E Governance

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Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement of Bachelor of Business
Administration (B.B.A) General


BATCH 2012-2015

Name of guide: Ms. Mugdha Sehgal

Name of Student: Manoj Pawar

Designation : Asst. Professor

Enrollment no.:09924501712




Success is an effort bounded activity that involves co-operation of all.

I hereby take the opportunity to express our profound sense of gratitude and reverence to all
those who have helped and encouraged us towards successful completion of the Project
Report. I would like to thank our Project Guide Ms. Mugdha Sehgal for her immense
guidance, valuable help and the opportunity provided to me to complete the project under her
guidance. I would like to convey my heartfelt to my faculty for the trust she showed in me in
assigning me an important and interesting project by sparing time for me from her busy
schedule to discuss and clarify various issue connected with this project, for her friendly
advice and the motivation she provided me in the completion of the project.

Last but not the least, my gratitude to great almighty and my parents without whose
concerned and devoted support this project would not have been possible.

Place: New Delhi
Submitted by: Manoj Pawar



I hereby declare that I have carried out project on the topic entitled Voluntary Retirement
schemes provided by public sector Banks at Jagannath International Management
School, New Delhi.
I further declare that this project work is based on my original work and no part of this
project has been published or submitted to anybody.

(Manoj Pawar)



This is to certify that the dissertation/project report entitled Voluntary Retirement schemes
provided by public sector Banks carried out by Manoj Pawar is an authentic work carried
out by him at Jagannath International Management School under my guidance. The matter
embodied in this project work has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree to
the best of my knowledge and belief.


Ms. Mugdha Sehgal

(Assistant Professor)


Student Undertaking
Certificate of Completion
List of Tables
Executive Summary
Introduction to topic :E- Governance
Objectives of E- Governance
Origin in India
Services of E- Governance
Impact of Technology
Swot Analysis
E- Governance Project MCA 21
E- Governance and its relevance to India
Research Methodology
Findings & Inferences
Recommendations and Conclusion

Page No.





Page no.




The project work is pursued as a part of BBA (General) Curriculum at Jagannath

International Management School, Delhi.
E-governance stands for `electronic governance or the use of ICT (information and
communication technology) to improve the delivery of government services to citizens (G2C),
businesses (G2B) and other government agencies (G2G). (G2G).
E-governance helps in integrating and simplifying government services, reducing the time
citizens and businesses spend obtaining/submitting information from/to the government,
increasing government transparency by cutting down corruption, improving government
finances through enhanced revenue collection and cost reduction, and improving the business
environment in the country for private sector development and to enhance foreign direct
E-governance is a tool for achieving good governance and is not an end in itself. In good
governance, public processes and institutions produce results that meet the needs of society
while making the best use of resources at their disposal. It also requires that the institutions
and processes try to serve all stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe. And e-Governance
is what helps the government achieve this goal. It allows citizens to communicate with the
government, participate in the governments policy-making and reflect their true needs.
Achieving success in e-Governance requires active partnerships between


citizens and the private sector. The e-governance process needs continuous input and
feedback from the `customers the citizens, resident, businesses and officials who use
electronic public services. Their voices and ideas are essential to making e-Governance work.
Hence e-governance has to be a shared vision with all the stakeholders government and
non-government participating in defining this vision.
For e-governance initiatives, the three Ps public-private partnership (PPP) are a must. The
PPP model of development focuses on collaboration between the public and the private sector.
It recognizes the importance of the private sector in reaching development goals by promoting
business, creating income, providing jobs as well as developing a sense of corporate social

responsibility. The public and the private sector recognize overlaps of their goals, see the
opportunities for cooperation, and work side by side in mutual projects



It is a way for governments to use the most innovative information and communication
technologies, particularly web-based internet applications, to provide citizens and businesses
with more convenient access to government information and services, to improve the
quality of the services and to provide enhanced democracy.
Imagine a situation in which all interaction with the government can be done through one
counter 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without waiting in lines at government offices. In the
near future this is possible if governments are willing to decentralise responsibilities and
processes and they start to use electronic means such as the Internet. Each citizen can then
make contact with the government through a website where all forms, legislation, news and
other information will be available 24/7. Of course, at first the front office will retain several
communication channels, such as physical counters, telephone, e-mail and Internet to serve
everyone properly, but this will change dramatically in the next few years.
In Europe and the USA, commercial banks already work according to this concept. Only in a
few very special situations one has to go to a physical counter. Most transactions can be done
at either an ATM, by mail or by the Internet, which has saved banks an enormous amount of
costs. In other words, they do more work, with less people, in less time and with less and
smaller offices: They use the Internet.
Government, as a collector and source of information, may also follow this trend, in order
to serve its customers (citizens, businesses, and other interest groups) better and to save
costs by making internal operations more efficient.


The strategic objective of e-governance is to support and simplify governance for all parties
- government, citizens and businesses. The use of ICTs can connect all three parties and

support processes and activities. In other words, in e-governance uses electronic means to
support and stimulate good governance. Therefore the objectives of e-governance are similar
to the objectives of good governance. Good governance can be seen as an exercise of
economic, political, and administrative authority to better manage affairs of a country at all
levels, national and local.

To have transparency, efficiency, accountability in public governance.

To provide the cost efficient services to the customers.

To ensure adequate help to the common man under e-commerce services.

To have a unified data tracking system for the public.

Creating a better business environment.

Customers online, not in line.

Strengthening good governance and broadening public participation.

Improving the productivity and efficiency of government agencies.

Improving the quality of life for disadvantaged communities.

External strategic objectives. The external objective of e-government is to satisfactorily fulfil

the publics needs and expectations on the front-office side, by simplifying their interaction with
various online services. The use of ICTs in government operations facilitates speedy,
transparent, accountable, efficient and effective interaction with the public, citizens, business
and other agencies.

Internal strategic objectives. In the back-office, the objective of e-government in government

operations is to facilitate a speedy, transparent, accountable, efficient and effective process for
performing government administration activities. Significant cost savings (per transaction) in
government operations can be the result. It can be concluded that e-governance is more than

just a Government website on the Internet. Political, social, economic and technological
aspects determine e-governance.

Origins in India
E-governance originated in India during the seventies with a focus on in- house government
applications in the areas defence, economic monitoring, planning, electronic file handling,
public grievance systems, service delivery for high volume routine transactions such as
payment of bills, tax dues etc.
Thanks to e-savvy Chief Ministers like Chandrababu Naidu and S.M. Krishna, e-governance
has become the buzzword for political success and the key enabler to facilitate reforms.
The concept of e-governance has its origins in India during the seventies with a focus on
development of in- house government applications in the areas of defense, economic
monitoring, planning and the deployment of IT to manage data intensive functions related to
elections, census, tax administration etc. The efforts of the National Informatics Center (NIC) to
connect all the district headquarters during the eighties was a very significant development.
From the early nineties, IT technologies were supplemented by ICT technologies to extend its
use for wider sectoral applications with policy emphasis on reaching out to rural areas and
taking in greater inputs from NGOs and private sector as well.

The major types of e-government services:

Government-to-Citizen (G2C) - Activities between Government to citizens


Government-to-Business (G2B) - Government sells product & services to business

Government to Non Profit (G2N) - Government provides information to nonprofit


Government-to-Employee (G2E)- Services to Government employees

Government-to-Government (G2G)- Exchange of information among different authorities


It makes the government more result oriented, efficient, citizen centered and easy
access to information.

To citizens and businesses, e-government would mean the simplification of procedures

and streamlining of the approval process.

To government employees and agencies, it would mean the facilitation of cross-agency

coordination and collaboration to ensure appropriate and timely decision-making.

