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Morning Clips 3.23.15 - Morning Clips 3.23.

15 WSJ: Q&A: What Is Meerkat and

Why Do Politicians Like It So Much?. 1
Morning Clips 3.20.15 - DMR: Lt. Gov. Reynolds uses DC visit to lobby EPA's
McCarthy. 1 DMR: Rural lawmaker calls for
Morning Clips 3.19.15 - Morning Clips 3.19.15 DMR: Gun bill indirectly eliminates
some background checks. 2 DMR: Financial
Morning Clips 3.18.15 - Morning Clips 3.18.15 DMR: DOT: Turn off 10 cameras
not improving driver safety......................
Top O' The Morning Clips 3.17.15 - Top O' The Morning Clips 3.17.15 DMR: Feds:
No bias, but judges sensed pressure. 1 DMR: Hemp-oil
Morning Clips 3.16.15 - Contents DMR: Clinton email flap 'a wake-up call' 2 DMR:
Courting Iowa's Christian right
Morning Clips 3.13.15 - Morning Clips 3.13.15 KCCI: Governor's office now using
Meerkat app. 1 DMR: Branstad starts
Morning Clips 3.12.15 - Morning Clips 3.12.15 WSJ: States Vie to Lure Military
Retirees. 2 DMR: Waiver requests plummet for
Morning Clips 3.11.15 - Morning Clips 3.11.15 CityView: Judge list cut to 11; Eric
Branstad buys a house. 1 DMR: WATER WORKS
Morning Clips 3.10.15 - Morning Clips 3.10.15 DMR: Case to pose 2 abortion
questions. 1 DMR: TURTLES IN TROUBLE. 4 AP: UI
Morning Clips 3.9.15 - Morning Clips 3.9.15 DMR: Bush turns heads in first swing.
1 DMR: Solon girl returned unharmed;
Morning Clips 3.6.15 - Morning Clips 3.6.15 What Margaret Hough is reading:
WHO-TV: Carlisle Falls to Harlan in Girls
Morning Clips 3.5.15 - Morning Clips 3.5.15 KIMT: Branstad recognizes local
community's efforts on broadband access. 2
Fwd: Clips
Morning Clips 3.2.15 - Morning Clips 3.2.15 DMR Iowa Poll: Branstad approval at
59%; 56% believe state going in the right
Morning Clips 2.27.15 - Morning Clips 2.27.15 SCJ: GALLAGHER: Sioux Center
showcases the 'science' of cooperation. 2
Morning Clips 2.26.15 - Morning Clips 2.26.15 Photo of the day: Say Hello to
Engineering A photo from Lt. Gov. Reynolds
Morning Clips 2.25.15 - Morning Clips 2.25.15 DMCityView Civic Skinny: Some
Questions and some answers about AIB Deal. State
Morning Clips 2.24.15 - Morning Clips 2.24.15 Quinnipiac Poll: Branstad has 59%
approval rating; 67% optimistic about the
Morning Clips 2.23.15 - Morning Clips 2.23.15 DMR: Iowans sharply split on gas
Morning Clips 2.20.15 - Morning Clips 2.20.15 DMR: Nursing homes see lower

6:42 am
Mar 20
Mar 19
Mar 18
Mar 17
Mar 16
Mar 13
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Mar 11
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Mar 6
Mar 5
Mar 4
Mar 2
Feb 27
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Feb 20

Morning Clips 2.19.15 - Morning Clips 2.19.15 Lee: Study: Iowa needs more
transportation funding. 1 Lee: DIGEST: Iowa
Morning Clips 2.18.15 - Morning Clips 2.18.15 DMR: ACTION HEATS UP AT
CAPITOL. 1 DMR: Speeding ticket was waived for DM
Morning Clips 2.17.15 - Morning Clips 2.17.15 NBC News/Marist Poll: Branstad
approval rating at 65%.. 1 CNN: Poll: Most
Morning Clips 2.16.15 - Morning Clips 2.16.15 ICPC: Some AIB students looking to
transfer in March.. 1 DMR: Marco Rubio gets
Morning Clips 2.13.15 - Morning Clips 2.13.15 DMR: Could Iowans see a 75 mph
speed limit?. 2 DMR: Biden to Democrats: Run on
Morning Clips 2.12.15 - Morning Clips 2.12.15 DMR: State prison costs balloon to
$166 million. 2 DMR: Questions on free
Morning Clips 2.11.15 - KTIV: Iowa Gov. Branstad joined by Sioux City students in
fight against bullying. 1 KCCI: Students
Morning Clips 2.10.15 - Morning Clips 2.10.15 DMR: Aug. 23 proposed as
compromise. 1 ICPC: Legislators question UI, AIB
Morning Clips 2.9.15 - Morning Clips 2.9.15 ICPC: Admission standards for AIB,
UI differ greatly. 1 DMR: Paul tailors speech
Morning Clips 2.6.15 - Morning Clips 2.6.15 Iowa Republicans See Renewed
National Clout. 1 Ethanol leak's extent studied
Morning Clips 2.5.15 - Morning Clips 2.5.15 Des Moines names next police chief. 2
Train cars derail near Dubuque, plunge
Morning Clips 2.4.15 - Morning Clips 2.4.15 AP: Police: Iowa girls' killer likely
familiar with remote area. 1 Lee:
Morning Clips 2.3.15 - Morning Clips 2.3.15 Photo of the Day by DPS PIO Alex
Murphy. 2 DMR: Offenders at Clarinda taken off
Morning Clips 2.2.15 - Morning Clips 2.2.15 Gazette: AIB weighed finances, legacy
in University of Iowa merger. 1 WHOTV:
Morning Clips 1.30.15 - Morning Clips 1.30.15 NYT: David Kochel, Romney's Iowa
Strategist, Jumps to Bush. 1 ISU faces
Morning Clips 1.29.15 - Morning Clips 1.29.15 QC Times editorial: Take some time
to rest, governor. 1 AP: Branstad receives
Morning Clips 1.28.15 - Morning Clips 1.28.15 DMR: Flu hospitalizations are
dropping sharply in Iowa. 1 DMR: Iowa House
Morning Clips 1.27.15 - Morning Clips 1.27.15 DMR: Branstad in hospital for flulike illness. 2 DMR: UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PLANS
Morning Clips 1.26.15 - Morning Clips 1.26.15 DMR: CoOportunity Health to be
Morning Clips 1.23.15 - Morning Clips 1.23.15 The Register's Editorial: Closing
mental institutes?. 1 Aside from summit,
Morning Clips 1.22.15 - Morning Clips 1.22.15 School start date criteria released by
Iowa education department. 1 Branstad
Morning Clips 1.21.15 - Morning Clips 1.21.15 DMR: Iowa to hire private firms to
help run Medicaid.. 1 DMR: Lawmaker to DM

Feb 19
Feb 18
Feb 17
Feb 16
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Feb 3
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Jan 30
Jan 29
Jan 28
Jan 27
Jan 26
Jan 23
Jan 22
Jan 21

Morning Clips 1.20.15 - Morning Clips 1.20.15 DMR: GOVERNOR: IOWA IS

PROSPERING.. 1 DMR: Marking 'most successful
Morning Clips 1.15.15 - Morning Clips 1.15.15 Branstad seeks to close two mental
institutes. 2 Lawmaker: Investigate delay in
Morning Clips 1.14..15 - Condition of the State wrap-up! The Front Pages:
DMR/Iowa City Press Citizen: Bipartisan Pitch SCJ:
Morning Clips 1.13.15 - Morning Clips 1.13.15 Condition of the State Day! 2
Morning Clips 1.12.15 - Morning Clips 1.12.15 DMR: 'Confusion' in UI athlete case
fuels settlement 1 Iowa Watch: Iowa
Morning Clips 1.9.15 - Morning Clips 1.9.15 WAPO: Obama to unveil proposal for
tuition-free community college. 1 POLITICO:
Morning Clips 1.8.15 - Morning Clips 1.8.15 CoOportunity's future looks 'tough,'
commissioner says. 1 Which
Morning Clips 1.7.15 - Morning Clips 1.7.15 Lee: Kooiker wins easily in special
Iowa House District 4 vote. 1 DMR: Water
Morning Clips 1.6.15 - Morning Clips 1.6.15 Governing: 2015's Top 10 Legislative
Issues to Watch.. 1 Trending: Five More
Morning Clips 1.5.15 - Morning Clips 1.5.15 Gov. Branstad, Kevin Reynolds (Lt.
Governor's husband) each get buck at
Morning Clips 1.2.15 - Morning Clips 1.2.2015 CITYVIEW: (Des Moines) Register
circulation numbers hit 90-year low... 1 AP:
Morning Clips 12.31.14 - Sorry for the delay, everyone. Have a happy new year!
Jimmy -- Morning Clips 12.31.14 DMR: Digital
Morning Clips 12.30.14 - Morning Clips 12.30.14 Lee: Branstad's surgery goes 'as
planned' 1 KCCI: Gov.
Morning Clips 12.29.14 - Morning Clips 12.19.14 The Register editorial:
Lawmakers should study fees while debating tuition
Morning Clips 12.22.14 - Morning Clips 12.22.14 DMR: Iowa's $2000 charge for
prison rape records stands. 2 DMR: Boehringer
Morning Clips 12.19.14 - Morning Clips 12.19.14 Report: Iowa makes economic
gains, but faces challenges. 1 4 ways Iowa can
Morning Clips 12.18.14 - Morning Clips 12.18.14 DOT chief: Crumbling Iowa
roads need money. 1 DMR: Second woman makes UI
Morning Clips 12.17.14 - Morning Clips 12.17.14 DMR: Jindal in Iowa: GOP
nominee must be chosen by voters, not the '
Morning Clips 12.16.14 - Morning Clips 12.16.14 DMR: Official: Straw poll likely
to live on. 1 DMR: Iowa urged to help
Morning Clips 12.15.14 - Morning Clips 12.15.14 DMR: Early school starts to be
rarer. 1 Lee: Iowa changes school start date
News Clips on School Start Date - DMR: Early school starts to be rarer Iowa's
public schools will be unable to start next school
Morning Clips 12.12.14 - Morning Clips 12.12.14 Des Moines airport hits 2 millionpassenger mark. 2 As flu season starts,

Jan 20
Jan 15
Jan 14
Jan 13
Jan 12
Jan 9
Jan 8
Jan 7
Jan 6
Jan 5
Jan 2

Morning Clips 12.11.14 - Morning Clips 12.11.14 AP: Iowa public safety
commissioner to retire, again. 1 DMR: Officer used
Morning Clips 12.10.14 - Morning Clips 12.10.14 DMR: Proposed $100 attorney fee
to fund legal aid fuels debate. 1 DMR: Iowa
Morning Clips 12.9.14 - Morning Clips 12.9.14 Branstad inauguration set for Jan.
16. 1 Governor encourages students to try
Morning Clips 12.8.14 - Morning Clips 12.8.14 USA TODAY: Video: Best- and
worst-run states (Iowa is #4). 1 DMR: Harkin on
Morning Clips 11.25.14 - Morning Clips 11.25.14 Branstad pardons turkeys in
Thanksgiving tradition. 1 Branstad pardons turkeys
Morning Clips 11.24.14 - Morning Clips 11.24.14 DMR: Iowa officials back
ethanol delay. 1 AP: Des Moines struggling with
Morning Clips 11.21.14 - Morning Clips 11.21.14 40 state budget meetings start this
Friday. 1 Committee leaders named for 2015
Morning Clips 11.20.14 - Morning Clips 11.20.14 Grassley gives emotional tribute
to Harkin. 2 Iowa state board delays decision
Morning Clips 11.19.14 - Morning Clips 11.19.14 POLITICO Playbook: Good
Wednesday morning. 2016 BEGINS TODAY at the Republican
Morning Clips 11.18.14 - Morning Clips 11.18.14 Landing NCAA hoops a gamechanger for Des Moines. 1 King aims to extend
Morning Clips 11.13.14 - Morning Clips 11.13.14 LeMars Daily Sentinel
Engagements: Greta Johnson (!) and Brian Rouse Wedding
Morning Clips 11.12.14 - Morning Clips 11.12.14 DMR: Pipeline could bring
$1.1B to Iowa. 1 Workforce director's decision
Morning Clips 11.7.14 - Morning Clips 11.7.14 Branstad: Transportation funding
will be priority in 2015. 1 Iowa quarantines
Morning Clips 11.6.14 - Morning Clips 11.6.14 Down on the night, Braley team
goes up at the casino. 1 Branstad's historic
Morning Clips 11.5.14 - Morning Clips 11.5.14 FINAL RESULTS. 3 US Senate:
Ernst: 52.2%; Braley: 43.7%.. 3 Governor: Branstad
Morning Clips 11.3.14 - Morning Clips 11.3.14 DMR: Iowa Poll: Branstad widens
lead over Hatch. 2 POLITICO: Terry Branstad,
Morning Clips 10.30.14 - Drake to build STEM-focused building: Drake University
plans to build a $65 million, six-building
Morning Clips 10.29.14 - New Quinnipiac Poll Shows Branstad, Ernst leading: Iowa
Republican State Sen. Joni Ernst is inching
Morning Clips 10.28.14 - Morning Clips 10.28.14 Branstad announces Home Base
recognition for Iowa colleges, universities. 2
Morning Clips 10.27.14 Morning Clips 10.24.14 - Dubuque TH endorses Branstad: Four years ago, Iowa
Gov. Terry Branstad returned to leadership of a
Morning Clips 10.23.14 - Morning Clips 10.13.14 Quinnipiac Poll: IOWA SENATE
Morning Clips 10.21.14 - If you only watch one video today: Gov. Terry Branstad


profiled by KCCI's Todd Magel. Gov.

