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Microstrip Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Design With

Closely Specified Passbands
Cheng-Ying Hsu, Student Member, IEEE, Chu-Yu Chen, Member, IEEE, and Huey-Ru Chuang, Senior Member, IEEE

AbstractAn efficient and practical design method for a

dual-band bandpass filter (BPF) is presented. The electrical
specifications of the filter, such as the center frequency, bandwidth, and transmission zero location, are controllable and
adjustable. Once, the desired ratio of the resonant frequency of
the two bands is given, the characteristic impedance of the line
corresponding to the specific ratio can be accurately determined
from the design curve. Compared with the conventional halfand quarter-wavelength stepped-impedance resonators (SIRs),
the proposed unequal-length shunted-line stepped- impedance
resonator (shunted-line SIR) can provide an efficient way to
realize the dual-band filter, especially when two passbands are
closely spaced. Furthermore, the multitransmission zeros and one
controllable transmission zero are generated near the passbands
to improve the out-of-band rejection. The design examples of microstrip dual-band BPFs operating at 2.2/3.45 and 1.95/2.65 GHz
with equal absolute bandwidths and high isolation are demonstrated to validate of the design method. In the illustrated cases,
a small frequency ratio of 1.3 between two resonant frequencies
can be achieved. The proposed design method is very useful for
the dual-band BPF design, especially when the two passbands are
very close.
Index TermsBandpass filter (BPF), dual-band, microstrip,
open-loop ring resonator (OLRR), unequal-length shunted-line
stepped-impedance resonator (shunted-line SIR).


ECENTLY, multiband filters have been proposed and exploited extensively as a key circuit block in multiband
wireless communication systems [1][3]. Among these designs,
several papers have focused attention on multiband filters with
controllable center frequencies, responses, or bandwidths. Dualband filters can be designed easily using stepped-impedance resonators (SIRs) because the spurious responses of the filters can
be controlled by properly adjusting the impedance ratios and
electrical lengths [4][6]. A dual-band bandpass filter (BPF)

Manuscript received June 05, 2012; accepted September 17, 2012. Date of
publication December 03, 2012; date of current version January 17, 2013.
C.-Y. Hsu and H.-R. Chuang are with the Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng
Kung University, 413 Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C (e-mail: k1006849@ms18.hinet.
C.-Y. Chen is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Tainan, 413 Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C (e-mail: cychen57@mail.nutn.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2012.2222912

with adjustable bandwidths using a uniform coupled line is presented in [7]. The dual-band responses of the filter can be accurately synthesized using dual-band invertors with shunt resonators. The embedded resonator method is also proposed to
realize the dual-band bandpass filter [8]. The main resonator
with two embedded resonators can excite two passbands for
the dual-band filter design. However, it was discovered that the
suppression between the two passbands is inadequate because
the second spurious resonant frequency is adopted to achieve
the second passband; the first spurious response is then excited
at mid-band. The dual-band BPFs using embedded spiral resonators are presented in [9]. The extra passband can be excited using the embedded spiral resonator, and the desired responses of the passbands can be designed using the extracted
coupling coefficients and external quality factors. A dual-band
BPF using the parallel short-ended feed scheme is presented
in [10]. The proposed feed scheme can provide two coupling
paths for the RF signals, and the dual-band responses operating at 1/1.44 GHz can be generated using two sets of the
quarter-wavelength resonators operating at diverse frequencies.
In the study of [11], a dual-band microstrip BPF using net-type
resonators operating at 1/2.05 GHz is proposed. Using the extra
coupled resonator sections, the elliptic function response is obtained. Thus, the filter has a high mid-band rejection between
the two passbands. A design method of the dual-band BPF using
low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) technology is reported
in [12]. Three transmission zeros are generated to improve the
skirt selectivities of the two passbands. The synthesis method
for the dual-band BPF with fully controllable second passband
is proposed in [13]. The complete design procedures were introduced, and the limitations of the ratio of the second band to
the first band are currently being studied. A synthesized method
for the dual-band BPF based on generalized branch-line hybrids is proposed in [14]. The stub-loaded resonator can provide
a multiple-mode performance which has been used to design
the ultra-wideband filters [15], [16]. Furthermore, the open-loop
resonator with loaded stubs can be applied to dual-band BPF design [17], [18]. In [17], the filters with three different frequency
1.6, 2.18,
ratios of the second band to the first band (
and 2.36) with different fractional bandwidths are designed to
demonstrate the design procedure. In [18], a dual-band BPF
with a high suppression between the two passbands is demonis approximately to 1.58. The dualstrated; the ratio of
band BPFs using the multistage SIRs with a wide upper rejecis 2.16 and
tion band are presented in [19]; the ratio of
2.5, respectively.

