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DNA is present in the cells of all living organisms. This procedure is designed to extract
DNA from onion in sufficient quantity to be seen and spooled.
In this experiment, learners isolate Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) from onion cells using
a simple extraction procedure. The procedure will take approximately 10-15 minutes and will
involve several stirring and filtering steps. At the end of the procedure, learners will be able to
spool the long, sticky, stringy DNA strands out of solution.
DNA collection by spooling is effective when a large amount of DNA is obtained from
an extraction procedure. It is also an excellent demonstration method since an impressive
tangle of pure DNA is clearly visible.
1. isolate DNA from onion tissue.
2. make observations regarding the results of the isolation.
3. develop a hypothesis from their observations regarding the nature of the


This experiment conducted to study DNA extraction and spooling method from onion.
Before extract the onion to get the DNA, the onion must be break to open the cells, chilled onion
solution are place into a blender and mix for 45 sec.
Then, filter any solid material out of the onion solution by pouring it through 2 3 double
layers of cheesecloth into a clean beaker that is set in an ice water bath. Discard the cheese cloth.
The solution in the beaker is the cell homogenate. To precipitate the DNA from the cell
homogenate, ice cold ethanol should be added to the homogenate in a ratio of 2:1. Slowly layer
the appropriate amount of chilled ethanol on top of the homogenate. Based on the observation,
layering effects are achieved by tilting the beaker containing the cell homogenate and then

slowly pouring the ethanol downs the side of the beaker. White strands of precipitated DNA
appear clearly.
By using a glass stirring rod, wind the DNA around the rod by slowly spinning the glass
rod while stirring the mixture in one direction. Strands of precipitated DNA should begin to
appear at the interface of the cell homogenate/ethanol mixture. Continue stirring and collecting
precipitated DNA for a few minutes.
To spool DNA the separation step must be carried out carefully. If done correctly, the
alcohol will form its own layer on top of the layer. To collect the DNA, carefully place a glass
stir rod though the alcohol layer until it touches the bottom of the tube. Slowly spin the rod
between the fingers, while watching the interface between the two layers. If enough DNA is
present, it will clump together at the interface between layers to form a milky translucent mass.
Spin the rod to wrap the DNA around it (that is the spooling part) and pull it out of the tube. The
DNA can be transferred to another tube of pure alcohol for storage or further analysis.


Science Buddies Staff. (2014). Extracting Onion DNA. Retrieved March 7, 2015 from
Jo Ann Lane. (1994). Extraction of DNA from Onion. Woodrow Wilson Collection. Retrieved
March 7, 2015 from

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