Morning Clips 10.20.14 - Fort Dodge Messenger enthusiastically endorses
Branstad: Four years ago, Iowa voters brought Terry
Morning Clips 10.17.14 - Morning Clips 10.17.14 Senate debate's tenor echoes race.
2 How analysts saw the final Senate
Morning Clips 10.16.14 - Morning Clips 10.16.14 Hatch, Branstad differ widely on
economy. 2 Huffington Post: Democrats Cling
Morning Clips 10.15.14 - Morning Clips 10.15.14 New Quinnipiac Poll out this
morning on Iowa's US Senate seat and IAGOV. 2
Morning Clips 10.14.14 - Branstad maintains big lead over Hatch: A Des Moines
Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll conducted
Morning Clips 10.13.14 - Morning Clips 10.13.14 DMR: Hatch promises to undo
Branstad changes. 2 DMR: MidAmerican expands Iowa
Morning Clips 10.10.14 - Branstad proposes more government accountability:
Republican Governor Terry Branstad says if he's
Morning Clips 10.9.14 - Branstad plays to his strengths: At a loud and raucous
Hamburg Inn No. 2 here last month, bursting at
Morning Clips 10.7.14 - Branstad, Reynolds listen to bullying prevention efforts in
Eastern Iowa: Thank you for recognizing
Morning Clips 10.6.14 - Branstad wants transparency, Sen. McCoy doesn't: Whether
Iowa's public records law should be
Cedar Rapids Gazette story on cost of farming
Morning Clips 10.3.14 - Egg lawsuit tossed by judge: FRESNO, Calif. A federal
judge has thrown out a lawsuit filed by

Morning Clips 10.2.14 - IDPH downplays Ebola threat in Iowa: Officials at the Iowa
Department of Public Health issued a
Morning Clips 10.1.14 - Iowans' income on the rise: The amount of income made by
all Iowans rose to a non-inflation
Morning Clips 9.30.14 - Iowa Poll shows Branstad up 14 on Jack Hatch: The Des
Moines Register's latest Iowa Poll gives
Morning Clips 9.29.14 - Property owners see taxes going down: No business owner
has a shorter walk to pay a property-tax bill
Morning Clips 9.25.14 - Branstad, Reynolds launch anti-bullying listening tour: | Iowa
Gov. Terry Branstad on Wednesday
Morning Clips 9.24.14 - Floyd County becomes 4th HBI Community: Iowa
Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds is celebrating the
Morning Clips 9.23.14 - Christie to headline Branstad's Bday Bash: Gov. Terry
Branstad has landed a hot speaker for his
Morning Clips 9.22.14 - Iowa small business sees property tax relief: Business
property owners in Iowa received $127.3



Morning Clips 9.19.14 - Branstad, first lady and Reynolds launch anti-bullying tour:
Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad will visit
Morning Clips 9.18.14 - Branstad leads Hatch 60-37 in new poll: Iowa Gov. Terry
Branstad is rolling towards an historic sixth
Morning Clips 9.17.14 - Quinnipiac Poll shows Ernst up 6: Neutralizing the
traditional Democratic lead among women voters,
Morning Clips 9.16.14 - Hatch attacks jobs in Lee County: Democratic gubernatorial
candidate Jack Hatch on Monday accused
Morning Clips 9.15.14 - Photo of the weekend: Gov. Branstad goes deep for a pass at
the Hawkeye-Cyclone tailgate. Photo by
Morning Clips 9.12.14 - Branstad, Reynolds visit UI: Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds and
Branstad were in Iowa City to continue their
Morning Clips 9.11.14 - Flags fly at half-staff today: Gov. Terry Branstad today
ordered all flags in the state to be flown
Morning Clips 9.8.14 - After insisting on action, Obama punts on Immigration, for
now: President Obama has bowed to the
Morning Clips 9.5.14 - UNI professor's study shows strong economy helps Branstad:
It's still the economy, stupid.
Morning Clips 9.4.14 - A historic day in Emmetsburg: The world's largest refinery
that turns corn plant waste into
Morning Clips 9.3.14 - Morning Clips 9.3.14 Cedar Rapids Gazette Editorial: Water
alliance is a welcome step. 2 Branstad:
Morning Clips 9.2.14 - Morning Clips 9.2.14 DMR: Measuring Branstad success is a
numbers game. 2 DMR: Greater Des Moines
Morning Clips 8.29.14 - Mosiman provides independent review of settlements:
Mosiman concluded that none of the
Morning Clips 8.28.14 - Sorenson admits guilt, pleas: A state senator who resigned
after being accused of taking payments to
Morning Clips 8.27.14 - Branstad: EPA indecision hurting Iowa: Gov. Terry
Branstad told reporters at the Farm Progress Show
Morning Clips 8.26.14 - Morning Clips 8.26.14 AP: Farm associations form group to
curb pollution. 1 DMR: Iowa plans $108
Morning Clips 8.25.14 - Morning Clips 8.25.14 DMR: Waterloo cuts push Deere
layoffs to 1000.. 2 The Register's Editorial:
Morning Clips 8.22.14 - Morning Clips 8.22.14 DMR: Should farmers make way for
Bakken pipeline?. 1 DMR: Sex abuse case
Morning Clips 8.20.14 - Morning Clips 8.20.14 Civic Skinny: Tirrell seeks
bankruptcy; New Polk County Salaries; Dennie Parker
Morning Clips 8.19.14 - Morning Clips 8.19.14 Traffic cams speeding up commuters
in the metro. 1 Dallas Center-Grimes teacher
Morning Clips 8.15.14 - Morning Clips 8.15.14 Lee: Branstad, Hatch meet in first
campaign debate. 1 KCCI: Branstad, Hatch
Morning Clips 8.14.14 - Morning Clips 8.14.14 Ground Broken at Red Rock
Hydroelectric Project. 1 Preview: Branstad, Hatch


Morning Clips 8.13.14 - Morning Clips 8.13.14 SCJ: BPI to reopen Kansas plant as
lean beef sales tick up. 1 Iowa Politics
Morning Clips 8.12.14 - Morning Clips 8.12.14 Political Soapbox: Terry Branstad
highlights agriculture record. 2 Political
Morning Clips 8.11.14 - Morning Clips 8.11.14 DMR: Ray is State Fair's 'Iowan of
the Day' 2 In Iowa, Huckabee has
Morning Clips 8.8.14 - Morning Clips 8.8.14 WAPO: In Iowa, a dispute over
neighbor's chickens threatens Braley's
Morning Clips 8.6.14 - Morning Clips 8.6.14 LTE: Students benefit from STEM
initiative. 1 After deaths, parents urged to
Morning Clips 8.4.14 - Morning Clips 8.4.14 DMR: Democrats consider 'tele-caucus'
for military participation.. 2 DMR
Morning Clips 8.1.14 - Morning Clips 8.1.14 Gov. Branstad: Iowa headed 'in the
right direction' 1 Reynolds Selected
Morning Clips 7.31.14 - Morning Clips 7.31.14 Braley's Obama Problem.. 2 Sioux
City Journal: OUR OPINION: US must secure
Morning Clips 7.29.14 - Morning Clips 7.29.14 NYT: What Is Chris Christie Doing in
Iowa?. 2 OP-ED BY Lt. Gov. Reynolds:
Morning Clips 7.28.14 - Morning Clips 7.28.14 DMR: Polk County restricts ICE
immigrant holds. 2 AP: Tyson Foods closing
Morning Clips 7.25.14 - Morning Clips 7.25.14 Iowa companies open arms to
veterans. 2 Job fair held in Davenport to help
Morning Clips 7.24.14 - Morning Clips 7.24.14 Letter: Branstad got it right on
accepting these kids. 1 Letter: Register
Morning Clips 7.23.14 - Morning Clips 7.23.14 Politics revictimizes young
immigrants. 1 Des Moines Register wins access to
Morning Clips 7.21.14 - Morning Clips 7.21.14 DMR: Iowa ruling shifts from
mandatory minimums for juveniles. 2 AP: Survivors
Morning Clips 7.17.14 - Morning Clips 7.17.14 WHOTV: Ground Broken on LongAwaited Project in Marshalltown. 2 NYT: Towns
Morning Clips 7.16.14 - Morning Clips 7.16.14 NBC NEWS POLL: Dead heat in
Iowa Senate; Branstad leads Hatch 53-38. 2 View the
Morning Clips 7.15.14 - Morning Clips 7.15.144 NYT: Capitol's Partisanship Is
Taking Hold in Governors' Ranks. 2
Morning Clips 7.14.14 - Morning Clips 7.14.14 SCJ: JUDGE HOPES VETERANS
Morning Clips 7.10.14 - Morning Clips 7.10.14 Cancer patient says pot conviction a
"death sentence". 1 The
Morning Clips 7.9.14 - Morning Clips 7.9.14 Branstad campaign awash in funding. 1
Iowa ranked in top 10 for economic
Morning Clips 7.8.14 - Morning Clips 7.8.14 Branstad record merits his re-election
(Guest view) 1 Bakken oil trains run
Morning Clips 7.7.14 - Morning Clips 7.7.14 Letter: Hatch misfires in criticism of
Branstad. 2 AP: Eastern Iowa prepares for


Morning Clips 6.27.14 - Morning Clips 6.27.14 Angst over Iowa GOP leadership
transition could play out on Saturday. 1 Iowa
Morning Clips 6.26.14 - Morning Clips 6.26.14 Testimony: Top Iowa officials knew
of settlement payout. 1 Grassley audit
Morning Clips 6.25.14 - Morning Clips 6.25.14 Celebrating CJ, Cargill 1 Governor
Branstad makes a high-tech visit. 3 Fort
Morning Clips 6.24.14 - Morning Clips 6.24.14 LTE: Iowa Core standards will help
our students. 1 Thank you, Gov. Branstad. 2
Morning Clips 6.23.14 - Morning Clips 6.23.14 DMR: O'Malley's packed Iowa day
includes stop at O'Malley's pub
Boshart profile Morning Clips 6.19.14 - Morning Clips 6.19.14 Photos & Video from flood tour. 2
KDLT: Gov. Branstad Tours Rock River
Morning Clips 6.18.14 - Morning Clips 6.18.14 State must provide extra education at
Eldora. 1 Collegiate plates fund numerous
Morning Clips 6.13.14 - Morning Clips 6.13.14 Hatch calls himself 'urban,' 'liberal' on
program.. 1 The
Morning Clips 6.12.14 - Morning Clips 6.12.14 Senator wants veterans home refund.
2 Wafflers? Dueling Iowa ads accuse both US
Morning Clips 6.11.14 - Morning Clips 6.11.14 NYT: Eric Cantor Defeated by David
Brat, Tea Party Challenger, in Primary Upset
Morning Clips 6.10.14 - Morning Clips 6.10.14 Skilled Iowa effort reaches 45000
workers in first two years, officials say. 1
Morning Clips 6.9.14 - Morning Clips 6.9.14 DMR: Defamation lawsuit against
Branstad to move forward.. 2 DMR: Veishea panel
Morning Clips 6.6.14 - Morning Clips 6.6.14 70 th anniversary of D-Day FRONT
PAGES: 2 The Cedar Rapids Gazette remembers D
Morning Clips 6.5.14 - Morning Clips 6.5.14 FRONT PAGES: 2 The Burlington
Hawkeye: Campaigning the Iowa Way. 2 QC Times:
Morning Clips: Primary Election Day edition - Morning Clips: PRIMARY
ELECTION DAY EDITION! Branstad: Drop in revenue made vetoes necessary. 2
Morning Clips 6.2.14 - Morning Clips 6.2.14 NY TIMES: GOP Senate Hopeful in
Iowa Enlists a Familiar Face. 2 DMR: Branstad
Morning Clips 5.30.14 - Morning Clips 5.30.14 Rick Perry draws donors for Terry
Branstad in Ames. 1 Rick Perry stumps for
Morning Clips 5.27.14 - Morning Clips 5.27.14 DMR: Iowa delegation not ready to
call for VA chief's ouster. 2 DMR: Braley
Morning Clips 5.23.14 - Morning Clips 5.23.14 Happening today at 9 am: Gov.
Branstad tapes Iowa Press. 1 Happening on
Morning Clips 5.22.14 - Morning Clips 5.22.14 Symposium markets Des Moines as
insurance hub. 2 Lobotomy patient's family
Morning Clips 5.21.14 - Morning Clips 5.21.14 Branstad tours University of Iowa,
address faculty concerns. 1 Branstad lauds


