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Muslim Interfaith Marriage-(Muslim Marriage With


Searched By Malik Mohammad Siddiq Awan

Note: References are Provided at the End of this Article!

In following discussion I will attempt to address the issues

involved in a Muslim marrying a non-Muslim. I will first discuss
the matter in the light of religious laws and the opinions of

Then I will discuss the social aspects of family life and

children in an inter-faith marriage. The ideas in this part are
based on my and my friends' personal experiences in inter-faith
marriages and may be at VERY odds with your experiences or views
on this matter.

Readers are encouraged to indicate any mistakes that I make here

regarding Islamic laws and teachings.


There are several passages and verses in The Holy Quran regarding marriage and family
that encourage Muslims to be married, if possible.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has even said that when a Muslim
marries, he has fulfilled half of the religious devotion and
duties and then he should take care of other half by being
God-minded and aware of his obligations. [1]

Marriage is considered a religious duty in Islam and is enjoined

upon all believers who can afford it. It provides a moral
safeguard and legal means to develop relationship with the
opposite sex and to extend the family. It is both solemn and
sacred above physical terms. It is not only a contract between
two persons committing themselves to each other but it is a
contract to which God Almighty is made the first Witness. It is
made with every intention of making it permanent to the eternal
success. Celibacy is NOT recommended either for Muslim men or

"The motivating cause of union - matrimonial and carnal -

between the spouses is said to be love. This is a Qur'anic
thesis that affirms the primacy of love as the cause of
marriage, not simple reproduction. Nevertheless, the religious
authorities, almost unanimously, interpret marriage as primarily
reproductive in nature and as a means of perpetuating the

*Islam views the carnal act as not merely the source of

pleasure but
also of as a source of "barakah" means that sexuality has
appositive connotations and is not associated with sin,.."[2]

The following issues must be observed when a marriage based on

Islamic principle is desired[3]:

Both parties should get familiarized sincerely with each other

without getting involved in immoral acts or crossing boundaries
set by Islamic moral teachings. No party should attempt to
deceive the other in this process.

*Woman should be chosen on the basis of their permanent values,

such as, high morals, religious devotion, and not merely on her
attractiveness or other mundane wealth’s. The Prophet is reported
to have said that a woman is ordinarily sought as wife for her
wealth, for her beauty, for the nobility of her stock, or for
her religious qualities; but blessed and fortunate is he who
chooses his mate for piety in preference to everything else. [4]

*Woman is encouraged to judge whether the man is actually

worthy of her respect, love and capable of providing her
happiness in the whole life. She should consider if her
marriage to the man will be allow her to fulfill the duties of a
wife wholeheartedly.

* Woman has a right to demand dowry (gift) from the man that she
feel comfortable with. The man should meet her demands to show
his willingness to undertake to responsibilities of married life
and his readiness and capability to fulfill her justified

- The consent of both man and woman is necessary condition for

the marriage without which the marriage is not valid.

- The marriage ceremony should be made as publicly known as

possible and should be celebrated in a joyful manner.

-The marriage ceremony should be held before at least two adult

witnesses from the community and should be registered in
official documents.

- The maintenance of the wife and family is husband's duty. The

marriage entitles her with these rights and imposes certain
obligations upon both parties. Any property which belongs to her
before or during the marriage, the man has no right to the
wife's property during or after the marriage. This issue
relieves the marriage of certain materialistic objectives and
ensures the bond remain noble and beyond mundane greed.

The role of husband demands him to be bound by the promise to

God to be kind and patient toward her; to keep her honorably in
the marriage or otherwise free her from the martial bond
honorably.[ Ref. Surah 2:229-232; 4:19]

The wife is expected to work toward the happiness and comfort of

her family. Wife must be sincere toward the family and honest
and loyal to her husband. She should not deliberately avoid
conception against her husband's will [1]. Both spouses should
keep each other’s honor and protect and gratify each other with

When a marriage based on Islamic principles has irreconcilable

differences or irreparable damage done to the mutual trust, then
as a last resort to make the distasteful marriage end, divorce
is applicable. Divorce has been defined by the Prophet as the
most detestable of all lawful things in the sight of God
Almighty. Scholars believe a final course must be followed
before a divorce is made final[5]:

