Sample Annotated Bibliography

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1. TEINBERGA, L., & MITE, D. (2013). A Case Study of Job Satisfaction in

an Offshore Office: Is Software Engineers Motivation at Risk? Baltic J.
Modern Computing, 1(3-4), 186-198.

i. Purpose of Study:
The aim of this case study is to acknowledge motivational risks in order to mitigate
them, and thus prevent attrition of experienced employees in the future. In this
case study authors investigate job satisfaction through surveying software
engineers in a Russian offshore site of a Swedish company and interviewing an
employee who decided to quit.
ii. Data Collection Method/Design:
A survey instrument was implemented to investigate the trends towards motivation
in the studied offshore collaboration. The survey was based on rigorous literature
analysis and comprised two types of closed questions inquiring about project
settings and software engineer motivation. It was self-administrated and was
conducted in the beginning of December 2011, when one of the researchers was
visiting an offshore site of the case company. The response rate was 80%. The
results of the survey were analyzed statistically. Several face-to-face meetings and
interviews were conducted to discuss the research progress with the managers
from the onshore site.
iii. Demographics of Organization/Participants:
16 responses were collected from 15 men and 1 woman in age between 20 and 59,
who represented 8 projects in total. All the respondents had higher education, and
their nationality was Russian.
iv. Study Findings:
The survey results show that employees regard challenging and meaningful work
and supportive relationships to be the major factors encouraging them to produce
at their highest potential and stay at work. The nature of maintenance projects and
cross-site collaboration may negatively impact software engineers motivation,
which is believed to be a key factor for project success in terms of productivity and
conformance quality.
v. Limitations/Future Research Prospects:
Future researchers should focus on learning whether the case studied is
representative for other offshore collaborations by surveying more companies which

is a limitation of this study.

2. LeRouge, C. M., Wiley, J. W., & Maertz Jr, C. P. (2013). A comparison of

job satisfaction between it and non-IT women incumbents in clerical,
professional, and managerial positions. ACM SIGMIS Database, 44(2),
i. Purpose of Study:
This study is the most complete investigation to date of whether this is true, and if
so, in what aspects are IT jobs less satisfying for women. Authors examine facets of
job satisfaction that merit employer attention and suggest intervention to increase
the attractiveness of IT careers for women. They compared women in IT employed
at the clerical, professional, and managerial levels to comparable groups of non- IT
employees on six important facets of job satisfaction with: job security, work itself,
supervisor, compensation, work/life balance, and advancement/opportunities.
ii. Data Collection Method/Design:
A total of 30,000 surveys were mailed over 3 years with instructions for the
primary wage-earner of the household to fill out the survey.
iii. Demographics of organization/participants:
A sample was drawn of 10,000 individuals from a panel of 550,000 U.S. citizens,
using quota sampling procedure and making use of 30 U.S. Census Bureau
variables for stratification with the goal of creating a representative sample of the
population full-time employees of organizations with at least 100 employees. Of the
19,716 total respondents, authors first screened out males, leaving N = 9,617
(48.7% of the total) female respondents. Of the 9,617 female respondents, 7.28% (N
= 700) were employed in the IT field. A total of 5,859 (60.9%) of women reported
that they were married, and 3,745 (39.1%) reported that they were not married. Of
the 3,745 unmarried respondents, 1,066 identified they had never been married,
and 1,391 indicated they were divorced, widowed, or separated; the remaining
1,288 did not report marital status details. A total of 4,414 (46%) indicated they
had children. Industries represented included manufacturing, retail/wholesale,







communication services, hospitality, transportation, financial services, legal,

education, and other business services (e.g. advertising). Outside the IT field the
occupations ran the gamut, including nurses, doctors, dentists, accountants,
attorneys, teachers, HR professionals, engineers, and researchers along with large
variety of hourly jobs (e.g., bookkeepers, tellers, data entry, machine operators,
iv. Study Findings:

For most facet comparisons across job levels, differences were not significant,
generally indicating that IT careers are not less satisfying for women than
comparable non-IT alternatives. However, satisfaction with work itself and job
security were lower for women in professional IT jobs than for those in professional
non-IT jobs.
v. Limitations/Future Research Prospects:
The survey scales were not derived from prior academic literature, but the
reliabilities and factor analysis results were quite adequate to support their use
here. Authors also could not assess how their respondents compared to survey
non-respondents. Finally, because they had a large representative sample of the
U.S. work population across many industries as a strength, an associated
weakness was that they could not control for possible individual organizational
differences between groups.
3. Arokiasamy, A. R. A. (2013). A qualitative study on causes and effects
of employee turnover in the private sector of Malaysia. Middle-East

