weld, NX uses this marker number to associate the corresponding JT
file with the corresponding weld object in Teamcenter.

For a two panel resistance spot weld, set the customer default number for the point marker to 38. When you
publish the weld, NX associates the JT file weld_38.jt in the UGII_Base_DIR\ugweld\jt_files folder with
the corresponding weld object in Teamcenter.

When you publish a spot weld that uses a solid body as a representation instead of a point marker, NX creates
the JT files based on the specific solid representation.

Where do I find it?




Teamcenter Integration for NX license.

Command Finder

Teamcenter Integration Preferences

Location in dialog box

Feature tabSpot Weld or Datum Locator Feature or Arc Weld or

Welding Joint or Surface Weld

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Connected Face Finder enhancements

What is it?
You can now use the Connected Face Finder command to:

Find missing connected part faces for the Datum Pin Locator and Datum Surface Locator features.

Save the faces found by this command as links to the components. For example, if you save the additional
connected parts of the Datum Pin Locator and Datum Surface Locator features, NX saves a link to the
component, and not a face in the component.

The Connected Face Finder dialog box is redesigned. You can now use the Connected Face Finder dialog
box to find the missing connected part faces using a minimum number of clicks.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Connected Face Finder

Compound Weld enhancements

What is it?
You can now use the redesigned Compound Weld dialog box to select welds for creating compound weld
When you combine multiple welds into a single weld, NX lists the combined weld as a Compound Weld feature in
the Part Navigator.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Compound Weld


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Structure Welding
Fabrication PMI
Use the Fabrication PMI command to apply PMI symbols on structure welds.

You can:

Apply symbols on multiple joints simultaneously.

Use the parameters defined in the welding joint feature to define the symbol.

View the created PMI symbols under the PMI node in the Part Navigator.
Weld (1)

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Fabrication PMI

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Surface Weld
Use the Surface Weld command to build up material on a face using sketch curves as a reference. NX estimates
the volume of material that is added and saves it as an attribute on the Surface Weld feature.

Sketch used to create the surface weld

Sheet body on which the sketch is projected

Surface Weld feature created on the sheet body

When you create a surface weld and then use the Auto Weld Symbol or the Fabrication PMI command to create
weld symbols, NX customizes the weld symbol to depict the surface weld.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Surface Weld


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Welding Joint enhancements

Creating welding joints
When you use the Welding Joint command, you can now create the following welds and joints:

Corner joint

Lap joint

Pipe welds with socket joints

Use socket joints to indicate a weld when a pipe is
inserted into an elbow. These joints work like T-joints.

Pipe welds with mechanical joints

Use mechanical joints to indicate the joints that are not
welded, but are fastened using other methods such as
manual bolting. Mechanical joints do not require
preparation of edges. Therefore, you cannot choose a
mechanical joint while using the Edit Joint Definition
and Weld Preparation dialog boxes.

You can also define joint limits and splits while creating joints.

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Backing plates
You can now define a backing plate for the joint when you create welding joints manually.

Backing face selected to specify a backing

plate for a corner joint

Backing face selected to specify a backing plate

for a butt joint

When you define a backing plate and then use the Auto Weld Symbol command or the Fabrication PMI
command to create weld symbols, the weld symbol shows that the weld has a backing plate.

Symbol for welding joint without a

backing plate

Symbol for welding joint with a backing


NX can automatically define a maximum tolerance for gaps between faces when creating butt welds, T-joints, lap
joints and corner joints. You can determine if the two components being welded touch each other. To do this, use the
Maximum Face Gap option.


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Gaps appear in the model if you introduce tolerancing errors when you model the components or when you import
data from other CAD software. Sometimes a larger gap is deliberately engineered between the two components
being welded.

Where do I find it?




When you define a backing place for welding joints, the Create Method
list must be set to Manual Single.
When you define a tolerance for maximum gaps between faces, the Create
Method list must be set to Automatic.

Command Finder
Welding Joint
Location in dialog box

Create step
[Creating corner, lap, socket, or mechanical type joints]
Joint Type listCorner or Lap or Socket or Mechanical
[Defining a backing plate for maximum gaps between faces]
Select Backing Face
[Defining a tolerance for maximum gaps between faces]
Settings groupMaximum Face Gap

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Edit Joint Definition enhancement

What is it?
When you edit joint definitions using the Edit Joint Definition command, you can now edit the definition of lap
and corner joints that are created using the Welding Joint command.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Edit Joint Definition

Edge Attribute Title welding customer default

What is it?
You can now use the new Edge Attribute Title customer default to specify which of the edges in an assembly will
be considered by NX while creating a joint. Only those edges that have this attribute set are considered for joint
creation. If this customer default box is left empty, all edges are considered for joint creation.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Where do I find it?


All NX applications.

Main Menu

File tabUtilitiesCustomer DefaultsStructure Welding

Location in dialog box

Attributes tabEdge Attribute Title


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Export Welding Joints enhancement

What is it?
You can now use the Export Welding Joints command to export welding joints to an XML file or an
Information window.

Where do I find it?



Command Finder
Export Welding Joints
Main Menu

InsertStructure WeldingExport Welding Joints

Location in dialog box

Export To groupType listXML File or Information Window

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Item-based publishing of welds and datums to Teamcenter

You can publish the following objects to Teamcenter as item-based PS Connection objects:

Welding features created using Weld Assistant.

Welding features created using Structure Welding.

BIW datum features.

By default, Teamcenter saves a new version of the changed feature when you publish a part or assembly that
contains changed weld or datum features.
Use the following Teamcenter integration preferences to enable publishing of welding and datum features:

Spot Weld

Datum Location Feature

Arc Weld

Welding Joint

Surface Weld

To publish weld and datum features as PS Connection occurrences instead of publishing separate item-based
objects, use the Weld Publishing Method customer default.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

JT files for spot weld objects

When you publish spot welds to Teamcenter, NX attaches JT files to the spot weld PS Connection objects. NX
provides the JT file in the UGII_Base_DIR\ugweld\jt_files folder. The JT file contains a representation of the
discrete weld that you can view in the TC viewer.
When you create a spot weld, NX assigns a point marker number to the weld based on the Characteristics
customer default setting on the Weld AssistantCreationResistance Spot tab in the Customers
Defaults dialog box. When you publish the weld, NX uses this marker number to associate the corresponding JT
file with the corresponding weld object in Teamcenter.

For a two panel resistance spot weld, set the customer default number for the point marker to 38. When you
publish the weld, NX associates the JT file weld_38.jt in the UGII_Base_DIR\ugweld\jt_files folder with
the corresponding weld object in Teamcenter.

When you publish a spot weld that uses a solid body as a representation instead of a point marker, NX creates
the JT files based on the specific solid representation.

Where do I find it?




Teamcenter Integration for NX license.

Command Finder

Teamcenter Integration Preferences

Location in dialog box

Feature tabSpot Weld or Datum Locator Feature or Arc Weld or

Welding Joint or Surface Weld

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Die Design
Lower Binder
Use the Lower Binder command to create a lower binder which supports and holds the sheet metal in position
during the drawing operation. This command is similar to the Lower Binder (Legacy) command but it has
additional options and enhanced performance.
You can create or edit the Lower Binder feature in an assembly.
When you use the Lower Binder command, you can use:

Multiple closed binder profiles.

Rough sheet metal to create the Lower Binder feature.

Templates from the Reuse Library to add details such as a rib, a keyway, or a handling hole.

Lower Binder feature with a screw

Where do I find it?


Die Design


You must be in the Modeling application.

Command Finder
Lower Binder


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Trim Post
Use the Trim Post command to create a cast trim post to support the sheet metal during the trimming operation.
This command is similar to the Trim Post (Legacy) command but it has additional options and enhanced
You can:

Use rough sheet metal to create the Trim Post feature.

Create or edit the Trim Post feature in an assembly.

Where do I find it?


Die Design


You must be in the Modeling application.

Command Finder
Trim Post

Draw Punch and Draw Die enhancements

What is it?
You can now create Draw Punch and Draw Die features in an assembly using the Draw Punch and Draw Die

Where do I find it?


Die Design


You must be in the Modeling application.

Command Finder
Draw Punch

Tooling Design

or Draw Die

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Assigning colors to die faces

You can assign colors to die faces to indicate their required precision and tolerance. This helps to visually
differentiate the die faces during die manufacturing.
This example shows a base face (1), a non-machined face (2), and a forming face (3).

To assign colors, use the following customer defaults for the listed commands.

