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Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg.

2009; 38: 363–368

doi:10.1016/j.ijom.2009.02.011, available online at

Clinical Paper
Orthodontic Implants

Bone stress for a mini-implant M. Motoyoshi1, S. Ueno2,

K. Okazaki2, N. Shimizu1
Department of Orthodontics, Division of

close to the roots of adjacent

Clinical Research, Dental Research Center,
Nihon University School of Dentistry, Tokyo,
Japan; 2Department of Orthodontics, Nihon
University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan

teeth - 3D finite element

M. Motoyoshi, S. Ueno, K. Okazaki, N. Shimizu: Bone stress for a mini-implant close
to the roots of adjacent teeth - 3D finite element analysis. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg.
2009; 38: 363–368. # 2009 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Abstract. This study aimed to evaluate stress in the bone when an orthodontic mini-
implant is close to the roots of adjacent teeth using finite element models (FEMs),
and to investigate the causes of the high implant failure rate in the mandible. Four
FEMs were used: the implant touches nothing; the implant touches the surface of the
periodontal membrane; part of the screw thread is embedded in the periodontal
membrane; and the implant touches the root. The effect of cortical bone thickness
was evaluated using values of 1, 2 and 3 mm. Maximum stress value and stress
distribution on the bone elements was determined. Maximum stress on the bone
increased when the mini-implant was close to the root. When the implant touched
the root, stress increased to 140 MPa or more, and bone resorption could be
Keywords: temporary anchorage devices; an-
predicted. Stress was higher for a cortical bone thickness of 2 mm than for other
chorage; finite element method; bone resorp-
thicknesses. Cortical bone 2 mm thick had a higher risk for bone resorption. A tion.
mandible with an average cortical bone thickness of 2 mm may have a higher risk
for implant loosening than a maxilla with the same degree of root proximity, which Accepted for publication 9 February 2009
may be related to the lower success rate in the mandible. Available online 9 March 2009

During orthodontic treatment, areas of tered. Teeth can be moved in a predicable orthodontic treatment4,24. Research into
tooth movement and regions that resist manner only when an anchorage is suffi- the risk factors for mini-implant failure
orthodontic force are frequently encoun- ciently strong to resist orthodontic force. has been carried out to improve the suc-
Titanium screw-type mini-implants cess rate. The stability of the mini-implant
have been used in orthodontic treatment is related to the degree of inflammation
We thank the staff of the Department of to strengthen the anchorage1,6,10,14,22. accompanying local irritation, the excess
Radiology, Nihon University School of Den-
They also ensure that teeth move predic- orthodontic force17, the quality and quan-
tistry, for their assistance with the computed
tomography. This study was supported by tably and without reciprocal move- tity of the cortical bone20, the design and
grants from Nihon University Individual ment7,11,25,27. shape of the screw thread9, and the proxi-
Research Grant 2007 and Grant-in-Aid for Mini-implants have been used in clin- mity of the mini-implant to the roots of
Scientific Research (C) 2007. ical practice10,22, but some loosen during adjacent teeth13.

0901-5027/040363 + 06 $36.00/0 # 2009 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
364 Motoyoshi et al.

Table 1. Material properties of constituent materials

Materials Young’s modulus (MPa) Poisson’s ratio
Titanium 110000 0.35
Cortical bone 14000 0.30
Cancellous bone 300 0.30
Tooth 18600 0.31
Periodontal membrane 69 0.45

and the implant was slanted 308 based on a is called ‘creating the mesh’ or ‘meshing’.
morphometric study5. The geometry of the The mesh intersections are called nodes.
FEM was determined using the mandibu- The geometry of the FEM used in this
lar bone of an East Indian skeletal speci- study was constructed using a three-
men from the Department of Orthodontics dimensional computer-aided design pro-
at Nihon University School of Dentistry, gram (SolidWorks; COSMOS Japan,
and 1 mm computed tomogram slices Tokyo, Japan). The mini-implant was
were digitized. The thickness of period- assumed to be made of pure titanium.
ontal membrane in the FEM was fixed at The bone, tooth, periodontal membrane
0.2 mm. The authors created four types of and implant elements were assumed to
FEM to evaluate the stress distribution in be homogeneous, isotropic and linearly
the bone during the terminal occlusal elastic. The material properties of the
phase when the mini-implant is close to elements in the models were based on
the root. These four types were: a model in published data2,12,16,23 (Table 1). Each
which the implant is 1 mm from the sur- model was meshed automatically using
face of the periodontal membrane; a the SolidWorks software. Each model
model in which the implant touches the consisted of approximately 120,000 nodes
Fig. 1. Design of the commercial mini- periodontal membrane surface; a model in and 80,000 elements (Fig. 2).
implant. (a) Diameter 1.6 mm, length 8 mm. which part of the screw thread is
(b) Design of the screw thread. embedded in the periodontal membrane;
Boundary conditions and solution
and a model in which the implant touches
the root. To evaluate the effects of cortical The interface between the mini-implant
Mini-implants can be placed in small bone thickness, models with cortical bone and the bone elements was fixed to dis-
gaps between the roots of adjacent teeth thicknesses of 1, 2 and 3 mm were used. tinguish it mathematically from the inter-
because of their small screw diameter and The FEM is composed of an aggregate of face between the mini-implant, the
length. This risks touching a root. Kuroda small elements that are sufficient to periodontal membrane and the root ele-
et al.13 noted that the proximity of mini- describe the geometry of the subjects. This ments. The gap elements between the
implants to adjacent roots is a major factor
in implant failure, and they found that this
tendency is more common in the mand-
ible. This may be related to the high failure
rate in mandibular alveolar bone3,13.
Finite element models (FEMs) have
been used in biomechanics research.
Recent developments have made it possi-
ble to simulate a variety of clinical situa-
tions. In this study, the authors evaluated
stress distribution in the bone surrounding
mini-implants when the implant place-
ment was close to the root and investigated
the causes of the high failure rate in the
mandible using the FEM.

