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Absence Element Creation

Element Link Creation

Absence Category Creation

Absence Reasons Creation

Absence Type Creation

Enter Leaves for a person

Check Auto Attached element with employee and check value (Set period 01-Jan-2013)

Opening Balance Element Creation

Set Date to 01-Jan-2000 (BG creation Date)

Create Link for Opening Balance Element

Create Absence Categories for Opening Balance

Create Absence Reasons for Opening Balance

Absence Type creation for Opening Balance

Accrual Plan

Attach Accrual Plan with employee

Note : Employees hire date is 15th Jun 2005 and we are giving 24 annual leaves for the whole year so from jan-2005 to Dec-2005
employee is eligible
for 24 annual leaves but here joining date of this employee is 15 th jun so his accrual will start from 01-Jul-2005 and we can see his
2 leaves accrued at the
end of the month like 31-jul-2005.
As he is joining from the mid of jun so he will not accrue any leave at the end of jun-2005.
See the screens in serial


Not Eligible up to 30 jun 2005

Eligible for 2 leaves at the end of Jul-2005. Change after effective date to 31-Jul-2005 and see the changes.

Employee is eligible for 2 Days leaves

At the end of year 2005 employee will accrue 12 leaves for six month only. (Change after effective date to 31-dec-2005 and see
the change)

Now suppose organization decided to give this employee the remaining leaves from jan-2005. So we can add these leaves as
opening balance.
So follow the procedure for one employee but you can upload opening balance through BEE (Batch element entry or API for bulk

Here you can see 12 leaves are added and employee is now eligible for 24 leaves at the end of year 2005.
Net entitlement is increased from 12 to 24.

By applying the same procedure you can add leaves in your accrual plan if company decided to increase leaves from like 24 to

You can create any leaves adjustment element same like opening balance element and add in the net calculation rule of accrual

Prepared by : Zafar Iqbal (Inbox Technologies Karachi)

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