Terrorism and The Media (Including The Internet) : An Extensive Bibliography

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Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Terrorism and the Media (including the Internet):

an Extensive Bibliography
Compiled and selected by Judith Tinnes

This bibliography is intended to serve as an extensive up-to-date resource for studying and
researching the multi-faceted relationships between terrorism and the media, including the Internet.
It contains over 2.200 records covering academic or professional journal articles (most of them
peer-reviewed), book chapters, reports, conference contributions, books, theses and other text
publications, mainly in English and German. To keep the bibliography manageable, smaller, more
informal publications, e.g., blog posts, research briefs, commentaries, newspaper articles, or
newsletters, were not considered with a few exceptions of contributions containing ideas or
subjects that were underrepresented in long-form academic or professional literature.
The vast majority of resources included date from the 21st century, as after 9/11 the biggest single
media event in history the amount of publications on the relationship between terrorism and the
media has increased considerably. However, terrorist use of the media is as old as terrorism itself
and has been researched since the beginning of terrorism studies. Therefore, this bibliography is not
restricted to a particular time period and covers publications up to early February 2013.
Thematically, the bibliography covers many aspects of the relationship between terrorism and the
media, including these:
terrorist use of the traditional media (TV, radio, newspapers);
terrorist use of the new media, especially the Internet (E-Jihad, Cyberterrorism);
online radicalization;
9/11 as a media event;
media-oriented counter-terrorism measures;
the psychological impact of media exposure to terrorist attacks;
the portrayal of Islam and Muslims after 9/11;
the depiction of terrorism in literature, movies and the arts;
media-oriented hostage-takings.
Formally, the bibliography has been subdivided into two main sections: Books and Theses and
Articles; the titles in each section are alphabetically arranged, usually by authors. The Articles
section has been structured by sub-sections for each alphabetic letter, starting with a heading
consisting of the particular letter preceded by a hash key to enable readers to quickly access it (e.g.,
when searching for the letter C, open the search window of your text processing software by hitting
<control> + <f> (on a Mac: <command> + <f>), then enter #C). A third short section at the end of
the bibliography lists websites and blogs that regularly publish analyses of primary source materials
(especially jihadist online publications). All websites were last visited on 18 February 2013.


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

To provide readers with reliable information to locate the references, a detailed citation style
(including full author first names, journal issue numbers, book series titles, and full URL paths to
resources) was used. Where available, DOIs have been added. A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a
unique and permanent identifier for electronic entities. It takes the form of a two-part character
string (e.g. 10.1080/10304310302733): The first part identifies the registrant (in our example
10.1080 for Taylor & Francis), the second part identifies the particular electronic object (here:
10304310302733 for the journal article "September 11 and the Logistics of Communication" by
Michael Galvin). In the bibliography, all DOIs were provided in a clickable format to enable readers
to directly access the landing page associated with them. DOIs secure a more stable linking than
traditional web adresses (URLs), which often alter or disappear, causing so-called 404 error
messages. Nevertheless, it might happen that a DOI is defunct. In this case, the user of this
bibliography should insert the title of an article enclosed with quotation marks into a search
engine like Google to retrieve the publication's landing page.
Whenever retrievable, URLs for freely available versions of subscription-based publications have
been provided. Thanks to the Open Access movement, self-archiving of publications in institutional
repositories or on author homepages for free public use (so-called Green Open Access) has become
more common. Please note, that the content of Green Open Access documents is not necessarily
identical to the officially published versions (e.g., in case of pre-prints) it might therefore not have
passed through all editorial stages publishers employ to ensure quality control (peer review, copy
and layout editing etc.). In some cases, articles may only be cited after getting consent by the
To provide a balanced pool of references, a broad scope of resources and different search strategies
were used to retrieve the bibliographic content. 23 free or subscription-based terrorism research
journals were searched for articles by browsing their tables of contents manually in order not to
miss important content. This core journal list was extended by 71 multi- or interdisciplinary journals
of significant importance for terrorism researchers. These journals were identified by using keyword
searches on publisher homepages, scanning journal lists, bibliographies, reference lists or citation
analyses. For these journals, the tables of contents for the last decade were browsed manually; older
back files were checked by using the automatic keyword search function on the journals or
publishers homepages.
Furthermore, 136 websites, blogs, and publication lists of governmental, and non-governmental
institutions, private companies, academic, professional, or individual experts were identified and
manually browsed for relevant content (especially to retrieve gray literature such as reports or
working papers, but also other literature types), or to get alerted with regard to new publications. As
terrorism research is an interdisciplinary field with relevant publications scattered over a large scope
of publication outlets, the compiler of this bibliography used cross-searches to extend the body of
resources. 10 homepages of commercial academic publishers (amongst them Taylor & Francis,
SAGE, and Wiley) were automatically searched for relevant content by using the advanced search
features offered at their company websites. To keep the amount of results manageable, the keyword
search was restricted to the abstract, title, and keywords fields (instead of full-text search).
The scope of the search was further extended by using 13 abstracting and indexing services
(including Google Scholar, the Directory of Open Access Journals, and EBSCO) for publisher-