Democratization & Environmental Bonus.


High and affordable information and internet infrastructure within government ministries,
private sector and citizens

Extensive ICT human capacity development

Legal framework that recognizes & supports digital communication


Who pays for e-government? (FUNDING)

E-Governance is very capital intensive and no donor or consortium of donors can fully fund egovernance program.
Private sector is the major beneficiary of e-governance through increased access to
government e-procurements and e-services. It can play a major funding role to subsidize egovernance products.
PPPs : A Viable model
Ensuring wider public use of e-government services
Many citizens do not use e-government for several reasons, among these are unfamiliarity
with ICT, lack of access, lack of training, and concerns about privacy and security of
Economic Issues: Minimum Costs so as to guarantee good cost benefit
nation wide plan.

Major Areas of Implementation

Public Grievances

Rural Services


Social Services

Public Information

Agricultural Sector

Utility Payments



ratio, reusability -

The use of ICT means in Governance has impact on the following aspects:

24/7 Service Model

Systems and processes have to be adapted to a completely new service model. Intake
processes are made self-service and even in the middle of the night a citizen should get an
immediate (automated) response about the status of the application. Citizens expectations
towards governments response times will change because of the new communication

Need for Content

Websites consist of content (information). Governments will have to collect (buy), produce and
update content daily.

Human Resources
Effective use of ICTs in an organisation requires training of people. People should feel
comfortable with the tools they can use otherwise they will return to their old working patterns
and habits. Maintaining technological infrastructure requires IT skilled resources. Governments
will have to compete with the private (commercial) sector to recruit the necessary IT skilled


Just about any computer system is vulnerable to external attacks. As the government moves
its core processes (information, communication and transactions) to the Internet it is becoming
far more vulnerable. Internet increases the number of entry points exponentially. Protection is
possible with anti-virus software, firewall at gateways, encryption technology, and authentic
identification tools.

Governments possess detailed information about citizens and businesses, which is often held
in multiple offices on many different computer systems (or still in paper files). The integration of
data can result in situations where the privacy of individual citizens is in danger. It is the
responsibility of the government to restrict the utilisation of private information, and secure
such information from access by unintended parties. Due to public concern regarding privacy
several countries have already passed data protection laws.

IT Department
With the implementation of e-governance IT is becoming more and more important in
government operations. The need for a professional IT department will inevitable increase, not
only during implementation, but also for maintenance of software, hardware and infrastructure.


SWOT-Analyses E-Governance

The SWOTs are kept at a high level. Going into detail would be a problem because situations
vary for each country, for each moment and for each e-governance solution.

Political Aspects
Political aspects related to e-governance are e.g. the formulated strategy and policy, laws and
legislation, leadership, decision making processes, funding issues, international affairs,
political stability.
Political aspects Implementation and maintaining of e-governance solutions





Raise external funding


Cyber laws not available

Show competitive edge

Piracy, misuse

Internet as pull factor

Transparency causes



No problem owner within


Natural change of



Political instability


Combination with

No expertise about

Slow decision making


Hierarchy in organisations

Short term approach due

to elections

Integration and

Table 1.1


Social Aspects
Examples of some of the social aspects related to e-governance are people, (level of)
education, employment, income, digital divide, rural areas vs. cities, rich vs. poor, literacy, IT
Social aspects Implementation and maintaining e-governance solutions

People eager to


Basic education poor:

trainers needed

IT skills

No IT literacy

Skilled people

Low literacy

possible export

Different languages

Public acceptance of
self-service models


Skill shortage:
competition with
private sector

Employment increases

Education system

People learn structural


Cheap manpower
widely available

Promotion of internet


Table 1.2



Brain drain IT
skilled people
after training

Resistance of

Digital divide

Economic Aspects
Economical aspects related to e-governance are funding, cost-savings, business models, eCommerce, spin-offs of e-governance.

Economic Implementation and maintaining e-governance solutions

E-Governance good
argument for external

Budget control

Transparency for

Table 1.3

Technological Aspects



Cost efficiency through



New business

More efficiency tax


Technological aspects Implementation and maintaining e-governance

Everything is new: no
negative legacy


Leapfrogging possible
Internet as driving
(pull) factor
Lack of IT


Shortage IT skilled

2nd hand hardware


High cost of internet

Use one

Heterogeneous data

Lack of IT standards?

Costs of software


Dependency of

Technology will be a bottleneck for e-governance in developing countries. Technological

aspects involve software, hardware, infrastructure, telecom, IT skilled people, and
maintenance, safety and security issues.

Table 1.5


E-Governance Project MCA-21

Ministry of Company Affairs - MCA21 Project

Ministry of Company Affairs, is primarily concerned with administration of the Companies Act,
1956, other allied Acts and rules & regulations framed there-under mainly for regulating the
functioning of the corporate sector in accordance with law.
In the Indias first e-Governance initiative called MCA21, Ministry of Company Affairs, has
embarked upon the magnificent task of total re-engineering process of corporate governance
across India.
By taking the all-important step, MCA had placed the assignment to TCS and CMC, for
country-wide implementation of the e-Governance project, which covers : IT implementation,
site-engineering, business process transformation, e-filling, Digitisation of physical
corporate records, Training to the staff and Computerisation of the Establishment Functions
of the department itself of activities of the corporate governance re-engineering, into 21st


MCA21 project has been implemented at 20 Registrar of Companies offices across Country.
Over 60 Million physical record as pages were completely digitised and wide range of filling
form templates were transformed into e-filling system, to facilitate the process of routine filling
activities of the companies. CMC - ITES strategic business unit played most significant role, by

implementing digitisation project simultaneously at 20 ROC locations across country, where IT

set-up for digitisation, was established in terms of Hardware: Servers, Desk-top systems,
Networking components, Software: RDBMS, imaging and quality control tools and Manpower
to deliver quality output to the customer. More than 1500 skilled staff members were deployed
to complete the task, ahead of schedule. The critical activity of directors and company data
updation enabled access to the valuable data to the stake-holders.
MCA21, Indias largest e-governance initiative by the Ministry of Company Affairs is a
flagship program executed on a PPP (Public Private Partnership) Model .It involves design,
implementation, owning, operating the system. Sixty million company records have been
digitized at over fifteen ROC centers (Registrar of Companies) across India in a record time.
The MCA21 portal enables e filing of returns by companies for fulfilling statutory obligations. It
also provides PKI based digital signatures for directors for online registrations.

Transformational Services of Ministry of Corporate Affairs


Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

The IT Act, 2000 provides for use of Digital Signatures on the documents submitted in
electronic form in order to ensure the security and authenticity of the documents filed
electronically. This is the only secure and authentic way that a document can be submitted
electronically. As such, all filings done by the companies under MCA21 e-Governance
programme are required to be filed with the use of Digital Signatures by the person
authorised to sign the documents.


One can fill Online form for Director Identification Number


Register Digital Signature Certificate


Role check for Indian companies is to be implemented in the MCA application. Role check can
be performed only after the signatories have registered their Digital signature certificates
(DSC) with MCA. Once the role check is implemented, system shall verify whether the
signature on the e-form filed, is of signatory of the company.


The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has introduced the MCA21 e-Governance programme with
a view to providing all services relating to ROC offices on-line in e-Governance mode. All
filings from September 16, 2006 can be done only under the Digital Signatures of the
authorised person (MD/ Director/ Company Secretary as the case may be).
There are various channels available to stakeholders to enable them to do the statutory
filing with ROC offices across the country:

The Virtual Front Office through www.mca.gov.in portal

Registrars Front Offices set-up under the Project and Managed & operated by the
Operator(53 all over India)

Certified Filing Centers managed and operated by the Professionals on user charge
basis (550 plus centers approved all over India at 85 cities).


