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Thursday, March 26, 2015 Vol. 48, No. 44 Verona, WI Hometown USA ConnectVerona.

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Verona Area School District

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Verona Press

Verona Area School District

Whether the
referendum passes
or fails, decisions
will remain
Scott Girard
Unified Newspaper Group

Photos by Scott Girard

Alina Stiller, left, is surprised when she and Livia Bakken get a propeller to spin during a unit on circuits at New Century School. The unit
is an example of the project-based learning the school uses that teachers say fits with the districts push to personalize learning. Below,
Elizabeth Jensen, left, and Mikala Feller work on a research project at Verona Area International School.

Pick a style

At charters, learning is personalized from the start

Scott Girard


Unified Newspaper Group

Students at the Verona

Area School Districts three
charter elementary schools
arent there by accident.
Parents must specifically
choose to send their children to those schools, and
that offers a bit of personalization from the beginning
of their education, given
the different styles of the
While each school has
certain guidelines it must
follow because of its charter agreement with the
district, there are ways to
incorporate personalized
learning into those, Core
Knowledge Charter School

January: Overview
February: Elementary
March: Charter schools
April: Middle schools
May: High school
June: Teaching the
director Brett Stousland
Theres a few things
that we have to be true to
because were a charter
school, but we see the value
in the voice and choice,

Stousland said.
That is true at the disEach school offers its
tricts other two charter own style of teaching and
elementaries, New Century learning for students, but
School and Verona Area all are also working to
International School, direcTurn to Charters/Page 16
tors of those schools said.

Whatever Verona Area

School District voters
decide April 7 on the land
purchase referendum, the
school board and district
will have plenty of decisions left to make.
Superintendent Dean
Gorrell said the district
would have to wait and
see whether the referendum to purchase two
pieces of land and exercise
condemnation powers on a
third passes or fails.
Well just have to evaluate, Gorrell said about a
potential failure. We just
need to get the land.
If the $8.35 million referendum was to pass, the
issue of eminent domain
would move to the forefront of the conversation.
The board would also have
to make decisions about
whether to officially purchase the land the board
has agreed to with landowners before the option
agreement deadlines pass.
If it fails, the district
would have to look to
alternatives to confront
its predicted problems
with space in schools,

Deep Space contractor wins national award

Birdman this year, but
the construction equivalent went to the builder of
Epics Deep Space building
in Verona.
The award everyone
Scott Girard
describe(s) as the Oscar
Unified Newspaper Group
in the construction field,
as JP Cullen Epic division
The Academy Award manager Jim Schumacher
for Best Picture went to put it, was handed out this

JP Cullen recognized
for Epics massive


Verona Press

past weekend to Schumachers company for its

construction of Epics auditorium.
And it came as a surprise
to Cullen.
The general contractor
for the 832,000-squarefoot underground building designed like a cave
received the Alliant Build

America Grand Award

from the Association of
General Contractors as the
best construction project of
Its the top of the pop,
its the best of the best,
Schumacher said of the
award, which he did not
know they had won until

Turn to Cullen/Page 8

Tax impact
Property value Taxes
$100,000 $15
$200,000 $30
$300,000 $45
Source: Verona Area
School District
especially the elementary
schools and the common
area of the high school.
Either way, Gorrell said,
theres another referendum coming, possibly in
the next spring election
one year away, for a parcel
of land to the north of the
city to accommodate the
citys planned growth in
the North Neighborhood.
The district was unable
to come to an agreement
with the landowner of that
property before the deadline for a referendum this
year, Gorrell said.

On the ballot
The question on the ballot for voters is whether to
give the school board permission to borrow $8.35
million in bonds to purchase the three properties.
The Herfel property,
south of the city in the
Town of Verona, is about
18 acres at a cost of $1.44
The district has said it

Turn to Land/Page 15

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March 26, 2015

The Verona Press

Verona Area School District

Photos by Evan Halpop

D.C. to Verona
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., speaks to students, above, following a town hall meeting Saturday,
March 21, at Grays Tied House in Verona. The stop was part of Johnsons Wisconsin Supper Club

Photos by Scott Girard

Verona Area High School librarian Teresa Voss, right, talks with Federico Paniagua, left, and Mario
Gomez Chinchilla about books Chinchilla picked out on a recent trip to Barnes and Noble to stock the
schools library shelves.

VAHS librarian moves

school Forward
Voss wins statewide


Scott Girard
Unified Newspaper Group

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Seventeen English Language Learner students

perused the shelves at
Barnes and Noble on a
recent Thursday morning.
They found books on
international soccer players
Lionel Messi, Neymar and
Luis Suarez, asking Verona
Area High School librarian
Teresa Voss if they could
include them in their mass
book purchase to stock the
VAHS shelves.
One even asked if
Badass Survival Secrets
was an appropriate book to
have at the VAHS library.
Ill think about it, Voss
told him with a smile.
The field trip to Madison was just one activity
Voss has put in place that
helped her win the Forward
Award from the Wisconsin Educational Media and

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Technology Association.
The award took quite a bit
of work from Voss, including submitting student work
examples, lesson plans and
evidence of professional
But she said it was worth
it, and she was totally surprised to win.
It was a nice way for
me to get feedback from an
outside source, said Voss,
who has been VAHS fulltime librarian since 2006.
It guides my thinking
about what maybe I should
be doing and it helps my
She also pointed to her
colleagues at VAHS
teachers and administration
included as key to winning the award.
This is kudos to all, she
said. If the teachers and
the students didnt use the
library, we wouldnt continue to grow the library.
The award entry included
praise from those very same
Voss is absolutely one
of the key instructional
leaders in our building,
VAHS English and English Language Arts teacher
Elissa Jones said in a news
release. She serves in so
many capacities, including

overseeing instructional
mentoring, providing staff
development that integrates
technology with personalized learning, and leading
us through the new Educator E ffectiveness system, keeping our focus on
teacher growth for student
Voss was also glad to be
able to show her bosses that
what shes doing is something others in her field feel
is outstanding for evaluation purposes.
Im able to show this
is what I can offer, Voss
said. Sometimes I just do
it and its more natural and
I dont stop and think, Am
I telling people that Im
doing it? Does my administration know?
She said in her time as a
librarian, shes seen many
changes, but the most significant has been incorporating technology into students learning.
Making sure they understand the ins and outs of
technology, she said of
her responsibilities now.
Understanding whats
credible, who has authority
on the Internet.
But, she pointed out,
Kids still love to read and
they still love books.



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Verona Area High School librarian Teresa Voss, right, looks at a

book student Kunsang Dechen picked out on a recent trip to Barnes
and Noble to stock the schools library shelves.

March 26, 2015

The Verona Press

City of Verona

Vaccine maker gets $700K TIF

Jim Ferolie

Verona Press editor

With little discussion and

even less drama, the Verona
Common Council on Monday approved a complex
taxpayer financing deal with
Fitchburg-based United Vaccines to build a new plant in
Verona Technology Park.
The contract provides for
$700,000 in tax-increment
financing, plus interest, to be
paid back by 2023, when the
district (TID 6) is statutorily
set to close.
Company representatives
told the Press on Monday this
was the last significant hurdle
they faced, with financing
expected to close by the end
of the week and groundbreaking planned for early May.
Though company officials
had previously estimated the
value of the 57,000-squarefoot building will be $20 million or more, the contract takes
no chances and has clauses
that guarantee the company
will pay, in some combination
of taxes and assessments, the
full principal and interest for
the citys bond.
TIF is a development tool

that pools increased property

taxes in a specific area from
all underlying jurisdictions,
including the local school
district and the county, and
puts it under control of the
municipality. The municipality borrows money and
pays back the borrowing
with the increased taxes on
the development under the
understanding that the development would not have happened but for the TIF.
In some cases, that developer incentive levels the playing field for a desired area of
the city against an undesired
area, such as in the case with
blighted inner cities, or helps
with site development costs.
In other cases, it helps a city
compete with other cities.
In this case, UV pleaded
that it would not have been
able to get financing for the
project without the TIF and
insisted that the expansion
will allow the company to
grow in ways that simply
would not have been possible in its current location in
Commerce Park.
Once the new plant is
up and running, in mid2016, the company told city

leaders, it will be able to add

manufacture of vaccines for
other species of animals that
it had previously been forced
to turn down because of lack
of capacity.
City administrator Bill
Burns spent far more time
explaining the complexities
of the guarantees than the
council did discussing them.
The council had agreed to the
deal in principle Feb. 9 during a closed session, and UV
adviser Mike Green told the
Press that attorneys had been
working on minutiae up until
last Friday.
The company is expected to
bring about 75 jobs to Verona
by the end of next year.
Alds. Evan Touchett (Dist.
4) and Luke Diaz (D-3)
called the deal a no-brainer, as the three-person UV
contingent flashed wide grins
from the back of the room.
Id love to see our
employment base get balanced in at least a small
way, Diaz added in an obvious reference to the thousands of his own colleagues
at Epic who work in Verona.
The structure of the deal is
like one the city made more

Council rejects tax claims, reviews traffic study

The Common Council
dealt with three separate
claims of excessive assessments Monday, turning down
two and approving a third in
accordance with a previous
lawsuit settlement.
The suit with apartment
management firm Apex was
settled after the 2014 assessments were already recorded,
so the claim was the only way
to consummate that deal.
The city then denied a
claim by Walgreens, which
not only had successfully
sued the city before but has
initiated thousands of such
lawsuits around the country.
In 2009, it got a $4 million
assessment dropped to $2.6
million, and the current claim
asks the city to drop a $2.8
million assessment to $2 million.
Alders and staff indicated
they fully expected another
lawsuit as a result.
Farm and Fleet parent company Blains Supply has filed
similar claims based on the
same principles, and it also
claimed excessive assessment
over its Verona store. That
109,000-square-foot building
on 15 acres is valued at nearly
$8 million, but the company
claimed it is worth no more
than $5 million.
The city denied the claim
based on Blains failing
to appear at the Board of
Review last September.
Each of the claimants has
90 days to appeal to the Dane
County Circuit Court.

Scenic Ridge traffic

The citys Public Works
and Public Safety committees agreed separately that
not only were projected traffic counts in Scenic Ridge
acceptable, but a four-way
stop was not warranted.
A quick traffic study performed at the councils
request projected a peak hour
of 189 vehicles in the morning at full build-out and if
all vehicles leave from West
Chapel Royal Drive, the
northernmost of three exits
in the subdivision. AECOM
reported that federal standards recommend four-way
stops only when the traffic counts are above 300 for
eight or more hours a day.
Both committees agreed
without formal action to have


city staff paint crosswalks on

the road to help with safety,
but alders privately suggested complaints about traffic
were aimed not at fixing traffic patterns but at stopping a
planned 47-unit apartment
complex they essentially are
bound to allow.

Lincoln stoplights

than two years ago with Wisconsin Brewing Company,

Burns told the council, and
will similarly use a low-interest state trust fund loan. The
first payment is due in 2017
and total interest charges over
eight years were estimated at
about $112,000.
The highest payment, in
2018, equates to an assessed
value of around $6.5 million.
Even though a typical commercial building of its size
should be worth well over
$10 million (and this will be
far more expensive than an
office or warehouse building), manufacturing facilities
such as this are assessed by
the state, which is notoriously difficult to predict.
WBC, for example, was
expected to cost around $4
million for the building alone
but was assessed at about

half that.
The citys deal requires the
building to be 85 percent finished before there is any payout, and it must come before
June 1, 2016. No payment
will be made before Nov. 1.
Burns told the council the
building is expected to be
done by the end of the year.
The city approved site
plans and conditional use
permits for the facility a
combination of laboratory,
warehouse and offices earlier this month. It is expected
to operate side by side with
the Fitchburg plant until the
end of 2016, and then all the
employees will work from
The new plant allows the
company to expand its workforce by about 50 percent
immediately and leaves room
for a 25,000-square-foot

expansion that company officials hinted last month could

be used right away if theyd
had a budget that allowed for
that much construction.
Green, the project manager, told the Press the extra
space will allow UV to
expand its product line of
vaccines which currently
are limited to the niche market of fur-bearing animals
into livestock, domesticated
animals, exotics and zoo animals, among others.
UV is a 55-year-old biotechnology company that
first became independent
in 2006, when it moved to
Fitchburg. It expanded its
current building by 12,000
square feet in 2012.
Green said he expected
to receive term letters Tuesday and the TIF deal was the
final financing contingency.

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The city awarded a bid of

$671,343 for construction of
the signalized Lincoln Street
intersection to Fitchburgs
Hammersley Stone. It was
$20,000 under the engineers
Construction is expected
to be done in time for the fire
stations targeted opening of
July 1.

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-Jim Ferolie

Rod Wealti
District 3 Alderman

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March 26, 2015


The Verona Press

Letters to the editor

Verona values mirror personal

values of Dist. 3 candidate Wealti
Dist. 3 is about to elect an alder
for the next two years that will
represent them on the city council.
They have a choice between
a lifelong Verona area resident
and the incumbent Luke Diaz.
Rod Wealti has a deep historical
knowledge of Verona that will
serve the city council very well.
Rod is basing his campaign on
values he has lived by and hopes
those values become part of Veronas values as well.
Those values are for adequate
growth, both industrial and residential. Growth in this city must
not be dependent on Epic, it must
contain other industrial growth,
residential growth and growth
in our downtown that will help
make Verona a destination, not
just a place to drive through to get
to Madison, Mt. Horeb or New
Glarus. Responsible growth keeps
taxes low.
Limited debt. We all know
how important good roads are,

how purchasing land to make our

downtown more vibrant, but to
place our city further in debt isnt
always wise. Rod Wealti proposes city finances be like personal
finance, budgets based on paying
the bills, keeping taxes affordable
so residents are not taxed out of
their homes and allow only reasonable, affordable debt,.
Rod also feels that unless we as
humans are 100 percent transparent, transparency in government
will not be 100 percent transparent either. Government should
be as open and transparent as possible so the taxpayers know what
is going on in their community.
That said, the voters have a clear
choice, its up to them to decide
the future of the Verona City
Gordy Disch
City of Verona

Diaz is a proven leader in Verona

As a lifelong Verona Resident,
I am pleased that Luke Diaz has
been a leader on the Verona City
Council. He represents most of
the same area I once did on the
City Council and has done a great
job in that role.
Luke is devoted to ensuring
Verona remains a great place to
work and live. He and his wife are
raising their young son in Verona
and he has worked here for over a
Luke consistently challenges
the city government to think first
about what is best for Verona.
He has advocated for expanding

services provided by the Senior

Center, Library and Public Works
Department. Verona is a wonderful place to live, due in large part
to these services and voters need
an advocate like Luke Diaz protecting and expanding them.
Lukes record speaks for itself.
I encourage all District 3 voters to
support a true leader: Luke Diaz.
Joe Wineke
City of Verona
Editors note: Wineke is the
treasurer for Diazs campaign.

Justice, referendum votes important for Supreme Court

Spring elections are notorious
for low turnout. However, the
results can affect how our state
is governed for years to come.
There is no better example than
this Aprils election regarding the
Wisconsin Supreme Court.
The vote for a Justice will
affect the makeup of Wisconsins highest appellate court for
a decade to come. Also, if the
Supreme Court referendum on
the ballot were passed, it would
alter Wisconsins Constitution. It
is, indeed, a very important election.
When choosing a Justice, the
most important trait we want in a
candidate is impartiality. Justice

Ann Walsh Bradley has served

with distinction for two decades,
with a proven record of judicial
independence. Bradley has said,
When people come to court, I
dont ask if theyre Republican
or Democrat. Wisconsin deserves
judges who are fair, impartial,
and nonpartisan.
The same philosophy cannot be
said to be held by her opponent.
He has aligned himself wholeheartedly with the current majority party. One of his ads states that
these are historic times for Wisconsin. Unfortunately, plans to
stop the common-sense changes
Gov. Scott Walker is making are
already being made.

