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Directional Coupler Compensation With

Optimally Positioned Capacitances
Johannes Mller, Member, IEEE, Minh N. Pham, and Arne F. Jacob, Fellow, IEEE

AbstractAn accurate design synthesis for the phase velocity

compensation in coupled line microstrip couplers by means of
parallel capacitances is presented. In contrast to previous approaches, an a priori arbitrary placement of the capacitances
along the coupled line structure is considered. By optimizing these
positions, the directivity-bandwidth performance is significantly
improved. Cases with two and three capacitances are treated
extensively. The findings are used to generalize the compensation
scheme to any number of capacitances. Throughout the analysis,
the parasitic even-mode capacitance is taken into account using a
realistic model. Several design examples are presented. Simulation
results are confirmed by measurements. They compare favorably
with those reported previously.
Index TermsCapacitive compensation, coupled lines, directional coupler, inhomogeneous media, phase velocity compensation.


OUPLED line structures are widely used in microwave

circuits, such as Marchand baluns, matching networks,
combiners, filters, and directional couplers. If realized in an
inhomogeneous medium, e.g., using microstrips, the effective
permittivities, and thus, the phase velocities of the even and
odd mode differ. This leads to performance degradation, such
as output port imbalance in case of Marchand baluns, spurious
passbands in filters, and poor directivity, as well as port mismatch in directional couplers.
Methods for compensating these phase velocity differences
have been investigated in the literature since the early 1970s.
One can distinguish between two categories. One aims at effectively equalizing the different phase velocities along the coupled
lines. Here, the most common approach is certainly to wiggle
the adjacent edges of the coupling slot [1], [2]. This extends the
effective path length of the odd-mode current and thereby compensates for its higher phase velocity. Alternatively, the effective
even- and odd-mode permittivities can be equalized. This can
be achieved by means of dielectric overlays [3], [4], anisotropic
substrates [5], quasi-suspended substrate arrangement [6], or

Manuscript received March 08, 2011; revised July 15, 2011; accepted July
29, 2011. Date of publication September 26, 2011; date of current version
November 16, 2011. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
The authors are with the Institut fr Hochfrequenztechnik, Technische
Universitt HamburgHarburg, 21073 Hamburg, Germany (e-mail: johannes.mueller@tuhh.de).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2011.2165961

apertures in the ground plane [7], [8]. Stepped-impedance approaches [9], [10] rely on internal reflections to achieve port
The second category relies on reactive components connected
to the coupled lines. The use of inductive elements in series to
the ports was originally proposed in [11]. Design equations were
derived in [12] and further developed in [13]. Shunt inductances
were recently considered in [14]. The achievable compensation
with all these inductive methods is, however, relatively narrowband. Much more common is to place a capacitance between the
coupled (microstrip) lines at each end of the coupler. Ideally,
this affects only the odd mode and slows it down. This method
was first presented by Schaller [15], who also introduced an
approximate design equation for the compensating capacitance
[11]. Kajfez used a similar formulation and was first to account
for the effect of a parasitic even mode capacitance [16]. Thus
far, however, the analytical formulation was approximate and
valid for loose coupling only. Dydyk improved this method by
deriving an exact design equation for both the odd-mode capacitance and the modified odd-mode impedance of the coupled
lines [17]. The latter is necessary since the capacitances effectively change the characteristic impedance of the odd mode. The
presence of a parasitic even-mode capacitance, however, was
not taken into account in [17]. In all methods, the capacitances
connect the lines at the end of the coupler. Dydyk also derived
formulas for a single capacitance at the center of the coupler
[18]. In this case, however, the compensation is more narrowband.
In this study, we derive design equations for lumped capacitances that are placed at arbitrary positions, but still
symmetrically, along the coupler, thereby maintaining its
twofold symmetry. This simplifies the synthesis and ensures
quadrature. The parasitic even-mode capacitance is taken into
account as sketched in Fig. 1. In contrast to previous work, it
is assumed to depend on the odd-mode capacitance instead of
being constant, as this is more realistic. This paper is organized
as follows. Section II describes the model and outlines the
approach. In Section III, we analyze in detail the compensation
by means of two capacitances and determine their optimum
position. Section IV extends the rigorous design to the case
of three, and generalizing the previous findings, an arbitrary
number of capacitances. Finally, measurements results are
A. Image Parameter Approach
The approach is based on the so-called image method, a classical network description used for the synthesis of filters and

