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Fascinating as FictionHelpful as a Textbook



This fascinating publication is the international
m agazine of the world-wide Rosicrucian Order.
It is also available to the reading public.* Each
issue is filled with instructive, practical, helpful
articles, expressing the Rosicrucian knowledge
of the laws of life. Subjects discussed in the
periodica] include:
Practical Psychology
The Arts

Principles of Healing
Exploration, Travel
Practical Solutions of
Problems of the Day

The Rosicrucian Digest is beautifully printed.

It contains unusual photographs and art prints,
and carries no outside advertising. Share with
a friend the unusual and inspiring contents of
this m agazine of practical and mystical living.
Subscription price is $1.90 (14/-sterling) for 6
months, or $3.00 (1/2/- sterling) for one year.
Single copies, 35 cents (2/6 sterling) each. Send
subscription to the address below.


R osicrucian P a rk

San J o se , C alifo rn ia

members receive complim entary copies.)


P R I N T E D I N U . S . A.

A ft;




IT IS the policy of the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau

to present only such books as are really worthy
of being in the library of a thinker. W hat a satis
faction it is to read a book with a realization
that every paragraph carries a real message in
language simple and understandable.

of Favorite
35-m m .

All in brilliant color.

These special colored 35-mm. slides need only standard
35-mm. projection a p p aratu s lor lu ll benefit of view ing.

Set. 1.


The books herein presented are helpful and

constructive. They will be a means of aiding you
in solving the complex problems of your every
day life. Every worth-while book makes a friend
of its reader. We hope through these books to
make a friend of you and to bring you the real
joy of knowledge.

This set includes 8 views of rare exhibits in the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, including the Nelertiti bust,
ancient Egyptian writing materials, cosmetic accessories,
toys, games, an d others. Price includes postage.


35-mm. Slide Set 1..................................$3.25

Set. 2 A N C lE N T E G Y P T .n

(H /3 /9 .teriing)

Set ot 8 views includes exquisite photographs ol the

larger models in the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum the
replica of a rock tomb, a sun bark, a stone statue of an
Egyptian priest, and others. Price includes postage.

Set 3.

35-mm. Slide Set 2................................$3.25


AUSTRALIAN RESIDENTS: Space prohibits us from giving

prices also in Australian currency. Please determine the
total amount of your order in either U. S. Dollars or Pounds
Sterling; then ask your bank to kindly convert this amount
into terms of Australian currency before remitting.

(1/3/9 sterling)

Eight colored slides from the Rosicrucian Museum's rare

Assyrian-Babylonian collection, including cuneiform tab
lets and a rare decree by Nebuchadnezzar. Price includes

Set 4.

35-mm. Slide Set 3................................$3.25


(1/3/9 sterling)
STERLING AREA ORDERS: Members in the Sterling area
will find that many items are available through London.
Where these are noted, send your order and remittance
direct to London. Make your cheque or money order pay
Street, London W. C. 2, England. When ordering from the
U. S. A., check with your local customs and banking rep
resentatives regarding import regulations, since there is
sometimes difficulty in importing Supply Bureau items
into other countries.

The exteriors ol the principal buildings that make up

exotic Rosicrucian Park. Set of 8 slides. Price includes


35-mm. Slide Set 4.......................... $3.25


(1/3/9 sterling)

Unusual views of the more intimate features of the

artistic settings in Rosicrucian Park. Set of 8 slides makes
a perfect companion feature with Set 4.


35-mm. Slide Set 4-B........................$3.25

(1/3/9 sterling)

* Special combination price: Rosicrucian Park Nos. 1 and

2, only $5.75 (2/1/9 sterling)
For Members Only 15 colored-slides on the human
aura, Charts, diagrams and silhouetted figure outlined ;n
different colored lights. Inasmuch as perception of the
aura is a subjective experience, the actual colors can or.iy
be approximated with the use of lights as shown in ne
photographs. Complete with full explanation and desct'ption. Price includes postage.


35-mm. Slide Set 5 ............................. $4.95

NOTE: Residents of the State of California are re

quired to add 4% for State Sales Tax. Prices subject

;o change without notice, due to prevailing condi
tions. Issued lune 1962.


Set 6.


Send orders and remittances to the:

A select collection of the world's most renowned sanc

tuaries. Includes the Parthenon, Great Pyramid, Delphi,
Luxor Temple and four others. Filmed by the Rosicrucian
Camera Expedition.


35-mm. Slide Set 6 ............................ $3.25

(1/3/9 sterling)


San Jo se , C a lifo rn ia , U. S. A .

The Plan

M ansions of the Soul

by H. Spencer Lewis, Ph. D.

Your Life

Self M a stery and Fate

with the Cycles of Life

This book is entirely different from any other book ever

issued in America dealing with the secret periods in the
life of each m an an d woman.
The book reveals how we m ay take advantage of cer
tain periods to bring success, happiness, health, and pros
perity into our lives, and it likewise points out those
periods which are not favorable for many of the things we
try to accomplish. It does not deal with astrology or any
system of fortunetelling but presents a system long used
by the Master Mystics in Oriental lands and which is
strictly scientific and demonstrable. It helps everyone to
eliminate "chance'' and "lu ck/ to cast aside "fate and
replace these with self-mastery.
A Daily Guide
You will use this book weekly to guide your affairs
throughout the years. There is no magic in its system.
Well printed, bound in Arco Vellum cloth, and stamped
in gold. Price includes postage.


The World's Most

Disputed Doctrine!

H. Spencer Lewis,
Ph. D.

Self Mastery and Fate........................$2.85

Available also in London see p. 3 (16/6 sterling)

Ringing through the minds and hearts of students,

mystics, and thinkers, have always been the words: "Why
Are We Here?" This book reveals in an astounding m an
ner the m any facts to support reincarnation. Quotations
from eminent authorities, from Biblical and Sacred works,
substantiate this doctrine. This volume PROVES rein

This Book Explains . . .

All about the soul and its cycles of reincarnation, and
how you can become acquainted with your present self
and your past lives in an analytical way.
It tells you in plain and understandable language
where the Mansions of the Soul are, and why the soul has
these Mansions and what is accomplished in them. It
reveals to you the fact that Jesus and his disciples knew
all about reincarnation and referred to it in their teach
ings. Look at some of the chapter subjects.
W hy Are We Here?
Karma and Personal

Between Incarnations
Christian Reierences
The Fear of Death

The book is well printed, with large type and charts.

Bound with black cloth. Price includes postage.


Mansions of the Soul

............... $3.00
(1/2/- sterling)

Sepher Yezirah

Co in

A Book on Creation

We are pleased to introduce to the readers of Self Mas

tery and Fate with the Cycles of Life book a simple coin,
based on the charts of the book, which at c single glance
reveals the hourly periods accurately, mathematically
Accompanying the coin is a pamphlet of instructions.
Price includes postage.


Handy Reference Coin .......................... 65c

Available also in London see p. 3 (4/9 sterling)

One of the famous books of the K abala an outstanding,

ancient metaphysical essay concerning all creation. Ac
cording to tradition, this book teaches that a first cause,
eternal, all-wise, almighty, and holy, is the center of the
whole universe from which gradually all beings have
It explains the secret name of Jehovah. The book con
tains both the English an d Hebraic text side by side, as
well as a glossary of the ancient Hebraic words and
terms so intriguing to all students of the Kabala. Highly
authentic an d instructive. Paper bound. Price includes


Sepher Yezirah

................ $1.50
(11/-/- sterling)


The M ystical
Life of
Jesu s

for the

H. Spencer Lewis, Ph.D.

Hom e and Business

by H. Spencer Lewis, Ph. D.
The Problems of Home

The Real Jesus Revealed at Last!

The book thousands have been waiting for! It was in
preparation lor a number of years and required a visit
to Palestine and Egypt to secure a verification of the
strange facts contained in the ancient Rosicrucian and
Essene Records. Its revelations pre-date the findings of
the Dead Sea Scrolls, indicating a secret source of in
formation, known only to the author.
The Unknown Period of Christ's Life
It is a full account of the birth, youth, early manhood
and later periods of Jesus' life, containing the story of
his activities in the time not mentioned in the Gospel
accounts. The facts relating to the immaculate conception,
the birth, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension will as
tound and inspire you. The book contains mystical sym
bols, fully explained, original photographs, and an un
usual portrait of Jesus. Bound in Arco Vellum and stamped
in gold. Price includes postage.


