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Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg.

2009; 38: 350–355

doi:10.1016/j.ijom.2008.12.013, available online at

Clinical Paper
Oral Medicine

A randomized, double-blind, D. Chopra1, H. S. Rehan1,

P. Mehra2, A. K. Kakkar1
Department of Pharmacology, Lady

placebo-controlled study Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India;

Department of Dental and Oral Surgery,
Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi,

comparing the efficacy and

safety of paracetamol,
serratiopeptidase, ibuprofen
and betamethasone using the
dental impaction pain model
D. Chopra, H. S. Rehan, P. Mehra, A. K. Kakkar: A randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled study comparing the efficacy and safety of paracetamol,
serratiopeptidase, ibuprofen and betamethasone using the dental impaction pain
model. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2009; 38: 350–355. # 2008 International
Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

Abstract. Assessment of postoperative sequelae following the removal of an impacted

third molar has been used in clinical pharmacology to evaluate the relative efficacy
of various analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs. This study included 150 patients with
impacted lower third molars. They were randomly sorted to receive ibuprofen,
paracetamol, betamethasone, serratiopeptidase or placebo. Evaluation of efficacy
was made using tape measurement (for swelling), visual analogue scale (for pain
evaluation), mouth opening ability and oral temperature. The effect of treatment on
hematological parameters, bleeding, wound healing and requirement for rescue
medication was also studied. Peak pain scores were observed approximately 5–
6 hours after the operation. Betamethasone showed significant analgesic activity
from day 1. Ibuprofen and betamethasone were significantly more effective than
Keywords: analgesic; pain; swelling; impacted
placebo in reducing swelling. Trismus was least with betamethasone. A significant third molar; postoperative sequelae.
rise in temperature on the operated side occurred only on day 1 in all the groups.
Serratiopeptidase did not showed significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory Accepted for publication 16 December 2008
action. Mild-to-moderate adverse effects were reported. Available online 24 January 2009

0901-5027/040350 + 06 $36.00/0 # 2008 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Drugs and postsurgical oral pain. 351