0018-9480/$26.00 2011 IEEE


Fig. 1. Symmetric coupled microstrip lines with compensating capacitances

at arbitrary positions with q
; ; . Parasitic capacitances
are taken into account. Symmetry lines: AA and B B .

= 1 2 ...


-matrix enwith the lower case letters representing the

tries of half the structure, as indicated in Fig. 2(b). The image
seen at the vertical symmetry plane may differ
from the input image impedance. Due to the symmetry, however,
no reflection occurs at this interface.
is its characteristic impedance
For a transmission line,
is its (complex) electrical length. As coupled transmisand
sion lines can be decomposed into a pair of independent lines
with respect to their eigenmodes, the set of image parameters
is, in turn, equivalent to the corresponding wave quantities. For
symmetric cross sections, the decomposition yields the wellknown even/odd-mode representation. In the following, subscripts (even) and (odd) or, more generally, will be used
in this context.
B. Ideal Coupler Conditions

Fig. 2. Image method representation of a: (a) general and (b) symmetric twoport.

A directional coupler is considered to be ideal if its ports are

matched and if two pairs of ports are isolated from each other.
In case of a backward coupler, these are P1P3 and P2P4,
following the port-notation from Fig. 1. In lossless symmetric
four-ports, as are solely considered in this paper, both properties hold simultaneously [21], [22]. An ideal coupler fulfills two
necessary conditions: the propagation and the impedance condition. For a parallel line coupler, for instance, the former means
that even and odd mode have equal electrical length (i.e., image

matching networks. In this method, circuit analysis is performed

from a wave viewpoint, much as in transmission line theory
[19]. Recently, we used this theory to effectively characterize
symmetrical couplers [20]. For the sake of completeness, the
theory is briefly reviewed in the following. For a deeper understanding, the reader is referred to [19].
Any reciprocal two-port network can be represented by its
so-called input and output image impedances,
, as shown in Fig. 2(a).
and an image propagation function
-maThese parameters can be calculated, e.g., from its

In the case of homogeneous media, (3) is always fulfilled, independently of frequency. Otherwise, a compensating structure
yielding (3) at the design frequency is needed.
According to the second condition, the coupler impedance
has to match the system (or reference) impedance
are the even- and odd-mode
50 ). Here,
(image) impedances, respectively.
A third design condition follows from the nominal coupling




which corresponds to the magnitude of the scattering parameter

at frequency were the overall electrical length of the cou. In practice, (3) might not be fulfilled. is then
pler is
sometimes replaced by

being the image attenuation in neper and
the image phase in radian. In the case of symmetric two-ports,
the equations reduce to


C. Coupler Compensation
The coupled line model with twofold symmetry is depicted
in Fig. 1. Exemplarily, three capacitances are shown. Here,
is the capacitance desired for compensation, whereas
represents the parasitic even-mode
capacitance. Thus, the odd mode sees both in parallel. The
corresponding circuit for mode is depicted in Fig. 3(a).
The symmetry lines are preserved in this arrangement.
Consequently, the image impedance seen at the port(s) can be



The following notations will be used throughout this paper. The

total electrical length of the coupled lines is

The even/odd mode inhomogeneity is characterized through
with the effective permittivities . The electrical lengths of the
two modes are thus related through
Finally, let

Fig. 3. (a) Mode i schematic of coupled lines with three symmetrically placed
capacitances. (b) Corresponding image parameter representation. (c) Equivalent
ideal transmission line.

