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San Diego, California Thursday, March 19, 2015 2 pages

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One Child Per Family?



China's population is continuing to increase

very rapidly and is around 1.2 billion people
today. For over 30 years the idea for the one
child policy was to decrease the population by
limiting the amount of family members to
just one child per family in the country. The
one child policy has been one of the most
effective ways that the government in China
has realized to decrease the amount of
They've also made a few changes on
allowing couples to only have two children if
they were an only child if not they aren't

With this said throughout the years
there has been pros and cons on the one child
The reason why a myriad amount of
people have defended this issue is because
China has supported and helped out all those
who live in poor areas with the births. The
most important reason is because of the
dramatic drop point of the population. On the
other hand there are cons that make people
disagree on this law. The strongest one is being
forced to only having one child and this causes
abortions to all the women who accidently
have a second and many people do not agree
on that. Because in 1968 the proclamation of
the International Conference on Human Rights
mentioned that everyone should have the right
to have how many children they want. Several
women are leaving their country and going
overseas in order to give birth to their children.

bearing girls over their whole life and there

were said to be 51 million more men than
women around the year of 2010.
The sex
ratio was 105 males to 100 females and
now for every 116 males there is 100 girls

born in China.
Studies have also
mentioned that by 2020 China will have 24
million leftover men without a wife
because they don't have such an important
jobs like the males.
The reason why the
males are more important because they are
the ones who are able to do most of the
things and thats what China wants hard
working men.

In China the favoritism between the

females and males is big. 0.71 women are

China Surpassed USA?

China is dealing with a lot of things
economically, but one of the worst
situations going on is the income gap
between the rich and the poor. It has
surpassed the United States quicker than
they had in mind. China is known for
manufacturing but haven't made enough
money out of it over the years and are
thinking of other ways but now people are
getting left without a job. So with that said I
believe the government of China should try
to keep some manufacturing jobs in the
country so that factory workers can still
have a job, and not only that but they should
also create programs that help train
unemployed people to give the skills for this
new economy.


China moved up fast, in 2014 they were

second on economic power, but entering 2015
they toppled the position being the the largest
and strongest economic power and is said that
it will remain the highest for a while. China has
faced increasing wages and currency costs, as

businesses, etc. And because of that

myriads of the people who only have
skills for working in a factory are left
without jobs, which makes the wealth
gap continue to increase. Now they want
bigger and are beginning to train people
from the factories but they want to stop
manufacturing and just train the
unemployed workers from the factories.
But they aren't prepared and won't be
prepared that fast and they have been
working on doing little trinkets you can't
just switch them all to do something else.

Cover Story
well as higher fuel and transportation
costs. In 2013 the average income in capital was
$6747, private financial wealth was around $22
trillion. Due to this it cause a lot of protest
because the poor workers had faced delay on
their payments.
Lots of them experienced
poverty but they built up and made a good
amount of money, and around 80% of the ones
who were already rich got even richer than
before. 2
China used to make most of its money
from manufacturing goods which consist of
clothing, computer chips, different types of
trinkets, etc. but they are moving more towards
service industry food, tourism, small




SCUTTI, SUSAN. "One-Child Policy Is One Big

Problem for China."
. N.p., 23 Jan. 2014.
Web. 17 Mar. 2015.
. N.p., 11 Mar. 2014. Web.
18 Mar. 2015.
Ro, Sam. "CHART: How China's One-Child
Has Affected the Boy-Girl Breakdown."
How China's
One-Child Policy Has Affected the Boy-Girl
. N.p., 15 Nov. 2013. Web. 22 Mar. 2015.
"Time Running out for China's One-child Policy
after Three Decades."
The Guardian
. N.p., 31 Jan.
2014. Web.



Chen, Haron. "China's Income Inequality Surpasses

U.S., Posing Risk for Xi."
Bloomberg, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
"China's Wealth Gap Narrows as Disposable
Incomes Grow."
21 Jan. 2015. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.

Maecenas convallis ante sit amet odio vehicula id

malesuada quam convallis. Sed ac ipsum lectus.
Nam nec libero sed dui ultrices auctor congue
luctus mi. Nunc placerat ante vulputate mi
lobortis vel blandit dolor pharetra. Sed augue
augue, mollis vitae cursus at, rhoncus et sem.
Nulla elit ligula, gravida in vulputate a,
scelerisque quis tortor. Integer tristique gravida
nulla, sit amet facilisis eros dictum id.
Nulla tortor nisi, condimentum non cursus sit
amet, malesuada in libero. Quisque tincidunt
eros et est auctor dictum eget non dolor. Nulla
velit sem, aliquam eu tincidunt et, hendrerit vitae

vulputate est. Nunc dolor elit, tempor quis

pretium vitae, venenatis venenatis odio.
Sed quis turpis nibh, vel rhoncus felis.
Suspendisse vel ante nulla, sit amet facilisis
tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Integer libero
lectus, hendrerit at dapibus sed, porta vitae
sem. In a mi placerat lectus euismod
sollicitudin. Quisque eu felis sed diam
consequat cursus sit amet a tellus. Donec
eros lectus, sollicitudin id tincidunt luctus,
mattis vitae purus. Mauris ut tellus turpis.
Sed eget elit velit.
Phasellus molestie nunc sed sapien
malesuada commodo. Vestibulum laoreet
molestie ipsum a interdum. Maecenas a
lorem pharetra risus mattis tincidunt ac a

lorem. Vestibulum ultricies gravida tristique.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et
netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Aliquam magna odio, bibendum quis gravida in,
mollis ac leo. Cras id ipsum enim. Pellentesque
fringilla euismod metus, nec laoreet dui auctor
ac. Nulla neque lacus, euismod id pellentesque

nulla. Proin a mauris dui. Suspendisse potenti.

