Annotated Bibliographies

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Nicholas Eaton

Ms. Gardner
English 10H 0 Period
13 Nov 2014

Delving Further into Frankenstein

Burt, Daniel S. "Frankenstein." The Novel 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Novels of All Time,
Revised Edition. New York: Chelsea House Publishing, 2010.Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 6
Nov. 2014

Burt offers honest criticism of Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein. It offers a fresh perspective into a
classic novel, as well as offering a modern interpretation of this classic. This criticism offers an in-depth
look into the human themes of lover, power struggles, and personality disorders. It deals with the darker
side of humanity, and the book long metaphor of Frankenstein's Monster as a representation of all the evil
aspects of humanity--jealousy, hate, anger, lack of knowledge, and our nature of destruction--especially
toward ourselves.
Burts piece of work allows us to better understand the nature of the novel, and the real meanings and
situations that caused this work to be created.

Brackett, Virginia. "Frankenstein." Critical Companion to Mary Shelley: A Literary Reference to Her Life
and Work, Critical Companion. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2012. Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc.
Web. 13 Nov. 2014

Bracketts unique interpretation of Mary Shelleys 1818 classic, Frankenstein, leads us to a better
understanding of the themes and motifs present within the novel. From letters to arrival, longing to
accomplishment, this critique offers a fresh view on many of the diverse themes present in the novel. This
piece allows us to better our interpretation of an undeniably deep novel, and also to notice the subtleties
that make this work one of the greatest pieces ever written on the topic.
Bracketts insight into the novel, and deep and utter understanding of the themes and subjects addressed by
the novel, as well as their understanding of how Shelleys life may have correlated with the novel, allows
us all to learn a bit from this well balanced and fair critique of Shelleys work.

Brackett, Virginia. "Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft." Critical Companion to Mary Shelley: A Literary
Reference to Her Life and Work, Critical Companion. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2012. Bloom's
Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 13 Nov. 2014 <

Bracketts biography of Mary Shelleys life is a well documented masterpiece that helps us understand her
motives behind writing Frankenstein, and the aspects of her life that may have been reflected in the work.
Bracketts attention to detail, and outright understanding of Shelleys life allows her to make complex
connections between Shelleys life and all of her works, that some of us would never ever think to look for.
This biography gives us another perspective, or model if you will, to view Frankenstein through. While it
may not be a page turner for un-interested readers, history fanatics and literature connoisseurs will greatly
appreciate this recitation of Shelleys life.

D'Ammassa, Don. "Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft." Encyclopedia of Fantasy and Horror Fiction. New
York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 13 Nov. 2014

In this short and sweet overview of Mary Shelleys life, DAmmassa offers an easy to understand
interpretation and overview of some of the major events in Mary Shelleys life. This work is a must read for
those who are interested in learning more of Mary Shelleys life and background in relation to
Frankenstein, among other works, but who do not have the patience to spend hours reading essentially a
full out novel. While brief and certainly lacking in the finer details, it is still an honest and true
interpretation of Shelleys life that wont take up hours of your time.

Englert, Hilary. "Science and Technology in Frankenstein." McClinton-Temple, Jennifer ed. Encyclopedia
of Themes in Literature. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2011. Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web.
13 Nov. 2014 <

In this article, Englert covers the controversial theme of science and technology in Mary Shelleys 1818
classic, Frankenstein. This work gives us inside in the notion that science and technology may go too far,
specifically in the areas of neurology, psychology, etc. While this is undoubtedly a touchy subject, Englert
handles it like a professional-with outright care and sincerity.
This is certainly a read worth the time of those who wish to make the most out of Frankenstein, and also
give great insight into the themes real life consequences.

Englert, Hilary. "Education in Frankenstein." McClinton-Temple, Jennifer ed.Encyclopedia of Themes in

Literature. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2011.Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 13 Nov. 2014

In this article, Englert offers an interpretation of an often overlooked theme in Marry Shelleys 1818
classic-Frankenstein. In this, Englert discusses the meaning of education in Frankenstein- specifically how
knowing too much can cause more problems than it solves. This theme is present very much in the entierety
of the novel, and a core understanding of this theme is necessary for those who wish to have a complete and
full understanding of the book. This article is short and sweet, making it well suited for those who wish to
further their knowledge and interpretation without taking hours of their time.

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