Morning Clips 5.20.14 - Morning Clips 5.20.14 Iowa Republicans size up their
presidential options in a wide-open race. 1
Morning Clips 5.19.14 - Morning Clips 5.19.14 The Register's Editorial: Joni Ernst
offers Iowans strong credentials. 2
Morning Clips 5.15.14 - Morning Clips 5.15.14 Flags at half-staff today for National
Peace Officer Memorial Day following
Morning Clips 5.14.14 - Morning Clips 5.14.14 Iowa state executive under fire
suddenly quits. 2 Experts offer ideas for Iowa
Morning Clips 5.13.14 - Morning Clips 5.13.14 Symposium to address teacher
leadership program.. 1 DMR: Ernst seeks to clarify
Morning Clips 5.9.14 - Morning Clips 5.9.14 Iowa agency taking some names off 'donot-hire' list 1 Ernst previously
Morning Clips 5.8.14 - Morning Clips 5.8.14 Letter: Dix correct: Dems followed
union orders. 1 Vietnam veterans turn other
Morning Clips 5.7.14 - Morning Clips 5.7.14 Branstad pleased with 2014 session. 1
The Register's Editorial:
Morning Clips 5.6.14 - Morning Clips 5.6.14 Poll says Branstad lead at 15 points. 2
Poll gives Branstad 15-point lead in
Morning Clips 5.2.14 - Morning Clips 5.2.14 Iowa Senate seeks subpoena power to
probe secret deals. 1 Repeat sex offender
Morning Clips 5.1.14 - Morning Clips 5.1.14 Senate stand-off over subpeonas stalls
session's end. 1 Iowa Senate still in
Morning Clips 4.30.14 - Morning Clips 4.30.14 Real Clear Politics: Christie's
Fundraising Prowess Offers Comeback Path. 2
Morning Clips 4.29.14 - Morning Clips 4.29.14 Facebook announces second phase of
Altoona data center. 2 Legislature approves
Morning Clips 4.28.14 - Morning Clips 4.28.14 DMR: Republicans in Iowa replace
'liberty' faction with new party
Morning Clips 4.24.14 - Morning Clips 4.24.14 Reynolds touts Iowa's STEM efforts
at national conference. 1 2 Iowa casinos
Morning Clips 4.23.14 - Morning Clips 4.23.14 Letter to the editor: Branstad deserves
praise for role in tuition freeze. 1
Morning Clips 4.22.14 - Morning Clips 4.22.14 Ames-Des Moines region dubbed
'Cultivation Corridor' 2 Experts say
(no subject) - Morning Clips 4.21.14 The Register's Editorial: Senate Democrats have
some unfinished business. 2
Morning Clips 4.17.14 - Morning Clips 4.17.14 Wellmark: Insurance agency
overbilled thousands. 1 Chief: Board felt heat on
Morning Clips 4.16.14 - Morning Clips 4.16.14 Today's front pages. 2 Burlington
Hawkeye: 2 Cedar Rapids Gazette: 2 Iowa
Morning Clips 4.15.14 - Morning Clips 4.15.14 Today's front pages. 2 Quad City
Times: 2 Dubuque Telegraph Herald: 2 Iowa
Morning Clips 4.11.14 - Morning Clips 4.11.14 QC Times Front Page: Bill gives tax
credits for building reuse. 2 Branstad


Morning Clips 4.10.14 - Morning Clips 4.10.14 Iowa State's Leath suspends Veishea
after violent riot. 2 What's Just
Morning Clips 4.9.14 - Morning Clips 4.9.14 Official: 'I didn't lie' in secret settlement
testimony. 2 Iowa
Morning Clips 4.7.14 - Morning Clips 4.7.14 Iowa GOP abandons gay marriage ban..
1 Workforce director interfered, lawsuit
Morning Clips 4.3.14 - House Dems against increased transparency: The House
Oversight Committee took up House File 684 to

Morning Clips 4.2.14 - Morning Clips 4.2.14 Source of Iowa's secret settlement
money revealed. 2 Optimism after medical
Morning Clips 4.1.14 - Morning Clips 4.1.14 WHOTV: EXCLUSIVE: Others Used
Secret Settlements Too. 2 Iowa Lt. Gov. Kim
Morning Clips 3.31.14 - Morning Clips 3.31.14 Regents kick off efficiency review
of universities. 2 Register files two
Morning Clips 3.28.14 - Morning Clips 3.28.14 Iowans love my style, Christie
insists. 1 Capitol custodian honored with public
Morning Clips 3.25.14 - Morning Clips 3.25.14 Today's Front Pages. 2
HAPPENING TODAY: Iowa installs Norman Borlaug Statue
Morning Clips 3.24.14 - Morning Clips 3.24.14 West Des Moines appears poised to
land another data center. 2 Burglary follows
Morning Clips 3.21.14 - Morning Clips 3.21.14 Register Exclusive: A glimpse into a
drug probe. 2 Controlled buys. 3 The
Morning Clips 3.20.14 - Dotzler launches partisan attack: A Democratic lawmaker
on Wednesday accused the Republican head of
Morning Clips 3.17.14 - Morning Clips 3.17.14 QC Times editorial: Branstad's
board ignores sick Iowans. 1 IOWA VOTERS
Morning Clips 3.14.14 - Greene County is first Home Base Iowa Community:
Greene County joined a major push to attract
Morning Clips 3.13.14 - Morning Clips 3.13.14 Out-of-state poll: Branstad is a
strong, honest leader. 15 Branstad, Reynolds
Morning Clips 3.7.14 - Morning Clips 3.7.14 Letter to the Editor: Branstad was right
to close juvenile home. 2 Goss: FD
Morning Clips 3.6.14 - Morning Clips 3.6.14 LETTER: Credit Branstad for good
governance. 2 Iowa Legislature reaches rare
Morning Clips 3.5.14 - Morning Clips 3.5.14 Branstad's right: Don't cut National
Guard strength (Globe Gazette
Morning Clips 3.4.14 - Morning Clips 3.4.14 KTIV: Branstad, Durham focus on
Iowa economic development efforts. 2 KCAU: Site
Morning Clips 3.3.14 - Morning Clips 3.3.14 Letter: Alcoa expansion good news
for Iowa. 3 QC Times. 3 Regents take no



Morning Clips 2.28.14 - Morning Clips 2.28.14 LETTER: Closing Iowa Juvenile
Home was right step. 1 Regents to question Mason
Morning Clips 2.27.14 - Morning Clips 2.27.14 Regulators sue for-profit college. 2
Texas Gov. Rick Perry back in Iowa to aid
Morning Clips 2.26.14 - Morning Clips 2.26.14 LETTER: Closing Iowa Juvenile
Home was right step. 2 LETTER TO THE EDITOR:
Morning Clips 2.25.14 - Morning Clips 2.25.14 Letter to the editor: Iowa needs to do
what is best for juvenile girls. 2 Press
Morning Clips 2.21.14 - Morning Clips 2.21.14 Letter to the Editor: BranstadReynolds lead on education. 2 Election landscape
Morning Clips 2.20.14 - Morning Clips 2.20.14 Reynolds visits South Tama
agriculture expo. 2 Des Moines Vet Center celebrates
Morning Clips 2.19.14 - Morning Clips 2.19.14 West Des Moines mayor, wife
unlikely crusaders for medical pot. 2 SEIZURES TAKE
Morning Clips 2.18.14 - Morning Clips 2.18.14 Regents: Efficiency study could curb
tuition hikes at state universities. 2
Morning Clips 2.17.14 - Morning Clips 2.17.14 Filing maintains Branstad 'abused
powers' 2 Dems' catch: Voters
Morning Clips 2.14.14 - Morning Clips 2.14.14 Opinion by Sen. Grassley & Sen.
Cantell: Don't go backward on biofuels.
Morning Clips 2.13.14 - Morning Clips 2.13.14 Letter to the editor: Judge puts union
ahead of children. 2 Alcoa celebrates
Morning Clips 2.12.14 - Morning Clips 2.12.14 NYT: Holder Urges States to Lift
Bans on Felons' Voting. 2 AP: Holder urges
Morning Clips 2.11.14 - Morning Clips 2.11.14 Grassley seeks answers in ISU
research fraud case. 2 Harkin urges US pharmacy
Morning Clips 2.7.14 - Morning Clips 2.7.14 Branstad not interested in playing
politics over Iowa Juvenile Home. 1 Panels
Morning Clips 2.6.14 - Morning Clips 2.6.14 JUDGE'S RULING: Iowa Juvenile
Home To Re-Open. 2 Register Investigation:
Morning Clips 2.5.14 - Morning Clips 2.5.14 Crop insurance, farmers markets will
benefit. 1 Democrats call for quick action
Morning Clips 2.4.14 - Morning Clips 2.4.14 Bill would let Iowans buy fireworks. 1
Woman gives girls tools to succeed in
Morning Clips 2.3.14 - Morning Clips 2.3.14 4 lead GOP pack in US Senate
Morning Clips 1.31.14 - Morning Clips 1.31.14 Iowa business leaders express
cautious optimism for growth. 1 Iowa's solar
Morning Clips 1.30.14 - Morning Clips 1.30.14 Siouxland leaders push for more
money for Iowa's Poison Control Center. 2
Morning Clips 1.29.14 - Morning Clips 1.29.14 Iowa's December jobless rate dips to
4.2 percent 2 Ethanol industry set to
Morning Clips 1.28.14 - Morning Clips 1.28.14 Lt. Gov. Reynolds live on KWWL
this morning at 6:45 am 2 Terry Branstad's


Morning Clips 1.27.14 - Morning Clips 1.27.14 Battle over future of science classes
looms in Iowa, US 3 Iowa Juvenile Home:
Morning Clip 1.24.14 - Morning clips 1.24.14 Propane hits $5; Grassley requests
FTC inquiry.. 2 Iowa teen's kidnapMorning Clips 1.23.14 - Morning Clips 1.23.14 Biodiesel plants idled by industry
head winds. 2 Prairie Meadows' CEO given
Morning Clips 1.22.14 - Morning Clips 1.22.14 Big turnout for
Morning Clips 1.15.14 - Condition of the State Wrap-up Tweet of the Day:
JenniferJacobsDMReg @JenniferJJacobs Dean Borg of @
Morning Clips 1.14.14 - Morning Clips 1.14.14 Branstad: 2014 goals focus on
bulling, Internet access, veterans. 2 Branstad:
Morning Clips 1.13.14 - Morning Clips 1.13.14 Muscatine County reverses its
stance on Taser document 1 USDA stuns market,
Morning Clips 1.10.14 - Morning Clips 1.10.14 Letter to the editor: Governor
deserves praise for Juvenile Home action. 2 The
Morning Clips 1.9.14 - Morning Clips 1.9.14 CityView: The Undefeated Governor:
Why Democrats can't stand and can't
Morning Clips 1.7.14 - Morning Clips 1.7.14 3rd District field taking shape. 2 Public
safety chief reworks investigative
Morning Clips 1.6.14 - Morning Clips 1.6.13 Waterloo Courier editorial: 'Social
promotion' not always best policy. 2
Morning Clips 1.3.14 - Morning Clips 1.3.14 Register Investigation: Lawsuit seeks
to keep Iowa Juvenile Home open...........
Morning Clips 1.2.14 - Morning Clips 1.2.14 Register Exclusive: State association
wants new juvenile home for girls. 1
Morning Clips 12.31.13 - Morning Clips 12.31.13 US Struggles to Keep Pace in
Delivering Broadband Service. 1 Register
Morning Clips 12.30.13 - Distracted driving to get attention: Ongoing problems,
accidents and deaths associated with
Morning Clips 12.27.13 - Iowa does Medicaid its own way: When the federal
Affordable Care Act called for states to expand
Morning Clips 12.26.13 - Iowans believe life for kids is more of a challenge today:
Most Iowans think life is a challenge for
Morning Clips 12.24.13 - Morning Clips 12.24.13 Iowa State University researcher
accused of faking AIDS vaccine test results.
Morning Clips 12.20.13 - Use of HAVA funds: The nearly $150000 that Iowa
Secretary of State Matt Schultz's office has
Morning Clips 12.19.13 - Iowa Poll shows displeasure with Obama: Iowa is very
displeased with President Barack Obama.His
Morning Clips 12.17.13 - Branstad has 58% approval, 55% believe state is on right
track: Iowans see their state headed in the
Morning Clips 12.16.13 - Driving the Day: Officials at MidAmerican Energy Co.
and the state of Iowa are set to make a major