Annual eFiling
As part of Annual eFiling, Companies incorporated under Companies Act, 1956 are
required to efile the following documents with Registrar of Companies (RoC):


Profit & Loss Account

Annual Return


Compliance Certificate

Company Master Data and Charge Documents

The Company Master Data and Charge data has been migrated from the legacy system.
There are possibilities that the Company Master Data and Charge Data are incorrect. The
facility of correction of Master Data has been made available without any charge. However,
this facility, without any charges, would be available only for a limited period of time (up to
31 March 2009). Accordingly, all the companies are requested to view their Company
Master Data and take appropriate steps. A similar facility has also been made available in
respect of the 'Register of Charges' for the companies by clicking on to the 'View Index of

Scope of Work
MCA21 program scope provides, anytime anywhere electronic services with speed and
certainty to all the stakeholders. It includes:

Design and development of business application system

Setting up of IT infrastructure across India

Setting up the Digital Signature/PKI delivery mechanisms and associated security


Setting up of Physical Front Offices ( PFOs )

Setting up of temporary FOs for the peak periods to meet with requirements and
subsequent shutdown of temporary FOs at the end of such peak periods

Migrating legacy data and digitization of paper documents to the new system

Providing MCA services to all MCA21 stakeholders in accordance with the Service
Oriented Approach

Providing application training at all levels and all offices (Front and Back Offices)

Automation of processes related to the proactive enforcement and compliance of the

legal requirements under the Companies Act, 1956.

Implementation Phase of 1 year, followed by business operation services for 5 years.

Digitisation of approximately 60 million pages pertaining to 0.6 million active companies across
India in 6 months . The digitisation Includes document imaging , meta data entry and
conversion of TIFF images to PDF. Setting up of front offices at a short time frame, setting up
infrastructure for implementation of the portal with digital signatures etc within a very
challenging time frame.
The prestigious project experienced, challenges in terms of following issues :
A. Organisation re-engineering from manual to automated systems
B. Digitisation of physical company records, located at distributed customer sites
C. Resource mobilisation of large number of systems and qualified engineers across country,
within a short time-frame
D. Building large number of offices at multiple locations

The MCA 21 project is an outcome of the MCA's quest for simplifying forms, making forms
e-centric, promoting online transactions, and reaching out to stakeholders in an economy that
is growing fast and adjusting to the demands of globalization. MCA 21 services are available
24X7 anytime and anywhere through MCA Portal. With more information in its database. Until
recently, corporate representatives were required to visit ROCs just because most transactions
were paper-based, leaving little or no room for value-added services. Procedures relating to
sorting, storage and retrieval of paper-based records were cumbersome and time-consuming.


Due to manual collection of information and verification processes, long queues were
inevitable at official counters. During the peak season (Oct-Dec), the situation used to become









stakeholders, while the information the erstwhile system yielded was often inaccurate or
outdated. The MCA21 covers a network of 25 MCA offices across the country, with more
than eight Lacs registered companies. E-filing of all documents is mandatory since September
16, 2006, with the amendment in Companies Act mandating use of digital signatures of
companies' authorized representatives. The new system enables payment of statutory fees
through off-line as well as on-line modes. As of July 20, 2007, the portal registered an average
of 17 lakh hits per day. The e-filings till then totaled 23.77 lakhs.

CMCs Approach and Solution

A robust infrastructure has been built comprising of high-end server farms, advanced
networking equipments, communication links, skilled manpower resources at the central
repository at DC based at Delhi. To handle disaster management, a back-up system has also
been put-up as DR center in Chennai.
The approach was driven on the fundamental measures, to ensure following parameters e.g.
1. Scalability
2. Availability
3. Maintainability
4. Manageability
5. Business continuity
6. Security
7. Multi-platform support
8. Multi format support

9. Offline form filling support

10. Data migration & Document migration
11. Standards & guidelines
12. User training
13. System & Network administration training

Over 1000 highly skilled IT professionals have been associated in the MCA21 project to deliver
the best results, to the customer. MCA21 seeks to fulfill the requirements of the various

The key benefits of MCA21 project are as follows:

Expeditious incorporation of companies

Simplified and ease of convenience in filing of Forms/ Returns

Better compliance management

Total transparency through e-Governance

Customer centric approach

Increased usage of professional certificate for ensuring authenticity and reliability of the
Forms / Returns

Building up a centralized database repository of corporate operating

Enhanced service level fulfillment

Inspection of public documents of companies anytime from anywhere


Registration as well as verification of charges anytime from anywhere

Timely redress of investor grievances

Availability of more time for MCA employees for monitoring and supervision

The NeGP:
The NeGP stresses upon ICT as a platform for the rural communities to leapfrog some of the
traditional barriers to development by improving access to information, expanding their
market base, enhancing employment opportunities and making the Government work better.
The NeGP recognizes and supports the need for rural India to take advantage of knowledgeintensive techniques for sustainability. The NeGP is an enormous step towards making the
Government accessible to citizens, in ways that can not only save huge costs to the
Government but also make it more transparent and efficient in its day-to-day interactions with
the common man. To that effect, the role of the Common Services Centers, envisaged as the
front-end delivery network for Government services assumes great significance.


Given below illustrates the Three Pillar Model for the NeGP:

NeGP - The Three Pillar Model


Figure 1.1

There are different components of National E-Governance Scheme.

The Common Services Centers (CSCs): CSCs are envisioned as the front-end delivery points
for Government, private and social sector services to rural citizens of India. The idea is to
develop a platform that can enable Government, private and social sector organizations to
integrate their social and commercial goals for the benefit of rural populations in the remotest
corners of the country through a combination of IT as well as non-IT services.
CSC as a Change Agent:
The CSCs cannot be seen as mere service delivery points in rural India. The CSC has to be
positioned as a Change Agent - that will promote rural entrepreneurship, build rural capacities
and livelihoods, enable community participation and effect collective action for social change through a bottom-up model that focuses on the rural citizen.
ICT in isolation cannot undertake such monumental socio-economic change. However, Rural
Entrepreneurship driven by Government, Private and Social sector agencies, and supported
by continuous capacity building and training has the power to undertake dramatic changes in
rural incomes as well as attitudes. The intensity of national goals fueled by local
entrepreneurial vigor can act as a powerful catalyst to empower rural India.
Public Private Partnership (PPP):
To undertake such a mammoth task calls for participation of leading thought leaders and
agencies involved in rural markets. It is proposed that a Public Private Partnership model can
undertake this challenging task in the most effective way.
A PPP is a facilitating framework that enables sustainable development by effectively
leveraging limited public funds, integrating scale with efficiency; reducing life cycle costs,
harnessing national resources and looping best practices, to achieve a social purpose. A PPP

provides a format in which all the important stakeholders are incentivized to come together in
achieving the community development goals enshrined in the project. To that effect, a PPP
framework is more than a Joint Venture.

The PPP Framework (Figure:1.2)

The CSC Structure: The Draft Framework outlines a 3-tier structure for the CSC

a) At the first (CSC) level would be the local Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE- loosely
analogous to a franchisee), to service the rural consumer in a focused cluster of 5-6 villages.
b) At the second/middle level would be an entity termed the Service Centre Agency (SCA
loosely analogous to a franchiser) to train, manage and build the VLE businesses

c) At the third level would be the agency designated by the State- the State Level Agency
(SLA) - to facilitate implementation of the Scheme within the State, to provide policy, content
and financial support to the SCAs
A Program Management Agency (PMA) was appointed to assist the DIT in Phase I i.e.
The Project Development Phase
The National Level Service Agency (NLSA):
There are significant challenges in exploiting opportunities to achieve economies of scale in
the identification, customization and implementation of the physical and digital infrastructure
required for the project. Further, many of the potential citizen-centric services would lend
themselves to aggregation at the national level. To enable the State-specific implementation
plans and benefit from such economies of scale, aggregation of best practices, content
providers, etc., it is expected that the PMA extend its role to a National Level Service Agency
(NLSA) and continue with the project for another 30 months.

The Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV):

In addition to the NLSA, an SPV has been proposed for the day-to-day monitoring of the CSC
Scheme, in terms of financial support, content aggregation and SCA enablement. It is
suggested that the SPV would be set up during the initial implementation phase of the
Scheme, but it is essentially an entity created to be an integral part of the CSC framework inperpetuity. The SPV would undertake the following key roles and responsibilities:
a) Lay down operating and financial disciplines within the CSC system
b) Provide a framework for collaborative decision making process

c) Catalyze content aggregation on an on-going basis

d) Build a common Identity between all stakeholders to the citizens as well as lenders

Building Awareness about the Scheme

Reaching out to the stakeholders: The implementation strategy at the State level would need
to address the respective States needs and to a certain extent be in line with the ongoing
initiatives. Accordingly, over the last six months, various steps have been taken to sensitize the
State Governments on the concept, business model and other related aspects of the CSC
Scheme. A brief outline of the action plan for implementation of the scheme was discussed
with each of the State Governments. Based on the feedback received through interaction with
the States, broad parameters for implementation of the Scheme have been outlined in order to
formulate a state specific approach for implementation in a majority of States. In a few states
like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Kerala existing initiatives need to be factored in. An
Approach Note for each State has been developed with an aim to outline a roadmap of CSC
implementation taking into account the ongoing initiatives that are being carried out in various

Interactions have also been held with various Chambers of Commerce at local level as well as
Corporates, NGOs and other stakeholders including content and technology providers.
Seminars have been held at Regional / State Levels to create awareness amongst the
potential Service Centre Agencies (SCAs) to enable them to understand the project and to
encourage them to bid for the Expression of Interest (EOI) issued by the DIT, GOI.
The need for a broader base:
a) Existing Projects: By some estimates, there are as many as 150 existing rural PC-kiosk
projects across India, with approximately 12,000 rural kiosks operational. Reflecting the
Nations diversity, these initiatives differ in goals, models, operating paradigms, and

geographical distribution. A variety of entities are associated in running these projects, large
enterprises, entrepreneurs, universities, Government, and NGOswith motives ranging from
driving commercial profits, to achieving socio-economic development or streamlining
government processes.

b) To that effect current kiosk projects can broadly be split into three categories:
i) Commercial initiatives run by private enterprises;
ii) Community-oriented entrepreneurial projects;
iii) Government-led initiatives.
However, barring a limited few, the ability of the current kiosks to scale up and provide effective
service delivery has been hampered by various challenges as listed below:

Lack of Financial Support


Limited End-to-end e-Government Services


Limited Sharing of Best Practices


Lack of Awareness amongst Users


Limited Capacity Building and Training


Inability to Leverage Economies of Scale


Limited bouquet Content & Services .

Widening the Search:

Consequently, whilst the operational expertise of existing kiosk businesses is invaluable, there
is a need to look beyond the current operators and involve organizations across sectors
outlined below:


a) Domain Expertise: Strong organisations in various domains such as banking, telecom,

agriculture, rural development, education, health etc. can bring their domain specific expertise
into the CSC business. Each of these organizations will not only help improve the sustainability
of their CSCs but they can develop best practices in their domains for other SCAs to replicate.
b) Channel Integration: SCAs which can build the CSC business as an extension of their
existing businesses have a better chance to achieve sustainability.

c) Understanding of local issues and ground realities: Organisations like SEWA which
have a network of over 684,000 members can bring in tremendous value in terms of local
knowledge and innovations in the CSC ecosystem.
d) Sound financial and managerial resources: Initiatives backed by large corporations tend
to be independent and self-reliant. The possibility of their projects to endure in the long term is
higher, because of their business and financial expertise.
It is also important to have organizations from diverse segments and commercial interests (like
corporate houses, PSUs, SMEs, entrepreneurs, training institutes, NGOs, SHGs, cooperatives, etc.) in the ecosystem so that the entire ecosystem can leverage the core
competencies of the participants.
Organizations with complementing skills could also form consortiums for effectively leveraging
their strengths. For example, a corporate with adequate financial resources and business
acumen associating with an NGO which has the relevant understanding of local issues,
adequate geographical reach and social acumen can bring their core-competencies together
for developing a sustainable CSC business.

Expressions of Interest:
More than 2300 organizations from across the country and with diverse backgrounds
responded to the DIT advertisement, inviting potential SCAs to express their interest in the
CSC Scheme. Exhibit 4 shows the State-wise total number of applicants who have shown an
interest in establishing CSCs, with specific location preferences.


Areas of prior experience

Vocational training

Areas of experience
Community polytechnic

Conducting EDP and skill-based training programmes

Conducting vocational training programmes
Training & counseling

Aptitude test and career counseling

Conducting training for farmers

Empowerment of tribal women,
through SHG formation

SHG & micro finance

Micro finance for the rural poor

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)


Running call centres and Help Desk services
IT related

Computerization of banks

Digitization of Gram Panchayats

Land records computerization & workflow automation
Smart Card based vehicle registration project
e-commerce for local women

Income generation
Entrepreneurship development programme
Handicraft training programme
Income generation programme


Establishing ICT kiosks

Community information centre project

Kisan Soochna Kendra


Animal welfare activities

Horticulture training


Basic computer education

Distance education /tele-education

Offering alternative & innovative education
Awareness generation programmes
Awareness generation Programmes
Conducting adult educational
Table 1.6

Distribution of applicants in terms of number of States selected

No. of States Selected

No. of Applicants

% of Applicants

All 35 States


20-34 States



10-19 States



5-9 States



2-4 States



Only 1 State





Table 1.7

Determining the number of CSCs: The mandate of the CSC scheme is to establish 100,000
rural kiosks across the country with an equitable distribution. That could normally be taken to
imply standardization on the population covered by each CSC. As reflected in the Financial
Model, discussed in a later part of the note, a CSC would ideally need a catchment population
of 7,000-8,000, to be viable. If the 100,000. centers were to be allocated based on this norm,
the distribution of CSCs across States would be as reflected.

State Level Agency: Each State Government was requested to identify a State Level Agency
(SLA) and a Nodal Officer to represent the State and provide all state level support for smooth
implementation of the CSC scheme. As a State Government representative, the SLA is
expected to provide the necessary policy level support to the CSC Scheme. Such support can
come in the form of affirmative action through various state policies to develop a sustainable
framework for regulation, promotion and ramp up of e-Government and private sector services.
Essentially, the role of the SLA would primarily be to:

Facilitate e-readiness of the State

Provide policy and regulatory support

Facilitate integration of the existing ICT enabled Government schemes into the CSC Scheme.

Help identify CSC locations

Coordinate and facilitate interactions with various internal departments

Coordinate and network with other concerned state level entities

Select Service Centre Agencies (SCA)

Facilitate training and capacity building

Facilitate awareness campaigns

Facilitate the SWAN interface

Link state government schemes with CSCs

Catalyse roll out of G2C applications by individual state departments, district administrations,
other local bodies.