Customer defaults

Draw Punch

Forming Faces
Belt Wall Faces
Base Faces
Non-machined Faces

Draw Die

Forming Faces
Base Faces
Non-machined Faces

Lower Binder

Belt Wall Faces

Base Faces
Binder Faces
Binder Profile Edges

Trim Post

Forming Faces
Belt Wall Faces
Trim Profile Edges

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Die Engineering
Die Analysis using LS-DYNA
Die Analysis using LS-DYNA
The NX CAD environment offers you the ability to analyze the stamping draw process using the LS-DYNA
incremental solver, and eliminates the risk of losing design data and associativity during the manual file transfer
between the CAD and CAE software.
You can:

Calculate accurate analysis results for formability, stress, strain, thickness, and thinning.

Correct the geometry based on the formability analysis results and verify if the parts can be manufactured
without rips and tears.

Stamping Die Process Analysis workflow

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Geometry Preparation
Use the Geometry Preparation command to prepare die, punch, binder, and blank geometry for incremental
sheet metal formability analysis.
You can:

Specify the thickness and material of the blank. You can also set the tensile strength of the blank sheet.

Set the percentage of the restraining force that you want to apply to the selected draw bead.

Auto position the die, punch, and binder geometry.





You can use the Mesh and Solver command to mesh the sheet body based on the geometry that you define using
the Geometry Preparation command.

Where do I find it?


Die Engineering and Progressive Die Wizard


LS-DYNA solver and LS-PrePost

Command Finder
Geometry Preparation


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Mesh and Solver

Use the Mesh and Solver command to mesh the geometry, generate the LS-DYNA keyword file, and run the LSDYNA solver.
You can:

Create a mesh of triangular elements or a mesh of triangular and quadrilateral elements.

Save the generated LS-DYNA keyword file on your local hard disk.

Use the LS DYNA solver to analyze the saved file. You can save the formability analysis results as an
animation file on your local hard disk.

Before you use the Mesh and Solver command, you must set the following customer defaults:

To specify the folder path for the LS-DYNA executable file, set the LS-DYNA Manger Solver default.

To specify the folder path for the LS-PrePost executable file, set the LS-PrePost default.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Where do I find it?


Die Engineering and Progressive Die Wizard


LS-DYNA solver and LS-PrePost

Command Finder
Mesh and Solver

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Display Results
Use the Display Results command to view the animated analysis results for formability, stress, strain, thickness,
and thinning in a color coded plot. You can also view the formability limit diagram (FLD) and analysis results at the
specified state.

Formability analysis results

Formability limit diagram

Where do I find it?


Die Engineering and Progressive Die Wizard


LS-DYNA solver and LS-PrePost

Command Finder
Display Results


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Trim Angle Check enhancements

What is it?
You can now use the Trim Angle Check command to,

Reverse the trim side of the selected trimming curve using a vector.
The Trim Side group used to reverse the trim side is no longer available.

Hide the trim angle segments that are in the safe zone.
To do this, select the new Hide Safe Zone check box.

Specify trimming directions.

To do this, use the new Elevation Angle and Plane Angle options.
You can set rounding rules for the elevation angle and plane angle values by using the following customer

Elevation Angle Round to Nearest

Plane Angle Round to Nearest

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Where do I find it?


Die Engineering


You must be in the Modeling application.

Command Finder
Trim Angle Check

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Stamping Operation enhancement

What is it?
You can now define multiple die tips for any type of stamping operation, using the new Allow Multiple Tips in
this Operation check box.
You can set the default condition for this check box using the Allow Multiple Die Tips customer default.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find

Why should I use it?

Because you can process multiple parts at the same time, for different stamping operations that are performed in the
die operation lineup, you can increase material utilization and reduce the cost of a sheet metal part.

Where do I find it?


Die Engineering


You must be in the Modeling application.

Command Finder
Stamping Operation

Die Tip enhancement

What is it?
You can now adjust orientation of all the die tips at the same time by changing orientation of a single die tip using
the new Change All Tip Orientation in this Operation check box.
You can set the default condition for the Change All Tip Orientation in this Operation check box using the
Change All Tip Orientations in the same Operation customer default.

To find a customer default, choose File tabUtilitiesCustomer Defaults, and click Find


Whats New in NX 9.0

Tooling Design

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

Because you can process multiple parts at the same time, for different stamping operations that are performed in the
die operation lineup, you can increase material utilization and reduce the cost of a sheet metal part.

Where do I find it?


Die Engineering


You must be in the Modeling application.

Command Finder
Die Tip

Tooling Design

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Chapter 9: Data translation

Exporting editable dimensions to DXF/DWG file
What is it?
You can now export the associative dimensions as editable dimensions to a DXF/DWG file. To do this, you must set
the Export As option to 3D in the AutoCAD DXF/DWG Wizard dialog box and set the following keyword in the
DXF/DWG settings file.

You can also export dimension as blocks to get the same display as NX dimensions. To do this, set the following
keyword in the DXF/DWG settings file.

Why should I use it?

You can edit the associative dimensions in DXF/DWG files.

Controlling text aspect ratio for the text imported from DXF/DWG
What is it?
When you import text from DXF/DWG file, you can now specify how the translator controls the text aspect ratio by
setting one of the following Text Aspect Ratio options.

Calculates the text aspect ratio based on the bounding box length of the AutoCAD text and
tries to match the length in NX. This option is useful if AutoCAD fonts are available on the
The corresponding settings file value is AUTOMATIC_CALCULATION.

Width Factor

Calculates the text aspect ratio by scaling the AutoCAD width factor value with the scale
factor specified in the font mapping table. This option is useful for non-English text.
The corresponding settings file value is

Width Factor

Uses the AutoCAD width factor value as the text aspect ratio. This is useful to reimport the
data that is exported using Use NX Aspect Ratio option.
The corresponding settings file value is SAME_AS_ACAD_WIDTHFACTOR

Specify NX Aspect

Uses the text aspect value based on the value specified in the mapping file.
The corresponding settings file value is USE_VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_MAPPING_FILE

Mechatronics Concept Designer

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

These options improve the text display by controlling the text aspect ratio in NX.

Where do I find it?

Settings file







DXF/DWG Import Wizard

Command Finder


Location in the dialog box

Fonts stepText Aspect RatioCalculate or Scale DXF/DWG

Width Factor or Use DXF/DWG Width Factor or Specify NX Aspect

Supported DXF/DWG versions

You can import the DXF or DWG files created using up to AutoCAD version 2013.
You can export NX files to the DXF/DWG format that supports the following AutoCAD versions:







Whats New in NX 9.0

Data translation

NX 9.0

STEP translator enhancements

Export coordinate system
By default, the STEP translator exports the NX coordinate system as a supplemental geometry coordinate system.
To export the NX coordinate system as a shape representation coordinate system, set the following keyword:

Import coordinate system

You can now import:

The STEP supplemental geometry coordinate system to NX as a datum coordinate system.

The STEP shape representation coordinate system to NX as a legacy coordinate system or a datum
coordinate system. By default, the STEP translator imports it as a legacy coordinate system. To import the
shape representation coordinate system as a datum coordinate system, set the following keyword:

Where do I find it?

NX STEP Interface
Command Finder

STEP203 and STEP214

NX Data Exchange STEP Interface


Siemens NX x.xTranslatorsSTEPSTEP Import

Siemens NX x.xTranslatorsSTEPSTEP Export

Mechatronics Concept Designer

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

NX to JT
JT version 10 files
What is it?
You can now generate JT version 10 files from NX to JT translator. JT version 10 files support the following:

Geometry sharing capability of NX.

Sort order of model views and PMIs in NX.

Crosshatch patterns defined for PMI lightweight section views in NX.

To generate JT version 10 files, in the JT configuration file, you must set the following:
JtFileFormat = 10

If you use Teamcenter Visualization to view JT files, you need version 10.1 or later to view JT version 10 files.

Why should I use it?

As the JT version 10 files are generated using enhanced data compression, the file size of the resulting JT file is

Display order of model views and PMIs in JT files

What is it?
If you sort the display order of model views and PMIs using alphabetic, alphanumeric, or explicit sort order in the
NX Part Navigator, the same display order is retained in the exported file. To view the model views and PMIs in
the JT file, use a JT viewer such as Teamcenter Visualization.


The sorted display order is retained only in version 10 JT files. To generate version 10 JT files, in
the JT configuration file, you must set the following:

JtFileFormat = 10

If you use Teamcenter Visualization to view JT files, you need version 10.1 or later to view version
10 JT files.

The example shows the display of model views sorted in alphabetical order.

Model Views

Model Views









Whats New in NX 9.0

Data translation

NX 9.0















Trimetric (Work)


Why should I use it?