The Problems of Business

This volume contains such principles of practical Rosi

crucian teachings as are applicable to the solution of the
everyday problems of life. It deals exhaustively with the
prevention of ill-health, the curing of m any of the common
ailments, and the attainment of peace an d happiness.
The book is filled with hundreds of practical points
concerned especially with the problems of the average
businessman or person in business employ. It points out
the wrong and right w ay for the use of metaphysical and
mystical principles in attracting business, increasing one's
income, promoting business propositions, starting and
bringing into realization new plans an d ideas, and the
attainment of the highest ambitions in life.
This book written by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis has been
endorsed by business organizations and business authori
ties. Well printed, bound in cloth, and stamped in gold.
Price includes postage.


Rosicrucian Principles ........................ $2.95

The Mystical Life of Jesus.................. $2.95

(1/1/9 sterling)

(1/1/9 sterling)


The Secret Doctrines

of Jesu s


Do you know that from 328 A.D. un

til 1870 A.D., there were held twenty
ecclesiastic or church council meet
ings in which m an alone decided upon
the context of the Bible what it
should contain? Self-appointed judges
in the four Lateran Councils between 1123 and 1215 A.D.,
decided to expurgate from the Bible those sacred writings
which did not please them. But Christs secret teachings
were privately preserved in heretofore unknown archives.
They contain formulas for conveying the Christ spirit
unknown laws for the development of self truths which
would have made man a true image of his Maker. The
now famous Dead Sea Scrolls have revealed more of
these same private manuscripts.
A Book That Dares to Tell
Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, after years of extensive research
and journeys to Europe, the Far East, the Holy Land and
Egypt, has fearlessly disclosed in this book these hidden
doctrines of Jesus. Beautifully bound and illustrated, and
stamped in gold. Price includes postage.


The Ancient Tibetan Writings

Centuries Old!

This is one of the rarest Oriental mystery books known.

It is translated by special permission of the Grand Lama
and Disciples of the Sacred College in the Grand Temple
in Tibet.
Here is a book that was written two thousand years
ago, and given only to the initiates of the temples of
Tibet to study privately.
This antique book contains the rarest writings and
teachings known to man with the exception of the Bible.
It deals with man's passions, loves, desires, weaknesses,
sins, fortitudes, strengths, ambitions, and hopes. All are
treated in detail with illum inating simplicity. The book is
beautifully printed and bound with hard cover, and con
tains also the strange mystic story of the expedition into
Tibet to secure this marvelous manuscript. Price includes

Secret Doctrines of Jesus....................$2.95

(1/1/9 sterling)

(14/- sterling)

At Prayer

Ro sicrucian

A Compilation of
Prayers of the Ages

M anual
M any Books in One

Hindu, Sufi,Persian, Hebrew, and

Christian Mystics have all contrib
uted their writings to this book.
Com piled by M any Cihlar, Aus
trian Philosopher and Mystic.
The book, Mystics at Prayer, ex
plains in simple language the
reason for prayer, how to pray, and the Cosmic laws
involved. You come to learn the real efficacy of prayer
and its full beauty dawns upon you. Whatever your
religious beliefs, this book makes your prayers the ap
plication not of words, but of helpful, divine principles.
Prayer is man's rightful heritage. It is the direct means
of man's communion with the infinite foTce of divinity.
Well-bound, printed on art paper in two colors, with
deckle-edged, and tipped pages. Price includes postage.


Mystics at Prayer

............ $1.90
(14/- sterling)

This practical book contains a complete outline and ex

planation of all of the customs, practices, and terminology
of the Rosicrucians, with diagrams and explanations of
the symbols used in the teachings, an outline of the sub
jects taught, a dictionary of the terms, a complete presen
tation of the principles of Cosmic Consciousness, and bio
graphical sketches of important characters connected with
the work. There are also special articles on the Great
White Lodge and its existence, how to attain psychic il
lumination, the Rosicrucian Code of Life with thirty laws
a n d regulations, and a number of portraits of prominent
mystics, including Master K. H the Illustrious.
Rosicrucian Encyclopedia
The technical matter contained in the text and in the
hundred or more diagrams makes this book a real Rosi
crucian encyclopedia. Well printed, beautifully bound in
red book cloth, and stamped in gold. Price includes


Rosicrucian M anual ..................
(1/2/9 sterling)

Son of the Sun

by Savitri Devi

Thousand Years
of Yesterdays

The Am azing Story of Akhnatonl

H. Spencer Lewis, Ph.D.

Here is the first record in history

of personal illumination, of man's
true insight into Divine relationships.
To this mystic king, the sun, called
Th Mystic King
Aton, became not a god, but a
physical symbol of a primary substance which lies be
yond all suns, all universes. Here was a belief 3,300
years ago that anticipated modem science's search for
the underlying substance of all matter, energy, life force.
This intriguing documentary account of the "world's
first individual" is especially printed in England, and will
be shipped to you from London. Orders from North Amer
ica m ay expect shipment in 30 days. Price includes


Here is a book that will tell you

the real facts of reincarnation. It
is a story of the soul, and explains
in detail how the soul enters the
body and how it leaves, where it
goes and when it comes back to
the earth ag ain and why. You may learn of the past
of the soul.
The story is a revelation of the mystic laws and prin
ciples known io the Masters of the Far East and the
Orient for m any centuries. You will marvel at the manner
in which these principles are brought out. Price includes

Son of the Sun..................................... $2.95

Avail, also in Londonsee P. 3 (1/1/9 sterling)

(14/- sterling)

Rosicrucian Questions

Lem uria


The Lost Continent of the Pacific

A n s w e r s w ith Co m p lete H isto ry of

th e Rosicrucian O rd e r

by Wishar S. Cerve

This book authenti

cally answers hundreds
of questions dealing
with the history, work,
teachings, benefits, and
purposes of the Rosi
crucian fraternity. Doc
uments of a u t h o r it y
published for the first

Beneath the rolling seas

lie the mysteries of forgotten
civilizations. Swept by the
tid e s , half-buried in the
sands, worn aw ay by terrific
pressure are the remnants of
a culture little known to our
age of today. Where the
mighty Pacific now rolls in a
majestic sweep of thousands
of miles, there was once a
vast continent.

Complete Rosicrucian History

For many centuries the
strange mysterious records of
the Rosicrucians were closed
against any eyes but those
of the initiate. Now the whole
story is outlined and it reads
like a story from the land of
the "Arabian Nights."
This new, enlarged edition
contains the first complete,
authentic, history of the Rosi
crucian Order from ancient
times to the present day.
Written by the Westernworld authority on Rosicru
cian teachings, Dr. H. Spencer Lewis. Printed on fine
paper, bound in book cloth,
and stamped in gold. Price
includes postage.


This land was known

as Lemuria, and its peo
ple as Lemurians.
Science has gradually
pieced together the evi
dences of this lost race,
and in this book you will
find the most amazing,
enthralling chapters you
have ever read. Beautiful
ly bound, well printed,
with m any illustrations.
Price includes postage.


Lemuria .........

............... $2.95
(1/1/9 sterling)

Rosicrucian Questions and Answers. $2.85

(1/1/- sterling)

The Art of
A bsent Healing

The Symbolic
Prophecy of
the Great

For Members Only

Within the depths of your inner be

ing, there is a vast creative power; it
is the GREAT PHYSICIAN. Each per
son can direct this subtle force him
self or herself, if he or she only
knows how. The secret, rational
Rosicrucian principles of SELF-HEAL
ING make this possible. The Rosi
crucian principles of absent healing,
in addition to the m any other sys
tems of therapeutics, are extremely beneficial. These
principles are given only to members of the organization,
but as an advance summary of this knowledge, we offer
to members a brochure. Price includes postage. (Do not
send remittance in postage stamps.)


c CAc' /o ry o ften

H. Spencer Lewis, Ph.D.
The World's
Greatest Mystery!
The Great Pyramid stands as a monument to the learn
ing and achievements of the ancients. For centuries its
secrets were closeted in stone now they stand revealed.
Never before in a book priced within the reach of every
reader have the history, vast wisdom, and prophecies of
tho Great Pyramid been given. You will be amazed at
the pyramid's scientific construction and at the tremen
dous knowledge of its mysterious builders. Within the
pages of th:s enlightening book are the answers to many
enthralling questions. It prophesied the World Wars and
the great economic upheaval. Well-bound, and contains
important charts and illustrations. Price includes postage.