Purpose of Study:
This study emphasize the importance of employee retention and that the impact on
the organization. Therefore the intention of the study in examining these factors
and relation them to the study is to provide a general view of what the management
need to know and expect and what are the various avenues available for future
consideration to address acute issues pertaining to employee turnover.
This is a qualitative study, so it discusses mostly theoretical aspects of employee
turnover like types of employee turnover, organization factors and causes of turnover



Data Collection Method/Design:
This study discussed only theoretical aspects hence does not use any sample to
test any relationship etc.
Demographics of organization/participants:
No sample is used in this study.


Study Findings:
Only provide general overview on causes/effects of employee turnover in


Limitations/Future Research Prospects:

This is qualitative study and does not include any empirical part. It does not test
any relationship between any variable and doesnt contribute to literature
significantly. It is merely a collection of different employees and turnover theories.

4. Thakur, P. (2014). A Research Paper on the Effect of Employee

Engagement on Job Satisfaction in IT Sector. Journal of Business
Management & Social Sciences Research, 3(5), 31-39.


Purpose of Study:
This paper seeks to find out the Effect of Employee Engagement on Job Satisfaction
in IT Sector.
Data Collection Method/Design:
Primary as well as secondary data has been used to carry out the research.
Descriptive research design is used for a sample size of 120 individual comprising
of employees of IT sector. Non probability sampling technique has been used
because in this research each element of the population has not a fixed
probabilistic chance of being selected. Regression analysis and correlation analysis


are used for data analysis.

Demographics of organization/participants:
The study has been carried out on officers as well as the clerks of IT sector.


Study Findings:
There is positive relationship between employee engagement and job satisfaction in
IT sector or employee engagement effect positively on job satisfaction. This can be
concluded that among the former work motivation can be improved through
increasing job authority and accountability. At the clerical level, rewards and
sanctions are significantly associated with job involvement.


Limitations/Future Research Prospects:

Lack of information is found in this paper. It is unclear that on which country this
study is conducted, what are the demographic characteristics of the respondents,
and what are the sources of primary and secondary data etc. Sample size is too
small to generalize the results.

5. Gaan, N. (2011). A Revisit on Impact of Job Attitudes on Employee

Turnover: An Empirical Study in Indian IT Industry. Vilakshan: The XIMB
Journal of Management, 8(2).

Purpose of Study:
The objective of this study is to reconsider the employee turnover model from
psychological perspective. This is investigated by examining the relationship
between the job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention,
and trying if necessary to redefine the relationship between the job satisfaction,
organizational commitment and turnover intention. In a way, the study also
examines the mediating effect of organizational commitment on the relationship


between the job satisfaction and turnover intention.

Data Collection Method/Design:
A pilot study was undertaken in local IT companies in Ahmedabad before
undertaking the final survey in order to understand the set up both holistically and
to collect preliminary data about the Software and BPO organizations. After that,
the final survey was decided and the author immediately went to places which were
considered to be hub of IT industry. Bangalore is considered to be the Silicon Valley
of India and home of the corporate giants in IT namely, Infosys, Wipro, Satyam,


IBM, Compaq and so on.

Demographics of organization/participants:
To get an easy access to different IT companies and capture the sample size of 300
respondents, Bangalore was chosen for the field study. Out of 308 sample size of IS
professionals, data for 68 samples were collected from IT division of BPO
companies. The rest 240 respondents were from software companies and
categorically 60 respondents from each group of professionals like programmers,
system analysts, test engineers, and system administrator. Thus the sample
represented wide range of roles performed by information system professionals and
also involved diversity in terms of gender and educational background.


Study Findings:
Results reveal that the relationship between organizational commitment and
employee turnover is inconsistent with the earlier literature. However, job
satisfaction seems to be explaining significant amount of incremental variance in
turnover intention.


