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A _____ is used for

telling directions.
A. knapsack B. calendar
C. compass D. timetable

My sister is using a ___

to blow her hair.
A. iron
B. hair drier
C. comb
D. blender
3. My brother is watching
A. book
B. pictures
C. television D. computer
4. My brother skates on a
skating _______.
A. board
B. slipper
C. rubber
D. wood
5. Bring a ______. Its dark
A. lighter
B. bulb
C. camera
D. torchlight
6. MY brother uses a can
_____ to open a can of
A. knife
B. can opener
C. spanner D. screwdriver
7. The carpenter tightens
the nuts with his
A. hammer B. wrench
C. nail
D. screwdriver
8. During the Mooncake
Festival, ____ are carried.
A. kites
B. banners
C. sticks
D. lanterns
9. the baby is sleeping
soundly in his _____
A. bed
B. bench
C. desk
D. cradle
10. John used a ____ to
wipe his mouth.
A. handkerchief
B. blouse
C. scarf
D. tie
11. The fish bites the ____ and
gets caught.
A. pin
B. needle

C. tin

D. bait

12. The maid places our shoes on

a ______.
A. rack
B. box
C. drawer
D. wardrobe

13. Apply some ____ for the

A. ointment
B. lotion
C. oil
D. spray
14. I cover the baby with a thin
A. towel
B. shirt
C. blanket
D. blouse
15. Clean the windows with a
A. rag
B. rug
C. curtain
D. cover
16. My father uses a___ to
scoop up the soil.
A. larder
B. spade
C. fork
D. rake
17. Marie used a ____ to tie her
long hair.
A. belt
B. string
C. shoelace
D. ribbon
18. The nurse covered his wound
with a ____.
A. cloth
B. paper
C. bandage
19. My sister drank a bottle of
cough _____ last night.
A. water
B. drink
C. syrup
D. juice
20. The workers brought a box
of _____ to do the repairs.
A. pictures
B. tools
C. food

21. The man is putting the nails

in the wall with a ______.
A. knife
B. hammer
C. saw
D. pliers
22. How many pictures can I get
from a roll of __________?
A. films
B. paper
C. cotton
D. leaves
23. Mother pours the
mixture into a cake ________.
A. plate
B. tray
C. saucer
D. bottle
24. The ____ on your blouse are
A. thread
B. buttons
C. ribbons
D. bow
25. Maimunah uses a _______
to blend the chillies.
A. cutter
B. stone
C. blender
D. knife
26. I always use a _______ to
do calculation.
A. pencilB. typewriter
C. clock D. calculator
27. Kannan climbed up a
_______ to pluck the mangoes.
A. tree
B. ladder
C. chair
D. stairs
28. James is eating a slice of
A. cake
B. pasta
C. meat
D. salad
29. the dog likes to eat ____
A. grass B. cereals
C. bones D. curd
30. My mother bought sardines
and bread to make ______ for
A. buns
B. cookies
C. pizza
D. sandwiches

C. pail
31. Mrs Tan peels the potatoes
with a _____
A. pliers
B. knife
C. tin opener
D. cutter
32. My mother uses a ___ to fry
A. frying pan
B. pot
C. rice cooker
D. steamer
33. Add some _____ to this
bowl of soup.
A. sand
B. sugar
C. salt
D. jam
34. The pupils used a ___ knife
to butter the bread.
A. bread
B. plastic
C. chopping
D. meat
35. I apply ___ on my face.
A. butter
B. powder
C. shampoo
D. detergent
36. I bought some ____ to make
an omelette for breakfast.
A. eggs
B. bread
C. jam
D. peanuts
37. the newspaper vendor
delivers ____ to our houses.
A. letters
B. parcels
C. newspapers
D. bread
38. The woodcutter chopped the
tree trunk with ____.
A. an axe
B. a knife
C. a chopper
D. a hoe
39. the ___ is spinning very
A. tap
B. kite
C. fan
D. top
40. Throw the paper into a
rubbish ___.
A. bin
B. pot

D. drain

41. Father is watering the pots

of plants with a _______ can.
A. moving
B. pouring
C. watering
D. shaking

50. my mother bought a ____

A. pile
B. loaf
C. slice

42. Use a _________ to carry

all this foodstuff.
A. basket
B. box
C. trolley
D. wagon

51. The _______ is a ship that

can travel underwater.
A. submarine
B. liner
C. tanker
D. canoe.