The Art of Absent Healing....................75c


Symbolic Prophecy of the

Great Pyramid ................................... $2.75

(5/6 sterling)

(1/-/- sterling)

The Dawn of Conscience

The Book
of Jasher

Tracing Back to 6000 B.C.

the Birth of God in Man!
Smouldering in the breast of
man, no one knows how long
after an outer fire had been
warming his body, was the
flame of moral values. Man
was not m an until the birth of
conscience. Inscribed on the
walls of tombs, graven on the
precipitous face of cliffs in
word pictures is a story of
man's aw akening to the God
within himself. Side by side with the advance of civiliza
tion was the development of hum an character. Mystic
illum ination and knowledge of self were not projected
into man but slowly aroused from their lethargy within
his own being. Ages before Christianity, m an had learned
of justice, honesty, and all the cardinal virtues.
Eminent Author
Professor James Breasted, famous archaeologist in this
remarkable book, The Dawn of Conscience, containing
425 pages, traces back for centuries the evolution of
man's personality and his spiritual self. The book also
contains marvelous photographic plates and a complete
index. Price includes postage. (This book sold but NOT
published by AMORC.)


The Dawn of Conscience................... $5.25

(1/18/3 sterling)

The Sacred Book

For centuries m an has labored under the delusion that
there had been preserved the collected books of the great
teachers and disciples yet one had been withheld!
Within the hallowed pages of the great Bible itself are
references to this lost book which have puzzled the devout
an d students for centuries. As if b y Divine decree, the
Bible appears to cry out to m ankind that its sanctity had
been violated, its truth veiled, for we find these two pas
sages exclaiming: "Is not this written in the Book of
Jasher?"Joshua 10:13; "Behold, it is written in the Book
of Jasher:" 2 Sam. 1:18.
Brought to Light
Alcuin discovered an d translated this great lost book
of the Bible in 800 A.D. Later it was suppressed and then
rediscovered in 1829 and once again suppressed.
But now we bring to you AN ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPHIC
REPRODUCTION of this magnificent work, page for page,
line for line, unexpurgated. This enlightening work is
bound in original style. Price includes postage.


Book of /asher.

.......................... $2.95
(1/1/9 sterling)

Glands Our Invisible Guardians

by M. W. Kapp, M.D.

A History of Egypt
by James H. Breasted, Ph. D.

The Classic of Egypt's Past

The magnificence of ancient Egyptian culture radiates
from the pages of this volume, The words and illustrations
breathe the vitality of a once great civilization.
The author, founder of the
famed Oriental Institute at
the University of Chicago,
has illustrated this volume
with 200 illustrations and
maps. For over a century,
this 634-page book has been
accepted as the standard
history of the ancient Egyp
tians. Beautiful cloth binding
a real library treasure!
(Sold but NOT published by
Price includes postage

............... $13.00
(4/15/- sterling)

Look at yourself in the mirror. As you search your face

you will realize your weaknesses and know your strong
points as well, but DO YOU REALIZE that minute organic
substances glands often cause them? They affect your
growth, height, weight; they influence your thinking, your
likes, and dislikes;
th e y m a k e yo u
dominant or ex
tremely phlegmatic-negative. These
i n v is ib l e guardi
ans of your per
sonal welfare help
fashion your char
acter and influ
ence y o u r per
Each glandular excess or deficiency produces a glan
dular type a distinct kind of personality. If you learn
the characteristics of glandular types you can better fit
yourself into the social or business worlds. This fine
book presents for the first time these scientifically correct
facts, with their mystical interpretation, in simple non
technical language. Replete with illustrations, indexed,
handsomely bound, and stamped in gold. Price includes


Glands Our Invisible Guardians.....$1.95

(14/6 sterling)

of Self

The K e y to the Art of

Concentration and M em orizing

Ralph M. Lewis, F. R.C.

An Amazing
Revelation for
Attaining Personal

Are Bad Memory

and Faulty Concentration
W asting Years
of Your Life?
Have you a motion-picture mind? Are your thoughts a
jum ble of fleeting mental pictures? If you must read a
paragraph two or three times to register its contents in
your consciousness, you have faulty concentration. Do
you go through life lamenting, "If only I could remember"?
Saralden, Ph.D., of the Rose-Croix University of Belgium,
prepared two marvelous treatises to help master this
problem. Their practical help cannot be denied. Books I
and II sold as a unit. Price includes postage.


Concentration and Memorizing

Set of 2 books


(5/6 sterling)

DO YOU KNOW that happiness begins with yourself?

Are you continually torn by a conflict of desires a rest
lessness that makes this or that seem necessary to have
or to do? Do you find that things once longed for, often
fall far short of the personal satisfaction you expected
of them?
You can now learn which of your feelings to discard
as enslaving influences and which to retain as worthy
incentives. Here is a book that points out how you can
take recourse to your inner consciousness. There you
m ay find a sanctuary from the bitter disillusionments that
spring from wrong thought and action!

Living Fully . . .
Learn how to use the four quarters
of life through which must pass
every human being who lives a
normal life span. Each quarter has
its own reward. Get the most from
your age. O btain from each period
of your life what those particular
years are intended to provide.

The Spiritual
Property of Food
Measure Your Happiness
By Your Diet!

A Few of Many Chapters

Are there days when the sun is

shining an d all nature is smiling
and yet YOU are despondent? Do
you experience periods of depressed
spirits when life seems to settle
about you like a cloud of gloom?
Do you realize the reason is most likely the food you eat?
Each morsel of food contains subtle elements which direct
ly affect the magnetic balance of your entire being. Your
state of happiness depends not alone on what you eat,
but when and how. Learn the nature of this mysterious
influence which diet exerts on your thinking and mental
life. This helpful book makes the mystery of diet quite
understandable. Price includes postage.


Self and Soul


Love and Desire

Nature of Dreams

Living Fully


Entering the Silence

Mastership and Perfection


Cosmic Consciousness

Over 350 Pages !

In this book the author, Ralph M. Lewis, F.R.C., Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, A.M.O.R.C., brings to
you the results of his years of experience with the prac
tical aspects of mysticism. Beautifully and well-bound.
Printed in large type. Price includes postage.

Spiritual Property of Food......................50c

............... S3.10

(3/9 sterling)

(1/2/9 sterling)

A Stud ents
History of Philosophy

The Sign

by Arthur Kenyon Rogers, Ph. D.

How much more do we really know today about birth,
death, life and the nature of the soul than did the an
cients? W hat were the great, simple truths taught by such
men as Socrates and Plato? How old are the doctrine of
relativity and the theory of evolution? A Student's His
tory of Philosophy answers these questions simply and
Recommended for Rosicrucians
This text is a fascinating history of ancient, medieval,
and modern philosophy. It is most simply written and
quite understandable, even for the beginner. We partic
ularly recommend it to Rosicrucian Fifth Degree members,
as excellent supplementary reading. Attractively bound,
and stamped in gold. Price includes postage. (This book
sold but NOT published by AMORC.)


Student's History of Philosophy........$5.25

(1/18/3 sterling)

Ancient Symbolism
The Language of
Eternal Truth
W hat were the Sacred Traditions said
to have been revealed to Moses and
never spoken by the ancient Hebrews?
W hat were the forces of nature discovered by the Egyp
tian priesthood an d embodied in strange symbolssym
bols which became the everliving knowledge which built
King Solomon's Temple, an d which found their w ay into
the secret teachings of every century? Learn the meaning
of the Anchor an d Ark, the Seven-Pointed Star, ancient
Egyptian hieroglyphs, an d m any other age-old secret
Compact Thorough
This new book on symbolism is fully illustrated and
simply and interestingly written. Attractively printed and
bound. Price includes postage.


Behold the Sign....................................$1.60

(11/9 sterling)

M ental Poisoning
Thoughts That Enslave Minds
Tortured souls, human beings, whose self-confidence
and peace of mind have been torn to shreds by invisible
darts the evil thoughts of others. Can envy, hate, and
jealousy be projected through space from the mind of an
other? Do poisoned thoughts like mysterious rays reach
through the ethereal realm to claim innocent victims?
W ill wishes and commands born in hate gather momen
tum and like an avalanche descend upon a helpless
m an or woman in a series of calamities? Must humanity
remain at the mercy of evil influences created in the
minds of the vicious? Millions each year are mentally
poisoned. Mental Poisoning is the
title of one of the last books writ
ten by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, which
fearlessly discloses this psycho
logical problem. It is sensational
in its revelations.
Exceptional Offer
Economically produced, so it can
be in the hands of thousands be
cause of the benefit it will afford
readers. Price includes postage.


by Dr. Richard M. Bucke

A Split Second
in Eternity!
Must man die to release his
inner consciousness? Can we ex
perience momentary flights of the
Man's mind can be attuned to
the Infinite Wisdom for a flash
of a second. During this brief in
terval intuitive knowledge, great
inspiration, and a new vision of our life's mission are had.
The ancients knew and taught this as Cosmic Conscious
nessthe merging of man's m ind with the Universal
Large Authoritative
These laws and principles are magnificently portrayed
in the classical work on the subject entitled, Cosmic Con
sciousness, by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke. The author was
not only a mystic but was well versed in the principles
of psychology. The book is large, sixe 7" x 10, and con
tains nearly 400 pages! Beautifully bound and printed.
Price includes postage. (Sold but not published by

Mental Poisoning ............................... $2.15

(15 '9 sterling)

(2/5/3 sterling)

What to Eat . . . and W hen

by Stanley K. Clark, M. D.