Morning Clips 12.13.13 - Morning Clips 12.13.13 E&E: Iowa lawmakers request
RFS hearing in the heart of ethanol country. 2
Campaign Clips: Chinese accused of corporate espionage; Modest revenue increase;
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 12.12.13 - Morning Clips 12.12.13 Radio Iowa: Leaders agree: no
state gas tax hike in 2014. 1 Des Moines
Campaign Clips: Leaders optimistic on IHWP waiver; Iowans apply on; Hatc... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this
email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 12.11.13 - Morning Clips TIME MAGAZINE: Person of the Year:
Pope Francis. 1 POLITICO: Budget agreement reached..
Campaign Clips: Feds approve IHWP; Iowa, Branstad applauded as pioneering
innovative st... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 12.10.13 - Morning Clips 12.10.13 Lee News: DHS moving
juveniles, laying off staff at Iowa Juvenile Home. 1
Campaign Clips: Caucus site launched, become a Branstad-Reynolds delegate; IJH
to close... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser. IJH
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 12.9.13 Des Moines Register: Care center fined
over supervision of sex offender. 1
Campaign Clips: Accelerated session on tap; Scott Walker pens op-ed in Chicago
Tribune;... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: Iowans support ban on telemed abortions; Pastors to visit Huck;
Bransta... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 12.5.13 - Morning Clips 12.5.13 Radio Iowa: Bolkcom ridicules
Branstad's pick your tax system idea. 1
Campaign Clips: Doug Burns Nails Tyler Olson; BVP mulls Senate run;
Sorenson home raide... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this
email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 12.4.13 - Morning Clips 12.4.13 Des Moines Register: Inmate Fetters
granted hospice-only parole. 1 Des Moines
Campaign Clips: Obamacare makes Braley vulnerable; Medicaid, Hawk-I enrollment
up; Stat... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 12.3.13 - Morning Clips 12.3.13 Des Moines Register: Former Iowa
inmate's settlement OK'd. 1 Des Moines
Campaign Clips: Dem primary shakeup as Olson announces divorce, scaling back
campaign; ... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser. DGA
Morning Clips 12.2.13 - Morning Clips 12.2.13 Lee News: Iowa tax breaks for windpower producers expire soon. 2 Byron York:



Campaign Clips: Happy Black Friday!; Winds impair Mississippi cleanup; Raygun
gets the ... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: Register against using sales tax for roads; Jeff Boeyink
celebrates a b... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 11.26.13 - Morning Clips 11.26.13 Des Moines Register: KCCI's
Fredericksen signing off on Wednesday. 1 Des
Campaign Clips: New IA Senate Polls out; Will BVP get in IASen Race; A fun
turkey pardo... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 11.25.13 - Morning Clips 11.25.13 Quad City Times Letter: Dems
should support 'Home Base Iowa' 1 Des
Campaign Clips: Robinson hits RPI in POLTICO Mag; Battle for ethanol; Harkin
still figh... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 11.22.13 - Morning Clips BOLKCOM AND HATCH SHOULD DO
Campaign Clips: Letter slams Bolckom, Hatch; US Senate goes nuclear; UI ranks #6
for ve... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips Des Moines Register Letter to the editor: Democrats
wrong to not praise vets job plan.
Campaign Clips: Branstad touts GOP govs' leadership; GOP govs seize party's
mantle; Rai... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: Branstad, Reynolds launch; Jacobs enters
IASen race; ... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: No "transportation summit" coming; Jeb blasts Steve King; Clovis
wins I... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser. No
Morning Clips 11.18.13 - Morning Clips 11.18.13 Radio Iowa: Toll-free hotline,
free lodging for retiring soldiers considering
Campaign Clips: Olson vs. Hatch preview; Branstad promises fiscal conservatism;
Governo... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser. DMR
Morning Clips 11.15.13 - Morning Clips 11.15.13 DM Register Letter to the editor:
Give credit to Branstad for Iowa's low
Campaign Clips: Obama tries to save credibility; Huckabee praises Branstad;
Jefferson H... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 11.14.13 Radio Iowa: Early deer season numbers
comparable to last year. 1 Sioux City
Campaign Clips: Just 136 Iowans enroll in ObamaCare; Throwback Thursday pic;





Garrett ru... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not

displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 11.13.13 - Morning Clips 11.13.13 The Iowa Republican: Olsen set to
return as Victory Director 1 DM Register:
Campaign Clips: Veterans jobs initiative launched; Rep. Ryan seeks common
ground; Brans... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
CAMPAIGN CLIPS: RGA Launches Branstad Web Ad; 400 jobs coming to Cedar
Falls; Scott Bro... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: Happy Veterans Day! Remember to thank a Veteran today;
Branstad makes I... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email
not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. If

Morning Clips 11.8.13 - Morning Clips 11.8.13 DM Register: MidAmerican starts

work on 5 wind sites. 1 DM Register: Rick Perry
Campaign Clips: Perry 2.0 swings through Iowa; Christie supports ready to
lend support;... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 11.7.13 - Wishing a very happy birthday (yesterday) to Margaret
Hough! Get the deets by clicking HERE! Also
Campaign Clips: Cargill, Cj begin production in Fort Dodge; Branstad promotes
party uni... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 11.6.13 Associated Press: Judge grants Planned
Parenthood request to suspend ban on
Campaign Clips: Christie Rolls, Mac survives; Coralville votes status quo; Jim
Heavens ... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
morning clips 11.5.13 - Morning Clips Lee News: New Iowa anti-bullying laws are
coming up short, experts say. 1 Radio Iowa:
Campaign Clips: Today is Election Day; Bullying prevention summit wrap up;
Implications... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: Schumer endorses Hillary in Iowa; Register gives "Rose" to
Knapp; Anti-... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 11.1.13 - Morning Clips: DM Register: Letter to the editor: Knapp
gives again with Branstad support 1 DM
Campaign Clips: AFP Plays in Coralville; Gov isn't afraid of ghosts; Schumer slams
Tea ... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not displaying
correctly? View it in your browser. AFP






Morning Crypts 10.31.13 - Happy Halloween! Your Morning Crypts 10.31.13 Radio
Iowa: DOT hears from both sides on the use of
Campaign Clips: Hatch unveils tax plan; Olson snags AFSCME endorsement; Braley
compares... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 10.30.13 - Morning Clips 10.30.13 Associated Press: Judge: ExIowa agent's records claim can proceed. 1 WHOCampaign Clips: Iowa Dems disagree on ObamaCare extension;
faces another... - Iowa Congressional Dems up for election in 2014 want extension,
Harkin says no. Is this email not
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 10.29.13 Lee News: Lawmakers Consider Expanded
ATV Use in Iowa. 1 The Iowa Republican:
Campaign Clips: Obama Admin knew millions would lose health insurance; Clean
water site... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 10.28.13 - Morning Clips 10.28.13 Cedar Rapids Gazette: Gov.
Branstad's meeting with Coral Ridge Mall owner
Campaign Clips: Dem Booster Bill Knapp backs Branstad; Braley avoids gun
questions - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: AP fans flames in alleged battle for Iowa GOP; Video abortion
fight hea... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser. AP
morning clips - Morning Clips 10.24.13 DM Register: DCI official given gaming job
months after being reprimanded for
Campaign Clips: New formally launched; TIR's IASEN
Debate Winners ... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email
not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. You
Campaign Clips: Meyer wins HD33 special election; Senate debate night; 30th
anniversary... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: Announcing redesign; Voss wanted staterun exchang... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 10.22.13 The Iowa Republican: Rep. Garrett to face
former Rep. Davitt in SD 13 special
Morning Clips 10.21.13 - Morning Clips 10.21.13 . 1 Lee News: Do 'safe' districts
promote partisan politics?. 2 KCCI:
Campaign Clips: WebFilings adding 700 jobs in Ames; High-speed rail is dead,
McCoy says... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: The Economist's Lessons from Terry Branstad; Julian Garrett wins
SD13 n...
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 10.18.13 Associated Press: Budget Crisis Exposes
Deepening Rift in GOP. 2 Shane Vander





Morning Clips - Morning Clips 10.17.13 Caffeinated Thoughts: Branstad Signs

Executive Order Addressing Common Core
Campaign Clips: Q3 fundraising roundup; Linn County calls for Spiker
resignation - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: Gender gap in candidates; A tale of two states; IA, IL may not
be only ... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser. A
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 10.15.13 Associated Press: Missing records
undermine training academy hazing case. 1
Campaign Clips: Culver's plan to employ Iowans employed Illinoisans, Missourians;
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 10.14.13 Associated Press: Terry Branstad renews
push to combat bullying. 2 Lee News:
Campaign Clips: Hatch snags endorsement from Boswell, others; Ernst reports
raising $25... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: Siouxland govs meet in Sioux City; I-80 collapse in Council Bluffs;
Iow... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not displaying
correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: Paul Ryan heads to Iowa for Birthday Bash; Federal flop; Obama,
Boehner... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: Reynolds, Ernst hit the trail; Legislators vote keeps ban on telemed
ab... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not displaying
correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 10.7.13 DM Register: Register Investigation: 1997
death at Iowa Juvenile Home. 1 DM
Campaign Clips: Reynolds endorses Ernst for Senate; Midwest lawmakers say don't
blame u... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 10.4.13 Lee News: Resignation not the end of former
Iowa senator Sorenson's case. 1
Campaign Clips: Only 39% of Iowans approve of Obama; 68% of Iowans think
nation is on t... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 68%
Campaign Clips: Tim Albrecht celebrates birthday; Sorenson resigns; A tale of two
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips 10.3.13 - Morning Clips 10.3.13 Lee News: Sorenson resigns in wake
of ethics findings. 1 Radio Iowa: UPDATE:
Campaign Clips: Branstad names Hinch COS; Worley resigns, Tymeson in at IVH;
King takes... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.







