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IG Venting - Thermal Expansion, High RVP Cargoes

Reference Material

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Normally a crude oil tanker loads her cargo in tanks, which have inert gas present in them. Due to
the gassy nature of the cargo there might be evolution of a large quantity of hydrocarbon gases
into the ullage spaces of the cargo oil tanks. This often leads to a sustained increase of the cargo
venting system IG pressure. This pressure may increase due to any increase in cargo temperature.
This particularly applies when carrying high vapour pressure cargoes.
The most common cause of loss of cargo during passage is from the venting off of this gas.
To properly evaluate the pressure within a cargo tank atmosphere the Total/True Vapour Pressure
(TVP) must be considered. TVP is the total pressure to be achieved within a defined closed system
given the variable parameters of vapour volume and the differing temperatures. Saturated Vapour
Pressure (SYP) and Unsaturated Vapour Pressure (UVP) are the two components of TVP.
Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP) This is an industrially developed standard test method to
determine the Air Saturated absolute Vapour Pressure, of volatile, non-viscous hydrocarbon liquids.
The RVP is the vapour pressure obtained within a standardized piece of test equipment for the
evolved hydrocarbon vapour at a temperature of 100 ~ or 37.8 ~ The standard test parameters for
the determination of this pressure are important to identify and relate to the ratio of a fixed liquid
volume to a fixed vapour volume. This ratio is one part of liquid to four parts of vapour. Thus, the
pressure reported for this parameter reflects, in principle, the pressure that would be registered
when a cargo tanks are about 20% loaded.
Saturated Vapour Pressure (SYP) - is the equilibrium pressure generated by the liquid phase for
the vapour volume within a defined system. The Saturated Vapour pressure is developed only by
the evolved hydrocarbon vapors from the crude oil liquid phase. For a Saturated Vapour to be
present it must have contact with its own liquid phase. If the liquid phase temperature increases or
decreases so will the Saturated Vapour pressure vary accordingly an increase in the liquid
temperature will cause an increase in the Saturated Vapour Pressure. If the vapour volume
increases or decreases for a known liquid temperature, the pressure should, in theory, remain
constant and the vapour should either condensate and fall back into the liquid or the liquid shall
generate more vapour to maintain SVP.
Unsaturated Vapour Pressure (UVP) - Contrary to the concept of Saturated Vapour Pressure, an
Unsaturated Vapour is not in contact with its liquid phase. In this case the vapour is obtained from
other sources such as air or more likely inert gas.
Cargo Losses
The diurnal variations of temperature, excessive heating, nature of the cargo, and slack tanks
producing sloshing during rough weather all contribute to light end distillation, creating added
pressure inside the cargo tanks which may lead to necessary venting off. Faults in cargo hatches,
tank cleaning plates, pressure / vacuum valves and other tank seals, and closures aggravate the
cargo losses.
In transit cargo losses and their causes do not stop with just the loss of cargo. With light end
distillation, additional sedimentation may occur with some of the heavier ends beginning to
precipitate out. This can cause loss of the solvents within the cargo and cause problems with both
crude oil washing and draining, leading to greater clingage and ROB (Remaining on Board)
quantities in the cargo tanks.
Claims against the carrier can accrue, for not only for the apparent lost cargo and retention of cargo,
but also for freight. Other consequential effects include added expense and work for the vessels


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IG Venting - Thermal Expansion, High RVP Cargoes

Doc No:



owner and crews. Losses due to leaking seals and closures give rise to loss of inert gas pressure in
tanks. This leads onto additional work for ship staff to operate the inert gas system on a regular
basis to maintain a positive gas pressure in the cargo tanks and the costs of operating the system.
There are also risks of fire, safety and contamination of the cargo from the ingress of air into the
cargo space, escape of gas to deck and the ingress of water during rough weather. All these losses
and/or contaminations can lead to claims by cargo owners against the ship.
Venting Off
As previously described, the vessels tanks are protected by a venting system, including relief and
spill valves. As the pressure rises within the closed tank and venting system, at a preset pressure,
the mast riser pressure / vacuum valve will open, relieving the pressure within the system. As the
pressure falls, again at a preset level, the valve will close, stopping any further venting until the
pressure rises again to the preset venting level.
Alternatively the mast riser main vent valve can be manually opened to relieve the pressure before it
reaches the maximum preset venting level of the pressure / vacuum valve. This is normally done in
anticipation of the pressure / vacuum valve operating as the pressure within the tanks rises, or in
order to prevent the secondary pressure relief mechanism (the pressure / vacuum breaker or spill
valve) from operating in the event of the pressure / vacuum valve failing to operate.
Thermal expansion is often experienced when the vessel makes a loaded passage from a loading
terminal in a cold climatic area to a discharge port in a warmer climatic region, or passes through an
area of warmer climate. This risk of expansion must be taken into account at the load port and
sufficient ullage left in the tanks and also contributes to an increase in the tank pressure. Under
such circumstances the need for venting may best be controlled by cooling the cargo decks above
the tank ullage space.
This is achieved by allowing a flow of sea water from the ships fire and foam lines over the decks.
This may best work by allowing the flow either directly from the hydrant valves, from the foam
monitors or by spray nozzles from hoses to give a more accurate coverage of cooling over the
decks required. This latter method is particularly more important where both heated and non-heated
cargoes are carried on the same voyage, where the requirements of heating must be balanced
against the need to cool deck or vent off cargo from different grades. This may not prevent having to
vent off excess gas pressure in the tanks, but will certainly reduce the number of times that it is
required and consequent cargo in transit losses.
However, very often the pressure has to be released by a controlled release of gasses and Inert
Gas (IG) Venting on Loaded Passage - VOCON Guideline (SP0101) provides guidance. The graph,
which is required to be plotted under that procedure during a typical vent off, shall be similar to the
one below. The inflexion point on the graph where the rate of change of pressure decreases
signifies the point where the SVP of the cargo tank atmosphere has been reached. Venting should
be ceased at this time.