Determining the Content and Services Stack for the CSCs


Understanding the Needs: Rural India has several unmet needs. Be it education, health,
agriculture or finance, rural India has very limited or even no access to quality services and
necessary financial support to avail them. Therefore, merely driving any content and service
into the CSCs will be risky in the long-term. What is needed instead is a model that can build
disposable incomes while providing world-class services at affordable costs.
Prospective Key Government (G2C) Services:

Land records

Registration of vehicles

Issue of certificates/ Government schemes

Employment exchange

Ration cards

Electoral services

Pension schemes

Road transport

Public grievance

Utility/ Telephone Bills (Government undertakings)

Prospective Business to Consumer (B2C) services

Commercial Services

Digital Photos

Web surfing




CD Burning




Forms downloads/Estimates

Utility/Telephone Bills (private enterprises)

Prospective e-Commerce/online services

Railway Tickets





Prospective Education Services

IT Education

English Skills Training


Prospective Entertainment

DTH - Community TV

Prospective Telemedicine

Primary Healthcare

Prospective Agriculture Services


Agriculture -loans

Agriculture -consulting and training

Prospective Business-to-Business services (B2B)

Advertising & Promotion Services

Space marketing of Jan Seva Kendra


Data Collection Services

Research Data collection

Data Entry

Distribution Services

FMCG Products

Financial Services



Insurance, etc.

Usage Patterns of Services in the State

Agricultural procurements
Presently most farmers procure their farming inputs from multiple locations. The large farmers
buy branded products from State Government Co-operatives, which provide seeds, fertilizers
and information, but the availability of seeds and fertilizers is limited to about 30% of the total
demand. Krishi Samitis provides seeds to some of the farmers. Good quality seeds are also
available at Agricultural University Outlets, which are 2 3 in each district, but the travel time
and cost has to be incurred. For the small and marginal farmers most of the inputs are from
the numerous small shops in nearby town mandis, and it is this section of farmers, who really
require the Jan Seva Kendra services, to save transport costs and multiple visits.
Agricultural consultancy & marketing facilities to the farmers for their produce
Although Kisan Seva Kendras are present, they do no real work, and no relevant literature on
various consultancy requirement are also available with them.. These centres mostly act as
distribution centres for branded seeds. Consultancy is mostly required on the dos and donts of
using different hybrid seed varieties for different crops.

Vocational education:
- In different parts of Uttar Pradesh, a variety of skilled but labour intensive handicraft work is
done. The villagers of Uttar Pradesh demand training to undertake such work in efficient and
cost effective manner.

Basic computer training It is lower than the national average. Unless the kiosks provide
some placement assistance to the youths undertaking Basic computer training there will be no
meaning to provide such a service through kiosks.

All tuitions Due to the poor performance of the board examination students, tuition classes
are plentiful for classes IX, X, XI and XII. However, as the students mostly travel 2 3 km on
bicycle to access the classes in nearby towns or kasbas, they would prefer availing them from
the Jan Seva Kendra.

Forms and mark sheets (all downloads)

Although current level of usage relating to download of forms and mark-sheet is quite low, yet
they rural masses have expressed willingness to use such facility once available through Jan
Seva Kendra.

Tele-medicine The poor infrastructure (only 18% PHCs and 23% subcentres), absenteeism of
doctors, dispensing of medicines by pharmacists without due consultation, are all reasons,
which make tele-medicine attractive for the villagers.
Entertainment - movies Movies are a much favoured entertainment option, but as easily
accessible infrastructure is limited, demand for Jan Seva Kendra usage is high for this service.

Internet browsing and email (includes information search)


It is lower than the national average.

E-daak It is lower than the national average.

Bio data MakerComputerized, neat bio-data (with soft copies, which are amenable to
changes/modifications) are only available at block headquarters at present. In the villages, the
typewriterbased bio-data is still made, which is not as neat, and has to be re-made each time,
if modifications have to be made. Thus, need for this service is high at the Jan Seva Kendra .

Ticketing - Rail/Road/Air Train ticketing is only available at the districts, which incurs average
transport cost of Rs.100 per trip. If the ticketing option is available at the Jan Seva Kendra ,
information on ticket availability and purchase is facilitated. This is especially relevant for the
eastern UP districts, which travel to Maharashtra for migratory work. It is also relevant for a
large proportion of households in western UP, who travel to the Gulf countries for work.
Long distance Telephony through internet (ISD)
The proportion of villagers currently availing ISD services is 14% and the willingness to use
such services through Jan Seva Kendra is comparatively high.

Photocopying 19% villagers are currently availing the service of photocopying. The proportion
of villagers willing to use such services through Jan Seva Kendra is comparatively low.

Desk Top Printing (DTP) services

Probably due to unavailability of DTP related jobs in rural Uttar Pradesh, not only the current
usage but also willingness to use such services is also comparatively low.


Astrology The present willingness to use is low due to low faith in the authenticity of hightech; less understood computer generated outputs (due to low literacy levels). The faith is on
the universally available local pandit, who is also usually an influential person, and on
interactive sessions for any finding favorable dates or solutions to various problems besides
developing the usual janam kundli or the horoscope, and allowing customers to clarify content
and predictions.

CD burning including CD cost

It is lower than the national average.

Digital Photographs passport size

Not exposed to digital photography, but the need is for photograph shops, which are not very

Digital Photographs postcard size

Not exposed to digital photography, but the need is for photograph shops, which are not very

Soil Testing- Soil testing are required for western UP districts, which practices multi-cropping.
Presently facilities are only available at Block level, where test results are generally delayed
and therefore become irrelevant.

Land records Are used for crop loan guarantee and for litigation both of which have
considerable requirement in UP.

Ration cards issue of newcards/ change of name/change of name

Government campaigns for making new rations cards and photo id cards are currently going
on, and therefore the willingness to use figures are low.

Bus pass Roads are bad, with little government transport network.
Although the demand for bus passes from the Jan Seva
Kendra is high, little can be done about the same, as most
of the present infrastructure is private bus service.

Certificates available at GP Willingness to use figure are high, as currently certificates

(Birth/ Death certificate) are procured only after speed money is paid, and that toowith
multiple visits.






attorney/unemployment/disability certificate)
Willingness to use figure are high, as currently certificates are procured only after speed
money is paid, and that too with multiple visits.

Application for New passport/renewal/change of name & address

Willingness to use for passport application is high, as this is a much-required service,
especially in areas where there is non-agricultural labour exodus to neighbouring countries
(Bangladesh, Nepal and the Gulf countries), and with low literacy, to get a passport made is
considered a problem.

Payment of all bills In rural Uttar Pradesh, there is general tendency of not
paying or delaying the payment of bills to future date.

Grievances Land problems, caste conflicts; dissatisfaction among villagers w.r.t existing
Government programmes makes this service much sought after if provided through kiosks at a
reasonable rate wherein villagers can access this service without much pain..

The Services Model



Rural BPOs, etc.