- Both parties involved should try to reconcile the difference,

settle the disputes and solve the problems within themselves. -
If they fail to come to an agreement and solve their problems,
then a
person from husband's relations and the other one from wife's
should arbitrate the situation. - If both attempts fail and
both parties agree, divorce can be applied. - If after a
divorce, a reunion occurs, it will be regarded as a fresh
marriage. However, there can be no more than two reunions. The
third divorce is a final one. In that case, the only
possibility is that the woman need to marry another man after
"iddat" (varies from 3-12 monthly periods for diff. opinions;
See Surah 2:228), consummate the marriage and get divorced and
remarry the first husband again after "iddat." (See 2:30). It
allows a man to be thoughtful and composed in such serious
matters and the marriage with another man allows a woman to
evaluate if there are other men better than her first husband
that she would like to be married. There is no compulsion in
her getting divorced from the second husband, if she likes him
better than the first one. [See also 2:224-232; 4:34-35;

Some relatives that cannot be joined in a marriage are described

in Surah Nisaa 4:22-24.

The following are the positions of scholars and Islamic laws on

marriages between Muslims and non-Muslims:


..... And give not (your daughters) in marriage to

Al-Mushrikun** till they
believe in Allah alone and verily a believing slave is better
than a (free) Mushrik, even though he pleases you....[2:221] **
Al-Mushrikun=>Pagans, idolators, polytheist and disbelievers in
the Oneness of Allah and in His messanger Prophet Muhammad SAW)
- [[6]]

Islam considers the husband head-of-the-family and therefore

requires that a Muslima (Muslim Woman) cannot marry a non-Muslim because she
will be under the authority of a non-muslim husband. He may
prevent her from carrying out her religious obligations by
either pressuring her or physically abusing her. But it is not
the sole reason for imposing the restriction. The situation is
considered very damaging for the woman to practise Islam
afterwards and even worse for the kids in such marriages. There
are NO conditions mentioned under which a Muslim woman IS
allowed to get married or remain married to a non-Muslim husband
after she has accepted Islam. Therefore, even if she has freedom
to practise Islam after marriage, she is NOT allowed to enter
into an inter-faith marriage.



Islam allows a man to marry a woman from the People of the Book (Christians and
Jews). The early jurists of the most prominent schools of Islamic jurisprudence ruled in
fiqh law that the marriage of a Muslim man to a Christian or Jewish woman is makruh
(disliked) if they live in a non-Muslim country. Caliph Umar (634–644) denied interfaith
marriage for Muslim men during his command of the ummah. In the Quran, it is said,

This day are (all) things good and pure made lawful unto you. The food of the
People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them. (Lawful
unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but
chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time,- when
ye give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret
intrigues if any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter
he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good). {Surah 5:5}

Islam strictly forbids Muslim women from marrying non-Muslim men. If a non-Muslim
woman is married to a non-Muslim, and she converts to Islam, the marriage is suspended
until her husband converts to Islam. When he converts a new marriage is not needed. In the
Quran, it is said,

“O ye who believe! When there come to you believing women refugees, examine
(and test) them: Allah knows best as to their Faith: if ye ascertain that they
are Believers, then send them not back to the Unbelievers. They are not lawful
(wives) for the Unbelievers, nor are the (Unbelievers) lawful (husbands) for
them. But pay the Unbelievers what they have spent (on their dower), and
there will be no blame on you if ye marry them on payment of their dower to
them. But hold not to the guardianship of unbelieving women: ask for what ye
have spent on their dowers, and let the (Unbelievers) ask for what they have
spent (on the dowers of women who come over to you). Such is the command of
Allah. He judges (with justice) between you. And Allah is Full of Knowledge and
Wisdom.” {Surah 60:10}

However, certain restrictions exist on such marriages, especially if they occur

in non-Muslim lands where Islamic law and religion is not prevailing.

Here I am translating the "fatwa" from Maulana Muhammad Yousuf

Ludhianvi, a well-known Muslim scholar from Pakistan, answering
a question regarding the Shariah position of marriages in the
US with non-Muslim women. This question was asked by a Pakistani
Muslim, living in the US, and it appeared in Maulana's column
that is published every Friday in a daily newspaper, "Jang". He
interprets the Islamic law as following:

1- Non-Muslim women, to whom Muslim men can marry,

are the women from Christian and Jewish religions who are residents
of "Daar-ul-Islam" nations where Islamic law prevails and
who are thereby called, "Dhi'mmi" (those who give Jazzia instead
of Zakaat in an Islamic state??), but NOT the residents of "dar
al-kufr" (where the kuffar or non-Islamic rule exist). To these
women, marriage is allowed but is "mukrooh tanzihi."