Mix Your Foods With Facts

Do you know
how to use
the subtle
link betw een
your psy
chic m ind
a n d your

"M ind over matter" is not a trite

phrase. Your moods, your tempera
ment, your very thoughts can and
do affect digestion.

Do You Need Advice?

The author of this book, Stanley
K. Clark, M.D., C.M., F.R.C., was for
several years staff physician at the
Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. He
is a noted gastroenterologist (speci
alist in stomach and intestinal dis
orders). Your age, your sex, the kind
of work you do all these factors
determine whether your weight is
correct or wrong for you.

W hat to Eat and W hen is compact, free from unneces

sary technical terminology. Includes complete handy
index, food chart, and sample menus.


W hat to Eat And W hen.................... $2.20

(16/- sterling)

Realistic photographs of
some of the principal ex
hibits of the Rosicrucian
E g y p t i a n M u s e u m a re
brought to you. This book
also reproduces some of
the large personal paint
ings by Dr. H. Spencer
Lewis. It constitutes a vis
ual journey to the Rosicru
cian Museum.
Price in
cludes postage.


Egypt the Eternal.

............. 75c
(5/6 sterling)

Books for Children

BEGINNINGS Earth -Sky -Life -Death
by Sophia L. Fahs and Dorothy T. Spoerl
Contains entrancing stories about creation. Without
departing from the findings of science or the sentiments
of religious faith, this book gives answers that appeal to
the im agination of children. Nonsectarian. Price includes



............... $3.95
(1/8/9 sterling)

Rosicrucian G lossary
A Key to Word M eanings
When you are discussing Rosicru
cian principles with others, or when
you are reviewing your studies, are
you always sure of the m eaning of
such words as actuality, Akashic
Records, Cromaat, im aging, karma.
Nous, obscure night, and many

N eighbors

Up-to-date and detailed explanations of these terms

have been compiled by the AMORC librarian under direc
tion of Ralph M. Lewis, Imperator of AMORC.

Interesting and fascinating

are the ancient myths which
reflect early man's conception
of the heavens. Profound are
the findings of modern astron
omers as they turn gigantic telescopes on the htars and
planets. Simply and excitingly written, with complete
illustrations, is the story of ancient and modern astronomy
in a pocket-size book. Price includes postage.


Egypt the

Our Cosmic Neighbors............................75c

(5/6 sterling)


Rosicrucian Glossary

(7/3 sterling)

Spanish and French

Rosicrucian Books
We are pleased to announce that many volumes of the
Rosicrucian Library are now available in Spanish and
San Jose, California, U. S. A., for a complete list of these
publications. These editions may be had at economical
prices, varying from $1.25 to $2.00 (9/3 sterling to 14'9


Ralph M. Lewis, F.R.C.

A Book That
Challenges Belief!
This book, The Conscious Interlude, provides stimulating
adventure. It presents a liberal philosophy of life. Fig
uratively, this study places you on the threshold of reality
surveying with an open m ind all that you experience.
The book opens a world of radical thought radical only
in that the author has succeeded in freeing himself of all
traditional ideas and honestly reappraises what we have
been told and are accustomed to believe.
Consider A Few of Many Chapter Titles:
In q u iry into

Illusions of Law
a n d Order

N ature oi

Mysteries of Time
a n d Space

W ill

Fourth Dimension

Im m ortality
The D ilem m a
oi R eligion
of Conflict

The Author
Ralph M. Lewis, F.R.C., is Imperator of the Rosicrucian
Order, AMORC. The Conscious Interlude is considered
one of his most thought-provoking and fascinating works.
It is the culmination of years of original thought.
Beautifully bound and printed fully illustrated. Price
includes postage.


The Technique of the Disciple

by Raym und Andrea, F.R.C.,
Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order for Great Britain
The Path That the Masters Trod
A modern description of the ancient, esoteric path to
spiritual illumination trod by the masters and avatars of
yore. It has long been said that Christ left as a great heri
tage to members of his secret council, a private method
for guidance in life, which method has been preserved
until today, in the secret, occult mystery schools. Raymund
Andrea, the author, reveals the method for attaining a
greater life, taught in these mystery schools. It is hand
somely printed, bound in silk, an d stamped in gold. Price
includes postage.


Technique of the Disciple..................$2.50

(18/3 sterling)

The Conscious Interlude.................... $3.75

(1/7/3 sterling)

Technique of the M aster


by Raymund Andrea, F.R.C.

(For Members Only)

Between the covers of this private, bimonthly member

ship m agazine lies a wealth of information concerning
your Rosicrucian studies. The Forum consists of answers
to questions asked by Rosicrucian students everywhere.
Its frank and intimate articles are prepared by the Su
preme Grand Lodge officers of AMORC


Rosicrucian Forum ............................... $2.50


Rosicrucian Forum ............................... $4.25

(1 year's subscription)
(2-year subscription)

(18/3 sterling)

The W ay of Cosmic Preparation

A guide to inner unfoldment! The newest and simplest
explanation for attaining the state of Cosmic Conscious
ness. To those whose inner vision has at times glimpsed
infinite peace and happiness, this book is offered. It con
verts the intangible whispers of self into forceful actions
that bring real joys and accomplishments in life. It is a
masterful work on psychic unfoldment. It is well bound
in cloth. Price includes postage.

......... ...$2.50
(18/3 sterling)

^ Temple Within*

H E true tem
ple is not mere
ly a structure or

Of Gods
and Miracles
Ulrich Steindorff Carrington

Wondrous Tales of the Ancient Egyptians

Over fifty centuries ago in the land of the Nile, man
gained his first insight into spiritual values. Long before
any of the living religions or great philosophies began,
these truths were incorporated in simple tales. Fathers
related them to their sons. Sages told their disciples.
The author of this work, is the son of the late Dr. George
Steindorff, world-famous Egyptologist, and former con
sultant for the Rosicrucian Museum.

His compilation of

these authentic works, translated by world-recognized

Egyptologists, comes beautifully bound.

Price includes



Of Gods and Miracles........................$2.75

(1/-/- sterling)


a place it is a
state of conscious
ness. W h e r e v e r
you co nse crate
your thoughts and
actions to your
most noble aspi
rations, there is
te m p le .
W ithin the pri
vacy of y o u r
own sanctum you
may awaken the
m y s t ic a l c o n
sciousness as fully
as in any great
It is advisable
to surround your
self with simple
symbolic elements
th e following
objects are of a
n a t u r e designed
to help produce
the ideal harmo
nious state.

Special Combination Price!

By purchasing the follow ing articles as one com

plete sanctum set, you effect a substantial saving.
The articles are all illustrated on these pages.

All These In One:


P o sta g e Included

( 3 / 1 2 / 6 ste rlin g )


The Rosicrucian initiatory emblem of serviceto
be worn d uring sanctum convocationsused by
Rosicrucians throughout the world. B eautifully
made. Price includes postage.

S-l Sanctum R itual A pron

A v a ila b le a ls o i n L o n d o n see p a g e 3

( 1 / / s t e r lin g )


From actual color photographs.

In d ia moss-rose scentespecially prepared. Con

ducive to success in m em bership exercises. M in i
m u m order (except sterlin g), 2 boxes each with
12 long-burning cubes. Price includes postage.


Authentic reproduction o f m agnificent Egyptian
lotus-capital colum nsreplicas of those appearing
in the Rosicrucian Suprem e Temple. They are
m ounted on symbolic equilateral triangle bases
genuine ceramics. H eight: 8". Price includes post

S-l2 Rosicrucian Incense2 boxes or

24 cubes
A v a ila b le a ls o i n L o n d o n see p a g e 3
1 B o x ..... ................................................................... ( 5 / s te r lin g )

S-4 Temple Candlesticks ...... ........... $6.00

M a tc h e d


(2/3/9 s t e r lin g )

P a ir

An aid to m editationscent of roses combined

with soothing vibrations of candlelight. Price in
cludes postage.

