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Water Treatment Controlling System

MM2100 Industrial Estate provides water supply facilities for tenants needs.
MM2100 Industrial estate is surrounded by two sources of standard water,
they are Citarum River and Cikarang River. Quality standard water is the
water that has passed the standard of water processable into drinking water.
Currently, MM2100 obtain its water sources from Citarum River, which is the
drinking water source for DKI Jakarta.
MM2100 Waters treatment and delivery of water is an intricate and involved
process. From the moment water begins the journey from its source through
their highly sophisticated plants, into underground pipes and to its final
destination, their teams of professional scientists and plant operators
oversee its passage. They closely monitor its movement and quality, testing
it frequently.
Each year, they conduct nearly one million tests and measurements using
the most advanced technology and equipment available. Their scientists test
water samples from across the country to protect against viruses, microbes,
hazardous chemicals, algae, metals, minerals and other potential
From the time source water from a lake, stream or reservoir enters one of
their treatment plants, until it flows through the tap, it goes through five
basic treatment steps:
The water treatment process consists of five steps:
1. Coagulation/flocculation- Raw water from terminal reservoirs is drawn into
mixing basins at their treatment plants where they add alum, polymer and
sometimes lime and carbon dioxide. This process causes small particles to
stick to one another, forming larger particles. Alum and other chemicals are
added to water to form tiny, sticky particles called floc, which attract dirt
and other particles suspended in water.
2. Sedimentation- Over time, the now-larger particles become heavy enough
to settle to the bottom of a basin from which sediment is removed. The
heavy floc particles settle to the bottom of treatment tanks, allowing for their
separation from the water.
3. Filtration- The water is then filtered through layers of fine, granulated
materials either sand, or sand and coal, depending on the treatment plant.
As smaller, suspended particles are removed, turbidity diminishes and clear
water emerges. The water passes through filters of sand, gravel and charcoal
to help remove even smaller particles.

4. Disinfection- To protect against any bacteria, viruses and other microbes

that might remain, disinfectant is added before the water flows into
underground reservoirs throughout the distribution system and into your
home or business. Denver Water carefully monitors the amount of
disinfectant added to maintain quality of the water at the farthest reaches of
the system. Fluoride occurs naturally in their water but also is added to
treated water. Chlorine is added or other disinfection methods are used to kill
bacteria or other microorganisms in the water.
5. Corrosion control- pH is maintained by adding alkaline substances to
reduce corrosion in the distribution system and the plumbing in your home or
business. Water is placed in a closed tank or reservoir to allow for
disinfection. Water then flows through pipes to homes and businesses in the

The processing is done in the current WTP, has met the quality standards
required by the government in accordance with the "SK Menteri Kesehatan
No. 416 / Menkes / 1991". By following the standard NAC (National
Accreditation Committee) and Guidelines for Quality Policy ISO 9001:2000
which has been obtained by WTP.
To further improve service in the provision of clean water is also necessary to
improve the operation and monitoring system in the domestic PAP unit
through a system of control and monitoring at every stage of the process. By
applying technology SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition), the
scope of the operation and oversight of the process in WTP can be controlled
in a control room with ease.

System Designing.
Goals and Objectives
This activity aims to design a SCADA system that can be applied in water
treatment plant at an industrial area that serves the needs of the domestic
water supply. The goal is the identification of the existing condition of
equipment and planning tools that support the design of SCADA system at
every stage of the process in this WTP.
Scope of Activities
The scope of activities carried out in the SCADA system design are:
Conduct a survey of existing conditions to observe the existing water
treatment process.
Inventory of equipment process which consists of pumps, dosing,
blowers, and sensors that have been installed.
Location of work covers the entire unit in the WTP process, namely:
Raw Water Intake, Chemical & Dosing Room, Flokulator, Clarifier,
Filtration, Disinfection room, Reservoir, and Water Supply Pump.
Develop a planning system for SCADA hardware and software with
the proposed stages of development.

