Food Budget PDF

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The charts below show the percentage of their food budget the average family spent on restaurant

meals in
different years. The graph shows the number of meals eaten in fast food restaurants and sit-down

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You should write at least 150 words.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

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The charts above clearly show the percentage of expenditure which has been spent on
restaurant meals by the average households in someland during different in four decades

years (what about homecooking?). The graph vividly depicts quantity of meals eaten in
the fast food and sitdown restaurants per year during 1970 to 2000 in some lands.
As can be barely seen enthusiasm for restaurant meals has increased considerably since
1970 and finally it reached at its peak in 2000 and half of food budget of families in
someland was spent on restaurant meals, whereas this number was only 10 percent in
1970 but there is a significant increase in trend of food which is not cooked in the at
home during 1980s and this situation has continued until 2000.
Furthermore, as can be recognized immediately from the chart, people are get became
eager for fast foods during last three decades. In 1970 the number of fast food meals
which were was eaten by families was 20 and it was equal with sitdown restaurant meals
; however, the trend of last the last one increased slightly during three decades and
reached at 50 meals per year at in the mid of 2000, whereas there is was a dramatic rose
rise in tendency for fast food meals since 1980s to 2000, with approximately 60 number
growth during two decades, consequently people created a record in 2000 and they
refered to the fast food restaurants for eating 90 times annualy.
To sum up, it is intresting to note that people's eating habit is has changed and they have
get got enthusiastic for eating in restaurants more and more, biside this. In addition, they
have become anxious of about fast food and they have spend spent more time and money
on than sitdown restaurant meals, maybe as a result of lack of time or money.
By : Sahand Tadbiri

Comment [Afarinesh1]: This is a too much

complex structure! You have problem with the use
of cohesive devices.

Increasing travels between countries enable people to learn different cultures or to

increase tension between people from different countries?
Nowadays, that we are in the communication age, such discarded terms such as geographic borders has
no meaning anymore and all the technologies try making to make people closer to each other these
days, i. I frimly believe that people from diffrent places in the world should travel and visit another
countries and this can make them closer to another nations, i I would like to share reasons below to
support mentioned calim claim. <<< the question is about TENSION. It is not covered in your thesis
First of all, it is extremely claer that ignorance will lead to controversy, our planet is a combination ofComment [Afarinesh2]: Meaningless topic
various nations with different cultures and religions, so if we want to isolate people in their own landssentence in this context.
they will learn nothing about another nations and their traditions, this lack of knowledge may lead to
misundrestanding of their beliefs or in worth worse condition will result dissension, . so, in order to
prevent from happening avoid this these problems, it is essnetial to make deffrent nations closer to each
other and one of the most effective ways in order to approaching to this target is rising increasing travels
between among differnt lands. <<< meaningless concluding sentence again. It has LACK OF FOCUS!
Secondly, tourism industry is one of the most benefitial industry industries in the world, . it is has
become a vital source of incomes for many countries, . in addition to economic advantages, it brings
another good points, ; people of the host country can introduce themselves to the world., they can show
their traditions and their cultures to another nations; so, in this way they will be abale to find common
points between each other and it makes them feel closer to each other.
At last but not at least, sending a ambassadors or visiting groups in order to wipe the hostility amongst
the nations has been current since long time ago, we can see that two countries that were enemy in the
past, let their people of each other to visit their countries and get familar with culture of each other or
merchandise with each other, . for instance, Iran and Iraq experienced terrible war in the last decades,
the Iraqi government has not let Iranian pilgrims to entry entre to their country for many years, but after
the war they decided to let them to come and this was an effective action to reduce the animosity
between them.
To sum up, i strongly disagree with that the claim that traveling will rise raise the tension between the
nations, it is not only is not it divisive, but also it will reduce antagonism amongst the countries.
By :Sahand Tadbiri

Estimated Band Score:


in task 1 is
not covered
and for task
2, there are
instances of
the argument
is not


You have
linking the
sentences. The
devices are not
hidden and
they are
Search on the
net for
for more
information on
how to form



The Vocabulary and Grammar

structures are not accurate enough
for a good mark, and you need a
more variety on both. There is no
new word or a complex structure to
impress the examiner. Also, about
the use of Lexical Resources you
have to be sure about their

Overall 5
Task1 5
Task2 5-

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