Fwd: Campaign Clips: Branstad names Hinch COS; Worley resigns, Tymeson in at
IVH; King ...
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 10.2.13 Cedar Rapids Gazette Editorial: How many
times does it take?. 1 Sioux City
Campaign Clips: Obamacare unpopular in Iowa; Branstad has strong warning on
speeding; I... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.30.13 Cedar Rapids Gazette: Branstad accused of
series of speeding violations. 1 Quad
Campaign Clips: Iowa Poll shows Branstad enjoys high approval; Kochel
speaks of grassro... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email
not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.27.13. DM Register: Vets home residents support
staff despite new investigation. 1 DM
Campaign Clips: Biz braces for Obamacare; Branstad lobbies for uniform education
standa... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.26.13 DM Register: Iowa told to reimburse
employee meals. 1 OBRADOVICH: Obradovich:
Campaign Clips: Olson gets too cute, has messaging fail; DMR says vote against
Obamacar... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips DM Register: Rubio and Barbour attend DC
fundraiser for Branstad. 1 DM Register:
Campaign Clips: Polk Co. GOP calls for Spiker, Fischer to resign; Branstad D.C.
fundrai... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Clips - Morning Clips 9.24.13 The Iowa Republican: RPI moves convention date to
June, aligns caucuses with
Campaign Clips: RPI reverses course; Office grand opening is Saturday; Hatch
wants feds... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser. RPI
Clips - Morning Clips 9.23.13 DM Register: Date of 2014 GOP caucuses fuels clash
in Iowa. 1 DM Register:
Campaign Clips: Grassley to run in 2016; Will RPI look at caucus date next; Gov't
shutd... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.20.13 Washington Post: House passes GOP plan to
slash food stamp funding. 1 Lee News:
Campaign Clips: House GOP passes food stamp cut; Branstad to make road funding
a priori... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
morning clips - Morning Clips Associated Press: Advocates question Law
Enforcement Academy hiring. 1 DM Register:


Campaign Clips: IA incomes better than nation; Branstad looks to meet with
feds on heal... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: Grassley celebrates Bday with 6 mi run; Jacobs speaks at breakfast
club... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not displaying
correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.18.13 Lee News: Independent oversight sought at
Toledo home. 1 DM Register: Juvenile
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.17.13 Suspect in fatal officer shooting used highpowered rifle, criminal complaint
Campaign Clips: IAGOV race takes shape; Hatch stumbles out of the blocks;
Healthcare ex... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Campaign Clips: Branstad-Reynolds bracket Hatch announcement; Iowa gov
race starting to... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email
not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.16.13 Lee News: Iowa Health and Wellness Plan
costs could top $1 billion. 1
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.13.13 Radio Iowa: Taiwanese delegation in Iowa
to sign pact to buy US corn, soybeans
Campaign Clips: Iowans using healthcare exhange to see competitive rates;
Spiker digs i... - BRANSTAD-REYNOLDS CAMPAIGN CLIPS Is this email not
displaying correctly? View it in your browser. We
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.12.13 Glover: Gronstal gearing up for short
legislative session, 2014 races. 1 Omaha
Campaign Clips: UI not billing Medicaid for abortions; OWH praises
broadband initiative - UI not billing Medicaid for abortions: Gov. Terry Branstad
has been spared the task of deciding
Morning Clips - Morning Clips DM Register: Iowa Speedway lagging on bills,
CEO resigns. 1 Iowa State Daily Letter to
Campaign Clips: Branstad-Reynolds announce precinct chairs in 1,000
precincts; Iowans w... - Branstad campaign announces chairs in nearly 1000
precincts: Republican Gov. Terry Branstad's
Morning Clips 9.9.13 - Morning Clips 9.9.13 Associated Press: Branstad on sixth
international trade trip since 2011. 2 Lee
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.6.13 KELO: Candy factory celebrates 35 years. 1
KTIV: CEO's generosity marks
Campaign Clips: Olson names campaign manager; Draft Renee Schulte
launches; Braley make... - Olson names campaign manager: Democratic
gubernatorial candidate Tyler Olson has hired a campaign
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.5.13 DM Register: Iowa public safety agency seen
healing, slowly, after London's
Campaign Clips: Matchup set in HD33; Clovis engages Braley; Spiker, Fischer
pen anti-Sy... - Matchup set in HD33: A Des Moines City Council member and a
US Marine Corps veteran will be the




Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.4.13 Des Moines Register: Iowa public safety chief
Brian London resigns from post 1
Campaign Clips: Branstad, Reynolds launch "Connect Every Iowan" initiative;
Sorenson ke... - Branstad, Reynolds roll out Connect Every Iowan initiative:
Seeking to boost Iowa's lagging
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.3.13 Associated Press: Iowa board votes to bar
abortion pill system.. 1 Associated
morning clips - Morning Clips Managed Healthcare Executive: Payers make
wellness investments 1 The Hill: Paul Ryan
Campaign Clips: King looks to be player in 2016 POTUS campaign; Hatch set to
announce g... - King to be power broker in 2016: US Rep. Steve King said Thursday
he intends to be involved in the
Morning Clips - Mason City Globe-Gazette and Britt News Tribune: Branstad gets
up-close look at Britt company. 1 Des
Campaign Clips: Second formal ethics complaint filed against Sorenson; Braley
takes hea... - Sorenson faces new ethics complaint: Embattled state Sen. Kent
Sorenson will face another ethics
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 8.28.13 Candidate for Iowa Court of Appeals asked
about her marriage to ex-state
Campaign Clips: Globe Gazette Applauds Branstad, Reynolds; Rick Perry coming to
Iowa' K... - Mason City Globe Gazette Applauds Branstad, Reynolds: We're glad to
see Gov. Terry Branstad is
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 8.27.13 Radio Iowa: Ribbon-cutting for new, $16.7
million Kemin research facility. 1
Campaign Clips: Branstad, Grassley, Senate candidates want convention back to
June; Bra... - Branstad calls for convention in June: Governor Terry Branstad today
said the Iowa Republican
Campaign Clips 8.26.13 - Campaign Clips 8.26.13 LETTER: Branstad, Reynolds
moving Iowa forward. 1 The Register's Editorial
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 8.26.13 DM Register: Register Investigation: Iowa
Juvenile Home's drug program gets
Morning Clips - Morning Clips Daily Iowegian: Gov., Lt. Gov. tour wells. 1 Des
Moines Register: Three nominees for
Campaign Clips: GOP Senate Hopefuls: Anyone but Bruce; Branstad, Reynolds on
hand in Ed... - GOP Senate Hopefuls: Anyone but Bruce: A quartet of GOP US
Senate hopefuls spent the evening singing
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 8.22.13 Muscatine Journal: Iowa's top team visits
Muscatine. 1 Clinton Herald: Gov.
Campaign Clips: Report shows Branstad had no involvement in Hedlund firing;
Howard Dean... - Governor not linked to Hedlund firing: An independent reviewer
appointed by Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 8.21.13 DM Register: Fire corrections chief,
AFSCME chief says. 1 DM Register:


Campaign Clips: Big names to attend Branstad-Reynolds fundraiser; Ernst supports

gun ri... - GOP Heavyweights line up for Branstad fundraiser: An all-star team of
national Republicans are slated
Morning Clips 8.20.13 - Morning Clips 8.20.13 DM Register: Iowa State Fair
attendance again tops 1 million. 1 DM Register:
Campaign Clips: Branstad racks up support; Braley hires campaign manager; Styles
emerge... - Branstad racks up support: The Branstad campaign has already rounded up
over 1000 people to publicly
Morning Clips 8.19.13 - Morning Clips 8.19.13 Associated Press: Philippine
diplomat accepts apology from Iowa public safety
Campaign Clips: Branstad, Reynolds announce over 1,000 county chairs;
Independents stil... - DISPLAY OF STRENGTH: Governor Terry Branstad may be
waiting for the calendar to turn to 2014 before
Campaign Clips: Priorities for Iowa launches; Schultz gets access to federal database;
... - Kochel, Craig launch Priorities for Iowa: A new Republican-leaning political
organization in Iowa
Campaign Clips: Branstad meets with DMR editorial board, news staff - Branstad
considering all options on IJH: Gov. Terry Branstad says privately run agencies
appear to
Morning Clips 8.13.13 - DM Register: Incidents at Iowa Juvenile Home increased
during staffing shortages. 1 Associated Press:
Morning Clips 8.12.13 - Morning Clips 8.12.13 QC Times Letter to the Editor:
Branstad is moving Iowa in the right direction.
Campaign Clips: Hatch's launches TV ad; Olson talks water quality in Ottumwa;
Hatch vis... - Hatch launches campaign ad 450 days from election: It's 10 months until
the Democratic primary
Campaign Clips: Ethics committee dismisses complaint against Auditor Mosiman;
Sec. Schu... - State dismisses ethics complaint against Mosiman: The Iowa Ethics and
Campaign Disclosure Board
Campaign Clips: Dem govs worried about ObamaCare; FAMiLY Leader Straw poll DEM GOV'S NERVOUS ABOUT OBAMACARE: Democratic governors say they
are nervous about getting the
Campaign Clips: Miller hires McCarthy; Olson stops in Coralville; Jindal coming to
Iowa - Miller hires McCarthy, intends to seek reelection: Iowa state Rep. Kevin
McCarthy will resign his
Campaign Clips: Sign the Lt. Governor's e-Birthday Card; Bob Dvorsky endorses
Olson; Co... - Campaign Clips Preview: Kim's e-Birthday Card: This Sunday is Lt.
Gov. Reynolds' birthday. To
Morning Clips 7.31.13 - Morning Clips 7.31.13 Cedar Rapids Gazette Editorial: From
speeding to special investigation' 1
Campaign Clips: Gronstal, Jochum out; Culver, Fitzgerald pondering; Paulsen's
unique ci... - Gronstal, Jochum pass on gov race: The field for the 2014 governor's








race is most likely set now

Campaign Clips: Gronstal won't run for gov; DMR: Branstad did the right thing;
Clovis r... - Gronstal will not run for Gov in 14: Senate Majority Leader Mike
Gronstal announced tonight that he
Morning Clips 7.29.13 - Morning Clips 7.29.13 DM REGISTER: Hedlund attorney:
500-page report is defamatory, won't be
Campaign Clips: Branstad keeping Iowa businesses in Iowa - ESOPs keep Iowa
business in Iowa: Economic incentives to attract new business to Iowa grab headlines
Morning Clips 7.25.13 - Morning Clips 7.25.13 DM Register: More jobs tied to more
people. 1 Associated Press: Agent, trooper
Campaign Clips: Branstad-Reynolds team outlines potential campaign; Branstad,
Reynolds ... - Branstad team addresses westside conservatives: The manager of the
newly reconstituted BranstadMorning Clips 7.24.13 - Morning Clips 7.24.13 Lee News: Arrest of third man
involved in money-laundering scheme. 1 DM
Morning Clips 7.23.13 - Morning Clips 7.23.13 DM Register: Abortion opponents
notified state about telemedicine petition. 2
Campaign Clips: US Senate Candidate remain largely unknown; Young's campaign
powered by... - Poll finds Iowans unfamiliar with US Senate candidates: In the race to
succeed retiring US Sen. Tom
7.22.13 Morning Clips - Morning Clips 7.22.13 Estherville Daily News: Branstad
tours GKN.. 1 Associated Press: Branstad names
Campaign Clips: Branstad-Reynolds set employment record; Hatch dislikes jobs in
Lee Cou... - Branstad remains popular, sets record jobs mark: Despite the reservations
about his longevity, the
Morning Clips 7.19.13 - Morning Clips 7.19.13 DM Register: Branstad calls on fired
investigator's attorney to release
Campaign Clips: Branstad sees high approval among Republicans, Independents in
Quinnipi... - Quinnipiac Poll out this morning: Iowa voters like Gov. Terry Branstad:
they give him a 50 37
Morning Clips 7.18.13 - Morning Clips 7.18.13 WHO-TV: HEDLUND
Campaign Clips: Clovis highlights Rubio's potential Iowa problem; No '16 caucus
frontru... - Does Rubio have an Iowa problem?: If Sam Clovis is any barometer, the
answer is an unmitigated yes.
Morning Clips 7.17.13 - Morning Clips 7.17.13 WCR Courier: Clarksville principal
among applicants for DOE position. 1 AP:
Morning Clips 7.16.13 - Morning Clips 7.16.13 Lee News: Iowa State Fair plans
butter sculpture of Lincoln. 1 DM Register:
Campaign Clips: Ernst debuts in Ames; Clovis traveling the state; Branstad to
announce ... - Ernst debuts in Ames: State Senator Joni Ernst provided Story County
Republicans with the first
Morning Clips 7.15.13 - Morning Clips 7.15.13 DM Register: Terry Branstad is a
road warrior 1 DM Register: Culver, Vilsack