He describes Justice Bradley as

a threat to block the commonsense reforms that are moving
Wisconsin forward.
Whether you agree or disagree
with the current regimes actions,
Wisconsins Supreme Court Justices should not act as political
cheerleaders, but as impartial
judges. Only one candidate meets
that threshold of impartiality, and
she is running for reelection. Our
votes and support will be for Ann
Walsh Bradley on April 7, and
no to the politically motivated
Constitutional Referendum.
Tim and Karen White
Town of Springdale

Vote Bradley for Wisconsin Supreme Court justice

Thursday, March 26, 2015 Vol. 48, No. 44
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General Manager
David J. Enstad
Donna Larson
Kathy Woods
Carolyn Schultz

Jim Ferolie
Jeremy Jones
Scott Girard
Samantha Christian, Bill Livick,
Anthony Iozzo, Mark Ignatowski,
Scott De Laruelle, Jacob Bielanski

Unified Newspaper Group, a division of

Woodward Communications,Inc.
A dynamic, employee-owned media company
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results.
Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville


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Verona Press
Oregon Observer Stoughton Courier Hub

The most important election

this year is the one on April 7 for
Supreme Court. While the ads
with the scary lady voice will
most likely talk about crime.The
Supreme Court rarely deals with
criminal cases.
Their focus instead is on key
civil cases related to state law and
how it affects Wisconsin citizens
under our constitution.Given the
massive rule changes in the proposed state budget,the Supreme

Courts cases will more likely

involve citizens right to vote,
environmental issues like tainted
wells, the states more aggressive tax audits, seniors access to
health care and local control of
schools than crime.
Justice Ann Walsh Bradley
has years of experience on the
Supreme Court. She also has an
election committee that is bipartisan (including Dale Schultz and
others), a refreshing rarity at this

point in our states history. We

need a judge who is independent and fair as increasingly our
states policies are driven by out
of state political donors.
Please vote for Judge Ann
Bradley on April 7. Absentee ballots are available now. It is the
most important thing you can do
this year to preserve your rights.
George Hagenauer
City of Verona

Voting yes on VASD land referendum would save money

Im writing to urge Verona residents to vote yes on the upcoming school referendum.
For my husband and me, a yes
vote is all about saving money:
The land deals that the school
board has worked out, at their
current prices and interest rates,
will only be available for a limited time. If we miss this opportunity, the window closes, so to
speak. Deadlines pass, interest
rates increase, agreements expire
and landowners are free to pursue

other, potentially more lucrative

options with other buyers.
And if we lose out on these
particular pieces of land, so wellplaced for the schools needs,
whos to say what might or might
not be available in the future, and
at what cost?
Its clear that Verona schools
need more space. Some of our
elementary schools are already
over capacity, as are some areas
of the high school, and the district is growing. Our own sons

graduated in 2003 and 2005, but

other children deserve the same
excellent education (including adequate space) that ours
received, plus, an educated populace benefits us all.
In the long run, a yes vote now
saves us greater expenditures,
and headaches, down the line.
Denise Beckfield
City of Verona

Vote Diaz for Dist. 3

Too soon for referendum

As a Dist. 3 Verona resident, Im writing

to express my support of Alder Luke Diazs
Luke is hard-working and very responsive
to constituent concerns. I can vouch from
personal experience.
I also support his efforts to improve the
way the city of Verona communicates with
residents. Government at all levels could use
more transparency.
I urge you to vote for Luke on April 7.

The referendum to purchase land for future schools is

premature because the VASD has not yet fully explored all
of the options.
According to the districts Long-Range Facilities Plan,
the majority of Veronas projected future growth is in the
North neighborhood but VASD did not have time to pursue land in that area before the filing deadline.
The VASD should take the time necessary to fully analyze and explain to taxpayers the pros and cons of EACH
of the viable purchase options. Until that happens, we urge
you to vote no on purchasing land for a long-term plan.

Steven Tenney
City of Verona

Kathleen McCormick
City of Verona

March 26, 2015

The Verona Press

Spring election

Early voting ends April 3

VAHS students rehearse for You Cant Take It With You, which will be performed Thursday, Friday
and Saturday at 7:30 p.m.

You Cant Take it With You

Molly Kempfer (Penelope
Sycamore), Zoe Hansen
(Essie), Makena Meyers
(Rheba), Randy Kessenich
(Paul Sycamore), Caulden
Parkel (Mr. De Pinna), Sam
Schultz (Ed), Tomas Endter
(Donald), Chayank (Henderson), Ben Kaeder (Tony
Kirby), Will Schroeder
(Boris Kohlenkhov), Natalie Long (Gay Wellington),
Patrick Desmond (Mr. Kirby), Mary Schroeder (Mrs.
Kirby), Alex Roller, Chayank and Max Luke (Three
Men) and Emily Marckesano (Olga).
The shows producer is
Steve Nibbe and costume
designer is Kendra Johnson.
Tickets are $10 for adults

Thursday, April 2: Last

day to request a mailed
absentee ballot
Friday, April 3: Last
day to vote absentee inperson
Tuesday, April 7:
Spring election
counting on election day.
Voters need to register prior
to filling out an absentee
Residents can also request
a ballot be mailed to them.
The deadline to request a
ballot is Thursday, April 2.
Ballots must be postmarked
by Tuesday, April 7.
Residents will have until
Friday, April 3 to register to vote at their clerks
office. Election-day registration is available at the

polling locations. Photo

ID is not required for the
spring election.
For more information
about the spring elec tion, visit

Get Connected

What: VAHS theater

musical production of You
Cant Take It With You
When: 7:30 p.m. March
Where: Verona Area
High School PAC, 300
Richard St.
Cost: $10, $5 for students
Info: 845-4488
and $5 for students, with all
proceeds going back to production costs.
For information, call 8454488.

Dates to

Visit the states election

information website:

If you go

Find updates and links right away.

Add us on Facebook and Twitter as Verona Press

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Verona Area High School

students will hit the stage
this weekend for the spring
musical presentation of
You Cant Take It With
Shows run at 7:30 p.m.
from Thursday, March 26
through Saturday, March
The comedic play is set
in the 1930s at the home
of quirky Martin Vanderhof in New York City. His
sweet-natured granddaughter, Alice Sycamore, starts
dating her boss son, but a
dinner meeting shows the
familys true colors.
The cast includes Maggie Ferguson (Alice),
Kanu Shenoi (Martin),

On the web


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required over 50 miles. Local building code
modications extra. Price subject to change
without notice. 20 PSF Snow Load




Photo by Samantha Christian

Registered voters in
Verona have until April
3 to cast a ballot during
in-person absentee voting
at their local municipal
clerks office.
The so-called early
voting started March 23.
Regular voting will take
place April 7 at normal
polling locations throughout the city and town.
In-person absentee voting
works similar to the mailed
absentee ballots, according
to the states Government
Accountability Board. Voters who cannot attend the
scheduled election can go
to the clerks office during
the two weeks prior to the
election, fill out a ballot and
seal it in an envelope for


(on eminent domain)

Wheres the plan?? Wheres the budget??

By comparison, the Waunakee Community School Board had a similar
referendum but spent a year looking at alternatives, coming up with 4
plans and budgets, meeting with voters, conducting a survey, and

Dont give the school board a blank check!

Paid for by West End Residences, LLC and West End 2 Residences, LLC


engaging the public in the process.

March 26, 2015

The Verona Press

Coming up


Tax preparation
The Verona Senior Center will
be offering tax preparation from 9
a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, April 2.
Call 845-7471 to set up a 30-minute
appointment with AARP tax preparation volunteers.

Neighborhood Easter egg hunt

Eastview Heights and Military
Ridge residents are invited to participate in the neighborhoods annual
Easter egg hunt at 10 a.m. Saturday,
March 28.
The event will be held at Van De
Grift Park at the corner of Harvest
Lane and Parkland Avenue.

VANN needs new name

The Verona Area Needs Network
is requesting feedback from the community to come up with a new name
to reflect its changing and expanding
services in the Verona Area School
District, which also includes parts of
To be involved in the conversation,
stop by the food pantrys new home,

the former Badger Prairie Health

Center Administration Building, 1100
E. Verona Ave., at 6 p.m. Sunday,
March 29. Bring along a folding chair
to sit on.
RSVP to Shannon Meyer at or
320-2647. If you are unable to attend
but would like to submit a name idea,
forward it to Shannon.

Kunkel art exhibit

Local artist Edna M. Kunkel will
display her artwork at the library from
March 30 through April 14.
Kunkel uses pastels to interpret the
local landscape, flora and fauna in all

Stormwater presentation
The library will hold a stormwater presentation at 7 p.m. Tuesday,
March 31.
Robert Bohanan, Ph.D., from the
Wisconsin Institute for Science Education and Community Engagement
& North Temperate Lakes Long Term
Ecological Research at the University
of Wisconsin-Madison, will discuss

his research on the water quality of

the detention ponds in Verona and at
Badger Mill Creek that he conducts
with area teachers and students.
Marty Cieslik, assistant director of
Veronas Public Works department,
will discuss Veronas rain garden and
rain barrel rebate program.
Register by calling 845-7180.

Groove the Food

Verona Area Needs Network has
announced a spring benefit concert.
Groove the Food with singer/
songwriter Beth Kille and guitarist
Michael Tully will be held from 7-10
p.m. Saturday, April 4, at Tuvalu Coffeehouse and Gallery, 300 S. Main St.
Advance tickets are available at
Tuvalu or by calling 347-1571. Ticket
prices of $35 (in advance) or $40 (at
the door) include food, drink coupon
and music. Space is limited.
All proceeds will benefit the Move
the Food campaign.
For more information, visit or call Shelly Kubly at

Community calendar
Thursday, March 26

10-11 a.m., Bingo ($1), senior

center, 845-7471
4 p.m., Anime club (grades 6-12),
6:30 p.m., Town Plan
Commission meeting, Town Hall

Friday, March 27

2-4:15 p.m., Movie: The

Hundred-Foot Journey, senior
7 p.m., Open mic hosted by Ron
Dennis (sign-up 6:30 p.m.), Tuvalu
7:30 p.m., Decker ($8, $6
advance), True Coffee

Saturday, March 28

10 a.m., Mandarin/English story

time (ages 3-8), library
10 a.m., Eastview Heights/Military
Ridge residents Easter egg hunt,
Van De Grift Park
7 p.m., Casey & Greg, Tuvalu
7:30 p.m., Fairview ($12, $8
advance), True Coffee

Sunday, March 29

6 p.m., Verona Area Needs

Network new name brainstorming,
1110 E. Verona Ave., 320-2647

Monday, March 30

Edna M. Kunkel: My Verona

Exhibit (on display through April

14), library
7 p.m., School Board meeting,
Administration Building

Friday, April 3

Spring break begins

No school
12:30-1:30 p.m., Bingo ($1, call
for transportation), senior center,
Tuesday, March 31
Deadline to license your dog ($5
5 p.m., Last day for indefinitelyper dog late fee), Verona, 845confined electors and military elec7187
10-11:30 a.m., School referendum tors to request absentee ballots by
meeting, senior center
5 p.m., Last day for electors to
10:30-11:30 a.m., Wii: Wheel of
make application in person to the
Fortune, senior center
municipal clerk for absentee ballots
3-5 p.m., Open door with super 5 p.m., Last day for electors to
intendent Dean Gorrell, VASD
register to vote in the clerks office
administration building
Saturday, April 4
7 p.m., Storm Water Retention
7 p.m., VANN Groove the Food
and Use (register), library, 845with Beth Kille and Michael Tully
($40, $35 advance, space limited),
Wednesday, April 1
10:30-11:30 a.m., Wii: Are You
Monday, April 6
Smarter Than a Fifth Grader,

senior center

Thursday, April 2

Tuesday, April 7

9 a.m. to 3 p.m., AARP tax prepa- No school

ration (register), senior center, 845- 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Spring election
10:30-11:45 a.m., Caregivers
Support Group, senior center, 845 5 p.m., Last day for electors to
request absentee ballots by mail
6:30 p.m., Birds of Prey with
5:30-8 p.m., Game night with
Hoos Woods, library
pizza ($5), senior center

Whats on VHAT-98
Senior Center
1 p.m. 2012 Wildcats
4:30 p.m. Dick Doerfer at
Historical Society
6 p.m. Common Council
(from March 23)
9 p.m. Estate Planning at
Senior Center
10 p.m. Dick Doerfer at
Historical Society
11 p.m. Greg Matysik at
Senior Center
Sunday, March 29
7 a.m. Hindu Cultural Hour
9 a.m. Resurrection
10 a.m. Salem Church
Noon Common Council
(from March 23)
3 p.m. Estate Planning at
Senior Center
4:30 p.m. Dick Doerfer at
Historical Society
6 p.m. Common Council
(from March 23)
9 p.m. Estate Planning at
Senior Center
10 p.m. Dick Doerfer at
Historical Society
11 p.m. Greg Matysik at
Senior Center
Monday, March 30
7 a.m. Hearing Help at
Senior Center
1:30 p.m. Chatting with
the Chamber
3 p.m. Estate Planning at

Senior Center
4 p.m. A Taste of Theater
5 p.m. 2012 Wildcats
9 p.m. Hindu Cultural Hour
10 p.m. Edvard Grieg
Chorus at Senior Center
11 p.m. Greg Matysik at
Senior Center
Tuesday, March 31
7 a.m. The Currach at
Senior Center
9 a.m. Daily Exercise
10 a.m. Greg Matysik at
Senior Center
3 p.m. Daily Exercise
4 p.m. Hearing Help at
Senior Center
5 p.m. A Taste of Theater
6 p.m. Resurrection
8 p.m. Transitioning at
Senior Center
9 p.m. Chatting with the
10 p.m. Dick Doerfer at
Historical Society
Wednesday, April 1
7 a.m. Hearing Help at
Senior Center
1:30 p.m. Chatting with
the Chamber
3 p.m. Estate Planning at
Senior Center
5 p.m. Common Council
(from March 23)
7 p.m. Capital City Band
8 p.m. Estate Planning at
Senior Center

10 p.m. The Currach at

Senior Center
11 p.m. Greg Matysik at
Senior Center
Thursday, April 2
7 a.m. The Currach at
Senior Center
9 a.m. Daily Exercise
10 a.m. Greg Matysik at
Senior Center
3 p.m. Daily Exercise
4 p.m. Hearing Help at
Senior Center
6 p.m. Salem Church
7 p.m. Transitioning at
Senior Center
8 p.m. Daily Exercise
9 p.m. Chatting with the
10 p.m. Dick Doerfer at
Historical Society


2833 Raritan Rd., Fitchburg
(608) 271-2811
Sunday: 8 & 10:45 a.m.
Verona Business Center
535 Half Mile Rd. #7, Verona
(608) 271-2811
Sunday: 9 a.m.
5705 Lacy Rd., Fitchburg
(608) 273-1008
Pastor Phil Haslanger
Sunday: 8:15 & 10 a.m.
Sunday school 10:15 a.m.
(608) 271-6633
Central: Raymond Road & Whitney
Way, Madison
Sunday: 8:15, 9:30 & 10:45 a.m.
West: Corner of Hwy. PD & Nine
Mound Road, Verona
Sunday: 9 & 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.
The Verona Senior Center
108 Paoli St., Verona
(608) 819-6451,
Pastor Tim Dunn
Sunday: 9:30 a.m.
201 S. Main St., Verona
(608) 845-7125
Lead Pastor Jeremy Scott
Sunday: 10:15 a.m.
130 N. Franklin St., Verona
Pastor Dwight R. Wise
Sunday: 10 a.m. family worship
6705 Wesner Rd., Verona
(608) 848-4965
Pastor Nathan Strutz and Assistant
Pastor Steven Pelischek
Thursday: 6:30 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m.
St. Andrew Church
301 N. Main St., Verona
St. William Church
1371 Hwy. PB, Paoli

(608) 845-6613
Fr. William Vernon, pastor
Saturday: 5 p.m., St. Andrew, Verona
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., St. William, Paoli
Sunday: 9 & 11 a.m., St. Andrew,
Daily Mass, Tuesday-Saturday: 8
a.m., St. Andrew, Verona
427 S. Main St., Verona
(608) 845-6922
Pastors Kurt M. Billings and Peter
Office Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; 8 a.m.noon Wednesday
Wednesday Lent services March 25:
12 and 7 p.m.
Saturday: 5 p.m.
Sunday: 8:30 & 10:45 a.m.
502 Mark Dr., Verona
(608) 845-7315
Rev. Dr. Mark E. Yurs, Pastor
Laura Kolden, Associate in Ministry
Sunday: 10:15 a.m.
Sunday school: 9 a.m.
Staffed Nursery: 8:45-11:15 a.m.
Fellowship Hour: 11:30 a.m.
2752 Town Hall Rd. (off Hwy ID),
Mount Horeb
(608) 437-3493
Pastor Jeff Jacobs
Sunday: 8:45 a.m. with communion
415 W. Verona Ave., Verona
(608) 845-5855,
Pastor Gary Holmes
9 & 10:30 a.m. contemporary worship.
Sunday School available during worship. Refreshments and fellowship
are between services.
2920 Hwy. M, Verona
Sunday Praise and Worship: 9:15 a.m.
Nursery provided in morning.
Sunday school (all ages): 10:45 a.m.
Small group Bible study: 6 p.m.
Hwy. 92 & G, Mount Vernon
(608) 832-6677
Pastor Brad Brookins
Sunday: 10:15 a.m.
Hwy. 69 & PB, Paoli
Rev. Sara Thiessen
Sunday: 9:30 a.m. family worship