0018-9480/$31.00 2012 IEEE


Fig. 1. Structures of three types of shunted-line SIRs: (a) half-wavelength, (b)

quarter-wavelength, and (c) half-wavelength unequal length.

It is observed that most of the reported dual-band filter

designs mainly focus on wide stopband, high isolation, or low
insertion loss. A high performance dual-band BPF with closely
specified passbands is seldom investigated. Waveguide filters
can easily design such a filter since the waveguide resonator
can enable high selectivity
with a very high unloaded
and low insertion loss [20], [21] in filter design. A printed
circuit board (PCB) dual-band filter based on a defected
stepped-impedance resonator (DSIR) is presented in [22]. By
slotting two pairs of resonators, two passbands can be individually designed to achieve a dual-band filter with close passbands
. However, the additional backside fabrication
process is required.
This paper presents a new design method for a planar microstrip dual-band BPF with two closely specified resonant frequencies using the unequal-length shunted-line SIR. The ratio
of the second resonant frequency to the first resonant frequency
can be calculated from the even- and odd-mode resonance
conditions of the resonator. Section II investigates the behaviors of the shunted-line SIRs, and Section III further explains
the design procedures of the shunted-line SIR dual-band BPF
and the control mechanism of transmission zeros. Finally, the
two examples of microstrip dual-band BPFs with the closely
1.5 and 1.3) are demonstrated to
specified passband (
verify this study. Section IV discusses the simulation and measurement results.
Three types of shunted-line SIR called Type-A, Type-B,
and Type-C are illustrated in Fig. 1. Type-A is an equal-length
shunted-line SIR which is reported in [23]. The characteristic of
the symmetric shunted-line SIR is the same as the conventional
two-section SIR when the two open-ended transmission lines at
. Similarly,
both ends have the characteristic impedance of
the conventional quarter-wavelength SIR called Type-B can be


Fig. 2. Relationships between impedance ratio and normalized spurious resonance frequencies.

equivalent to the quarter-wavelength shunted-line SIR illustrated in Fig. 1(b). An unequal-length shunted-line SIR called
the Type-C resonator is presented and shown in Fig. 1(c). The
structural difference between Type-A and Type-C is that the unequal-length shunted-line SIR is loaded with an unequal-length
open-ended line at both ends. The resonance conditions of the
Type-C resonator can be obtained from the input impedance
observing the symmetric plane of the resonator as follows.
For odd resonant modes:
For even resonant modes:
can be determined
The fundamental resonance frequency
from (1) and the second resonance frequency
can be determined from (2). From the above equations, the ratio of
can be derived as follows:

The relationships between the impedance ratios
for these three types of SIR are plotted in Fig. 2. Compared with the half-wavelength resonator, the quarter-wavelength resonator (Type-B) shown in Fig. 1(b) has the advantage
of small size when they are operated at the same fundamental
. However, the second resonance
resonance frequency
of the uniform quarter-wavelength resonator
is generated at three times of the fundamental
resonant frequency. Based on the analysis of the conventional
SIR theory, a dual-band filter with closely specified passbands
can be achieved using an extremely high impedance ratio. As
shown in Fig. 2, the Type-A resonator is more suitable for the



Fig. 3. Schematics of second-order (two-pole) dual-band BPF.

Fig. 4. Shunted-line SIR dual-band filters with the parallel-coupled structures.

Fig. 6. Transmission zero investigation of the sensitivity to tapping position.

Fig. 5. Simulation of the dual-band filters with different feed-line structure.

dual-band operation when the ratio of

is low. However,
Type-A resonator may cause some problematic issues if the
passbands are very close. For example, if
is chosen to be
must be approximately
1.25, the impedance ratio of
0.1. The non-negligible parasitic effects from the large step
change may be generated. Compared with the resonators of
Type-A and Type-B, the unequal-length shunted-line SIR
marked as Type-C can provide a lowest ratio of
the same impedance ratio of
. Moreover, the Type-C
resonator provides more degrees of freedom for bandwidth control. The design methodology will be discussed in Section III.

Fig. 7. Frequency responses of dual-band BPF using parallel-coupled structure

in all cases).

Fig. 3, the parameters such as quality factors and coupling coefficients of the first and second band are required to be carefully
designed, respectively. In this paper, the lowpass prototype with
Chebyshev response is adopted in all cases. Thus, the external
quality factors and coupling coefficients for the two passbands
can then be calculated from the low-pass prototype parameters
as follows:


A. Determination of Coupling Coefficient and External
Quality Factor
To demonstrate the applications of the studies in the previous
sections, the design procedures of the dual-band filters using
the unequal length shunted-line SIR are described. As shown in




are the external quality factors of the reswhere
is the
onators at the input and output, respectively, and
coupling coefficient between the adjacent resonators. The abbreviation
is defined as the fractional bandwidth.



Fig. 8. Performance of different microstrip coupled-line structures.

