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ICNA & MAS JOINT TARBIYAH PROGRAM Qualifications: for Enrolment in the program To enroll in the program, one has to be a member who: ‘A. Has @ proper understanding of Istamic faith and “adheres to the Islamic Follows Islam as 2 comprehensive and balanced code of life. Resides in the USA or Canada and ts at least 18 years of age. ©. Has 2 keen interest in working for Islam and is willing to spend time, and resources for its cause. E, Is trustworthy, faithful, committed, and loyal to the Jama’at and Its objectives, and abides by its decisions. F. Is willing to participate whole-heartedly in the activities of the level-two program. G, Has completed the Islamic curriculum prescribed in level one and has been recommended and accepted in accordance with the Jama’at’s regulations. ICNA & MAS JOINT TARBIYAH PROGRAM ‘The average time period to complete the level one-program is 22 months Objectives of the level-one program ' ‘The program aims so that the members will develop: Deep attachment to Islam. Strong love, fear, and devotion to Allah. 1 2 2 4. Love for the messenger of Allah (PBUH) End taking him as 2 model 5. Love forthe Prophets famiy, Companions, and the Muslims. 6. Love and brotherhood for al the Muslims 7. attachment to the Jama‘t’s member. &. Knowledge ofthe essential portions of islamic Laws, 9, The Islamic manners, etiquette's, and getting rd of non-Musim one’s. 10:The tras of listening and obedience 11-Aneatiny body 12.Realization of his/her duty to work for Islam. 13.Knowledge of the issues related to the Istamic World, Level one it Recommended books and Manuals for level-One The Holy Qur‘an In the Shade of the Qur‘an, by Sayyid Qutb. ‘The meaning of Qur‘an, by Imam Mawdudl: ~-For external study: Ensy Tajweed, by Al-Mugel Hu Al-Tibyan Fi Adab Hemalat Al-Qucan (the etiquette of the carriers of Al-Qur'an), by Imam Nawawi. Way to the Qur’an by Khurram Murad, ‘The Hadith ‘Al-Nawawi's Forty Ahadith with explanations. AlAgeedah Al-Islamivah (The Islamic Creed) General Introduction to Islam, By Ait Tantawi ‘Towards understanding Islam, by Imam Mawdudt Risalaat Al-Aga‘eid, by Imam Four Basle Quranic Terminelogies, by Imem Mawdudl. ~-For external Study: Al:Ageedah Al-Isiamivah, by Tariq Swaidan (Tapes) ‘The Falth by Muhammad Yasin. Level one a References and Alternatives for Level-one ‘Da‘awah Ta e.a Muslin, By Shek Fh akun (Par A&B) “The Tce of tha bres WMA, or ne naar Aste: the Yost, to what do we Summon Marking, Between yesterday and tose, unt the Bonner of the Quran “The Passage Tit (Mama'rat Ae) (selected trnsations), by Raed Abel baa: Propritary, Aldance, Courage, Advice and work fr Islam. Importance of cotective work, igh Alming aban, umnblenese, cnfdnoe In Alan Song foundation on des of inten Day, Level one 3 References and Alternatives for Level 1 followers), Light of Certitude (Nur Al-Yageen), by Al-Khudrt Portraits of the Companions of the Prophet, by Al- Basha, ‘Companions of the Prophet, by Abdul Wahid Hamid. ‘The life of the Companions (Hayyat-tus-Sahaba), by Kendahlawi ‘Men around the Messenger, by Khalld Muhammad Khalid. AbFigh Al-Islam! (Islamic Jurisprudence and Laws) Figh-us-Sunnah, by Sheikh Syed Sabeq. Every day Figh, by Yusuf Isiahi, ‘Tazkivah (Purification), Morals and the Muslim Character Za‘ad_Ala Taria (Nourishment along the path), by Sheikh Mustafa Mashhour. How to Attain True Piety and Righteousness in Islam, by Amin Isthal ‘AlcRaga‘ea (The softeners of the