calculated by considering just one half of the circuit. As the

structure considered in this work is assumed to be lossless,
it has a real image impedance and an imaginary propagation
The compensated coupler should behave ideallyat least at
one frequency. Its image parameters should thus match those of
an ideal uncompensated coupler, as depicted in Fig. 3(c). This
are now the even/oddmeans that in (3)(5)
mode image parameters of the whole structure.
From this argumentation, it follows that the image parameter
approach is applicable to any symmetric four-port (e.g., also to
branch-line couplers). Depending on the desired functionality
though, conditions other than (3)(5) may apply.
D. Design Parameters
on each half of the
Let there be capacitances in total,
symmetric coupler. They are denoted by
and define coupled line sections with impedance
and elec. For odd, the center capacitrical length
tance has to be split into two, one on each side. This yields


denote the fractional lengths of the individual sections.

E. Synthesis Procedure
For a desired nominal coupling , a given inhomogeneity ,
, the ideal image parameters for
and a reference impedance
the two modes follow from the coupler conditions (3)(5). Commonly, the image phase of both modes is set to
. That way, the compensation and nominal coupling occur
at the same frequency. The compensated multisection coupler
can now be characterized by means of its image parameters
-matrices. The goal is to find
by cascading the various
, characteristic impedances
values for the capacitances
such that the resulting overall image
and electrical lengths
parameters satisfy conditions (3)(5).
F. Simplifications
Obviously the parameter space is very large. Some of these
parameters, however, are interdependent, such as the electrical
lengths of odd and even mode through (10). Also, as already
mentioned, the even- and odd-mode capacitances are assumed
to be related. The idea behind this is that, if the odd-mode capacitance is changed during the design process,
might change
as well, depending on which geometrical or electrical parameters are tuned. This functional dependency must be found before
is not an inthe synthesis, e.g., via simulation. In any case,
dependent design variable here and we have


To further reduce the parameter space, the different coupled
line sections are assumed to have equal cross section and thus




For a certain arrangement of

, one can now find one
or more solutions for the remaining independent quantities,
, the capacitances
, and the
namely, the impedances
overall electrical length . In the following sections, coupler
compensation is formulated analytically for different numbers
of capacitances and the solutions are discussed.


Next, (17a)(17d) is inserted into (2a) and the remaining conditions (4) and (5) are applied. This yields, after some manipulation, the following expressions for the even- and odd-mode
impedances of the coupled line sections:



As a first generalization of known designs, the case of two

capacitances with variable positioning is considered.
A. Derivation
For the fractional position of the capacitance, we set
. Thus, for
, the capacitances are placed
, they merge at
at the outer ends of the coupler, and for
the center.
To obtain a frequency-independent solution, we consider the
instead of the corresponding capacitances. For each mode, the
-matrix of, for example, the left sub-circuit, is calculated
-matrices of its three parts
by multiplying the

It should be mentioned that (19) was obtained using the negative

, the physically
square root in (18) as this leads to
meaningful solution for microstrip lines.
In the next step, (18) and (19) are inserted into (16). This
as a function of , , , ,
yields expressions for
and . Using these expressions in (12), one obtains an equation
following from
that can be solved numerically for , with
(10). Here, represents an additional degree of freedom, which
will be used for optimization.
is constant, as in [16], is calculated first,
In the case
following from (10). Knowing , and for a given value of pafrom (19), and finally,
rameter , are obtained from (18),
from (16).
lead to the following
The two extreme cases
simplified formulas.



For the lossless case and with



-matrix entries for mode become


Inserting (17a)(17d) into (2b) yields the even- and odd-mode

electrical lengths. Applying the propagation condition (3) leads
to a quadratic equation, which can be solved for the auxiliary
variables . then depend on parameters , , and the still



) has to be calculated first, as explained above.