The traditional Hermetic Rosy Cross. The symbols
inscribed on it depict esoteric truths of the ancient
Hermetic alchemists and sages. An object of beauty
and significance. O f genuine ceramicseverlasting
colors. H eight: 8". Price includes postage.

S-5 Hermetic Cross

( 1 / 5 / 6 s t e r lin g )

An incense burner which embodies the beautiful
spiritual significance of P h a r a o h Akhnatons
salutation to the dawn, and is so loved by all
Rosicrucians. The position o f his hands is one of
Rosicrucian supplication. Incense rises from the
m iniature censer on top of the altar. In ceramics
(in colors and gold). H eight: 6". Price includes

S-13 Incense Burner


S-53 Rose-Scented Candles ......

Box o f 4

(2 boxes, or 8 candles)


( 1 / 8 / 9 s t e r lin g )


Send o rd e r an d rem ittan ce to:


San Jo se , C alifo rn ia

( 1 2 / 9 s t e r lin g )

( 1 / / sterling)


For the Rosicrucian

The M aster Jesus

A b e a u t i f u l r e p lic a o f th e la r g e
o il

p a in tin g

w h ic h



cham ber


th e M a s te r Je s u s

th e

prc?me T e m p le .
h a n g in g .

th e


C o m e s re a d y

fo r

six e :

N a tu ra l

F ir m ly m o u n t e d o n s c u lp
t u r e d m a s o n it e b a se .

C o a te d a n d se a le d a g a in s t
ilu s t a n d m o is t u r e .


in itia tio n

R o s ic r u c ia n

O v e r - a ll

7 " x 9 ff.

P r ic e in c lu d e s p o s ta g e .

c o lo r ,

S-24A Master Jesus photo, m ounted


( 1 8 / 3 s te rlin g )

B EAU TIFU L M YSTIC Q U EEN -w hose very nam e
means Beautys Arrival was llie wife of Pharaoh
A klm aton. This bust statue has been declared by
leading artists and sculptors as representing an exqui
site mystical grace, and an ideal form of fem inine
This lifelike, homesize replica stands seven inches
high. Price includes postage.

S-52 Nefertiti bust

( 2 / 6 / 6 s t e r lin g )

The articles described on the following pages

have been provided because of necessity. They
were created to meet the demands of the Rosi
crucian students for articles and objects which
w ould assist them in their studies and help them
better to conduct various experiments, or would
beautify and sanctify their home sanctums. Each
article, therefore, has been made with the needs
of Rosicrucian students in mind. These articles
are serviceable, unique, and artistic, yet priced
so that the purchase will not work a hardship on
any student; consequently, they are within the
reach of all.
W e welcome, from time to time, your sugges
tions as to other commodities that we can pre
sent, which will be of practical and artistic value,
and which you feel the Rosicrucian Supply Bu
reau, a service department, should offer.

The Mystic King

The exquisitely sculptured head by one of America's

foremost artists depicts the royal character of Amenhotep
IV, or Akhnaton. This pharaoh of ancient Egypt is re
garded as the world's first individual, the progenitor of
a belief in One God, and as being responsible for revita
lizing the entire art and culture of the ancient Egyptian
civilization. He is regarded as the traditional Grand
Master of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. Authentically
modeled--especially designed for AMORC. Stands 7
inches Kgh. Price includes postage. (See illustration on
opposite pace.)


Akhnciton bust .........

*.................. $6.40
(2/6/6 sterling)

SPECIAL OFFER: Akhnaton and Nefertiti

busts, matched pair


(4/9/6 sterling)

Egyptian Scarabs
The World's First Jewelry

Unit I

Out of the past have come legends of their mysterious

influence. The legends we m ay disregard, but the beauty
and rarity of these scarabs, we cannot. Direct from Cairo,
Egypt, we have received an unusual collection of scarabs
of different designs an d inscribed with strange hiero
glyphics. They are excellent for m ounting on rings,
brooches, bracelets or as watch fobs. Price includes


Egyptian Scarab ......................................85c

(6/3 sterling)

The Passion of M a tte r

If you will give us your ring size, we

will place these scarabs in an antique
silver mounting of an exact Egyptian de
sign, patterned after ancient rings on dis
play in our Egyptian museum. The scarab
is mounted on a swivel so that hiero
glyphics underneath m ay be easily seen.
(See illustrations.) O btain your ring size
by consulting your jeweler. Price in
cludes Federal Excise Tax and postage.

The Cosmic Influence of Magnetism


Silver Scarab Ring..................................$8.25


Gold Scarab Ring...............................$12.10


Silver Scarab Necklace..........................$7.20


Gold Scarab Necklace....................... $11.55

(2/14/9 sterling)
(4/-/- sterling)
(2/7/9 sterling)

AS ABOVE SO BELOW. Like repels like and attracts

unlike. Myriads of minute particles dance in frenzy about
each other on the point of a pin. Overhead, whirling
stars race through the infinite reaches of space to find
their affinity drawn by an irresistible attraction.
By means of simple home experiments, you can explore
this fascinating phenomenon of magnetism. Demonstrate
to yourself how magnetism is introduced into objects
and the ways it can be destroyed. Make your own com
pass; investigate the relationship of polarity to the m ag
netic poles of the earth.

Hours of Fascinating Experiments

Emblem Cuff Links

and Bracelet
Exquisite in their simplicity
the gold cuff links have the
Rosicrucian e m b le m i n l a i d
with enamel.
The g o ld c h a in bracelet
holds a pendant containing
the Rosicrucian emblem inlaid
with enamel. Prices include
Federal Excise Tax and post


Emblem Bracelet ....


Cuff Links ............................................1..S8.75

(2/12/- sterling)
(3/3/6 sterling)

You can perform

all of the magnetism
experiments in the
in g s a n d m a n y
more. No scientific
knowledge or train
ing is necessary.
You receive: 25
pages of instruc
tions; 20 pieces of
equipment; 16 basic
e x p e r im e n ts ; and
supplementary elec
tromagnetic experi
ments. Price includes


Rosicrucian Laboratorium Unit I


(1/11/- sterling)

An Alchemical Laboratorium

Exp erim en ts In
M ental P h en o m en a!

Your home will be your laboratory. In its pri

vacy you can conduct explorations into the con
scious and subconscious minds. Simple instruc
tions . . . fascinating experiments similar to those
used by outstanding researchers into the realm
of the hum an consciousness and intelligence.
The D ev il's W orkshop

Behind barred doors, in iil-lighted, musiy garrets, gath

ered the monsters. Monsters they were said to be, who
with strange rites and powers conjured the devil's m ira
cles. Who were these beings? They were the alchemists
of the Middle Ages, the fathers of our modern chemistry
an d pharmacy. They worked an d struggled to wrest from
Nature her secrets for the benefit of mankind. Misunder
stood, the masses accused them of witchcraft, threatened
their lives and compelled them to conceal themselves in
a mysterious manner an d veil their astounding formulas
an d truths in mystical terms.
These Alchemical Secrets and Formulas
For Your Home Workshop and Laboratory
In your own home, workshop, or little experimental
laboratory, you can duplicate fascinating experiments
from the formulas of the great Paracelsus, renowned
p h y s i c ia n and al
chemist of the six
teenth century and
' "\
those of F. Jollivet
Castelot, Rosicrucian
\1 A
alchemist of France.
/ \
You can learn how
'I \ 1

to extract the essence

r a /
of herbs. Experiment
yV . r\
with alchemical spir1
itual properties test
A*-- *
ancient formulas for
artificial creation of
precious stones try
^43L*?5 b J
the actual transmutaNecessary equipm ent a n d
tio n of m in e r a ls .
accessories provided.
No previous scientific training required.

Exercises in imagination, visualization, extra

sensory perception, mental telepathy, reasoning,
illusions, judgment . . . and other intriguing sub
jects of mind.
Scie n tifically Correct

Sim ple


Hours of fun, instruction, and useful advice

An opportunity to truly test and improve your powers
of mind
No previous education in the subjects required
Experiments can be conducted also by family and
Equally interesting for men and women
This laboratory kit (box dimensions are 11" x 15" x 2")
contains everything you need apparatus, charts, guide
book, diagrams . . . and also a recording of vocal in

The first practical alchemical course ever offered in

modern times. Fascinating for women as well as men.
Price includes postage.