Heart), by Muhammad Al-Rashed. ‘The Commitment, by Shamim Siddi For External study: ‘Memorial Supplications (Al-Mathurat), By Imam Hassan Al-Banna. ‘Muslim's Character (Khulqul Muslim), by Sheikh M. Al-Ghazall. ‘Kimya’ As-Sa‘ada by Imam Al-Ghezali. ‘The Neighbor-Net Coordinator must make sue tht the books are available. If the references are not available then a n alternative that covers the subject may be used. However, the ltemative must have writen by 2 scholar. Someone who knows Arabic or a suitable substitute ean use the Arabic references. Level one 4 Suggested Video Tapes The Holy Qur’an ~ Al-Qur’an: The first source by H. Ghazali & S. Fareh. Journey through the Qur’an, by A. Zaki ‘Al-Qur‘an, the miracle of Miracles, by A. Deedat. Feeling the Beauty of the Qur’an, by H. Ghazal. ‘Al-Qur’an and Moder Science, by J. Badawi, ‘The Hadith- Al-Sunnah: The second source, by H. Ghazall ang S. Fareh, Preservation ofthe Sunnah, by) Zaraboz0,) ‘The Ageedah- Belief in Qadda and Qada, by H. Ghazall Fundamentals of Islam, by H. Ghazall Islam Among Other revealed Religions, by } Zarabozo. Why Islam, by 3. Badawi. Misconceptions about Islam, by J. Badawi. Tazkiyah- Diseases of the Heart, by Idris. General- Women in Islam between Myth and Reality, by 3. Badawi. Islam and My Life by Cat Stevens. Men and Women Relations in Islam, By J. Lang. Social Justice in Islam by H. Ghazall and S. Fareh. Living Islam in Americ Living Islam in Americ LUving Islam in America: Da’awah aspects by J. Badawi LUving Islam in America: Educational aspects by J. Badawi Living Islam in America: Ethical and Moral Behavior by J. Badawi Human Embryology between Islam and Science by K. Moore. The way to Islam in America by J. Lang, CNA & MAS JOINT TARBIYAH PROGRAM ‘The average time period to complete Level-11 program is 45 months Qualifications: for Enrolment in the program ‘To enroll inthe program, one has to be a member who: ‘A. Has a proper understanding of Islamic faith and adheres “to the Islamic teachings, avoids prohibitions, and tres to fulfill its prescribed duties”. B. Follows Islam as a comprehensive and balanced code of lf. Resides in the USA or Canada and Is at least 18. D. Has a keen interest in working for Islam and is willing to spend time, and ‘money for Its cause. E. Is trustworthy, faithful, committed, and loyal to the Jama‘at and its objectives and abides by its decisions. F. Is willng to participate fully in the activities of the level-two program. G. Has completed the Islamic curriculum prescribed in level one and has been recommended and accepted in accordance with the Jama'at’s regulations. 9 Laval Two 1 : 2. To establish devotion to Allah and purification of the soul. ‘3. To strengthen adherence to the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah. ‘4. To elaborate on the obligation to work collectively for the establishment of Islam, 5. To develop a religious commitment for the Jama‘at’s regulations and obedience. ‘6. To fortify the bond of brotherhood and sisterhood. 7. To prepare for Da‘awah in every field and under al circumstances. 8. ‘9. To remove the misconceptions about Islam and the Islamic movement and make the member avoid defensive attitudes. 10.To acquaint the member with the Jama‘at: its characteristics, history and provedure for resolving differences. 