Limitations/Future Research Prospects:

The data collection was restricted to a major city and two cosmopolitan cities in
India where talent is abundant. The replication of the study at different

geographical locations and culture would throw a light on this study. The sample
drawn for the present study consisted of 308 IS professionals working in various
Software and ITES throughout India cannot generalize the results. Hence, the
research involving additional samples may be needed to ensure appropriate
generalization of the results and calls for greater research to confirm the pattern
seen in these results. The firm size should be controlled here so that the results
represent a certain class of firm of specific size. Though the organizations were
larger in size the findings cannot be generalized to medium and small size
organizations. Most of the successful large size organizations are either foreign or
Indian based multinational companies. The work culture generally differs
depending upon the type of IT industry: Indian based or foreign based
multinational companies. The adequate level of care is not under taken while
making selection of sample for data collection.
6. Kanwar, Y., Singh, A., & Kodwani, A. D. (2012). A study of job
satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intent among the
IT and ITES sector employees. Vision: The Journal of Business
Perspective, 16(1), 27-35. doi: 10.1177/097226291201600103
i. Purpose of Study:
This article examines the impact of IT and ITES sectors and gender on job
satisfaction, and organizational commitment and turnover intent. It also explores
the impact of job satisfaction and job commitment on turnover intent.
ii. Data Collection Method/Design:
The respondents were selected using convenience sampling from six different
organizations of the IT and ITES industries, hailing from the National Capital
Region, Delhi, India.
iii. Demographics of Organization/Participants:
The total respondents from both the sectors were 313, including 218 male and 95
female respondents. The number of respondents in the IT group was 191, including
153 male and 38 female respondents. The total number of respondents from the
ITES group was 122, including 65 male and 57 female respondents. The average
age of all the respondents was 28.53 years. It was 29.95 years for the IT group and
26.30 years for the ITES group. The average work experience of the IT group was









Graduate/MBA, while for the ITES group the average work experience was 4.20
years and qualifications were mostly Graduate/Post Graduate.
iv. Study Findings:

The results showed that the IT group had lower job satisfaction and organizational
commitment compared to the ITES group, while it displayed higher turnover intent.
The male group showed significantly higher job satisfaction and significantly lower
turnover intent compared to the female group. Further, job satisfaction increased
organizational commitment. Finally, both job satisfaction and organizational
commitment decreased turnover intent.
v. Limitations/Future Research Prospects:
Future research needs to examine these theoretical possibilities and take steps to









commitment amongst the employees of IT and ITES sectors. The future research
should examine hypothetical model in other industries such as banking, retail and
Research (BJMR), 5(1).
i. Purpose of Study:
The main objectives of this study is to know the reasons, why attrition occurs, to
identify the factors which make employees dissatisfy, to know the satisfactory level of
employees towards their job and working conditions and to find the areas where
manufacturing industries in Nellore District is lagging behind.
ii. Data Collection Method/Design:
The survey method used in the present study is sample survey and the research
design choice, particularly for small scale enterprises, depends on the kind of
problems being studied. Here descriptive research design may suit research topics for
small enterprises. The primary data were collected through questionnaire followed by
the discussions with management and employees of manufacturing industries
located in the industrial parks of Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh.
iii. Demographics of Organization/Participants:
The target respondents of the study are the employees of manufacturing industries
located industrial parks of Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh. The total sample size
taken for the present study is 130 and the sample method used is convenient sample
method. The selected respondents belonged to the manufacturing industries like
automobile spare parts, metallurgical industries, chemicals, pharmaceuticals,
engineering and electrical etc., These categories of manufacturing industries are the
predominant type of small scale enterprises in the district.
iv. Study Findings:

It is identified that lack of growth opportunities and salary are the major factors
which force employees to change their jobs. This study concludes that to reduce
attrition industries should create some opportunities for the growth of their
employees within the organization by adopting new Innovative Technologies and
Effective training programs. The company should also think of recruiting people who
are in the vicinity of the industry, so that the family related problems will not lead to
v. Limitations/Future Research Prospects:
The study has been taken in manufacturing industries in small scale industries
category located in industrial parks of Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh, it may not
be applicable to other industries located in other parts and other type of industries
like service sector etc. The study gives the opinion of the employees in manufacturing
industries located industrial parks of Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh only.
8. Aiswarya, B., & Ramasundaram, G. (2012). A Study on Interference of
WorkLife Conflict between Organisational Climate and Job Satisfaction
of Women Employees in the Information Technology Sector. Asia-Pacific
Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 8(3), 351-360. doi:
i. Purpose of Study:
This article focuses on the impact of Organizational Climate as an antecedent on Job
Satisfaction on women employees in the IT sector in Chennai. It tries to understand
the outcome of the organizational climate on role-conflict. In the study, the work
family conflict is categorized into three dimensions of time, strain and behavior.
ii. Data Collection Method/Design:
A structured questionnaire was used for gathering data from respondents for the
study, which was further redrafted based on the results of the pilot study with 50
respondents and tested for reliability. The questionnaire consisted of both qualitative
and quantitative items. Besides multiple choice questions, different types of scales
were used to measure the respective variables. Convenience sample technique was
adopted for selecting the sample units. A thousand questionnaires were distributed
among respondents but only 735 were received after a continuous follow-up. Among
the collected questionnaires, only 598 filled questionnaires were taken into account
for the research.
iii. Demographics of Organization/Participants:
The sample unit of this study consisted of married and unmarried employed women
in the IT industry in Chennai city.