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IG Venting - Thermal Expansion, High RVP Cargoes

Doc No:



Gaseous Cargoes with High H2S Content

Certain cargoes generate large volumes of gas with a high H2S content (e.g. Olmeca Crude Oil).
Provided the precautions described in the company booklet Stay Alive H2S Kills are followed this
may be safely vented at sea. However when the vessel approaches land, is in a river or alongside it,
it is not possible to do this because of the high H2S content and the proximity of populated areas. It
is therefore necessary to control the volume of gas the cargo produces. To achieve this the
following practices should be adopted whilst handling this type of cargo:
1. Whilst at sea vent the excess gas as required making sure that all precautions are taken to
protect personnel on board.
2. Prior to approaching land or estuaries adjust the tank pressure to +200mm to +250mm/wg.
3. Ensure the deck is free from oil, in case boundary cooling is needed.
4. If the IGS pressure rises above +750mm cool the deck using fire hoses, and continue to use
water till the pressure falls below +500mm/wg.
5. During cargo discharge set the IGS discharge valve regulator at a minimum suggested pressure
of 250 mm to 300mm/wg.
6. The vessels charterers, agents and the terminal must be advised of the high H2S nature of the
cargo and operations should be carried out with the minimum pressure in the tanks so as to
prevent an accidental vent-off.
Cargo Expansion Allowance
It should also be determined during the cargo planning stages that due allowances are made for
cargo expansion over and above the normal 2% allowance (i.e. maximum loading in any cargo tank
is 98% capacity of that tank). This is important when the voyage takes the vessel from a cold
climate to a much warmer climate, and when heated cargoes are carried. This is important when
cargo heating orders may not have allowed for possible increased heating requirements to raise the


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IG Venting - Thermal Expansion, High RVP Cargoes

Doc No:



temperature of a cargo during later periods of the laden voyage and discharge, or the cargo loaded
at a temperature below that required for carriage and/or discharge.
Cargo Contraction
Equally important is thermal contraction of the cargo after loading. This cooling of the cargo after
loading may be the result of having either loaded at a high temperature, the vessel moving from a
warm loading area to a cold area, or discharge port or diurnal temperature variations.
From whichever cause, this may result in a vacuum being created within the cargo tank ullages
spaces. This can often lead to greater damage being caused to the ships structure than an overpressurization of a cargo tank space, and the consequent dangers of ignition, fire, and explosion.
The vacuum relief side of the pressure vacuum valve(s) fitted normally breaks any vacuum created
in the cargo tanks. This may be the valve fitted at the mast riser or more likely those fitted at each
individual cargo tank. Whichever valve relieves the vacuum it causes an increase in the oxygen
content of the ullage spaces of the tank, which could eventually lead to a space entering the
flammable range.
Pressure / Vacuum Relief
It is essential that tank pressures are carefully monitored and kept within limits that preclude the
situations of either too great a pressure or vacuum being developed in the tanks. This can be
achieved in the former case by cooling the tanks decks or if necessary venting-off. In the latter case
by topping up the IG pressure and content in the cargo tanks to maintain a positive pressure
through diurnal variations and changing climactic conditions.
Pressure and vacuum relief devices must be maintained in full and correct operating condition. Tank
opening seals of hatches and tank cleaning plate openings must provide a gas tight seal and be
maintained in good condition. Other openings such as ullage ports and Vapour lock valves of
gauging stations must be similarly maintained. Every precaution must be taken to prevent the
uncontrolled escape of cargo ullage space atmosphere or the ingress of air.
In case any tank has been segregated from the main IG line for operational reasons, including vapor
segregation of cargo, individual pressures of isolated tanks must be monitored at regular intervals.
This may be carried out by attaching pressure gauges to the ullage stands of the individual tanks.
There must be no transfer into our out of a tank which has been isolated from the main IG line till the
tank has been re-connected to the IG system thus allowing it to vent through the mast riser. In case
a vessel is provided with full-flow P/V valves, any transfer into or out of a tank isolated from the IG
mains may only be carried out after a JHA has been carried out and a complete transfer plan has
been prepared and been approved by the Master.


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