Nutrients Associated With Detoxifying and Strengthening The Liver and Digestive

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Nutrients associated with detoxifying and strengthening the liver and digestive tract

1. Vitamin C. Vitamin C is considered to be one of the primary nutrients useful in the treatment of
addiction. It helps to eliminate toxins from the body as well as lessen withdrawal symptoms. In
1977 and 1982 Libby and Stone reported that large doses of ascorbic acid combined with B
vitamins and protein allowed heroin addicts to quit with minimal withdrawal symptoms. A dose of
10 grams daily prevented cravings from returning. The preferred form of C is buffered with
calcium and magnesium or ester C.
2. Selenium. This important antioxidant plays a role in the body's utilization of oxygen. Studies have
shown that mice live longer without oxygen if they have been previously supplemented with
selenium. Alcoholics, as well as patients with candidiasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and ARC,
have all shown low levels of selenium. In addition, heart disease and cancer are higher in people
with diminished selenium levels. Selenium also has a role in detoxifying poisonous phenols,
formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, hydrocarbons, and chlorine. Many people with allergic reactions to
these substances have found relief through the use of selenium. However, selenium can be toxic
in large amounts. A safe therapeutic dose is about 100 mcg daily. Green leafy vegetables and
several herbs, such as American and Siberian Ginseng, have bio-available forms of selenium.
3. Zinc. The mineral zinc plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism. If one uses excessive
amounts of sugar, caffeine, drugs, or alcohol it is more than likely that a zinc deficiency will
develop. Low zinc levels can cause liver deterioration and diminished functioning of the
reproductive organs, immune system, and skin. Zinc picolinate is probably the most bio-available
form, with a safe therapeutic dose between 15 - 20 mg, once or twice daily.
4. Chromium. The recovering addict may benefit from chromium, as it helps to regulate the blood
sugar pattern. Many times, recovering addicts find that supplementation with chromium not only
regulates their carbohydrate metabolism but also their desire for sweets. GTF chromium and
chromium picolinate are considered the most bio-available. A dose of 100 mcg, two times daily is
a good place to begin.
5. Acidophilous. Supplementation with acidophilous provides "friendly" intestinal flora which help to
digest food and control pathogenic yeast, bacteria, viruses, and parasites. A standard dosage of
two times daily, morning and evening, is usually sufficient.
6. S.O.D. To the recovering addict, S.O.D. is important because it helps to speed the elimination of
poisons from the body. It is one of the most abundant enzymes in the body, helping the liver to
break down poisons and free radicals.
Nutrients associated with relaxing and strengthening the nervous system
1. Calcium. Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for strengthening the nervous system.
Caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and other drugs often cause the body to eliminate calcium. Caffeine, for
example, has been shown to double the urinary excretion of calcium. Several studies have
demonstrated low serum calcium levels in alcoholics. Depressed calcium and magnesium levels
are often the root of irritability, muscular spasm, and pain experienced by alcoholics and drug
addicts. A recovering addict should consider 1000 mg of elemental calcium per day in divided
doses, preferably at the beginning of meals.
2. Magnesium. Magnesium and calcium are partners in keeping the nervous system strong and
healthy. Most abused substances contribute to diminished magnesium levels in the blood. A
recovering addict should consider taking 500-1000 mg of elemental magnesium daily in divided
doses, preferably at the beginning of meals.
3. DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA). DLPA is composed of two amino acids, D-Phenylalanine and LPhenylalanine. It is the raw material that the nervous system uses to make PEA
(Phenylethylamine) which increases the body's ability to utilize endorphins. DL- Phenylalanine is
most useful for cocaine addicts because it helps to restore norepinephrine levels, a
neurotransmitter that is depleted by cocaine use. DLPA is also effective in lessening cravings and
reducing depression, pain, and irritability. One double-blind study by Dr. Abram Hoffer compared

the effect of D-Phenylalanine with imipramine, a commonly prescribed anti-depressant, in 60