Dont Worry About Your Own Happiness

One of the supreme ironies of human nature is the fact
that being overly concerned about our own happiness
usually diminishes it, while working diligently to improve
the welfare of others usually adds to our own happiness.
And, while it is true that we should be the primary caretakers of our own welfare, and should tend to our own
health, education and well-being with care, it is still the
case that being overly concerned with our own happiness almost always interferes with it. Happiness is usually a byproduct of other activities. Perform your work well
and youll probably feel good about it. Cultivating your
relationships with family and friends pays big dividends
in terms of our happiness. Limit your desires for material things. Greed and envy are preventable obstacles to
happiness; money and material things are a very fleeting
source of satisfaction. So, do what you can to help others, and do it with a pure heart, seeking only the good of
the other and not your own.
Christopher Simon
You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.
John Bunyan

Pastor Bob Vetter
10:00 am: Blended Worship
11:00 am: Coffee Bar/Fellowship
11:15 am: All-Ages Activity
408 N. Bergamont Blvd., North of CC
Oregon, WI


Thursday, March 26
7 a.m. The Currach at
Senior Center
9 a.m. Daily Exercise
10 a.m. Greg Matysik at
Senior Center
3 p.m. Daily Exercise
4 p.m. Hearing Help at
Senior Center
5 p.m. A Taste of Theater
6 p.m. Salem Church
7 p.m. Transitioning at
Senior Center
8 p.m. Daily Exercise
9 p.m. Chatting with the
10 p.m. Dick Doerfer at
Historical Society
Friday, March 27
7 a.m. Hearing Help at
Senior Center
1:30 p.m. Chatting with
the Chamber
3 p.m. Estate Planning at
Senior Center
4 p.m. A Taste of Theater
5 p.m. 2012 Wildcats
8:30 p.m. Estate Planning
at Senior Center
10 p.m. The Currach at
Senior Center
11 p.m. Greg Matysik at
Senior Center
Saturday, March 28
8 a.m. Common Council
(from March 23)
11 a.m. Estate Planning at


2951 Chapel Valley Rd., Fitchburg
(608) 276-7729
Pastor Rich Johnson
Sunday: 8:30 & 10:45 a.m.

430 E. Verona Ave.


Call 845-9559
to advertise on the
Verona Press
church page

March 26, 2015

The Verona Press

Police reports

Jessica Jensen (second trumpet) introduces the next song.

Badger Ridge Middle School band

teacher and UW-Madison alum Pat Rich
applauds in the audience.

Photos by Samantha Christian

Wisconsin Brass Quintet

Badger Ridge Middle School welcomed the Wisconsin Brass Quintet, made up of UW professors Tom Curry, Mark Hetzler, Daniel Grabois, John Aley and doctoral student Jessica
Jensen, to kick off Fine Arts Month on March 4. They played selections of songs inspired by
science, summertime and various composers. They also demonstrated the dynamic range
of their instruments using different types of mutes. Above, Aley (first trumpet) holds up a
type of trumpet mute. Below, Grabois (French horn) and Hetzler (trombone), play during the
Wisconsin Brass Quintet performance at Badger Ridge Middle School on March 4. Right,
Curry (tuba) and Aley (first trumpet) toot their horns. See a video of the performance on our
Facebook page.

All reports taken from the stop and citation for speedlog book at the Verona Police ing, by a 39-year-old BrookDepartment.
lyn man.
7:10 p.m. A 56-year-old
March 4
Verona woman observed
12:48 p.m. Two VAHS someone dump several items
students were cited for pos- of possible drug material in
session of marijuana after a garbage can at Firemans
police were notified one of Park. Police found several
them seemed to be under cases of expired medical
the influence of the drug. A collection tubes and needles,
school administrator made which they removed.
contact with one student,
who provided the name of March 11
the other student.
8:13 a.m. Radar monitoring on U.S. Hwy. 18-151 at
March 7
Hwy. M found moderate traf5:27 p.m. A 18-year-old fic and led to two stops and
Verona man was cited for citations. A 23-year-old man
possession of a false iden- and 22-year-old man, both
tification card after police of Madison, were cited for
observed he had two IDs speeding.
in his wallet during a traffic
12:45 p.m. A semi-tractor
stop. The second ID belonged trailer traveling westbound
to the mans 22-year-old on South Nine Mound Road
brother. He was also cited hit a fire hydrant while turnfor no insurance and failure ing onto Commerce Parkto wear a seatbelt.
way. Police saw red paint on
the trucks lower safety bar.
March 9
The driver, a 30-year-old
1:35 a.m. Radar monitor- man from Farr West, Utah,
ing on East Verona Avenue at was not cited.
Hometown Circle led to one
-Jeff Buchanan

Town of Verona

Board meeting
moved to April 2
Normal April 7 date
is spring election
Scott Girard
Unified Newspaper Group

Officials have identified

the victim of a fatal crash
in the Town of Montrose as
27-year-old Jeremy Schnabel of Madison.
Dane County Medical
Examiner Barry Irmen said
in a news release that preliminary results indicate
Schnabel died from injuries
sustained in a car crash last
According to a news
release from the Dane
County Sheriffs Office,
Schnabel was pronounced
dead after police responded
around 6 a.m. March 17 to a
single-vehicle crash on Sun
Valley Parkway.
He had lost control of the
truck while driving west

on Sun Valley Parkway

and struck a guard rail and
bridge railing.
The driver was not wearing a seatbelt, and speed
is also considered to be a
contributing factor in the
crash, DCSO public information officer Elise Schaffer said in a news release.
DCSO deputies, along
with Verona police, Belleville fire and EMS and
Fitch-Rona EMS, were
called to the scene. UW
MedFlight responded but
Schnabel was pronounced
dead at the scene.
The crash remains under
Mark Ignatowski

Burglar found in
A New Glarus man is in
jail following an attempted
burglary in the Town of
Dane County Sheriffs
deputies responded around
9:15 a.m., Monday, March
23, to the 6000 block of
Sun Valley Parkway after a
homeowner went to check
on a noise in his basement
and discovered the burglar.
The burglar fled out
the back door of the residence, the same way he
entered, DCSO public
information officer Elise
Schaffer said in a news
release. However, the
victim was able to provide

the 911 dispatcher with a

very detailed description
of the suspect, along with
a description of his 1999
Chevrolet Tahoe.
A sheriffs deputy located the SUV on Paoli Road
and made a traffic stop.
Gregory Grinder, 37, of
New Glarus, was arrested
and booked into the Dane
County Jail on a charge of
No charges have been
filed in Dane County Circuit Court as of press time
Mark Ignatowski

What: Town board

When: Thursday, April
2, 6:30 p.m.
Where: Town Hall, 335
N. Nine Mound Road
Hwy. PB, one owned by
the city and one by the
town, and amending the
budget because of the timing of the purchase of land
for a new town hall.
The town had budgeted
for that purchase in 2015,
but it was formalized in
December 2014.
The board will also
vote on whether the town
should withdraw from the
local government property
insurance fund, Arnold
said. Gov. Scott Walker
proposed eliminating that
fund in his budget, and the
town is also covered by the
rural insurance policy.
The meeting will also
be the final one for Town
Chair Dave Combs, who
has served in that position
for more than a decade.
Sup. Mark Geller is running unopposed in the
April 7 election to take
over for Combs.
Its kind of a big deal
for us around here to make
that transition, Arnold







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Victim identified in fatal

crash in Montrose

The Town of Verona

board will hold its April
meeting early next month
to avoid a conflict with the
spring election.
The meeting is planned
for Thursday, April 2, rather than the first Tuesday of
the month as it normally is.
The agenda has many
items, but town administrator Amanda Arnold said
none of them are major.
The board is expected to
discuss the abandonment
of two roads, Wesner and
Littleton, though Arnold
said not to expect a decision on Wesner as they
work out details with the
county and church that is
on the road.
Were farther along
with Littleton than we
are with Wesner, Arnold
Another item is an
authorization to start
boundary agreement discussions with the City of
Verona. The two have
been discussing the potential of an agreement for
months, but this would be
a more formal commitment, Arnold said.
Other items include
finding a consultant for a
pair of bridges on County

If you go

March 26, 2015


The Verona Press

Photos courtesy JP Cullen (left) and Jeremy Jones

Deep Space includes offices, meeting rooms and an 11,400-seat auditorium. Construction began in 2012 and continued until August 2014.

Cullen: Goal to make building invisible from one end, blend into landscape from the other
he got to San Juan, Puerto
Rico, for the awards ceremony.
Schumacher went down
to accept the award for Best
new building over $200 million, but the Grand award is
only given to a single winner
among the 23 categories. Epic
does not typically share the
costs of its building projects.
I really didnt have a lot
of faith that we were going
to win the Build America
award, and then to win the
big one just says a lot about
what happened on that project, he said.
According to a news

release from AGC, which represents 26,000 member firms,

the Alliant Build America
Awards highlight significant
construction projects around
the nation. They are chosen
by a panel of judges representing all areas of construction for their complexity, use
of innovative construction
techniques and client satisfaction, among other criteria.
The 11,400-seat Deep
Space serves as Epics newest
auditorium. It was conceived
when the companys annual
Users Group Meeting, which
brings Epic clients from
around the world to Verona
for a week of learning from
one anothers experiences

and hearing updates from the

company, outgrew the 5,300seat Epicenter auditorium.
Deep Space also hosts the
companys monthly staff
meetings. The workforce has
far outgrown the Epicenter
auditorium, as well.
The building includes
offices and meeting rooms,
and it took some creativity
to get to what Epic needed,
Schumacher said. For starters, that meant building
down, rather than up, to
accommodate a five-story
Once the challenge is
out there and we decided
we were going to bury
it thats when the

Your dream is out there.

Go get it. Well protect it.

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creative minds went to

work, Schumacher said.
Once you turn it over to
everybody thats been doing
this for years, its amazing
what good ideas come out.
Though the building was
designed by Minneapolisbased Cuningham Group,
Schumacher said many of
the concepts were collaborative efforts with 60 subcontractors and consultants.
They included how to
make the building seem
non-existent from one side
of it by fitting into the landscape, constructing the roof
on the ground and lifting the
8-million-pound structure
to its final place, as well as
prefabricating the buildings
escalators off-site and dropping them into the building
fully operational, according
to the companys entry for the
From the main campus,
the roof of the building looks
like an open field full of grass
which is exactly what it is.
The immense weight of that
sod over the roof presented its
own engineering challenges.
But from the west, the
outside of the building was
modeled after an actual
quartz site in Baraboo Bluff.
The project, which began
construction in May 2012
and was complete in August
2014, involved around 1,800

Building Relationships
That Make a Difference

We are here
for you and
your business

Photos by Jim Ferolie (above) and Jeremy Jones

Above, the outside face of Deep Space was modeled after an actual
quartz site in Baraboo Bluff. Below, the building includes cave
meeting rooms.

construction workers whom

Schumacher ultimately credited for the award.
Its really about all the
people from Epic to Cunningham to Cullen to all the
tradespeople, said Schumacher. Its probably a oncein-a-lifetime thing for a lot of
Schumacher said being
involved in Epics creative
building designs has been a
good experience.
I like it because I get to be
involved day-to-day with
helping create the vision, he

said. (CEO) Judy (Faulkner

has) really set the vision,
but to help create the vision
is whats so special about it.
You dont get that with other
Schumacher, who said
hes worked on UW-Madisons Camp Randall among
other major projects, said
Deep Space would be a
memorable building for him
for the rest of his career.
Its one of those special
ones thats right at the top of
the list, he said.

The Verona Area Chamber of Commerce

recognizes the Business of the Month!

You are invited to come in and meet

with me to review your current loan and
deposit relationship. With over 37 years
in the banking industry I feel I can assist
you in growing your business.
Understanding your business and
becoming a trusted advisor is a way in
which I will bring value to the relationship.
I am keenly aware of how each clients
needs are different. I also know how
important it is to coordinate the loan and
deposit sides of a business in order to
achieve financial goals.

Isnt It Time You Came Clean!

Rick Zimmerman
Vice President

Mark Markham
The Clean Advantage, Inc.
(608) 848-8249

710 N. High Point Road | Madison, WI 53717 | (608) 836-1616

108 E. Verona Avenue | Verona, WI 53593 | (608) 845-0108


Stop in or call me at 836-4305 for any of your business banking needs!

Member FDIC

For information about Verona

and the business community


Continued from page 1


The Pyramid Travel

agency recently won a
sales award, and one of its
employees also took home
an individual honor.
The company was honored
for its sales achievement in
2014 among 210 travel agency members of the MAST
Travel Network, according
to a news release. Pryamid
received the STARS Award
for the highest sales in 2014
with 45 nationally-known
tour and cruise companies.
The recognition ranks Pyramid Travel among the top
15 percent of agencies in the
MAST network, according to
the release.
Associate Brenda Trainor
received the 2014 Million
Dollar Agent Sales Award
by the same trade group.
Pyramid Travel is
located at 660 W. Verona Ave. Trainor can be
reached at 845-6889 or

State Bank of Cross

Plains announces
director changes
On March 12, 2015, the
State Bank of Cross Plains, a
full service community bank
with a location in Verona,
announced two additions to
its board of directors.
Attorney Vern Jesse and
Daniel Rashke were appointed to the board.
We are very pleased to
welcome Vern to our board
of directors, said Jim Tubbs,
President & CEO of the
State Bank of Cross Plains.
Verns business law experience and proven business
leadership will definitely
serve the bank well.
An attorney for 26 years,
Jesse is named on lists for
Best Lawyers in America. He
has been with the law firm of
Murphy Desmond S.C. since
1999. Murphy Desmond is
a full-service law firm with
nearly 40 lawyers in offices
in Madison, Janesville and
Appleton, Wisconsin.
Jesse has represented
clients on a variety of real
estate transactions. He also
assists businesses with legal
issues on sales, contract matters and more.
Rashke is a CEO and owner of Total Administrative
Services Corporation, which
specializes in benefit account
management, separation services and compliance services.
The State Bank of Cross
Plains, a $760 million bank
established in 1908, offers
a full range of personal and
business financial services
including consumer, real
estate, and business lending,
as well as wealth management and financial advisory
services. There are currently
nine convenient locations,
which include Black Earth,
Cross Plains Main, Cross
Plains Motor, Madison, Middleton, Mt. Horeb, Oregon,
Verona and Waunakee.

Park Printing leaves its mark on Kohl Center

Verona business
designs, prints
graphics for UW
basketball home
Scott Girard
Unified Newspaper Group

The Badgers are done

playing at the Kohl Center
this season, but a Verona
business is sharing a special connection with the
mens basketball team as
makes its way through the
NCAA Tournament.
Park Printing Solutions,
which has been in Verona
since 1968, has worked
with the University of Wisconsin-Madisons athletic
department for years, said
director of operations Bob
Battista. Most recently,
they added a bit of flair to
tables in the Nicholas Suite
at the end of the court.
Just about all the graphics youre going to find in
there (are by us), Battista
said. We did everything in
the Nicholas Suite.
Battista said the company also designed head
coach Bo Ryans office,
locker rooms and all of the
display cases in the concourse outside the stadium.
Sales associate Mike
Stolen said while walking around the stadium,
he and others suggested
to the department that it
add something to the bare

Photos courtesy Park Printing

Park Printing designed and printed the tabletop graphics for tables
in the Kohl Centers Nicholas Club for both basketball and hockey
themes. The Verona company has worked with the UW-Madison
athletic department for years.