Impaction of the third molar is a common tered orally reach the site of inflammation and the quantity of local anesthetic agent
disorder, which often necessitates tooth in humans is unclear11. used was recorded.
removal. The common postoperative This study evaluated and compared the Rescue medication in the form of tra-
sequelae of surgical removal of impacted efficacy and safety of paracetamol, serra- madol 100 mg was allowed when required
teeth are pain, trismus and swelling, tiopeptidase, ibuprofen and betametha- for 7 days postoperatively. The number of
related to the local inflammatory reaction, sone in reducing swelling and pain patients requiring tramadol was recorded.
with cyclooxygenase (COX) and prosta- following the removal of an impacted Postoperatively, all patients received
glandins playing a crucial role23. Good lower third molar. amoxycillin 500 mg 8 hourly and ornida-
surgical technique and gentle tissue hand- zole 500 mg 12 hourly for 5 days to pre-
ling minimize postoperative inflammation vent infection of the surgical site. Oral
Material and methods
but do not prevent it6. hygiene was maintained postoperatively
Before the development of non-steroi- This randomized, double blind, placebo- with the use of a baby brush and mouth
dal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), controlled study included 150 outpatients, wash (chlorhexidine gluconate 0.2%) after
opioids were relied on for pain relief. with a unilateral impacted lower third breakfast and dinner. Standard postopera-
Opioid drugs are effective analgesics, molar, aged 18–45 years, of either sex. tive instructions were given.
but because they do not have anti-inflam- The study protocol was approved by the Efficacy of the treatments was assessed
matory action their efficacy in dental pain Institutional Ethical Committee, L.H.M.C, by measuring the following parameters.
is doubtful. New Delhi. Reasons for exclusion from Swelling was recorded using a modified
NSAIDs are effective in the manage- the study were: known allergy to NSAIDs; tape measure method described by MOS-
ment of postoperative dental pain. The hepatic, renal or heart diseases; diabetes QAU et al. The distances from: the tragus
likely mechanism of action is blockade mellitus; hypertension; concurrent treat- to the outer corner of the mouth, tragus to
of prostaglandin synthesis. One of the ment with immunosuppressants, corticos- progonion; lateral corner of eye to angle of
commonly used agents for dental pain is teroids; history of peptic ulceration; the mandible; and tragus to angle of the
ibuprofen. The efficacy of ibuprofen in the gastrointestinal hemorrhage; pregnancy; mandible were obtained preoperatively,
treatment of postoperative dental pain has use of oral contraceptives; history of on days 1, 3, 5 and 7. Pain was assessed
been evaluated in several clinical trials. NSAIDs use in the past 10 days; and using a visual analog scale stretching from
Paracetamol is another commonly used evidence of infection at the surgical site. ‘no pain’ (0 mm) to ‘pain as bad as it could
non-narcotic analgesic that has been eval- Baseline investigations including an X- be’ (100 mm), preoperatively, immedi-
uated in postoperative dental pain. The ray of the mandible, 308 lateral oblique to ately postoperatively, at 30 min interval
mechanism of its action is unclear. Current diagnose tooth impaction, hemogram for the next hour, every 8 h until day 7.
evidence from animal and human studies (hemoglobin, total lymphocyte count The measurements were made by the
supports the hypothesis that the analgesic and differential leukocyte count), blood patient at home and by the investigator
effect of paracetamol is central, as a result sugar, bilirubin, blood urea, ECG and at follow up.
of the activation of descending serotoner- blood pressure measurement were carried Mouth opening ability was assessed by
gic pathways, but its primary site of action out for all the patients. measuring the distance between the upper
is inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. Patients fulfilling the criteria were ran- and lower central incisal edges at maximal
Biochemical studies suggest COX-3 activ- domly allocated from a computer-gener- mouth opening on days 0 (baseline), 3 and
ity that is selectively susceptible to para- ated list of random numbers into one of the 524. Wound healing was assessed on days
cetamol as an alternative site of action1,16. five groups to receive treatment three 1, 3 and 58. Bleeding from the wound was
Corticosteroids relieve pain by acting times a day with ibuprofen 600 mg, beta- recorded as none, slight (taste of blood),
on the inflammatory reaction20. Their anti- methasone 0.5 mg, paracetamol 1 g, ser- moderate (some blood in the mouth) or
inflammatory and immunomodulating ratiopeptidase 20 mg or placebo. The marked (much blood in the mouth)10.
effects are thought to be mediated by study drugs were dispensed as identical Local temperature was recorded in the
the classical genomic mechanism of capsules by an unblinded staff member. lower buccal cavity on both sides and any
action caused by the cytosolic glucocorti- The placebo was a capsule containing difference was recorded on days 0 (base-
coid receptor21. Some studies showed cor- lactose. All the medications were admi- line), 1, 3, 5 and 7. Hemoglobin, total
ticosteroids reducing the inflammatory nistered orally after meals. The first dose lymphocyte count and differential leuko-
sequelae after third-molar surgery, but was administered 1 h after surgery. The cyte counts were measured on days 0, 1
others did not show convincing results5,14. procedure was described to the patients and 5.
In the present study, betamethasone was and written informed consent was Patients attended on days 1, 3, 5 and 7
included as the prototype corticosteroid. obtained. for the data to be recorded. Adverse drug
Proteolytic enzymes have a role in the The same surgeon operated on all the reactions observed during the study were
reduction of edema and swelling but the patients to avoid any variation in the sur- also recorded. Patients were asked to state
extent of their effectiveness is unknown. gical technique. The operation was carried whether the postoperative events were
Serratiopeptidase, a metalloprotease, has out under local anesthesia (2% xylocaine expected, less than expected or more than
anti-inflammatory, antioedemic and fibri- with 1; 200,000 adrenaline). The surgical expected.
nolytic activity. Its anti-inflammatory effi- procedure consisted of a 3–4 cm long
cacy has been studied, confirming that buccal incision, elevation of the mucoper-
Statistical analysis
serratiopeptidase has greater efficacy than iosteal flap, removal of buccal bone using
placebo. It reduces inflammation and bur and chisel, splitting and elevation of ANOVA, Bonferroni’s correction was
blocks the release of pain-inducing amines the impacted tooth, followed by debride- used to compare the measurements of
from inflamed tissues12. Serratiopeptidase ment, achievement of hemostasis and clo- swelling, pain, mouth opening ability, oral
is absorbed through the intestine of rats, sure of wound by interrupted suture using temperature in and between groups. A
but how enzymic preparations adminis- 3/0 braided silk. The duration of operation non-parametric test (X2 test) was used to
352 Chopra et al.

Table 1. Demographic and baseline characteristics of the study patients (n = 150).