43. You have to check the date

on the ____.
A. book
B. card
C. calendar
D. board

52. Every morning, I need the

alarm ____ to wake me up.
A. bell
B. clock
C. tin
D. book

44. I always get hot water from

the ___
A. flask
B. bottle
C. glass
D. jug

53. Do not smoke ____ inside

the house.
A. matches
B. cigarettes
C. firecrackers
D. lighters

45. Wash the vegetables in the

___ of water.
A. pail
B. cup
C. glass
D. plate

46. the tailor uses a _____

machine to do all her sewing.
A. printing
B. sewing
C. copying
D. steam
47. workers at all work sites
must wear safety ____.
A. jackets
B. helmets
C. coats
D. bands
48. Scoop the rice into the ___
A. bowl
B. glass
C. jug
D. cup
49. Mother hangs the new ____
at the window.
A. album
B. skirt
C. curtain
D. cloth

54. My brother keeps his stamps

in an _____.
A. box
B. drawer
C. album
D. book
55. Put these bags in the _____
of the car.
A. back
B. boot
C. bonnet
D. tyre
56. The ______ tell us about
things happening around the
A. magazines
B. advertisements
B. newspaper
D. comics
57. Mother measured out the
ingredients for the cake on the
kitchen ______.
A. table
B. scales
C. oven
D. shelf

58. My gardener uses a ____ to

dig up the sweet potatoes.
A. hoe
B. stick
C. pole
D. spade

59. When my mother does

gardening, she uses ___ to
protect her hands.
A. bags
B. gloves
C. mittens
D. cloth
60. The bird is kept inside a ___
so that it cannot fly away.
A. box
B. cage
C. bottle
D. basket.

B. hammer
C. saw
D. pliers

67. He used a ____ to transport

the farm produce to the market.
A. lorry
B. car
C. motorbike
D. ferry
68. We use a frying ____ to fry
eggs for breakfast.
A. pot
B. pan
C. kettle
D. cooker

61. James and Mark are using a

___ to paint the wall.
A. roller
B. tin
C. pliers
D. marker

69. The ______ is the national

flower of Malaysia.
A. bougainvillea
B. hibiscus
B. water lily
D. morning glory

62. I like to eat ____ for

A. rice
B. ice cream
C. noodles
D. fish

70. Put the meat on a ___ and

serve it hot.
A. cup
B. jar
C. plate
D. glass

63. The teacher writes on the

blackboard with a white _____.
A. pen
B. marker
C. chalk
D. pencil
64. Father is changing the ____
for the table lamp.
A. bulb
B. radio
C. tube
D. sign
65. The maid added ____ to
make the dish spicy.
A. vegetables
B. ladyfingers
C. chillies
D. French beans.
66. The man is putting the nails
in the wall with a _____.
A. knife

B. flower
C. costume
D. cloth

75. Uncle Tom is watching the

birds through his ____.
A. glasses
B. binoculars
C. spectacles
D. microscope
76. To keep the food fresh we
store them in the _____.
A. cupboard
B. packet
C. plastic container
D. refrigerator
77. Bobby enjoys playing
badminton with his new ______.
A. club
B. ball
C. racquet
D. stick

71. Kavita is frying chicken in

the ______.
A. frying pan
B. rice cooker
C. kettle
D. plate
72. My sister is cutting the cake
with a sharp ____.
A. blade
B. fork
C. knife
D. spoon
73. Trishaws have three _____.
A. bells
B. wheels
C. tyres
D. pedals
74. On National Day, most
buildings fly the national _____.
A. flag

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