We were walking
through some of the bigger suites, and they had a
bunch of tables, Stolen
said. We said, You guys
550 E. Verona Ave.
should put graphics on
those tables.
Stolen said after a lot of
time went by, they called
and asked Park Printing to
outfit the tables in the suite.
It was such a big hit, with UW for 15 or 20
Stolen said.
years, Stolen said, and has
The company has worked also done work in Camp

Park Printing

Battista said watching
the team have success this
year including a No. 1
seed in the West Region
is awesome.
Its flattering, prestigious to just be associated with the UW athletic
department in general, he
said. (The teams success
is) just kind of icing on the


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In Business
The Verona Press runs
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page, e-mail ungbusiness@

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Pyramid Travel wins


The Verona Press

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Verona, WI

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In brief

March 26, 2015


March 26, 2015

The Verona Press

Cameron Mullins, right, of
Verona competes in the weapons part of a karate tournament
Sunday, March 22, at Verona
Area High School. Karate
America Verona sponsored
the largest open karate tournament in the state with 600
Top left, Benjamin Mast of
Verona competes.
Bottom left, Kyla Jerome of
Verona competes in the
Photos by Evan Halpop

On the web
See more photos from the Karate
tournament at VAHS:

to be


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5000 | 800-2

Jeremy Jones, sports editor

845-9559 x226

Anthony Iozzo, assistant sports editor

845-9559 x237
Fax: 845-9550


Thursday, March 26, 2015



Verona Press
For more sports coverage, visit:

Boys track and field

Submitted photo

Heading to
national lacrosse
Verona Area High School girls (from left)
sophomore Elena Herman, junior Amanda
Best and sophomore Kelli Blaisdell qualified for the 2015 Brine Lacrosse National
Lacrosse tournament.
Three girls from the Wildcats 2014 state
runner-up Verona girls varsity lacrosse team
competed at the Brine regional tryouts and
were selected as top players to be members
of the 2016-17 Brine Midwest National
team. Verona varsity players Amanda Best
(midfielder), Kelli Blaisdell (midfielder)
and Elena Herman (defender) are three of
only 320 players nationally selected from
regional tryouts to compete in the Brine
National Tournament this year. Players from
Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and
other states attended the Chicago regional
tryout held this past December. Players
with the highest level of lacrosse stick skills
and game IQ were selected and will showcase their talent in front of NCAA lacrosse
coaches from Division I, II and III schools
as they compete for the Brine National
Championship June 29-July 2 in Richmond,

Kellerman dribbles to the first team

Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor

Senior Will Kellerman helped the

Verona Area High School boys basketball team win a second straight regional title this season, and his success this
season has been awarded with a firstteam All-Big Eight selection.
Kellerman finished with 358 points
261 in Big Eight regular season
games and averaged 14.5 points per
game. He scored a team-high 30 points
against Madison Memorial on Feb. 26.
Madison Memorial senior Shareef Smith who was also named
Big Eight Player of the Year Beloit
Memorial senior Kyan Pleasant, Sun
Prairie senior JT Ruffin and Madison
East junior Deang Deang also made
the first team.
Joining Kellerman on the list was
junior Cole Schmitz, who earned a
second-team selection.
Schmitz scored 338 total points
270 in Big Eight regular season
games and averaged 13.8 points per
Madison Memorial senior Henry Houden, Madison East senior
DeShawn Burks, Middleton sophomore Tyree Eady and Janesville Craig
sophomore SanTrell Payton also
made the second team.

Photo by Anthony Iozzo

Senior Will Kellerman drives to the paint on March 12 in a WIAA Division 1 sectional
semifinal against Madison East. Kellerman was named to the first-team All-Big Eight

Verona finished 15-10 overall and Janesville Craig to win a regional title,
fifth in the Big Eight (9-9). The Wild- falling in the sectional semifinal to
cats defeated Lake Geneva Badger and state qualifier Madison East.

Herkert leaps
to top finish at
Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Jack Herkert helped the

Verona boys track and
field team follow the lead
of their Wildcat female
counterparts Saturday at
the Nelson-Daniel Classic
at UW-Whitewater.
Just like the on the girls
side, a sophomore underclassmen high jumper
stepped up to lead their
team as Herkert finished
fourth in the boys high
jump with a height of 6
Jack will be a key athlete for us this year. We
were expecting big things
in the high jump and
potentially the pole vault,
said Wildcats head coach
Joff Pedretti, whose team
placed 15 th out of the 20
teams competing with
14.33 points. His hurdle
performance was above my
expectation, so I was very
pleased with that effort.
Kettle Moraine sophomore Ben Psicihulis held
off Lake Forest junior Stephen Mathew, Arrowhead
senior Justin Konen, Herkert, Waukesha Norths
Kendall Gould and Franklin junior Tri Pham for top
honors based on attempts.
This was a very competitive meet. Some of the
best teams in the state were
present, Pedretti said.
Middleton proved that
they are the favorite for a
third straight conference
title. We will have to keep
improving all season to get
within striking range.
Though he didnt score
points, Herkert also placed
11th in the 55-meter hurdles
(8.44) and pole vault.
Hurdler Luquant Singh
was not at the meet due to
a family commitment.
Franklin held off Big
Eight Conference favorite Middleton, which finished fifth at state last year,
64-55 for top team honors.
Cary-Grove (Ill.) rounded
out the top three with 52

Despite Ryan Nameth

sitting out the meet with
an injury, Verona was
able to pick up points from
junior Brady Traeder,
who finished fifth in the
1,600 meter run (4:42.84).
Sophomore T.J. Manning
missed scoring by two
spots, finishing 10th in
Brady and TJ both did
more running this winter and it paid off. They
already started their seasons with personal records
and thats difficulty to do
in the distance events,
Pedretti said.
Sophomore Obi Ifedoria
also scored, taking fifth in
the 400 (53.22). Coming
off breaking the 400 freshman record last year and
medaling at the conference
championship last year, he
is the No. 3 returner in the
Big 8 in the event.
Senior Jacob Auman and
sophomore Josh Madalinski were the final two point
scorers for the Wildcats.
Auman leapt 40-4 in the
triple jump and Madalinski
finished in a three-way tie
in the pole vault completion at 9 feet, as both took
eighth place.
Jacob will be a factor in
both horizontal jumps this
year (TJ and LJ) as well
as on the sprint relays,
Pedtretti said.
Madalinski tied the
freshman pole vault record
last year and hopes to
break his way into the top
group of vaulters in the Big
8 this year.
Overall, I felt OK with
how we did, Pedretti
said. Obviously, without
Nameth we lost out on
some potential big points.
Although we didnt score
big points, we had some
good efforts and showed
depth. We are a stronger team than we showed
and I cant wait until we
can prove that at the next
Verona travels to the
UW Shell at 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 4.

Girls track and field

Olson rises to lead Wildcats at Nelson-Daniel Classic, Verona finishes 16th overall
Jeremy Jones
Sports editor
Sophomore Kailey Olson
posted a team-best finish in the
Verona Area High School girls
track and field teams season
debut Saturday at the NelsonDaniel Classic inside the UWWhitewater Kachel fieldhouse.
Olson turned in a third-place
finish in the in the high jump
competition, clearing 4 feet, 10
inches in the high jump. Only
Brookfield East senior Khadiya

Hollingsworth (5-6) and Waukesha South freshman Grace Dargiewicz (5-0) were more impressive in the first meet of the season.
Kailey looked great. She
worked very hard in the offseason to get stronger and she got
off to a great start, Verona head
coach Mark Happel said. My
expectation for her is just to get
bet better everyday, but I know
she has some high expectations
for herself.
Still, the Wildcats finished 16th

out of 24 teams competing with

12.50, as only two other individuals scored points on the day.
Last years WIAA Division 1
state runner-up, Brookfield East,
took top honors with 66 points.
Cary-Grove (Ill.) finished second (53), while Beloit Memorial
was third with 46.
Senior Ogi Ifediora placed
fourth in the 400-meter dash in
1 minute, 4.61 seconds, while
fellow senior Hannah Semmann
reached eight feet to tie Niles
West senior Hannah Palmer for

seventh place in the pole vault.

Ogi ran a great race and Hannah looked very good, Happel
Wildcat junior Lexi Alt also
cleared eight feet, but was
unable to score points for the
team, taking ninth based on
I know Hannah and Lexi are
both hoping to go higher this
season, but it was a good start,
Happel said.
Senior Shannon Kerrigan tied
Milwaukee King sophomore

Mariah Williams for ninth place

in the 55-meter dash and just
missed the finals in 7.77 seconds.
Junior Europa Christoffel added a pair of 10 th-place finishes
in the long jump (15-2 ) and
triple jump (32-0), respectively.
Verona returns to UW-Whitewater at 9:30 a.m., Saturday,
April 4 for the W/TFA invite.
Its the beginning of our
spring break, so well see who
we have available, Happel said.

March 26, 2015

The Verona Press

GE teacher Sarah Stremlow awards Claire Rink, left, and partner

Jordan Rosenfeld with medals after hearing about their project.

Above, Brady Geier talks with

a judge about his solar system project.


Left, a volcano erupts as part

of a project.

Glacier Edge Elementary School

students showed off their hard
work Thursday, March 19, at the
schools science and author fair.
GE teachers walked around the
experiments and talked with the
students about what theyd done
before handing them a certificate and medal.

Right, Jackson Stampfli

shows what happened when
he put ivory soap in the
microwave to GE teacher Amy

On the web
See more photos from the Glacier
Edge science and author fair:

Above, Emma and Sean Obert

laugh at a book at the author


Below, Anthony Diaz talks with

teacher Angie Rahn about his
Magic Celery project.
Photos by Scott Girard


Story Ideas?
Let us know how
were doing.


Your opinion is something

we always want to hear.

Call 845-9559 or at

March 26, 2015

The Verona Press


Trinity Irish Dance member Olivia Livelli, of Verona, leads the children in attendance to an Irish jig

On the web
See more photos from the St.
Patricks Day library event:

dance and
Approximately 350 people,
below, welcomed the
Trinity Irish Dancers and
Gaelic harpist Jeff Pockat
at the Verona Public
Library on St. Patricks
Day. Children also learned
how to dance a jig and
made crafts.
Left, Sahi Sajjala, 6, and
Sharli Karthik, 7, make
crafts following the
Photos by Samantha Christian



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Jeff Pockat plays the Gaelic harp.


March 26, 2015

The Verona Press

Verona Area School District

Officials answer questions in Fitchburg

Scott Girard
Unified Newspaper Group

Photos by Kelly Kloepping

Koo Koo Kanga Roo

The two members of kids band Koo Koo Kanga Roo visited Sugar
Creek Elementary School to share their message about getting up
and moving for brain breaks. The visit was also part of filming
the schools third annual music video, led by teacher Kyle Walsh.
This years song is We Gotta Move. Above, a class falls on the
carpet with the pair from Koo Koo Kanga Roo. Shown below are
the lyrics to We Gotta Move.

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Fitchburg resident Mike

Thorson had many questions
Monday about the Verona
Area School Districts referendum.
Thorson was among six
people who attended the districts information night Monday at the Fitchburg Public
Library. Although he came
in against the referendum,
school board president Dennis Beres answers during
their hourlong conversation
were apparently satisfactory.
I came in biased against
(the land purchase), and, after
a fairly lengthy discussion
with Dennis, I support it and
find it a fairly elegant solution, Thorson told the Press
as he left the meeting.
The other five, who spoke
with superintendent Dean
Gorrell and public information officer Kelly Kloepping,
were not as convinced.
Three told the Press they
remained undecided, while
the other two said they were
I dont think its a good
location, Fitchburg resident
Michelle Gigot said of the
proposed land purchases on
the west and south sides of
Verona. I think a location
closer to Fitchburg (with a
second, smaller high school
campus) would be better.
Gigot said she expects some
of the farmland in the area to
become available in coming years before the 25-year

Lloyd Pops

Monday, April 6, 2015

Mt. Horeb 1740 Springdale St. 8 am 10 am
Verona 108 N. Main Street 11 am 1 pm
Oregon 744 N. Main Street 2:30 pm 4:30 pm

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Black Earth 1030 Mills Street 8 am 10 am
Cross Plains 1205 Main Street 11 am 1 Pm

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Lloyd Pops Raberding

Middleton 8301 University Ave. 8 am 10 am

Madison 455 S. Junction Road 11 am 1 pm
Waunakee 610 W. Main St. 2:30 pm 4:30 pm

Lloyd Pops Raberding,

age 88, passed away March
21, 2015, in Springfield,
Mo. He was born Dec. 22,
1926, the son of Wesley
and Lillian Raberding in
Harper, Kan., where he

of your
paper items,
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Joan H. Murphy

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Mount Horeb . . . . . . . . . 437-8968

Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835-2750
Verona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845-6486
Waunakee . . . . . . . . . . . . 849-2700

plan the district is setting up

is realized, and she expects it
would come at a cheaper rate.
But district officials have
maintained throughout the
process that they expect the
most growth to come in the
City of Verona rather than
Fitchburg, where 34 percent
of the districts students reside,
according to district statistics.
The student population
from Fitchburg has been
going down over the years,
Gorrell said.
Gorrell has also said they
dont need to be as concerned
about location with a high
school, because more students
drive, rather than walk as

elementary students do.

Gorrell and Kloepping said
theyve heard questions from
residents, which were reiterated Monday night, on why
the district is building a second high school in Verona.
Rather than a second high
school, Gorrell said, the West
End and Erbach lands would
be used for a new high school
campus while the current
building is repurposed for
other uses. Gorrell and other
officials would not commit
to the land as a high school
campus immediately after
the purchase, but have since
acknowledged that would be
a fit for the size of land there.

While there is some growth

expected in the recently
approved North Stoner Prairie neighborhood and Quarry
Vista, which both are around
Stoner Prairie Elementary
School and Savanna Oaks
Middle School, Gorrell said
possible changes to where
charter schools are housed or
grade configurations at those
schools could free more space.
Gorrell said a recent look at
data showed the center of
the district by where students
live is right near Reddan Soccer Park, and while it might
fluctuate slightly in coming
years, he expects it to remain
more or less the same.

lived until 1971.

He lived in Kansas through
the Great Depression and the
Dust Bowl
days. He
school in
Harper and
from Harper High School
in 1944. In February 1945
he was drafted into the U.S.
Army and served in the
Army in Europe with the
1264th Combat Engineer
Battalion until his discharge
in late 1946.
He was united in marriage with Marieta
Shindler, daughter of Sam
and Lena Shindler of Crystal Springs, Kan., on Aug.
29, 1952. Lloyd worked
for the Boeing Company in
Wichita, Kan., as a Facility
Engineer from 1953 until
June 1971. In July 1971,
he and his family moved

to Verona and he worked

as a Mechanical Designer
for Affiliated Engineers of
Madison until his retirement in 1972. He had been
a member of St. James
Lutheran Church in Verona
from 1971 until his death.
Lloyd is survived by his
brother, Norman (Macella) Raberding; sons, Curtis (Mary) Raberding and
Jeff (Luanne) Raberding; daughter, Julie (Daniel) Mohr, granddaughter,
Samantha Kopp; grandsons,
Kyle and Ryan Raberding
and Cody (Amanda) Monroe; great-grandchildren,
Ellisyn and Wyatt Monroe.
He was preceded in death
by his wife, Marieta; children,
Craig and Lori; his parents,
Wesley and Lillian Raberding; mother- and father-inlaw, Sam and Lena Shindler.
Pops is also survived by
two very special friends,

Alexandra and Teresa Clark.

A Funeral service for
Pops will be at 11 a.m.
Thursday, March 26, at St.
James Lutheran Church, 427
S. Main St., Verona with the
Rev. Kurt Billings officiating.
Visitation will be Wednesday,
March 25, at Ryan Funeral
Home, 220 Enterprise Drive,
and again on Thursday at
church from 10 a.m. until the
time of service. Burial with
a Masonic Service and Military Honors will be in Harper
Cemetery, Harper, Kan. In lieu
of flowers, a memorial may be
made to St. James Lutheran
Church. To view and sign this
guestbook, please visit:

Joan H. Murphy, age 76,

passed away unexpectedly at
home on Tuesday, March 17,
2015. Joan was born on Sept.
16, 1938, in Lodi to Sylvanus
and Charleen Ballweg.
She worked as a nurse for
many years and retired from
Badger Prairie Health Care
in Verona. Joan did a lot of
volunteer work for RSVP
of Dane County and Verona
Senior Center.
She enjoyed bowling, knitting, and spending time with
family and friends.Joan will
be greatly missed by all who
knew her.