Alchemical Laboratorium ..................$11.00

(4/-/- sterling)


Psychology Laboratorium ....................S7.50

(2/14/9 sterling)

Sanctum Altar Scarf


To cover your desk, table, or stand during the period

of your meditations, we suggest a sanctum scarf, now
available through the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau. This
beautiful, simply-styled scarf is handm ade, with Rosicru
cian symbolism an d harmonious colors against a whitecloth background. Because of special arrangements with
the seamstress, these scarves can be offered at very little
cost. Price includes postage.


Sanctum Altar Scarf


............... $3.75
(1/7/3 sterling)

Travel Credential
Good for current year
(w ith active m em bership card)

Place for photo

Fits Rosicrucian Identification
Gives your name, address, key number, and the Degree
in which you are studying. Ready identification when
traveling out of the country or between lodges and chap
ters where you wish to attend classes, initiations, or other
special events for your Degree only.
Reserve yours well in advance of your departure. Remit
50 cents (3/9 sterling) service charge with your request.
(Identification folder described on page 38.)

That C han g ed the A n cie n ts Environm ent

Two packets, one containing Hypericum and the other
Dittany, with instructions for their use are included in our
herb package.
H YPERIC U M derived its nam e from H yperion, the sun-god of
anc ien t G reece. It sym bolized the incarnation of Divine Light or
W isd o m on earth. Its technical Latin nam e is Hypericum Per
foratum . It is extensively m entioned in the w ritings of Paracelsus.
DITTANY w as first discovered atop M ount Dikto, on the mys
terious isla n d of Crete, b y the ancient Greeks. It is im m ortalized
in the poems of Virgil. Its technical nam e is O rig an u m D ictam nus.

Try them burn them. Notice their appealing fragrance

the passive atmosphere they create.
Price includes postage.
Note: These herbs are not offered for medicinal or curative


Herb packet ........................................... S1.00

(7/3 sterling)

Thought - Provoking Discourses

Keys to fascinating fields of study . . .
These special articles were formerly reserved for new
subscribers to the Rosicrucian Digest. Because of the
many requests in recent years for information on these
subjects, these articles have since been made available
through the Rosicrucian Supply Bureau at special low
Share the mystery and adventure contained in these
discourses. Look at the titles below. Choose the ones
you would most like to have! Ask for them by title. (List
of other titles also available on request.)
D ollars

Suspended Animation ........._............... $1.00

... .50
Oriental Secrets ...................
Black Magic . ............
... .50
We Live Again
Mystical Thoughts .................................
Why Fear? ....................................... .......
Supersight or Third Eye........................ _ .50
._ 1.00
One-Minute Addresses ......
Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians___ . 1.00
Art of Mental Creating------------- _ .50



Mystical Aroma of the East
Especially selected and imported from
India, this incease is Alankar . . . it
means spiritual ornaments or the inner
jewels of virtue such as charity, devo
tion, and love.
Each package of 20 sticks will burn
for hours. Each stick need be used only
a few moments at a time. Sealed in a
metal tube.
Ii desired, a chrome finished holder, as shown
at right, can be had for but 50< additional.

India Incense (20 sticks)

............. $1.75
(12/9 sterling)

Rosicrucian Phonograph Records

Attaining Cosmic Consciousness

(For Members Only)

oi Life.



Personal Oral Instruction

The spoken word! Here on one longAT-ONE-NESS with the Infinite . . . The most sublime
playing, 33$ RPM, 10-inch recording is
experience of which m an is capable! In every age men
the voice of Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, first
Imperator of the present Rosicrucian
have sought it. Theologians called it revelation . . . Psy
cycle, explaining the proper pronuncia
chologists refer to it as
tion of vowel sounds. He conducts your
sublim inal motivation . . .
Cathedral contact period for you. He
Mystics know it as Cosmic
opens and closes your sanctum ses
Consciousness. Now av ail
sions. Also included are organ renditions of the Colombe's
able for the first time . . .
ritualistic march, Secreto Eterno, and Ah, Sweet Mystery
personal oral instruction in the
technique for attaining this unity
7 Vowels and Music.............. $2.95
with the Absolute. This excellent
recording was made by Ralph M.
(1/1/9 sterling)
Lewis, F.R.C., Im
perator of the Rosic r u c ia n O r d e r ,
AMORC. It is re
plete with exer
cises which can
be u s e d d a i l y
with pleasure and
Especially prepared to present u n i
versal truths in simple, story-like form.
Full double-sided, 12-inch record. 33$ RPM long-play
The recording, narrated by Imperator
ing hi-fidelity recording. For members only. Price includes
Ralph M. Lewis, also encourages good
behavior, consideration, and other vir
tues through special exercises. 33$ rpm,
S-65 Attaining Cosmic Consciousness.........$2.95
double-sided, 10-inch record. Price in
(1/1/9 sterling)
cludes postage.

Childrens Record


Record 8 Children's Record................ $2.95

(1/1/9 sterling)

Tape Recordings
The Personal Touch . . . throug h the spoken icord!

The Science of Mysticism

Personal Instruction by the Spoken Word
Concentration, Contemplation, Meditation. These three
techniques embrace our whole existence. In this record,
Ralph M. Lewis, Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order,
speaks to you with mastery of the subject matter, and
with the full clarity of a perfect recording. Price includes


Science of Mysticism..............................$2.95
(1/1/9 sterling)
33J RPM Long-Playing Hi-Fidelity

In the quiet of your own home, through hi-fidelity tape

recordings, you now can hear addresses by Rosicrucian
officers. Listed below are only a FEW of the interesting
subjects available. W ith any purchase, or on request, you
will receive a complete list of all tapes available at this
time. All tapes made at 7" per second, dual track.


L ength



I. D. Freeman 12 min.


Finding Personal Peace

R. M. Lewis

12 min.


Seven-fold Wisdom of Hermes J. Disher

30 min.


12 min.


(P anel discussion: C . A. Poole,

J. R. W h itco m b, A. Piepenbrink)

17 min.


Planned & Purposeful Living

R. R. Clayson 15 min.


The Liberal Mind

R. M. Lewis


Psychic Initiation

R. M. Lewis

Concept of Soul

12 min.

Dr. H. Spencer Lewis the M an P. Falcone

18 min.


Mystic in a Modern World

A. Taliaferro

30 min.


Requesting Cosmic Help

R. M. Lewis

12 min.


NOTE: Please specify "tape recording" when ordering

the above titles.


Rosicrucian Seals
These Rosicrucian seals are about
the size of a twenty-five cent piece,
beautifully printed in red, and em
bossed gold. If you would like to
announce the nam e of the organiza
tion to your friends, and at the same
time have an attractive little seal for your stationery, we
would suggest that you secure them. Price includes


Rosicrucian Seals (package of 100).......60c

Available also in London see P. 3 (4/- sterling)

Auto W indshield Seals

Distinctive red-and-gold decals.
Size, approximately three inches
in diameter. Quickly an d secure
ly applied to the inside or outside
of your car window; on bumpers,
luggage, house windows, or on
other smooth surfaces. Like the
Rosicrucian seal above, these
decal transfers will announce in
a dignified and impressive way
the name of AM ORC to all who see them. Price includes


Auto Windshield Seals..............................25c

11 x 14 Inches
The Rosicrucian Creed
sets forth the definite
creed of what the Rosicrucians k n o w t h r o u g h
their studies, substituting
the word know for be
lieve, which is particular
ly impressive in contrast
with m any other beliefs
and philosophies. An at
tractive, inspirational placard for the walls of your
sanctum. Price includes postage.


Rosicrucian Creed Card..............................65c

(4/9 sterling)

To M aat

Available also in Londonsee P. 3 (1/9 sterling)

11 x 14 Inches

Package of 5 Seals, only...................... $1.00

Available also in Londonsee P. 3 (7/- sterling)

Sw eef Rosae Crucis

A Rosicrucian Composition
Music of the Spheres
The ancients proclaimed
that the perfect mathemat
ical arrangement of the
planets produced magnifi
cently enrapturing vibra
tions which became known
SPHERES. M a n y of the
Rosicrucian com positions,
such as Sweet Rosae Cru
cis, have captured emotion
ally a portion of these
harmonies. Members will
find that this composition,
dedicated at the first Rosi
crucian New Year ceremony to be held in this jurisdiction,
produces a soothing, peaceful effect. Price includes post


Sweet Rosae Crucis............................... 75c

The Confession to Maat

is taken from the confes
sion w h ic h w a s o r a lly
made in antiquity in the
Chamber of Maat in the
Egyptian Temple of Initi
ation, and as recorded in
the famous Book of the
Dead. "M aat" is the Egyp____________ __ _______ _
tian word for truth." The
magnificent wording of this placard is set off distinctively
an d attractively. Price includes postage.