iv. Study Findings:

It is evident that







Organizational climate is found to have high impact on worklife conflict, specifically

the dimension of strain and behavior of worklife conflict and is found to be
significant in nature. The direct impact of organizational climate as an antecedent on
the consequence job satisfaction is observed to be significant. There is a significant
relationship between worklife conflictstrain on job satisfaction. The dependency of
the relationship among the variables is explained with the help of regression weights.
It is found from the study that women employees in the IT sector do not stay with the
same organization for many years. Retaining employees is of utmost importance in
probing the cause of turnover.
v. Limitations/Future Research Prospects:
This study is limited to women gender, and males are outside of its scope. It
accounts for only services sector, which means results cannot be applied on
manufacturing or trading sector. Specifically, IT sector questions the applicability of
the results on any other sector of economy.

9. Jeon, H.-J., Lee, Y.-J., & Lee, J.-H. (2013). A Study on the Effects of
Software Developer's Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment
and Turnover Intension. Journal of Society for e-Business Studies, 17(4).
doi: 10.7838/jsebs.2012.17.4.221
i. Purpose of Study:
The purpose of this study is to provide implications on desirable human resources
management and work environment that lowers intentions to job transfer by
elevating job satisfaction of the software developers. It hypothesizes that software
developers job satisfaction has an effect on organizational engagement and intention
on job transfer.
ii. Data Collection Method/Design:
Only abstract is in English language, and rest of the paper is in Korean language, so
cannot read/understand data collection methods.
iii. Demographics of Organization/Participants:
Only abstract is in English language, and rest of the paper is in Korean language, so
cannot read/understand respondents demographic information.
iv. Study Findings:
The results of the study revel that among job satisfaction factors, recognition,
autonomy, work-life balance, work environment have significant effects on job
satisfaction. Also, the software developers job satisfaction elevates organizational
engagement and lowers intention to job transfer. In addition, job satisfaction is has
partly has mediating effect between job satisfaction and intention on job transfer.
v. Limitations/Future Research Prospects:
Only abstract is in English language, and rest of the paper is in Korean language, so
cannot read/understand research limitation.
Sree Rekha, K., & Kamalanabhan, T. (2013). A Study on the Employee
Turnover Intention in ITES/BPO sector. Paper presented at the
Proceedings of the International Conference-Frontiers of Management
i. Purpose of Study:
This research investigates the employee turnover antecedents of ITES/BPO sector in
India. It analyzes the impact of turnover antecedents on the ITES/BPO employees
decision to stay with the organization and whether organizational commitment
mediates the effects of job characteristics and salary on turnover intention. It also
explore whether alternative job availability moderate the effect of organizational
commitment on the turnover intention.

ii. Data Collection Method/Design:

Data for this study was collected from the employees working in five ITES/BPO
Organizations located in Chennai, India. The data was collected via a questionnaire
made up of multiple questions. Questionnaires were handed over to HR Managers of
these Organizations, who in turn distributed them to the employees.
iii. Demographics of Organization/Participants:
Out of 245 questionnaires only 208 respondents returned the questionnaires. Among
them, the usable ones were only 181 i.e. 87% response rate. Out of 181 respondents,
61% were women and 39% were men. The respondents were asked to rate the
statements on a five-point likert scale.
iv. Study Findings:
Respondents indicated low levels of organizational commitment, support received. On
the average, the participant indicated that they had low levels of intent to leave their
place of work. The participants also indicated low levels of job satisfaction. If
organizational commitment acted as a mediator, the influence of the antecedents on
outcomes would presumably decrease

significantly if

commitment and the

antecedent variables were added simultaneously as predictor variables. The

influence of predictor variables on turnover intention is reduced to significantly when
commitment is added to the model, although this reduction was slight depicting
partial mediation.
v. Limitations/Future Research Prospects:
Due to time constraints and difficulty in the availability of respondents, a sample of
208, has been used. Undertaking research at one period in time can only reflect that
period in time. A greater focus on longitudinal research designs may give a better
understanding of turnover intentions and may highlight stronger associations for
future researchers. Another limitation was concerned with the use of turnover
intention measures rather than actual behavior in the analyses.

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