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3 dead, 37 rescued in Antarctic fishing boat fire

Nick Perry, The Associated Press, Wellington, New Zealand | Wed,
Fire swept through a South Korean fishing ship near Antarctica early Wednesday,
killing three fishermen and leaving two others with severe burns.
Rescue coordinators said the outcome could have been worse had it not been for
the assistance given by a nearby sister ship and another fishing vessel. Thirty-seven
crew members were rescued, including two unconscious men who had been
severely burned and were hoisted off the flaming ship by crane. Five crew members
suffered moderate burns.
The ship, the Jung Woo 2, got into trouble in the Ross Sea about 595 kilometers
north of the US McMurdo Station Antarctic base. It was continuing to burn
Wednesday and appeared to be sinking, said Mike Roberts, the senior search and
rescue officer with the Rescue Coordination Centre of New Zealand.
A US research vessel, the Nathaniel B. Palmer, was expected to reach the crew
Wednesday evening. Roberts said the US crew will treat the injured seamen, then
put them ashore at McMurdo Base for more extensive help and possible evacuation
to New Zealand. New Zealand authorities are helping to coordinate the rescue but
are not at the scene.
Roberts said the fire appears to have started in the living quarters of the 51-meter
Jung Woo 2 before it quickly spread to the engine room and the ship's fish
processing plant. It raged out of control, he said, with the crew's firefighting teams
unable to halt its progress.
The three men who were killed never made it out of their quarters, Roberts said. He
said 25 men were able to get onto a liferaft but the fire burned through the ship's
other liferaft, forcing 12 men to stay aboard until help arrived.
The sister ship Jung Woo 3 and another Korean vessel, the Hong Jin 707, arrived
within about three hours, Roberts said.

"We're pretty fortunate that we were able to get 37 out of 40 to safety," Roberts
said. "It was a really catastrophic event."
The two men who were unconscious at the time of the rescue have since regained
consciousness, Roberts said, raising hopes they will survive their extensive burns.
Roberts said the cause of the fire remains unknown.
Australian records show the Jung Woo 2 is owned by the Sunwoo Corporation and is
licensed to fish for Chilean sea bass, crab and other bottom-dwelling fish. The ship
was built in 1985 in Japan and is registered in Busan, South Korea.
The Jung Woo 2 is the second fishing vessel in less than a month to encounter
trouble during the Antarctic summer fishing season.
On Dec. 16, the Russian vessel Sparta hit underwater ice that tore a 30 centimeter
hole in the hull and left the 32 crew stranded for 10 days, until rescue boats could
get to it and make temporary repairs. The Sparta limped into a New Zealand port
earlier this week. (mtq)

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7 Indonesians in vessel fire near Antarctica: Envoy

Mustaqim Adamrah, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 01/11/2012 1:10 PM

Jung Woo 2: In this undated photo provided by Convention on the Conservation of

Antarctic Marine Living Resources, the South Korean fishing boat Jung Woo 2 is
moored in an unknown harbor. Three crew members aboard the fishing boat are
believed to have died when a fire raged through their quarters early Wednesday,
while fishing near Antarctica. (AP/CCAMLR, Natasha)
The Indonesian Ambassador in Wellington, Antonius Agus Sriyono, said there were
seven Indonesian nationals onboard a South Korean fishing vessel that caught fire
early on Wednesday close to Antarctica.
Of the 40 crew members registered with ship, the Jung Woo 2, three died in the fire,
while seven, among others who were rescued, suffered from major and minor
injuries or burns, according to Agus.
All of the three crew members who died were Vietnamese nationals, none of them
were Indonesians, he told The Jakarta Post from Wellington over the phone.
We dont know yet whether the seven Indonesian nationals are among those who
have been rescued [unharmed] or whether they are among those suffering injuries.
Agus said he was still coordinating with the Wellington-based Rescue Coordination
Centre, which had deployed a team to save the crew members.

The fire appears to have started in the living quarters of the 51-meter Jung Woo
2 before it quickly spread to the engine room and the ship's fish processing plant,
said Mike Roberts, the senior search and rescue officer with the centre, The
Associated Press reported.
It raged out of control, he said, with the crew's firefighting teams unable to tame it.
The sister ship, Jung Woo 3, and another Korean vessel, the Hong Jin 707, came to
the rescue within three hours, he said.
"We're pretty fortunate that we were able to get 37 out of 40 to safety," Roberts
said as quoted by AP. "It was a really catastrophic event."
A US research vessel, the Nathaniel B. Palmer, was expected to reach the crew on
Wednesday evening. Roberts said the US crew will treat the injured seamen, then
deliver them ashore at McMurdo Base for more extensive help and a possible
evacuation to New Zealand.
Agus said he also expected the Nathaniel B. Palmer, which had hospital facilities, to
immediately arrive at the scene.
Below are the names and years of birth of the Indonesian nationals onboard
the Jung Woo 2:
1. Victor sopacua, 1974
2. Hartoyo, 1985
3. Sutisno, 1980
4. Domssi Sitaniapessy, 1988
5. Jant Je Sopacua, 1984
6. Ferilando Alfonso, 1982
7. Maryanto, 1989

West Java administration, council reported for

Yuli Tri Suwarni, The Jakarta Post, Bandung, West Java | Wed, 01/11/2012 7:02
An Anticorruption group has reported the West Java provincial administration and
legislative council to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for the
alleged embezzlement from a provincial social aid fund in 2010 with possible
state losses of Rp 1.7 trillion (US$184.80 million).