B. Some Limitations
The inhomogeneity depends on the geometry of the coupled
line structure and the dielectric property of the medium. In the
. It increases with
case of microstrip lines, for example,
thickness and permittivity of the substrate, as well as with
the coupling factor , and may reach values of up to
Other transmission line structures, such as broadside coupled
lines on suspended substrate, may exhibit inhomogeneities of
, which vary in a much wider range [23].
Following the previous derivation, compensation is theoretically possible for any . The type of inhomgeneity imposes,
however, some constraints on the compensating capacitances.
From (21) or (23), it follows:
Type 1:


Type 2:




Fig. 4. Compensating odd-mode susceptance B versus  for 1020-dB cou: and  = .

pling with 

= 1 12

= 2

Fig. 5. Normalized even- and odd-mode impedance Z versus  for 1020-dB

: and  = .

= 1 12

= 2

Fig. 6. Scattering parameters for the uncompensated case and for 

0:5, and  = 1.
Thus, the upper (lower) limit of
for Type 1 Type 2
is determined by the coupling factor through
. Weaker (stronger) coupling therefore relaxes
the constraints on the capacitance ratio for Type 1 Type 2 .
This makes compensation easier.
In the remainder of this work, only edge-coupled microstrip
lines are considered. In this case, the required capacitance values
increase with , as will be shown in Section III-C. Depending
on the farication technique, large capacitance values might be
difficult to realize. In the following analysis, we choose
, which are typical values for coupled
microstrip lines. For reasons of comparability, these values are
kept throughout this paper.
C. Analysis
To illustrate the above, several examples are studied. Compensation is performed at
. Fig. 4 shows the compensating odd-mode susceptance versus its position for different
coupling levels. The value of the susceptance grows strongly
with coupling and decreases when the position approaches the
center of the coupler (increasing ). Fig. 5 depicts the normalized even- and odd-mode impedances. They may significantly
differ from the image impedances. In Fig. 6, the scattering parameters of a 15-dB coupler are shown for different values of
and for the uncompensated case as well. They are plotted versus
the normalized frequency.
Independently of , perfect compensation
is achieved at , as intended. The broadband behavior, howcompared to
ever, is about 20 dB better for
. Maximum coupling
occurs at about
for both
and the uncompensated case, while it is shifted to lower

= 0,  =

(higher) frequencies for

. The response can be
explained by inspecting the resulting image parameters. Fig. 7
depicts the frequency dependence of the even- and odd-mode
image impedances of the resulting coupler impedance normalized to the 50- reference impedance and of the electrical length
. For the uncompensated case,
the impedances are constant and fulfill conditions (4) and (5) independently of frequency. The electrical length difference, howand is roughly proportional
ever, is around 10 at
. This strongly degrades the isolation, whereas the input
reflection, which depends more on the impedance level, remains
below 40 dB. In the compensated cases, the image impedances
and the electrical length difference meet the design values at .
In general, though, they are dispersive. While the image imped,
ances increase (decrease) with frequency for
. Also
they exhibit almost no dispersion for
much less dispersion for
, compared to the cases with
, which display similar dispersive behavior this
D. Ideal Capacitance Position
The image parameter dispersion depends strongly on , as
was demonstrated in Section III-C. The next step is to find the
position of the capacitance yielding maximum bandwidth. To
this end, the solution space is further examined and evaluated
using a figure-of-merit , which is defined as the minimum
directivity within a certain fractional bandwidth (FBW)





Fig. 9. Minimum directivity K as a function of  and susceptance B

Fig. 7. Image impedances Z

and Z
(top), coupler impedance Z normalized to Z (middle), and the electrical length difference  (bottom) for
: , and  .
the uncompensated case, as well as for 

=0 =05


Fig. 10. Scattering parameters S and S

n for k
: , and C =C

= 10

Fig. 8. Minimum directivity over an FBW of 100% as a function of  and the

nominal coupling.

In this study, FBW is set to 100%. Fig. 8 depicts the contour

in the
-space for a typical microstrip
plot of
for strong
coupler. The optimum position is at about
for weaker
coupling and increases to values around
coupling. A minimum directivity in excess of
dB is
then achievable with a 10-dB coupler. If, on the other hand, the
capacitances are placed at the ends or at the center of the coupler,
the minimum directivity in the band drops below
dB, respectively.