Campaign Clips: Get your FREE Branstad-Reynolds bumper sticker; Wiser looks at
the race... - Today at 8 am: An email goes out offering free Branstad-Reynolds
bumper stickers. The promotion will
Morning Clips 7.12.13 - Morning Clips 7.12.13 DM Register: Schools can apply for
STEM classroom grants. 1 DM Register:
Campaign Clips: Dorman says Olson has "daunting" task of explaining why
Iowa needs "new... - Dorman: Olson faces daunting task of explaining why Iowa
needs new: It was tough to miss the
Morning Clips 7.11.13 - Morning Clips 7.11.13 Radio Iowa: ACLU argues for
electronic recording of suspect interviews. 1 Radio
Campaign Clips: PPP releases IAGOV, IASEN poll conducted over 4th of July
weekend; Joni... - Public Policy Polling out with a new poll. Note the poll was taken
over 4 th of July weekend and is
Campaign Clips: Olson announces, Branstad-Reynolds Committee responds;
Appel to challen... - Campaign Clips 7.10.13 FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA
(no subject) - 7.10.13 Morning Clips Branstad having high-level meetings with
European businesses. 1 Branstad
Morning Clips 7.9.13 - Morning Clips 7.9.13 AP: Agent opposed restructuring idea.
1 Radio Iowa: Reynolds to lead STEM Food
7.8.13 Morning Clips - Morning Clips 7.8.13 Sioux City Journal: Gender balance
elusive on Iowa's boards. 1 Daily Iowan:
Morning Clips 7.5.2013 - Morning Clips 7.5.13 CR Gazette: Iowa's woodlands shrink
for first time since 1974. 1 Lee News:
Morning Clips: Review of speeding vehicle underway; Indicators show Iowa's
economy impr... - Review of governor's speeding vehicle: The removal from duty of a
prominent Iowa Division of
Morning Clips: Six companies to participate in Iowa healthcare exchange; BranstadReyno... - Six insurance companies to join exchange, Wellmark not one: Iowans who
check out the state's new
Morning Clips: Branstad campaign laying groundwork, not announcing;
Greiner, Bottger to... - Laying the groundwork: With a historically productive
legislative session wrapped up and bills signed
Morning Clips: End of the chapter for families of Moss' victims; Concerns on Warsi
Rive... - End of the Chapter for the families of Moss' victims: Sarilye Atlas said
news that the man who
Morning Clips: "Dramatic and positive" shift in Iowa hiring; Irresistible employee
suit... - Dramatic and positive shift in Iowa hiring: A new survey shows small- and
medium-sized Iowa
Morning Clips: NW Iowa unemployment down; Lofgren running in IA02; WCFC
praises Iowa He... - Unemployment down in NW Iowa: Metro Sioux City employers
added 500 jobs last month, helping to push
Morning Clips: Eleven Iowans gave total of $1 million in 2012 campaign cycle;
Tornado h... - Eleven Iowans gave $1 million to political campaigns in 2012: Eleven
Iowans gave a combined total of









Morning Clips: Iowa's job market on the rise; New education director should be "play
ma... - Iowa's job market on the rise: Iowa's improving job market has workers
gaining some long-lost
Iowa Health and Wellness Plan signed into law; Project Mountain to bring $700
million i... - Iowa Health and Wellness Plan signed into law: Gov. Terry Branstad
signed into law the Iowa Health
Morning Clips: Preschool gains gone by 3rd grade, report says; 1 in 5 Iowa bridges
stru... - Report says preschool gains gone by 3 rd grade: Early academic gains by
children in Iowa's
Morning Clips: Iowans favor path to citizenship; SCJ wants less talk, more action on
ro... - Iowa Poll: 54% of Iowans favor path to citizenship: Most Iowans support
greater border security and a
Morning Clips: Gazette lobbies against abortion funding language; Branstad's support
of... - The Gazette: Item veto abortion-funding language in DHS bill: We understand
that having a Legislature
Morning Clips: Kosovoar leaders visit Iowa, hope to learn; Olson mulls his options;
Div... - Kosovoar leaders hoping to learn from Iowa: Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim
Thaci's first visit to
Morning Clips: Tornados hit NE Iowa, no fatalities reported; Largest tax cut in Iowa
hi... - Tornado hits Belmond: Multiple tornadoes on Wednesday caused by a massive
line of storms "
Morning Clips: Obama sees worst IA approval rating since taking office; Olson steps
dow... - Iowans disapprove of Obama's second term thus far: Iowans dislike the work
President Barack Obama
Morning Clips: "Project Mountain" could bring big investment to West Des Moines;
Clovis... - Project Mountain could bring big investment to West Des Moines: Less
than two months after
Morning Clips: Iowa Poll: Branstad's a popular guy; Iowans believe in education
reform;... - Iowa Poll good news for Branstad, Reynolds: Republican Terry Branstad
is a popular guy, a new Des
Morning Clips: Take notes on Branstad's relationship with Xi, Mr. President; Eastern
Io... - Obama should take notes of Branstad's relationship with Xi: Chances are
President Barack Obama
Morning Clips: Rastetter is new Regents President; Historic tax cut to be signed next
w... - Rasteter named regent president: Regent Bruce Rastetter pledged to continue
efforts to increase
Morning Clips: Iowa River in Iowa City to crest tomorrow; UNI faces budget
pressure; Mo... - Good news from Iowa City: The US Army Corps of Engineers is
giving more good news to eastern Iowa
Morning Clips - Paulson, Gronstal on Iowa Press: The legislative leaders describe a
historic session and hint at
Morning Clips: Gronstal, Paulsen talk policy, politics on Iowa Press; Dry weekend
helps... - Paulsen, Gronstal on Iowa Press: The legislative leaders describe a historic
session and hint at
Morning Clips - New Hartford prepares for the worst: A week of relentless rain has














turned a creek west of Cedar Falls

Morning Clips: New Hartford prepares for the worst; 2 rural Iowa City neighborhoods
eva... - New Hartford prepares for the worst: A week of relentless rain has turned a
creek west of Cedar Falls
Morning Clips: Hatch "really likely" to run for governor; Paulsen considering IA01
run;... - A Hatch run is really likely: Hard-driving Democrat Jack Hatch, a
champion for health care and
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 5.28.13 Lee News: Persistent rains create flood
concerns in Iowa. 1 Radio Iowa: Rule
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 5.21.13 Associated Press: Branstad says he's open to
health care compromise. 1
Morning Clips 5.20.13 - Morning Clips 5.20.13 DM REGISTER: Iowa Senate GOP
staffer claims she was fired for protesting sexual
Morning Clips: Budget, legislative deal in sight - Budget deal coming together: Key
lawmakers have struck a deal on a state budget totaling nearly $6.5
Morning Clips: Auditor Mosiman introduced; Fired up about STEM; Branstad,
leaders getti... - Auditor Moisman introduced: The first woman to serve as Iowa's state
auditor is a certified
Morning Clips: Progress being made at State House; Concerns over potential
Medicaid Sho... - Real progress made: Roving bands of lawmakers occasionally
meeting to discuss unresolved priority
Morning Clips: MidAmerican's $1.9 billion investment; Getting closer to the budget
numb... - $1.9 billion: MidAmerican Energy Co.'s $1.9 billion investment in wind
energy in Iowa will help
Morning Clips: Tymeson to IVH as COO; Quinnipiac to begin Iowa polling;
Valenziano back... - Valenziano back in Iowa: While Branstad has gone out of his
way to keep all of his options open, he
Morning Clips: IVH Senate hearing; The Magic Number; AP looks at electing women
in Iowa... - IVH Hearing: Former employees of the Iowa Veterans Home criticized the
institution's leadership
Morning Clips: King out; Teacher evaluations hold up ed reform; Iowa Senate to
discuss ... - Teacher evaluations hold up ed reform: Proposed changes to Iowa's
teacher evaluation system have
Morning Clips: Iowa flags at half-staff today; Leaders discuss differences; UI hopes
to... - REMINDER: Iowa flags at half-staff to honor Vietnam sailor: Gov. Terry
Branstad has ordered all state
Morning Clips: Branstad, Reynolds get high praise in Cresco; Healthy Iowa Plan
CRESCO PLAIN DEALER: Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt.
Morning Clips: SUX Officer fired at, said to be recovering; Healthy Iowa Plan head to
H... - Officer fired at in Sioux City: On what should have been a quiet afternoon,
Donna Johnson was out in
Morning Clips: QC Times praises economic development; AP looks at Senate
candidate recr... - QC TIMES editorial: The biggest week in Iowa economic
development history passed quietly in our Quad-












Morning Clips: Property taxes to conference committee; Regents study funding shift;
86 ... - Property taxes to conference committee: The Iowa Senate agreed Thursday to
send a property tax relief
Morning Clips: Study looks at competing property tax plans; Branstad signs Lake
Delhi b... - Study looks at effects of property tax relief: Commercial property owners'
opinions about
Morning Clips: Reynolds not running for Senate; Facebook puts Iowa on the map;
Radio ad... - Reynolds won't run for Senate: Iowa Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds has decided
against seeking a US Senate
Morning Clips: Iowa Likes Facebook's $1.5 billion investment; Senate Dems deny ed
refor... - Education reform a slow-go: Gov. Terry Branstad said Monday there's no
reason an education reform
Morning Clips: Facebook "Likes" Iowa; Lee News looks to 2014; Boeyink pleased
with prog... - 1.5 BILLION investment from Facebook coming to Iowa: Facebook is
behind a $1 billion data center
Morning Clips: Branstad a rock star in China; Sioux City ready to rock; Education
offer... - MUST READ: Branstad a rock star in China: On Monday, Gov. Terry
Branstad met with Chinese President
Morning Clips: Education committee spinning their wheels; Rep. Rogers, Bousselot
defend... - Spinning their wheels: Lawmakers ended Wednesday's hourlong education
reform negotiation session
Morning Clips: Tickets now on sale for lunch benefiting Food Bank of Iowa;
Medicaid hea... - SUPPORT THE FOOD BANK OF IOWA: Tickets are now on sale
for the State Employee Luncheon which will be
Morning Clips: Senate passes tax reform bill; Reynolds says ball is in Dems'
court on e... - Senate D's pass property tax relief: The Iowa Senate voted 29-21
Monday to approve a $250 million
Morning Clips: DAS rule scrutinized; Lang says he failed to connect; Lake Delhi
legisla... - DAS Rule scrutinized: Dozens of state employees have seen their jobs
carved out of the
Morning Clips: Branstad, Hatch pen op-eds in DMR; Senate Dems try
explaining why 4 and ... - Branstad op-ed on Healthy Iowa Plan: Imagine a health
insurance plan where you pay nothing for your
Morning Clips: House GOP offers education compromise, Quirmbach not interested;
Lobbyis... - Education reform compromise offered: Republicans negotiating an
education reform bill said they would
Morning Clips: Conference Committee gets to work on education, Quirmbach worries
about ... - Legislators pledge to move quickly on ed reform: Lawmakers working out a
compromise education reform
Morning Clips 4.9.13 - Lang, Cramer fail to be confirmed in Senate: The Iowa Senate
on Monday voted down two nominees for
Morning Clips: Session expected to go long; Gronstal call Healthy Iowa Plan 'absurd';
M... - Register: 'Lang and Rastetter were right': A nine-member task force created by
the Iowa Board
Morning Clips: Moving closer to conference committee; Branstad pushes property tax














reli... - Education reform moving to conference committee: The Senate took steps
Wednesday to move an education
Morning Clips: Register, DI support Lang and Cramer; SCJ: Pay raises can wait;
Braley h... - Branstad defends Lang, Cramer: Gov. Terry Branstad said Monday his
three appointees to the Board of

Morning Clips: SCJ Applauds Branstad, Reynolds; Legis pay raise faces early
opposition;... - SCJ Applauds Branstad, Reynolds for turning the ship: Another
month, more good economic and budget
Morning Clips: Union Members won't pay health care premiums; Tour guide in
chief; Legis... - Union workers won't pay health care premiums: The state of Iowa
will reject Peggy
Morning Clips: Branstad doubles down on education; IDR supports online tax
revenue; Lan... - Branstad, unlike other GOP governors, doubles down on education:
As his Republican peers in other
Morning Clips Resend: Branstad pens op-ed in POLITICO; Ed Reform passes
Senate; Bransta... - Branstad pens Op-Ed in POLITICO: While Washington debates
the future of the Renewable Fuels Standard,
Morning Clips: Education reform passes; Lang confident he'll be confirmed;
Branstad lob... - Iowa Senate passes education reform: The Iowa Senate approved a
statewide education reform plan
Morning Clips: Flags at half-staff today; Senate Dems push Medicaid expansion
through;B... - REMINDER: Gov. Branstad has ordered all flags be flown at half-staff
today to honor Army Staff Sgt.
Morning Clips 3.25.13 - Morning Clips 3.25.13 Radio Iowa: Iowa economic
development director accuses senator of engaging in
Morning Clips 3.23.13 - Morning Clips 3.22.13 DM Register: Contraband behind
lockdown at state penitentiary. 1 DM Register:
Morning Clips: WSJ looks at eithcs issue for Harkin; Regent appointments move out
of co... - WSJ looks at Harkin Institute: Like many of his peers, Sen. Tom Harkin
wanted to leave as a legacy a
Morning Clips: Property tax bill advances in House; Cramer faces tough questions
from S... - Iowa-Illinois battling for fertilizer plant: Illinois and Iowa are battling
again to land a $1
Morning Clips: Lang defends Regents work; Sen. Courtney returns; Branstad thinks
Harkin... - Lang goes before Senate education committee: Regents President Craig
Lang's chances of winning
Morning Clips: Border Battle Part 2; Register's Friday Medicaid edition; ISU, UI
men ad... - Border Wars: Illinois and Iowa compete for another Billion Dollar Deal:
Another Illinois-Iowa border
Morning Clips: Tempers flare in Senate; House panel passes Edu budget; Mental
health fu... - Senate Dems lose their cool: Democrats and Republicans engaged in a