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

independent, multi-disciplinary cross-searches. Results were filtered by employing advanced search

functions. In addition, the compiler conducted searches with Google Books and WorldCat to
retrieve books, edited volumes, and theses.
Due to the large amount of publications and the decentralisation of information resources in the
modern publishing world, this bibliography, while extensive, cannot be totally comprehensive. Due
to its length, it is only available in PDF format, not, as usual for contributions of Perspectives on
Terrorism in both HTML and PDF format.


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

- All websites were last visited on February 18, 2013 -

Books and Theses

Altheide, David L. (2006): Terrorism and the Politics of Fear. Lanham: AltaMira Press.
Altheide, David L. (2009): Terror post 9/11 and the Media. New York: Peter Lang.
Alsultany, Evelyn (2012): Arabs and Muslims in the Media: Race and Representation after 9/11.
New York: New York University Press.
Aly, Anne (2010): A Study of Audience Responses to the Media Discourse about the "Other": The
Fear of Terrorism between Australian Muslims and the Broader Community. Lewiston: Edwin
Mellen Press.
Archetti, Cristina (2012): Understanding Terrorism in the Age of Global Media: A Communication
Approach. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ar-Raqib, Akil; Roche, Edward M. (2009): Virtual Worlds, Real Terrorism. Den Haag: Aardwolf
Awan, Akil; Hoskins, Andrew; O'Loughlin, Ben (2011): Radicalisation and Media: Connectivity
and Terrorism in the New Media Ecology. (Media, War and Security). London: Routledge.
Awan, Imran; Blakemore, Brian (2012): Policing Cyber Hate, Cyber Threats and Cyber Terrorism.
Farnham: Ashgate.
Aziz, Syamsuddin (2010): Dominant Discourse on News-Making Decisions on Terrorism: The Case
of Indonesian Newspapers. Saarbrcken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Ballard, James David (2005): Terrorism, Media, and Public Policy: The Oklahoma City Bombing.
Cresskill: Hampton Press.


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Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Baez, Justin D. (2010, December): The Internet and Homegrown Jihadist Terrorism: Assessing
U.S. Detection Techniques. (Master's Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, U.S.).
URL: http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA536371
Barnett, Brooke; Reynolds, Amy (2009): Terrorism and the Press: An Uneasy Relationship. New
York: Peter Lang.
Ben-Shaul, Nitzan (2006): A Violent World: TV News Images of Middle Eastern Terror and War.
Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
Bielby, Clare (2012): Violent Women in Print: Representations in the West German Print Media of
the 1960s and 1970s. Rochester: Camden House.
Bolt, Neville (2012): The Violent Image: Insurgent Propaganda and the New Revolutionaries. New
York: Columbia University Press.
Bradshaw, Renee (2008): The Publics View of Terrorism in their Communities as Related to MediaViewing Habits. (Master's Thesis, University of Texas, Arlington, U.S.). URL:
Bruchler, Birgit (2005): Cyberidentities at War: Der Molukkenkonflikt im Internet. Bielefeld: transcript.
Buck, Christian F. (2007): Medien und Geiselnahmen. Fallstudien zum inszenierten Terror. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fr Sozialwissenschaften.
Bunt, Gary R. (2003): Islam in the Digital Age: E-Jihad, Online Fatwas and Cyber Islamic Environments. London: Pluto Press.
Burgener, Kate (2005, June): Posen des Terrors: Analyse und Kritik medialer Inszenierungen.
(Diploma Thesis, Hochschule fr Gestaltung und Kunst Zrich, Zurich, Switzerland). URL:


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Ceresa, Alessia (2008): New Technology: Terrorism and an International Prevention-Repression

