Micro Concentrator

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October 1, 2007 / Vol. 32, No.


Dielectric microconcentrators for efficiency

enhancement in concentrator solar cells
Omer Korech,1 Jeffrey M. Gordon,1,2,* Eugene A. Katz,1 Daniel Feuermann,1 and Naftali Eisenberg3
Department of Solar Energy & Environmental Physics, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer Campus 84990, Israel
The Pearlstone Center for Aeronautical Engineering Studies, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
Jerusalem College of Technology, 21 Havaad Haleumi Street, POB 16031, Jerusalem 91160, Israel
*Corresponding author: jeff@bgu.ac.il

Received February 23, 2007; revised May 31, 2007; accepted June 6, 2007;
posted June 12, 2007 (Doc. ID 80397); published September 20, 2007
Metal fingers typically cover more than 10% of the active area of concentrator solar cells. Microfabricated
dielectric optical designs that can completely eliminate front contact shading losses are explored. Essentially
no microconcentrator optical losses need be incurred, series resistance losses can be reduced, and net effi-
ciency gains of roughly 15% (relative) are realistic. © 2007 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 220.1770, 350.3950, 350.6050.

The optimal metal grid coverage of concentrator solar redistribution that completely obviates shading
cells reflects the trade-off between shading obscura- losses is illustrated in Fig. 2. Nonimaging ␪1 / ␪2 AD-
tion and series resistance Rs (Fig. 1). Cell efficiency MCs predicated on total internal reflection (TIR) rep-
peaks as a function of concentration, with a strong resent solutions [13,14] in the sense that, for given
nonlinear decrease controlled by Rs at high flux maximum input and output angles, ␪1 and ␪2, respec-
[2–4]. The metallization fraction of the active area in tively, they (a) provide the possibility of lossless op-
commercial concentrator cells is typically 10–16% tics, (b) represent the most compact device possible
[2–8]. Strategies for redirecting light from the metal for any prescribed metallization coverage for a flat
grid to interfinger regions include (1) prismatic and ADMC entry, and (c) yield V-troughs that are in
microlens refractive covers [3,4], and (2) reshaping many cases of practical interest, as they are particu-
ordinarily rectangular metal fingers [7]. These ap- larly amenable to accurate fabrication.
proaches incur optical losses due to [3–7] (a) absorp- The gridline spacing in most current high-
tion (imperfect reflectivity or transmissivity), (b) efficiency concentrator cells is around 100 ␮m, inde-
problems in realizing precise refractive or reflective
contours, (c) Fresnel reflections at the extra air–
dielectric interfaces, and (d) aberrations. For silicon
solar cells, grid shadowing can be obviated with back
contacts, an option intrinsically precluded for ultra-
efficient III-V photovoltaics (PVs).
The confluence of the realization of cells of the type
in Fig. 1 with the evolution of microfabrication tech-
niques prompts the development of microconcentra-
tors that can completely eliminate front contact shad-
ing losses. Polymeric materials are disadvantageous
because (1) high solar flux may degrade them and (2)
the requisite aspect ratios and optical tolerances are
not currently achievable [9]. But glass elements in
high-flux PV concentrators have proved robust [2–5],
so we consider glass microfabrication procedures.
With the industrial deployment of femtosecond la-
sers, new technologies such as two-photon polymer-
ization [10] and direct microfabrication in glass [11]
can create the master for replication. Direct glass
fabrication and glass solgel materials [12] are the
best candidates for mass production.
The solar cell resides at the exit of a macroconcen-
trator with a typical acceptance half-angle of
Fig. 1. (Color online) Sample commercial triple-junction
⬃5 – 30 mrad, deployed on a dual-axis solar tracker square concentrator solar cells [1,2,6], both with 12% metal
[2–5,13]. The far larger half-angle ␪1 of light inside grid coverage. (a) 100 mm2 active area, nominal peak effi-
the dielectric microconcentrator, from the exit of the ciency 31%. (b) 1 mm2 active area, nominal peak efficiency
macroconcentrator (often as low as ⬃15– 30°) [3–7] 39%. (c) Simulation results [1] for contributions to effi-
becomes the input design angle for the all-dielectric ciency loss in designing a similar cell tailored so that effi-
microconcentrators (ADMCs) portrayed here. Flux ciency peaks at ⬃500 suns (1 sun= 1 mW/ mm2).

0146-9592/07/192789-3/$15.00 © 2007 Optical Society of America

2790 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 32, No. 19 / October 1, 2007

