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Estate of
Joseph L. Ziarnik

No. 08 P 8140

Advocacy Guardianship Services, Josh

Mitzen, Devon Bank, Janna Dutton,
Tami Goldmann,


The Defendant, Tami Goldmann, pro se, states as follows:
1. She explained to Honorable Judge Atkins that she was repeatedly lied to by her
attorney and received nothing for two years even though she frequented his office. Ms.
Goldmann clarified to the Court that she stumbled on the Default Judgment entered against her
on April 15, 2014 amongst hundreds of loose pages she received from her attorneys office. It
wasnt in the file downtown and the clerk said things get misfiled; its basic human error.
2. Judge Atkins asked the Plaintiffs attorney if they would accept a verbal Motion to
Vacate? He declined and requested that she submit it in writing. In the courtroom, the
Plaintiffs attorney (Mr. Marconi) explained to the Defendant that the judge is allowing her leave
to file a thirty-day Motion. Ms. Goldmann is doing exactly as Mr. Marconi asked because hes
the only one who wanted her to write it down. She probably should have asked him which date
hed like her to use? She used April 29, 2014 to satisfy his paperwork and to memorialize the
date that Judge Atkins wanted to move things along with a verbal motion.

3. On May 21, 2014, Mr. Pioli showed as the attorney for the Plaintiffs and requested
more time to respond to the Defendants meager seven-paragraph motion. In his complaint, he
explains that she used the wrong form, dates are very important and although, not stated, Mr.
Marconi had a lapse in judgment. Instead of believing these two gentlemen are identical to the
Plaintiffs and also enjoy taking advantage of and lying to the disabled, Ms. Goldmann is going
to assume they didnt discuss it with one another. Shell mention it to the Judge. Heaven forbid
another attorney join in and further confuse the four attorneys already working on this case.
4. Ms. Goldmann demonstrated due diligence when she received the petition that her
attorney was withdrawing. It was the only piece of mail delivered to her address or motion given
to her by his office (at that time). She has been at every court date since and filed her responses
in a timely manner. She also doesnt have access to a wealthy elderly mans estate to bill for
legal services although, that shameful shameless behavior is something she would never
5. The statements made on the Defendants website and blog are true. The Plaintiffs
should conduct themselves more appropriately if they find their own behavior offensive.
6. Even though the blog and website are incredibly helpful, Ms. Goldmann wanted the
lawsuit to prove what she wrote online is true and to disseminate over the Internet. The
Defendant either personally met with or spoke to State and Federal government and was working
with them prior to being SLAPPed. She was also offered protection as a whistle blower but
everyone said they couldnt help her when they sue to exhaust the estate. Ms. Goldmann is
proving Janna Dutton is setting up her clients with Trust accounts so she and her colleagues
inherit. If the Plaintiffs consulted with a defamation attorney, they would have been advised to

write a letter and ask for the removal of their names or requested the website be taken down.1
The Defendant would have done as requested. Greed is predictable behavior. Everyone knew
that Janna Dutton would bully and profit in the very same manner described online and in Ms.
Goldmanns report.
7. This lawsuit cannot be uploaded to all defamation; legal or elder abuse sites while the
Plaintiffs have access to Mr. Ziarniks account. They would sue everyone under the guise of
protecting their demented client. The fact that theyre billing him for their services and cant
write an email requesting removal is happenstance.
8. Janna Dutton, Josh Mitzen, Richard Block and Devon Bank have their own case
number with the FBI, FDIC, Attorney General and States Attorney 2 and are subjected to being
investigated for their natural born lives. Ms. Goldmann isnt responsible for the investigation
that actually occurred either. It was ordered by everyone in government on behalf of Devon
Banks nineteen victims and she is grateful to State and Federal government for protecting the
elderly and disabled. The timing of this lawsuit to come right after that is stunning.
9. Ms. Goldmann is mortified by her own attorneys conduct. Shes got everyone in
government watching this case except theyre no longer helping her now that shes being sued.
Her own attorney exploited her, a disabled woman, in the same manner as the Plaintiffs and
Devon Banks nineteen victims. The difference is shes indigent and an advocate trying to end a
crime, which makes her attorney far more sinister. Soon the entire world will be reading this
online. Who takes care of the poor souls who are abused by this type of predator? Who is taking
care of the Defendant as a disabled woman?

Its mostly about Sally Griffin and shes not offended. If she is, there is an email link on the Defendants blog.
Anyone else can request removal of his or her names.
Josh Mitzen complaints - Cook County offices please. Attn: Elder Abuse - Financial Exploitation

10. Ms. Goldmann appreciates the Plaintiffs giving her this opportunity to set the record
straight. She simply wants the lawsuit despite the outcome. As a woman who struggles with her
own illness daily, you cannot fight all these people alone then hire an attorney you also have to
fight. It makes you physically ill. Greed is a mental illness and the fact they gang up on their
victim because they need to hold each others hands isnt intimidating, its embarrassing because
shes just one woman. When you have to fight with your own attorney and can no longer work
on preventing the crime, it sickens you. Then the Plaintiffs hire a law firm that disrespects
themselves and proudly exploits the disabled also? An indigent woman? Theyre like magnets
to each other and its all so filthy.

The Defendant would like the opportunity to discuss this matter with Judge Atkins or any other
judge presiding on this case.

Respectfully submitted,

Tami Goldmann
Pro Se Defendant

Tami Goldmann
Pro Se
3939 N Kostner Ave Chicago, Illinois 60641
Telephone: (773) 416-2965

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