11.To make the member aware of the issues related to the Islamic world, Level Two 2 Recommended books and Manuals ‘The Holy Qur'an ‘The meaning of the Qur'an by Imam Mawdudi (Surah 11, 2:142-159, 2:195, 4:58-69, 8, 9, 49, 67-72). ‘The Hadith Sahih Muslim: Ahadith on baya'a and Imarah Riyadh-us-Saliheen by An-Nawawi: one Hadith in each meeting ‘Aueedah Four basic terms in the Holy Qur'an by Imam Mawdudi Islamic Belief Made Simple by H. Ayyub. ‘The Seerah ‘Summarizing the Seerah of ibn Hisham, transiated by Silaima Mihammed / Figh- s-Seerah by M. Al-Ghazall / Seerat un-Nabl by Shibli Numan ‘Biographies of the Companions Companions o” the Prophet, Vol. 1-3 by Abdul Wahid Hamid / Tabagat bin Sad / Hayat-us-Sahaba by Kandahalwi: ‘Abu Baker, Umar, Utman, All, Abu Ubaida, Abdur-Rahman bin Awf, Talha bin Ubaidillah, Az-Zubair bin Al-Awwam, Sa/d bin Wagqas, Sa'eed bin Zaid, Hamza, ‘Abdullah bin Umar, Salim of Abu Hudaifa, Muad bin Jabal, Abu Ayyub, Khabeeb: bin Adi, Sad bin Mu‘adh, Knadeeja, Um Salam, Zainab bint Jahsh, Safiyyah bint. Huyay, Um Hani. igh Figh-us-Sunnah by Sayyid Sabiq / Al Figh Madhahib Al Arba'a: Marriage, diverce, Khul, waiting period, custody, slandering, stealing, murder and dismemberment, confusion, war prisoners. Islamic Svstem The individual and the state by Dr. Abdulkarim Zaidan / Poltical system of Istam- by Imam Mawdudl/ on politcal system of Islam by El Awa. Level Two 2 Suggested Video Tapes ‘The following Video Tapes are recommenced: ‘The Holy Qur'an - The Qur'an and My Life: a Guidance and Light by J. Lang. ‘The Hadith - Linderstanding Sahin Al-Bukhari and Muslim by J. Zarabozo, Preservation of Sunnah by 3. Zarabozo. ‘The Aqeedah When a Muslim becomes Kafi by H. Ghazali ‘Tawheed: its Basics and Merit by A. Hakim. ‘Towards a Better Understanding of Islam by J. Badawi Muhammad, the Messenger of God (Part 1) by H. Ghazall ‘Muhammad, the Messenger of God (Part 11) by H Ghazal. Da‘awah - The Callof Islam in America and Perception to it by SeWahhij.. Islamization of America or Americanization of Islam by J. Badawi. International Da‘awah Training Course by A. Deedat. General - What the Bible Says about Muhammad by A. Deedat. ‘Muslim Contribution ta Science and Technolagy by D. Siddial ‘Brotherhood and Unity in Islam by J. Lang. Islam between East and West by J. Lang. Balance and Moderation inthe Practice of Islam by T. Swaidan. ‘Men and Women Relations in Islam by J. Lang. Americans Becoming Musims by 3. Lang ‘Americans Becoming Musims by Amineh Assiimi ‘The Muslim Family N. America by 1. Badawi, ullding a Solid Economic Base for Muslim Communities in N. America by S. Staitieh, M. Ejazi & A. Abdus Sabur ‘The videotapes may be ordered from the following address: Ghazaii Videos 11920 W. 132nd Overiand Park, KS 66213 (913) 814-8131 E-Mail: Level Two ‘ ICNA & MAS JOINT TARBIYAH PROGRAM ‘The average time to complete the level-three is 56 month Level-Three ‘Ax A member who wants to enroll in the level 3 program has to be in a good standing for at least three consecutive years. B+ Be an active member In MAS or MGA member of the general assembly in. JICNA according to Jama’at’s rules and regulations. Objectives Of The Level Three Program 1. To continue building the cared unified camprehension of Islam as outlined In the Message of the Teachings by Imam Al-Banna and Imam Mawdudi 2. To continue establishing devotion to Allah and purification of the soul. 3. To continue strengthening adherence to the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah. 4, To continue elaboration on the obligation to work collectively for establishing Islam. 5. To continue strengthening the abidance by Jama‘at's regulations and obedience to Its leadership. 