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Ybor Art Association

Isaiah Perkins // Ybor Art Association Creative Brief // January 2010


Executive Summary..........................................................................................................................................................2

1.1 Objectives and Keys to Success................................................................................................................2

1.2 My Mission.......................................................................................................................................................2

Company Summary.........................................................................................................................................................2

2.1 Start-up Summary.........................................................................................................................................2

Start-up for Designs and Services..............................................................................................................................3

3.1 Services............................................................................................................................................................3

3.2 Job Description.............................................................................................................................................3

3.3 Technology......................................................................................................................................................3

3.4 Future Services...............................................................................................................................................4

Market Analysis Summary............................................................................................................................................4

4.1 Target Market Segment Strategy.............................................................................................................4

Strategy and Implementation Summary..............................................................................................................4

5.1 Marketing Strategy........................................................................................................................................4

5.2 Marketing Programs......................................................................................................................................4


6.1 Monthly.............................................................................................................................................................5

6.2 Weekly and Daily...........................................................................................................................................6

Executive Summary
Isaiah Perkins and Boundless Creativity will provide a new direction and rebranding for the
Ybor Art Association (YAA). This will consist of new ideas for branching out to newer audiences,
different communities, expanding event themes and so on. The problem was that the YAA isn’t
advertising correctly for the audience that it wants to get to come to the Saturday market & Art walk.

The trends of today aren’t the same when Historic Ybor was first built. There were no marketing
strategies, it was just tell a friend and pass along the word. Now, we are dealing with a decade where
you can advertise through e-mails, networking sites, and various visual medias. Simply to put it, we
have to change our strategies and ideas to keep up with the changing market.

1.1 Objectives and Keys to Success

Over the next year, I hope to achieve with YAA:

• Growth through size and audience demographic for the Saturday Market and YAA sponsored events.
• Bigger web presence and expanding the social networking presence of YAA.
• Building a cohesive brand throughout the YAA galleries with print collateral that would be disturbed
to Hyde Park, Bayshore, Kennedy area, Harbour Island, Davis Island, and Channelside area.

1.2 My Mission
I plan and will provide extensive research, strategic ideas, and chose the right solution and
implementing the solution the field. These will allow the artist of the gallery and retailers to do what
they do best and that is create.

Company Summary
One of Tampa’s longest established arts communities, Ybor City has been home to artist studios,
galleries, theater groups and filmmakers for years. The Ybor Arts Association is an organization whose
mission is the cultural and historic preservation of Ybor City through promotion of venues that focus
on the rich culture and history associated with this district

2.1 Start-up Summary

• I have spent almost a month planning this business venture, doing marketing and target audience
•The initial idea was to figure out who was initially the YAA was reaching out to. Because if you don’t
know your audience then you can’t design or cater for them.
• With the Art walk I noticed that most of the early morning visitors bring their kids, dogs, or their
elder parent. Wondering and asking what they look for when they come to this event may help out.
Issuing a survey will be the next plan.
Start-up for Designs and Services

3.1 Services
I will be dedicating myself to this project so I can provide service for ideas and changes to
any of the print, networking sites or the YAA web site.

1. Administration of updates of web site , Facebook account, Twitter updates

2. Distribution of flyers and other print material for events and shows
3. Design, proof and over see printing of the brand to make sure the idea was
executed form start to finish
4. 2010 Shows and theme events to target every audience in the area
5. An all inclusive level with all of the below

3.2 Job Description

• I will oversee the artistic design of advertisements and print materials, as well as the filming of television
commercials web site and every visual representation of the YAA. Choosing a photographer, an illustrator,
models, and any props necessary for an ad. If a print ad comes back from the printer with an imperfection,

• For the YAA, i will not only be responsible for the “look” of an ad but is also part of a creative team responsible
for developing the very concept. As a designer and a copywriter (who writes the ads) i can decide on an
advertising concept together with the YAA members. Then we will determine how the ad will look and what
it will say.

• To create a “print” ad—one that appears in a magazine or a newspaper or on a billboard—I will create a rough
layout using a computer. The layout shows where the copy will go, which fonts and colors will be used, and
what the picture will look like. At this stage, the layout must be approved by the YAA. Once a rough layout for
an ad is approved, then ill use all my resources to produce the finished ad.

• Social Networking has become the biggest hit of 2009. Setting up a page for the gallery will allow the world
to know what’s going on at the gallery at all times, this will allow us to up load work instantly. Sending an
invitation for an event can be very effective with many other networking sites when used properly. With a new
YAA page,we will be able to stay connected with different artist art lovers, and tourist . From there we will be
able to send out event information.

• Promoting the YAA through other various events throughout Tampa will be another one of my job duties.
Providing the media and other vending spaces with information on what the YAA can offer on a Saturday will
be something we can use.

3.3 Technology
Within the first year with YAA, I plan to expand its audience from strictly Ybor residents to
surrounding counties through web, print, and networking

Equipped with the last design standard programs of the industry I am more inclined to meet its clients
needs and execute thoroughly Buying this technology and on my computer can design when i feel
need by or when i need to update something

3.4 Future Services

In the future, I will broaden its services to design the print collateral with events, shows, gallery
photos, and other information about the artist.

As YAA market grows, the Internet will become a very valuable tool. The web site and the Internet
can greatly get the visitors familiar with the artist without leaving the house. The web site will able to
handle multiple galleries and their events and artist, with links to the company’s web site.

Market Analysis Summary

Outsourcing can be costly but if we have contacts with in the committee then we can keep a lot
of the over heard down for the total funding rebrand. As a graphic designer, I’m able to perform
many task for many different fields.