In a visualization workflow, the display order of PMIs and model views in the JT file is the same as that in the
source NX file.

Mechatronics Concept Designer

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

JT support for object visibility in model views

What is it?
If you set layer visibility for model views in NX using the Layer Visible in View command, the output JT file
now retains those visibility settings.
The JT file supports the visibility of the following objects:

Solid bodies and sheet bodies



To retain the layer visibility settings of solid bodies and sheet bodies in the JT file, in the ugconfig section of the JT
configuration file, set the following:
mergeSolids = false
mergeSheets = false

Why should I use it?

In a visualization workflow, object visibility for supported objects in model views is the same in the JT file as in the
NX file.
If you use the JT file in downstream drawing workflows, you can use the model views in the JT file to generate the
drawing sheets, and preserve the visibility of the supported objects in the drawing views.


Whats New in NX 9.0

Data translation

NX 9.0

PMI lightweight section views enhancements in JT files

What is it?
You can now write crosshatch patterns and cutting plane symbols defined for lightweight section view to the JT file.
To write cutting plane symbols to the JT file, in the JT configuration file, you must set the following:
activateSymbolPMI = true

To view the lightweight section view in the JT file, use a JT viewer such as Teamcenter Visualization.


Version 10 JT files produce better visualization of crosshatch patterns and cutting plane symbols in
JT viewers such as Teamcenter Visualization. To generate version 10 JT files, in the JT
configuration file, you must set the following:

JtFileFormat = 10

If you use Teamcenter Visualization to view JT files, you need version 10.1 or later to view version
10 JT files.

JT support for weld Joint Mark feature

What is it?
When you write NX weld data to a JT file, now the translator:

Writes the weld joint marks along with its guide curves and clamp symbols.

Creates Note PMIs to store weld joint mark feature attributes.

Names the Note PMI with the name of the respective weld joint mark features.

Mechatronics Concept Designer

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

To write the weld joint marks and their elements, set the following keyword in the JT configuration file:
activateWeldPMI = true

JT support for hole and thread callout PMI

What is it?
When you write NX PMI data to a JT file, the translator now writes the hole and thread callouts associated with the
linear and radial dimension PMIs.

Hole and thread callout in NX

Hole and thread callout written to JT

To write the hole and thread callout associated with the linear and radial dimension PMIs, set the following keyword
in the JT configuration file:
activateDimPMI = true


Whats New in NX 9.0

Data translation

NX 9.0

Geometry Sharing in JT files

What is it?
When your part model contains sharable geometry objects produced by the Extract Geometry command in NX,
the output JT file retains the sharing information between identical geometry objects such as faces and edges. JT
files also distinguish between the PMI association with the shared geometry objects and PMI association with the
main geometry objects and retains the two information separately.

Geometry sharing information is retained in the JT file only when:

Bodies with shared geometries are written to a single JT file.

The JT file contains the XT B-rep data. To write the XT B-rep data to the JT file, in the JT
configuration file, you must set the following:

XTbrep = true

You create JT files of version 10. To generate version 10 JT files, in the JT configuration file, you
must set the following:

JtFileFormat = 10

Why should I use it?

Preserving the sharing information between identical geometry objects reduces the size of the JT file.

JT support for business modifiers and PMI attributes

What is it?
You can now write business modifiers and object attributes that you define for PMI in your NX file to JT files.
Business modifiers can include information such as safety classifications or feature identification and object
attributes can include information such as data types and values. The business modifiers appear as attributes of the
PMI in the JT file.
To write a PMI and its attribute to the JT file, make sure that the respective PMI option is set to true in the JT
configuration file. For example, to export PMI notes and dimensions, the JT configuration file must have the
following settings:
activateNotePMI = true
activateDimPMI = true

Why should I use it?

Business modifier attributes and object attributes of PMI in the JT file are used by CAM applications such as
Tecnomatix Machine Line Planner (MLP) for downstream machining workflow and JT viewers such as Teamcenter
Visualization for downstream visualization workflow. JT viewers use the attributes of the PMI to filter the PMI
displayed in a view.

Mechatronics Concept Designer

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Visibility of datum entities in model views of JT files

What is it?
The model view in the exported JT file now displays the same datum entities as the model view in the NX file.
Datum entities include coordinate systems, axes, and planes.
To view the datum entities in the model views, use a JT viewer such as Teamcenter Visualization.

Why should I use it?

In a visualization workflow, the display of datum entities in all the model views is same in the JT files as in the
source NX file.

JT support for PMI association with objects

What is it?
When you write an NX file to the JT format, the NX to JT translator now includes the associations defined between
PMI and the following objects:





When you select PMI in a JT viewer such as Teamcenter Visualization, the objects associated with the selected PMI
are highlighted in the graphics window.



The NX to JT translator already supports PMI associations to the faces and edges of a body in an
NX part.

The size of the JT file increases if PMIs are associated to an entire solid body instead of its
constituting element such as an edge or a face.

Whats New in NX 9.0

Data translation

NX 9.0

Chapter 10: Mechatronics Concept Designer

Collision Body enhancements
You can now create collision bodies that more accurately represent concave geometry. To do this, you must do one
of the following:

Split the concave body into multiple convex bodies and use the Multi Convex collision shape. Apply the
Convex Factor slider in the Collision Body dialog box to further enhance the detail of the collision

Apply the Mesh collision shape without splitting the body.

Collision body before NX 9

Multi convex Collision body in NX Mesh Collision body in NX 9


You can also set the collision body to highlight when it contacts other geometry.

To set an individual body to highlight, select the Highlight on Collision check box in the Collision
Body dialog box.

To set all collision bodies in your model to highlight when they collide with another body, select the
Highlight Shape on Collision check box in the Mechatronics Concept Designer Preferences
dialog box.

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Command Finder
Collision Body
Location in the dialog box

Shape groupCollision Shape list Multi Convex or Mesh

Highlight on Collision groupHighlight on Collision check box

Mechatronics Concept Designer

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Actuator enhancements
More controls and restraints are available for Position Control and Speed Control actuators. This enhancement
lets you:

Apply Maximum Acceleration and Maximum Deceleration constraints.

Apply jerk limitations.

Depending on the axis type, apply either torque or force limitations.

Select either a linear or angular axis type within the actuator window.

When angular Position Actuators are used, you can define the rotational behavior by setting the angular path to:

Follow the shortest path

Rotate clockwise or counterclockwise

Track multiple turns

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Command Finder
Position Control
Speed Control


Whats New in NX 9

Mechatronics Concept Designer

NX 9.0

Cam enhancements
You can apply motion segments to a Cam profile that will automatically create fifth order polynomials to make
smooth transversals between segments. This lets you create different motion relationships between the axes with
smooth transitions. Motion segments include line, sine, and arcsine.
You can now create or modify motion profiles in the SCOUT software and use them in your Mechatronics Concept
Designer model using the following commands:

Export Cam Profile Lets you export cam profiles to SCOUT.

Import Cam Profile Lets you import cam profiles created or modified in SCOUT.

You can also use the Export to SCOUT and Import from SCOUT options within the Cam Profile
dialog box to import a preexisting cam profile or export the cam profile currently being displayed.

Use the Electronic Cam command to create a physics object that makes the motion of one axis joint dependent on
the motion of a master axis joint. The motions reaction force is not transferred back to the master axis. Use
electronic cams to represent servo drives.
Use the Mechanical Cam command to create a physics object that makes the motion of one axis joint dependent
on the motion of a master axis joint. The motions reaction force is transferred back to the master axis.

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Command Finder
Cam Profile
Export Cam Profile
Import Cam Profile
Electronic Cam
Mechanical Cam

Mechatronics Concept Designer

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Operation enhancements
When you create an operation, you can set the operation type to Pause Operation so that you can create a time
based or event based operation that pauses the simulation.

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Command Finder
Location in the dialog box

Type listPause Operation

Changing units in dialog boxes

In all Mechatronics Concept Designer dialog boxes where units are specified, you can:


Change the units without changing the assigned value.

Change the units and convert the value to the new units.

Whats New in NX 9

Mechatronics Concept Designer

NX 9.0

In addition, you can now change the units of a parameter in the Runtime Inspector dialog box. This displays the
parameter values in the new unit while the unit in the runtime object remains unchanged.

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Mechatronics Concept Designer preferences

Use the Mechatronics Concept Designer Preferences to alter preferences and save them into the work part.
This gives you the flexibility to have preference settings in a work part that are different from the default settings.
Such preferences include the following:

Gravity, friction, and damping

Physics engine

Refresh rate

Customer default settings are used to set preferences globally. Preferences set in the Mechatronics Concept
Designer Preferences dialog box are stored and used in the work part and override the customer default settings.