Quality of Life


Education, Healthcare, Agricultural Extension, etc

Social Development

Create Income

Market Linkages

E-Government Services

Save Costs

Figure 1.3


Delivery Network at the Core of a Network of Stakeholders





Common Services Centres: Impact On Rural Livelihood

Good Governance


Equal Opportunity

Human Development

Income / Employment Generation


India is a land of diversity. This diversity spans across culture, tradition, language, geography
and the economic condition of the people. It is a nation that has a significant number of people
who are below the minimal socio-economic benchmarks. This includes rural and urban poor,
women in rural areas, street children, people belonging to historically disadvantaged castes
and people living in less developed areas. The vulnerability of these sections of society has
increased with globalisation and this section is prone to become even more marginalized economically and socially.
Successive governments have committed themselves to addressing these divides, but
effective implementation of various economic development programmes aimed at individuals
belonging to these sections of society has proved an elusive goal. Government of India (GoI)
recognizes that e-Governance, in the context of developing countries, provides an excellent
opportunity for improving governance. Used imaginatively, it is a trigger for introducing various
administrative reforms. These changes could not only go a long way in improving the quality of
life of these sections of society, but could actually provide them more equitable access to
economic opportunities than ever before. In this context, the Government of India views e[51]

Governance as a strategic tool for transforming Governance and improving the quality of
services provided by the government to its people.
Indias experience in e-Governance / ICT initiatives has demonstrated significant success in
improving accessibility, cutting down costs, reducing corruption, extending help and increased
access to un-served groups. In this phase of experimentation, e-government initiatives have
reached millions of people belonging to these sections of society. Improved access to
information and services has provided economic and social development opportunities,
facilitated participation and communication in policy and decision-making processes and
empowerment of the weakest groups. This has led to fostering a sense of ownership and
building of social capital, which in turn, constitute a basis for local revitalization.
The Government of India, in various forums, has indicated its commitment to provide efficient
and transparent government to all strata of society. E-Governance is now mainly seen as a key
element of the countrys governance and administrative reform agenda. The Government of
India aspires to provide:
Governance that is easily understood by and accountable to the citizens, open to democratic
involvement and scrutiny (an open and transparent government)
Citizen-centric governance that will cover all of its services and respect everyone as
individuals by providing personalised services.
An effective government that delivers maximum value for taxpayers money (quick and
efficient services)

Hence the Government of India views e-Governance as a vehicle to initiate and sustain
reforms by focusing on three broad areas:3 Governance
Peoples participation
Promotion of a democratic society


Public services
Efficient, cost-effective and responsive governance
Convenient services to citizens and businesses
Greater citizen access to public information
Accountability in delivery of services to citizens
Simplicity, efficiency and accountability
Managing voluminous information and data effectively
Information services
Swift and secure communication
While pursuing these goals, it is recognized that the motivations and imperatives for adopting
e-governance in a developing country like India are vastly different from those in developed
countries. Manpower costs and constraints were among the imperatives driving technology
induction in developed countries. Further, the advent of ICT in governance preceded the
emergence of the Internet. Hence one of the main challenges in these countries was to
integrate heterogeneous backend computer systems through complex middleware to leverage
the Internet and achieve integration of services. By contrast, in countries like India, there was
hardly any significant back end computerisation in government before the advent of the
Internet. Consequently, while planning e-governance projects today, the ubiquity, convenience
and power of the Internet can be factored in right from the planning stage itself. Moreover, it is
neither the availability constraint nor the cost of manpower that is the driver for e-governance.
Primarily, the motivations are higher efficiency, transparency, accessibility and accountability
as well as reduction of procedural complexity that breeds corruption. It is also a realization that
there is no other way to effectively provide services to a population of over one billion people.
Besides, the economic and social environment is very different in India compared with that in a
developed country. Per capita income is much lower. Telephone, PC and Internet penetration
levels are low in comparison. Availability of reliable electric power supply is still a problem,

particularly in rural areas. Universal literacy is still a distant goal. IT literacy is very low, both in
absolute and relative terms. India has 22 official languages. Several hundreds of dialects are
spoken all over the country. Less than 5% of the population can speak English. Hence egovernance initiatives need to be planned with reference to these ground realities in the

E-Governance In India:- Challenges.

There are however, numerous challenges. Some of the key areas needing attention are:
Clarity in objective setting: Project approval and funding of projects through multiple
departmental budgets lead to wide variations in the approach to project objective setting,
without a clear focus on outcomes or on building sustainable services. The service needs of
citizens/ businesses and those of other departments are often either overlooked or accorded
lower priority in relation to internal needs. Very often, objective setting is purely in ICT terms
such as computers, networks and so on which are specified in great detail, while government
business process outcomes are either not defined or are defined in vague terms that do not
lend themselves to measurement post implementation.
Ensuring service delivery: E-governance projects have primarily focused on internal
process automation and generally are hardware and infrastructure driven (sometimes even
vendor driven) with little focus on citizen service delivery or outcomes.
Leveraging Private Capital: Experience of successful e-governance initiatives indicates that
well structured service-oriented projects can attract private capital linked to explicit servicelinked revenues from users or from government. The current system of project formulation, i.e.
based on budgetary allocation / grant places little or no pressure on departments to develop
project structures that can attract private capital, a goal that necessitates additional rigour and
complexity at the project formulation and development stage.
Need for Government Process Reengineering: Computerization of inefficient processes
can lead to higher rather than lower levels of inefficiency and spiralling cost. Hence, it is


essential to undertake process re-engineering as an integral part of e-governance project

implementation in order to ensure increased efficiency and reduced costs.
Standardization: Departmental approach and absence of a national framework for common
standards has resulted in adoption of different technical standards and varied architectures.
This has significant implications for designing effective integrated applications and also entails
long-term costs and sub-optimal results.

Independent Impact Assessment: In the current system, there is no requirement or

institutional mechanism for an independent assessment of projects post-implementation to
determine whether they have achieved the set objectives, except in purely financial terms.
Further, very few projects have formal performance metrics defined at the start of the project to
measure outcomes.
Localisation: ICT solutions were mostly developed with an English Language interface.
However, in India a vast majority (95%) of the citizens do not know English and use the local
language. The fact is that India has 22 official languages; for success of e-Governance, this
reality needs to be reflected in the implementation strategy.
Internal Capacity/Project Management Expertise: Departments/ states have limited
access to any institutional mechanisms for building capacities in the areas of e-governance
project development and design, bid process management, professional project management,
development of Contractual Frameworks, Service Level Agreements, etc. They also have no
means of accessing external (outside Government) competencies that are difficult to procure
within the governmental framework.


The Overall E-Governance Action Plan


Figure 1.5

Estimated Revenue Potential: B2C (Table 1.8)

Key B2C Services that would drive footfalls

B2C Services

Web surfing
Health Services
CD Burning
Railway Tickets
Resume upload
Astrology Services
Sale of Agri-inputs
Digital Photos
Tuitions Classes
IT Training
Vocational Training

% HHs

per 910 HHs






Rate per
in Rs.

Mean No. of
per annum

Potential per
annum (Rs.)







In this section I have first explained about research philosophy and approaches. In the later
part of the chapter a brief and detailed overview of the research design and methodology used
by me for this dissertation are provided.

To get to the stated aim of the research in question a combination of both primary and
secondary research is to be carried out. A discussion of the methodology would provide a
framework for constructive criticism and replication of the research.The various tools used
throughout the research are described in the following section along with a rationale behind
choosing each one of those tools.

Research design is a conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It constitutes
the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. Research design is needed
because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research operations, thereby making
research as efficient as possible yielding maximum information with minimum effort, time and
money. Research design stands for advance planning of methods to be used for collecting the
relevant data and the techniques to be used in their analyses. Preparation of research design
should be done with great care as any error may upset the entire project. Therefore it is
imperative that an efficient design must be prepared before starting research operations. It
helps to organize the ideas in a form whereby it becomes possible to look for flaws and


In order to reduce the possibility of getting the answer wrong means that attention has to be
paid in two particular emphases on research design: Reliability and Validity.


