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Michael Merrell (order #6642461)

25 Modern Encounters for the

Zombie Apocalypse: Cars
DM Fitzgerald


The car is sitting off to the side of the road

as if nothing has happened. The vehicle is
ready to go, full of gas with the keys in the
ignition. Although there is nothing wrong
with the car it looks like a trap.
The car is in the middle of the street, the
windows have been painted black from
inside with spray paint and there have been
some crosses and garlic left hanging from
the antenna and door handles. There don't
seem to be any signs of violence in the
vehicle, there is a Gideon bible on the front

Michael Merrell (order #6642461)

seat, the page about the end times has

been bookmarked,

The car is sitting out in the open full of

supplies, one of the tires is flat and
someone one was in the middle of changing
the tire (the car is up on a jack) when
something happened to them. There are
signs of a struggle and blood on the side of
the car.

4. The car is sitting out in the open full of

supplies, one of the tires is flat and
someone one was in the middle of changing
the tire (the car is up on a jack) when
something happened to them. There are
signs of a struggle and blood on the side of
the car. Inside of the car is a traumatized
child of the person who was changing the
tire. It might be hard to tell if the child is
human or a zombie child. Its possible that
the child is a zombie that has risen on its
way to being taken to a hospital for a
zombie bite.

10. The car is sitting in the middle of the road;

the vehicle is mostly flattened, apparently
by a military tracked vehicle, there are tank
tread marks on the roof and side.


The car is perfectly drivable accept the fact

that the front wind shield has been shot out
from the outside, blood and grey
matter cover the drivers side seat.


The car appears to be fine, there are some

compartment, but it looks like it was
abandoned by survivors of the plague. The
engine on the car has seized up and the car
will not run, which was why it was
abandoned. It will take a mechanic skill roll
to tell that the vehicle is unfixable.

13. The car appears to be fine; there is a

snarling dog in the passenger compartment
that is guarding a corpse in the front seat.
The corpse doesnt look like it has risen and
looks well preserved. Actually the person
isnt dead, just asleep due to exhaustion,
liable to wake up at any time.




The car appears to be fine; it was

abandoned when it ran out of gas. There is
a map on the front seat that lists local
evacuation routes and shelters.
The car appears to be fine; however
someone has painted the word WHY! On
all four sides of it.
The car appears to be fine; there is a large
inflated rubber raft in the passenger

Michael Merrell (order #6642461)

11. The vehicle is burned out, however it will

still run. The inside of the car smells of
burnt flesh.
12. The car is a minivan and there are 4-6
zombies in the car (a family), there is
something in the vehicle that would help
the party along.

14. The car is on a vehicle carrier, one of seven

cars being ferried by the carrier. The car
looks lived in despite being up on the
second story of the carrier.
15. There are several cars that were in an
accident in an intersection. One of them
appears drivable, despite the blood that has
covered the entire insides of it.
16. The car is full of victims, but they are
covered with boils and lesions and have not
17. The care is sitting beside the road, there is
a rubber hose attached to the exhaust of
the vehicle leading into the passenger
compartment. The occupant is dead having
committed suicide right after the rising of
the dead. In the dead persons lap is a
suicide note they wrote telling what they
witnessed and why they killed themselves.

18. The car is sitting next to the curb visible

through the windows are several bags of
money laying open, the content of the bags
covering the inside of the passenger
compartment The money in the car is from
a bank robbery that happened right before
the rising. The anti-theft device is still in one
of the money bags, still waiting to go off
when opened. The antitheft device will
explode painting the characters bright blue.
19. The car is up high in a tree, there is no
obvious way the car got up there.
20. It looks like someone tried to armor the
vehicle to allow it to run over zombies and
the like. The vehicle was armored but it
hasn't survived running into "something"
which bashed the front of the vehicle in
wrecking it. The blood and gore in the
passenger compartment shows that
someone was dragged out of the drivers
side seat. Apparently the collision air bags
deployed and held the person in place while
the zombies ate them.

21. The car looks innocent, however hidden

around the car in the grass are steel traps
set to catch interested parties feet. The
chains on the traps have been attached to
the axle of the car. Once the traps have
been sprung the person who set the traps
uses a sniper rifle to put anyone captured
down. It's unclear whether the person is
looking to trap humans of zombies.
22. The car looks like a regular car from the
outside, but looking in reveals that the
vehicle was laid out for someone who was a
paraplegic, with only the use of their hands.
There is a pair of prosthetic legs still in the
car, as if someone was pulled out of them.
23. The inside of the car looks like it was the
scene of a gun fight, as of someone in the
car was fighting someone else in the car
and both of them were armed. There are
not bodies in the car but lots of bullet holes
and splattered blood.
24. From under the car sticks out a pair of legs.
Someone was hiding under the car, they
were found and then zombies attempted to
pull them out from under the car. The
zombies were unable to pull the person
from under the car, so they gnawed the
persons legs off.
25. The inside of the car is filled with MREs
(Meal Ready to Eat) however it looks like a
trap. The inside of the car looks boobytrapped.