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Command Finder

Mechatronics Concept Designer Preferences

Mechatronics Concept Designer

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Create dependencies
Use the Dependency command to create trace links and dependencies between requirements, functions, logical
items, components, and physics objects.

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Command Finder

System Navigator enhancements

The System Navigator has the following enhancements:

You can create or modify model requirements.

You can set a Logical to one of three Aspect types: Function, Location and Product. When using the
Product logical type you can add ECAD specific information in the Parameters group of the logical
item or through the Electrical folder in the Dependency panel.

In the Behavioral folder in the Dependency panel you can select physics objects to link to the selected

The following shortcut commands are available in NX:

Main panel

Dependency panel

Requirement folder

Electrical folder

Open Requirement Model

Add New Requirement

Add New Electrical Part

Behavioral folder

Export XML File

Select Physics

Refresh Requirement Mode

Depending on the requirement selected and the environment you are working with in NX, the following shortcut
commands are available:

Child functions in Teamcenter


Child logicals in Teamcenter


Add Existing, Add New, Edit,

Rename, Delete, Derive

Derive Logical

End Tracelink

Show Requirement Details


Whats New in NX 9

Start Tracelink
End Tracelink

Mechatronics Concept Designer

NX 9.0

Start Tracelink

The following shortcut commands are available in Teamcenter Integration from the Dependency panel:
Requirement folder

Function folder

Logical folder

Add Dependent Requirement

Add Dependent Function

Add Dependent Logical

End Tracelink

Creating physics containers

You can now create folders in the Physics Navigator to group and organize physics objects.

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Resource bar

In the Physics Navigator, right-click and choose Create Container

ECAD integration enhancements

ECAD integration commands have the following enhancements:

In conjunction with the plug-in for ePLAN, items in the logical structure and devices in an ePLAN project
can be exchanged through .xml files.

The Logical Type filter is added to both the Import from ECAD and Export to ECAD command
dialog boxes. It lets you filter the logical types you want to import or export.

Multiple logical objects can now be exported through the Export to ECAD command.

The Import from ECAD dialog box now has a Results table which displays comparison results. You can
also resolve conflicts and choose if the imported data shall be applied to the logical model or not.

Electrical Part Numbers imported from ECAD are stored in the logical model and can be used to search for
a reuse component to be placed in the assembly.

Mechatronics Concept Designer

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Command Finder
Import from ECAD
Export to ECAD

Simulating NC code
You can now simulate NC code in Mechatronics Concept Designer by using the Runtime NC command. Machine
Tool Builder and Mechatronics Concept Designer work together to make machine simulation solutions. Two more
commands have been added. Convert from MCD is located in the Machine Tool Builder application. Convert
from MTB is located in Mechatronics Concept Designer.

Where do I find it?

Command Finder

Mechatronics Concept Designer

Runtime NC
Convert from MTB


Machine Tool Builder

Command Finder

Convert from MCD


Whats New in NX 9

Mechatronics Concept Designer

NX 9.0

Convert from MTB

Use the Convert from MTB
command to import a machine with multiple axes with its kinematics defined in
the Machine Tool Builder application to the Mechatronics Concept Designer application.

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Command Finder
Convert from MTB

Shared memory signal mapping

What is it?
You can now create bidirectional communication between Mechatronics Concept Designer and the SIMIT software.
Use the SHM Signal Mapping command to read and write to the same RAM registers from both Mechatronics
Concept Designer and SIMIT.

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Command Finder
SHM Signal Mapping

Mechatronics Concept Designer

What's New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

SCOUT Integration
You can now create or modify motion profiles in the SCOUT software and use them in your model using the
following commands:

Export Cam Profile Lets you to export cam profiles to SCOUT.

Import Cam Profile Lets you import cam profiles created or modified in SCOUT.

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Command Finder
Export Cam Profile
Import Cam Profile

SIZER Integration
You can now import motors from the SIZER software and use them in your Mechatronics Concept Designer model.

Use the Export to SIZER command to export actuator data to SIZER. You can then use this data in
SIZER to select a motor to be imported to Mechatronics Concept Designer.

Use the Import from SIZER command to import 3D geometry and input parameters for one or more
motor selections from SIZER. The geometry is added to your model as a component and the motor data is
stored in the logical item associated with the actuator physics object.

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer

Command Finder
Import from SIZER
Export to SIZER


Whats New in NX 9

Mechatronics Concept Designer

NX 9.0

Chapter 11: Programming Tools

Assemblies functions in SNAP
What is it?
The Simple NX Application Programming (SNAP) API is expanded to include some simple functions for working
with NX assemblies.
The new capabilities include:

Snap.NX.Component objects, which are used to represent the parent-child relationships in an assembly.

Easy-to-use functions for cycling through an assembly tree without writing complex recursive code

Functions for working with object occurrences and prototypes

A new chapter of the Getting Started with SNAP guide describes assemblies concepts and provides sample code.
The SNAP Reference Guide describes the new assemblies functionality in detail along with examples.

Why should I use it?

The new functions allow you to cycle through an assembly to gather information and write out a report, such as a

Where do I find it?

The Getting Started with SNAP guide is provided in PDF format and the SNAP Reference Guide is provided in
Microsoft Help format (.chm). They are located in the Help at Programming ToolsSNAP.

Block UI Styler
New properties for blocks
What is it?
You can set PageIncrement, LineIncrement, and AdaptiveScaleLimits properties for the following blocks.

Linear Dimension

Angular Dimension

On Path Dimension

Radius Dimension


Programming Tools

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Changing a displayed part

You can change a displayed part when a dialog box that is created using Block UI Styler is open. After you perform
operations on your part, you can return to the original part.
When you display a secondary dialog box for a change in the displayed part through a callback in the primary dialog
box, NX deletes all undo marks if you change the original part.
When you open a dialog box that contains Selection blocks, the Selection blocks display the selection count from the
original part, even if the selected objects are not available in the new part. After you revert to the original part, NX
highlights objects selected through the Selection blocks in the original part.
When you click the Cancel, OK, or Apply buttons, you get the following results.


Click Cancel immediately after changing

the displayed part.

NX closes the dialog box and retains both the original and the new
displayed parts.
For a secondary dialog box, NX retains only the original part.

Click Cancel after performing operations NX closes the dialog box.

which create new objects or session updates.
You can undo operations performed only in the new part if a secondary
dialog box is displayed.
Click OK.

NX closes the dialog box and displays the original part.

Click Apply.

NX closes the dialog box, displays the original part and then reopens
the dialog box.



Changing the displayed part and operations that you perform in the new part must be within the
same callback. For instance, if the part that is displayed before an Update callback is run is different
from the part that is displayed after callback run is over, then NX closes the dialog box.

You cannot recover undo marks that are deleted by any operation.

Whats New in NX 9.0

Programming Tools

NX 9.0

Explorer block
Use the Explorer block to organize a large set of inputs in a dialog box for easy navigation.
You can organize the inputs into nodes on a tree, and create up to three levels of nodes in the tree. Each node
contains groups and individual inputs similar to an NX dialog box.

Navigation tree


You can also place an Explorer Node block in the Explorer block. Within each Explorer Node block, you can
place any other block available in the Block Catalog.
The following table lists the block-specific properties for an Explorer block.
Property Name




Specifies sequential position CIG

of the selected node in the
Explorer block.

Property Type

List of Values


Any integer value

greater than or equal to

The characters in the Access column are specified as follows.

Character Stands for



This property can be modified interactively in the Block UI Styler when you design
the dialog box.


This property can be modified at run time using the NXOpen API, but only during
the Initialize callback.


This property can be read using the NXOpen API in any callback.


This property can be modified at run time using the NXOpen API in any callback.

Where do I find it?


Block UI Styler

Resource Bar

Block CatalogLayout folderExplorer block

Programming Tools

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Chapter 12: What's New in NX 8.5.1

User Defined Feature callback hooks for NX Open API libraries
What is it?
User defined features can now include class names in their definitions, which can serve as callback hooks to the NX
Open API libraries. You can use the callback hooks to invoke a customized user interface when editing user
defined features. Customization of the user interface is done using either the UI Styler or the Block Styler.

Class names let you invoke callbacks anytime Edit Parameters or Edit with Rollback are used to edit a user
defined feature. The class name is saved in each instance of the user defined feature that is using the definition. If an
edit callback is not registered with the user defined feature, then the default edit user interface is opened instead.
You can:

Specify class names when you create or edit user defined features.