Implementation of SCADA system design activities for domestic PAP follow
the methodology as follows:
1) Field Survey. The survey was conducted to find out in detail about the
situation in the domestic PAP locations, especially regarding the water
treatment process, the number of equipment units existing processes
(existing systems), the function and condition of equipment units and obtain
input in the process of identifying the needs of the development of the new
system (proposed system).
2) Analysis System. Systems analysis carried out on the water treatment
process to determine the parameters monitored and monitoring sites in each
stage of the process. The analysis was performed also on the existing sensor
equipment to determine the methods of monitoring and development.
3) Design / Design System. The design of the system hardware and software
SCADA system to support monitoring and Controlling existing equipment
online and realtime.

SCADA is a system designed for monitoring and controlling a process in an
integrated manner, which includes the function of monitoring and data
collection. Supervisory Control includes the ability to perform the command
Start / Stop, change the parameters of a process and changing the set point
alarm. While Data Acquisition is the ability to record and display the
conditions and the course of a process so that the recorded data can be
displayed for further evaluation.
The advantage of using SCADA among others, can maximize production,
improve production quality and reduce the cost of operation and
maintenance. In addition, the most important advantage is that it can know
the whole system directly processes (online and in real time) so as to assist
and facilitate the management in making decisions related to the process of
water services within a residential area.
Instrumentation and control systems at water treatment plant has a purpose
to operate and control the existing treatment facilities ranging from intake /
source of raw water to the distribution of safety, reliability and
simultaneously can assist management in carrying out the management of a
water treatment plant. Monitoring and Controlling flow diagram for PAP

housing and monitoring and control parameters that should be done at every
stage of the water treatment process is shown as follows.

To get the parameters of water quality and quantity monitoring and physical
parameters associated with the control system equipment in domestic WTP.
The following figure is a flow diagram of water treatment processes in
domestic WTP and water quality sensors laying position. Where to place the
sensor unit water quality and quantity are reviewed based on the direction of
flow and water treatment processes on WTP are as follows:
NO (Node 0) is placed in the intake of raw water by installing a water quality
sensors (pH and NTU) to determine the quality changes immediately. CCTV
camera is used to view the situation in the vicinity of the intake. Data quality
and image data, is sent to the control room using the wireless system.
N1 (Node 1) is placed in the channel of the raw water intake to the presedimentation unit in the WTP page by installing water quality sensors (pH
and NTU).
N2 (Node 2) placed at the end of the direction of flow by installing sensors
pre-sedimentation tub water quality (pH, NTU, Flow, Level, and Residual
N3 (Node 3) were placed in tubs flocculator by installing sensors to
determine the pH of a large dose required the addition of coagulant and
coagulant tank in the chemical space.
N4 (Node 4) placed in the clarifier basin with water quality observed (NTU,
pH, and TSS)
N5 (Node 5) placed at the outlet of each gravity filter by observing head
lost / level meter and NTU values to determine the performance on each
filter, so that the operator will know when the filter media replacement is
N6 (Node 6) is placed in the reservoir basin by installing sensors NTU,
Residual Chlorine, pH and level meters.
N7 (Node 7) is placed in the distribution channel to the tenant with the
observed flow rate, pressure and Residual Chlorine.
N8 (Node 8) placed in the chemical space by installing sensors Flow rate and
level meter to determine the stock of chemicals in each tank existing
System data delivery to the location of the N1 to N8 location is to use the
cable network system.

While to know the working status (On / Off) raw water pumping equipment,
chlorine booster pumps, backwash pump distribution pumps, coagulant
dosing pumps, mixers and mixer flocculator existing clarifier in housing PAPs
will use the existing inverter or by creating a new inverter for equipment who
do not have it.