have demonstrated negligible optical losses and du-

rable performance under high solar flux [4,5]. With a
solar reflectivity of ⬃5% at the air–cell interface, the
ARCs are commensurate with neffective ⬃ 1.5, which al-
lows an optically seamless bond with the ADMC (in-
significant Fresnel reflective losses); also, there is no
need to reoptimize the ARC.
Fig. 2. (Color online) Section of the cell’s metal grid (show- The ADMC is a ␪1 / ␪2 nonimaging transformer
ing current flow in the emitter and grid) [1] and the intro- [13,14] (Fig. 3). Its untruncated form attains the
duction of a nonimaging ADMC to redistribute impinging thermodynamic limit to 2D flux concentration:
light and totally eliminate front contact shadowing losses.
In this illustration, the grid spacing remains unchanged. In
Cmax = sin共␪2兲/sin共␪1兲. 共1兲
general, the optic can be adapted to smaller grid spacing,
i.e., to a higher coverage fraction, while still totally elimi-
Satisfying TIR for all incident rays additionally re-
nating grid shading and introducing essentially zero opti- quires [13,14]
cal loss. ␪1 + ␪2 ⬍ 180° − 2␪c , 共2兲
pendent of the cell’s linear dimension [1–8] (Fig. 1).
The height of the metal fingers is commonly only a where ␪c = Sin−1共1 / n兲. It has been rigorously proved
few micrometers, which is not a limiting factor in the [13] that 2D ␪1 / ␪2 concentrators experience no ray re-
design of the ADMC troughs analyzed below. The jection, and, subject to n values commensurate with
metal finger width, typically ⬃10 ␮m, can be in- Eq. (2), no ray leakage, including rays striking the
creased without changing its height, so the upper flat vertical ends in the orthogonal plane. We bound
range for the metallization coverage considered be- ␪2 by requiring negligible (e.g., ⬍1%) Fresnel reflec-
low is equally tractable. Also, there is negligible ab- tive losses at the ADMC–cell interface, which is ␪2
sorption in the ADMC due to the short optical path ⬍ ⬇ 55° based on measurements from commercial
length. multijunction concentrator cells [6]. Hence TIR is
Our design relates to the most common metal grid satisfied for the parameter space considered (␪1 ⬍
pattern of parallel strips (Fig. 1). Each ADMC is then ⬇ 30°, ␪2 ⬍ ⬇ 55°, and n = 1.5).
troughlike (2D) with orthogonal flat vertical faces Common combinations of (a) metal grid coverage,
(Fig. 2). ADMCs can also be tailored to irregular grids (b) ␪1, and (c) ␪2 typically correspond to ADMC con-
developed to maintain low Rs without raising metal centration ratios C below the limit of Eq. (1). The
coverage [4–6]. These 3D ADMCs would require more ADMC can then be truncated at no sacrifice in light
complex fabrication procedures and would sustain collection because rays do not enter the ADMC at
some skew ray rejection (typically ⬃1 – 4%) [13]. angles beyond ␪1. The virtue of truncation is com-
However, such elaborate metallization schemes can pactness. When truncation cuts to the linear section,
be replaced by simpler less expensive parallel-strip the ADMC becomes a V-trough, putatively the sim-
grids with 2D ADMCs, because their greater metal plest contour to fabricate. Indeed, every V-trough is
coverage reduces Rs to levels formerly attained with rigorously a truncated version of some ␪1 / ␪2 device
intricate grid patterns. and hence is subsumed in the general analysis. The
Commercial index-matched optical glues 共n ⬃ 1.5兲 expressions for ADMC aspect ratio AR (depth/entry)
for the bond between glass and the antireflective and C as functions of ␪1, ␪2, and ␪T follow from
coatings (ARCs) used in current concentrator cells straightforward geometry:

冦 冧
2共sin共␪1兲 + sin共␪2兲兲sin共␪T兲
−1 ␪1 艋 ␪T 艋 ␪2
C= 1 − cos共␪1 + ␪T兲 , 共3兲
sin共␪T − 共␪1/2兲 + 共␪2/2兲兲csc共␪T + 共␪1/2兲 − 共␪2/2兲兲 ␪2 艋 ␪T 艋 90°

冦 冧
共sin共␪1兲 + sin共␪2兲兲cos共␪T兲
␪1 艋 ␪T 艋 ␪2
AR = 2共sin共␪1兲 + sin共␪2兲兲sin共␪T兲 + cos共␪1 + ␪T兲 − 1 . 共4兲
csc共␪T − 共␪1/2兲 + 共␪2/2兲兲 cos共共␪1/2兲 − 共␪2/2兲兲cos共␪T兲 ␪2 艋 ␪T 艋 90°

Convolving reasonable fabrication tolerances with creases when the metal fingers are widened (gridline
the actual width of the metal fingers increases the spacing is lessened), to a coverage ratio of 1 − 共1 / C兲
design equivalent finger width by ⬃20%. The lowest [and C bounded by Eq. (1)]. With ␪1 ordained by the
C of interest is for 10% metallization coverage. C in- macroconcentrator, there are two design degrees of
October 1, 2007 / Vol. 32, No. 19 / OPTICS LETTERS 2791

Flux inhomogeneities usually translate into dimin-

ished efficiency relative to uniform cell irradiation.
However, for high-efficiency PVs (1) the effect is es-
sentially nil at C ⬃ 1.1, and (2) even at the highest C
values evaluated above, experiments indicate a neg-
ligible efficiency reduction from the attendant stron-
ger flux nonuniformity [2–4].
Essentially lossless microfabricated all-dielectric
optics can be tailored to completely eliminate the
shadowing losses metallization grids create on con-
centrator solar cells [15]. Nonimaging microconcen-
trators exploit TIR to redistribute the concentrated
sunlight from macroconcentrators, rather than in-
creasing overall concentration. The optical designs
permit widening the metal fingers toward lessening
series resistance losses, which can also finesse the
need for the intricate metallization patterns of some
Fig. 3. (Color online) ␪1 / ␪2 ADMC. Upper contour EDB is high-flux cells. Realistic net efficiency gains of
the arc of a parabola with focus at A⬘ and the axis rotated roughly 15% (relative) are achievable in a wide vari-
␪1 relative to the optic axis. Lower section BA is a straight ety of concentrator cells.
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