Duis in arcu sed est ornare lacinia ac ac felis.
Donec porttitor blandit accumsan. Fusce
mattis sagittis viverra. Ut vestibulum dapibus
leo in porttitor. Praesent consectetur, arcu vel
aliquet aliquet, nulla felis dignissim justo, non
consequat dolor arcu eget dui. Sed scelerisque
tortor at massa fermentum interdum.
Maecenas convallis ante sit amet odio vehicula
id malesuada quam convallis. Sed ac ipsum
lectus. Nam nec libero sed dui ultrices auctor
congue luctus mi. Nunc placerat ante
vulputate mi lobortis vel blandit dolor
pharetra. Sed augue augue, mollis vitae cursus
at, rhoncus et sem. Nulla elit ligula, gravida in
vulputate a, scelerisque quis tortor. Integer
tristique gravida nulla, sit amet facilisis eros
dictum id.
Nulla tortor nisi, condimentum non cursus
sit amet, malesuada in libero. Quisque
tincidunt eros et est auctor dictum eget non
dolor. Nulla velit sem, aliquam eu tincidunt et,
hendrerit vitae lorem. Vestibulum ultricies
gravida tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames
ac turpis egestas. Aliquam magna odio,

nulla. Proin a mauris dui. Suspendisse potenti.

Duis in arcu sed est ornare lacinia ac ac felis.
Donec porttitor blandit accumsan. Fusce
mattis sagittis viverra. Ut vestibulum dapibus
leo in porttitor. Praesent consectetur, arcu vel
aliquet aliquet, nulla felis dignissim justo, non
consequat dolor arcu eget dui. Sed scelerisque
tortor at massa fermentum interdum.
Maecenas convallis ante sit amet odio vehicula
id malesuada quam convallis. Sed ac ipsum
lectus. Nam nec libero sed dui ultrices auctor
congue luctus mi. Nunc placerat ante
vulputate mi lobortis vel blandit dolor
pharetra. Sed augue augue, mollis vitae cursus
at, rhoncus et sem. Nulla elit ligula, gravida in
vulputate a, scelerisque quis tortor. Integer
tristique gravida nulla, sit amet facilisis eros
dictum id.
Nulla tortor nisi, condimentum non cursus
sit amet, malesuada in libero. Quisque
tincidunt eros et est auctor dictum eget non
dolor. Nulla velit sem, aliquam eu tincidunt et,
hendrerit vitae lorem. Vestibulum ultricies
gravida tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames
ac turpis egestas. Aliquam magna odio,

nulla. Proin a mauris dui. Suspendisse potenti.

Duis in arcu sed est ornare lacinia ac ac felis.
Donec porttitor blandit accumsan. Fusce
mattis sagittis viverra. Ut vestibulum dapibus
leo in porttitor. Praesent consectetur, arcu vel
aliquet aliquet, nulla felis dignissim justo, non
consequat dolor arcu eget dui. Sed scelerisque
tortor at massa fermentum interdum.
Maecenas convallis ante sit amet odio vehicula
id malesuada quam convallis. Sed ac ipsum
lectus. Nam nec libero sed dui ultrices auctor
congue luctus mi. Nunc placerat ante
vulputate mi lobortis vel blandit dolor
pharetra. Sed augue augue, mollis vitae cursus
at, rhoncus et sem. Nulla elit ligula, gravida in
vulputate a, scelerisque quis tortor. Integer
tristique gravida nulla, sit amet facilisis eros
dictum id.
Nulla tortor nisi, condimentum non cursus
sit amet, malesuada in libero. Quisque
tincidunt eros et est auctor dictum eget non
dolor. Nulla velit sem, aliquam eu tincidunt et,
hendrerit vitae lorem. Vestibulum ultricies
gravida tristique. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada
fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam magna odio,

bibendum quis gravida in, mollis ac leo. Cras

id ipsum enim. Pellentesque fringilla euismod
metus, nec laoreet dui auctor ac. Nulla neque
lacus, euismod id pellentesque quis, gravida ac
orci. In at tortor nunc. Etiam eget turpis augue.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis nulla.
Proin a mauris dui. Suspendisse potenti. Duis
in arcu sed est ornare lacinia ac ac felis.
Donec porttitor blandit accumsan. Fusce
mattis sagittis viverra. Ut vestibulum dapibus
leo in porttitor. Praesent consectetur, arcu vel
aliquet aliquet, nulla felis dignissim justo, non
consequat dolor arcu

bibendum quis gravida in, mollis ac leo. Cras

id ipsum enim. Pellentesque fringilla euismod
metus, nec laoreet dui auctor ac. Nulla neque
lacus, euismod id pellentesque quis, gravida ac
orci. In at tortor nunc. Etiam eget turpis augue.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis nulla.
Proin a mauris dui. Suspendisse potenti. Duis
in arcu sed est ornare lacinia ac ac felis.
Donec porttitor blandit accumsan. Fusce
mattis sagittis viverra. Ut vestibulum dapibus
leo in porttitor. Praesent consectetur, arcu vel
aliquet aliquet, nulla felis dignissim justo, non
consequat dolor arcu

bibendum quis gravida in, mollis ac leo. Cras

id ipsum enim. Pellentesque fringilla euismod
metus, nec laoreet dui auctor ac. Nulla neque
lacus, euismod id pellentesque quis, gravida
ac orci. In at tortor nunc. Etiam eget turpis
augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et
magnis nulla. Proin a mauris dui. Suspendisse
potenti. Duis in arcu sed est ornare lacinia ac
ac felis.
Donec porttitor blandit accumsan. Fusce
mattis sagittis viverra. Ut vestibulum dapibus
leo in porttitor. Praesent consectetur, arcu vel
aliquet aliquet, nulla felis

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