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Lecturer : Erni,S.Pd

Compiled By :

Nova Tri Putriyanti

NIM : 20143120722



Alhamdulillah author prayed to ALLAH SWT who has given strength and patience to
the author so that it can complete the task papers of ENGLISH. Making this task aims to
fulfill one of the requirements assessment ENGLISH courses in one semester, The authors
recognize there are still many shortcomings in preparation and writing at the completion of
the task of this paper, the authors expect to criticism and advice from lecturer. The authors
hopes that the completion of this task can be useful for all of us, especially for students in
order to understand from function of the teeth, Do not forget to thank the author Lecturer
ENGLISH who have supported so as to completion of this task .So I write this preface,
criticism and constructive feedback to the authors expect perfection task of this paper.

Pontianak, October 2014

The Authors


A. Background
Teeth are hard parts found in the mouth of many vertebrates. They have a varied
structure that allows them to perform many tasks. The primary function of teeth is to tear
and chew food and in some animals, particularly carnivores, as a weapon. The roots of the
teeth covered by gums. Teeth have a protective structure called the tooth enamel, which
helps prevent the hole in the tooth. In the dental pulp and dentin deposited shrunk in place.
Teeth are the most distinguishing part in different types of mammals, and one which
could be fossilized well. Paleontologists use fossils to identify the type and often the
relationships among them. Analysis of gear ratio is also very helpful to get an overview
over the development of the evolutionary behavior of a species.
Tooth shape associated with this type of pet food. For example, herbivores have many
molars for chewing because the grass is hard to digest. Carnivores need canines to kill and
tear, and because the meat is easy to digest, so they can swallow the food without
requiring molars to chew the food first.

B. Formulation of The Problem


What is the General function of the teeth ?

What is specific function of the teeth ?
What is tissue function of the teeth ?
What is Impact if we do not have teeth ?



A. General function of the teeth

These teeth do not stand alone in the mouth, but surrounded by the oral cavity and
surrounding tissue.

For helps the digestive organs.

To refine food
To help talking utter some specific letter.
For aesthetic or appearance so beautiful or pleasing to the eye and facial harmony.
Protection and control of dust, and other small animals and even bacteria and foreign
substances that enter the mouth through the lip.

The teeth function is useful for smoothing food, then processed in the gut and the end
result of these foods into energy. This energy is very useful to carry out the day-to-day
aktivtas we do.

B. Specific function of the teeth

1. Incisors
There are four incisors in each arch. Two central incisors and two lateral incisors.

Location the central incisors are side by side at the midline. There is a lateral

incisor on each side of the central incisors.

Shape single rooted, crowns are arched and angle toward one sharp incisal edge.

Function to cut or incise food with their thin edges.

2. Canines
There are two canines in each arch. They are sometimes referred to as cuspids.

Location next to the lateral incisors, establishes the cornering of the arches.
Shape anchored with the longest root, one pointed cusp.
Function used for holding, grasping, and tearing food. Referred to as the
cornerstone of the mouth.

3. Premolars
There are for premolars in each arch. Two first premolars and two second premolars.
They are sometimes referred to as bicuspids. There are no premolars in the primary

Location first premolars are next to the canines followed by the second premolars.
Shape maxillary first premolars have a bifurcated root, all others have one root,

one prominent cusp with one or two lesser lingual cusps.

Function holding food, like canines because they have cusps; also to crush food.

4. Molars
There are three molars in each arch of the permanent dentition. Two first molars, two
second molars and two third molars. Third molars are sometimes called wisdom teeth.
There are two molars in each arch of the primary dentition. Two first molars and two
second molars.

Location first molars are next to the second premolars, second molars next to the
first molars and third molars next to the second molars. The third molars are the

farthest teeth in the mouth.

Shape bifurcated or trifurcated roots, broad chewing surfaces with four to five

Function grinding food.

C. Tissue function of the teeth

The tooth has two anatomical parts. The crown of a tooth is that part of the tooth which is
covered with enamel and this is the part usually visible in the mouth.
The root is the part embedded in the jaw. It anchors the tooth in its bony socket and is
normally not visible.

a. Enamel The hard outer layer of the crown. Enamel is the hardest substance in the
b. Dentine Not as hard as enamel, forms the bulk of the tooth and can be sensitive if
the protection of the enamel is lost.
c. Pulp Soft tissue containing the blood and nerve supply to the tooth. The pulp
extends from the crown to the tip of the root.
d. Cementum The layer of bone-like tissue covering the root. It is not as hard as

Structures around the tooth

a. Periodontal ligament: Made up of thousands of fibres which fasten the cementum

to the bony socket. These fibres anchor the tooth to the jaw bone and act as shock
absorbers for the tooth which is subjected to heavy forces during chewing.
b. Gingivae (gums): Soft tissue that immediately surrounds the teeth and bone. It
protects the bone and the roots of the teeth and provides an easily lubricated surface.
c. Bone: Provides a socket to surround and support the roots of the teeth.
d. Nerves and blood supply: Each tooth and periodontal ligament has a nerve supply
and the teeth are sensitive to a wide variety of stimuli. The blood supply is necessary
to maintain the vitality of the tooth.

D. Impact if we do not have teeth

When we lose a lot of teeth so as to cause difficulty eating, the nutritional intake is
reduced. It can affect health. Especially in children who still need a lot of calories for
body growth and nutrients to the brain

The second function is being spoken. When we spoke to say a few words and
sentences made up of several words, are words consisting of several letters. If a loss
of some front teeth, it will be difficulty pronouncing some letters, including the letters
S, T, R, and others. Consequently we talk so pelo or unclear.

In the third function is aesthetic or beauty or facial harmony. Aesthetic meaning here
is very broad and very important for us. Most of the work in question is the beauty









For example, front teeth crowding location (crowded) or mrongos (protrusif) even tenuous
(diastema). This causes a lack of aesthetic value one's teeth. Or maybe lost some front teeth
will cause one toothless. Many times this will result in reducing a person's self confidence.

Given this simple paper the author hopes that the reader can understand and apply
what is contained in the paper "Function Of the Teeth" is because of how important our teeth
Allah has bestowed upon us. So we can take care of our teeth as a sign of our gratitude
towards His creation.
Advice from the author that the reader can master the material briefly in this paper
well, then readers know and apply the values contained in this paper properly.

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SetianingtyasHardi, dwi. 2014. fungsi-gigi-kita-ternyata-banyak (online). . Diakses tanggal 10 oktober 2014
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Anonim . 2014 . dental-education (online) .
Diakses tanggal 10 oktober 2014

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