Joan is survived by her siblings, Tom Ballweg, Jerome

(Barb) Ballweg, Linda Wille,
Earl Ballweg, James (Norma)
Ballweg, Kathy (Reed) Wells,
Joseph (Phyllis) Ballweg,
Suzie Ballweg and Debbie
(Dan) Graffin; special niece,
Tammy Jo (Rick) Wells; special nephew, James (Carol)
Wells; special grandchildren,
Ethan, Aden, Bram and Cael
who knew her as Gramma
Joan. Further survived by
many additional nieces, nephews and friends.
She is preceded in death by
her siblings, Terry Monson,

Dick Ballweg and Eva Wells;

niece, Janice Ballweg; and
her dog, Chloe.
A service was held at Ryan
Funeral Home, 220 Enterprise Dr., Verona, on Tuesday, March 24.
Burial was at Roselawn
Memorial Park. To view and
sign this guestbook, please


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Photo by Scott Girard

Fitchburg residents Michelle Gigot and Mike Thorson talk with Verona Area School Board president
Dennis Beres. Gigot remained opposed to the referendum after the meeting, while Thorson came in
opposed but changed his mind after talking with Beres.

Ryan Funeral Home

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220 Enterprise Drive

Ryan Funeral Home

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Verona Chapel
220 Enterprise Drive

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March 26, 2015

The Verona Press


Land: Board would have quick decisions to make on purchases if referendum approved
Continued from page 1

Maps courtesy
Verona Area School

The adjacent
Erbach and
West End
above, would
total about
108 acres of
land and likely
be used for a
high school
campus. The
Herfel property,
right, is in the
Town of Verona
and would be a
future elementary school site.

might not be the big dream

that we imagined, but I think
its land we can do really
great things with, Almond
said. I would not be disappointed if we just had Herfel
and Erbach. I think we could
make wonderful things happen there, as well.
It is undetermined when
construction on any buildings would begin, and the
district would almost certainly go back to referendum
to get approval for those
projects. The Future Schools
Committee, which the school
board created last year to
help outline solutions to the
growth, is expected to continue meeting after the referendum to recommend a timeline and order of building.
Gorrell had previously
indicated that the committee would decide on the use
of the larger properties, but
he has been more plain in
recent weeks about the likelihood it would be used for
a high school campus.
In order to make use of
the Herfel property, the
district would also need
to get approval for sewer
connections (urban service
area amendment) by the
countys regional planning
If all properties are purchased at the expected price,
the referendum would have
an impact of 15 cents per
$1,000 of property value
on property taxes, according to district projections.
Exact estimates will depend
somewhat on the state budget the Legislature ultimately passes and Gov.
Scott Walker signs into law.
The most recent estimates
based on Walkers budget
proposal show the mill rate

decreasing from this years North Neighborhood.

rate of $12.04.
We are going to have
another referendum at some
If it fails
point, Gorrell said.
-Scott Girard
But that would hinge
Gorrell said the district
doesnt have a Plan B if the on the Herfels or Erbachs
not finding another buyer,
referendum fails.
The options agreements something Gorrell expects
on both the Herfel and would happen.
Were not always going
Erbach properties would
Possible use
expire, and those property to be able to find that per- Herfel
18 acres $1.44 million Elementary school
owners would be free to fect piece of land, he said.
63 acres $3.15 million Combined with West
The election is April 7,
seek other buyers, he said.
If those lots were sold during the districts spring

End: High School;
to developers who were to break. For information,
then turn the spaces into visit the districts website at By itself: Middle or
elementary campus
residential areas bringing
Absentee voting began
more families to the district
West End 44 acres $3.75 million* Combined with Erbach:
it could exacerbate the Monday, March 23, and
High School
districts space problems, goes until April 3. Absen-
tee voting can be done at
Gorrell said.
*Price originally agreed to by VASD and Vanta. If the
A f a i l e d r e f e r e n d u m the local municipal clerks referendum is approved, a new price would likely be
would also change the office.
conversation the Future
Schools Committee has had
in recent months. It would
have to reconsider how to
use the buildings the district
already has in reconfiguring
grades or changing where
charters are housed.
The district would also
In one visit we can replace a damaged tooth with a pure
lose the $50,000 in option
fees it placed on the two
ceramic crown milled by computer to t your tooth precisely.
Gorrell said he could
Your new crown is made while you wait, eliminating the need
foresee the properties coming back to another referenwn.
for a second appointment and a temporary crow
dum a year from now when
the district is likely to ask
reason to chhoose
residents to approve another land purchase near the

Potential purchases

one-visit crowns.


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If the referendum is
approved April 7, the school
board will have one meeting before the option agreements must be exercised on
the two properties they have
agreements to purchase.
Both the Erbach and Herfel properties must be purchased by April 21, 2015,
or the agreement would
be void and the district
would not get its options
fees back. Those fees total
While the 18-acre Herfel property is planned to
house an elementary school
on its own, the main reason to purchase the 63-acre
Erbach property was to
partner it with the 44-acre
portion of the West End for
a high school campus.
Neither is large enough
on its own to house a new
high school campus, including various athletic fields.
Gorrell said he was not
sure what the board would
do with its option on the
Erbach property, as it
would have to put its faith
in the outcome of continuing negotiations on the
West End or the eminent
domain process.
Even without the West
End piece, some board
members have said there
is value in purchasing the
Erbach land alone.
When the board decided
to move forward with the
referendum for all three
properties at its Jan. 26
meeting despite uncertainty on the West End, board
member Amy Almond said
the Erbach property on its
own could still be attractive.
Its still a lot of acres. It

One of the more prominent concerns raised has

been the potential use of eminent domain, which
allows the taking of land for public use through
condemnation after paying fair market value.
Gorrell said even with voters approval, the district
would prefer to avoid using that tactic.
There would be a renewed effort to try to find a
non-legal resolution, Gorrell said. Well just have
to see.
The eminent domain question was added to the
referendum at the last minute during the final
school board meeting one day before the question
had to be approved. It came up because Vanta,
which owns the 45-acre West End property, could
not satisfy the purchase agreement by the deadline.
Vanta did want to sell the land, but because the
land was originally zoned as a condominium plot that
included common space, all of those with an interest
in that space had to sign off on the purchase.
T. Wall Enterprises, which has apartments that
neighbor the property the district would like to
purchase, did not agree to the purchase terms. Its
owner, Terrence Wall, is the former CEO of T. Wall
Properties, which last year became Vanta.
Wall told the Press in January some of his
questions about road changes and potential
stoplight installation were not being answered and
that he was not given much time to make a deal.
We werent getting answers to the questions we
had, Wall said. We said were not signing off until
we get answers.
Gorrell said he hoped having an approved eminent
domain option would help the stalled negotiations
restart and bring all parties to an acceptable
agreement. Wall purchased a half-page ad in the
Verona Press this week urging a vote against the
If there is a yes vote but no agreement, the
district would be free to pursue seizing the land,
which would involve another survey to determine a
fair price. That price could push the total cost out
of the price range set by the referendum, or it could
come cheaper than the original purchase agreement
It could be challenged in court, though, and the
district could decide whether to fight for it.


If it passes

Why eminent domain?


likely would be used as an

elementary school site to
help alleviate Glacier Edge
Elementary Schools capacity issues. The land is adjacent to the growing Scenic
Ridge and Cathedral Point
neighborhoods, which comprise most of the citys undeveloped single-family lots.
The other two properties
are adjacent to one another
off of West Verona Avenue near the Hwy. 18-151
bypass. The district has said
they would likely be a fit for
a new high school campus
as the current high school
has outgrown its common
The district first agreed to
purchase the West End land
in May 2014, and it revised
that purchase agreement
in September, when it also
agreed to purchase the neighboring Erbach property.
Together, the two parcels
total more than 100 acres,
with 85 of those developable including some land
across the Military Ridge
Bike Trail, according to the
district. The rest would be
stormwater drainage.
That purchase and use
would depend on the outcome of the eminent domain
process for the West End
if the referendum were
approved. Eminent domain
is the power to take land in
exchange for fair market
compensation when public
projects are involved.
Approval would authorize
the district to make the purchases, but it would not guarantee the purchase of any or
all of them.


March 26, 2015

The Verona Press

Charters: Schools say major challenge is getting portable electronic devices for all students
incorporate even more personalized learning techniques into their classrooms
as the district works toward
its goal of every student
having a personalized
learning plan by 2016-17.
At CKCS, for example,
students have for years
responded to a teachers
snap of the fingers with an
answer in math to emphasize the focus on direct
instruction. Now there is
also a focus on learning
through community service
at the K-8 school, which
Stousland said provides an
opportunity for personalization.
NCS, the districts first
charter school, opened in
the 1990s with a plan to
include multi-age classrooms and project-based
learning. Since its original charter, the school has
added an environmental
focus and most recently a
plan to cover STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) topics heavily. Director Jim Ruder said
the STEM focus often leads
to open-ended questions
or problems with multiple
answers, which is a perfect
fit with personalized learning.
VAIS is the districts
newest charter school. It
is a Chinese languageimmersion school, and has
students learn for half of
the day in Chinese and the
other half in English. The
schools teachers are beginning to allow more room
for creativity on student
projects, with open-ended
topics and more student
control of how they present
what they learn.
Directors, teachers and
parents from the schools
told the Verona Press they
see advantages and disadvantages to the way the
charter schools are instituting personalized learning.
They also know there is
work left to do both at their
sites and on a district level.
NCS site council member
Kaitie Smith has a secondgrader at the school and
said they are waiting for
continued direction from
the district, such as how to
store personalized learning plans for students and
acquiring technology to
help with the transition.
There have been conversations around what are our
expectations, and what are
the districts expectations?
she said.

Doing it already
Smith said a recent survey of NCS parents showed
many parents felt personalized learning was already
going on through projectbased learning before the

couple of students just to

find different approaches
that would work for them,
she said. Thats where the
strong parent involvement
can only help with personalized learning.
At VAIS, Drake said its
especially important for
parents to remain involved
in their childrens language
immersion, which is part
of their personalized learning, and it can help enhance
the students school experience.
(Students) see that the
parents trust the school,
they trust the teachers, they
know them, she said.

The whole premise

is that its something
thats student-driven
by student interest.
Brett Stousland,
CKCS director
district brought the initiative there.
The same survey showed
less parent support for the
initiative than other things
happening at the school,
Smith said. She said shes
heard from parents that
they just dont know how
the teachers are going to
incorporate another thing.
Finding what projects a
school does that already fit
in the mold could be key to
lessening the load on teachers. One example is the I
Wonder project at NCS,
in which a student picks
any question he or she wonders about and then has to
research that question to
find and present an answer.
Those projects had been
discontinued last year but
were brought back, said
director Jim Ruder.
NCS teacher Lee Lohr
wrote in an email that I
Wonder is very much in
the Personalized Learning
realm, and he suggested
that while it fits with the
ultimate goal of personalizing learning, it can create
more work for teachers.
Over time as more and
more things became added
to teacher plates, the time
commitment and effort
involved to produce them,
along with new and different long-term learning
opportunities led us down
a different path away from
these projects, he said.
(Theres) a little bit of irony that we are going back to
something that was such a
mainstay for us for years..
At CKCS, Stousland
pointed to the schools service learning as an example
of outside-the-classroom
learning thats engaging
for students. He said they
get to choose projects to
be involved in and even
come up with ideas themselves, using an example of
a group recently helping at
a childrens hospital.
The whole premise is
that its something thats
student-driven by student
interest, he said. Its
always about the kids thinking about more than whats
in front of them.
Those projects continue into middle school at
CKCS, and math resource
teacher Ashley Tarkenton
is instituting more personalized learning techniques in
her classroom with grades
6-8 students struggling in

Funding challenges
Photos by Scott Girard

Above, Lilly Brings and Ember Cribben work with teacher Ashley Tarkenton, left, on a math game while
other students work on independent projects on laptops or paper at Core Knowledge Charter School.
Below, Saul Duran-Nunez, left, reads a book while Gabriel Leake, center, and Alex Prout work on projects on laptops at Verona Area International School.

On a recent day at VAIS,

students in Sarah Shaws
classroom sat around a
U-shaped table working on
research projects on any
historical topic. Shaw said
the students ideas included
topics as diverse as D-Day,
factories using machinery
and ice cream.
The students then got to
present their projects any
way they want, Shaw
said, and they embraced
the choice they had in the
Theyve been crazy in a
good way, Shaw said.

Small schools
Each of the charters is
limited to lower enrollment
than those of the attendance
area schools due to space
constraints. While that may
have some funding disadvantages, it also creates an
atmosphere in which teachers can get to know every
student well and can have
an easier time collaborating.

Lohr and NCS co-worker

Heidi Konop share their
fourth- and fifth-grade students for some units and
trade off based on what
unit they understand best as
Working with just one
staff as a close co-teaching
partner has its advantages,
but compatibility is crucial, Lohr told the Press.
It is also much easier to be
aware of upcoming students
strengths and challenges as
4/5 staff have several years
to get to know kids through
the many cross-grade level
activities that happen at the
VAIS director Barbara
Drake echoed that idea,
saying her teachers have
to work together to get to
know students strengths
and weaknesses. She added
that having teachers work
with students at multiple
grade levels is a huge boost.
We have an advantage as a very small charter school, Drake said.


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(Teachers) really get to

know the students pretty

Parent involvement
A key to setting up personalized learning plans is
parental involvement.
This is particularly the
case at the elementary
school level, where kids are
still discovering how they
learn best and their interests. And it tends to work
well at the charters, which
have goals determined by
parents and often get a high
level of parent involvement
in everything from fundraisers to classroom help.
I think there is more parent involvement in charter schools because it is a
parental choice to put their
student in that school,
VAIS governing council
president Teresa Corning
Smith said she sees personalized learning play out
when she goes to volunteer
in classrooms at NCS.
When I go in to volunteer I am often asked
by the teacher to sit with
either a single student or a

But with smaller schools

also come smaller budgets,
and with technology being
immensely helpful for personalized learning, schools
are having to face the challenge of getting portable
electronic devices for every
Lohr cited regular availability of technology during key content times as
one of the major challenges
instituting personalized
learning at a smaller school.
Stousland said fundraising is key for the charters
in keeping up with technology, pointing to a purchase
of more than 100 Google
Chromebooks and pro grams CKCS has bought
to help students have more
reading opportunities at
Lohr added that finding
concrete examples of successful personalized learning techniques is also a
challenge. He added that
limited resources, for both
staff help and devices, present another block for teacher to get past.
Both in terms of one-onone technology and additional staff support for those
kids that are struggling the
most, he said. We still
have to get students who are
behind caught up, that takes
time and interventions. We
dont have the luxury of an
additional staff member who
is available to pull out or and
provide supplemental / remedial work time with students
who are struggling.
But personalized learning is also about more than
each student getting a oneon-one device, Corning
It means more that the
student is more in charge
of that learning and what
the learning plan looks like
along with that students
parents and the staff and the
teachers, she said. I truly
think personalized learning
can be a great advantage
and opportunity for all students if it is implemented
in the right way and its not
just seen as if students have
a one-to-one device, that
means personalized learning.