Strategy. New York: NOVA Science Publishers.
Cettl, Robert (2009): Terrorism in American Cinema: An Analytical Filmography, 1960-2008. Jefferson: McFarland.
Chakravariti, Rahul (2009): Media Coverage of Terrorism and Methods of Diffusion. New Delhi:
MD Publications.
Chen, Hsinchun (2012): Dark Web: Exploring and Data Mining the Dark Side of the Web. (Integrated Series in Information Systems, Vol. 30). New York: Springer. DOI:
Cockley, David (2009, May): The Media Spectacle of Terrorism and Response-Able Literature.
(Doctoral Dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, U.S.). URL:
Colarik, Andrew M. (2006): Cyber Terrorism: Political and Economic Implications. Hershey: Idea
Council of Europe's Committee of Experts on Terrorism (CODEXTER) (2007): Cyberterrorism:
The Use of the Internet for Terrorist Purposes. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. URL:
Dar, Gulam Mohammad (2005): Terrorism, Mass Media and Public Opinion. New Delhi: Dilpreet
Publishing House.
Dartnell, Michael Y. (2006): Insurgency Online: Web Activism and Global Conflict. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Dass, Niranjan (2008): Media and Terrorism. New Delhi: MD Publications Private Limited.
Dwes, Birgit (2011): Ground Zero Fiction: History, Memory, and Representation in the American
9/11 Novel. (American Studies, Vol. 8). Heidelberg: Winter.


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Debrix, Francois (2007): Tabloid Terror: War, Culture, and Geopolitics. London: Routledge.
DeFoster, Ruth Maku (2010, May): Domestic Terrorism on the Nightly News. (Master's Thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, U.S.). URL:
Dei, Marina (2008): Gnade fr Gnadenlose? 30 Jahre Deutscher Herbst und die "Begnadigungsdebatte" in den Medien. Marburg: Tectum.
Dillon, Sandra I. (2011, December): The Representation of Terrorism as Defective Communication
in Volker Schlndorffs Die Stille nach dem Schuss, Gregor Schnitzlers Was tun wenns brennt,
Leander Scholzs Rosenfest and Ulrike Edschmids Frau mit Waffe: Zwei Geschichten aus terroristischen Zeiten. (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Oregon, Eugene, U.S.). URL:
DiMaggio, Anthony R. (2008): Mass Media, Mass Propaganda: Examining American News in the
"War on Terror". Lanham: Lexington Books.
Domke, David Scott (2004): Review of David Domke's God Willing? Political Fundamentalism in
the White House, the "War on Terror," and the Echoing Press. London: Pluto Press.
El Difraoui, Asiem (2010): Al Qaida par limage ou la prophtie du martyre: Une analyse politique de la propagande audiovisuelle du jihad global. (Doctoral Dissertation, Institut dEtudes
Politiques, Paris, France).
[Book version:] (2012): Al-Qaida par l'image: La prophtie du martyre. (1st ed.). (Proche Orient). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Elter, Andreas (2008): Propaganda der Tat: Die RAF und die Medien. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Exoo, Calvin F. (2010): The Pen and the Sword: Press, War, and Terror in the 21st Century. Los
Angeles: SAGE.


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Fahmy, Shahira (2007): Filling out the Frame: Transnational Visual Coverage and News Practitioners' Attitudes towards the Reporting of War and Terrorism. Saarbrcken: VDM Verlag Dr.
Flood, Christopher et al. (2012): Islam, Security and Television News. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9781137006882
Frindte, Wolfgang; Hauecker, Nicole (Eds.): Inszenierter Terrorismus: Mediale Konstruktionen
und individuelle Interpretationen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fr Sozialwissenschaften.
Geelani, Syed Bismillah (2006): Manufacturing Terrorism: Kashmiri Encounters with Media and
the Law. New Delhi: Promilla & Co./Bibliophile South Asia.
Gerhards, Jrgen et al. (2011): Terrorismus im Fernsehen: Formate, Inhalte und Emotionen in westlichen und arabischen Sendern. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fr Sozialwissenschaften.
Giroux, Henry A. (2006): Beyond the Spectacle of Terrorism: Global Uncertainty and the Challenge of the New Media. (Radical Imagination). Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.
Glck, Antje (2007): Terror im Kopf: Terrorismusberichterstattung in der deutschen und arabischen Elitepresse. (Medien und politische Kommunikation Naher Osten und islamische Welt,
Vol. 14). Berlin: Frank & Timme.
Glck, Cornelia (2003): Die ETA und die Medien: Zwischen Zwangsehe und Zweckgemeinschaft:
Eine Analyse der Berichterstattung spanischer Medien ber die baskische Terrororganisation
und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft. (POLITICA Schriftenreihe zur politischen Wissenschaft, Vol. 52). Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kova.
Golumbic, Martin Charles (2008): Fighting Terror Online: The Convergence of Security, Technology, and the Law. New York: Springer. URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-0-38773577-1