war of words Wednesday on the

Morning Clips: "IN DEFENSE OF OPPORTUNITY"; Reynolds pledges to
stand firm; Governor fi... - IN DEFENSE OF OPPORTUNITY: The Burlington
Hawkeye calls Branstad the Plant Promoter. Lt. Gov.
DMR: Branstad blames partisanship, competitors for attacks on Lee County project Gov. Terry Branstad today blamed partisanship and competitors for trying to
sandbag a $1.4 billion
Morning Clips: Vaudt approves of Branstad-Reynolds budgeting; Local gov't
officials sta... - Vaudt approves of Branstad budgeting: Gov. Terry Branstad has
proposed a fiscal 2014 state budget
Vaudt Press Conference Clips - Governor- Per your request, here are the news clips
from Auditor Vaudt's news conference. These
Morning Clips: 2 North Liberty Officers shot overnight; DMR looks at gun permits;
What ... - OVERNIGHT: 2 Officers Shot in North Liberty: Officials say two area
officers were injured after a
Morning Clips: AFSCME Contract; Sequestration's effects on Iowa; Education
reform movin... - Education moving in the Senate: School districts would receive an
extra $400 per student under an
Morning Clips: Jacobson gives $15 million to UNI; AFSCME contract out
today; Kehl still... - Largest-ever gift to UNI: The largest gift in University of
Northern Iowa history will pay for more
Morning Clips: DMR looks at GOP candidates for US Senate; Landslide for CR
Casino; Sena... - DMR looks at potential IA Senate candidates: If US Rep. Steve
King doesn't run for US Senate,
Morning Clips: Budget targets; Medicaid expansion; Healthiest State - Anti-bullying
bill introduced: A far-reaching anti-bullying bill with backing from Gov. Terry
Morning Clips: Funnel approaches; Trade mission update; Property taxes begin to
move - Medicaid expansion: Counties could save up to $60 million per year in
mental health costs if Iowa
Morning Clips: House, Senate Budget targets released; Latham out; King, Reynolds
floate... - Senate Dems pass Medicaid expansion out of committee: Calling it the
moral thing to do, Senate
Morning Clips: Durham takes on Bolkcom; Branstad looks to expand IowaCare;
Iowa ranks 9... - Orascom: Iowa Economic Development Director Debi Durham said
her staff kept her in the dark after
Morning Clips: Senate Dems take DC tone on property taxes; Sequestration - Dems
unveil property tax plan: Senate Democrats on Monday challenged Gov. Terry
Branstad to negotiate
Morning Clips: Iowans optomistic about state's economy; Attention turning to
property t... - Iowans optimistic about state's economy: Nearly 70 percent of Iowans
believe the state's
Morning Clips: House passed ed reform; Property tax battle begins; Iowa view calls
for ... - Education reform passes House: After making several changes to Gov. Terry
Branstad's education
Morning Clips: Education Reform; Morning TRIVIA; Rep. Hunter upset - Iowa Poll:












Traffic Cameras: More Iowans want to get rid of automated traffic enforcement
cameras than
Morning Clips: State Troopers ask for more funding via TV; Gov. Brown vs. Gov.
Branstad - State Troopers take to TV lobbying for funding: As the legislature debates
what to do with an
Governor please call - Hi Governor - sorry to bug you but Stu Woo from the Wall
Street Journal wants to talk about
Morning Clips: Iowans opposed to gas tax increase; Orascom; Senate Dems unveil
property... - Iowans opposed to gas tax hike: Iowans oppose raising the state's
gasoline tax by nearly a 2-to-1
Morning Clips: Iowa Poll shows Iowans behind Branstad education plan; Murphy in
for IA0... - Iowa Poll: Iowans are with Branstad on education reform: Most Iowans
believe that paying more to
Morning Clips: State of the Union; IA spilt on Medicaid expansion; SCJ looks at
online ... - State of the Union: In a speech largely focused on the economy, the
president's rollout of his
Morning Clips: SCJ highlights Iowa's strong economic numbers; Branstad sets
education g... - Sioux City Journal: Iowa economic numbers reaming strong: Both
Republicans and Democrats in state
Morning Clips: Branstad takes plan to Council Bluffs; Iowa Poll out, Braley fades;
Nati... - What Sen. Gronstal is reading at home this morning: Branstad pitches plan
in Council Bluffs:
Morning Clips: Girl Scout to make pitch to governor LIVE at 7:10 a.m.; Branstad
+25 wit... - Happening LIVE at 7:10: A local girl scout visits Terrace Hill to make a
girl scout cookie pitch to
Morning Clips: Plug pulled on Harkin Institute; Agreement on Mental Health
funding; Ski... - Plug Pulled on Harkin Institute at ISU: US Sen. Tom Harkin
reversed course Tuesday and announced he
Morning Clips: Harkin Institute; Gazette looks for divvy up surplus; Register goes
afte... - Harkin Institute: The hot political debate during the Harkin Institute's
symposium at Iowa State
Morning Clips - Radio dispute: To win a contract to outfit law enforcement officers
at the Iowa Department of Natural
Morning Clips: Dir. Durham fires back; Regents looking for transperancy; House
pushes f... - CR Gazette Editorial: Don't hold school districts hostage: We appreciate
much of Iowa Gov. Terry
Morning Clips: Education reform takes center stage; Reynolds keeps options open;
DC tak... - Fleshing out education reform: The state would cough up an extra $314
per student for Iowa school
Morning Clips: Harkin bombshell; Sioux City Journal is ready for ed reform; Quad
City T... - SCJ: This is the year for Ed reform: From the beginning, we have
applauded and supported the
Morning Clips: Focused Agenda Outlined in Waterloo and Ottumwa - Focused
Agenda: Gov. Terry Branstad wants to keep his to-do list short and his battles












Morning Clips - Morning Clips 1.24.13 QC Times: Branstad urges quick action on
education reform.. 1 Associated Press:
Fwd: - Morning Clips 1.23.13 Fast Company: Who needs Starbucks? Dwolla gets
into government with Iowa taxMorning Clips: Education reform; Olson for IDP Chair; So much surplus, so many
taxes to... - Education reform before aid: Gov. Terry Branstad said Friday he's
willing to consider additional
Morning Clips: "Branstad has right plan;" Allowable Growth; Olson's spin - Sorry
for the delay: Gov. Branstad taped IPTV's Iowa Press this morning. The panel
Morning Clips: Iowa Tax Rate Uncompetitive; RICE rule revision; State of the
Judiciary - SCJ: Gov. Heineman Goes Bold: Talk about bold. Nebraska Gov. Dave
Heineman can't be accused of
Morning Clips: Dix Profiled; Branstad the Buck Stopper; Anderson the first
2014 candida... - Dix Profiled: Take a look inside the hierarchy of the Iowa Senate
Republican Caucus, and you'll
Morning Clips: Clarifying Discipline Law; DMR penetration drops below one-infour house... - Emergency Response Review: Law enforcement officials in the Des
Moines area are reviewing how they
Morning Clips: Iowa Taxes Uncompetitive; Is 2013 the year of tax reform; Fired
Workers ... - Iowa Taxes Uncompetitive: A Midwestern economist says Iowa
policymakers should focus on cutting
Morning Clips: One Sweet Deal; More problems for the Harkin Institute;
China looking at... - One sweet deal: Want a job that fully covers health premiums?
How about one that pays more money if
Morning Clips: Iowa Leaders React to Cliff Deal; Helicopter Crash in Near
Mason City; A... - Iowa Leaders and Business React to Fiscal Cliff bill: If the
fiscal cliff has been a wet blanket
Morning Clips: Positioning on Property Tax Relief; Chances of Education
Reform; Traffic... - Optimism in Iowa: the condition of state government is
cause for optimism. The state's treasury
Morning Clips: Cliff Diving; DMR looks at early education; Patty Judge jabs
Culver on "... - DMR Looks at Early Education: Learning in the early years is
critical to a child's lifelong
Morning Clips: Iowa DOT rules on diver's liscenses for aliens, ACLU vows to fight
rulin... - The Iowa Department of Transportation announced Thursday it will not
issue driver's licenses or
Morning Clips: Moment of Silence at 9:30 a.m.; Harkin mum on donations; Plan B
fails - Moment of Silence at 9:30 am today: Gov. Terry E. Branstad today asked
Iowans to honor our fellow
Morning Clips: Economy recovering; Polk Co. approves more speed cameras;
Winter wonderl... - Iowa Policy Project Report: Iowa needs to add an estimated
53000 jobs to keep pace with population
Morning Clips: Waterloo Courier ready for tax relief; F-16s in danger;
Addition to the ... - Waterloo Courier looking for property tax relief: We've been














down this road before and we've

Morning Clips: Previewing 2016; Branstad looks ahead to 2013 - Clinon vs.
Rubio in 2016?: Repeating an exercise from four years ago, the Journal surveyed
Morning Clips: Crafting the State Budget; Sen. Bolkcom digs in, doesn't read Sioux
City... - Crafting the State's Budget: Branstad held a public hearing Wednesday at the
Capitol to solicit
Morning Clips: Schneider wins SD22; Branstad gets applause; Farmland hits record
high (... - Landside on the west side: West Des Moines City Councilman Charles
Schneider (R-West Des Moines)
Morning Clips: Lt. Governor sits down with WHO; Branstad calls Medicaid "a
rusted out C... - Three Minutes with the LG: On this week's edition of Three Minutes
in the Chair, Reynolds talks
Morning Clips: Clayworth finds gov't efficiency; Waterloo Courier applauds
administration - Government Efficiency: The Register's Jason Clayworth finds
taxpayers are paying 25% LESS in
Morning Clips: Flags at Half Staff Today; Schultz, Miller talk 2014 Senate run; Iowa
be... - HALF STAFF: The governor has ordered flags be flown at half-staff today
from 8 am 5 pm for Pearl
Morning Clips: Sioux City Journal Backs Branstad Property Tax Plan, McCarthy
ready to c... - SCJ Backs Branstad Plan: We believe Gov. Terry Branstad is on
the right track in pushing property
Morning Clips: Gronstal optomistic on property tax reform; Gov. Branstad on
FOX News Bu... - Property Tax Posturing Dominates ITA conference: In a Des
Moines Register story out today, Jason
Morning Clips 12.4.12 - Keeping Iowa Competitive: A $1 million urban property in
Iowa was taxed an average of about $45000 in
Morning Clips 12.03.12 - Morning Clips 12.03.12 Today's Clips. 1 Sioux City
Journal: Iowa legislative leaders continue
Morning Clips 11.30.12 - Morning Clips 11.30.12 WCF Courier: EDITIORIAL:
Time to scrap the straw poll 1 Sioux City Journal:
Morning Clips 11.29.12 - Morning Clips 11.29.12 Sioux City Journal: OUR
OPINION: Branstad raises valid concerns about GOP
Morning Clips 11.28.12 - Morning Clips 11.28.12 DM Register: Bullying prevention
summit encourages action. 1 DM Register:
Morning Clips 11.27.12 - Morning Clips 11.27.12 The National Review: Ready?
Fire Ames! 1 Washington Post: Distinguished pol of
Morning Clips 11.26.12 - Morning Clips 11.26.12 Today's Clips. 1 Sioux City
Journal: Iowa secretary of state set to resume
Morning Clips 11.21.12 - Morning Clips 11.21.12 WSJ: Iowa's GOP Governor:
Time to End the Straw Poll 1 DM Register:
Morning Clips 11.20.12 - Morning Clips 11.20.12 NY Times: After Obama, Christie
Wants a GOP Hug. 1 CNBC: Iowa releases plan to
Morning Clips 11.19.12 - Morning Clips 11.19.12 Today's Clips. 1 DM Register:









Branstad cool to requests to raise gas tax.