The Taxation Advocacy Group (TAG) chairman Dedi Haryadi said the alleged
abuse of power in managing the 2010 West Java provincial budget was the
responsibility of Governor Ahmad Heryawan and the West Java Legislative
The West Java Prosecutors Office is investigating the alleged social aid
embezzlement but there has been no progress. Thats why I also filed a report to
the KPK, Dedi told reporters in Bandung on Wednesday.
He said the report was based on an audit by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on
a consolidated report from aid recipients as of May 2, 2011.
Out of the Rp 2.4 trillion disbursed as financial aid in 2010 in the provincial
budget, only 30 percent or Rp 747.5 billion has been accounted. Meanwhile, out
of Rp 192.8 billion allocated for social aid, only 7 percent or Rp 12.9 billion was
accompanied by accountability reports.
The BPK also reported irregularities in the way both funds were disbursed in
which Rp 566.9 billion of financial aid and Rp 175.8 billion of social aid were
channeled without being verified and validated by regional administration
agencies as well as accountability team.
In its audit, the BPK found recipients with the same address, those whose
existence cannot be confirmed, and those who cannot provide usage reports,
Dedi said.
He also suspected that the embezzlement also involved provincial councilors in
disbursing the funds to their constituents in their election districts, in addition to
the provincial administrations budget team.
We have only reported the value of the alleged embezzlement for further
investigation by the KPK, Dedi said.
The KPKs public report official Swasti Putri received the report, accompanied by
BPKs dossiers, on Tuesday. (nvn)

3 tewas, 37 diselamatkan dalam kebakaran kapal ikan

Nick Perry, The Associated Press, Wellington, Selandia
Baru | Thu, 2012/01/11 11:41 A | A | A |
Api menyapu melalui kapal nelayan Korea Selatan dekat
Antartika Rabu pagi, menewaskan tiga nelayan dan
meninggalkan dua orang dengan luka bakar parah.
Koordinator Rescue mengatakan hasilnya bisa saja lebih
buruk kalau bukan karena bantuan yang diberikan oleh
sebuah kapal adik terdekat dan kapal penangkap ikan
lainnya. Tiga puluh tujuh anggota awak berhasil
diselamatkan, termasuk dua pria tak sadar yang telah parah
terbakar dan mengangkat dari kapal menyala-nyala pada
crane. Lima anggota awak menderita luka bakar moderat.
Kapal, yang Woo Jung 2, mendapat masalah di Laut Ross
sekitar 595 kilometer sebelah utara pangkalan AS Stasiun
McMurdo Antartika. Hal itu terus membakar Rabu dan
tampak tenggelam, kata Mike Roberts, pencarian senior dan

Sebuah penelitian kapal AS, Nathaniel B. Palmer,
malam. Roberts
mengatakan, para awak AS akan memperlakukan pelaut
terluka, kemudian menempatkan mereka ke darat di
Pangkalan McMurdo untuk bantuan lebih luas dan
kemungkinan evakuasi ke Selandia Baru. Selandia Baru
menyelamatkan tetapi tidak di tempat kejadian.
Roberts mengatakan api tampaknya telah dimulai di tempat
tinggal dari 51 meter 2 Jung Woo sebelum dengan cepat
menyebar ke ruang mesin dan pabrik pengolahan ikan
kapal. Ini berkobar di luar kendali, katanya, dengan tim
pemadam kebakaran kru tidak dapat menghentikan
Tiga orang yang tewas tidak pernah berhasil keluar dari
mengatakan. Ia
mengatakan 25 orang itu bisa mendapatkan ke liferaft, tapi
api membakar melalui liferaft kapal lainnya, memaksa 12
orang untuk tinggal di kapal sampai bantuan tiba.
Kapal adik Jung Woo 3 dan kapal lain Korea, Hong Jin 707,
tiba dalam waktu sekitar tiga jam, Roberts mengatakan.
"Kami cukup beruntung bahwa kami bisa mendapatkan 37
dari 40 untuk keselamatan," kata Roberts. "Ini adalah
Dua orang yang tidak sadar pada saat menyelamatkan
sejak sadar kembali, Roberts mengatakan, meningkatkan
harapan mereka akan bertahan luka bakar yang luas

Roberts mengatakan penyebab kebakaran masih belum
Catatan Australia menunjukkan Jung Woo 2 dimiliki oleh
Corporation Sunwoo dan berlisensi untuk ikan bass Chili
kepiting laut, dan lainnya yang tinggal di bawah ikan. Kapal
itu dibangun pada tahun 1985 di Jepang dan terdaftar di
Jung Woo 2 adalah kapal penangkap ikan kedua dalam
waktu kurang dari sebulan untuk menghadapi masalah
Pada tanggal 16, Sparta kapal Rusia itu es bawah laut yang
merobek lubang sentimeter 30 di lambung dan
meninggalkan kru 32 terdampar selama 10 hari, sampai
kapal penyelamat bisa untuk itu dan melakukan perbaikan
sementara. Sparta itu tertatih-tatih ke pelabuhan Selandia
Baru awal pekan ini. (MTQ)

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