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Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Greenberg, Jeffrey H. (2007, January): Televised News Media Exposure, Fear of Terrorism, and Social Problem-Solving. (Doctoral Dissertation, Drexel University, Philadelphia, U.S.). URL:
Grishman, Paul (2010): Cyber Terrorism: The Use of the Internet for Terrorist Purposes. New Delhi: Axis Publications.
Gustin, Joseph F. (2004): Cyber Terrorism: A Guide for Facility Managers. Lilburn: Fairmont Press.
Gutman, Roy (2008): How we Missed the Story: Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, and the Hijacking
of Afghanistan. Washington: USIP Press.
Hachten, William A.; Scotton, James Francis (2011): The World News Prism: Challenges of Digital
Communication. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Handler, Lauren Krista (2004): Rhetorical Terrorism: Online News Visual Representation of Suicide
Bombing. (Master's Thesis, Florida State University, Tallahassee, U.S.). URL:
Harten, Shelley (2012): Reenactment eines Traumas: Die Entebbe Flugzeugentfhrung 1976: Deutsche Terroristen in der israelischen Presse. Marburg: Tectum.
Hartmann, Anja (2011, July 13): Bildlich gesprochen: Medien, Trauma und Terror in ausgewhlten
Romanen zum 11. September 2001. (Doctoral Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt
Mnchen, Munich, Germany). URL: http://edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de/13476
Hill, Andrew (2009): Re-Imagining the War on Terror: Seeing, Waiting, Travelling. (New Security
Challenges Series). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hodges, Adam (2011): The "War on Terror" Narrative: Discourse and Intertextuality in the Construction and Contestation of Sociopolitical Reality. (Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Hoskins, Andrew; O'Loughlin, Ben (2007): Television and Terror: Conflicting Times and the Crisis
of News Discourse. (New Security Challenges Series). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hoskins, Andrew; O'Loughlin, Ben (2010): War and Media: The Emergence of Diffused War. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Howie, Luke (2010): Terror on the Screen: Witnesses and the Re-Animation of 9/11 as Image-Event,
Popular Culture and Pornography. Washington, D.C.: New Academia.
Jannepally, Hariwardhan Reddy (2010): The 2008 Mumbai Attack and Press Nationalism: A Content Analysis of Coverage in the New York Times, Times of London, Dawn, and the Hindu.
(Master's Thesis, Ohio University, Athens, U.S.). URL: http://etd.ohiolink.edu/view.cgi?
Kaur, Gurmanpreet; Pawar, Anand (2012): Cyber Terrorism and Law. Saarbrcken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Kellner, Douglas (2005): Media Spectacle and the Crisis of Democracy: Terrorism, War, and Election Battles. (Cultural Politics & the Promise of Democracy). Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.
Kirchhoff, Susanne (2010): Krieg mit Metaphern: Mediendiskurse ber 9/11 und den "War on Terror". (Critical Media Studies). Bielefeld: transcript.
Kuypers, Jim A. (2006): Bush's War: Media Bias and Justifications for War in a Terrorist Age. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Lappin, Yaakov (2011): Virtual Caliphate: Exposing the Islamist State on the Internet. Washington:
Potomac Books.
Lewis, Jeff (2005): Language Wars: The Role of Media and Culture in Global Terror and Political
Violence. London: Pluto Press.