Weekend Clips 11.16/11.17 - Weekend Clips 11.17.12/11.18.12 Sunday's Clips. 2
CNN: Rubio nods coyly to 'elephant in the
Morning Clips 11.16.12 - Morning Clips 11.16.12 National Journal: Republican
Governors Happy With Sebelius Decision.. 1
Morning Clips 11.15.12 - Morning Clips 11.15.12 NY Times: Health Law Has States
Feeling Tense Over Deadline. 1 DM Register:
Morning Clips 11.14.12 - Morning Clips 11.14.12 DM Register: New method to
identify struggling students. 1 DM Register:
Morning Clips 11.13.12 - Morning Clips 11.13.12 Dubuque Telegraph-Herald: Polls:
Branstad, Walker safe for now.. 1 OBRADOVICH:
Morning Clips 11.09.12 - Morning Clips 11.09.12 Radio Iowa: Marco Rubio kicks
off speculation for 2016 presidential race. 1
Morning Clips 11.08.12 - Morning Clips 11.08.11 QC Times: Let collaborative
governance follow contentious campaign.. 1 DM
Morning Clips 11.07.12 - Morning Clips 11.07.12 WSJ: Tough Loss Leaves GOP at
a Crossroads. 2 WSJ: Romney Campaigns to the End
Morning Clips 11.06.12 - Morning Clips 11.06.12 Election Day Style DM
Register: State economic index continues to improve. 1
Weekend Clips 11.03.12/11.04.12 - Weekend Clips 11.03.12/11.04.12 Sunday's
Clips. 2 Washington Post: Mitt Romney makes final Iowa
Morning Clips 11.02.12 - Morning Clips 11.02.12 KTIV: UPDATE: Gov. Branstad
announces a "major capital investment"
Morning Clips 11.1.12 - Morning Clips 11.11.12 DM Register: Spending shows how
campaigns differ in Iowa tactics. 1 DM
Morning Clips 10.31.12 - Morning Clips 10.31.12 DM Register: Ann Romney:
Voters can trust Mitt 1 DM Register: Money changes
Morning Clips 10.30.12 - Morning Clips 10.30.12 DM Register: Romney optimistic
about taking US on new path.. 1 DM Register:
Morning Clips 10.27-10.29 - Morning Clips 10.27-10.29 Today's Clips. 2 DM
Register: Absentee ballot issues reported in 2 Iowa
Morning Clips 10.26.12 - Morning Clips 10.26.12 DM Register: Are Des Moines'
red light cameras making us safer?. 1 DM
Morning Clips 10.25.12 - Morning Clips 10.25.12 DM Register: Romney expresses
optimism in Cedar Rapids. 1 DM Register: Latinos
Morning Clips 10.24.12 - CNN: Iowa newspaper blasts Obama camp for 'off the
record' interview.. 1 GAZETTE: Branstad
Morning Clips 10.22.12 - Morning Clips 10.22.12 Radio Iowa: Paul Ryan rallies
GOP in western Iowa. 1 Radio Iowa: Smelly,
Morning Clips 10.19.12 - Morning Clips 10.19.12 Bloomberg: Obama's Struggle to
Win Iowa Shows Fiscal Stalemate's Cost
Morning Clips 10.18.12 - Morning Clips 10.18.12 Sioux City Journal: State surplus
hits record $688 million and growing. 1 DM
Morning Clips 10.17.12 - Morning Clips 10.17.12 DM Register: Attacks sharpen


during District 2 debate. 1 DM Register: Most

Morning Clips 10.16.12 - Morning Clips 10.16.12 DM Register: Branstad sees path
to tax reform... 1 DM Register: Gov. Terry
Morning Clips 10.15.12 - Morning Clips 10.15.12 Today's Clips. 1 DM Register:
World Food Prize: Some question progress in
Weekend Clips 10.13.12/10.14.12 - Weekend Clips 10.13.12/10.14.12 Sunday's
Clips. 2 DM Register: Candidates: Rivals would ruin
Morning Clips 10.12.12 - Morning Clips 10.12.12 DM Register: Iowa educators
propose higher pay for new teachers, career tier
Morning Clips 10.11.12 - Morning Clips 10.11.12 Wall Street Journal: Race
Tightens in Two States. 1 DM Register: Staff pay,
Morning Clips 10.9.12 - Morning Clips 10.9.12 DM Register: Register Exclusive:
Romney's Iowa visit today to focus on farm
Morning Clips 10.8.12 - Morning Clips 10.8.12 Today's Clips. 1 DM Register:
Iowans tell of personal experiences with
Sunday's Clips 10.7.12 - Sunday's Clips 10.7.12 Sunday's Clips. 1 DM Register:
Middle class is focal point as election
Saturday's Clips 10.6.12 - Saturday's Clips 10.6.12 Saturday's Clips. 1 DM
Register: Use of running for sports
Morning Clips 10.5.12 - Morning Clips 10.5.12 DM Register: Obama's popularity
with female voters means Romney has uphill
Morning Clips 10.4.12 - Morning Clips 10.4.12 Election Clips. 1 Washington Post:
Six reasons Mitt Romney won the first debate
Morning Clips 10.3.12 - Morning Clips 10.3.12 DM Register: Debate kicks race
into home stretch.. 1 DM Register: Register
Morning Clips 10.2.12 - Morning Clips 10.2.12 DM Register: Ryan courts
Catholics during Dubuque stop.. 1 DM Register: King
Morning Clips 10.1.12 - Morning Clips 10.1.12 Today's Clips. 1 DM Register: Iowa
Poll: Significantly more Iowans feel
Weekend Clips 9.29.12/9.30.12 - Weekend Clips 9.29.12/9.30.12 Sunday's Clips. 2
DM Register: Southwest Airlines brings dozens of
Morning Clips 9.28.12 - Morning Clips 9.28.12 DM Register: 2 school districts get
head start on reform... 2 DM Register:
Morning Clips 9.27.12 - Morning Clips 9.27.12 DM Register: Midwestern governors
talk about trade. 1 DM Register: Branstad
Morning Clips 9.26.12 - Morning Clips 9.26.12 DM Register: Iowans, cast your
ballots. 1 DM Register: Register exclusive:
Morning Clips 9.25.12 - Morning Clips 9.25.12 Radio Iowa: New report from state
agency: state worker benefits better than
Weekend Clips 9.22/9.23 - Weekend Clips 9.22/9.23 Sunday's Clips. 2 DM Register:


Iowa sees $29.6 million TV ad inundation..

Morning clips 9.21.12 - Morning Clips 9.21.12 Telegraph Herald: Census: Iowa
faring better than most states. 2 DM Register:
Morning Clips 9.20.12 - Morning Clips 9.20.12 Sioux City Journal: Failure of
leadership jeopardizes wind energy tax credit:
Morning Clips 9.18.12 - Morning Clips 9.18.12 DM Register: Ryan, Biden keep up
drumbeats, plead yet again for Iowans'
Weekend Clips 9.16/9.15 - Weekend Clips 9.16.12/9.15.12 Sunday's Clips. 2 DM
Register: Large bite of Food Prize funding
Morning Clips 9.17.12 - Morning Clips 9.17.12 Today's Clips. 1 Sioux City
Journal: Iowa broadcasters urged to demand
Xi Jinping Clips 9.14.12 - Xi Jinping Clips 9.14.12 CNBC: Is a 'Trust Deficit' in
China Destabilizing Growth?. 1 Reuters
Morning Clips 9.14.12 - Morning Clips 9.14.12 DM Register: Beef Products Inc.
sues ABC for defamation over 'pink slime
Morning Clips 9.13.12 - National/World Edition - Morning Clips 9.13.12
National/World Edition Washington Examiner: How the media turned Obama's
Morning Clips 9.13.12 - Morning clips 9.13.12 DM Register: Regents propose
freezing tuition at the 3 state universities. 1 DM
Schedule - September 13, 2012
Morning Clips 9.12.12 - Morning Clips 9.12.12 DM Register: Branstad taps state
public safety chief 1 DM Register: Voter fraud
Morning Clips 9.11.12 - Morning Clips 9.11.12 Chicago Tribune: EDITORIAL:
Bye-bye, jobs. 1 DM Register: Branstad defends
Sunday's Chicago Tribune Editorial- Bye-Bye, Jobs - Bye-Bye, Jobs,
Morning Clips 9.10.12 - Morning Clips 9.10.12 Today's Clips. 2 DM Register: 5
Iowa schools to apply for Race to the Top
Morning Clips 9.7.12 - Morning Clips 9.7.12 Dubuque Telegraph Herald: Lieutenant
governor talks taxes. 1 DM Register: Iowa
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 9.6.12 Des Moines Register: Branstad: Teachers
need to improve. 1 Des Moines Register:
Morning Clips 9.5.12 - Morning Clips 9.5.12 DM Register: 165 jobs, $110 million in
aid.. 2 DM Register: Register interview:
Morning Clips 9.3.12/9.4.12 - Morning Clips 9.4.12 Today's Clips. 1 DM Register:
County election slates set 1 DM Register:
Weekend Clips 9.1.12/9.2.12 - Weekend Clips 9.1.12/9.2.12 Sunday's Clips. 2 DM
Register: Much at stake in Senate races. 2 DM
Schedule 9/4-9/9 - Attached is the weekly for 9/4-9/9 and the daily for 9/4. Governor
starts on Tuesday AM with the preMorning Clips 8.31.12 - Morning Clips 8.31.12 Wall Street Journal: Romney
Promises to 'Restore' US 2 Wall Street
Public Policy Polling: Branstad improves in Iowa - Public Policy Polling came out


with the following results yesterday. Wanted to make sure you didn
RNC Schedule
Morning Clips 8.30.12 - Morning Clips 8.30.12 DM Register: Ryan sets goal of 12
million jobs. 1 DM Register: Ryan lays down
Morning Clips 8.2912 - Morning Clips 8.29.12 Barron's Magazine: State of the
States. 1 Wall Street Journal: Republicans
Morning Clips 8.28.12 - Morning Clips 8.28.12 Radio Iowa: Iowa's lieutenant
governor has key convention role. 1 Real
Today's and Sunday's Clips - Morning Clips 8.27.12 Today's Clips. 2 DM Register:
Camp Dodge cracks down on bikers. 2 DM
Saturday's Clips - The previous email may have been too large for some email
browsers. Below are Saturday's clips
Morning Clips 8.27.12 - Morning Clips 8.27.12 Today's Clips. 2 DM Register:
Camp Dodge cracks down on bikers. 2 DM
Morning Clips 8.24.12 - Morning Clips 8.24.12 DM Register: Rastetter didn't violate
ethics law, board says. 1 DM Register
Morning Clips 8.23.12 - Morning Clips 8.23.12 Washington Post: Mitt Romney in
Iowa tries to return to economic message
Morning Clips - Morning Clips 8.22.12 AP: Health care advocate hopeful of
Medicaid expansion. 1 KTIV: Branstad still
Morning Clips 8.20.12 - Morning Clips 8.20.12 Today's Clips. 2 DM Register:
Romney to stump in state for fifth time this
Morning Clips 8.17.12 - Morning Clips 8.17.12 DM Register: Iowa GOP leaders
kick off unified campaign.. 1 DM Register:
Morning Clips 8.16.12 - Morning Clips 8.16.12 Radio Iowa: Medicare is key topic
on campaign trail today. 1 Radio Iowa: Deere
Morning Clips 8.14.12 - Morning Clips 8.14.12 Washington Post: Paul Ryan heckled
by protesters at Iowa State Fair. 1 Wall
Morning Clips 8.13.12 - Morning Clips 8.13.12 Today's Clips. 1 DM Register:
Obama's campaign trip to Iowa is unusual
Morning Clips 8.10.12 - Morning Clips 8.10.12 DM Register: Activists, some
Democrats criticize Iowa's voter purge process
Morning Clips 8.9.12 - Morning Clips 8.9.12 DM Register: Romney gets up-close
view of drought's effects on crops. 1 DM
Fwd: Morning Clips 8.7.12
Morning Clips 8.6.12 - Morning Clips 8.6.12 Today's Clips. 2 DM Register: Tossup
states like Iowa seen as key prizes. 2
Morning Clips 8.3.12 - Morning Clips 8.3.12 KIMT TV: Iowa Lieutenant Governor
Visits Area. 1 DM Register: Alliant to build
Morning Clips 8.2.12 - Morning Clips 8.2.12 DM Register: Economy drying up as
drought worsens. 1 DM Register: Monsanto
Morning Clips 8.1.12 - Morning Clips 8.1.12 Wall Street Journal: Romney's Wind
Stance Raises Iowa Risks. 1 DM Register:
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Morning Clips 7.31.12 - Morning Clips 7.31.12 DM Register: Branstad: Drought
won't cause Iowa farmers to lose their land
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