patients. Those given D-Phenylalanine had a higher rate of improvement, without the side effects
of the anti-depressant. A recommended dose is 500-750 mg, two times daily.
Nutrients associated with enhancing energy
1. B Complex. The B vitamins are usually seriously deficient in people who use excessive amounts
of sugar, caffeine, alcohol, or other drugs. It is not even uncommon for these people to have B
complex deficiencies prior to establishing their addiction. As a result, it is believed by some that
part of the physiological draw to addictive substances has to do with B vitamin deficiencies. A
supplement with 25 to 50 mg of the basic B vitamins is usually sufficient, taken one to three times
2. Potassium. A low level of potassium is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies found
today. Excessive use of salt, caffeine, alcohol, and sugar, as well as an unbalanced diet, all tend
to lower your level of potassium. Even commonly used pharmaceutical drugs such as cortisone
and prednisone can create low levels of this important electrolyte. Decreased potassium levels
are associated with depression, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Perhaps the best source
of potassium can be found in fresh fruits such as oranges and bananas, and in vegetables such
as leafy greens and potatoes. Numerous herbal extracts, including Nettle and Alfalfa, can provide
bio-available forms of potassium.
Herbs associated with detoxifying and strengthening the liver and digestive tract
1. Milk Thistle. (Silybum marianum seed). Milk Thistle has displayed remarkable healing properties
for the liver. European research has shown that it is effective in treating cirrhosis, chronic
hepatitis, and alcohol induced fatty liver. Milk Thistle extract actually has hepato-protective
properties; it protects the liver cells from damage by environmental and internal toxins. This herb
can be used as a liquid extract, tablet, or capsule in most cases. However, the more serious
recovery case should consider the standardized extract.
2. Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis root). The American herb Goldenseal is a superior liver and
blood detoxifier. A natural antibiotic, it is known to help reverse liver damage and effectively treat
a variety of infections. It is not a good idea to take this herb by itself in large amounts for an
extended period of time.
3. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale root). Dandelion is known throughout Europe as an excellent
liver detoxifier and mild diuretic. It increases the flow of bile and encourages both the
transformation and transportation of nutrients. It has been used historically to treat liver disorders,
arthritis and gout.
4. Bupleurum (Radix Bupleurum). The Chinese herb Bupleurum has been used for 2,000 years to
rehabilitate the liver. Traditionally, Bupleurum-based formulas are used for extended periods of
time in cases of chronic hepatitis and other liver disorders. These classic formulas include Minor
Bupleurum; Bupleurum and Paeony; and, Bupleurum and "Dragon Bone".
Herbs associated with relaxing and strengthening the nervous system
1. Scullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora herb). Scullcap is a broad spectrum nervine tonic. This herb
has been used successfully in cases of depression, anxiety, insomnia, and headaches. Scullcap
is considered one of the preferred herbs to help ease withdrawal symptoms during recovery.
During the first 72 hours of withdrawal, it may be taken every couple of hours. Scullcap contains
large amounts of flavonoids which act as natural anti-inflammatory agents.
2. Valerian (Valeriana officinale root). Valerian is another strong nervine. Extracts of Valerian
have been used for centuries in Europe to resolve cases of insomnia, nervous disorders, anxiety,
and depression. It is known to be beneficial for individuals who have a history of cocaine and/or
alcohol use and also suffer from nervous disorders.

3. Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata blossom). Passion Flower is another great nervine.
Milder than Valerian, it is excellent for relieving tension and for insomnia. Rich in flavonoids,
Passion Flower is probably most effective when combined with Valerian and other nervines.
4. Chamomile (Matricaria recutita blossom). Chamomile is known as a mild relaxant as well as a
stomachic used for improving digestion. It contains the two compounds azulene and guaiazulene,
which have been shown to stimulate growth of liver tissue in rats. Chamomile may also be helpful
when prepared as a homeopathic remedy.
5. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba leaf). Ginkgo is an outstanding herb which has been shown to improve
cellular glucose uptake, scavenge free radicals, encourage peripheral circulation, improve short
term memory, and enhance energy. For the recovering addict who feels that his memory and
circulation have been compromised, Ginkgo is a good place to begin.
Adaptogenic herbs and herbs associated with strengthening immune function
1. Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus root). Siberian Ginseng is known for its ability
to combat lack of appetite, correct insomnia, and improve memory. It increases mental alertness,
allays nervous disorders, and enhances energy. As an "adaptogen", it also helps the body adapt
to the metabolic stress of recovery from substance abuse.
2. American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius root). American Ginseng is a superior tonic herb,
known to strengthen metabolism and the entire endocrine system. Like Eleuthero Ginseng, it also
has adaptogenic properties, and may be quite useful for the recovering addict. American Ginseng
combines well with Siberian Ginseng.
3. Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous root). Astragalus strengthens digestion and promotes
overall immune function. It is most commonly used for restoring energy and balance to a
weakened immune system. Astragalus is also useful for those who have a history of recurring
colds and flus, bronchitis, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

1) Madu Lebah Asli Tualang. - Boleh di dapati di Pasar Tani, Shah Alam atau mana - mana
pengedar madu tulen , 1 Botol setengah KG anggaran dalam RM60, 1 botol madu ,
minum 2 sudu kecil sehari boleh tahan lebih 3 bulan. Awas madu tiruan boleh
memudaratkan kesihatan.
2) Peria Katak , Boleh di dapati di mana - mana pasar/mlm & supermarket ,setengah KG
= 6 biji dalam RM3 , jangan beli banyak nanti dia masak , beli stok 3 hari sahaja. Pilih
peria katak yang segar dan berwarna hijau gelap , simpan di dalam peti sejuk.
3) Buah Tunjuk Langit , Boleh didapati di Jalan Pasar, KL, sana lebih murah 1 paket
RM10 ada 100 biji, beli 2 paket utk 1 bulan dah lebih mencukupi.
4) Habbatussauda Softgel boleh beli dgn pengedar HPA - RM48
5) Garlic Softgel - jenama Naturalle , 220 cap = RM18, boleh di dapati di mana2 farmasi.
Bawang putih mentah 4 ulas sehari x 1 minggu = RM4
6) Minyak kelapa dara RM50 (1000ml) jenama Rainforest Herbs, ( boleh didapati di
farmasi Caring)
4 sudu sehari , boleh tahan selama 1 bulan

7) Vitamin C - ada banyak jenama, kalau 21st Century 1000MG sebotol dalam RM30

6.00 am ( before breakfast )

Take 1 small teaspoon of Tualang Honey, mix and drink with warm water.
( In order to maintain the honey substance, use only plastic spoon )
7.00 am ( before breakfast )
Prepare 2 Bitter Melon , remove seed, cut into small pieces and blend with 600ml of
Take 3 SkyFruit seed , cut into small pieces, press a little bit until it became oily.
Swallow the SkyFruit with 300ml Bitter Melon Juice. Keep the balance of Bitter Melon
juice in refrigerator.
8.00 am ( after breakfast )
30 minutes after breakfast, drink 2 teaspoon of Virgin Coconut Oil.
1.00 pm ( after lunch )
Take 2 clove of Garlic, cut into small pieces and swallow with warm water.
You may also take a Garlic Softgel with recommended dosage.
4.00 pm
Take Black Seed Softgel , 2 or more capsules as daily recommended dosage.
7.30 pm
Take 3 SkyFruit and drink 300ml of Bitter Melon juice.

8.30 pm ( after dinner )

Take 2 clove of Garlic, cut into small pieces and swallow with warm water.
You may also take a Garlic Softgel with recommended dosage.
9.30 pm
Take 1000Mg of Vitamin C.
10.00 pm
Drink 2 teaspoon of Virgin Coconut Oil.
10.45 pm ( before sleep )
Take 1 small teaspoon of Tualang Honey, mix and drink with warm water.

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