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Libicki, Martin C. et al. (2007): Byting Back: Regaining Information Superiority against 21st-Century Insurgents. (RAND Counterinsurgency Study, Vol. 1). Santa Monica: RAND Corporation.
URL: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG595z1.html
Linder, Bernadette (2011): Terror in der Medienberichterstattung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fr Sozialwissenschaften.
Mtt, Hanne (2006): A Phantom Enemy: Metaphors of Terrorism in Mainstream and Alternative
News Media. (Pro Gradu Thesis, University of Jyvskyl, Jyvskyl, Finland). URL:
Matusitz, Jonathan (2012): Terrorism and Communication: A Critical Introduction. Thousand Oaks:
McWilliams, Timothy S. (2011): The Battle for Hearts and Minds: Uncovering the Wars of Ideas
and Images behind the Global War on Terror: A Study of Media Performance and Influence,
Propaganda, and Strategic Communication. Quantico: CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Mehan, Julie E. (2008): CyberWar, CyberTerror, CyberCrime: A Guide to the Role of Standards in
an Environment of Change and Danger. Ely: IT Governance Publishing.
Minei, Elizabeth (2003): Cyberterrorists: Their Communicative Messages and the Effects on Targets. (Master's Thesis, University of Central Florida, Orlando, U.S.). URL:
Mitchell, Jolyon (2012): Promoting Peace, Inciting Violence: The Role of Religion and Media. (Media, Religion and Culture). London: Routledge.
Mitchell, W. J. T. (2011): Cloning Terror: The War of Images, 9/11 to the Present. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Moeller, Susan D. (2004): Media Coverage of Weapons of Mass Destruction. (CISSM Monograph,
03/09/2004). College Park: Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland. URL:
Moeller, Susan D. (2009): Packaging Terrorism: Co-opting the News for Politics and Profit. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Monahan, Brian A. (2010): The Shock of the News: Media Coverage and the Making of 9/11. New
York: University Press.
Moon, David B. (2007, December): Cyber-Herding and Cyber Activism: Countering Qutbists on
the Internet. (Master's Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, U.S.). URL:
Morey, Peter; Yaqin, Amina (2011): Framing Muslims: Stereotyping and Representation after 9/11.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Musharbash, Yassin (2006): Die neue al-Qaida: Innenansichten eines lernenden Terrornetzwerks.
Kln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch.
Nachtigall, Andrea (2011): Gendering 9/11: Medien, Macht und Geschlecht im Kontext des "War on
Terror". (Kultur und soziale Praxis). Bielefeld: transcript.
Nacos, Brigitte L. (1994): Terrorism and the Media: From the Iran Hostage Crisis to the World
Trade Center Bombing. New York: Columbia University Press.
Nacos, Brigitte L. (2002): Mass-Mediated Terrorism: The Central Role of the Media in Terrorism
and Counterterrorism. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
Nacos, Brigitte L.; Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli; Shapiro, Robert Y. (2011): Selling Fear: Counterterrorism,
the Media, and Public Opinion. (Chicago Studies in American Politics). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Nacos, Brigitte L.; Torres-Reyna, Oscar (2006): Fueling our Fears: Stereotyping, Media Coverage,
and Public Opinion of Muslim Americans. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Niemeyer, Katharina (2006): Die Mediasphren des Terrorismus: Eine mediologische Studie des 11.
Septembers. Berlin: Avinus Academia.
Nohrstedt, Stig Arne; Ottosen, Rune (2004): U.S. and the Others: Global Media Images on "The
War on Terror". Gteborg: Nordicom.
Ogun, Mehmet Nesip (2011): Terrorism & Internet & PKK: Terrorist Use of Internet. Saarbrcken:
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS) (2010): Understanding the Militants' Media in Pakistan:
Outreach and Impact. Islamabad: Pak Institute for Peace Studies.
Prince, Stephen (2009): Firestorm: American Film in the Age of Terrorism. New York: Columbia
University Press.
Proctor, Pat (2010): Media War: The Media-Enabled Insurgency in Iraq. Manhattan: ProSIM.
Prucha, Nico (2010): Die Stimme des Dschihad: "awt al-ihd": Al-Qidas erstes OnlineMagazin. (Nr al-ikma, Vol. 5). Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kova.
Qian, Yufang (2010): Discursive Constructions around Terrorism in the People's Daily (China) and
The Sun (UK) before and after 9.11. Oxford: Peter Lang.
Ramos, Rachel Tobin (2007, November): Legislating after Terrorism: September 11, the News Media and the Georgia Legislature. (Communication Thesis, Georgia State University, Atlanta,
U.S.). URL: http://digitalarchive.gsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?
Richards, Barry (2007): Emotional Governance: Politics, Media and Terror. Basingstoke: Palgrave