Implement callback using API libraries that are invoked when you edit and update a user defined feature
and its component features, to customize the edit user interface, perform parameter validation and perform
additional calculations required for robust feature updates.

Provide a custom icon in the Part Navigator for user defined features with class names using callbacks.

The custom code for the callbacks is located in the directory specified in the custom_dirs.dat file. The code is
contained in the three standard subdirectories required by NX Open: startup, udo, and application. For
information on creating, organizing, and implementing custom code, see the NX Open Programmers Guide.
Custom code can be created for the following callbacks:

Edit Customizes the edit user interface.

Icon Customizes the part navigator icon. The bitmaps for the icons must be located in the application

Component feature create Enables additional computations of parameter values and references for the
component feature that is used. Use this callback when initially creating component features.

Component feature update Enables computations of parameter values and references when component
features are updated. Use this callback when updating component features.

Component feature copy Used when a UDF feature is copied (after EditPaste).

UDF instantiation feature Performs additional checks after component features have been implemented,
such as the validity of the parameters of the UDF and whether business rules were followed.

Why should I use it?

Use NX Open to invoke a custom user interface that lets you edit user defined features and perform additional

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?




The following customer default must be selected:

FileUtilitiesCustomer DefaultsModelingFeature
SettingsUser Defined Feature tabShow User Defined Feature
Class Name


ToolsUser Defined FeatureWizard

Location in dialog box

Definition pageClass Name box

Preserve the relative order of Feature Groups

What is it?
When you perform an operation that could potentially disturb the relative order of Feature Groups in the Part
Navigator, the Prefer Sequential Timestamp Order customer default can automatically rearrange features to
preserve that order.
In the following example, Chamfer (7) is the child of Extrude (6).
Chamfer (7) is moved above its parent feature Extrude (6) and into Feature Group Alpha


Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

If Prefer Sequential Timestamp Order is

Selected, the Feature Group order remains fixed. The parent
feature Extrude (6) moves up the Part Navigator tree and becomes Extrude (1).

If Prefer Sequential Timestamp Order is

Cleared, the Feature Group order changes. The parent feature
Extrude (6) remains fixed in the Part Navigator tree and becomes Extrude (5).

If it is not possible for the features to be rearranged without changing the relative order of the Feature Groups, a
message appears giving you the option to allow or deny the operation.

Why should I use it?

Use this enhancement when your part has a particular structure that is defined by the relative order of its Feature
Groups, and you want that structure maintained and undisturbed.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio


This behavior is in effect only when Prefer Sequential Timestamp

Order in Customer Defaults is selected.


FileUtilitiesCustomer DefaultsModelingFeature
GroupPrefer Sequential Timestamp Order

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

U/V Direction
What is it?
Use the U/V Direction command to modify the U and V directions of B-surfaces that are not part of a
You can reverse the U direction, reverse the V direction, and/or swap U and V.
You can use any or all of the options.


Reverse U

Reverse V

Reverse U and V

Swap U and V

Why should I use it?

When you need to harmonize the U and V directions of faces.

Where do I find it?

Command Finder


Whats New in NX 9.0

Modeling and Shape Studio

Edit U/V Direction

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

Studio Surface enhancements Split faces along boundary curves

What is it?
Split Output Along Boundary Curves allows you to split the faces of a Studio Surface at the end points of
curves within the boundary curve strings.
It is available when you select only section curves and no guide curves, or when the surface will be completely
enclosed; with at least two section curves and two guide curves.

As shown in both examples below, the end points of the internal (non-boundary) curves are ignored.

With three section curves

Result: one surface with three faces

With three section curves and two guide curves

Result: one surface with nine faces

Why should I use it?

When you need the surface to follow the topology of the input curves strings.

Where do I find it?


Shape Studio and Modeling




InsertMesh SurfaceStudio Surface

Location in dialog box


What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Find PMI Associated to Geometry enhancements
What is it?
The Find PMI Associated to Geometry command has been enhanced. In addition to being able to find PMI
objects that are associated to the selected geometry, you can now use the following new options:

Attached PMI Finds PMI objects that have a leader or extension line that terminates on (attaches to)
the selected geometry, even if that geometry is not associated to the PMI.

PMI Referencing Member Objects Finds PMI objects associated to any face, edge, or other
geometric elements that are part of a selected body or assembly occurrence.

All Occurrences of Selected Components Finds PMI objects associated to any occurrence of the
component corresponding to a selected assembly occurrence.

Why should I use it?

Use the new options if you want to:

Identify PMI objects that have leaders or extension lines attached to the selected geometry.

Identify PMI objects associated to any portion of a selected body or assembly occurrence.

Identify PMI objects that are associated to any occurrence of an assembly component.

Where do I find it?




InformationPMIFind PMI Associated to Geometry

Shortcut menu

After selecting geometry, right-clickFind PMI Associated to



Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

PMI Effectivity Management

When occurrence loading is based on filtering applied by occurrence effectivity or Data Access Control settings, you
can use PMI Effectivity Management to display only PMI objects that pertain to the currently loaded assembly
To use PMI Effectivity Management requires these steps:

Add PMI objects to an assembly that includes component occurrences representing multiple configurations
of a product.


In Teamcenter, define occurrence effectivity to create assembly configurations.


In NX, with customer defaults set to enable PMI Effectivity Management, load a configured assembly.


(Optional) To change the PMI Effectivity Management based display of PMI objects for the current
session, change option values in the PMI Preferences dialog box.

Additional preferences can be set to do the following:

Condition display of effectivity filtered PMI objects based on whether All or Any associated occurrences
are loaded.

Display PMI objects associated to reference geometry.

Reference geometry is any geometry contained in an occurrence whose Occurrence Type has been
defined in Teamcenter as reference geometry.

Display nodes in the Part Navigator for PMI objects that have been filtered out of the graphics display.

Where do I find it?




NX running in managed mode

Customer Defaults

FileUtilitiesCustomer DefaultsPMIPMI
GeneralEffectivity tab

PMI Preferences

PreferencesPMIPMIEffectivity tab

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Wind Catcher
What is it?
Use this command to create a piece of duct that diverts the air from one duct to another duct.
You can:

Create an arc type duct, or a triangle type duct.

Create the ducts at an angle to the direction of the wind. This angle should be between five degrees and 176

The example shows two views of an arc type duct created at a forty five degree angle. The direction of the wind is
indicated by the arrow.

The example shows two views of a triangle type duct created at a ninety degree angle. The direction of the wind is
indicated by the arrow.

You can create Wind Catcher features only if:


Both the ducts intersect and are on linear segments.

Both ducts are rectangular.

The duct that the wind is diverted from, that is the parent duct, is larger than the duct that the wind is
diverted to.

Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

Where do I find it?



Routing MechanicalTools Drop-down listWind Catcher

What's New in NX 8.5.1

ToolsWind Catcher

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Branch Path Numbering

What is it?
Use this command to assign attributes to all the branches and sub-branches of a run in a Heating, Ventilation, and
Air Conditioning (HVAC) system.
This command assigns an attribute to each segment in the system, starting from the selected segment and
progressing to the connected segments.
You can:

Assign prefixes and suffixes for each attribute.

Customize the numbering sequence.

Display or hide the assigned branch IDs.

The following image shows the first part of a duct system with branch IDs assigned using the following
parameters and displayed on the branches.

Prefix = wtr_line_

Sequence Method = 1,2,3...

Start Value = 1

Display Branch Path IDs on Segments =

Reassign Branch Path IDs on all Segments =

Where do I find it?




Routing MechanicalTools Drop-down listBranch Path

ToolsBranch Path Numbering



Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

Platform Creator
What is it?
Use this command to create platforms and supports for platforms, using sketches. You can also add stock or stock
components for outer and inner frames of the platform.
After you create the platform, you can:

Create stairways or ladders, or both, for access to the platforms by using templates created in Product
Template Studio.

Create additional supports using the Linear Path command.

Add handrails to platforms using the Handrail Creator command.

This example shows a platform with supports, handrails, a stairway, and a ladder.

This example shows the bottom of the platform with an additional support that is created using the Linear Path

External frame created at the boundary of the platform

Internal frames created at the boundaries of a plate

Additional support

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

You can use this command to create platforms at multiple levels while designing ships or process plants.

Where do I find it?


Routing MechanicalPlatform


Routing MechanicalTools Drop-down listPlatform

ToolsPlatform Creator



Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

Assign manufacturing information to openings
What is it?
You can assign manufacturing information as attributes when you create or edit any steel features that define
openings. For example, you can assign grinder, tap, and radius information when you create a cutout. This capability
was previously only available when you used the Profile Cutout command.
You can:

Configure the attributes in the customer defaults and customize them for your site or project. You can
specify the attribute title, attribute value, object type, and whether a user can modify it.