Reliability of the source is very important for the research, which is to be carried out. It is to be
seen and understood that the analytical measures will yield the same result as desired in other
situations and whether the results obtained will be the same if the same research is carried out
by other researchers. Reliability of the source can also be the source of faults and threats for
the research like information drawn from the source could be biased, there could be an error of
misinterpretation by the observer, or the questionnaire could be full of faults. These tend to
raise the questions of how reliable is the source for the research. Thus in the research I have
been careful while using the secondary data.
Validity on the other hand, is concerned with whether the findings are really about what they
appear to be. There is always a great probability of error creeping into the system. A
researcher has to be very careful and alert while focusing on his research. He has to make
sure the method used to collect data is valid and that the data thus collected is from the
reliable source, as the final findings in the research report depends on it. For the research to
be a successful it is very important that the researcher has his aim very clear with well-defined
set of objectives and some means or guidelines in hand to keep a check on the research for its


This section describes the various data collection methods used along with the rationale
behind choosing them,

The sampling strategy for this research is largely modeled around the various constraints on
the availability of data. The productivity data in organisations is very confidential and in most
cases is not publicly available. Therefore, one of the factors which are an important influencer
to the sample size is the number of organizations processes from where data could be
The research focuses on the population of the research theoretically would be all the behavior
of rural paradigm in the India. it is extremely difficult to ascertain the total population size,
which makes using accurate probability sampling not feasible.

Keeping those constraints in mind, the sampling used for this research is heterogeneous nonprobability sampling. According to Newuman (2000), this sort of sampling is best when using
the case study research. Although a statistically accurate sample of the population is not
feasible in this research, the sample used is heterogeneous to remove the element of bias to
the extent possible.

A majority of the data regarding this research was in the form of secondary data. A large
portion of the data came from the various sources available such as books, journals and
industry reports etc. A description of each source is presented below.


The exploratory desk research included a wide range of sources including, books, journals,
newspapers etc.
Journals Journals supplemented the knowledge available from books. Journals are
frequently updated and therefore provide insight into the Indian Auto Component Industry.
Journals can also be chosen because of the fact that they are the articles, which gives you
views and work done on the same field, by other researchers. However, journals might also
suffer from biasness in its approach. A researcher just might have taken a different approach
or might have overlooked the other side of the coin required in the research. Still journals
provide enough insight and material for the research in question here. Thus raising the doubts
about how reliable is this source and how valid is the data collected from this source. A
researcher needs to make sure about the information gathered is not only valid but also
reliable and can be used in the research. If not, then the research will not be a valid research
Among the sources mentioned above, additional sources of knowledge were trade journals,
websites and industry reports. These are the sources for wider coverage of the research.
For the purpose of getting the required information, I proposed to conduct the interview of
three segments. One segment will be people in the organization who have the decision[61]

making powers. Second segment will be people who execute the decision taken. Furthermore
researchers divide these segments into two main categories. For those organizations who
outsource and the other for those who are being outsourced to. Interviews will be both through
emails, postal and personal in nature. Use of email and postal is for the targeted interviewees
who are not reachable by me in the given timeframe however personal interviews are specially
meant for the interviewees like managers or people in the organisation who have the decision
taking power.
The reason for conducting the interviews is to have the first hand information from the people
in question here for the research. Among the different kinds of interviews, semi-structured
interviews have been used for this research. It was felt that a structured approach would not
be completely appropriate. The nature of relationships is likely to be very different across
different organizations therefore; the interviews may require a more flexible approach. On the
other hand, the key discussion areas need to be guided by the existing literature and therefore
it would be helpful that an interview guide is followed. It may well be the case that some people
would prefer not to discuss particular subject areas.
There are certain limitations of interviews, which should be made clear. The experiences of
each interview subject are personal therefore to generalize the analysis across all
organisations would not be scientific. However, keeping this abstract subject of cross-cultural
management relationship in mind, it would not have been effective to ascertain the true picture
by using an alternative research tool.



The subject of offshore outsourcing is quite volatile in the public domain. Confidentiality and
anonymity is therefore, of primary importance throughout this research. In almost all cases, the
data collection has only been possible on the condition of anonymity. An attempt is also be
made in this research to abide by the ethical aspects on all occasions.
For every research there are restrictions and limitations. Without them the world does not exist.
Similarly there are some restrictions in my research work, which could not be controlled. The
following were some limitations, which I faced in the making of this research.

The study was restricted to only the case of E-Governance Nevertheless all efforts
were made to get relevant information for the successful completion of the research.

There may be some discrepancies in views as some people might give false
information in the Questionnaire, as they might not be interested in filling the form.

Firstly I had chosen 100 residents of 3 districts near of for the evaluation of exact
needs and requirements of e-governance in INDIA I was able to get all questionnaires filled.
The reason being that they all really want to find out what is the exact requirement and their
propositions in rural context scenario.


Over 100 Rural Residents were interviewed and were asked different questions on which their
view on E-GOVERNANCE concept was came to know in a much better way.


Are you fully aware of National E-Governance Plan.

Figure 1.6


2. Does the model fits for Building rural India into great economy ?
Figure 1.7

3. Are you a owner of Common Service Center under NeGP ?

Figure 1.8


4. From where did you came to know about this Project ?

Figure 1.9

5. Are you aware of the qualification criteria required for taking CSC ?
Figure 1.10


6. What was your mindset when you first listened about the project- Rank ?
Figure 1.11

7. Do you feel that to the area you belong is well developed ?

Figure 1.12


8. Do you think Government is well equipped to provide services in rural areas.

Figure 1.13

9. What's your opinion that does Public-Private partnership will really cater needs of rural India ?
Figure 1.14


10. Rate the Indian Rural Economy

Figure 1.15

11. Rate your key ratings from different services.

G2C SERVICES. (Figure 1.16)


Figure 1.17

Figure 1.18


Commercial Services.
Figure 1.19

12. For you which is the most important service.

Figure 1.20


13. Do you feel the concepts of Telemedicine & E-Agriculture will really prove to be beneficial for
the rural mass ?
Figure 1.21

14. Does the facilities provided by the company are well equipped ?

Figure 1.22

15. Does the Bank Loan Process is really a transparent module ?

Figure 1.22

16. What are expected earnings from the CSCs business model?
Figure 1.23



Would you recommend this CSCs business model to your nearest ones or to
your nativess ?
Figure 1.24


Some Questions were asked where the general questions were asked for the reference of
what they think about this NeGP Model.
Where the answer of 1 respondents is mentioned below:1. Write your feelings below regarding this PPP model framework.
I think PPP model will really work in achieving the modus operandi of the National egovernance plan, whether it is government, private or commercial services it will be delivered
to us in the least minimum time with the affordability, reliability & with least amount of error.
2. What would you say about the services that are being already to your CSCs?
They are really good in fulfilling the needs of rural customers and the Services that are already
there are really catering the needs of the rural consumers.


3. Now, the most important thing what are your expected outcomes or rating from the
National E-Governance Model?




Private Firms.









Cant Say







Table 1.9
The Questionnaire was prepared in such a manner so that it should not hinder any ones
feeling thats why questions that were asked in this were very crisp and easy to answer
because at the end of the day the answers to these questions have to be answered by the
rural consumers.



The report focuses on the tools used for this research. The research uses a range of data
sources and techniques including interviews and secondary data analysis, therefore, it seems
appropriate to classify the research strategy as a case study. Data collection is one of the most
important elements of the research. As mentioned above, this research uses a range of data
sources. The most important data sources being interviews and analysis of data from Omax
Auto, secondary data sources such as books, journals, industry reports and Internet have also
been used. The reason of giving more stress to the primary data is for the fact that secondary
data is more of historical and very nature of the research is evidential. For this research I had
to collect and analyse the current market to prove the assumptions. To validate the research
findings primary research gave the research more indebt knowledge about the aim. Secondary
data though relevant sources was available but suffers from a lot of biasness and limitations of
the previous studies conducted as the situation in the Indian Auto Component Industry is
changing. What the situation was five years ago may not be relevant today. Moreover the
research here is based more on todays market conditions.
Global shifts towards increased deployment of IT by governments emerged in the nineties,
with the advent of the World Wide Web. The technology as well as e-governance initiatives
(Heeks & Richard, 2006) have come a long way since then. With the increase in Internet and
mobile connections, the citizens are learning to exploit their new mode of access in wide
ranging ways.
There has been an increasing involvement of international donor agencies under the
framework of e-governance for development to catalyze the development of e-governance
laws and technologies in developing countries. While the emphasis has been primarily on
automation and computerization, state Governments have also endeavored to use ICT tools
into connectivity, networking, setting up systems for processing information and delivering
services. The strategic objective of e-governance is to support and simplify governance for all
parties - government, citizens and businesses has been successful by the use of ICTs.
After ensuring that the basic requirements are fulfilled advantages of e governance start
accruing. Challenges need to be forecasted and dealt with very cautiously.