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Roversi, Antonio (2008): Hate on the Net: Extremist Sites, Neo-Fascism On-line, Electronic Jihad.
(Lawrence Smith, Trans.). Aldershot: Ashgate.
Ryan, Johnny (2007): Countering Militant Islamist Radicalisation on the Internet: A User Driven
Strategy to Recover the Web. (1st ed.). Dublin: Institute of International and European Affairs.
Schechter, Danny (2003): Media Wars: News at a Time of Terror. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Schlesinger, Philip et al. (1983): Televising "Terrorism": Political Violence in Popular Culture. London: Comedia Publishing Group.
Schmid, Alex P.; de Graaf, Janny (1982): Violence as Communication: Insurgent Terrorism and the
Western News Media. London: SAGE.
Seib, Philip M.; Janbek, Dana M. (2011): Global Terrorism and New Media: The Post-Al Qaeda
Generation. London: Routledge.
Signorielli, Nancy; Gerbner, George (1988): Violence and Terror in the Mass Media: An Annotated
Bibliography. (Bibliographies and Indexes in Sociology, No. 13). New York: Greenwood Press.
Simons, Greg (2010): Mass Media and Modern Warfare: Reporting on the Russian War on Terrorism. Farnham: Ashgate.
Smucker, Philip (2004): Al Qaeda's Great Escape: The Military and the Media on Terror's Trail.
Washington: Potomac Books.
Spencer, Alexander (2010): The Tabloid Terrorist: The Predicative Construction of New Terrorism
in the Media. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Steinseifer, Martin (2011): "Terrorismus" zwischen Ereignis und Diskurs: Zur Pragmatik von TextBild-Zusammenstellungen in Printmedien der 1970er-Jahre. Berlin: De Gruyter. DOI:


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Stern, Tobias (2003): Der "11. September" in deutschen und koreanischen Medien: Eine vergleichende Inhaltsanalyse berregionaler Tageszeitungen. Hamburg: Deutsches bersee-Institut.
Steuter, Erin; Wills, Deborah (2008): At War with Metaphor: Media, Propaganda, and Racism in
the War on Terror. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Sultan, Khalid (2011): Terrorism, Media and Pakistan: A Perspective on the Effects Paradigm.
Saarbrcken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Takacs, Stacy (2012): Terrorism TV: Popular Entertainment in Post-9/11 America. (CultureAmerica). Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
Tasista, Michele M. (2002, April): Global Media and Public Affairs Communications in a New Era
of Defense: The War on Terrorism. (Master's Thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.).
URL: http://ics-www.leeds.ac.uk/papers/pmt/exhibits/2080/tasista.pdf
Taylor, Robert W. et al. (2005): Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism. Upper Saddle River: Prentice
Tinnes, Judith (2010, May): Internetnutzung islamistischer Terror- und Insurgentengruppen unter
besonderer Bercksichtigung von medialen Geiselnahmen im Irak, Afghanistan, Pakistan und
Saudi-Arabien. (Doctoral Dissertation, Universitt des Saarlandes, Saarbrcken, Germany).
URL: http://scidok.sulb.uni-saarland.de/volltexte/2010/3117/
[Identical Book Version:] (2010, August): Jihad @ Web: Eine Untersuchung der Internetnutzung von Islamisten mit besonderer Bercksichtigung von medialen Geiselnahmen. Saarbrcken: Sdwestdeutscher Verlag fr Hochschulschriften.
Tuman, Joseph S. (2003): Communicating Terror: The Rhetorical Dimensions of Terrorism. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.
Turton, Deborah Ann (2001): Terror and Terrorism: Pleasure, Violence and the Aesthetic, 17571854. (Doctoral Dissertation, Oxford University, Oxford, UK). Oxford: Oxford University.


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Vanhala, Helena (2011): The Depiction of Terrorists in Blockbuster Hollywood Films, 1980-2001:
An Analytical Study. Jefferson: MacFarland.
Vecsey, Christopher (2011): Following 9/11: Religion Coverage in the New York Times. Syracuse:
Syracuse University Press.
Verma, R. N. (2011): Internet Terrorism: New Trends and Challenges. New Delhi: Navyug Books
Verton, Dan (2003): Black Ice: The Invisible Threat of Cyber-Terrorism. Emeryville: McGrawHill/Osborne.
Wagner-Pacifici, Robin (1986): The Moro Morality Play: Terrorism as Social Drama. Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press.
Weimann, Gabriel (2006): Terror on the Internet: The New Arena, the New Challenges. Washington:
United States Institute of Peace Press.
Weimann, Gabriel; Winn, Conrad (1994): The Theater of Terror: Mass Media and International
Terrorism. New York: Longman.
Wilson, Clay (2009): Computer Attack and Cyberterrorism. New York: NOVA Science Publishers.