Placebo Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase Ibuprofen Betamethasone
Total No. of patients 30 30 30 30 30
Age (years)
Mean 29 27.33 29.53 26.47 27.93
SE 0.91 1.37 1.06 0.9 1.01
Male 18 18 18 20 18
Female 12 12 12 10 12
Ratio (M: F) 1:1.5 1:1.5 1:1.5 1:2 1:1.5
Degree of bony impaction
Partial (%) 38 41 40 40 43
Complete (%) 62 59 60 60 57
Educational status
Illiterate 2 1 1 2 3
Literate 28 29 29 28 27

Table 2. Amount of local anesthetic used and duration of surgery (mean  SEM).
Placebo Paracetamol Serratiopeptidase Ibuprofen Betamethasone
Amount of anesthetic used (ml) 50 5.13  0.09 5.37  0.09 5.1  0.27 50
Duration of surgery (min) 28.07  0.75 29.07  1.84 29.27  1.08 25.6  1.3 28.5  1.17

Table 3. Mean of four distances (cm) measured over the swelling using tape measure method (mean  SEM).
Treatment groups Day 0 Day 1 Day 3 Day 5 Day 7
Placebo 43.3  0.43 46.84  0.51 45.71  0.5 45.13  0.48 44.54  0.42
Paracetamol 43.30  0.53 45.63  0.58 44.60  0.62 43.97  0.59 43.37  0.53
Serratiopeptidase 43.03  0.36 45.23  0.38 44.17  0.33 43.40  0.35 43.23  0.36
Ibuprofen 42.36  0.46 44.10  0.43** 43.30  0.43** 42.77  0.43** 42.50  0.46*
Betamethasone 43.34  0.38 44.68  0.37* 43.92  0.35 43.54  0.36 43.37  0.38
*,  -p < 0.05; **,  -p < 0.01; ***,  -p < 0.001.
* Significance of various treatment groups in comparison with placebo on respective days.

Intragroup comparison of day 1, 3, 5 and 7 with day 0.

determine statistical significance for dif- characteristics (Table 1). All the enrolled ratiopeptidase (p < 0.001) groups there
ferences in bleeding, healing and adverse patients completed the study. The mean was a significant increase in the mean
drug reactions. P < 0.05 was considered time taken for surgery and the amount of distances compared with baseline until
statistically significant. The statistical ana- local anesthetic required was statistically day 7. In the ibuprofen group the measured
lysis was performed with the SPSS 7.5 similar among all the groups (Table 2). distance was significantly greater
software package. The mean of the 4 distances (tragus to (p < 0.001) compared with baseline until
outer corner of mouth, tragus to progo- day 5 (Table 3). In the betamethasone
nion, tragus to angle of mandible, lateral group, swelling was significantly greater
corner of eye to angle of mandible) mea- (p < 0.001) compared with baseline until
150 patients who required prophylactic sured was calculated (Table 3). The mean day 3. On all the days, the mean distance in
removal of impacted lower third molars preoperative measurement (baseline) of the placebo group remained higher than in
were randomly distributed to one of the all distances was found to be similar in the other treatment groups (Table 3).
five study groups. The treatment groups all the groups (range 42–43.5 cm). In the In all the groups, the maximum pain
had similar demographic and baseline placebo, paracetamol (p < 0.05) and ser- score occurred on day 0 (Table 4).

Table 4. The mean pain score (mm) on the day of surgery (day 0) (mean  SEM).
Treatment groups Immediate postoperative 30 min after surgery 1 h after surgery Afternoon Evening
Placebo 10.67  2.99 18  3.97 37  5.45 61  4.58 58.67  4.76
Paracetamol 4.67  2.43 28  6.69 36  5.92 44  5.79 33.67  6.74
Serratiopeptidase 2.67  1.26 12  3.85 23.33  5.86 49.33  5.82 40.67  6.62
Ibuprofen 3.67  1.46 13  4.77 28.67  5.16 39.67  3.43** 36  5.54*
Betamethasone 4  2.27 19.33  4.60 31.67  5.97 47.83  4.75 39  5.39
* -p < 0.05; ** -p < 0.01; *** -p < 0.001.
* Significance of various treatment groups in comparison with placebo.
Drugs and postsurgical oral pain. 353

0.67  0.46yyy
Females experienced more pain. In the was significantly higher than on the non-

5.0  1.91yyy
Day 7
placebo group, the mean pain score was operated side in all groups; the maximum
significantly less (p < 0.001) from day 3 rise occurred in the placebo group. No
onwards (Table 5). Pain scores were sig- significant difference was found between

nificantly less on day 4 in the serratiopep- the groups.
tidase (p < 0.001) group. In the Pre- and postoperative hemoglobin
paracetamol group, significantly low levels were comparable in all groups. In
1.33  0.93yyy
1.56  1.08yyy
6.11  2.0yyy