4.1 Target Market Segment Strategy

By taking many very different surveys and asking the right questions we can figure out who we want
to attract when we design the branding collateral. But take in mind that we can target our design to
a certain audience for certain events, but it still have the same look and feel as the rest of the brand

Strategy and Implementation Summary

5.1 Marketing Strategy
The initial push for marketing will be what makes this project stronger and an improvement from the
last YAA direction. Not only do we have to market these events around Ybor but outside of the city,
and still targeting the audience we want at these events. Going to other art events and setting up
vending spaces representing the YAA will bring more positive attention to the association.

Networking and keeping a mailing database is crucial. I will also build a database with information
obtained through the small business resources at the County Library. Informational packets and
brochures will be sent out to the members of the database, with follow-up phone calls happening
within two weeks of mailing.

The web site will be linked to other popular sites, as well as advertised on small business service
sites. By linking with these sites, I will be able to market its events and association awareness over the

5.2 Marketing Programs

I will network with business associates, galleries brokers, and local businesses on getting our print
material to them so it can be passed out properly.
Here are some other key ways the marketing program will benefit the YAA

1. Contacting previous business acquaintances and announcing the activity of the Saturday market to
the businesses will generate a strong audience. The contacts will be made either via telephone or a
direct mailing including a brochure.

2. Sales and marketing leads can also be purchased from marketing companies. These leads will list
company names as well as contact information; so we can send out the YAA information.

3. Most of the initial contacts will be made in the Tampa Counties and surrounding area, and I have
attained a geographic summary of the area from an Internet site. Also, business listings and lead
documents are obtained by using the resources at Hillsborough County Library.

4. A small press release can be sent to the local Chamber of Commerce, which has included in the
current postcard and flyer, and will appear in the issue of two other local magazines.

5. “New YAA Business” press releases can be sent to the local papers. Considering the general public
may not be familiar with the new events and ideas were working on with the YAA.

I will also target members of local business associations to receive a cover letter and brochure
explaining our services. A follow-up phone call will take place within two weeks. At the same time,
as mentioned above, local newspapers will spotlight YAA, Saturday market and their Art Walk. This
joint effort will promote the name and create an awareness of what’s going on in the retail community.

As the company grows, marketing strategies will include radio time and advertisements through
journals and magazines. The most important marketing program is the networking, and both
principals will initially be involved in the speaking engagements

These are the updates and time line of my process when it comes to improving the
attendance of the Saturday market. This will give you a better understanding of what will
be going on in the months to come.

6.1 Monthly
• Attending at least 3 social networking events or vending in the Tampa area to promote the YAA.
Passing out surveys, flyers, promoting the YAA will bring more people to the Saturday market.
Promoting at the Saturday Market will be effective as well.

• Database updates with e-mails, phone numbers, names and etc. This will give us a chance to send
out our events and other promotions through the YAA.

• Monthly Flyer and updates with general information about YAA and Saturday market. Contact
information will also be on these updates.

• Setting up a small table and retail items in Centro Ybor to advertise for the YAA on a Tuesday
or Wednesday will give us a chance to attract more people for Saturday. Here i will pass out the
postcards and flyers.
6.2 Weekly and Daily
• Updating the YAA web site and social networking sites. Updating these sites with information, videos
and pictures of the Saturday Market will keep are audience engaged and updated on what were doing.

Time Line of Events and Process

A monthly time line of what will be done to promote the YAA Saturday; through print, web,
and other media outlets that can be used

• 2-3 week Initial design process, gathering information from YAA on their Retail business
•Generate surveys and start the social networking sites

•News paper and magazine advertisement
•Update surveys and start the social networking sites
• Initiate the 1st postcard as part of the promotional system of the YAA. This will be a bi-monthly run.

• Update surveys and start the social networking sites
• Start and introduce the YAA booklet. This will contain info about Saturday market and be a quarterly
• Mid-Week special advertisement in Ybor
• Big Event (1) to advertise YAA and Saturday Market ( Unknown)

•News paper and magazine advertisement
• Update surveys and start the social networking sites
• Initiate the 2nd postcard as part of the promotional system of the YAA. This will be apart of the bi-
monthly run.

•Update YAA brochure with new design and reorder
•Update surveys and start the social networking sites
• Mid-Week special advertisement in Ybor

•Update surveys and start the social networking sites
• Initiate the 3rd postcard as part of the promotional system of the YAA. This will be apart of the bi-
monthly run
• Big Event (2) to advertise YAA and Saturday Market ( Unknown)
•News paper and magazine advertisement
• Introduce the 2nd YAA booklet. This will contain info about Saturday market and be a quarterly

•Update YAA brochure with new design and reorder
• Initiate the 4th postcard as part of the promotional system of the YAA. This will be a part of the
bi-monthly run.

• Big Event (3) to advertise YAA and Saturday Market ( Unknown)
• Mid-Week special advertisement in Ybor

•News paper and magazine advertisement
• Initiate the 5th postcard as part of the promotional system of the YAA. This will be apart of the bi-
monthly run.

• Big Event (4) to advertise YAA and Saturday Market
• Introduce the 3rd YAA booklet. This will contain info about Saturday market and be a quarterly

•Update YAA brochure with new design and reorder
• Initiate the 6th postcard as part of the promotional system of the YAA. This will be a bi-monthly run
• Mid-Week special advertisement in Ybor.

$25 an hour will be the rate for the services i will provide the Ybor Art Association. I will
work a consistent 4 day week for 8 hours a day.

Total Funding: 3200.00 a month (or) 38,400.00 a year

This fee will not include the printing of the YAA promotional printing, event fees, and site registration

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