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Abbasi, Ahmed; Chen, Hsinchun (2005): Applying Authorship Analysis to Extremist-Group Web
Forum Messages. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 20(5) (special issue on AI for Homeland Security),
67-75. URL: http://ai.arizona.edu/intranet/papers/Abbasi%20Authorship%202005%20IEEEIS
Abbasi, Ahmed; Chen, Hsinchun (2008): Analysis of Affect Intensities in Extremist Group Forums.
In: Hsinchun Chen et al. (Eds.): Terrorism Informatics: Knowledge Management and Data
Mining for Homeland Security. (Integrated Series in Information Systems, Vol. 18). New York:
Springer, 285-307. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-71613-8_14
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Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Websites and Blogs Analyzing Primary Sources

URL: http://alleyesonjihadism.wordpress.com
All Things Counter Terrorism: A Critical View of the War on Terror by a Former Counterterrorism
al-Wasat: The Muslim World, Radicalization, Terrorism, and Islamist Ideology
URL: http://thewasat.wordpress.com
CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter
COMOPS Journal: Analysis, Commentary and News Blog by CSC Staff
URL: http://csc.asu.edu/category/comops-journal
URL: http://jarretbrachman.net
URL: http://www.flashpoint-intel.com
INTELWIRE: Breaking News, Primary Source Research, and Critical Analysis Concerning Terrorism, Homegrown Extremism, and National Security
URL: http://www.intelwire.com


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT)

URL: http://www.ict.org.il
Internet Haganah
URL: http://internet-haganah.com/haganah/index.html
Jih@d: News of Terrorism, Jihadism & International Politics
URL: http://ojihad.wordpress.com
Jihadica: Documenting the Global Jihad
URL: http://www.jihadica.com
Jihadism online
URL: http://www.univie.ac.at/jihadism
JIHADOLOGY: A Clearinghouse for Jihd Primary Source Material and Translation Service
URL: http://jihadology.net
Logbuch al-Qaida
URL: http://www.spiegel.de/thema/logbuch_al_qaida
Long War Journal, The: A Project of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies
URL: http://www.longwarjournal.org
Ma'alim fi al-Tariq
URL: http://maalamfiltariq.wordpress.com
URL: http://www.makingsenseofjihad.com
Middle East Observatory
URL: http://www.meobservatory.com/index.shtml


February 2013

Perspectives on Terrorism

Volume 7, Issue 1, Supplement

Mr. Orange's War Tracker

URL: http://theorangetracker.blogspot.de
NEFA Foundation, The
URL: http://www.nefafoundation.org
Online Jihad: OSINT AQ Monitoring Jihadist Online Communities: Translations Assessments
URL: http://online-jihad.com
SITE Intelligence Group
URL: https://www.siteintelgroup.com
Society for Internet Research (SOFIR)
Views from the Occident: Thoughts and Linkage from an American Graduate Student in the Institute of Islamic Studies at McGill University on the Role of the Middle East/North Africa and
the Islamicate World in Global Affairs in Modern Times, as well as Occasional Personal Musings
URL: http://occident.blogspot.de
WEBehavior: Where Extremism Meets Social Media
URL: http://alixlevine.blogspot.de

About the Compiler:

Judith Tinnes, Ph.D., studied Information Science and New German Literature and Linguistics at
the Saarland University (Germany). She wrote a comprehensive doctoral thesis on the Internet
usage of Islamist terrorist and insurgent groups (focus: media-oriented hostage takings), based on
a large set of research data obtained through long-term tracking of Islamist websites, which she
had been conducting since early 2006. She has worked for several research support organizations
where she gained expertise in information retrieval, librarianship, and electronic publishing. At
present, she works at the research & development department of Leibniz Institute for Psychology
Information (ZPID) (http://www.zpid.de) in the open-access publishing project PsychOpen
(http://www.psychopen.eu). In her spare time, she is an Editorial Assistant with Perspectives on
Terrorism where she contributes to the Resources Section.

February 2013

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