For success of an e-governance project and superior service delivery, it is imperative that the
government agency focuses on whole citizen experience. Focusing on the citizen is essential
for long term success. The Government agency needs to integrate information from all points
of citizen interaction. The overall architecture for e-Governance needs to ensure that the
architecture components are extensible and scalable to adapt to the changing environments.
MCA-21 project an e-Governance initiative of the Ministry of Company Affairs (MCA). This is a
flagship e-Governance Project of the Government of India covers the core services of the
Ministry. The project was visionary in nature and aimed at repositioning the Ministry as a
dynamic and modern organization, capable of fulfilling the aspirations of stakeholders in the
21st century.
As a result of this, business and citizens enjoyed the benefits of working in a modern office
environment with access to the best in class information technology solution that helped them
in executing their responsibilities efficiently.
In the context of a globalising world, it is important that Indian industry remains in the
reckoning in a competitive environment. Therefore, the regulatory framework must facilitate
compliance of rules at a minimum cost and with convenience to the stakeholder. MCA21 is
founded on the Governments vision to build a healthy business eco system and make the
country globally competitive.
For any program to be outcome-based, a paradigm shift in the service delivery is inevitable. A
Service Centric Approach by the Government is the principal driving factor to the
transformation. The bottom line of this unique initiative is the improved speed and certainty in
the delivery of MCA services.
This improvement is primarily enabled through the mechanism of electronic Filing (e-Filing) for
the services and back office automation by harnessing the right technology enablers.
The MCA21 initiative is part of the Mission Mode projects of the Government of India. Such
mission mode projects have been positioned to be major change agents in the e-Governance
space in India. Government agencies and departments and even private entities, which want
to play a role in e-Governance transformations, will all be catalyzed to think along the roadmap
and imbibe the learnings from the mission mode projects. The MCA21 program may be looked

at as one of the early e-Governance building blocks capable of providing sustainable ethos to
the several modernizing initiatives that will be carried out by the Government of India.
There are two distinct areas where knowledge and learnings can be taken from the MCA21
project - (a) a model for secure electronic filing and (b) a concept for improving Government
Back office efficiency. It is needless to say that these two are critical ingredients that can be
used in a plethora of situations involving delivery of citizen services by the Government.
The experience gained from MCA21 can serve as a solid foundation not just for improving
service delivery but help the Government think out-of-the-box for innovating and defining new
The following points that were there to finalize the whole topic and from where we drive
towards conclusions and there were some nice recommendations from my external guide that
this NATIONAL E-GOVERNANCE PLAN is really fruitful for the growth of Indian Rural

The efforts as the Program Management Agency, have, primarily been focused on developing
a better understanding of the building blocks for a viable and sustainable CSC model
focusing both on the technology pieces, as well as, more importantly the potential stack of
services. The attempt has been to cover as wide a spectrum as possible so as to surface all
the areas, which need to be looked at for implementation of this scheme. As the project moves
to the next stage some of the key areas, which need to be focused on, are covered in the
following paragraphs:


Technology Architecture
The configuration and IT hardware at the CSC would need to be robust and easy to operate.
There are enough reliable sources of hardware of all types in the country, and therefore
procurement of IT assets and getting optimal costs thereof, should not be a major issue. To the
extent, the various SCAs can coalesce their requirements could be through the NLSA
economies of scale could help further drive down prices from the levels indicated.
The bigger challenge is going to be that of maintenance and management of a remote network
especially in harsh power, heat and dust conditions. Whilst, more robust PC hardware
solutions are entering the market, SCAs would need to tie-in with reliable manufacturers and
System Integrators for the establishment and maintenance of the CSCs.
To achieve ease of operations, would also need a focus on the OS, applications software etc,
especially from a language interface perspective. Whilst there are some available solutions,
with agencies such as CDAC, most of them are still prototypes. These now need to be taken
to the market.

The Content Challenge

More than just the user interface, the bigger challenge is going to be the Content. There is no
dearth of available content available in disaggregated forms with various content providers,
government departments, and NGOs - both at the national and the regional levels. For
example, MANAGE has a large repository of agriculture content which could be effectively
used. Television channels like Doordarshan, as well as private channels, have large content
banks that could be catalogued and recycled for rural areas. The challenge, is to create
capacity and capability to:
Enable content to be delivered through a digital medium in multiple languages: Most content
would be in any one of English, Hindi or a regional language i.e. the content is not ready for
multi-lingual deployment. Further, most of it is in print. Technology can be effectively used to
convert this content into a CSC friendly format. Hence, for government agencies at least, it is
suggested that the DIT should facilitate

Selection of VLEs:
The VLE is the key to the success of the CSC operations. While content and services are
important, it is the VLEs entrepreneurial ability that is critical to ensure CSC sustainability. A
good VLE would be one with entrepreneurial traits, strong social commitment and commands
respect within the community. VLE should have all the qualities necessary to sub-serve the
basic objectives of the CSC. The quality of service at the CSCs would be as effective as the
quality of persons running them. Selection and proper training of the VLE therefore would play
a vital role in making the CSC a success. The SCAs would need to explore NGOs, SHG and
other agencies such as organization of retired services personnel for a database of potential
VLEs. Network such that those of Gram Sevaks, National Innovation Foundations, Yuvak
Kendras can provide a starting place for identifying potential change agents.

Monitoring Framework
A strong monitoring and control systems at the SCA level is a must. Whilst there are available
platforms for managing remote hardware and software, a robust MIS and financial control
system needs to be put in place. There are challenges of secure payment systems, user
identification and authentication, remote network management. Some solutions have been
identified. These and more would be tested out through pilot centres, which are being set up in
different parts of the country.

G2C Services
The State Governments should be encouraged to establish a centralized SDC. The SDC
should host all the databases across the various State government departments,
District/Taluka offices. The States should also accelerate their backend computerisation
through a turnkey PPP model, wherein the private partner could take complete responsibility
for development/sourcing of relevant applications, bring in the initial investment and agree on a
revenue sharing pattern with the SCAs, as services get deployed through the CSC. A
centralized initiative also needs to be taken for establishing connectivity solutions.

Selecting SCAs
The success of the CSC scheme would largely depend on a careful selection of the SCAs.
Most of the existing private kiosks are managed by SCA equivalents, which bring in their
managerial skill and their business networks for the benefit of village kiosk owners. Other than
a few like ITC, do not necessarily bring in a base revenue model of their own. Motivating
large.companies from relevant verticals can accelerate the establishment of a viable business
model, as the CSCs would essentially become an extension of an existing commercial
ecosystem. And, to the extent such SCAs can be networked with local NGOs, a good mix of
commerce and development can be achieved. Going forward, this matchmaking will be a key
focus area.


Data was collected primarily from secondary sources (internet, articles etc).
Following are the references.






Mr Gopesh Tiwari State Anchor- ILFS, Lucknow.

Department of IT & Electronics Uttar Pradesh.


Dataquest Magzine.

E-Gov Magzine.

Mr Ravindra Singh Center for E-Governance, Lucknow.www.nic.in



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