(p < 0.01) scores occurred on day 5. In all the groups, the total leukocyte count
Day 6

the ibuprofen group, patients experienced preoperatively ranged from 6700 to

significantly (p < 0.001) less pain from 7900 mm3 and was not significantly dif-
day 3 onwards and the score was zero ferent. On day 1 only, the counts were

from day 4 onwards. In the betamethasone significantly raised in all the groups. The
group the score was significantly less counts were significantly higher
6.11  2.12yyy
5.55  2.24yy

(p < 0.001) from day 2 (Table 5). Pain (p < 0.05) in the betamethasone group
5.0  2.36yyy
Day 5

scores were lower in the serratiopeptidase compared with placebo. Such difference
group compared with the placebo and in total leukocyte count was not observed
paracetamol groups on all postoperative on day 5. The neutrophil count was

days, but the values were not statistically increased on day 1 in all the groups,
significant. Betamethasone was signifi- although the difference was not statisti-
cantly superior to placebo on day 1 cally significant. The lymphocyte count
10.55  2.73yyy

11.67  3.54yyy

3.11  0.98yyy
16.22  4.13

(p < 0.05) and day 2 (p < 0.01). Ibupro- showed no statistically significant differ-
fen was significantly superior to placebo, ence in any group, although a slight fall in
Day 4

paracetamol and serratiopeptidase on day lymphocyte count was observed on day 1.

3 and day 4. The lymphocyte count on day 5 in the

Percentage reduction in mouth opening ibuprofen (p < 0.05) group was signifi-
ability on days 3 and 5 in the placebo and cantly lower than in the placebo group.
serratiopeptidase groups was comparable. Eosinophil and monocyte counts were
Ibuprofen and paracetamol treatment comparable in all the groups.
2.0  0.93yyy***++###

benefited the patients, but the difference Data regarding the use of rescue med-
was not significant compared with placebo ication in the treatment group is presented
on either day. Betamethasone (p < 0.01) in Table 7. The requirement for tramadol
Day 3

significantly improved mouth opening was significantly greater in the placebo

19.67  2.97yyy

9.22  2.36yyy
21.33  4.87
15.55  3.36

ability on day 3, and showed further group compared with the paracetamol
improvement on day 5. Betamethasone and ibuprofen groups. A significant dif-
was significantly superior to serratiopep- ference was seen in the serratiopeptidase
* Significance of various treatment groups compared with placebo on respective days.

tidase (p < 0.001) and paracetamol group compared with the paracetamol and
(p < 0.05) on day 3. On day 5, betametha- ibuprofen groups.
sone (p < 0.05) was better than paraceta- 20 (13%) patients experienced adverse
mol (Table 6). drug reactions; all were mild and did not
10.78  1.88**
Table 5. The mean pain score (mm), day 0 through day 7 (mean  SEM).

29.44  4.67
26.33  5.39
19.44  3.45
14.89  3.75

Wound healing was similar and require any alteration in the treatment. The
Day 2

straightforward in all groups. Bleeding most common were vomiting 11 (55%),

was reported only on the day of operation sleepiness 6 (30%), dizziness 4 (20%) and
in 37 (21%) patients; 73% of these patients headache 3 (15%). In the placebo group, a
Intragroup comparison of day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 with day 0.
-p < 0.05; yy,**,++,## -p < 0.01; yyy,***,+++,### -p < 0.001.

reported mild bleeding. No significant majority of patients (53%) reported the

difference was found between groups. postoperative events to be more than
Lower buccal cavity temperatures, expected. In the ibuprofen (60%), beta-
17  2.91*
34.44  4.45
27.55  4.86
22.89  3.44
21.44  5.07

recorded preoperatively and on postopera- methasone (40%), serratiopeptidase

Day 1

tive days 3, 5 and 7, on the control and test (37%) and paracetamol (37%) groups,
side were comparable in all groups. On patients reported the events to be less than
Significance compared with serratiopeptidase.

day 1, the temperature on the operated side expected.

# Significance compared with paracetamol.
37.07  3.12
29.27  3.98
25.60  3.39
24.20  3.09
28.37  3.33
Day 0

Table 6. Percent reduction in mouth opening ability (mean  SEM).

Treatment groups Day 3 Day 5
Placebo 53.65  1.88 45.42  1.77
Paracetamol 48.04  2.06 38.91  2.0
Serratiopeptidase 52.71  1.6 41.65  2.36
Treatment groups


Ibuprofen 44.11  3.54 35.44  3.27


Betamethasone 31.83  4.75**y 19.07  5.44***y


y, , 
* -p < 0.05; yy,**,  -p < 0.01; yyy,***,  -p < 0.001.

* Significance of various treatment groups in comparison with placebo on respective days.

y, ,+,#

Significance compared with paracetamol.

Significance compared with serratiopeptidase.
354 Chopra et al.

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