Confession to M a a t

(4/9 sterling)

View Postcards in Color

Actual photographic postal view cards of the various
structures at Rosicrucian Park; the Egyptian Temple,
Egyptian Shrine, Planetarium, Auditorium, Administration
buildings, grounds, and Museum exhibits. Minimum order
consists of an assortment of 12 cards (or 5 lumbo cards).
Price includes postage.


View Post Cards (assortment of 12).......80c

(6/- sterling)


Jumbo Card (Three views of Rosicru

cian Park) Assortment of 5 Cards for $1.00

(5/6 sterling)


(7/3 sterling)

A M O RC -A ddressed Envelopes
Size: 9 x 4 inches.
Price includes


AMORC-Addressed Envelopes (100). $1.75

Stud ents
The Shortest Line
Between You and
Your Correspondent
Is By W ay of This
Tablet 1

Large 8J x 11-inch sheets

Avail, also in London see p. 3 (50) (12/9 sterling)

Special stationery to fit a special need saves the stu

dent much unnecessary loss of time and assures that
personal attention which makes the pursuit of knowledge
an enjoyable venture. The cover of the tablet is a useful
blotter and upon it are printed all essential instructions
tablet contains 75 sheets of strong, light bond paper. At
the top of each sheet is printed information for the proper
direction of your letters. Price includes postage.

M em bership
Holds Study and
Dues Cards


Correspondence Tablet
Available also in Londonsee p. 3

Red Vinyl Plastic

(10/3 sterling)

3 Tablets for only .................................. $3.50

p. 3 (1/5/6 sterling)

Pocket and Purse Size

4 i7(t by

Available also in Londonsee

Stamped in Gold
Also contains quick reference card, showing principal
periods of contact with Cathedral of the Soul for special
needs. Price includes postage.


Identification Folder .............................$1.15


Available also in Londonsee p. 3 (7 /- sterling)

For the Growth

of Your Library!

(For New-Style Monographs)

HAVE YOU wondered if there were available a neat

book-styie binder for the copies of your Rosicrucian Digest
a binder that would avoid the usual excessive binding
costs? We now offer just such a binder. Look at these
fine features. Price includes postage.

W hy let your lessons become lost or jumbled? This

expanding pocket-style binder will hold half a year's
monographs. It is well made, stamped in gold with the
name and symbol of the Order. It contains an index
form for easy reference. Price includes postage.



Student's Lesson Binder.......................$2.40

M aroon, buckram-style leatherette cover

Nam e a n d symbols stam ped in g o ld
Telescoping pocket holds twelve issues of the Rosicrucian Digest
Each copy can be separately a n d easily removed w ithout dam age
Dimensions: 10i x 8 x

Rosicrucian Digest Binder.................... $2.40

Available also in London see p. 3 (17/6 sterling)

(17/6 sterling)

3 Lesson Binders for only......................$5.95

(3 Binders for only)............................... $5.95

(2/3/3 sterling)

(2/3/3 sterling)

Sup rem e Temple

Pictorial Guide

The Leisure Hour Series - A and B

Concise, inspiring, informative reading. Two complete
sets of six books each. Price includes postage.
Is the pineal gland a remnant of this organ?
Are man's psychic sensitivity and inner percep
tion dependent upon it?

Exquisite Photographs


Here is a mystical and scientific treatment of
this great phenomenon that will fascinate you.

The next best thing to actually

attending a Convocation in the
Supreme Temple is to have this
N a tu ral Color
beautiful guidebook. The large
front cover, 10x7, portrays the temple's natural color.
This handsome structure, the focal point of interest of all
Rosicrucians, is a reproduction of two ancient Egyptian
temples. The pages of the book show the exceptional art
an d architectural design, including the antechambers and
ancillary rooms of the temple edifice. The photographs
can be easily framed to make attractive w all decorations.


Supreme Temple Guide

Learn the basic psychological principles un
derlying crystal gazing, automatic writing, and
different kinds of fortunetelling.
Learn how to see the future develop logically
and intelligently out of the present.
Learn how m an m ay know the order of this
universe of which he is a part.

(7/3 sterling)


How does color affect your life? What is the
mystical law of color attraction?


Leisure Hour Series-A.

(9/3 sterling)

The Hidden Archive


You and every mortal have access to this
Cosmic force let this booklet tell you about
aw akening and directing it.
Make your thoughts into effective causes
from which will follow realities.
Here is a book that tells how to aid in the
receiving and recovering of health from the
use of long-established methods of self-healing.
What are the psychological principles which
mystics use to attain mystical enlightenment
and God relationship?

woo c/o u w a l/


lust beyond the memory of m an lies a treasure of

wisdom. A part of this wealth of forgotten knov.ledge
has found its w ay into the Rosicrucian Research Library.
Now, for the first time, selections from it have fce&n put
in a book which all m ay enjoy. Includes such fascinating
topics as M eaning of Number Seven Origin of Adam
and EveThe Holy Grail W ho Were the True Aryans?
Price includes postage.

...........$ 1.00
(7/3 sterling)

Here is a revelation of the practices of breath

ing for quickening the inner consciousness.
Have numbers an inherent power is it true
that such numerals as 3 and 7 are related to
hidden universal forces?



Leisure Hour Series-B....................... $1.25

(9/3 sterling)

Combined with Series-A (above).....$2.00

(14/9 sterling)

The Illustrated Series

M onograph
In d e x e s
No knowledge is so
useless as that just
beyond recall. W hy
trust to memory the
important principles
and laws of the Rosi
crucian teachings? In
t i m e of emergency
when you need these helpful teachings most, locate their
full explanation quickly and easily in the monographs
use these monograph indexes. They place every subject
title of the Rosicrucian teachings at your finger tips.
Cat. No.




Neophyte (1st, 2nd, and 3rd degrees). $1.25


Temple (1st to 4th degree, inclusive) $1.25


Temple (5th and 6th degrees)



Temple (7th and 8th degrees)



Temple (9th degree)



Temple (A degree)



Temple (B degree. Part I)



Temple (B degree. Part II)


Temple (C degree, Part I)



Temple (C degree. Part II)



Temple (C degree. Part III)


(Sterling: $1.25 9/3;

$1.75 12/9)

A Complete Set of Three Books

Fully illustrated, short,
subject matter of popular
informative, instructive,
designed, they also make

economical, and packed with

interest, the following items are
and entertaining. Attractively
excellent gifts.

It Began
In Egypt
Series A an d B of It Be
gan in Egypt contain ex
citing, short illustrated sto
ries of common implements
everyone knows. These in
clude the fascinating origin
of toys boats cosmetics
taxes barbers etc.

Man Against Darkness

M an Against Darkness tells of and pictures the contribu
tions of 51 great men from Moses to Einstein.
Sold only in combination with It Began in Egypt, Series
A and B. These three books sold only as a unit. Price
includes postage.


The Illustrated Series..................$1.20

(9/- sterling)

Rosicrucian Digest In d e x e s
Cat. No.




Rosicrucian Digest (1948-1952).....$1.75

Constitution and Statutes

of the Grand Lodge

In d e x of Experim ents
The value of the Rosicrucian teachings is in their ap
plication to the problems of the day. To waste valuable
time in searching for this help is to deprive yourself of
the advantages of these monographs as well as of a
quicker understanding of the lessons themselves. With
this index you can locate every important topic, subject,
and principle of the AM ORC teachings.

Every member should have a copy of the Constitution

an d Statutes of the Grand Lodge, for reference as to his
rights and privileges. The Constitution and Statutes are
bound in a small booklet, providing space for a record of
the student's initiations an d progress through various
Degrees. Price includes postage.



Index of Experiments............................. $ .25

(1/9 sterling)

Constitution and Statutes........................25c

(1/9 sterling)

To our M e m b e rs and Friends in

This is to advise that certain banks will now receive
remittances toward the purchase of AM ORC BOOKS from
the United States, as follows:


A u stra lia :
Either forward your remittance to the Bank of New
South Wales, Box No. 2722-C, G.P.O., Sydney, or take
your remittance to the nearest branch of the Bank of
New South Wales. W hen you make your remittance to
the bank, state that you wish the amount credited to
"AM O RC FUNDS," and that a receipt be given you for
the amount of your remittance.
W hen the bank issues you a receipt for the amount
of your remittance, always forward the receipt, with your
book order, to the ROSICRUCIAN ORDER, AMORC, San
lose, California, U. S. A. This receipt will be accepted
by us as evidence of your remittance.
Note: All prices in this catalogue are given in sterling.
Please remit the equivalent in Australian Pounds.
Also state which books your remittance covers.