Material and methods

Preparation of the FEM
For the purposes of this study, the authors
assumed a commercial mini-implant
1.6 mm in diameter and 8 mm long, with
the height of the thread ridge fixed at
0.2 mm and a thread pitch of 0.6 mm
(Fig. 1). Placement location was assumed Fig. 2. (a) Finite element model consisting of (b) mini-implant, (c) tooth, (d) periodontal
to be mesial to the mandibular first molar, membrane and bone elements.
Bone stress for a mini-implant close to teeth roots 365

the cancellous bone at the lower margin of

the implant hole in all the models, regard-
less of how close the mini-implant was to
the root, or the cortical bone thickness.
The maximum von Mises stress in mod-
els A–D for various cortical bone thick-
nesses is shown in Fig. 4. The stress
increased as the distance between the
implant and the root decreased in models
A–C. In model D, the model with the mini-
implant touching the root, the stress was
much greater than in the other models. To
evaluate the effects of cortical bone thick-
ness, the stress curves were represented
graphically to show the results for various
thickness values (Fig. 5). In all the models,
the stress for a cortical bone thickness of
2 mm was larger than that for a thickness
of 1 or 3 mm. Unexpectedly, thin cortical
bone did not necessarily increase the stress
on the bone surrounding the mini-implant.
To evaluate the load in the cancellous
Fig. 3. von Mises stress distribution in the bone elements of the FEM for model C with the screw bone supporting the implant body, the
thread of the mini-implant embedded in the periodontal membrane. authors calculated the total amount of
stress for each model on the section in
the middle of the implant hole correspond-
ing to the section shown in Fig. 3. The total
stress increased with the proximity of the
mini-implant to the root, and the total
stress was less in thicker cortical bone
(Fig. 6). The maximum displacement
values of the implant element were
observed at the apex of the screw in all
the models. The maximum displacement
of the implant element decreased as the
cortical bone became thicker (Fig. 7).

CHENG et al.3 noted that the mini-implant
in the mandible, often in narrow-width
keratinized gingiva, had a lower success
Fig. 4. Maximum von Mises stress in the bone for models A–D with various degrees of root rate. They suggested that an implant
proximity of the mini-implant: Model A, not touching; Model B, touching periodontal placed in non-keratinized mucosa signifi-
membrane; Model C, embedded in periodontal membrane; and Model D, touching the root. cantly increased the risk of the failure due
CBT, cortical bone thickness. to infection. In a previous clinical study,
the authors determined a recommended
placement torque to improve the success
mini-implant, the periodontal membrane (COSMOS Japan). rate19. Cortical bone in the mandible is
and the root elements, and friction were thicker, and the placement torque can
considered negligible in the models in The von Mises stress easily be higher in the mandible, than in
which the mini-implants touch the per- the maxilla. The authors suggested that
iodontal membrane and the root. Nodes ¼ 1=2½ðs 1  s 2 Þ2 þ ðs 2  s 3 Þ2 over-torque could be related to the low
at the bottom of the cortical bone ele- þ ðs 3  s 1 Þ2  success rate in the mandible. KURODA
ments were restricted to three degrees et al.13 investigated the correlation
of freedom. A vertical load of 300 N where s1, s2, s3, is the principal stress between the success rate and the proximity
was applied to the occlusal surface and s1 > s2 > s3 of the mini-implant to the root. They
of the first molar to represent the occlu- concluded that the proximity of a mini-
sal force on the lower first molar in implant to the roots of adjacent teeth was a
normal function 8,18. The authors calcu- major risk factor in implant failure, and
lated the von Mises stress, defined by the Fig. 3 shows the stress distribution on the this tendency was more prevalent in the
following equation, at each node and bone elements in the FEM. The maximum mandible. This could contribute to the low
evaluated the stress distribution on the von Mises stress was observed on the success rate of implants in the mandible.
bone elements using COSMOS/Works boundary between the cortical bone and KURODA et al.13 also surmised that the
366 Motoyoshi et al.