2- With Christian or Jewish women, who are resident of "dar

the nikah (the marriage contract) will be valid, but will be a "mukrooh Tahrimi" (worse than
tanzihi) situation.The act which is "mukrooh tarhimi" is so close to "haraam" (not
permissible at all) that it is ALMOST "haraam" and is "na'jaiz"
ie. not legal. The man involved will be responsible for
committing an act which is so close to a state of "sin".Victor Danner describes "Dar al-
Islam" as : the House of Islam, or the Islamic world; the Islamic community, where
submission to the Divine Will reigns; Opposed to dar- al-harb ( the non-Islamic community)

3-Should not be Atheist:

It is required that the women should be practising their
religion at the time of marriage and they are not practically
"Mulhid" (atheist). To any women, who doesn't believe in God,
religion, God's message and doesn't practise any religion at
all, the "nikaah" (marriage) will be INVALID and according to
"shari'ah" (Islamic Law), such a couple is involved in sin.

4-Children Should be Considered as Muslims:

If any Muslim marries a woman from "People of the Books", the
children, by shar'iah (Islamic law) are considered to be Muslim.
For instance, often, in "dar al-harb," the kids adopt the religion of their mother;
and, sometimes, a marriage is arranged
upon agreements between the couples that half of kids will adopt
mother's and the other half will follow father's religion. If a
Muslim man agrees to ANY of such terms accepting the kids to be
raised non-Muslims, the person will be regarded as a "Murtid"
(the one who has denied Islam) because he has allowed his kids
to become "kaafir" who may have been brought up in Islamic
religion. Anyone who willingly and knowingly allows/agrees for
his kids to become "kaafir" is regarded as "kaafir." He is out
of the Islamic circle. If he had any Muslim woman in his
"nikaah" before this marriage, the Muslim woman is free from his
bond (because a Muslim woman can't remain married a

5- Custody Of Children:
Since some of our naive Muslim young men, living in the West,
get married to the christian women in their countries. And
since, usually, the local courts allow the women to get the
custody of kids and the divorce settlement in their favor, our
young men are "khusar al-duniyaa wal'-aakhiraah", means the
wanderer or lost in this world and the Hereafter. Since,
according to sharia'ah, the "al-maa'roof ka'almashrrot", meaning
whatever is prevailing or common practice in the society is
being accepted in a marriage contract. It means a Muslim man,
by getting married under these circumstances in these countries,
is knowingly agreeing that the woman may, in case of divorce,
gets the custody of the kids and is free to raise them
afterwards as she pleases.

For all the above stated reasons, in non-Muslim countries, it
is not allowed for Muslim young men to marry Christian women. For
the reason #3 (woman not practicing any religion), the "nikaah"
isn't even valid. Since the reason #4, leads to "kufr" and he
becomes "murtid", the marriage to any Muslim wife becomes
invalid. The reason #5 is not applicable, if the local laws do
not usually grant custody to woman or if Muslim man hasn't
agreed to any "kufriaah" terms (such as accepting some kids to
be raised as non-Muslims). "Haaza ma' indee, wal'Allah ilm

As it is clear, that Maulana Yousuf's position is extremely

strict on the issue of getting married to non-Muslim women in
the West. But so is the seriousness of such situations. A
scholar at Dar ul-Noor hifz school and Al-Farooq Masjid,
Atlanta, Dr. Abdul Ghaffar, recommends that if a Muslim is
already married to a non-Muslima, he should REMAIN married to
her. He should be kind and passionate to her and facilitate her
understand of true Islam. He should reflect Islam in his
character and encourage her to become Muslim voluntarily before
kids are born into such marriage. At that time, I found out the
Al-Farooq Masjid doesn't even administer ANY inter-faith

The best option under these circumstances is to introduce the

woman to Islam and WAIT for her to accept Islam before getting
married. Imposing any firm conditions of her accepting Islam
before marriage will NOT do any good. Because, if a woman is
willing to accept Islam merely to get married to a Muslim man
that she likes, she will be most likely to leave Islam if the
marriage ends up in a divorce or even if the marriage becomes
unpleasant for her.

It should be desireable that a woman accepts Islam solely for

the reason that she likes Islam. Any forceful acceptance of
Islam is not likely to be permanent nor very suitable for a
happy marriage. If the woman is not a Muslim by her own choice,
then in case of divorce, she may leave Islam and be free to date
and marry a non-Muslim. Her new family may ultimately decide how
to raise the Muslim man's children. This situation should never
be acceptable to any Muslim man.