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Continued from page 1

March 26, 2015

The Verona Press


The City of Verona Plan Commission will hold a Public Hearing on

Wednesday April 8, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at
City Hall, 111 Lincoln Street, for the following planning and zoning matters:
1) Conditional Use Permit to allow
an apartment land use to be located
on Lot #1 of the Scenic Ridge Subdivision. The proposed conditional use
permit will allow for the construction of
45-apartment units on Acker Lane.
2) Conditional Use Permit to allow a
group development land use located at
324 South Main Street that would allow
for the construction of a 780 square foot
detached garage.
Interested persons may comment
on these planning and zoning matters
during the public hearing at the April
8th Plan Commission meeting. The Plan
Commission will make recommendations on this matter, which will then be
reviewed by the Common Council for a
final decision on Monday, April 13th.
Contact Adam Sayre, Director of
Planning and Development, at 848-9941
for more information on these items or
to receive copies of the submittals.
Kami Scofield,
City Clerk
Published: March 19 and 26, 2015

Locust Drive Bridge
(B-13-409) Widening
City of Verona,

OWNER: The City of Verona, Wisconsin hereby gives notice that sealed
unit price Bids will be received for the
widening of the existing Locust Drive
pre-stressed girder bridge over USH
18/151. The widening has an approximate length of 245 feet and consists
of adding an 8 ft wide sidewalk to the
east side of the existing structure.
Work includes concrete masonry work
for bridge and abutments, adding prestressed girder, concrete curb, gutter
and sidewalk, asphalt paving, traffic
control, pavement markings, storm sewer modifications, landscaping, erosion
control and all appurtenant work.
TIME AND PLACE OF BID OPENING: Sealed Bids will be received until
2:00p.m., Local Time on the 21stday of
April, 2015 in the office of the City Clerk,
111 Lincoln Street, Verona, Wisconsin.
After the official Bid closing time, the
Bids will be publicly opened and read
BIDDING DOCUMENTS: The Bidding Documents are on file for review
at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall,
Verona, Wisconsin, and the offices of
AECOM, 1350 Deming Way, Suite 100,
Middleton, WI53562.
Copies of the Bidding Documents
are available at
Bidders may download the digital Plan
Documents for $20.00 non-refundable
payment by inputting Quest Project
#3783693 on the websites project
search page. Please contact QuestCDN.
com at 952-233-1632 or info@questcdn.
com for assistance in free membership
registration, downloading, and working
with the digital project information. No
paper plan documents will be provided.
CONDITIONS: Subsurface and Physical
Condition Reports and Drawings are on
file for review at the office of the City of
Clerk, City Hall, 111 Lincoln Street, Verona, Wisconsin and at the AECOM office
listed for reviewing documents. Copies
are available at no cost and may be ob-

tained when requesting Bidding Documents from

letting shall be subject to the provisions
of Sections62.15, 66.0901, 66.0903, and
779.15 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
shall be required to pay not less than the
prevailing wage rates on the Project as
established by the State of Wisconsin,
Department of Workforce Development.
Copies of these wage rates are on file in
the office of the City Clerk and incorporated in the Contract Documents.
BID SECURITY: Bid Security in the
amount of not less than 5% or more than
10% of the Bid shall accompany each
Bid in accordance with the Instructions
to Bidders.
CONTRACT SECURITY: The Bidder to whom a Contract is awarded shall
furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond each in an amount equal to
the Contract Price.
OWNER reserves the right to reject any
and all Bids, waive informalities in bidding or to accept the Bid or Bids, which
best serve the interests of OWNER.
BID WITHDRAWAL: No Bid shall be
withdrawn for a period of 60 days after
the opening of Bids without consent of
Published by authority of the City of
Verona, Wisconsin.
Jon H. Hochkammer, Mayor
Kami Scofield, Clerk
Middleton, Wisconsin
Project No. 60331328
Published: March 26 and April 2, 2015

Town of Verona
Regular Town Board
Thursday, April 2,2015
6:30 P.M.
Town Hall
335 N. Nine Mound Road
Verona, WI 53593-1035

1. Call To Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Announcements
5. Public Comment -This section of
the meeting provides the opportunity for
comment from persons in attendance
on items not listed below over which
this governing body has jurisdiction.
Comments on matters not listed on
this agenda could be placed on a future
meeting agenda.
6. New business
A. Discussion and possible action
re: 2014 audit
B. Resolution 2015-3 Amending
the 2014-2015 Town of Verona Elections
7. Unfinished business
A. Public Hearing and discussion
and action re: Resolution 2015-6 Vacation of Littleton Road.
B. Discussion and action re: final
CSM for 1751 Littleton Rd.
C. Public Hearing and discussion and action re: Building permit fee
8. Reports
A. Plan Commission:
i. Discussion and possible action
re: vacation of Wesner Rd.
ii. Discussion and action re: Resolution 2015-4 Authorizing Participation
in the Preparation of a Boundary Agreement Pursuant to Wis. Stat.66.0301
B. Public Works:
i. Discussion and action re: Driveway permit for 7211 Riverside

ii. Discussion and action re: Consultant selection for Old PB bridge
D. Open Space and Parks:
E. Town Chair:
i. Update on site clean up
ii. Discussion re: regulations related to acquisition and disposal of town
iii. Discussion and action re:
amending the annual budget to reflect
the timing of the purchase of 7685 CTH
PD and associated pre-construction
iv. Discussion re: annual meeting,
recommendations for new board
F. Supervisors:
G. Clerk/Treasurer:
i. Discussion and action re:
Resolution 2015-5 To Adopt Partial
Code of Ordinances Pursuant to Wis.
ii. Discussion re: outline of contents of Chapter 4.
iii. Update on tax collection, open
book, and board of review
iv. Update on sewer televising and
H. Planner/Administrator:
i. Discussion and possible action
re: broker opinion of value for 335 N.
Nine Mound Rd.
ii. Discussion and action re: withdrawal from the Local Government
Property Insurance Fund
9. Approval of payment of bills
10.Review of Building Permits, Inspection Reports, Road Haul Permits,
and Right-of-Way Permits
11.Discussion and approval of minutes of the March 3rd meeting
Regular board agendas are published in the Towns official newspaper,
The Verona Press. Agendas are also
posted at the Town Hall, Miller & Sons
Grocery, and the Verona Public Library.
If an agenda is amended after publication, the official sites for notice of the
final version are the Verona Public Library, Town Hall and Miller & Sons Grocery. Agendas are also posted atwww. Use the subscribe
feature on the Towns website to receive
agendas and other announcements via
email. Notice is also given that a possible quorum could occur at this meeting of the Plan Commission and/or Open
Space and Parks Commission, for the
purposes of information gathering only.
The next Open Space and Parks Commission meeting is March 1st, and the
next Plan Commission meeting is April
If anyone having a qualifying disability as defined by the American with
Disabilities Act needs an interpreter,
materials in alternate formats, or other
accommodations to access these meetings, please contact the Town of Verona
Clerk @ 608-845-7187 orjwright@town. Please do so atleast 48
hours prior to the meeting so that proper
arrangements can be made.
David K. Combs,
Town Chair, Town of Verona.
Posted:March 27, 2015
Published: March 26, 2015

March 9, 2015
Verona City Hall

1. The meeting was called to order

by Mayor Hochkammer at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call: L. Diaz, E. Doyle, J.
Linder, Mac McGilvray, H. Reekie, B.
Stiner, E. Touchett and D. Yurs. Also
in attendance: City Administrator, B.
Burns; City Engineer, B. Gundlach;
City Planner, A. Sayre; Police Chief, B.
Coughlin; and City Clerk, K. Scofield.
4. Public Comment:
* Peter Filandrinos, 139 W Chapel
Royal Drive spoke on the Scenic Ridge
apartment proposal. His concerns involve increased traffic and failure to
obey traffic laws, having only one access point to the apartment that is
through the neighborhood, and the safety of school children in the area. Mr. Filandrinos requests that the Council delay action on the item until these issues
are more thoroughly examined with
hopes that a solution can be reached for
some of the concerns.
5. Approval of Minutes: Motion by
Yurs, seconded by Reekie to approve
the minutes of the February 23, 2015
Common Council meeting. Motion carried 8/0.
6. Mayors Business
7. Administrators Report
8. Engineers Report
A. Plan Commission
(1) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: Resolution R-15-009 Approving a
Conditional Use Permit to allow for the
Construction of a 37.5-foot tall Senior
Living Complex on Lot 30 of the Second
Addition to the Prairie Oaks Subdivision. Motion by Linder, seconded by
Yurs to approve Resolution R-15-009.
Motion carried 8/0.
(2) Discussion and Possible Action Re: Resolution R-15-010 Approving
a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a
Group Daycare Center Land Use on Lot
1 of the Prairie Oaks Subdivision. Motion by Linder, seconded by Doyle to
approve Resolution R-15-010. Motion
carried 8/0.
(3) Discussion and Possible Action Re: Resolution R-15-011 Approving a Conditional Use Permit to allow
an Apartment Land Use on Lot 1 of the
Scenic Ridge Subdivision. Ald. Linder
provided information on the item and
comments and concerns raised at the
Plan Commission meeting. The biggest
concerns revolved around increased
traffic and the one entrance that goes
through the neighborhood to the apartment building. The Plan Commission
discussed the option of adding stop
signs in the subdivision to potentially
remedy traffic concerns.
The other question was regarding
the stormwater drainage and where that
would go once these apartments were
constructed. Mr. Gundlach addressed
this stating that currently that site drains
half to the stormwater basin and half to
the West, offsite. After these units are
built and the grading is completed the
drainage to the West will decrease and

Tinas Home
Cleaning, LLC

about 2/3 of the water will be draining

into the stormwater detention basin
which is in accordance with our ordinances and NR-151 (the States stormwater ordinance).
Mr. Gundlach addressed the traffic
concerns brought up this evening during public comment and similar concerns raised at the Plan Commission
meeting stating that West Chapel Royal
Drive was designed to handle the increased traffic from the apartments and
when the subdivision is built-out.
Motion by McGilvray, seconded by
Doyle to approve Resolution R-15-011.
Motion by Diaz, seconded by Doyle to
postpone action on the Conditional Use
Permit until the City can perform a traffic
analysis and put a plan in place to mitigate some of the traffic concerns and
ensure pedestrian safety. A roll call vote
was requested by Ald. Diaz. A roll call
vote was taken with the following voting aye: Diaz, Doyle, Linder, McGilvray,
Reekie, Stiner, Touchett and Yurs. There
were no members voting no. The Motion to postpone carried 8/0.
(4) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: Resolution R-15-012 Approving a
Certified Survey Map to Divide Lot 116
in the Kettle Creek Subdivision into Two
(2) Parcels. Motion by Linder, seconded
by Yurs to approve Resolution R-15-012
with the condition that a shared wall
agreement be recorded with the Dane
County Register of Deeds. Motion carried 8/0.
B. Finance Committee
(1) Discussion and Possible Action Re: Payment of Bills. Motion by
McGilvray, seconded by Doyle to approve payment of bills in the amount of
$424,699.92. Motion carried 8/0.
C. Public Safety & Welfare Committee
(1) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: An Application for a Class B Beer
and Class B Liquor License from Tina
Watson-Bircher, Agent for MT Treads located at 407 W Verona Avenue. Motion
by Yurs, seconded by Reekie to approve
the Liquor License. Motion carried 8/0.
(2) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: An Application for a Class B Beer
and Reserve Class B Liquor License
from Philipp Hoechst, Agent for Hop
Haus Brewing Company located at 231
S Main Street. Motion by Yurs, seconded
by Reekie to approve the liquor license.
Motion carried 7/0 with Ald. Touchett abstaining.
(3) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: An Application for a Class A Liquor License from Naomi Olayo, Agent
for Kwik Trip #456 located at 2145 CTH
PB. Motion by Yurs, seconded by Reekie
to approve the license. Motion carried
(4) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: An Application for a Special Event


Permit for Hometown Days, June 4-7,

2015 from Karl Curtis, of the Verona
Area Chamber of Commerce. Motion by
Yurs, seconded by Touchett to approve
the Special Event Permit for Hometown
Days. Motion carried 8/0.
(5) Discussion and Possible Action Re: An Application for a Temporary
Class B Beer License for a Mud Run
on May 30, 2015 from Mike OBrien of Ice
Inc. Motion by Yurs, seconded by Reekie
to approve the Temporary Class B license. Motion carried 8/0.
10. Old Business
(1) (1) Discussion and Possible Action Re: Negotiating Strategy for Boundary Agreement Discussions with the City
of Madison
The City Council may convene in
closed session as authorized by Section 19.85 (1)(e) of the Wisconsin Statutes for the purpose of deliberating or
negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds, or
conducting other specified public business whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.
The Common Council may reconvene
in open session and discuss and take
action on the on the subject matter discussed in closed session.
Motion by Yurs, seconded by Linder
to convene into closed session. A roll
call vote was taken with the following
voting aye: Doyle, Linder, McGilvray,
Stiner, Touchett and Yurs. Voting no:
Ald. Reekie and Ald. Diaz. The Motion
carried 6/2 and at 8:24 p.m. the Common
Council convened into closed session.
Motion by McGilvray, seconded by
Diaz to reconvene into open session.
Motion carried 8/0 and at 8:57 p.m. the
Council reconvened into open session.
No action was taken in closed session.
11. New Business
(1) Discussion and Possible Action
Re: Approval of Operator Licenses from
Spencer Galby at the Draft House. Motion by Yurs, seconded by Touchett to
approve the license. Motion carried 8/0.
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Motion by Yurs, seconded by
Touchett to adjourn the meeting at 8:58
p.m. Motion carried 8/0.
Kami Scofield, City Clerk
Published: March 26, 2015

Tim Andrews Horticulturist - LLC

best done
the dormant season. Schedule a
free evaluation Now!


Caring for our Green World since 1978

Specializing in Residential Cleaning

Insured 12 Years Experience
Reliable Free Estimates

CALL NOW 1-800-838-6315

835-0339 513-3638


600 W. Verona Ave

Verona, WI 53593


Spring Into Savings Sale!

Gail C. Groy
Personal Injury Attorney
want you to be aware of the following public notices
published the week of MARCH 10, 2015:



and suffered internal bleeding, hemorrhaging,

required hospitalization or a loved one died while
taking Xarelto between 2011 and the present
time, you may be entitled to compensation.

Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535-5727

143 Notices
SOCIAL SECURITY Disability Benefits.
Unable to work? Denied benefits? We
can help. Win or pay nothing. Contact Bill
Gordon & Associates at 800-960-03070
to start your application today! (wcan)
URGENT! IF you currently
live or have lived in the Nantucket
Apartments West Madison in
the past fours years, and have
experienced issues related to snow
and ice removal and have fallen or
not been able to get out or leave the
dwelling. Please contact me ASAP:
WCAN (Wisconsin Community Ad Network) and/or the member publications
review ads to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous
people are ready to take your money!
TO BE TRUE! For more information, or to
file a complaint regarding an ad, please
contact The Department of Trade, Agriculture & Consumer Protection 1-800422-7128 (wcan)

150 Places To Go
Sunday, 3/22/15, 10am-5pm
Madison Turner Hall
3001 Stoughton Rd
Admission $6. $5. w/guitar Kids $4.
Info: 920-467-4762 or visit
March 27-28. Friday, 3-8pm, Saturday,
9am-4pm. LCO Casino Convention
Center. Admission $5. good for both
days! Info call Ray
715-292-8415 (wcan)
April 3-4. American Legion Post 73.
6 Boon Blvd. Friday, 3-8pm, Saturday,
8am-4pm. Adm. $5. BUY-SELL-TRADEBROWSE Gun Buyer Shows. 608-5484867 (wcan)
TIM NOLAN Arena Horse Sale
Anniversary Sale featuring Quarter,
Paint, & Appaloosa. April 11, 2015.
Tack 9am, horses, noon. Consignments
start Friday, 4/10 from 9am-7pm and
on Saturday, 4/11 at 9am. NO CALL IN
CONSIGNMENTS. N11474 State Hwy
110, Marion, WI (wcan)

PUBLIC HEARING: Plan Commission, Fitchburg, Hamm Fam, March 10; Plan
Commission, Fitchburg, Sign, March 10; Public Safety, Basketball Hoop, Fitchburg.
DNR Air Permit Application Reviews: Goldn Plump Poultry, March 10; Inland Label
and Marketing, March 10; Waupaca Foundry, March 12; Ace Ethanol, March 13; Scot
Industries, March 14; Neenah Paper, Stevens Point, March 14; Green Bay Packaging
Coated Products, March 16; Neenah Paper, Appleton, March 16.
Search public notices from all state communities online at:


GENERAL: CCAP, circuit court records, March 12; Department of Transportation, EIS,
I30/90/94, March 15; Department of Transportation, EIS, I90/94, March 15; Fitchburg,
voting by absentee ballot, March 10; Meeting, Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities,
March 12; Emergency Rule, gypsy moth, March 16. is a public service made possible

by the members of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.