6. To continue strengthening the bond of brotherhood and sisterhood. 7. To strengthen the member's ability for making Da‘awah in North America and understanding the American society. 8. To continue the sprit of struggle and sacrifice. 9. To make the member full his duties as outlined in the book Message of the Teachings Imam Al-Banna and Imam Mawdual. 10.To acquaint the member with Jama’at by laws and regulations 11.To enhance the members’ awareness of the issues related to Isamic worl. Level Three 1 Recommended books and Manuals for Level-111 ‘The Holy Qur'an ‘The mening of Qur'an by Imam Mewdudl (Surah 2, 3, 6). \Ulum al-Qur’an by A. Von Denfer / A course in the sciences of the Qur'an. ‘awards Understanding the Qur'an by Imam Mawdudl/ Way to the Qur'an by Khurram Murad, ‘The Hadith Rivagh-us-Sallheen by An-Nawas ‘the 8° month of the 1st year. ‘Studies of Hadith Methodology and Literature by M. Azmi. ‘4s-Sunnah.wa Makanatuha fl At-Tashree (In Arabic) by M. AS-Sibai ‘The Sunnah: Source of Civilization by Shaikh Al-Qaradawi, ‘One Hadith every two weeks starting the on ‘Aqeedah ‘Al-Ageedah At-Tahawivva / Islamic Belief Made Simple by H. Ayyub. ‘Al-Obodiyyan by Ibn Taymiyahy Figh and Usool Al-Figh Figh-vs-Sunnah by Sayyid Sabi Madhahib Al-Arba’a ‘Al-Wajeez fi Usool Al-Figh (in Arabic) by A. Zaidan. from Iman to end of book / Al Figh alal Level Tree 2 ‘The Following Books and Manual have been chosen for Level -11 Pa‘awah Manual of Da‘awah for individuals by MAS Tarbiyah Department Individual Da‘awah by Shaikh Mustafa Mashhoor. ‘Acquaintance with ICNA by ICNA Passages of the Truth: confidence, sacrifice, mujahada, distinctiveness, necessity of leadership, obedience, singleness of purpose, loyalty, steadfastness, shura, discharge of Khalid bin Walid Uso! Ad-Da‘awah by A. Zaidan (in Arabic) and Witness unto Mankind by Imam Mawdudi. ‘The Tracts of the Imam Hassan AL-Banna, by Imam Hassan Al-Banna. Our mmission, the faith conference, our Da‘awah In an new stage, towards the light. ‘Our problems in the light of the Islamic system, The Jihad, The Message of the Teachings, Usrah System. ‘Qava‘id AdsDa‘awah Hallah (in Arabic); The Path of Da‘awah by Shaikh Mustafa Mashoor. Methodology of Da/awah by Shamim Siddiqui Level Two. . References and Alternatives for Level-I1T The following books and manuals have been chosen Da‘awah Manual of Da‘awah to the Masses by MNS Tarbiyah Department ‘How to Tell Others About Islam by Y. Emerick. TICNA by Laws and Regulations/MAS bylaws and Regulations. ‘Manual of Acquaintance with the USA by MAS Tarbiyah Department. Uso! Ad-Da'awah (In Arabic) by A. Zaidan: Part Two Figh-ud-Da‘awan by M. Nassir ‘Figh-ul Awlawiyyat (in Arabic) by Shaikh Al-Qaradawi ‘Methodology of Education by Dr. All Abdul Haleem ‘Saviors of Islamic Spirit by A. Nadwi/ A Short History of Revivalist ‘Movements by Imam Mawdudi Islam_and Communism by Imam Mawdudl/ Islam and Capitalism by Imam Islem/Islam and Secularism by Imam Mawdudi AL-Mawsoola ALMayassara fl-Adyan wal-Madhahib I-Mu'asira (in Arabic) by WAMY: Wahhabis, Bahalis, Abdullah bin Saba’, Qdianis, Nusairis, Durooz, Black Muslims, Masons, Jews, secularism, Tabligh, Matsuml, Salafis, Talabat Nur, Sinusis, Sufi, Hizout-Tabrir. ‘Ad-Da'awah: Qawe'id wa Usool (In Arabic) by 3. Amin. —ee Books for External Study Islam and the World by A. Nadwi Problems facing Dz'awah and De'aiyah by Fathi Yakun Allah's Universal Laws by Dr. Abdulkarim Zaidan allo Islam by A. Islahi ‘The Muslims of America edited by E, Haddad -Memoies by Imam Hassan Al-Banna evel Three 3 ‘The following Videotapes are recommenced for Level-Three members. ‘The Holy Qur'an - Short Course on Islamic Science: Introduction to Tafseer by H. Ghazal ‘The Hadith - The Contributions of Some Narrators of Hadith by M. Siddiqui & A. Zak ‘Aqeedah - Short Course on Islamic Science: Introduction to Usool Al-Aqeedah by 3. Badawi. Usool AI-Figh - Short Course on Islamic Science: Introduction to Usool Al-Figh by 1. Bagby. Other Religions - Is Jesus God? Was he Crucified’! By Buckos vs. Douglas. Introduction to Christianity by G. Mille. Modern History of Christianity by . Miller. Christianity and Istam: Similarities and Differences by Badawi and Douglas. Qadianis, Bahaais, Ahmadia and Others by A. Hakim. Datawah - Practical Example of Da‘awah by T. Waizar and S. Wahhaj ‘Communicating Islam to Non-Muslims by J. Badawi. Da‘awah for Us and Against Us. Da‘awah: the Message and the Methods by J. Badawi. Musims In American Prisons: What to do about Them by W. Omar, M. Hamidullah & S. Khalifa General - Exempies of Muslim Community Models in America by S:|Wahha. Challenges and Opportunities for Muslims in N. America by E. Haddad & Sy Syed Malcolm X: highlights of his Life by Malcolm x. ‘The Muslim Roots- in America: Discovery and Contributions “The Making of the American Policy in the Middle East by P. Findley. Problem Resolution in Muslim Communities by J. Badawi, M. Siddiqui & S. Nyang Level Thee s The Neigbor-Net (A Blueprint) Opening remarks. =. =. 2. ss Sminutes. ‘Always with Dua’a and remembrance of Allah (SWT) and His blessings upon us {as workers for His Cause seeking His guidance and forgiveness. Utilizing the Ma‘thourat for collective Dua‘a as seen ft. Holy Qur’an Recitation with Tajweed =. =. 10 minutes, Particular attention to perfect the Tajweed of the members and encourage their recitation of the Qur'an as well as an emphasis on the meanings of the Qur'an ‘and pearls of Tafsir. ‘Always included as part of the weekly program even if pressed for time. Award of wisdom and a reminder (Kha‘tera) 5 minutes. Emphasis is placed on Tazkiyah and spiritual upiiting of individuals as well as Duliaing the character of the believer and addressing any shortcomings or mistakes noted. Inviting @ quest speaker or an experienced brother adds to the flavor of the Usrah and enriches its contents. ‘The Educational Program of the Usrah . —. 60 minutes. ‘The comprehensive educational program of the meeting, which should include three of the aforementioned topics of study of the NN in a rotational manner or based on the experience or advice of the leadership and counselor of the group. Each of the three sessions should run approximately for 20 minutes including a healthy round of questions and discussions. ‘A good partion of the study and work should also be done before the NN in preparation for a useful presentation and discussion of the topics reviewed. Level one ® Tarbiya Program for Adjunct Members First Year fae] sumjec vars week | Second'ween | Tawa Weck | Fourth Week See cas a aes fone = emery ariganes | Teer ee i = * = = is z a ane fei fase i seh, pm oman [un = — Ee i aa aan en Nt seamen i aaa tiaiine Tarbiya Program for Adjunct Members First Year feno] subject iret Week| Second week | Thaweek | Fourth week ie ae Seta fee ec Reeaasea ai eee 2 a Eee Zee Tien gS on soomeanre @ fea Prema aoe» ‘oan 38 tahoe i ie. 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