Assign the attributes to edges, curves, faces, bodies, features, or parts associated to the opening.

Specify the manufacturing information when you use the following commands:
Profile Cutout
Corner Cut
Along Guide Cut
Edge Cut
The dialog boxes for the commands include a Manufacturing Information group.

Why should I use it?

Implementing standard attributes ensures consistency for an enterprise, a site, or a project. The attributes associated
with the openings can be used in downstream manufacturing applications.

Where do I find it?

To configure attributes for manufacturing information:

FileUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

Ship DesignSteel FeaturesCorner Cut tab, Along Guide Cut

tab, Cutout tab, or Edge Cut tab

To add the manufacturing information attributes to steel features:


Ship Structure Basic Design,

Ship Structure Detail Design


Configure the attributes in the customer defaults.

Ship Structure Basic DesignProfile Cutout

What's New in NX 8.5.1


Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Ship Structure Detail DesignProfile Cutout

, Along Guide Cut

, Cutout

, Corner
, or Edge


InsertSteel FeaturesProfile Cutout, Corner Cut, Along Guide

Cut, Cutout, or Edge Cut

Location in dialog box

Manufacturing Information group


Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

Specify section subtypes for steel features

What is it?
You can define one or two section subtypes for spreadsheet driven steel features.
For example, in the steel feature registration spreadsheet, you can specify tight and non-tight section types for
profile cutouts. For each section type, you can specify different subtypes to define the shape of the cutout.






After section subtypes are defined in the registration spreadsheet, users can select a subtype from a list in the dialog
box when they create or edit the steel feature.

Why should I use it?

You can apply section subtypes to incorporate your standard steel feature tables in spreadsheets to drive the
parametric sketches in NX steel features.

Where do I find it?

To specify the location of the registration spreadsheet:

FileUtilitiesCustomer Defaults

Location in dialog box

Ship DesignSteel FeaturesQualify Sketch tab

You specify the names and locations of the other supporting files in the
registration spreadsheet.

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Operation Navigator enhancements
Starting in NX 8.5, the Operation Navigator was enhanced to include the following:

The number of characters supported for the names of operation, program, tool, geometry, and method
objects increased from 30 to 132. There are no changes to the special characters allowed.

You must update any application, such as an API program or post, so that it can read the object
names with the increased character limit.

You can drag an object to the first position in a group. NX displays the drop location as you move the

Why should I use it?

You can enter more descriptive names to identify your operations, tools, programs, and methods.


Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

Advanced Simulation
Solver version support
For each released version of NX, the following tables list the supported solver versions for import, export, and the
post-processing of results. Note:

The version listed in the Import ASCII and Import Binary rows is the solver version that was generally
available when the NX version was released. In general, the import of the solver ASCII and binary files
should be upwards compatible. Therefore, you should be able to import them into the most recent version
of NX. However, in general:

ASCII files are backwards compatible for import into NX. If you import an ASCII file from a
newer version of the solver than is officially supported, the software simply ignores any new
fields/options that aren't supported in the current NX release.

Binary files are not backwards compatible. For example, you can import a binary file created by
NX Nastran 5.0 into NX 6.0.2, but you might not be able to import a binary file created by NX
Nastran 6.1 into NX 5.

The version listed in the Export ASCII rows is the solver version that was available when the NX version
was tested. In general, the exported solver input file is upwards compatible for that solver. Backwards
compatibility is not guaranteed. For NX Nastran, the Model Setup Check function in Advanced
Simulation tries to flag potential version incompatibility issues.

The version listed in the Post-processing Results rows is the version of the solver results that was tested in
the listed NX version. In general, results from earlier solver versions are also supported.

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

NX 8 releases

File Type

NX 8

NX 8.0.1

NX 8.0.2

NX 8.0.3

NX 8.5

NX 8.5.1

Import ASCII 8
Nastran (.dat)





Import Binary 8





Export ASCII 8





processing of
Results (.op2)






Import ASCII 2011.1

Nastran (.dat)






Import Binary 2011.1







Export ASCII 2011.1







processing of
Results (.op2)






Abaqus Import ASCII 6.10







Import Binary N/A






Export ASCII 6.10







processing of
Results (.fil)






Post6.10-EF1 6.11
processing of
Results (.odb)












Import Binary 13
(.rst, .rth)






Export ASCII 13






processing of







Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0


File Type

NX 8

NX 8.0.1

NX 8.0.2

NX 8.0.3

NX 8.5

NX 8.5.1


Import ASCII 971R5.0 971R5.0





Import Binary N/A





Export ASCII 971R5.0 971R5.0






Post971R5.0 971R5.0
processing of






NX7 releases

File Type

NX 7

NX 7.5

NX 7.5.1

NX 7.5.2

NX 7.5.3

NX 7.5.4

NX 7.5.5.

Nastran ASCII (.dat)













ASCII (.dat)






of Results



















ASCII (.dat)







of Results



















ASCII (.inp)















Nastran ASCII (.dat)


Abaqus Import
ASCII (.inp)

What's New in NX 8.5.1



Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


File Type

NX 7

NX 7.5

NX 7.5.1

NX 7.5.2

NX 7.5.3

NX 7.5.4

NX 7.5.5.















Binary (.rst,







ASCII (.inp)







of Results
























ASCII (.k)

971R3.2.1 971R3.2.1






of Results








NX 6

NX 6.0.1

NX 6.0.2

NX 6.0.3

NX 6.0.4

NX 6.0.5

of Results
of Results
ANSYS Import


NX 6 releases

File Type


Import ASCII (.dat) 6.0






Import Binary







Export ASCII (.dat) 6.0






Post-processing of














Import ASCII (.dat) 2007r1

Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0


File Type

NX 6

NX 6.0.1

NX 6.0.2

NX 6.0.3

NX 6.0.4

NX 6.0.5


Import Binary







Export ASCII (.dat) 2007r1






Post-processing of






Import ASCII (.inp) 6.7-1






Import Binary






Export ASCII (.inp) 6.7-1






Post-processing of
Results (.fil)







Post-processing of
Results (.odb)







Import ASCII


11 SP1

11 SP1

11 SP1



Import Binary (.rst, 11


11 SP1

11 SP1

11 SP1



Export ASCII (.inp) 11

11 SP1

11 SP1

11 SP1



Post-processing of

11 SP1

11 SP1

11 SP1

11 SP1










Import Binary







Export ASCII (.k)







Post-processing of











NX 5 releases

File Type

NX 5

NX 5.0.1 NX 5.0.2 NX 5.0.3 NX 5.0.4 NX 5.0.5 NX 5.0.6

NX Nastran

Import ASCII








Import Binary








Export ASCII








Post-processing of 5.0







What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


File Type

NX 5

NX 5.0.1 NX 5.0.2 NX 5.0.3 NX 5.0.4 NX 5.0.5 NX 5.0.6

MSC Nastran Import ASCII









Import Binary








Export ASCII








Post-processing of 2005







Import ASCII








Import Binary








Export ASCII








Post-processing of 6.6







Import ASCII








Import Binary (.rst, 10








Export ASCII








Post-processing of 10






11 SP1




NX 4 releases

File Type

NX 4

NX 4.0.1

NX 4.0.2

NX 4.0.3

NX 4.0.4






Import Binary (.op2)






Export ASCII (.dat)






Post-processing of






Import ASCII (.dat)






Import Binary (.op2)






NX Nastran Import ASCII (.dat)



Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0




File Type

NX 4

NX 4.0.1

NX 4.0.2

NX 4.0.3

NX 4.0.4

Export ASCII (.dat)






Post-processing of






Import ASCII (.inp)






Import Binary






Export ASCII (.inp)






Post-processing of






Import ASCII (PREP7, 8




Import Binary (.rst,




Export ASCII (.inp)



Post-processing of



What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

NX Laminate Composites
Modifying the selection on imported plies
What is it?
You can now edit an imported ply by:

Removing elements or polygon faces from the selection.

Adding elements or polygon faces that are connected to existing selections. NX interpolates fiber
orientations from existing fiber orientations.

Imported ply selection and fiber orientation

Modified selection and fiber orientation

In previous releases, you could not change the elements or faces that reference the imported ply after import.

Why should I use it?