163 Training Schools

Be one in just 10 Saturdays!
Fan us on Facebook! Next class begins
3/28/15. Call 920-730-1112 Appleton. WI
approved. (wcan)

340 Autos
DONATE YOUR Car, Truck, Boat to
Heritage for the Blind. Free 3-Day
Vacation. Tax Deductible.
Free Towing. All paperwork taken care
of! 800-856-5491 (wcan)

342 Boats & Accessories

Over 700 new and used in stock.
Visit the largest marine & motorsports
showroom in the USA & save huge.
American Marine & Motorsports,
Shawano. Call 866-955-2628 (wcan)

350 Motorcycles
WANTED 60'S & 70'S Motorcycles
Dead or Alive! 920-371-0494 (wcan)

355 Recreational Vehicles

ANNUAL SPRING Open House and
Camper SALE! April 10-12 at all "3"
SCHEIK'S locations. Fond du Lac, Keil,
Red Granite. For info 800-325-4182 (wcan)
ATV & SIDE-BY-SIDE Headquarters.
Huge blow-out pricing. Door busters
Youth ATV's starting at $699 plus FSD.
Over 100 Honda CF Moto at liquidation$/
866-955-2628 www.americanmarina.
com (wcan)

360 Trailers
Boat ATV Sled or Pontoons.
2 or 4 Place. Open or Enclosed.
American Marine, Shawano
866-955-2628 (wcan)

390 Auto: Wanted To Buy

WANTED: Autos and scrap iron.
Steve's Recycling. Monroe, WI.

Save $2,000
on a New Metal Roof!
Plus Receive a

$200 VISA Gift Card

with Metal Roof Purchase!
Our Metal
Roof Lasts

402 Help Wanted, General


CNAS FULL Time days.

Oregon Manor is committed to providing
a work environment where passionate
people have the knowledge, tools,
opportunity and freedom to make a
difference in the lives of our residents.
We offer competitive wages and
benefits. Qualified candidates will need
a current WI CNA license. Come join our
team of professional care givers. Just 7
easy miles off the beltline. Please apply
online at EOE

ACTIVITY ASSOCIATE If you would like

to use your exceptional health care talents to make a difference in the lives of
seniors and their families Oregon Manor
is the place for you. Oregon Manor is a
45 bed skilled nursing facility 8 miles from
Madison, WI. We are looking for a part
time Activity Associate to help with activities in the evenings/weekends. Potential
candidates with experience in long term
care or with a CNA license or RA certificates are preferred. Please fill out an
application on line at www.oregonmanor.
biz. EOE


Applications available at Sugar & Spice
Eatery. 317 Nora St. Stoughton.


Oregon Manor is committed to providing
a work environment where passionate
people have the knowledge, tools,
opportunity and freedom to make a
difference in the lives of our residents.
We offer competitive wages and
benefits. Qualified candidates will need
a current WI CNA license. Come join our
team of professional caregivers just 7
easy miles off the Beltline. Please apply
on line at EOE


area paving company accepting applications for CDL, drivers and laborers. Full
time between May and October. For
more information call 608-842-1676

DRIVERS, VAN: $5,000 Sign-On

Bonus! OTR: $1,050 Guaranteed
Weekly Pay! New Pay & Benefits
Package! Home Every Weekend! Home
Daily Opportunities! www.CoxTransfer.
com 1yr CDL-A Exp.
Call Bill 800-593-3590


March 26, 2015

The Verona Press

FOUR WINDS Manor is seeking 2 full

time PM and 1 full time NOC CNA and
1 part time LPN/RN for NOC shift for
our 60 bed skilled facility. Positions
include every other weekend and
holidays with shift differential for PM,
NOC, and weekend shifts. We offer
excellent benefits with full time hours
including health, dental, paid time off,
Flex Spending Plan, and 401K. If you
share our commitment to a positive
attitude and respect for residents and
colleagues, please consider joining us.
Applications available at www. or
303 S. Jefferson St. Verona, WI 53593
FULL-TIME WAITRESS wanted. Reliable & Professional applicants only.
Apply in person at Koffee Kup Restaurant
355 East Main, Stoughton.
Great benefits! Medical, 401k,
Vacation. Computer skills necessary.
Working knowledge of truck
components, assemblies, terms,
truck maintenance & warranty
requirements. 3 yr Truck Dealership
Experience. International, KW,
Freightliner experience preferred.
Blackhawk Transport. 855-205-6364


PAR Concrete, Inc.

Phil Mountford 516-4130 (cell)

835-5129 (office)


SERVPRO of Dane County West is
seeking an individual who has a great
attitude and the ability to work efficiently
in high demand situations. We specialize
in restoring structures that have water or
fire damage. We are a rapidly growing
operation with opportunity for advancement.
No experience required; we will train. Must
have valid drivers license with reasonable
driving record and ability to be on call as
we provide 24-hour emergency services.
$11-$14/hour depending on experience.
Please e-mail resume to: office@
Oregon, full-time or part-time. Able to
lift up to 50lbs, stocking shelves, filing,
inventory, water testing, general cleaning.
Start time is flexible, must be available to
work until 6pm and Saturdays, 9am-2pm.
Please submit resume to: $10.00 pr/hr.

FUN & UNIQUE Stoughton home

looking for mature caregiver. P/T
flexible. Call Holly 608.225.5037

449 Driver, Shipping

& Warehousing
WANTED STRAIGHT Truck Drivers for
seasonal employment. CDL and nonCDL positions available. Call 608-8825756. The Delong Co, Inc. Evansville.

453 Volunteer Wanted


Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Verona Press unless
changed because of holiday work schedules. Call now to place your ad, 873-6671
or 835-6677.


VERONA - 906 Hemlock Dr.

Eric Reusch
(608) 279-5811


Seeking caregivers to provide care
to seniors in their homes. Need valid
driver's license and dependable
transportation. FT & PT positions
available. Flexible scheduling.
Sign-on Bonus.
Call 608-442-1898


Mon-Fri 4 hours/night. Visit our website: or call our
office: 608-831-8850


County is looking for experienced, confident care providers. We support a wide
variety of children and adults with developmental disabilities throughout Dane
County. Part-time positions available
immediately! For more information, or to
request an application, please visit our
website at or contact
Shannon at or (608) 273-3318. AA/EOE
PERSON WITH knowledge of
horses to work 6 days pr/wk for 3
hours, 7:30am-10:30am. Possible extra
household chores may be included.
Salary negotiable. Must have own
transportation. Oregon.
Call 608-320-1923

Updated 3BR, 1.50 BA town-house w/LL rec-room.

Private patio, attached garage & extra parking. Visit: Call for private
tour. MLS#1737474. $149,500.

434 Health Care, Human

Services & Child Care

452 General

Nights/Weekends required
Apply in person.
Brooklyn Minimart
355 N Rutland Ave
Brooklyn, WI 53521


Deck & Pool Builders. 40 hrs/week.
Must have valid DL, be reliable and on
time. Pay based on experience $13-$20.
Please send resume or application
to:, or fax 608835-2784. Recreational Concepts Inc.,

Decorative Concrete

Large restaurant auction

DeBrouxs Diner
greg DeBroux owner (608)334-4521
sunday March 29th, 9:00 am
101 south Main street, oregon, Wi 53575

Directions: Watch for George Auction Service signs. note:

Going out of business! This is a large restaurant and the following
is only a partial listing of the volume that will be offered to sell. All
equipment is natural gas and on wheels. All equipment must be
removed by Midnight March 29th. Lunch By: Ziggys.

THE FARLEY Center Farm Incubator

offers unpaid internships each semester
for students and non-students who want
to volunteer while gaining experience at a
nonprofit that supports beginning organic
farmers, particularly recent immigrants
and people of color farmers. Interns
should have a strong interest in agriculture. We particularly seek interns who
speak Hmong, Spanish or Nepali. Volunteers are needed to staff the Pancreatic
Cancer Action Network - Madison Affiliate Information Table at Dane County
Farmer's Market on Saturdays from AprilNovember. Volunteers will hand out information describing our services, events,
and volunteer opportunities. United Way
2-1-1 is seeking new volunteers to staff
our telephone lines, answering questions
about resources available in the service
area. Training is provided. If you are looking for an opportunity to learn more about
community resources and would like to
assist people in finding ways to get and
give help, United Way 2-1-1 may be the
place for you! Call the Volunteer Center
at 608-246-4380 or visit for more information or to
learn about other volunteer opportunities.

516 Cleaning Services

LET US MAKE your life a little easier! 25
years experience. Insured, reasonable
rates. 608-516-8726

532 Fencing
Agricultural, Residential, Commercial
Fencing. Quality work. Competitive
pricing. Free estimates.
WOODEN FENCE posts 4-1/2" x 7'
treated round wooden used fence posts
$2/each. Corner U-braces, $9/each. 98'
powder river panels (various lengths).
$1,200 for the group. Everything in very
good condition. Evansville, WI 608-8824186

548 Home Improvement

Light Construction Remodeling
No job too small
Basement Systems Inc.
Call us for all your basement needs!
Waterproofing. Finishing. Structural
repairs. Humidity and mold control. Free
Estimates! Call 800-991-1602 (wcan)
"Honey Do List"
Gutter cleaning and covers
No job too small
35 + Years Professional
Arthur Hallinan
Professional, Interior,
Exterior, Repairs.
Free Estimates. Insured.
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Verona Press unless
changed because of holiday work schedules. Call now to place your ad, 873-6671
or 835-6677.

554 Landscaping, Lawn,

Tree & Garden Work
Lawn Mowing & Trim, Spring Cleanup, Landscaping, Reseeding, Aeration,
Mulch, Decorative Stone, Shrub Trimming, Dethatching, Sidewalk Edging &
Gutter Cleaning. Call Matt Nardi for estimate: 608.609.3600 or snowplow@tds.
net. Dependable, Experienced and Fully
professional since 2011. Free
estimates. 608-807-3320

BEST BEEF Jerky in the USA!

$10. off the Original Beef Jerky Sampler.
FREE shipping. Great Gift Idea! Call
Bulk Beef Jerky.
800-244-8852 (wcan)


trimming, roto tilling, Garden
maintenance available.608-235-4389
Residential & Commercial.
Fully insured.
(608)-873-7038 or 669-0025

576 Special Services

and surrounding area.
Merry Law Offices 608-205-0621
No charge for initial consultation. "We
are a debt relief agency.
We help people file for bankruptcy relief
under the bankruptcy code."

586 TV, VCR &

Electronics Repair
DISH TV RETAILER. Starting at $19.99/
mo for 12 mos. Free Premium Movie
Channels. FREE equipment, installation
& activation. Call, compare local deals!
800-374-3940 (wcan)

602 Antiques & Collectibles

"Wisconsin's Largest Antique Mall"
Enter daily 8am-4pm 78,000 SF
200 Dealers in 400 Booths
Third floor furniture, locked cases
Location: 239 Whitney St
Columbus, WI 53925

ENJOY 100% guaranteed, delivered

to the door Omaha Steaks! SAVE 78%
PLUS 4 free burgers.
The Happy Family Value Combo.
Only $49.99. Order today.
800-307-1674 Use code 43285DVA

650 Furniture
All sizes in stock! 9 styles.
2133 Eastern Ave, Plymouth, WI Open 7
days a week. (wcan)

666 Medical & Health Supplies

The affordable solution to your
stairs. Limited time $250 off your
stairlift purchase. Buy direct and
save. Please call 800-598-6714 for
free DVD and brochure. (wcan)
GOT KNEE Pain? Back pain? Shoulder pain? get a pain-relieving brace,
little or no cost to you. Medicare Patients
Call Health Hotline Now! 800-431-3924
medical alarm and 24/7 monitoring. For
a limited time, get free equipment, no
activation fees,
no commitment, 2nd waterproof alert
button for free and more.
Only $29.95 per month.
800-281-6138 (wcan)

606 Articles For Sale

MOVING SALE 101 E. Chicago Street,
Stoughton. April 1-2, 8am-4pm, April 3,


tub Alert for
Seniors. Bathrooms falls can be fatal.
Approved by Arthritis Foundation.
Therapeutic Jets. Less than 4 inch stepin. Wide door. Anti-slip floors. American
made. Installation included. Call 800940-3411 for $750 off. (wcan)

672 Pets
AKC LAB Pups: Polar Bear Whites
Dews, 1st shots. 3rd & 4th generation.
Info: 715-582-4076


Regional & OTR Team Runs Available. AUTO
Mthly BONUSES & more! CDL-A, 6 mos. Exp. Reqd.
EEOE/AAP 866-322-4039


Blue-Female, Black-Male.
Great temperament. Shots and wormed.
$650-1250. 715-253-2011 (wcan)


SAWMILLS from only $4,397.00- MAKE & SAVE MONEY
with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension.In Stock, ATTENTION TRUCK RECRUITERS: RECRUIT an
ready to ship! FREE Info/DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills. applicant in over 179 Wisconsin newspapers! Only
$300/week. Call this paper or 800-227-7636 www.
com 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N (CNOW) (CNOW)

GOT AN older car, boat or RV?

Do the humane thing. Donate it to the
Humane Society. Call 800-990-7816

676 Plants & Flowers

3'-12' EVERGREEN & Shade Trees.
Pick Up or Delivery! Planting available!
Detlor Tree Farms
715-335-4444 (wcan)

RNs up to $45/hr LPNs up to $37.50/hr CNAs up to

$22.50/hr Free gas/ weekly pay $2,000 bonus AACO
Nursing Agency 800-656-4414 (CNOW)

688 Sporting Goods &



WE BUY Boats/RV/Pontoons/ATV's &

Motorcycles! "Cash Paid" now. American Marine & Motorsports Super Center,
Shawano 866-955-2628 (wcan)

custoM BuiLt outDoor griLL: 2 Charcoal Grills mounted

side-by-side on a trailer. equipMent & Fixtures: (2) 2dr. 4
Sandwich Prep Tables (one 6mo. old); Arctic Air Double Door SS
Refrigerator (1yr old); Hobart 6qt. Bench Top Mixer; Hobart & Anvil
Automatic Slicers (1 less than 1yr. old); (2) Bakers Pride Ovens;
Dean Dbl Basket Deep Fryer; (2) Vulcan Dbl Basket Deep Fryers;
Vulcan 4 Burner Stove; APW Wyott Cook Series Table Top Flat
Grill; Champion 5 Table Top Flat Grill; Grill w/Work Side Table;
True SS 2 Door Refrigerator; True SS Single Door Freezer; Deluxe 8
Pan Proof Cabinet; 16 Place Sheet Pan Cart; (2) Belchamp Waffle
Irons; True Glass Door Cooler; True Circular 6 Shelf Pie Cooler;
12 Tub Ice Cream Freezer; (3) Malt Mixers; Manitowoc 250# Ice
Machine; Magic Chef 1000 Watt Microwave; Superior Table Top
Pan Steamer; Hatco Quick Conveyor & Toast Master Toasters; (4)
Commercial Dicer/Choppers; (2) Robot Coupe Food Processors
& Accessories; (21) Metro Shelves; (150) SS Pans (all sizes); SS
4, 5, 6 & 8 Tables; (100+) SS Kitchen Utensils; (7) Kettles; (30)
People Booth Seating; (30) Wood Chairs; (2) Wood Dbl Bench
Seats; (10) 2 Top, (8) 4 Top & (8) 6 Top Tables; (6) Tables & (24)
Chairs for Outdoor Seating; (6) 8 Folding Banquet Tables; (6) 4
Wheel Service Carts; High Chairs & Booster Seats; Tray Stands;
POS Touch Screen Ordering System w/(3) Printers; Security Plus
Drop Slot Combination Safe w/Inside Key Lock; Security System
w/8 Cameras; Supply of Paper Goods; (11) Cases New Glasses
(Coke Can Replica); (150) 16oz Tumblers; (120) White Coffee
Mugs; (110) 10 White Plates; (100) 9 Oval Platters; Quantity
of Canned, Boxed Goods, Spices, Fresh & Frozen Foods; (3) 3x5
Beautiful Nostalgic Professionally Framed Art; (5) Neon Signs;
Several Coke Items; Pictures & Signs of all kinds.