Draft System
Based on analysis of the water treatment process system in domestic WTP,
then do the planning and design of the monitoring and control systems in
domestic WTP. SCADA system design can be grouped into three groups of
design, namely:
a. Parameter Quality / Quantity Water. Design a system for monitoring and
control of data quality and quantity of water in each process WTP, which
includes parameters such as pH, turbidity, TSS, residual chlorine, flow /
discharge, pressure and water level (level)
b. Status Pumps. Design a system for monitoring and control of electrical
equipment consisting of water pumps, dosing pumps, air blowers, mixers,
and consumption of electrical energy.
c. SCADA software. The design of software systems for monitoring and
SCADA systems controlling at WTP. This design consists of a diagram of the
operation of the software and user interface design software.
The image below is the result of the planned design of the water treatment
process in WTP laying position sensor housing and adapted to the layout of
water quality at the site of the WTP. Existing condition location already has a
water quality sensors and sensor placement location of both existing and
new ones can be seen from this image.
The calculation of the number of points / node monitoring water quality in
domestic WTP has been adjusted by the number of stages of the water
treatment process, where the condition of existing water treatment process
is carried out in parallel two-line processes. The green color in the figure
indicate the condition of the existing equipment existing sensors and blue
indicates the planned design development sensor equipment that will be
proposed to complete SCADA system.

SCADA systems in Domestic WTP

Each control panel consisting of several LC (Lean Control) is used to control
the retrieval of data by a data logger system at each location sensor
placement. Through this panel controls the captured data is then sent to a
data center in the control room. Data received, then processed by the
database program, so it can be used to display the results of the monitoring
of water quality measurement data and the status of electrical equipment
through the monitor, the monitor panel or a web browser on the location of
the Domestic WTP.
Lean Control used has 8 output ports, 8 port input, virtual output coil 16 and
16 contact inputs that can be used to communicate with the monitoring
equipment or other electrical equipment. Any change in the sensor
measurement data and the status of electrical equipment caused by the
pump and the other will generate event / signal LC and send new status to
be read by the event handler in the data logger which is then forwarded to
the data center to be stored into the database.

Development Planning System

Development planning is based design has been refined and agreed upon by
the domestic PAP manager. Development is done in accordance with the
following stages:
a. Phase 1: Integration of existing equipment includes sensor equipment and
pumping equipment and others. In this first step needs to be done jobs:
Create a communication protocol adapted to the existing sensor
Make the system controller / data logger to read the status of the
existing pumping equipment work.
Develop a first version of the SCADA software for data monitoring.
SCADA software prototype looks like in Figure 8.
b. Stage 2: Integration of new equipment includes sensors, level meter
according to plan design to complement the observation of water quality. At
this second stage needs to be done jobs:
Create a communication protocol in accordance with the new sensor
Upgrade the second version of the SCADA software development for
data monitoring.
c. Phase 3: Development of Controlling hardware system through the third
version of the SCADA software. In this third phase of the work is focused on
the problem of remote controls for equipment that is mounted on the work of
phase 1 and 2 using a system with multiple LC network (lean control).

4.4. Planning and implementation of the Trial Work in the field is done in
accordance with the planning stages of development, namely:
a. Stage 1:
Installation of back / reinstall existing sensor equipment to the system
control / data logger new so it can be monitored in the control room.
Integration of electrical equipment and other pumps in order to monitor the
status of works in the control room.
Installation of the first version of the SCADA software system that is able to
monitor the water quality and the status of each pump in the water
treatment process.

b. Phase 2:
Installation of new sensor equipment for monitoring in accordance with the
development plan system to control / data logger that can be monitored in
the control room.
Installing a second version of the SCADA software system that is able to
monitor the overall water quality and status pumps in water treatment
c. Stage 3:
Installation of system control / data logger capable of controlling water
quality data collection and control work pumping equipment from the control
room via computer.
Installation of SCADA system software version 4 which is able to monitor
and control the overall water quality and status pumps in water treatment
Differences in communication systems from different vendors sensor
equipment can be overcome by doing the job of interfacing with the
guidelines of the operating manual issued by each vendor.
LC system used is designed to be configured easily adjusted with sensor
equipment used.
Communication media using UTP cable is the cheapest solution at the time of
implementation in the field. However, the use of communication media with
wireless technology it is possible to connect remotely located
communications equipment and the control room, for example, CCTV
equipment to transmit the data visualization of the location of the source of
raw water intake.

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