N ew Z e a la n d :
Members m ay now order AMORC books directly from
the Chapter Book Agency, Auckland Chapter, AMORC,
1 Coleridge Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland W. 2, which
now holds an import license for this purpose. Be sure
your complete name and address appear on all forms.

Sterling A re a
(B ritish W e st In d ie s, e t c .) :

Remittances for the purchase of books from the United

States m ay be made through the National Provincial
Bank, Ltd., O ld Bank Branch, 36 Corn Street, Bristol,
England, using the regular remittance form provided by
AM ORC for the remittance of dues. Please state which
books your remittance covers when sending b a n : receipt.

G -68

Art of Absent H e a lin g ........................... ......... ...................... 10
B eginnings .................... ...... ....................... .................. .......... 19
Behold the S ig n ........................................................... .............. 17
Book of Jasher............................................................................... 13
C h ild of the S u n ......._....... ....................... ...... .................. 19
C oncentration a n d M em orizing-------- ------------ .... 14
C onscious Interlude ......................... ...... .... ............................. 20
Constitution a n d Statutes.................................. ...................... 43
Cosmic Consciousness
D a w n of Conscience.... _____________________________________ 12
Egypt, the E ternal........ .............................................................. 19
G la n d s O u r Invisible G u ard ia n s. ...................... ................. 13
H idden Archive ........... ............................ ......... ........................ 40
History of E g yp t........... ......................................................................... 12
Illustrated Series
Indexes ........................
Leisure H our Series..
Lem uria .... ...................
M ansions of the Soul..
M ental Poisoning ...... ........................................................ -......
M ystical Life of Jesus............. ...................................................
Mystics at Prayer................ ........ ............................ -............
- iracles............
-.......... ........ ....................
Of G ods a n d- M
O u r Cosm ic N eighbors.......... .......................................................................
Rosicrucian Forum ................. . ................... ......... ..........................
R osicrucian G lossary .......... ..
Rosicrucian M a n u a l ....................................._ ...... ...... . .......
Rosicrucian Principles .................. .......... ..... ..........................
Rosicrucian Q uestions a n d Answ ers....................................
Sanctuary of Self............................. ......................... ...................
Secret Doctrines of Jesus.............. ........................ -......
Self-Mastery a n d Fate.............................-..... ..........................
Sepher Yezirah ....................... ...... .......................... -.................
Son of the S u n ..........................................................................
Spanish - French Books ......................................... ...................
Spiritual Property of Food........................................................
Student's History of Philosophy............ ......... ...... ...... ...........
Supreme Temple G u id e .................................... ....... .................
Sym bolic Prophecy of G reat P y ra m id ............................. ......
T echnique of the Disciple........................................... .............
Technique of the Master...................... ..... ....... ..................
T housand Years of Yesterdays..............................................."U n to Thee I G rant " ..... ........ ..................... ....... ..................
W hat To Eat And W h e n ................ ........... -.........-..............






C at. No.



U nited K ing dom :

Remittances for the purchase of books from the United
States, to the extent of one book per month, may now be
made through Barclays Bank Limited, West End Foreign
Branch, 1, Pall Mall East, London, S.W. 1, England, using
the regular form provided by AM ORC for the remittance
of dues. Please state which books your remittance covers
when sending bank receipt.


B ooks:
C at. No.


Akhnaton Bust ............................
.... 25
Apron, Sanctum .............................
Binders, Lesson a n d D ig est____
..... 28
Bracelet ..........................................
._... 25
C andles
C and le Snuffers ............................................ ..........-.......... 46-47
Candlesticks ........................... ... ................................................. 24
Coin, Cycles of Life................................................. ...... ........ 4
Confession to M a a t.................... ............................................... 37
Correspondence Tablets ............ ........................................... 39
Creed, Rosicrucian ................................................... ............... 37
Cross a n d C h a in ................. ............... ..... ........ ....................46-47
Cuff Links ................ .................................................................... 28
Emblem s, Mem bership ...... ....................................................... 47
Envelopes, AMORC-addressed ................................ .............. 38
Hermetic Cross .......................................................................... 24
Identification Folder ................................................................. 38
Ii.cense ...................................................................................25, 33
Incense Burner ....... ............. ...... ............ ........... ..... ......... . 24
Laboratorium s ........................................... ............ ........29-30-31
Lam ps, Temple ........................ 4 ................................................ 47
Master J9sus P h o to ................. .............................. ..... .............. 26
Nefertiti Bust .............................. :................................ ..... ....... 26
........... .......... ............................................ ................ 37
Records, Phonograph ................ ..... .................................... 34-35
R ings, Membership ...................... ........................ ..... ...........48-47
Scarabs. Plain a n d M ounted.................................................... 28
Scarf, Sanctum A ltar................................................................... 32
S e a ls ................................................... .......... ..................... ......... 36
S lides. 35-mm..................................................................... .. ...... 2
Sweet Rosae Crucis, M usic..... ...... ..................................... .... 36
Tape Recordings ......................................... ........................ ..... 35
Tie C hain ....... ,.................... .................................. ....... ....... 46-47
Travel Credential ......................... ............. ........................ 32

Fraternal Tie Clasps

Each tie clasp listed displays the Rosicrucian

emblem. 10-K gold-filled. Price includes Federal
Excise Tax and postage. (For members only.)

Tie Chain ............................................. $5.75



(2/1/9 sterling)

Tie Tack ............................................... $3.25

(Not illustrated)


(1/3/9 sterling)

Tie B a r ................................................... $6.30

(With alligator clasp. Not illustrated.)
(2/5/9 sterling)

Rosicrucian Gold Crosses

(See illustration, opposite page)

An exquisitely designed, dainty Rosy Cross
emblem, only one-inch long, made of 10-K GOLD,
surmounted with an attractive synthetic ruby. The official,
traditional emblem of the Order. Complete with 18-inch
gold-filled chain. Price includes Federal Excise Tax and
postage. (For members only.)


Rosicrucian Gold Cross and C hain.......$5.85

Avail, also in Londonsee p. 3

M em bership Rings

(See illustration, opposite page)

A membership ring is a magnet that draws out
of the daily passing throng, the indifferent world,
the people you should know and make your friends.
These rings have the membership emblem set in an em
bossed Egyptian design consisting of the sphinx and
pyramids. Obtain size by consulting your jeweler. Price
includes Federal Excise Tax and postage. (For members


Men's Silver Ring .............................. ., $8.80

Avail, also in Londonsee p. 3

Women's Silver Ring..............................$8.20


Men's Gold Ring......................... A........ $23.10

Avail, also in London see p. 3


(3/-/- sterling)
(9/5/- sterling)

Women's Gold Ring............................. $20.90

Avail, also in London see p. 3

(8/-/- sterling)


Men's White Gold Ring................ $27.50


Women's White Gold Ring.......... $24.20

(9/8/- sterling i
(8/4/9 sterling >

Candle Snuffers

(See illustration, opposite page)

Mystically, candle illumination depicts tiyGreater LIGHT that permeates the Universe.
Snuffing candles, mystically symbolizes the merging of
their flames with the energy of light everywhere. Hand
some imported brass length, 12 inches. Price includes


Candle Snufler

Em blem s to W ear
Distinctive, unusually attractive emblems, consisting of
a m ens style with screw back, and a women's style with
patent safety-catch pin. Price includes postage and Fed
eral Excise Tax. (For members only.)


Men's Emblem ....................................... $2.50

Available also in London see p. 3


(13/9 sterling)

M ystic Temple Lam ps

(total hanging-Iength, 22 inches)

Special arrangements have

Deen made in Cairo to have
some of the mystic temple
lamps of Egypt made a v ail
able to members. Handmade
by craftsmen of a centuries-old
art. Hcndblown glass and solid
brass. Price includes postage.


(8/9 sterling)

Women's Emblem ................................. $2.75

A vailable also in London see p. 3

(3/-/- sterling)


Avail, also in Londonsee p. 3

Illustrations slightly sm aller

than actu al size.

(3/10/- sterling)

Mystic Temple
Lfr;nps ............ $7.50
(2/14/9 sterling)

(8/9 sterling)

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