692 Electronics
AT&T INTERNET packages startng at
only $14.95/month for 12 months, with
qualifying voice service. One year term
required. Learn more.
800-486-4478 (wcan)
DIRECTV'S BIG DEAL special. Only
$19.99 per month. Free premium channels HBO, Starz, Cinemax and Showtime
for 3 months & FREE receiver upgrade!
NFL 2014 Season included. Call now!
800-320-2429 (wcan)

696 Wanted To Buy

CASH FOR old gas pumps and automotive memorabilia. John (608) 698-6916
WE BUY Junk Cars and Trucks.
We sell used parts.
Monday thru Friday 8am-5:30pm.
Newville Auto Salvage, 279 Hwy 59
Edgerton, 608-884-3114

705 Rentals
BLANCHARDVILLE 1-2BR apartments.
Nice rentals in historic building. Walk
to grocery store, bank, post office
and restaurants. Pecatonica River
and Canoe Boat Launch 1 block from
property. Village Park along river 1
block. 35 minutes to Madison, 25 to
Verona, Stoughton, and Oregon. 1BR
from $390, 2BR $520. Flexible lease
on select units. BAAL Real Estate, LLC
Broker/owner. Keith Call/text
608-575-2143 or email

auction coMpany: Stephanie George Registered WI

Auction Company #226
11211 North Union Road, Evansville, WI 53536 (608) 882-6123
registereD Wi auctioneers: Dean George #486 & Kale
George #2811, Evansville, WI (608) 882-6123
Riley Kahl #736, Verona, WI (608) 832-4839

Apartments for Seniors 55+, currently
has 1 & 2 bedroom units available
starting at $725 per month, includes
heat, water, and sewer.
608-835-6717 Located at:
139 Wolf St., Oregon, WI 53575

terMs: 5% Buyers fee. 5% Sales Tax Collected. Check or Cash.

4% courtesy charge for purchases using credit card. All sales final.
All announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed
material. Not responsible for accidents or losses.

For complete listing and photos log onto



Packages starting at $19.99/mo. Free
3-months of HBO, Starz, Showtime &
Cinemax. Free Genie HD/DVR Upgrades!
2015 NFL Sunday Ticket included with
select Packages. New Customers Only.
IV Support Holdings LLC. An authorized
DirecTV Dealer. Some exclusions apply.
Call for details 800-918-1046 (wcan)

648 Food & Drink

Increase Your sales opportunities

reach over 1.2 million households!
Advertise in our
Wisconsin Advertising Network System.
For information call 845-9559 or 873-6671.

400+ Guns @ Auction! Sat. March 28th Prairie du Chien,
WI. NIB Hunting Rifles, Pistols, Military Arms, SAKO,
Traps & More! (608)326-8108,

STAMPIN'UP SET of 35+ with ink pads

and multi-colored powder ink.
Barely used, clean. Seasonal and
Holiday stamps. BO 608-669-2243

THEY SAY people dont read those little

ads, but YOU read this one, didnt you?
Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or

VERONA ONE Bedroom Available April

1st. Heat Included, $525 month. Dave

720 Apartments
OREGON 2BR 1BA apartments
available. On-site or in unit laundry,
patio, D/W, A/C. Off street parking,
garages available to rent.
From $740/mo. Details at
608-255-7100 or
55+. 1 & 2 bedroom units available
starting at $695 per month. Includes
heat, water and sewer. Professionally
managed. Located at
300 Silverado Drive, Stoughton, WI
53589 608-877-9388
STOUGHTON 2 bedroom upper includes
utilities & heat. NO DOGS. $750.00/
month. 608.873.3533
VERONA 2-BEDROOM, no smoking,
A/C, H/W included, small pets
negotiable, private parking, quiet
neighborhood, $835/month
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Verona Press unless
changed because of holiday work schedules. Call now to place your ad, 873-6671
or 835-6677.
Verona Press Classifieds. Call 873-6671
or 835-6677.

Located behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Convenient Dry Secure
Lighted with access 24/7
Bank Cards Accepted
Off North Hwy 51 on
Oak Opening Dr. behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Call: 608-509-8904

770 Resort Property For Rent

Forest County. ATV trail, Lake Access,
Dock. $350/week. 715-674-7752 (wcan)

801 Office Space For Rent

In Oregon facing 15th hole
on golfcourse
Free Wi-Fi, Parking and
Security System
Conference rooms available
Autumn Woods Prof. Centre
Marty 608-835-3628


Convenient location behind
Stoughton Lumber.
Clean-Dry Units
5x10 thru 12x25
Only 6 miles South of
Verona on Hwy PB.
Variety of sizes available now.
Call 608-424-6530 or


Suite. 765/sq.ft 185 W Netherwood
Call 608-835-3426

935 Farm: Land For Rent

TO LEASE about 6 acres of Dane Co.
farmland for radio control airplane club
flying field. Needs to have at least 40
acres of adjacent land for fly-over area.
WANTED TO Rent 20'X20' piece of land
in Verona for compost pile.


10x10 through 10x40, plus
14x40 with 14' door for
RV & Boats.
Come & go as you please.

970 Horses
CENTRAL WI Horse Sale.
Clarke County Fairgrounds.
April 15-18. Horses, Tack & Equipment.
Neillsville, WI
715-238-8088 RReineck #594 (wcan)

6x10 thru 10x25
Market Street/Burr Oak Street
in Oregon
Call 608-206-2347


16379 W. Milbrandt Road
Evansville, WI


Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Verona Press unless
changed because of holiday work schedules. Call now to place your ad, 873-6671
or 835-6677.

Resident Caregivers/CNAs

980 Machinery & Tools

Who wants to see a picture?


Valby 3pt PTO Chippers,
New 3pt Rototillers, Loader
Attachments, 3pt Attachments,
New Log Splitters.

990 Farm: Service

& Merchandise
and these attachments. Concrete
breaker, posthole auger, landscape rake,
concrete bucket, pallet forks, trencher,
rock hound, broom, teleboom, stump
By the day, week, or month.
Carter & Gruenewald Co.
4417 Hwy 92
Brooklyn, WI, 608-455-2411

All orders will be mailed directly to you!

renew your

Weve recently launched

the option to renew your
newspaper subscription
electronically with our
secure site at:

Assembly Openings
Opportunities on
2nd Shift, Monday-Thursday 2PM-12AM


Part-time. Excellent Wages
20+ hours/wk. CDL bonus program
Paid training/testing. Signing bonus.
5501 Femrite Dr. Madison
Call Paul at 608-310-4870 or email

CLASSIFIEDS, 873-6671 or 835-6677. It

pays to read the fine print.



Programmed Cleaning is now hiring for

Part-Time General cleaners and
Project Floor Care Workers in the Madison area.

Project Floor Care Workers

Part-Time Evening Hours, M F, starting at 5:30pm, 4 to 5 hours a
night. Must have valid drivers license and floor care knowledge.
Starting pay is $11.00



Associates degree in Industrial Maintenance or 3 - 5 years of

equivalent manufacturing maintenance experience.
Knowledge of and ability to interface and troubleshoot with a variety
of PLCs including Allen Bradley PLCs, 500, 5000, Flex Drives.
Experience with manufacturing enterprise systems (MES).
Strong understanding of OSHA principles.
Experience with CMMS programs (MAXIMO preferred).
Microsoft Office Suite programs (Word, Excel, Outlook).
To apply, visit the Career Page of our website at
Successful Candidates may be eligible for a sign on bonus of up to $1500!
Apply today for immediate consideration.


190 Paoli St
P.O. Box 930220
Verona, WI 53593

Baker Manufacturing Company, LLC is a premier producer

of grey and ductile iron castings for local machine shops
and internationally-known manufacturers. Baker also
produces products for the residential and industrial water markets. We have been an established business in
Evansville, Wisconsin for over 140 years!
Were searching for great people to fill these positions:
Accounting Clerk


Apply now in person at 2001 W. Broadway,

call 608-222-0217 if you have questions or fill out an
online application at:

Apply today at

If so, Sub-Zero, Inc. may have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for maintenance professionals with the following experience and knowledge to work in our Fitchburg Built-In Refrigeration facility:

Administer process for Pre-Employment

Drug and Background checks; Benefit
enrollments; Maintain Personnel
Records. Experience with Wage & Hour
Regs.; Database records; and Microsoft
Office Suite; Ability to work
independently in a fast paced
environment. Assoc. Degree Preferred.

Part-Time Evening Hours starting after 5pm,

M F, 3 to 4 hours a night, NO WEEKENDS!
Must be dependent, reliable and detailed oriented.
Starting pay is $9.25 or higher based on experienced.

Free Dental Coverage

Do you believe in a maintenance program that values predicting and

preventing maintenance issues as much as troubleshooting and repairs?
Would you enjoy a second shift Monday through Thursday (2pm-12am)
schedule with paid breaks?




8210 Highview Drive - Madison

90% Sponsored Health Premium by Employer

Are you a maintenance professional who thrives on working in a highlyautomated manufacturing environment utilizing state of the art equipment
(lasers, robotics, AGVs, vision systems) in a modern air conditioned facility,
with company paid training to keep your skills current?
Do you value a company that makes safety a part of their culture, not just
another graph on the wall?

to download
an application:
to request an

Starting Wage is $15.50/hour

Maintenance Mechanic- 2nd Shift (Monday-Thursday)

We are seeking compassionate & conscientious caregivers

to help our seniors on night shifts. We offer competitive
wages, shift & weekend differentials, as well as health,
dental & PTO to eligible staff. Paid CBRF training provided.

to share, download and order prints of your favorite
photos from local community and sports events.


VERONA 1&2 Bedroom Apartment

$615-760. Available May 1 and June 1.
Small 24 unit building. Includes heat, hot
water, water & sewer, off-street parking,
fully carpeted, dishwasher and coin operated laundry and storage in basement.
Convenient to Madison's west side. Call
KC at 608-273-0228 to view your new


10X10 10X15 10X20 10X30
Security Lights-24/7 access
Credit Cards Accepted
CALL (608)444-2900


Deck Supervisor 2nd Shift
Pourer/Shifters; Molders; Grinders - 1st & 2nd Shifts;
Starting wage $15.50/hr.; 2nd shift receives a $0.50 shift
All positions are full-time and eligible for Health, Dental,
Vision, Life, Disability, 401K/Profit Sharing, paid vacation &

View / Apply online at

Baker Manufacturing is an Equal Opportunity Employer




$740-$780- includes heat, water/sewer.
608-222-1981 x2 or 3. No dogs, 1 cat
ok. EHO.


10x10 - 10x15
10x20 - 12x30
24 / 7 Access
Security Lights & Cameras
Credit Cards Accepted
1128 Union Road
Oregon, WI
Located on the corner of
Union Road & Lincoln Road

The Verona Press

Do you have excellent communication skills?
Creative ideas? The ability
tyy to develop and maintain
client relationships? An interest in print and web
based media? We have an established account list
with growt
t potential. If you possess excellent
communication and organizational ski
kills, a pleasant
y and the ability
tyy to prospect for new
business we would like to speak to you. Previous
sales experience desired. Media experience a plus.
Competitive compensation, employee stock option
ownership, 401(k), paid vacations, holidays,
insurance and continuing education assistance.

For consideration, apply online at

Oregon Observ
v Stoughton Courier Hub, Verona Press,
The Great Dane Shopping News
Unified Newspaper Group is part of Woodward Community Media,
a division of Woodward Communications, Inc.
and an Equal Opportunity Employer.


STOUGHTON 1616 Kenilworth Ct.

Large 2-BR apts available now.
Pets welcome. Many feature new wood
laminate flooring.
$775-$825/mo. 608-831-4036

750 Storage Spaces For Rent


OREGON 2-Bedroom in quiet well kept

building. Convenient location. Includes
all appliances, A/C, blinds, private parking, laundry and storage. $200 Security
deposit. Cats OK. $665/month. 608-2196677

March 26, 2015

20 - The Verona Press - March 26, 2015

Support your favorite teams all season with this

guide to Verona Area High Schools spring sports
Schilberg Park
Stampfl Field
Manfield Sta.
Stampfl Field
Stampfl Field
Riverside Park
Telfer Park
Stampfl Field
Stampfl Field
Sun Prairie
Mansfield Sta.
Stampfl Field
Stampfl FIeld
Riverside Park
Stampfl Field
Stampfl Field
Warner Park
Warner Park
Stampfl Field
Stampfl Field
Stampfl Field

March 31
April 9
April 14
April 16
April 17
April 21
April 23
April 28
April 30
May 2
May 5
May 7
May 12
May 14
May 19
May 21
May 27, 29
June 2, 4

Sponsored by:


April 16
April 17-18
April 21
April 23
April 28
April 30
May 1-2
May 4
May 5
May 7
May 9
May 14
May 19
May 21
May 23
May 29

UW-Whitewater invite UW-Whitewater

UW-Madison invite

UW Shell

April 10

Franklin triple dual


April 14

Mad. East triple dual


April 16

Beloit Mem. triple dual


April 21

Sun Prairie triple dual

Sun Prairie

April 28

Verona triple dual



Lake Geneva

May 5

Janesville Parker


May 8

Mad. Memorial invite


May 15



May 26



May 29



June 5-6

WIAA D1 state meet

UW-La Crosse

Hughes Flooring

407 E. Verona Avenue, Verona



Sponsored by:




March 21

UW-Whitewater invite


April 4

UW-Whitewater invite


April 14

Mad. East triple dual


April 16

Beloit Mem. triple dual


April 21

Sun Prairie triple dual

Sun Prairie

April 24

Janesville invite


April 28

Verona triple dual


May 1


Lake Geneva

May 5

Janesville Parker


May 7

Central invite

La Crosse

May 15



May 26



May 29



June 5-6

WIAA D1 state meet

UW-La Crosse

Stoughton invite

Stoughton CC

April 20

Edgewood invite

Maple Bluff CC

April 22

Beloit, La Follette

Edelweiss GC

April 25

Waunakee invite

Sixmile Creek

April 27

Craig, Madison East

Glen Erin GC

May 1

Portage invite

Portage CC

May 4

Madison West, Middleton

Edelweiss GC

May 12

Sun Prairie quad

Sun Prairie CC

May 14

Edgewood invite

Yahara GC

May 16

Beloit Scramble

Krueger Haskell

May 18

Madison invite

Blackhawk CC

May 21

Conference meet

Evansville GC


Ray & Shirley Maurer

Hwy PD & Shady Oak Lane Verona

Madison West
Muskego invite
Janesville Craig
Janesville Parker
UW-Eau Claire invite
Beloit Memorial
Madison East
Mount Horeb
Madison La FOllette
Sun Prairie
Madison Memorial
Divine Savior Holy Angels
Madison Edgewood





Mansfield Sta.
Janes. Parker
UW-Eau Claire
Bel. Memorial
Sun Prairie
Mansfield Sta.
Quad Park

April 10-11
April 16
April 21
April 23
April 24-25
April 28
April 30
May 1-2
May 5
May 7
May 8-9
May 12
May 14
May 15
May 19-20
May 26
May 27
June 4-6
June 12-13

Eau Claire Mem. invite

Madison West
Janesville Craig
??? invite
Janesville Parker
Beloit Memorial
Verona invite
Madison East
Madison La Follette
Nicolet invite
Sun Prairie
Madison Memorial
Oregon invite
Big 8 conference
Verona subsectional
Memorial sectional
Individual state
Team state

Eau Claire
Madison West
Sun Prairie

Sponsored by:

Sponsored by:

Kathy Bartels

Miller & Sons Supermarket

Coldwell Banker Success


210 S. Main Street, Verona


Follow us on

Sponsored by:

Verona Meadows Golf

Driving Range



Get sports scores/results and photos in

your weekly hometown newspaper


April 13

U.S. Cellular

611 Hometown Circle (In front of Farm & Fleet)

(608) 848-7600



April 4

May 1


Sponsored by:

430 E. Verona Avenue, Verona



March 21

(608) 845-9559


300 S. Main Street, Verona

497-1303 Like us



Sponsored by:

AJs Pizzeria & Diner



Madison West
Jefferson M.S.
Janesville Parker
Beloit Memorial
Madison East
Madison La Follette
Sun Prairie
Sun Prairie
Madison West
Madison Memorial (DH)
Janesville Craig (DH)
Janesville Parker
Beloit Memorial
Madison East
Madison La Follette
Sun Prairie


Kaukauna DH
Madison West
Janesville Craig
Janesville Parker
Beloit Memorial
Madison East
Madison La Follette
Sun Prairie
Madison Memorial
Beaver Dam
Madison West
Janesville Craig
Janesville Parker
Beloit Memorial
Madison East
Madison La Follette
Sun Prairie
Madison Memorial
Monona Grove



April 2
April 4
April 7
April 9
April 14
April 16
April 18
April 21
April 23
April 28
April 30
May 1
May 5
May 7
May 9
May 11
May 12
May 14
May 19
May 21
May 26
May 28
May 29




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