The number of capacitances is now increased, the placement still ensuring symmetry, as described in Section II-D. Exemplarily, we consider compensation with three capacitances,
and to explore the limits, with an arbitrary number . To restrict the number of unknowns, we assume
, as

= 1 12

versus the number of capacitances

= 0:3.

in Section II-F. As the derivation is similar to the case with two

capacitances only, distinct aspects are mentioned here. In this
section, we consider exclusively 15-dB couplers.
, the position of the two outer capacitances is a
design variable and has to be optimized. One-half of the sym-matrix (15)
metric structure is depicted in Fig. 3. The
has to be multiplied with the one of half the center shunt suscep. As the position of
is fixed, there is
only one additional degree of freedom, namely, its value. Each
fractional position spans a solution space for the possible comand , each of which yielding a set of values
binations of
and . The minimum directivity
is shown as a confor
tour plot versus and
in Fig. 9. The highest value
dB is found for
. In the cases
is thus optimum if the coupler is subdivided into approximately
equal symmetric T-sections, each consisting of a shunt capacitance between two identical coupled line sections. To simplify
capacitances, this finding is generalthe design in case of
ized. The coupler is thus subdivided into identical T-sections.
. This might not be quite
All capacitances are equal
optimal, but reduces the parameter space and also simplifies the
coupler design in practice. Indeed, the T-sections can be speci.
fied from (22) and (23). For this, has to be replaced by
Fig. 10 shows the scattering parameters of such a structure for
increasing . For 16 and more capacitances, the isolation exceeds 80 dB over the whole frequency range. The minimum
and the resulting odd-mode susceptance are dedirectivity
is already
picted in Fig. 11 as a function of . For
larger than 50 dB. It should be mentioned, however, that for in-



Fig. 11. Minimum directivity

tion of .

K and the odd-mode susceptance B

as a func-


Fig. 13. Coupler layout with two capacitances at

. Measured scattering
parameters and extracted image parameters versus frequency.
Fig. 12. Geometry of the interdigital capacitances.


creasing , the lumped compensation resembles more and more

, one has uniformly coupled lines
a distributed one. For
with equal even- and odd-mode velocities. This justifies in some
way the simplifying assumptions made above.
Several 15-dB couplers were designed and fabricated on
Rogers Ro4003c substrate (thickness
for a center frequency of 2 GHz. The measurements were
performed using a test fixture and a four-port vector network
analyzer (Rhode & Schwarz ZVA50). The measurement results
were deembedded up to the transition between the single
and the coupled lines using the multiline TRL-calibration
software StatistiCAL from NIST [24]. This way, we were
able to characterize the fabricated couplers by means of their
image parameters, allowing for straightforward redesigns with
optimized results [20]. The capacitances were realized as
interdigital capacitors, as depicted in Fig. 12. The geometric
parameters for the various fabricated couplers are listed in
capacitors having
Table I. Couplers with

 = 0:5

Fig. 14. Coupler layout with two capacitances at

. Measured scattering
parameters and extracted image parameters versus frequency.

or fingers were realized. Besides optimal posiand

was also investigated.
tioning, the case with
The measured performances are documented in Figs. 1316.
The figures include the corresponding layouts.
The two capacitance cases in Figs. 13 and 14 demonstrate the
benefits of optimal positioning, which improves the minimum
directivity from 27 to 38 dB. The image parameters reveal that,


Fig. 15. Coupler layout with three capacitances ( = 0:33). Measured scattering parameters and extracted image parameters versus frequency.