Michael Merrell (order #6642461)

More Books by DCS

Two Roads Village Series

The Inn at Two Roads Village

The Inn is a staple of any village. The inn at Two Roads
village sits astride the Hard Pass in the high mountains.
The inn is a place of intrigue and hidden agenda's
Descriptions of Two Roads as well as the political situation
around the village.
Descriptions of neighboring villages and how they fit into
the political climate. Also 14 plot hooks.
Descriptions of the 18 Women of the Eve that work the inn
as well as the staff. Also included are 14 plot hooks
involving the staff and patrons of the inn

20 Encounter Series....

Michael Merrell (order #6642461)

20 Encounters (Creepy Children) In this edition we

have all kinds of creepy children, we have exploding
children, Children in rabbit costumes as well as the favorite
killer children. Don't let the adults have all of the fun....

Size 4 Village. Crop is constantly ripening, a sorghum like
product that is primarily used in animal feed.
There is only one inn present in the town, however for half
the price of the inn there are rooms and provisions to be
had at the local homes.
Also included is a random chart for even quicker villages
that gives the general condition of the village as well as
mundane encounters with a few of the citizens.
Suitable for all systems. 6 Pages

20 encounters (The City Watch) In the town the

City Watch is the law, they catch and convict innocent and
guilty alike. Put your characters at their mercy.
This book comes with 20 City Watch encounters as well as
an encounter chart to determines what the city watch
wants from the characters that incorporates the 20
encounters in it.

20 Road encounters (Mobs of People) is an encounter

with mobs of people spun 20 ways.
Mobs are scary, you never know what they want and what
their real motivations are. Here are 20 versions of mobs
that will make your characters run and hide in the nearest
dungeon.....where they can be alone

29 Encounters (Small Villages) This book contains 29

small village descriptions. Ever need a quick description of
a small village? This list gives you the basic reason why
the village is here, number of taverns as well as the size of
the city watch if any.

Michael Merrell (order #6642461)

Other 20 Road Encounter Products

20 Road Encounters Featuring (Prisoners).
20 Road Encounters (Tinkers, Tramps and Thieves).
20 Road Encounters (Couriers and Messengers)
20 Road Encounters (Places Can be Deposited by Gates)
20 Road encounters featuring extra dimensional gates spun 20 ways.
20 Road Encounters (Strange Contraptions)
20 Road encounters featuring extra dimensional gates spun 20 ways.
20 Road Encounters (The Inn on the Road)
20 Road encounters featuring extra dimensional gates spun 20 ways.

Michael Merrell (order #6642461)

A complete set of adventures

The characters start out by offering to help an obscure sect of monks rid themselves of orcs and end up in the
final parts of the adventure fighting the future overlords of the world, vampires. The vampires are trying to
destroy the final stronghold of humanity.
The adventure has 6 sub adventures that come together to complete the task of releasing the "Light Without
Shadow, Blade Without Edge.

Michael Merrell (order #6642461)

Darkness in the Woods

"There is a shadow in the woods, when it shows itself the woodland creatures become twisted things, even nature is not
immune to its effects. This adventure is set for third level characters and below and makes a good start for new players.

Michael Merrell (order #6642461)

DCS World Book One: Sand towers

Sand Towers is a border town set on the edge of two rival kingdoms. The book has over 15 pages of
content about how the town is organized and 9 maps of the town and the area's around it.
Sand Towers is a perfect town for any rules setting.
Sand Towers was featured in the story Abner and the Honest Man in the book War Stories (available for
sale her at Drive Thru.

Michael Merrell (order #6642461)

DCS World Book 2 Towns

Adventure on the world of Mper with this city book that gives you a peek at over 5 towns on the continent
of Avalyn. Learn about Iron Gate and its founding as well as Gate Lore at the world's main gate of
The following cities are outlined; Gate Town, Gostrough, Guillenberg, Hanover, Iron Gate and Jim Town.
The book has 5 town maps as well as larger maps of the interior of the continent of Avalyn. Also included
is the story "Accidental War" which recounts the founding of Iron Gate.

Michael Merrell (order #6642461)

DCS World Book 3: Small Towns

A 12 page guide to three towns on the world of Mper; Dymond Hold, Kida and Ming Keep (above
Sylvias Rest.)
Suitable for most RPG systems, six maps of the areas.
Short Sceneries:
Demon Boon/Demon Curse
The Crying Ghost
Harpies Bazaar

Michael Merrell (order #6642461)

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