Using EM simulator, it may be easier to find the coupling

coefficient, which is related to the odd-mode and even-mode
resonance frequency for those coupled resonators. The coupling
coefficient can be calculated by using the following equation:
where and are the even- and odd-mode resonant frequencies, respectively. Thus two splitting modes can be observed
from the simulation results. Additionally, the external quality
factor is related to the tap position. The external quality factor
can be extracted from the simulated frequency response as
is the absolute bandwidth between the
points and the
is the resonant frequency. Therefore, the initial structural parameters of an unequal length shunted-line SIR
can be determined from Type-C resonator. The desired ratio of
can be calculated from Fig. 2 when the impedance
ratio is determined.
B. Layout Arrangement and Transmission Zeros
Generally, several layout arrangements with different coupling and feeding structures are considered to realize a dualband performance. Two different feeding structures including
tapped-line and coupled-line feed for different coupling mechanisms are investigated. The filter using parallel-coupled structures is shown in Fig. 4. The performance of the filter using a
tapped line and a coupled line are further shown in Fig. 5. It
is observed that, using the tapped feed line, an extra transmission zero is excited between the two passbands. Furthermore,
Fig. 6 shows the effect of the tap position on the location of
the mid-band transmission zero. It is observed that, when the
tapping position is close to the center of the resonator, the
transmission zero is shifted to a lower frequency without degrading the performances of passbands. Fig. 7 shows the effect

Fig. 9. Schematic of proposed dual-band BPF using unequal-length shuntedline SIR.

of the impedance ratio of

on the center frequencies of
two passbands. It is observed that the larger impedance ratio of
results in the increase of the separation of the two passbands. The above observation closely agrees with the theoretical
results. However, the selectivity and out-of-band rejections are
not sufficient for use. A straightforward approach to improve the
band selectivity is to increase the filter order, but it will increase
the insertion loss and size. The selectivity and out-of-band rejection can be effectively improved using the following coupled
Four kinds of microstrip coupled structures shown in Fig. 8
simulations, the type-(i) with fullare analyzed. From the
length coupling generates a transmission zero located at the high
band rejection. The type-(ii) with partial-length coupling has
no transmission zero near the passband. The type-(iii) is a partial-length coupled line with a tapped feed line. It can generate a
transmission zero at the low-band rejection. The type-(iv) called



Fig. 10. Even- and odd-modes distribution of the dual-band filter using
shunted-line SIR with 0 feeding structure.

both ends a coupled structure which can generate two transmission zeros at low and high band rejection and can further
improve the selectivities. In this paper, the type-(iv) configuration is used. The final schematic of the proposed dual-band BPF
using the unequal-length shunted-line SIR is shown in Fig. 9.
are the coupled and uncoupled secNote that the
tions, respectively; and the total length is the sum of
. The length
is designed as a quarter-wavelength openended coupled line at the corresponding resonant frequency.
To observe the characteristics of the spurious responses, two
simulations are plotted and compared. As shown in Fig. 10, the
upper figure shows that even- and odd-mode distributions of
the dual-band filter using a shunted-line SIR with 0 feeding
structure are determined through the simulation of the input
seen from the symmetric plane of the single
resonator. When two same type of resonators are coupled to
each other, the corresponding
responses of the dual-band
BPF are shown in the lower part of Fig. 10. It is found that the
second odd-mode and second even-mode resonant frequencies
are excited near 3.5 and 5.5 GHz, respectively. Also, adjusting
of the coupled-line section can control the locathe length
tion of the transmission zero and suppress the specified band.
Fig. 11(a) and (b) shows the transmission-zero sensitivity versus
the coupled length of a dual-band BPF. It is clearly observed that
moves to the higher frequency when
a transmission zero
becomes shorter. In particular, a sharper and deeper rejection
between the two adjacent passbands can also be achieved using
. Moreover, the passband performances are not
the longer
degraded by the shifting of such a transmission zero. The specifications of the designed dual-band BPFs are listed in Table I.
of Filter-I and Filter-II are selected to be 1.5 and
1.3, respectively. Note that Filter-II and Filter-III have the same
specifications but different locations of the transmission zero
. The multitransmission zeros of
, and
created by the 0 feeding structure, and the transmission zero of
is produced by the coupled-line section
. Three examples of dual-band filters are designed to have the same absolute

Fig. 11. Simulated frequency responses of dual-band BPF using different

: (a) passband responses and (b)
lengths of parallel coupled-line section
out-of-band responses. (All electrical lengths are defined at .)