dB instead of
dB. The
reasons for this can be manifold. On the one hand, the actual
are slightly smaller than assumed in
values of and
the simulation. On the other hand, instead of being lumped elements, as presumed in the analysis, the realized capacitances
have finite length. Full-wave simulation with interdigital structures yields the same qualitative behavior of with respect to
and the number of capacitances . It is, however, very time consuming and does not perfectly converge due to numerical noise.
It should also be mentioned that, owing to the distributed nature
is not realizable. Thus,
of the realized capacitors, the case
the fractional position of the capacitor with respect to its center
corresponds to
Compensation with three and 16 capacitances (Figs. 15
and 16) yields minimum directivities of
dB, respectively. While these are good
results for broadband compensated coupler, the theoretically
dB (Fig. 9) and
achievable performances of
dB (Fig. 11) could not be reached. Several limitations cause this difference. First, the measurement
uncertainty, as determined from the redundant multiline thru-reflect-line (TRL) calibration [24], is around 45 dB, which can
be considered as the accuracy limit for the directivity measurement. Secondly, the in-house fabrication process exhibits
etching tolerances of around 8 m. The resulting variations
of the coupler geometry have a nonnegligible influence on the
directivity at such low signal levels. Finally, losses may also
have some effect.
An accurate design synthesis for the phase velocity compensation of coupled lines by means of parallel capacitances was
investigated for directional-coupler applications. In contrast
to previous approaches, an arbitrary number of capacitances
was considered. Their positions were optimized with respect to
bandwidth-directivity performance. Significant improvements
were demonstrated. The parasitic even-mode capacitance was
taken into account throughout the analysis. Compensated
couplers with two, three, and 16 interdigital capacitances were
fabricated and measured. Due to measurement uncertainties and
fabrication tolerances, the measurements do not quite match the
predictions. Still, the achieved performance with directivities of
% is, to the authors
about 40 dB over an FBW of
knowledge, unmatched in literature. Thus, the measurement
results confirm the novel compensation approach. Ongoing
investigations deal with the distributed nature of the interdigital
capacitors and its inclusion in the optimization process.

Fig. 16. Coupler layout with 16 equally distributed capacitances. Measured

scattering parameters and extracted image parameters versus frequency.

while the electrical length difference

remains below 0.3
in both cases, the image impedance
becomes much flatter at
. It should be mentioned that, in both cases, the achieved
minimum directivity is higher than predicted (Fig. 7). Indeed,
dB instead of
one has

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Johannes Mller (S04M10) was born in

Cologne, Germany, in 1977. He received the Licence
dIngnierie lectrique degree from the Universit
de St. Jrme, Marseille, France, in 2001, and the
Dipl. Ing. degree from the Technische Universitt
HamburgHarburg, Hamburg, Germany, in 2005.
From 2003 to 2005, he was also with the European
Technology Center, Panasonic, Lneburg, Germany.
In 2006, he joined the Institut fr Hochfrequenztechnik, Technische Universitt HamburgHarburg.
His research interests include the design and development of microwave and millimeter-wave circuits and components.

Minh N. Pham was born in Ho Chi Minh City,

Vietnam, in 1985. He is currently working toward
the Diploma degree at the Institut fr Hochfrequenztechnik, Technische Universitt HamburgHarburg,
Hamburg, Germany.
Since 2005, he has been with the Technische Universitt HamburgHarburg. He is engaged in the design and development of microwave and millimeterwave planar circuits.

Arne F. Jacob (S79M81SM02F09) was born

in Braunschweig, Germany, in 1954. He received the
Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees from the Technische
Universitt Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany,
in 1979 and 1986, respectively.
From 1986 to 1988, he was a Fellow with the
Centre Europen pour la Recherche Nuclaire
(CERN) (the European Laboratory for Particle
Physics), Geneva, Switzerland. He then spent three
years with the Accelerator and Fusion Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of
California at Berkeley. In 1990, he joined the Institut fr Hochfrequenztechnik,
Technische Universitt Braunschweig, as a Professor. Since 2004, he has
been a Professor wit the Technische Universitt HamburgHarburg, Hamburg,
Germany. His current research interests include the design, packaging, and
application of integrated (sub-)systems up to millimeter frequencies, and the
characterization of complex materials.

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