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EES 612: Electrical Machines and Actuators

Laboratory experiments play major roles in helping students fully understand and master the
theoretical concepts of courses in circuits and electronics. Thus, the lab component of EES 612 is
given considerable attention. This document describes the structure, procedures and
expectations, and evaluation method for the lab component of EES 612.


The labs will take place at ENG 309. Please consult the document Schedule of Labs and
Tutorials posted on Blackboard, in conjunction with your own timetable.

Lab Group: In the first lab session, you will choose your partner and form the lab group of
two. You cannot change your lab partner for the rest of the lab sessions of this course. Your
group will take a lab station in the first lab session, and you group will always do all your lab
experiments at the same lab station. Your TA will take a note of the lab station where your
group perform experiments.

Four labs are scheduled for this course. Each lab is conducted based on a corresponding Lab
Instructions document. Each student is required to print and bring to the lab the
corresponding Lab Instructions document, to be able to demonstrate the attempted Pre-Lab
Assignment (described below), to record the experimental data, and to subsequently develop the
completed group Lab Report.
Note that, the Pre-Lab Assignment of your Lab Instructions document must be signed by
your TA at the start of the respective lab session.

Each lab consists of three components: (1) Pre-Lab Assignment, (2) Lab Performance, and (3)
Lab Report.
The three aforementioned components are described below.
(1)Pre-Lab Assignment (by each student, worth 2 mark):
The Pre-Lab Assignment is an essential component of a lab; it helps one understand what the
objective of the experiment is, what variables are to be measured and/or plotted, and what is

expected to be observed. A Pre-Lab Assignment typically involves a theoretical analysis of the

machine under study. The calculated results of the Pre-Lab Assignment can be very helpful in
determining whether or not the experimental results make sense and whether or not the machine
under study works according to the expectations.
Pre-Lab Assignment as individual activity and must be presented to the TA at the start of the
respective lab. The TA will sign the Pre-Lab Assignment and return to the students. This signed
prelab work is to be subsequently submitted with the completed group Lab Report.
(2) Lab Performance (by each lab group, worth 4 marks)
Lab Performance (that is, performing the experiment itself) is a hands-on activity, which is
typically exercised by a group of two members (no more than two members are allowed as a
group). However, at times, a student may have to do it alone, for example, in the case of the
partners absence or drop-out, etc. The lack or sudden loss of ones partner does not
constitute an excuse for not performing or finishing the lab.
The objective of the Lab Performance is to provide the students with an opportunity to perform
the intended tests and collect relevant data from the experimental set-up. Due to time limitations,
the student groups must be quick in setting up the experiment layout, ensuring of proper wiring
and equipment adjustments, troubleshooting the circuits (if required), and collecting the data as
per the Lab Instructions documents. The results of the Pre-Lab Assignment can be very helpful
in determining whether or not the experimental results make sense and whether or not the circuit
works according to the expectations.
Before the students disconnect the experiment, they must get one of their
experimental results verified by the TA. The TA must sign the verified data. This
signature page must be included in your group lab report.
T h e students w i l l plot/record the observed data i n t h e l a b a s p e r t h e i r Lab
Instructions document. T he group Lab Report will subsequently include all these
plot/record data.
(3) Lab Report (by each lab group, worth 4 marks)
The Lab Report merges the results of the experiment and draws conclusions. It also compares the
experimental results with the corresponding results anticipated through the Pre-Lab Assignment
(analysis and/or calculations).
To prepare your Lab Report, remember:
Get the TA to sign your Lab Instructions document before you leave the lab.
Answer the questions raised under the Conclusions and Remarks section of your Lab
Instructions document.
Append your own Pre-Lab Assignments (which must have already been signed by your
TA at the start of the lab).
Include the TA signed sample Lab results in your Instructions document.

Clearly write your names, TAs name, lab section, lab title, and date, on the cover page.

Sign the cover page.

Deliver the complete package at the beginning of the next new lab or tutorial session.

The mark of each component is calculated according to the following scheme:

Pre-Lab Assignment (by each student of the

lab group) Show and get it reviewed and signed
by the TA at the start of the lab.

2 marks for trying all the parts, with

reasonable answers.


Lab Performance (by each lab group) Show

the results and get them signed by the TA at the
end of lab.

4 marks for finishing all the parts and

collecting all experimental results (data
and waveforms). Any group involved
in duplications will receive zero on the
entire lab.

(3) Lab Report (by each lab group)

Hand it to the TA at the start of the next
Lab or tutorial session.

4 marks for the analysis of experimental

results, for commenting on the
correlation between the experimental and
Pre-Lab Assignment results, and for
answering all the questions. All parties
involved in duplications will receive zero
on the entire lab.

VERY IMPORTANT (Read Carefully)

1. No food or drinks are allowed in the lab. Please make sure that you finish them before
walking in, or you shall be asked to leave.
2. An arrival by later than 30 minutes past the hour is considered to be a late arrival and will
be penalized by 25% of the lab mark. A student arriving later than 60 minutes (past the
hour) will not be permitted to participate and, consequently, will receive zero on the lab.
3. Each Pre-Lab Assignment is due at the start of the respective lab and shall be signed by
the TA. A lab group without Pre-Lab Assignment will not be permitted to participate
in the lab and, consequently, will receive zero on the lab.
4. No inter-section migration is permitted on the labs. Please know your section, TA, and
schedule. The TAs shall not admit any student from another section (irrespective of
whether or not the other section is supervised by the same TA!).

5. A student who misses a lab without a valid medical reason will receive zero on the lab;
there will be no make-up.

6. Each Lab Report is due at the start of a new lab or tutorial and shall be handed
directly to the TA. Lab Reports that are handed in late will receive a penalty of
25% per day (including the weekends). Any Lab Report that has been slid under
professor's or any TA's office door, or given to the front office, or communicated
through any method other than directly handing it to TA in charge will receive zero.
7. Academic integrity is taken very seriously. No duplications will be tolerated in regards
to Pre-Lab Assignments, experimental data, or final reports. Perpetrators will be reported
to University authorities.

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