Statement by Lumko Mtimde On Damaging Media Reports Regarding

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Statement by Lumko Mtimde on damaging media reports regarding SABC

Board nomination
25 March 2015
I have noted media reports yesterday relating to the nomination of my name to the SABC
Board, and subsequent discussions which took place in the Parliamentary Portfolio
Committee (PPC) on Communications. Of concern, is the initial misleading City Press article
by Andisiwe Makinana published online prior to even getting my comments, which likened
me to the previous reported practices of people with no qualifications or proof thereof.
In the light of how this has been reflected by some media, and given the high level of public
interest in the sanctity of academic qualifications, I feel compelled to put the following on

I am concerned that, due to administrative reasons, my nomination to the SABC

Board was unable to be considered by the PPC yesterday and I hope the
unfortunate perceptions created by the media will subsequently be rectified.
These administrative reasons centre around the fact that, for some reason or
omission, copies of my academic qualifications were not forwarded in time to the
PPC along with my nomination. I can only assume that this is due to an oversight on
the part of whoever made the nominations, or an assumption that these are in
Parliament record system as I have been appointed several times through
Parliamentary processes including by the PCC. I certainly do not want to allege fault
on anyone.
For me, it is fundamental that there should be no doubt about my academic
qualifications, or the veracity thereof. It is also worth pointing that I have, in the
recent past, successfully been nominated through the same Parliamentary processes
that took place yesterday to the boards of the-then Independent Broadcasting
Authority, the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa, and for my
previous term as a member of the SABC Board. My nomination was also recently
processed by Parliament for the position of a Commissioner of the Independent
Electoral Commission, after being processed by a team led by Chief Justice Mogoeng
Mogoeng, the Public Protector, Human Rights Commission and Commission for
Gender Equality. At no stage in the processes mentioned above was there a doubt cast
on my qualifications. I have been appointed through other appointment processes as a
Senior Executive in Government and as an Accounting Officer for several years with
a clean audited governance, leadership and management record.
Any examination of the records of these nomination processes, or any examination of
my academic qualifications, will clearly show that I am sufficiently qualified to be
successfully nominated for these posts in the past.
It is deeply regrettable that this administrative oversight and/or omission has resulted
in some in the opposition ranks (specifically DA's MP Gavin Davis) and City Press
casting aspersions and doubt on my qualifications.
My commitment to public broadcasting and serving my country in the public interest
and with integrity is well-documented, as is my commitment to the transformation of
the South African media environment including promoting media accountability
mechanism through independent regulation, and I remain ready to serve.
I note the City Press correction of their initial reputationally damaging article.
Unfortunately, some readers read the initial article and to that extent damage is done. I

am consulting and considering taking the matter against City Press up with the
relevant authorities.
Issued by:
Lumko Mtimde
ICT, media and broadcasting policy and regulatory professional

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