bandwidths in both passbands, which are 80, 50, and 50 MHz,

respectively. The coupling coefficients and external quality factors are further listed in Table I.
To summarize the design steps of the filters, a design flow
chart for the dual-band BPF based on coupled-shunted-line SIRs
is shown in Fig. 12. The desired external quality factors of the
two passbands can be controlled by adjusting , , and . The
coupling coefficients are mainly related to the parameters
The filters were fabricated on a Duroid RT6010 substrate with
relative permittivity of 10.2 and dielectric height of 25 mil.
The EM solver IE3D is used for simulation and fine-tuning.
Figs. 13 and 14 show the simulated current distributions and
photographs of the fabricated dual-band BPFs, respectively. It




Fig. 12. Design flow for dual-band BPF using coupled-shunted-line SIRs.

is observed that the current density in the high-impedance section is higher than those in the low-impedance center section
and, hence, can generate a stronger magnetic field to enhance
the coupling strength between the resonators. The parameters
18 ,
49.5 ,
38 ,
of Filter-I are
5.8 mm,
3.2 mm,
11.6 mm,
8 mm,
3.7 mm, and
0.3 mm, where is the physical length
and is the coupling spacing. The filter with 0 feeding
structure shown in Fig. 9 can provide upper and lower coupling
paths for the RF signal. Therefore, the multitransmission zeros
can be generated near the passbands and then further improve
the band selectivity [24]. Note that the 0 feeding structure are
used in all fabricated filters. The narrowband and wideband frequency responses of Filter-I are shown in Fig. 15(a) and (b). The
first passband with a center frequency of 2.2 GHz has 1.8 dB
of insertion loss and approximately 14 dB of return loss. The
second passband with a center frequency of 3.45 GHz has 2.4 dB
of insertion loss and approximately 15 dB return loss. The transcan also be created by the 0 feeding strucmission zero of
ture. Both of the transmission zeros of
are applied
to suppress the third harmonic response. The filter has a wide
stopband from 4.5 to 7 GHz.

Fig. 13. Simulated current distributions.

Fig. 14. Photographs of fabricated dual-band BPFs: (a) filter-I, (b) filter-II, and
(c) filter-III.



Fig. 15. Simulation and measurement results of Filter-I: (a) passband responses and (b) out-of-band responses.

Fig. 16. Simulation and measurement results of Filter-II: (a) passband responses and (b) out-of-band responses.

The parameters of Filter-II are

14.5 ,
54 ,
40 ,
12.5 mm,
10.7 mm,
9.5 mm,
0.3 mm. The narrow3.4 mm,
5.2 mm, and
band and wideband frequency responses of Filter-II are shown
in Fig. 16(a) and (b). The first passband with a center frequency
of 1.95 GHz has approximately 1 dB of insertion loss and approximately 20 dB of return loss. The second passband with a
center frequency of 2.65 GHz has 1.7 dB of insertion loss and
approximately 12 dB of return loss. It is observed that the shaper
rejection between the two adjacent passbands is generated beproduced by the longer
cause the transmission zeros of
coupled-line section is shifted to a lower frequency. The second
spurious response excited at 3.5 GHz can be improved through
, which is demonstrated in Filter-III.
the adjustment of

14.5 ,
54 ,
The parameters of Filter-III are
40 ,
12.5 mm,
10.7 mm,
6.7 mm,
0.5 mm. The narrow
3.4 mm,
5.2 mm, and
and wideband frequency responses of Filter-III are shown in
Fig. 17(a) and (b). The first passband with a center frequency
of 1.98 GHz has approximately 1.6 dB of insertion loss and
approximately 11 dB of return loss. The second passband with
a center frequency of 2.67 GHz has 2.3 dB of insertion loss and
approximately 12 dB of return loss. The transmission zero of
is applied to suppress the third harmonic response. The
filter has a wide stop band from 2.8 to 5.4 GHz.
In the above discussions, all of the designed filters have low
insertion losses and high suppression between the two passbands. Three examples of the dual-band BPFs with closely spec-



Fig. 17. Simulation and measurement results of Filter-III: (a) passband responses and (b) out-of-band responses.

ified passbands and quasi-elliptic function responses have been

completed. The simulation and measurement results are shown
in favorable agreement.
The unequal-length shunted-line SIR that can be applied to
effectively realize the dual-band BPF is demonstrated in this
paper. Low-resonant frequency ratios of the second passband
to the first passband of the dual-band filter have been emphasized. Three examples of microstrip dual-band BPFs are demonstrated to validate the design method. In the illustrated cases,
the frequency ratios of 1.3 and 1.5 can be achieved. Without
affecting the performance of the passband, the sharp rejection
between the two adjacent passbands can be created by appropriately placing the transmission zeros. In addition, by appropriately selecting the coupled-line section, the upper band rejection can be further improved. The proposed design method
using the unequal-length shunted-line SIR is very useful for the
dual-band filter design, especially when the two passbands are
closely spaced.
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Cheng-Ying Hsu, photograph and biography not available at the time of


Chu-Yu Chen, photograph and biography not available at the time of


Huey-Ru Chuang, photograph and biography not available at the time of


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