Marriages between Muslims and atheists are not permissible at

all. In such cases, the man or woman should accept Islam before
entering into a Shariah legal "nikaah."

And do not marry Al-Mushrikats {idolatress, etc.} till they

believe (worship Allah alone). And indeed a slave woman is
better than a (free) Mushrikah {idolatress, etc.}, even though
she pleases you. And give not (your daughters) in marriage to
Al-Mushrikun till they believe in Allah alone and verily a
believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik, even though he
pleases you. Those Al-Mushrikun invite you to the Fire {Al
Naar}, but Allah invites you to the Paradise and Forgiveness by
His Leave, and makes His Ayaat {proofs, evidences, lessons,
verses, signs, etc.} clear to mankind that they may remember.
[Surah 2:221] [[6]]

"...... (Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste

women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of
the Book revealed before your time, when you give them their due
dowries, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor sectret
intrigues. If anyone rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and
in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost
(all the spritual good)." [Surah 5:5] <<< See the following two
notes >>>

A note [7] following the above passage further describes that

a Muslim man can marry a woman from their ranks on same terms as
he would marry a Muslim woman, i.e. he must give her an economic
and moral status, and must not actuate merely by motives of lust
and physical desires. A Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim
primarily because her religious affiliation and duties will be
affected by the authority of her husband. A non-Muslim woman
marrying a Muslim man are expected to eventually accept Islam.
Any man or woman, from any race or faith, upon ACCEPTING Islam
can freely marry any Muslim, man or woman, provided the
objective is purity and chasteness and not lewdness.

In the above verse, "People of Books" refers to the

"followers" of the religions who received God's message in the
form of teachings by Prophet Moses (AS) and Prophet Jesus (AS)
before Islam. However, the term "people of Books" by no mean
refers to the present Torah or Pentateuch or The Bible which
were written by various authors decades and centuries after
their respective Prophets. The term "Books" therefore does NOT
affirm in any manner the validity of the present Bible
(canonized in 325 AC) or Torah (written over an uncertain period
est. 1500-1350 BCE??) as God's message as their followers
vehemently argue and would like Muslims to take the term "Book"
for their Bible or Torah. The following note by Abdullah Yousuf
Ali is worth mentioning here:

Note #390: The Original Gospel (see Surah 3:48 below) was not
the various stories written afterwards by disciples , but the
real message taught directly by Jesus (AS). St Paul, author
of almost half of the New Testament and the one annulling Mosaic
law, and Luke, to whom "Gospel According to Luke" is attributed,
were not even among the original 12 disciples.

"And Allah will teach him (Jesus (AS)) The Book and Wisdom, The
Law and the Gospel." [Surah 3:48]
[This clearly indicate to THE Gospel given to Jesus (AS) and
not to the Council of Nicaea which decided, in 325AC, by
vote, what The Bible canon should be comprised of .]

"There is among them a section who distort the book with

tongues; (As they read) you would think it is part of the Book,
But it is no part of Book; and they say, "That is from Allah,"
But it is they who tell a lie against Allah, and (well) they
know it!" [Surah 3:78]

Marriage With Jews

According to Jews, a Jewish Mother gives
birth to a Jew. As one of my friend tells, this issue has caused
problems especially in Israel where a woman who married a Muslim
man was exhorted by Jews and ultimately she accepted Islam to
avoid the pressure on her family. All the rules that apply to
christian women, so apply here as well.


[1] Hammudah Abdalati, "Islam in Focus", pg. 114, pp. 179, pp. 115, pp.
180 ,American Trust Publications, Indiana.

[2] Victor Danner, "The Islamic Tradition: An Introduction",

pp.130,Amity House, New York.

[6] "The Holy Qur'an:Interpretation of the Meaning of The Noble

Qur'an in the English Language" A summarized version of
At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi, and Ibn Kathir with comments from
Shahih Al Bukhari. By Dr. Muhammad Mohsin Khan & Dr.
Muhammad Taqi-Ud-Din Al-Hilali, 1993, Islamic
University, Al-Madina Al-Munawwara, Maktaba
Dar-Us-Salaam, Riyadh, KSA. Phone:4033962, Fax:4021659.

[7] A Yusuf Ali, "The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation and

commentary",Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Ali Publishers and Booksellers,Lahore,
Pakistan. 1939


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