bone thickness in an attempt to find the

causes of the high failure rate in the
mandible. The precision of the results
derived from mathematical simulation
are directly related to the precision of
the models constructed. Errors can be
reduced by reproducing constituent ele-
ments, material properties and boundary
conditions with precision.
Apart from the case of the mini-implant
1 mm away from the periodontal mem-
brane, the occlusal force was transmitted
to the mini-implant, and the authors
observed a maximum von Mises stress
of less than 20 MPa in the cortical bone
around the implant. The stress increased as
the distance between the implant and the
root decreased. When the implant touched
the root, the stress increased dramatically
to 140 MPa or more, and bone resorption
could be predicted. In this case, the bone
could no longer hold the mini-implant, and
it loosened. This simulation confirmed
that the implant touching the root is a
major factor in implant failure. In a clin-
ical setting, if the implant touches the root,
the patient often has occlusal pain once the
effect of the local anesthetic has worn off
and/or bleeding from the implant hole
after the placement26. These signs are an
indicator for clinical reimplantation.
When the implant touches the surface of
Fig. 5. Maximum von Mises stress in the bone for each model according to cortical bone the periodontal membrane, or a part of the
thickness: Model A, not touching; Model B, touching periodontal membrane; Model C, screw thread becomes embedded in the
embedded in periodontal membrane; Model D, touching the root. periodontal membrane, this might not be
obvious, because the patient may exhibit
reason for the lower success rate in the No previous study has examined the few, if any, symptoms or signs. In a case
mandible could be related to the surgical relationship between implant failure and when part of the implant was embedded in
difficulty caused by the anatomical struc- the biomechanical effect of mini-implant the periodontal membrane (model C), a
ture of the mandible. If their hypothesis proximity to the root. This study investi- point existed in which the stress reached
were true, the rate of occurrence of root gated the biomechanical influences of the 25 MPa or more, corresponding to the
proximity in the mandible would be higher bone around the mini-implant using a stress related to bone resorption. Overload
than in the maxilla, but their data did not FEM and examined the stress distribution bone resorption was simulated and the
support this. as a function of root proximity and cortical critical stress curves for overload and
underload resorption have been deter-
mined15. According to these curves, over-
load cortical bone resorption would be in
areas with von Mises stresses greater than
25–28 MPa. The authors’ mathematical
simulation suggests that a mini-implant
that injures the periodontal membrane
without touching the root could be a cause
of implant loosening.
To evaluate the effects of the difference
in cortical bone thickness on the stresses in
the bone surrounding the mini-implants,
the authors developed three types of FEM
with cortical bone thicknesses of 1, 2 and
3 mm. In all of the models, the stress for a
cortical bone thickness of 2 mm was larger
than those for 1 and 3 mm, indicating that
Fig. 6. Total von Mises stress at the section in the middle of the implant hole corresponding to the a 2 mm thickness has a higher risk for
section shown in Fig. 3 in the cancellous bone: Model A, not touching; Model B, touching bone resorption and failure of the mini-
periodontal membrane; Model C, embedded in periodontal membrane; Model D, touching the root. implant compared with greater or lesser
Bone stress for a mini-implant close to teeth roots 367

the cancellous bone support and this might

reduce the stress in the cortical bone.
These two opposing physical phenomena
both act on the bone around the mini-
implant, and the highest stress would be
detected in the model with a cortical bone
thickness of 2 mm.
In a clinical setting, to reduce the chance
of failure, especially in the mandible, it is
important to ensure that the implant does
not touch an adjacent root. Diagnostic ima-
ging using CT before placement would help
to reduce this chance of failure. Deguchi
et al. 5 suggested that damaging the roots
could be avoided in most cases by using
mini-implants with a diameter of less than
1.5 mm. Miyawaki et al.17 reported that all
the 1 mm diameter screws loosened, while
84% of 1.5 mm diameter screws and 85%
of 2.3 mm diameter screws survived. The
authors think that mini-implants with a
diameter of 1.5–2.0 mm improve implant
stability and reduce the chance of touching
a root. Slanting the mini-implant reduces
the placement depth as well as the chance of
contacting a root. They also recommend
using a pilot drill and a stent with a drilling

Acknowledgments. We thank the staff of

the Department of Radiology, Nihon Uni-
versity School of Dentistry, for their assis-
Fig. 7. Maximum displacement in the mini-implant for each model according to cortical bone
tance with CT. This study was supported
thickness: Model A, not touching; Model B, touching periodontal membrane; Model C,
embedded in periodontal membrane; Model D, touching the root. by grants from Sato Fund (society) of the
Nihon University School of Dentistry
2006, 2007, Nihon University Individual
Research Grant 2007 and Grant-in-Aid for
thicknesses. Ono et al.21 measured cortical in the thin cortical bone. The maximum
Scientific Research (19592369) from the
bone in cross-sections of the placement stress would then be less in the model of
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
site in alveolar bone mesial to the first 1 mm cortical bone than in 2 mm bone. If
Science and Technology of Japan.
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