In some cases, because of the disparity between the NX mesh and the FiberSIM model, it can be hard to define the
right search distance and ply mapping options in order to get the exact mapping that you want. This enhancement
provides a mechanism to remove undesired elements and add a few missing elements to quickly fix minor import
mapping issues. The mapping can be important when you extrude a 2D laminate into a 3D mesh.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


Imported layup

Simulation Navigator

Right-click an imported ply nodeEdit

Location in dialog box

Select 2D Objects


Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

Automatic grouping of inflated meshes

What is it?
Use the new Auto-create Inflated Mesh FE Groups command to create element groups. You can create one
group per 3D ply mesh and one group per extrusion resin mesh. These meshes are created by the inflation

Why should I use it?

Because NX Post displays a node for each element zone in the Post Processing Navigator, it could be difficult
to manipulate the results effectively, especially when the model has many zones. The created groups enable you to
display the results on all 3D elements for a given ply simultaneously.

The following example has 2 ply meshes named Mud_guard_layup-Plies-1-2-3-4 and
Mud_guard_layup-Ply5 and 2 extrusion resin meshes both named Resin Elements. The Auto-create
Inflated Mesh FE Groups command creates the following groups:



Resin Elements

Resin Elements(1)

Under the 3D Elements node, there are two entries for the Mud_guard_layup-Plies-1-2-3-4 mesh
indicated by the red arrows. This is because there are two underlying zones for that mesh. The
Mud_guard_layup-Plies-1-2-3-4 group indicated by the blue arrow is created by the Auto-create
Inflated Mesh FE Groups command. Use this group to select and deselect both meshes in one step.
Fringe Plots
Post View 1
3D Elements
Resin Elements
Resin Elements
Result CSYS
Resin Elements

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Resin Elements(1)

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Simulation Navigator

Right-click the individual inflation setup nodeAuto-create Inflated

Mesh FE Groups


Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

View Laminate enhancement

What is it?
The View Laminate command is now available from the Laminate toolbar when the FEM is the work part.
In previous releases, it was available from this toolbar only when the Simulation file was the work part. In the FEM,
it was available only as a right-click command.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation


Zones must be computed in the FEM file.

LaminateView Laminate
Simulation Navigator

Right-click the Zones nodeView Laminate

FE model in context support for layups

What is it?
When the FEM is the work part, the Simulation Navigator displays the Layups node and its subnodes, and you
have access to all the layup commands. The displayed part could be either a Simulation file or an assembly FEM.
When the Simulation file is the work part, the Layups node is locked and the Simulation Navigator does not
display the subnodes. You do not have access to the layup commands.
The following figures show the differences in the Simulation Navigator when the Simulation file is both the
displayed part and work part and when the Simulation file is the displayed part and the FEM is the work part.






Polygon Geometry

Polygon Geometry

2D Collectors

2D Collectors

3D Collectors

3D Collectors






Layups Offset


What's New in NX 8.5.1

Material Orientation

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0


Laminate Inflation

Simulation Object Container
Load Container

Extrude Setup 1

Displayed part = Simulation file

Displayed part = Simulation file

Work part = Simulation file

Work part = FEM


Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

Evaluate Damage enhancements
What is it?
You can now view the damage evaluation results for each selected function in separate worksheets of the Excel
spreadsheet, or in separate CSV files. In the Excel worksheet, you can highlight the nonzero values in the histogram
In previous versions, you could view only the cumulative damage evaluation results over all functions.
In the Durability Damage Evaluation dialog box.

Use the new Enable Detailed Output option to display the damage evaluation results for each selected
function in the specified output files.

Use the new Highlight Nonzero Damage Values option to display in red the nonzero values in the
Excel spreadsheet.

Why should I use it?

Because you can separately identify all stress or strain cycles in a duty cycle due to each stress or strain function,
you can better analyze your models durability.
Highlighted nonzero damage values in the Excel worksheet allow you to quickly find important duty cycles.

Where do I find it?


Advanced Simulation

Durability Evaluate Damage

Insert Durability Evaluate Damage

Location in dialog box

Output group

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Teamcenter Integration for NX

NX Relations Browser enhancements
What is it?
The NX Relations Browser is enhanced to provide better control of the part revisions that are shown, add
columns to provide status information, and improve overall performance.

This is applicable for Teamcenter 9.1.2 and higher.
The Child Revision Option preference is added to the General Preferences in the NX Relations Browser
preferences. You can choose one of the following level of revisions to be displayed:

All Revisions
Shows all of the revisions of the children that reference the part.

Use Revision Rule

Shows the children that reference the part based on the revision rule used to load the part. Uses the same
revision rule selected in the Assembly Load Options dialog box that was used to load the assembly.

Latest Revision with Relation

Shows only the latest revision of the children that reference the part.

In the Parts tab, Checked Out By, Release Status, Name, and Description are added to provide additional
general information for the part selected.
In the Relations tab, NX Status and Teamcenter Status columns are added to provide the status of the link in
NX and the link in Teamcenter. The status can be Up To Date, Out Of Date, Broken, Frozen, or Suppressed.

The Teamcenter Status column is applicable only if the link is referencing a product interface.
A tooltip for each relation node is added, which gives the part Name, Description, Checked Out By, and
Release Status.

Why should I use it?

In addition to viewing the interpart/WAVE links, you can define the link revisions that are displayed. Also,
information is provided to more clearly describe the links and the status of the links.

Where do I find it?


Teamcenter Integration


AssembliesWAVERelations Browser
Right-click on an Item, Item Revision, or dataset in Teamcenter
Navigator and choose Relations Browser


Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

Dialog Box

NX Relations Browser

Location in dialog box

BrowserPreferencesGeneral Preferences category

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Select Configuration Context when loading assemblies

What is it?
You can select a configuration context to use when loading assemblies. A configuration context specifies a set of
parameters and options that defines how the assembly is loaded. There are three configuration contexts available:

User Defined
This context lets you manually select the options on the Assembly Load Options dialog box. You can
change these options as needed to define different loading configurations.

Load as Saved
This context does not allow any changes to be made to the assembly load options. The assembly is loaded
with the options that were specified when the assembly was saved.

From Teamcenter
This context uses the configuration context specified in TeamcenterStructure Manager. When an
assembly is sent from Structure Manager to NX, the configuration context is also sent and the settings
are applied to NX before an assembly is opened.

The From Teamcenter configuration context is not available until an assembly has been loaded into NX from
Teamcenter Structure Manager. After the From Teamcenter configuration context becomes available, you can
switch between it and the other two contexts; it does not need to be loaded again. When the From Teamcenter
configuration context is selected, the settings it applies in the Assembly Load Options dialog box are grayed out.
To enable the From Teamcenter configuration context, set the following Teamcenter preference:

The From Teamcenter configuration context is supported with Teamcenter and higher and
Teamcenter 9.1.2 and higher.
Once the NX session ends, the From Teamcenter and User Defined context settings are removed. The next NX
session starts with the default assembly load options.
For additional information on configuration contexts, see the Teamcenter documentation.

Why should I use it?

You can use different configuration contexts for loading assemblies including the configuration context used by
Teamcenter Structure Manager.

Where do I find it?


Teamcenter Integration

Location in Resource Bar

Teamcenter Navigator, Load Options Dialog


FileOptionsAssembly Load Options

Dialog Box

Assembly Load Options


Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

Location in dialog box

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Configuration Context list in the Configuration Context group

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Default project selection

What is it?
The behavior for project selection has been enhanced to use more Teamcenter project information.
The Default Project customer default is changed to use the Teamcenter default project in NX. If you enter an
invalid project name or no project name in the Default Project box, NX uses the Teamcenter default project (if a
default project has been designated in Teamcenter).
The Default Project preference is changed to use the projects allowed for a user. When you set the Teamcenter
preference TC_show_all_user_projects=True, the NX Default Project preference displays only those
projects that are assigned to the current session user. If you set the Teamcenter preference to False, the projects
displayed are based on the user, group, and role for the current user.

Why should I use it?

You can ensure that a project is always assigned to a part to help enforce requirements or support standards at your
site. In addition, you can enforce project permissions so that only those projects that a user has permissions to access
are available for selection.

Where do I find it?


Teamcenter Integration


FileUtilitiesCustomer DefaultsTeamcenter Integration for

NXGeneralProjects tab.
PreferencesTeamcenter IntegrationDatabase tab.


Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

CMM Inspection Programming

CMM measurement analysis engine
You can now load actual or simulated measurement data into CMM Inspection Programming to analyze problems in
your inspection program, manufacturing process, or model design.
When you load a data file generated from a CMM or a simulation program, default algorithms inherited from your
templates methods are applied to inspection features and tolerances. These algorithms let you visually compare
variation in the features and tolerances of the simulated or manufactured part to their nominal designs. When you
select tolerances and features in the Inspection Navigator, points and other visual cues appear in the graphics
window. Pass, fail, and other status icons, as well as overall deviation value, also appear in the Inspection
Navigator for each feature and tolerance. You can modify algorithms and freeze or release degrees of freedom on
datums, features, and tolerances to see the effect of part translation and rotation as the computational metrology
engine attempts to best fit measured data within specification limits.
In the following surface profile tolerance example, red points and needles indicate measurements that have failed
and lie inside the part material. These areas have too much material, and could be potentially repaired by removing
material. Yellow points and needles indicate measurements that have failed and lie outside the part material. These
areas would require additional material to be repaired, or may not in fact be repairable.

Note that some red and yellow points appear to lie outside the part material. The profile tolerance on each blade has
a rotational degree of freedom around the Zaxis. When the analysis engine virtually rotated the part to get the data
to fit as close as possible, the yellow points moved outside the tolerance zone in the plus material direction and the
red points moved outside the tolerance zone in the minus material direction. You are seeing the deviation relative to
the best fit location of the tolerance zone.

Why should I use it?

Analysis lets you determine whether to refine alignments, add bonus tolerances, determine manufacturing error or
tooling problems, or push deviations to their limits to bring features into tolerance. Monitoring and controlling
measurement uncertainty ensures that your process operates at its full potential with a minimum of rework or waste.
Analysis helps you to detect and prevent problems, which is more efficient than correcting problems after they

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Where do I find it?


CMM Inspection Programming


You must:

Create a complete inspection program with an accurately aligned

Part Coordinate System (PCS) and valid GD&T tolerances.

Create .dmi (dimensional measurement information) output in

CMM Inspection Programming.

Run that output on an actual CMM or using simulation software,

resulting in a .mea or .dmi file with measurement variation data.

OperationsMeasured Data

ToolsInspection NavigatorOperationMeasured Data

Inspection Navigator right-click


Measured Data


Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

Export analysis results

When analyzing measurement data, you can export analysis results at any time for use in your lifecycle management
process. You can select preferred rows or all rows and export their contents from the Inspection Navigator to a
browser or spreadsheet, or export a more detailed report from the Inspection Analyze dialog box to a text file.

Why should I use it?

Analysis reports let you share information among coworkers and determine the best course of action for a given
problem. Solutions might include:

Establishing an orientation that pushes the deviations to areas of lesser importance or to areas that are easier
to fixfor example, areas that can be cut rather than welded.

Refining alignments by using more features in more complex relationships, sometimes with bonus
tolerances applied.

Increasing mobility using multiple datums.

Making corrections to manufacturing errors or tooling problems.

Pushing deviations to their limits to bring nonconforming features into tolerance. This approach sometimes
results in a new set of feature deviations that when reanalyzed, provide a better indication of the problem
can be fixed without rework.

Where do I find it?


CMM Inspection Programming


You must load a valid .mea or .dml measurement file.

OperationsInspection Analyze

ToolsInspection NavigatorOperationInspection Analyze

Inspection Navigator right-click


Inspection Analyze

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

DMIS programming enhancement

What is it?
Some Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard (DMIS) programs require that you define point data for curve and
surface inspection features immediately after the feature is defined.
$$ End of Feat GCurve INSP_FEAT_CURVE

The Curve Inspection Feature and Surface Inspection Feature dialog boxes now include a Point
Definition group. A Point Data list lets you add:

A point set, or grid, of measurement points on the surface of the feature.

Individual points on the surface of the feature.

By default, the Point Data list is set to None. Defining point data on the feature does not automatically create an
inspection path on that feature, and if you add additional point features using an inspection path sub-operation, the
points in that sub-operation do not have to match the points defined on the feature. When you create manual points
or use a point set for your curve or surface point definition, the points appear on the curve or surface much as they
would when creating a point-set sub-operation.

Points created on a feature affect Extract Feature operations on curve features. Any curves that have points
created for them automatically use those points as extract points. For example, you could create three curve
features that touch one another and lie on the same surface or plane. You could then add a point set on curve
1, individual points on curve 2, and no points on curve 3. When you add an extract feature operation, curve 1
uses the point set points as extract points, curve 2 uses the individual points as extract points. Extract points
are calculated for curve C, based on the extract point parameters, as they were in previous releases.


Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

Why should I use it?

When you use sub-operations to scan a curve or surface feature, a nominal point definition allows some execution
software to compare corresponding points in the scan to those nominal definitions.

Where do I find it?


CMM Inspection Programming


You must create an inspection setup file.

Location in dialog box

Curve Inspection Feature or Surface Inspection Feature dialog

boxPoint Definition group

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Data translation
AutoCAD DXF/DWG Import Wizard dialog box enhancement
What is it?
Use the following options in the Text Aspect Ratio list on the Fonts step to specify the method used to control
the bounding box length of the AutoCAD text imported into NX. The Text Aspect Ratio list corresponds to the
new ASPECT_RATIO_CALCULATION_ON_IMPORT keyword in the DXF/DWG translator settings file. Each option
on the Text Aspect Ratio list corresponds to a value that you can specify for this keyword.

Calculates the aspect ratio for the NX font in order to match the bounding box length of the
text in NX with the length of the text in AutoCAD. This option works well when the native
AutoCAD fonts used in the DXF/DWG file are present on the system. Corresponding

Width Factor

Matches the text length in NX using the width factor of the AutoCAD text as the aspect
ratio in NX. You can use this option if you are importing DXF/DWG files that were
previously exported from NX. Corresponding keyword value

Specify NX Aspect

Matches the text length in NX using the aspect ratio that you specify in the Aspect Ratio
column in the Font mapping table. Corresponding keyword value

Width Factor

Matches the text length in NX by multiplying the width factor of AutoCAD text with the
value that you specify in the Scale Factor column in the Font mapping table.

The following keywords are obsolete in the DXF/DWG translator settings file:




Where do I find it?


FileImportAutoCAD DXF/DWG

Location in dialog box

Fonts stepFonts group


Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

NX 9.0

JT support for PMI association with objects

What is it?
When you write an NX file to the JT format, the NX to JT translator now includes the associations defined between
PMI and the following objects:





When you select PMI in a JT viewer such as Teamcenter Visualization, the objects associated with the selected PMI
are highlighted in the graphics window.


The NX to JT translator already supports PMI associations to the faces and edges of a body in an
NX part.

The size of the JT file increases if PMIs are associated to an entire solid body instead of its
constituting element such as an edge or a face.

What's New in NX 8.5.1

Whats New in NX 9.0


NX 9.0

Mechatronics Concept Designer

Import from ECAD enhancements
What is it?
The Import from ECAD command enhancements include the following:

When you import logicals using the Import from ECAD command, selecting a component from the
ECAD Reuse Library for the logical is no longer mandatory. This lets you update the attribute values of a
logical without updating or modifying the component. It also lets you import a new logical from ECAD
without assigning any geometry to it.

The Components and Placement groups in the dialog box are now combined into one group that is
called Placement.

In the EPLAN tab of the Mechatronics Concept Designer Customer Defaults, the Attribute Mapping
List is separated into two lists, one for import and one for export.

Attribute Mapping List for Export This list defines the mapping of the logical object
attribute names exported by Mechatronics Concept Designer to the number codes of the
corresponding EPLAN attributes. The EPLAN number codes are available in the Overview of
the EPLAN Properties of the EPLAN help. The MCD attribute is separated by a colon from the
subsequent EPLAN number code. Mapping of the Logical_Item_Name, Logical_Item_ID,
and Reference_Designator attributes is the minimum requirement.

Attribute Mapping List for Import This list defines the mapping from imported EPLAN
attribute names to the corresponding logical object attributes of Mechatronics Concept Designer.
The EPLAN attribute name is separated by a colon from the subsequent Mechatronics Concept
Designer attribute name. The EPLAN attribute names can be localized names depending on the
language setting of the EPLAN application that the XML file was generated in. Mapping of the
Reference_Designator attribute is the minimum requirement.

A value for the Logical_Item_Name attribute is no longer required in the imported XML file. When the
attribute is missing in the XML file:

If the logical object in the XML is found in the logical tree in the System Navigator main
panel, the name of the matched logical is used for the Logical_Item_Name attribute in the
dialog box.

If the logical object in the XML is not found in the logical tree in the System Navigator main
panel, a temporary logical name is automatically generated in the dialog box.

Where do I find it?


Mechatronics Concept Designer


Mechatronics Concept DesignerIntegration Drop-down

listImport from ECAD
InsertIntegrationImport from ECAD



Whats New in NX 9.0

What's New in NX 8.5.1

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